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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Sociology in 1975

Politics and the Migrant Poor in Mexico City by Cornelius, Wayne A.
Arbeiterklasse Und Volksgemeinschaft: Dokumente Und Materialien Zur Deutschen Arbeiterpolitik 1936-1939 by Mason, Timothy W.
United States and Chile by Petras, James
Leonhardi Euleri Commercium Epistolicum / Leonhard Euler Briefwechsel: Descriptio Commercii Epistolici / Beschreibung Zusammenfassungen Der Briefe Und by Euler, Leonhard
The Militant Hackwriter: French Popular Literature 1800-1848 and Its Influence, Artistic and Political by Minor, Lucian W.
The Popularity of Middle English Romance by Richmond, Velma B.
Metamorphosis of the Cassowaries: Umeda Society, Language and Ritual Volume 51 by Gell, Alfred
Freizeit in Der Industriegesellschaft: Emanzipation Oder Anpassung? by Lüdtke, Hartmut
The American Dream and the National Game by Smith, Leverett T.
Metamorphosis of the Cassowaries: Umeda Society, Language and Ritual Volume 51 by Gell, Alfred
Imperial Texas: An Interpretive Essay in Cultural Geography by Meinig, D. W., Meing, D. W.
After the Australopithecines: Stratigraphy, Ecology and Culture Change in the Middle Pleistocene by
Politische Karrieren: Selektion Und Professionalisierung Politischer Führungsgruppen by Herzog, Dietrich
Karl Marx / Friedrich Engels: Briefwechsel Bis April 1846 by Marx, Karl, Engels, Friedrich
Religion, dynamique sociale et dépendance by Lalive D'Epinay, Christian
Dmitri Sergeevich Merezhkovsky and the Silver Age: The Development of a Revolutionary Mentality by Rosenthal, Bernice Glatzer
Experimentelle Organisationsforschung: Methodische Und Wissenschaftstheoretische Grundlagen by Picot, Arnold
Einstufige Juristenausbildung: Kolloquium Über Die Entwicklung Und Erprobung Des Modells Im Land Nordrhein-Westfalen by Rhein -Westf Akad D. Wiss, Na
Emanzipation -- Ideologischer Fetisch Oder Reale Chance? by
Regierungsreform Durch Planungsorganisation: Eine Empirische Untersuchung Zum Aufbau Von Planungsstrukturen Im Bereich Der Bundesregierung by Murswieck, Axel
Planvolle Steuerung Gesellschaftlichen Handelns: Grundlegende Beiträge Zur Gesellschaftstechnik Und Gesellschaftsarchitektur by
Die Aktive Gesellschaft: Eine Theorie Gesellschaftlicher Und Politischer Prozesse by Etzioni, Amitai
Wirtschaft Und Gesellschaft in Deutschland 1848-1948: 1848 - 1948 by Wurm, Franz F.
Künstler Und Gesellschaft by
Die Deutsche Tradition: Über Die Schwierigkeiten, Demokratie Zu Leben by Croner, Fritz
Wissenschaftssoziologie: Studien Und Materialien by
Die Volkskammer Der DDR by Lapp, Peter Joachim
Gleiche Chancen Im Sozialstaat? by Böhret, Carl, Brewer, Garry D., Brunner, Ronald D.
Die CSU: Anatomie Einer Konservativen Partei 1945-1972 by Mintzel, Alf
Die Revolution Und Ihre Theorien: Frankreich 1848: Marx, V. Stein, Tocqueville Im Aktuellen Vergleich by Hubert, Treiber, Steinert, Heinz
Das Menschliche Dilemma Der Führung by Zaleznik, Abraham
Développement et environnement by Sasson, Albert
Being Female: Reproduction, Power, and Change by
War, its Causes and Correlates by
Modern Marriage in Sierra Leone: A Study of the Professional Group by Harrell-Bond, Barbara
Toward 1984: The Future of Appalachia? by
The Political Sociology of English Language: An African Perspective by Mazrui, Ali a.
