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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Sociology in 1976

First Majority-Last Minority: The Transforming of Rural Life in America by Shover, John
The Yanoama Indians: A Cultural Geography by Smole, William J.
No More Here and There: Adopting the Older Child by Carney, Ann
Einstellung Und Verhaltensabsicht: Eine Studie Zur Schulischen Weiterbildung by Opper, Reinhard
Das Parteiensystem Der Bundesrepublik: Geschichte -- Entstehung -- Entwicklung by Staritz, Dietrich
Economic Factors in Population Growth by
First Majority-Last Minority by Shover, John L.
Inside India Today by Hiro, Dilip
Soziologisches Denken: Eine Kritische Einführung by Kreckel, Reinhard
Karl Marx / Friedrich Engels: Exzerpte Und Notizen Bis 1842 by Marx, Karl, Engels, Friedrich
Formen Sozialer Orientierung Bei Schülern by Heinrich, Hanns Ch
Betriebliche Sozialleistungen by Schilling, Walter
Fachliteratur Des Chemikers: Einführung in Ihre Systematik Und Benutzung Mit Einer Übersicht Über Wichtige Werke by Nowak, A.
Verhaltenstherapie in Der Psychiatrie by
Gesellschaft Und Geschichte I: Geschichte in Presse, Funk Und Fernsehen: Berichte Aus Der PRAXIS by Borowsky, Peter, Vogel, Barbara, Wunder, Heide
Legitimationsprobleme Politischer Systeme: Tagung Der Deutschen Vereinigung Für Politische Wissenschaft in Duisburg, Herbst 1975 by
Zwischen Konstantinopel Und Moskau: Orthodoxe Kirchenpolitik Im Nahen Osten 1967-1975 by Fernau, Friedrich-Wilhelm
Kinder -- Bücher -- Massenmedien by
"Force of Order and Methods ..." an American View Into the Dutch Directed Society by Blanken, Maurice C.
Hommes et bêtes by
Culture artistique et enseignement supérieur by Roubertoux, Pierre, Denis, Michel, Francès, Robert
Images of the World in the Year 2000: A Comparative Ten Nation Study by
Mode de vie et espaces sociaux by Deloménie, Dominique, Maurice, Marc
On Record: Files and Dossiers in American Life by Wheeler, Stanton
Novelist to a Generation: The Life and Thought of Winston Churchill by Schneider, Robert W.
Organisation Und Individuum: Menschliches Verhalten in Organisationen by March, James G.
Grundlagen Der Betrieblichen Personalpolitik by Kolb, Meinulf, Weber, Wolfgang
Schriftliche Befragung -- Möglichkeiten Und Grenzen by Hafermalz, Otto
Gesellschaft Japans: Soziale Gruppen Und Sozialer Prozeß by
The Sciences and Democratic Government: Highlights of the Fourth Parliamentary and Scientific Conference, Florence, 1975 by
Parlamentarisches Regierungssystem in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Daten -- Fakten -- Urteile Im Grundriß by Thaysen, Uwe
Modell Studienreform: Curriculum Politische Wissenschaft an Der Freien Universität Berlin by
Die Wohnsiedlung Reisholz-Hassels (Düsseldorf): Sozialpsychologische Analyse Der Situation Ihrer Bewohner Unter Berücksichtigung Der Aspekte Der Integ by Delgado, Jesus Manuel
Contributions to the Sociology of Knowledge / Contributions to the Sociology of Religion by Schütze, Fritz
An Introduction to Multivariate Techniques for Social and Behavioural Sciences by Bennett, Spencer, Bowers, David
L'Ordre Par Fluctuations Et Le Système Social / Entropie Einst Und Jetzt: 231. Sitzung Am 5. Februar 1975 in Düsseldorf by Prigogine, Ilya, Meixner, Josef
Entwicklungspolitik: Eine Einführung by Kebschull, Dietrich
Entwicklungssoziologie by Goetze, Dieter
Demokratisierung Und Sozialer Wandel in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Sekundäranalyse Von Umfragedaten 1953-1974 by Allerbeck, Klaus
Class Struggles in Tanzania by Shivji, Issa G.
