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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Sociology in 1971

Neighbours and Networks: The Idiom of Kinship Among the Ndendeuli of Tanzania by Gulliver, P. H.
Interest Conflict and Political Change in Brazil by Schmitter, Philippe C.
San Miguel: A Mexican Collective Ejido by Wilkie, Raymond
Labor and Society in Tsarist Russia: The Factory Workers of St. Petersburg, 1855-1870 by Zelnik, Reginald E.
Sharecroppers of the Sert~ao: Economics and Dependence on a Brazilian Plantation by Johnson, Allen W.
Workers Self-Management by Clegg, Ian
Chinese Lineage and Society: Fukien and Kwantung Volume 33 by Freedman, Maurice
Handbuch Der Netzplantechnik by Stempell, Dieter
The Great Unwashed by Wright, Thomas
Formation of Econ Thought of Karl Marx by Mandel, Ernest
The Optional Society: An Essay on Economic Choice and Bargains of Communication in an Affluent World by Dovring, Folke, Dovring, Karin
The Soviet Union Between the 19th and 20th Party Congresses 1952-1956 by Embree, Lester
Literature and Society by Glicksberg, Na
Soziologie Des Sports / Sociology of Sport: Theoretische Und Methodische Grundlagen / Theoretical Foundations and Research Methods by Albonico, Rolf, Pfister-Binz, Katharina
Parlamentarismus Ohne Transparenz by
Geschichte Und Struktur Des Deutschen Parteiensystems by Kaack, Heino
Die Weltstädte ALS Absatz- Und Verbrauchszentren by Müller-Hillebrand, Veit
Organisation Der Sozialforschung by Hartmann, Heinz
Black Child, White Child: The Developement of Racial Attitudes by Porter, Judith
The Ecological Basis of Planning by Glikson, Artur
Frontier Society: A Social Analysis of the History of Surinam by Lier, R. a. J., Yperen, Maria J. L.
Structural Models in Folklore and Transformational Essays by Köngaes-Maranda, Elli, Maranda, Pierre
Chinese Lineage and Society: Fukien and Kwantung Volume 33 by Freedman, Maurice
The Legal Status, Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies of the United Nations and Certain Other International Organizations by Ahluwalia, Kuljit
Studien Und Materialien Zur Soziologie Der DDR by
Leonard Wood and Cuban Independence, 1898-1902 by Hitchman, James H.
The European Pentarchy and the Congress of Verona, 1822 by Nichols, Irby Coghill
Die Phänomenologie Und Das Problem Der Grundlegung Der Ethik: An Hand Des Versuchs Von Max Scheler by Shimomissé, Eiichi
Funkmeß: Die Entwicklung Und Der Einsatz Des Radar-Verfahrens in Deutschland Bis Zum Ende Des Zweiten Weltkrieges by Reuter, Frank
The Struggle of Islam in Modern Indonesia by Boland, B. J.
Freedom and Dignity: The Historical and Philosophical Thought of Schiller by Regin, Deric
The Capacity of International Organizations to Conclude Treaties, and the Special Legal Aspects of the Treaties So Concluded by Chiu, Hungdah
Homo Sociologicus: Ein Versuch Zur Geschichte, Bedeutung Und Kritik Der Kategorie Der Sozialen Rolle by Dahrendorf, Ralf
Petronius the Artist: Essays on the Satyricon and its Author by Rankin, H. D.
Anthropology and Social Change: Volume 38 by Mair, Lucy
Anthropology and Social Change: Volume 38 by Mair, Lucy
A Glossary of Indian Figures of Speech by Gerow, Edwin
Against Language?: Dissatisfaction with Language as Theme and as Impulse Towards Experiments in Twentieth Century Poetry by Waldrop, Rosmarie
A Theory and Procedure of Scale Analysis: With Applications in Political Research by Mokken, R. J.
Musique Dan: La Musique Dans La Pensée Et La Vie Sociale d'Une Société Africaine by Zemp, Hugo
Psychologie sociale theorétique et expérimentale by Faucheux, Claude, Moscovici, Serge
Three Essays on Marxism by Korsch, Karl
Art of Acting by Dolman, John
Neue Indienkunde, New Indology: Festschrift Walter Ruben Zum 70. Geburtstag by
Negro Employment in Basic Industry: A Study of Racial Policies in Six Industries by Rowan, Richard L., Northrup, Herbert R.
Man in Adaptation: The Institutional Framework by Cohen, Yehudi A.
Anti-American Generation by Friedenberg, Edgar
Bibliography 1969-71 Organic and Organometallic Crystal Structures by
Yugoslav Workers' Selfmanagement: Proceedings of a Symposium Held in Amsterdam, 7-9 January, 1970 by
The Downfall of Cartesianism 1673-1712: A Study of Epistemological Issues in Late 17th Century Cartesianism by Watson, R. a.