Typology of Seventeenth-Century Literature by Galdon, Joseph A.
Kleingruppenforschung by Schneider, H. -D
Soziologie ALS Handlungstheorie by Haferkamp, Hans
Familie - Schule - Beruf: Analysen Zur Sozialen Mobilität Und Statuszuweisung in Der Bundesrepublik by Müller, Walter
Religious Consciousness and Experience by Munson, Thomas N.
A Social History of Museums: What the Visitors Thought by Hudson, Kenneth
La Colonisation Agricole Au Moyen-Ouest Malgache. La Petite Région d'Ambohimanambola: (Sous-Préfecture de Betafo) by Marchal, Jean-Yves
Soziale Ungleichheit by Kappe, Dieter, Neidhardt, Friedhelm, Bolte, Karl Martin
The Romance of King Aṅliṅ Darma in Javanese Literature by Drewes, Gerardus Willebrordus Joannes
Der Streit Um Die Philosophischen Grundlagen Der Gesellschaftstheorie: 195. Sitzung Am 19. Juni 1974 in Düsseldorf by Landgrebe, Ludwig
Beiträge Zur Wissenssoziologie, Beiträge Zur Religionssoziologie / Contributions to the Sociology of Knowledge Contributions to the Sociology of Relig by Rösel, Jakob, Gross, Peter, Stark, Werner
Indikatoren Der Modernisierung by Flora, Peter
Organization of Behavior in Face-To-Face Interaction by
Ganja in Jamaica by Rubin, Vera, Comitas, Lambros
A Warning for Fair Women by Cannon, Charles D.
La mémoire, connaissance active du passé by Schonen, Scania De
Toward a Science of Man: Essays in the History of Anthropology by
Maritime Adaptations of the Pacific by
Women Cross-Culturally: Change and Challenge by
Power Politics and Social Change in National Socialist Germany by Steiner, John M.
Recherches En Déliquence: Principes de l'Analyse Quantitative by Hirschi, Travis, Selvin, Hanna C.
Paleoanthropology: Morphology and Paleoecology by
Dravidien et Kariera by Dumont, Louis
Pays candidats au processus de développement by Nana-Sinkam, Samuel C.
Socialization and Communication in Primary Groups by
Topias and Utopias in Health: Policy Studies by
Urban-Regional Development in South America: A Process of Diffusion and Integration by Pedersen, Poul Ove
Village of Curers and Assassins: On the Production of Fala Kpelle Cosmological Categories by Bellman, Beryl L.
Les Américains de Paris by Petit, Solange
Religion in Primitive Cultures: A Study in Ethnophilosophy by Dupré, Wilhelm
Ethnicity and Resource Competition in Plural Societies by
Migration and Development: Implications for Ethnic Identity and Political Conflict by
Migration and Urbanization: Models and Adaptive Strategies by
Population and Social Organization by
La sociologie du temps libre: Problèmes et perspectives by Busch, Marie-Charlotte
The Book of Cabolèk: A Critical Edition with Introduction, Translation and Notes. a Contribution to the Study of the Javanese Mystical Trad by Yasadipura, I.
Fernsehdramatik - Experimente, Methoden, Tendenzen: Ihre Entwicklung in Der Sechsziger Jahren by Münz-Koenen, Ingeborg
Gesellschaft Und Geschichte: Zu Den Grundlagen Der Sozialen Entwicklung by Stiehler, Gottfried
Wissenschaft Und Gesellschaft: Studien Und Essays Über Sechs Jahrtausende by
Oil, Power and Politics: Conflict of Asian and African Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem by Abir, Mordechai
Literacy in Colonial New England by Lockridge, Kenneth A.
