• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Sociology in 1972

Language in Sociocultural Change by Fishman, Joshua A.
Fall of Jerusalem by Schleifer, Abdullah
Daily Life in Revoutionary China by Macciocchi, Maria Antonietta
Portraits of Poverty by Shewbridge, Edythe a.
Japan's First Student Radicals by Smith, Henry DeWitt
Turning Point in China by Hinton, William
Voluntary Associations: Perspectives on the Literature by Smith, Constance, Freedman, Anne
Fam and Kibbutz P by Talmon, Yonina
Was Ist Sozialwissenschaft? by Homans, George Caspar
Grundfragen Soziologischer Theorie: Aufsätze by Homans, George Caspar
Abschied Vom Klassenbegriff?: Ein Beitrag Zur Analyse Der Marxistischen Soziologie in Der DDR by Röder, Horst
Koreri Messianic Movements in the Biak-Numfor Culture Area: Koninklijk Instituut Voor Taal-, Land-, En Volkenkunde Translation Series 15 by Kamma, Freerk Ch
Classes et conflits de classe dans la société industrielle by Dahrendorf, Ralf
Politics and Belief in Contemporary France: Emmanuel Mounier and Christian Democracy, 1932-1950 by Rauch, R. William
The Speech of Yugoslav Immigrants in San Pedro, California by Alexander, Ronelle, Albin, Aleksandar
Soziologische Erkenntnis Und Geschichte: Über Möglichkeit Und Grenzen Einer Empirisch-Analytischen Orientierung in Den Humanwissenschaften by Kreckel, Reinhard
Simulation Innenpolitischer Konflikte by
Jugend Und Freizeit in Der DDR by Micksch, Jürgen
Gesellschaftlicher Wandel Und Politische Innovation: Tagung Der Deutschen Vereinigung Für Politische Wissenschaft in Mannheim, Herbst 1971 by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Personalplanung Und Mitbestimmung by Dedering, Heinz
Der Staatsrat Im Politischen System Der DDR (1960 - 1971) by Lapp, Peter Joachim
Das Politische in Der Werbung: Wahlwerbung Und Wirtschaftswerbung in Der Bundesrepublik by Abromeit, Heidrun
Elementarformen Sozialen Verhaltens: Social Behavior Its Elementary Forms by Homans, George Caspar
Kriegsdienstverweigerer in Der Brd: Eine Empirisch-Analytische Studie Zur Motivation Der Kriegsdienstverweigerer in Den Jahren 1957-1971 by Möhle, Volker, Rabe, Christian
Ambassador at Large: Diplomat Extraordinary by Burke, Lee H.
Einkommen Und Anspruchsniveau by Fricke, Dieter
Perspectives on Schoenberg and Stravinsky by Boretz, Benjamin
Parlamentsreform in Theorie Und PRAXIS: Zur Institutionellen Lernfähigkeit Des Parlamentarischen Regierungssystems. Eine Empirische Analyse Der Parlam by Thaysen, Uwe
Soziologie Und Sozialgeschichte: Aspekte Und Probleme by Ludz, Peter Christian
Trends in British Society Since 1900: A Guide to the Changing Social Structure of Britain by
Der Architekturgeschichtliche Ursprung Der Christlichen Basilika: 162. Sitzung Am 25. November 1970 in Düsseldorf by Langlotz, Ernst
Simulation Internationaler Prozesse by Kern, Na
Carlo Cattaneo and the Politics of the Risorgimento, 1820-1860 by Lovett, Clara Maria
Die Autoritäre Gesellschaft by
Bride of the Revolution: Krupskaya and Lenin by McNeal, Robert
The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State by Engels, Frederick
Social Welfare and Social Development by Pusic, Eugen
Marksizm i filosofija Jazyka / Marxism and the Philosophy of Language by Volosinov, Valentin N.
Aspects of the Balkans: Continuity and Change: Contributions to the International Balkan Conference Held at Ucla, October 23-28, 1969 by
Critical Path Analysis for Development Administration by Packard, Philip C.
Growth Poles and Regional Policies: A Seminar by
Les théories en psychologie sociale by Deutsch, Morton, Krauss, Robert M.
I - S by Miller, V. F.
Feminism and the Marxist Movement by Waters, Mary-Alice
Commitment and Community: Communes and Utopias in Sociological Perspective by Kanter, Rosabeth Moss
Neue Indienkunde, New Indology: Festschrift Walter Ruben Zum 70. Geburtstag by
Mitteilungen Des Instituts Für Orientforschung. Band 17, Heft 2 by
The Pop Culture Tradition by White, Edward M.
Socrates by Guthrie, W. K. C.
Three Styles in the Study of Kinship: by Barnes, J. A.
Beyond Punjab by Tandon, Prakash
Japanese Society: Volume 4 by Nakane, Chie
Knowledge & Human Interests by Habermas, Juergen
The People of the Sierra by Pitt-Rivers, Julian
Georg Simmel on Individuality and Social Forms by Levine, Donald N.
Playback: A Marriage in Jeopardy Examined by Fanshel, David
American City by Queen, Ellery, Queen, Stuart Alfred, Queen
Acton: Prostitution Considered by Acton, William
Datenverarbeitung in Der Empirischen Sozialforschung by Allerbeck, Phil Klaus
The Family Meets the Depression: A Study of a Group of Highly Selected Families by Unknown, Morgan, Winona Louise
Noise Pollution by Bragdon, Clifford R.
