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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Sociology in 1974

Religion and Ritual in Chinese Society by
The African Slave in Colonial Peru, 1524-1650 by Bowser, Frederick P.
Future without Shock by Lundborg, Louis B.
Choice and Change: Essays in Honour of Lucy Mair by
Das Rätesystem: ALS Instrument Zur Kontrolle Politischer Und Wirtschaftlicher Macht by Kevenhörster, Paul
Arbeiter Und Meister Im Rationalisierten Betrieb by Wiedemann, Herbert
Transport and the Urban Environment by
Die Grundlagen Der Soziometrie: Wege Zur Neuordnung Der Gesellschaft by Moreno, Jacob L.
Nationalism in Asia and Africa by
The Sociology of Return Migration: A Bibliographic Essay by Bovenkerk, Frank
Wörterbuch Zur Politischen Ökonomie by Eynern
Manipulation Der Meinungsbildung: Zum Problem Hergestellter Öffentlichkeit by
Forschungspolitik Und Gesellschaftliche Planung by Hujer, Reinhard
...Zuzüglich Zum Gehalt...: Handbuch Der Betrieblichen Zusatz- Und Sozialleistungen by Grätz, Frank, Mennecke, Kurt
Systemänderung in Der Altersvorsorge: Von Der Einkommensabhängigen Altersrente Zur Staatsbürger-Grundrente Eine Theoretische Und Empirische Untersuchu by Schmähl, Winfried
Modernisierungsforschung: Zur Empirischen Analyse Der Gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung by Flora, Peter
Industriegewerkschaften Im Organisierten Kapitalismus: Der CIO in Der Roosevelt-Ära by Lösche, Peter
Kardinal- Und Ordinalzahlen: Teil 2 Einführung in Die Allgemeine Mengenlehre III/2 by Klaua, Dieter
Die Ostpolitik Der Brd: Triebkräfte, Widerstände, Konsequenzen by Jahn, Egbert, Rittberger, Volker
Kritik Und Erkenntnisfortschritt: Abhandlungen Des Internationalen Kolloquiums Über Die Philosophie Der Wissenschaft, London 1965, Band 4 by
Politisch-Soziologische Problematik Der Außerparlamentarischen Opposition Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Wechselwirkung Und Gegenseitigen Austaus by Newman, Karl J.
Ethnologie de l'europe du sud-est by Stahl, Paul Henri
The Modernization of North African Families in the Paris Area by Michel, Andrée
Epinikion: General Form in the Odes of Pindar by Hamilton, Richard
The Commentary of Conrad of Prussia on the de Ente Et Essentia of St. Thomas Aquinas: Introduction and Comments by Conradus De Prussia
Das Antichristdrama Des Mittelalters Der Reformation Und Gegenreformation by Aichele, Klaus
Evaluierungsforschung: Methoden Zur Einschätzung Von Sozialen Reformprogrammen by Weiss, Carol H.
Objektivität Und Normativität: Die Theorie-Praxis-Debatte in Der Modernen Deutschen Und Amerikanischen Soziologie by Beck, Ulrich
Geheimnis Und Geheimhaltung in Sozialen Systemen by Sievers, Burkard
The Second Empire and the Press: A Study of Government-Inspired Brochures on French Foreign Policy in Their Propaganda Milieu by Isser, Natalie
Sex and the Intelligent Women by Demartino, Manfred F.
Soziologie Der Jugendkriminalität by
Sachlichkeit by
Cosmogony and Creation in Balinese Tradition by Hooykaas, C.
Power and the Structure of Society by Coleman, James Samuel
Logique Moderne, Fasc II, Logique des propositions et des prédicats, tables de vérité et axiomatisation by Grize, Jean-Blaise
Soviet Structural Folkloristics. Vol. 1 by
Soviet Ethnology and Anthropology Today by
La sociologie des migrations aux États-Unis by Duchac, René
La politique urbaine dans la région lyonnaise, 1945-1972 by Lojkine, Jean
Les Temps de la Vie Quotidienne by Grossin, William
... a Right Good People by Warren, Harold
Cultural Revolution and Industrial Organization in China by Bettelheim, Charles
Kinship and History in South Asia: Four Lectures by
Revolution and Evolution by Boggs, Grace Lee
Bonds of Loyalty by Luebke, Frederick
The Status System of a Modern Community. by Warner, W. Lloyd, Warner, William Lloyd, Lunt, Paul S.
Collector's Progress by Lewis, W. S., Lewis, Wilmarth Sheldon, Unknown
Land and Society in Malabar. by Mayer, Adrian C., Unknown
The Negro Church in America/The Black Church Since Frazier by Frazier, E. Franklin
Man, Materials, and Environment: A Report to the National Commission on Materials Policy by Press, Mit
Comparative Methods in Sociology: Essays on Trends and Applications by
Group Interaction as Therapy: The Use of the Small Group in Corrections by Scarpitti, Frank R., Martindale, Edith
The White Man's Burden: Historical Origins of Racism in the United States by Jordan, Winthrop D.