Music Under the Soviets: The Agony of an Art by Olkhovsky, Andrey Vasilyevich, Unknown
The Genius of Europe by Ellis, Havelock, Unknown
The Family in History by
Bibliography 1973-74 Organic and Organometallic Crystal Structures by
Lavrov - Years of Emigration Letters and Documents in Two Volumes: Vol. I: Lavrov and Lopatin (Correspondence 1870-1883) Vol. II: Other Correspondence by
The Massacre of St. Bartholomew: Reappraisals and Documents by
Household and Family in Past Times by Wall, R., Laslett, Peter
Energy and Structure: A Theory of Social Power by Adams, Richard Newbold
The Complete Books of Charles Fort: The Book of the Damned, Lo!, Wild Talents, New Lands by Fort, Charles
Emile Durkheim on Morality and Society by Durkheim, Emile
The Soviet Critique of Neopositivism: The History and Structure of the Critique of Logical Positivism and Related Doctrines by Soviet Philosophers in by Boeselager, W. F.
The Sociology of Return Migration: A Bibliographic Essay by Bovenkerk, Frank
Napoleon and the Lazarists by Carven, John W.
Childhood in China by Kessen, William
India's Population: Some Problems in Perspective Planning: Proceedings by Seminar on Population Growth and India', Unknown
Changing Sex Differential in Mortality. by Retherford, Robert D., Unknown
Down Along the Mother Volga: An Anthology of Russian Folk Lyrics by
The Changing Global Environment by
The Changing Global Environment by
La Logique Du Financement Public de l'Urbanisation by Pottier, Claude
Opening Up the Suburbs: An Urban Strategy for America by Downs, Anthony
A Theory of Public Opinion by Wilson, Francis Graham, Unknown
The Politics of Race and International Sport: The Case of South Africa by Lapchick, Richard Edward, Unknown
Equality and Efficiency: The Big Tradeoff by Okun, Arthur M.
The Liberal Challenge. by Grimond, Joseph, Unknown, Grimond, Jo
Uruguay: The Politics of Failure by Unknown, Weinstein, Martin
Female of the Species by Martin, M. Kay, Voorhies, Barbara
Vladimir Solovyev and Max Scheler: Attempt at a Comparative Interpretation: A Contribution to the History of Phenomenology by Dahm, Helmut
Henry de Boulainviller Tome II: 0euvres Philosophiques by
Imaginative Participation: The Career of an Organizing Concept in a Multidisciplinary Context by Baumann, B.
Esprits Fins Et Esprits Géométriques Dans Les Portraits de Saint-Simon: Contributions À l'Étude Du Vocabulaire Et Du Style by Elden, D. J. H. Van
Organising the Propaganda Instrument: The British Experience by Black, J. B.
Development and Underdevelopment: A Marxist Analysis by Kay, G.
Indian and White: Self-Image and Interaction in a Canadian Plains Community by Braroe, Niels
Instant Cities: Urbanization and the Rise of San Francisco and Denver by Barth, Gunther Paul
Non-Archimedean Utility Theory by Skala, Heinz J.
Primitive Polynesian Economy by Firth, Raymond William
Malay Fishermen: Their Peasant Economy by Firth, Raymond William
Coastal Changes by Williams, William Washington, Williams, Angela, Williams, Robert
The Church and Scottish Social Development: 1780-1870 by Mechie, Stewart, Unknown
The Social Structure of a Cape Coloured Reserve: A Study of Racial Integration and Segregation in South Africa by Carstens, W. Peter, Unknown
The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York by Caro, Robert A.
Portraits of Russian Personalities Between Reform and Revolution. by Unknown, Hare, Richard
Social Casework: A Behavioral Approach by Schwartz, Arthur, Goldiamond, Israel
Unchallenged Violence: An American Ordeal by Toplin, Robert Brent, Unknown
Comparative Analysis of Complex Organizations, Rev. Ed. by Etzioni, Amitai
Segregation and Desegregation: A Digest of Recent Research by Unknown, Tumin, Melvin Marvin
Whitehead's American Essays in Social Philosophy. by Whitehead, Alfred North, Unknown
The Urban Mosaic: Towards a Theory of Residential Differentiation by Timms, Timms, Duncan
American Studies Abroad by Walker, Robert
Genocide?: Birth Control and the Black American by Weisbord, Robert G., Unknown
Handbook of Contemporary Developments in World Sociology by
Karl Marx on Society and Social Change: With Selections by Friedrich Engels by Marx, Karl
Tahitians: Mind and Experience in the Society Islands by Levy, Robert I.