Maturity and Stagnation in American Capitalism by Steindl, Josef
Why Is There No Socialism in the United States? by Sombart, Werner
Popular Participation in Social Change: Cooperatives, Collectives, and Nationalized Industry by
Ancestors by
Development from Below: Anthropologist and Development Situations by
A Century of Change in Eastern Africa by
Les Cadres Sociaux de la Mémoire by Halbwachs, Maurice
The Precarious Organisation: Sociological Explorations of the Church's Mission and Structure by Thung, Mady A.
Sociologie rurale by
The Mutual Interaction of People and Their Built Environment by
Anthropology and Mental Health: Setting a New Course by
Etudes kotoko by Lebeuf, Jean-Paul
Ethnicity in the Americas by
Gastronomy: The Anthropology of Food and Food Habits by
1965-1969 by
Agents and Audiences by
Ideas and Actions by
The Anthropological Study of Education by
Censure et Pouvoir by Védrine, Hélène
Belgium and Europe by Helmreich, Jonathan E.
Youth in a Changing World: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Adolescence by
International Educational Exchange by Klineberg, Otto
Discussions on War and Human Aggression by
Universalism Versus Relativism in Language and Thought: Proceedings of a Colloquium on the Sapir-Whorf Hypotheses by
Medical Anthropology by
Cross-Cultural Approaches to the Study of Alcohol: An Interdisciplinary Perspective by
Origins of African Plant Domestication by
Die Proportionalität Der Technischen Basis Im Sozialismus by Haustein, H. -D
Zu Problemen Der Demographie: Materialien Des Internationalen Demographischen Symposiums Berlin 16.-18. Dezember 1974 by
Fachsprachen Und Sprachstatistik: Beiträge Zur Angewandten Sprachwissenschaft by
Wissenschaft Und Gesellschaft: Studien Und Essays Über Sechs Jahrtausende by Kuczynski, Jürgen
Caste, Class and Democracy by Singh, Vijai P.
Sociological Work: Method and Substance by Becker, Howard S.
No Crystal Stair: Black Life and the "Messenger," 1917-1928 by Kornweibel, Theodore, Jr., Unknown
New York Cab Driver and His Fare by Vidich, Charles
Bibliography 1974-75 Organic and Organometallic Crystal Structures by
The Management of Change in Government by
A Medievalist in the Eighteenth Century: Le Grand d'Aussy and the Fabliaux Ou Contes by Wilson, Geoffrey
Leadership and Decision-Making by Yetton, Philip W., Vroom, Victor
Blue Collar Aristocrats: Life-Styles at a Working-Class Tavern by Lemasters, E. E.
A New World in the Making by Dolci, Danilo
This Great Stage: Image and Structure in King Lear by Hellman, Robert
Urban Latin America: The Political Condition from Above and Below by Portes, Alejandro
Citizens for Decency: Antipornography Crusades as Status Defense by Zurcher, Louis A.
Under the Rainbow: Nature and Supernature among the Panare Indians by Dumont, Jean-Paul
Reminiscences of a Ranchman by Bronson, Edgar Beecher
Latin America Between the Eagle and the Bear. by Unknown, Madariaga, Salvador de
Textbook of European Musical Instruments: Their Origin, History, and Character by Galpin, Brian J., Galpin, John L., Galpin, Francis William
Emile Durkheim by Nisbet, Robert A., Unknown
Fads and Foibles in Modern Sociology and Related Sciences. by Sorokin, Pitirim Aleksandrovich, Unknown
Epidemic and Peace, 1918 by Crosby, Alfred W., Unknown
House United, House Divided: The Chinese Family in Taiwan by Cohen, Myron
Culture and Communication: The Logic by Which Symbols Are Connected. an Introduction to the Use of Structuralist Analysis in Social Anthropology by Leach, Edmund Ronald
City and Suburb by Chinitz, Chinitz, Benjamin, Unknown
Attitude Formation and Change: Second Edition by Halloran, James Dermot, Unknown
The Social Systems of American Ethnic Groups. by Warner, W. Lloyd, Warner, William Lloyd, Strole, Leo
Women in Medieval Society by
Community and Community Development by Edwards, Allan D., Jones, Dorothy G.