Rural Hausa: A Village and a Setting by Hill, Polly, Polly, Hill
Nonverbal Communication: Notes on the Visual Perception of Human Relations by Kees, Weldon, Ruesch, Jurgen
Espaces et réseaux du haut moyen âge by Lombard, Maurice
Regional Development. Experiences and Prospects in Eastern Europe by Mihailovič, Kosta
L'intervention sociopédagogique dans les organisations industrielles by Meignant, Alain
White Settlers and Native Peoples: An Historical Study of Racial Contacts Between English-Speaking Whites and Aboriginal Peoples in the United States, by Unknown, Price, Archibald Grenfell, Price, A. Grenfell
American Popular Song: The Great Innovators, 1900-1950 by Wilder, Alec
Drug-Trip Abroad: American Drug-Refugees in Amsterdam and London by Krasner, William, Cuskey, Walter R., Klein, Arnold William
Crises of the Republic: Lying in Politics; Civil Disobedience; On Violence; Thoughts on Politics and Revolution by Arendt, Hannah
Richard Wagner: The Story of an Artist by Pourtales, Pourtales, Guy De, Unknown
Society and Social Change in the Writings of St. Thomas, Ward, Sumner, and Cooley.: In the Writings of St. Thomas, Ward, Sumner, and Cooley by Healy, Sister Mary Edward, Unknown, Healy, Mary Edward
Images of Society: Essays on the Sociological Theories of Tocqueville, Marx, and Durkheim by Poggi, Gianfranco
In Times Like These by McClung, Nellie Lillian
Kwanzaa: A Progressive and Uplifting African American Holiday by Madhubuti, Haki R.
Tibetan Civilization by Stein, R. A.
Foundations of Statistics by Savage, Leonard J.
The Mass Media by Hood, Stuart
Emile Durkheim: Selected Writings by Durkheim, Emile, Emile, Durkheim, Anthony, Giddens
The Optional Society: An Essay on Economic Choice and Bargains of Communication in an Affluent World by
Ambassador at Large: Diplomat Extraordinary by Burke, L. H.
Products Liability and the Food Consumer by Dickerson, Reed, Dickerson, F. Reed, Unknown
Literature and Society by Glicksberg, I.
Fears and Hopes for European Urbanization: Ten Prospective Papers and Three Evaluations by Tvrdý, M., Malmberg, T.
Liberty and Community: The Political Philosophy of William Ernest Hocking by Thigpen, R. B.
Gesammelte Aufsätze: I Das Problem Der Sozialen Wirklichkeit by Schutz, A.
Gesammelte Aufsätze: II Studien Zur Soziologischen Theorie by Schutz, A.
Post and Courier Service in the Diplomacy of Early Modern Europe by Allen, E. J. B.
Perplexity and Knowledge: An Inquiry Into the Structures of Questioning by Clark, M.
Religion and Human Autonomy: Henry Duméry's Philosophy of Christianity by De Brabander, R. F.
Theory and Politics / Theorie Und Politik: Festschrift Zum 70. Geburtstag Für Carl Joachim Friedrich by
The Vale of Tears (Emek Habacha): Translated Plus Critical Commentary by Harry S. May by Hacohen, J.
The Ecological Basis of Planning by Glikson, A.
Inventaire Des Pièces d'Archives Françaises Se Rapportant À l'Abbaye de Port-Royal Des Champs Et Son Cercle Et À La Résistance Contre La Bulle Unigeni by Bruggeman, J., Van De Ven, A. J.
The Idea of Progress: A Revaluation by Unknown, Ginsberg, Morris
Perceptions of Work: Variations Within a Factory by Beynon, Beynon, Huw, Beynon, H.
Modernizing Racial Domination: The Dynamics of South African Politics by Adam, Heribert
Humanity Uprooted by Hindus, Frances, Hindus, Maurice Gerschon
The American Slave: Arkansas Narratives Part 3 & 4, Vol. 9 by
Workers' Attitudes and Technology by Wedderburn, Dorothy, Wedderburn, Crompton, Rosemary
Four Generations: Population, Land, and Family in Colonial Andover, Massachusetts by Greven, Philip
Women and the Family in Rural Taiwan by Wolf, Margery
Urban Systems Development in Central Canada: Selected Papers by
Archives: Mirror of Canada Past / Miroir Du Passé Du Canada by Public Archives of Canada
Residential Water Demand: Alternative Choices for Management by Grima, Angelo P.
Perspectives on Modernization: Essays in Memory of Ian Weinberg by
Economic Thinking and Pollution Problems by Auld, Douglas
Sport: Readings from a Sociological Perspective by
The Social History of Canada by
The City Below the Hill: The Slums of Montreal, 1897 by Ames, Herbert Brown
Capitalism and the National Question in Canada by
The Purchase of Paradise: The Social Function of Aristocratic Benevolence, 1307-1485 by Rosenthal, Joel T.
The Political Economy of Urban Poverty by Sackrey, Charles
The Ecology of Language by Haugen, Einar Ingvald
Collected Papers I. the Problem of Social Reality by Schutz, A.
Science and Technology in Economic Growth by
Philosophy: The Concept and Its Manifestations by Rotenstreich, Nathan
Philosophy: The Concept and Its Manifestations by Rotenstreich, Nathan
Die Epikureische Gesellschaftstheorie by Müller, Reimar
Grammatika Gruzinskogo Jazyka by Rudenko, B. T.