Bibliography 1972-73 Organic and Organometallic Crystal Structures by
Northern Finland's Post-War Colonizing and Emigration: A Geographical Analysis of Rural Demographic Counter-Currents by Stone, K. H.
Collected Papers I. the Problem of Social Reality by Schutz, A.
Limits of Organization by Arrow, Kenneth J.
Sociology in Israel. by Weller, Leonard, Martindale, Edith
Inventaire de la Correspondance de Johannes Fredericus Gronovius (1631-1671) by
From Theology to History: French Religious Controversy and the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes: French Religious Controversy and the Revocation of t by Perry, Elisabeth Israels
Ways of Being: Elements of Analytic Ontology by Schneider, Herbert Wallace, Unknown
Higher Civil Servants in American Society: A Study of the Social Origins, the Careers, and the Power-Position of Higher Federal Administrators by Bendix, Reinhard, Unknown
Urban Planning in the 1960s: A Design for Irrelevancy by Kaplan, Marshall
African Women in Towns: An Aspect of Africa's Social Revolution by Little, Kenneth Lindsay, Little, Kenneth
Commentary on de Grammatico: The Historical-Logical Dimensions of a Dialogue of St. Anselm's by Henry, Desmond Paul
The Journalists and the July Revolution in France: The Role of the Political Press in the Overthrow of the Bourbon Restoration, 1827-1830 by Rader, D. L.
Patterns and Processes: An Introduction to Anthropological Strategies for the Study of Sociocultural Change by Bee, Robert L.
Jeux modèls et simulations by Preteceille, Edmond
Kriminologie by Schneider, Hans Joachim
Soziologie by Fürstenberg, Friedrich
Crazy February: Death and Life in the Mayan Highlands of Mexico by Wilson, Carter
Flight and Rebellion: Slave Resistance in Eighteenth-Century Virginia by Mullin, Gerald W.
Slums, Projects, and People: Social Psychological Problems of Relocation in Puerto Rico by Unknown, Back, Kurt W.
Foundations in Sociolinguistics: An Ethnographic Approach by Hymes, Dell
Networks of Contact: The Portuguese and Toronto by Anderson, Grace
The Individual and the Communist: A Historical Analysis of the Motivating Factors of Social Conduct by Unknown, Liao, Liao, Wen-K'Uei
Tensions of Economic Development in South-East Asia. by Unknown
Hegel Et La Pensée Philosophique En Russie, 1830-1917 by Planty-Bonjour, Guy
Game Theory as a Theory of Conflict Resolution by
Game Theory as a Theory of Conflict Resolution by
Woman, Culture, and Society by
The Retrospective Review (1820-1828) and the Revival of Seventeenth Century Poetry by Campbell, Jane
The Chinese City Between Two Worlds by
Understanding Latin Americans: With Special Reference to Religious Values and Movements by Nida, Eugene A.
Woman, Culture, and Society by
Structural Anthropology by Levi-Strauss, Claude
The Revolutionary Party: Essays in the Sociology of Politics by Martindale, Edith, Gross, Feliks
Sex Education: Rationale and Reaction by Rogers, Stainton Rogers, Rex
The Actor in Training. by Fishman, Morris, Unknown
Community and Occupation: An Exploration of Work/Leisure Relationships by Salaman, Salaman, Graeme, Salaman, G.
Information, Inference and Decision by
Information, Inference and Decision by
Pragmatic Aspects of Human Communication by
Measurement in the Social Sciences by Blalock, Hubert M.
Pragmatic Aspects of Human Communication by
Child Spacing and Family Size in the Netherlands by Moors, Hein G.
Sociology of the Black Experience by Thompson, Daniel C., Martindale, Edith
Rights and Wrongs of Abortion: A Philosophy and Public Affairs Reader by
A Centennial Bibliography of Huntingtons' Chorea 1872-1972 by Bruyn, G. W.
The Second Empire and the Press: A Study of Government-Inspired Brochures on French Foreign Policy in Their Propaganda Milieu by Isser, N.
The Political Control of Czechoslovakia: A Study in Social Control of a Soviet Communist State by Gadourek, I., Unknown, Gadourek
Mukat's People: The Cahuilla Indians of Southern California by Bean, Lowell J.
The Hindu Woman by Cormack, Margaret Lawson, Unknown
The Applicability of Organizational Sociology by Argyris, Argyris, Chris
Marriage, Class and Colour in Nineteenth Century Cuba: A Study of Racial Attitudes and Sexual Values in a Slave Society by Alier, Martinez, Martinez-Alier, Verena, Stolcke, Verena
The Humane Imperative: A Challenge for the Year 2000 by Hesburgh, Theodore M.