Production of Micro-Forms by Hawkins, Reginald, Unknown
Myth and Religion of the North: The Religion of Ancient Scandinavia by Turville-Petre, E. O. G.
Legitimation Crisis by Habermas, Juergen, Habermas, Jurgen
Mathematical Analysis of Decision Problems in Ecology: Proceedings of the NATO Conference Held in Istanbul, Turkey, July 9-13, 1973 by
Anthropopolis: City for Human Development by Doxiadis, C. A.
Religious Consciousness and Experience by Munson, T. N.
Tradition and Adaptation: Life in a Modern Yucatan Maya Village by Press, Irwin, Unknown
The Measurement of Urban Home Environment: Validation and Standardization of the Minnesota Home Status Index by Unknown, Leahy, Alice Mary
The World and William Walker by Gallie, W.
The Political Culture of Japan by Richardson, Bradley M.
The Hero: A Study in Tradition, Myth, and Drama by Raglan, Fitzroy
Dramas, Fields, and Metaphors: Symbolic Action in Human Society by Turner, Victor
The Rope of Moka: Big-Men and Ceremonial Exchange in Mount Hagen New Guinea by Strathern, Strathern, Andrew
The Character of Kinship by Goody
Conversations with Ogotemm Li: An Introduction to Dogon Religious Ideas by Grianle, Marcel, Griaule, Marcel
Twenty Years of Public Housing: Economic Aspects of the Federal Program by Fisher, Nancy, Unknown, Fisher, Robert Moore
Caste in a Peasant Society: A Case Study in the Dynamics of Caste by Tumin, Melvin Marvin, Unknown
The Social History of an Indonesian Town. by Geertz, Clifford
Untersuchungsformen by
Inquiry Into Inquiries: Essays in Social Theory by Ratner, Sidney, Bentley, Arthur Fisher
Domination by
Universal Language Schemes in England and France 1600-1800 by Knowlson, James
Compassionate Landscape by Carver, Humphrey
Economic Analysis of Environmental Policies by Everson, C. K., Dewees, Donald, Sims, William
Collective Bargaining in the Essential and Public Service Sectors: Proceedings of a Conference Held on 3 and 4 April 1975, Organized by David Beatty T by
The Padata&ddotu;itaka of Syamilaka: Part I: A Text-Critical Edition by Schokker, G. H.
The New Liberty: Survival and Justice in a Changing World by Dahrendorf, Ralf
Essays on Explanation and Understanding: Studies in the Foundations of Humanities and Social Sciences by
Determinants and Controls of Scientific Development by
Utility, Probability, and Human Decision Making: Selected Proceedings of an Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Rome, 3-6 September, 1973 by
Philosophical Papers and Letters: A Selection by Leibniz, G. W.
Science and Its Public: The Changing Relationship by
Knowledge and Error: Sketches on the Psychology of Enquiry by Mach, Ernst
Knowledge and Error: Sketches on the Psychology of Enquiry by Mach, Ernst
Economic Factors in Population Growth by
Science and Its Public: The Changing Relationship by
Die Krise in Der Soziologie: Kritische Studien Zum 17. Deutschen Soziologentag in Der Brd by
Probleme Der Geschichte Der Bürgerlichen Soziologie by Braunreuther, Kurt
Principles of Visual Anthropology by
Disziplinäres Und Interdisziplinäres Wirken: Jürgen Kuczynski Zum 70. Geburtstag by