The Logic of Science in Sociology by
The Sumerians: Their History, Culture, and Character by Kramer, Samuel Noah
Japan & Korea: an Annotated Cb: Japan & Korea by Shulman, Frank Joseph
Open Society and Its Enemies, Volume 2: The High Tide of Prophecy: Hegel, Marx, and the Aftermath by Popper, Karl R.
Open Society and Its Enemies, Volume 1: The Spell of Plato by Popper, Karl R.
Change in Rural Appalachia by
Black Belonging: A Study of the Social Correlates of Work Relations Among Negroes by Martindale, Edith, Raymond, Wheeler
Life in Lesu: The Study of Melanesian Society in New Ireland by Powdermaker, Hortense
Ideengeschichte der sozialen Bewegung des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts by Hofmann, Werner
Hegelsche Dialektik by Sarlemijn, Andries
Southwest: Three Peoples in Geographical Change, 1600-1970 by Meinig, D. W., Meining, D. W.
Lord and Peasant in Russia: From the Ninth to the Nineteenth Century by Blum, Jerome
Art Forms and Civic Life in the Late Roman Empire by L'Orange, Hans Peter
Studies in Seicento Art and Theory by Mahon, Denis
Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play-Element in Culture by Huizinga, Johan
How the Other Half Lives by Riis, Jacob
The Malleus Maleficarum of Heinrich Kramer and James Sprenger by
Sozialer und ökonomischer Umbruch in Osteuropa und die Konsequenzen für den Sozialstaat Deutschland: Dargestellt anhand der Beispiele Polen und Rumäni by Guttmacher, Marcus
Environmental Control: Priorities, Policies, and the Law by Rathjens, George, Rosenthal, Albert, Grad, Frank
Structural Analysis of Oral Tradition by
The Elementary Structures of Kinship by Levi-Strauss, Claude
Iceland, the First American Republic by Stefansson, Vilhjalmur
Buddhist Politics: Japan's Clean Government Party by Palmer, A.
The Philosophy of Georges Bastide: A Study Tracing the Origins and Development of a French Value Philosophy and a French Personalism Against the Backg by Koenig, T.
The Application of Cybernetic Analysis to the Study of International Politics by Bryen, S. D.
The Legend of Jonah by Bowers, R. H.
Inventaire de la Correspondance d'André Rivet (1595-1650) by Dibon, Paul
Barakumin: A Japanese Minority and Education by Shimahara, N.
La Philosophie de Gassendi: Nominalisme, Matérialisme Et Métaphysique by Bloch, Olivier René
The Political Thought of Bolivar: Selected Writings by
Moravia's History Reconsidered a Reinterpretation of Medieval Sources: A Reinterpretation of Medieval Sources by Boba, I.
AIDS to Geographical Research: Bibliographies, Periodicals, Atlases, Gazetteers, and Other Reference Books by Platt, Elizabeth Tower, Unknown, Wright, John Kirtland
Families Under Stress: Adjustment to the Crises of War Separation and Reunion by Hill, Reuben
The French Pacific Islands: French Polynesia and New Caledonia by Thompson, Virginia, Adloff, Richard
The Fusion of Psychiatry and Social Science by Sullivan, Harry Stack
Persian Literature - A Biobibliographical Survey: E. Medicine. (Volume II Part 2) by Storey, C. A.
Troubled American by Lemon, Richard
Modern Mexican Art by Schmeckebier, Laurence Eli
From Peasant to Farmer: A Revolutionary Strategy for Development by Weitz, Raanan
The Developmental Cycle in Domestic Groups by Goody, Jack, Goody
The Modern Metropolis: Its Origins, Growth, Characteristics, and Planning: Selected Essays of Hans Blumenfield by
Sozialstruktur und Organisation europäischer Nationalbewegungen by
Town and Country Planning in England and Wales: (Third Edition, Revised) by Cullingworth, John
Authority and Social Work: Concept and Use by
The Jewish Family: A Survey and Annotated Bibliography by
Place Names of the Avalon Peninsula of the Island of Newfoundland by Seary, E. R.
Theatre and Nationalism in 20th-Century Ireland by
Minetown, Milltown, Railtown: Life in Canadian communities of single industry by Lucas, Rex
From Sundown to Sunup: The Making of the Black Community Vol. 1 by Rawick, Che, Rawick, Jules
The English Village by Baker, W. P., Baker, William Pearson, Unknown
An Anthology of Musical Criticism by Demuth, Norman, Unknown
The Social Dimensions of Mental Illness, Alcoholism, and Drug Dependence. by Martindale, Edith
The City in Communist China by
Chinese Statelets and the Northern Barbarians in the Period 1400-300 BC by Prusek, J.
German Home Towns: Community, State, and General Estate, 1648-1871 by Walker, Mack
Soziologie der Persönlichkeit by Kon, I. S.
Potential der Wissenschaft by Dobrov, G. M.
Futurologie: Eine Kritische Analyse Bürgerlicher Zukunftsforschung by Bönisch, Alfred