Eros and Civilization: A Philosophical Inquiry Into Freud by Marcuse, Herbert
Sociology of Community: A Collection of Readings by Bell, Colin, Newby, Howard
African Societies by Mair, Lucy, Mair, Lucy Philip
Joseph II: An Imperial Reformer for the Austrian Netherlands by Davis, W. W.
The Commentary of Conrad of Prussia on the de Ente Et Essentia of St. Thomas Aquinas: Introduction and Comments by Joseph Bobik by Bobik, Joseph, Rupieper, H. J.
Crowell's Handbook of World Opera. by Moore, Frank Ledlie, Unknown
The Politics of Disorder by Lowi, Theodore J.
The No-Growth Society by
Rethinking Modernization: Anthropological Perspectives by Lynch, Robert N., Unknown, Poggie, John
God Suffers for Us: A Systematic Inquiry Into a Concept of Divine Passibility by Lee, J. y.
Revolution and Reflection: Intellectual Change in Germany During the 1850's by Lees, A.
Das Antichristdrama Des Mittelalters Der Reformation Und Gegenreformation by Aichele, K.
Slavery, Colonialism, and Racism by
The Incomplete Adult: Social Class Constraints on Personality Development by Martindale, Edith, Lundberg, Margaret
Sociology in Australia and New Zealand: Theory and Methods by Martindale, Edith, Baldock, Cora V.
The Nigerian Military: A Sociological Analysis of Authority and Revolt 1960 67 by Luckham, Robin, Luckham
The Minor Parties of the Federal Republic of Germany: Toward a Comparative Theory of Minor Parties by Fisher, S. L.
The Open Society in Theory and Practice by
Developments in the Methodology of Social Science by
Developments in the Methodology of Social Science by
Erhebungsmethoden by
Statistische Forschungsstrategien by
The Roman Middle Class in the Republican Period. by Hill, H.
Saving the Canadian City, the first phase 1880-1920: An Anthology of Early Articles on Urban Reform by
Thinking About Change by
Family Planning in Canada: A Source Book by Schlesinger, Benjamin
Patterns of Residential Movement in Metropolitan Toronto by Simmons, James W.
The Vigil of Quebec by Dumont, Fernand
Urban Futures for Central Canada: Perspectives on Forecasting Urban Growth and Form by
Evolution and International Organization: Toward a New Level of Sociopolitical Integration by Rittberger, V.
The Concept of Probability in Psychological Experiments by
Nationalism in Asia and Africa by
The Crisis of French Sea Power, 1688-1697: From the Guerre d'Escadre to the Guerre de Course by Symcox, Geoffrey
Semantics II: Interpretation and Truth: Semantics II: Interpretation and Truth by Bunge, M.
Buddhist Studies in Honour of I.B. Horner by
Umweltfaktor Stress Und Die Psychohygiene: Geographische Pathologie Des Krebses by Hecht, Karl, Berndt, Hans
Sozialpolitik Und Demographie: Konstituierende Tagung Des Wissenschaftlichen Rates Für Fragen Der Sozialpolitik Und Demographie Am 22. Februar 1974 by
Treatise on Basic Philosophy: Semantics I: Sense and Reference by Bunge, M.
The Assimilation of German Expellees Into the West German Polity and Society Since 1945: A Case Study of Eutin, Schleswig-Holstein by Lattimore Jr, B. G.
Asien in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart by
Aufgaben Und Probleme Der Sozialpolitik Und Demographie in Der DDR: 11. Tagung Des Wissenschaftlichen Rates Für Die Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Forsc by
Wechselbeziehungen Zwischen Produktivkräften Und Produktionsverhältnissen by Eichhorn, Wolfgang
Wissenschaftlich-Technischer Fortschritt Und Charakter Der Arbeit Im Sozialismus: Zur Wirkung Des Wissenschaftlich-Technischen Fortschritts Auf Die En by
Pasquier Quesnel Devant La Congrégation de l'Index: Correspondance Avec François Barberini Et Mémoires Sur La Mise À l'Index de Son Édition Des Oeuvre by Tans, J. A. G., Schmitz Du Moulin, H.
Die Arbeiterklasse in Asien Und Afrika: Formierung Und Kampf. Protokoll Einer Konferenz Der Gemeinsamen Kommission Von Wissenschaftlern Der Udssr Und by
Probleme Der Intensivierung Des Gesellschaftlichen Reproduktionsprozesses by
Die "Abstrakte" Gesellschaft: Systemwissenschaften ALS Heilsbotschaft in Den Gesellschaftsmodellen Parsons', Dahrendorfs Und Luhmanns by Warnke, Camilla