The Home of Man by Jackson, Barbara Ward
Dynamics of Culture Change: An Inquiry Into Race Relations in Africa by Malinowski, Bronislaw
Rational Choice and Social Exchange: A Critique of Exchange Theory by Heath, Linda Ed, Heath, Anthony, Heath, A. F.
The People and the Police by Black, Algernon David
Public Enterprise and Transport Problems by Unknown, Kuhn, Kuhn, Tillo E.
Exploding Metropolis by Fortune
A Short History of Anti-Semitism by Morais, Vamberto
Women in Africa: Studies in Social and Economic Change by
Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics: The Manipulation of Public Opinion in America by Wheeler, Michael
Peasants Into Frenchmen: The Modernization of Rural France, 1870-1914 by Weber, Eugen
Authoritarianism and Corporatism in Latin America by
The Birth of Saudi Arabia: Britain and the Rise of the House of Sa'ud by Troeller, Gary
Property Values and Race: Studies in Seven Cities by Unknown, Laurenti, Luigi, Laurenti
The Tar Baby Option: American Policy Toward Southern Rhodesia by Lake, Anthony
Fascism by Kitchen, Martin
Power and Pawn: The Female in Iberian Families, Societies, and Cultures by Pescatello, Ann M., Unknown
Project Evaluation: Collected Papers by Harberger, Arnold C.
Towards a United States of Europe: An Analysis of Britain's Role in European Union by Unknown, MacKay, R. W. G., MacKay, Ronald William Gordon
In the Driver's Seat: The Automobile in American Literature and Popular Culture by Dettelbach, Cynthia Golomb, Unknown
The New Social Sciences by Martindale, Edith, Varma, Baidya N.
Democracy at Work: The Report of the Norwegian Industrial Democracy Program by Emery, F., Thorsrud, E.
Population and Family in the Low Countries: Volume I by
Theories of Alienation: Critical Perspectives in Philosophy and the Social Sciences by
Job Design and Industrial Democracy: The Case of Norway by Bolweg, Joep F.
The Patronage of Science in the Nineteenth Century by Fox, Robert, Morrell, J. B.
A Social History of English Music by Mackerness, Eric David
Traces on the Rhodian Shore: Nature and Culture in Western Thought from Ancient Times to the End of the Eighteenth Century by Glacken, Clarence J.
Population and Society in the Arab East. by Baer, Gabriel, Unknown
Communes, Sociology and Society by Abrams, Barbara, Abrams, Philip, McCulloch, Andrew
Operations Research Methods: As Applied to Political Science and the Legal Process by Neef, Marian, Nagel, Stuart S.
Tests of Significance 4 by Henkel, Ramon E.
Demography by Cox, Peter R.
Mobilizing Consent: Public Opinion and American Foreign Policy, 1937-1947 by Unknown, Leigh, Michael
Teenage Marriages: A Demographic Analysis by Unknown, Weeks, John Robert
American Studies: Topics and Sources by Walker, Robert H., Unknown
The Population Challenge: A Handbook for Nonspecialists by Overbeek, Johannes, Martindale, Edith
Dependency or Interdependency in Old Age by
Die Berliner Polizei in der Weimarer Republik by Liang, Hsi-Huey
A Theory of the Expenditure Budgetary Process by Hartle, Douglas
Slavery: A Problem in American Institutional and Intellectual Life by Elkins, Stanley M.
The United States in Norwegian History. by Unknown, Skard, Sigmund
Mass Society and Political Conflict: Toward a Reconstruction of Theory by Halebsky, Sandor, Halebsky
Essays in Kentish History Cb: Essays Kentish History by
Eugenics and Politics in Britain, 1900-1914 by Searle, G. R.
A Question of Quality: Popularity and Value in Modern Creative Writing by
Oppida - the Beginnings of Urbanisation in Barbarian Europe: Papers presented to a Conference at Oxford, October 1975 by
El Tercer Mundo En La Economia Mundial. La Explotacion Imperialista by Jalee, Pierre
Briefe 1831-1841. Kommentar by
Testen und Messen by
Our Southern Highlanders: Introduction by George Ellison by Kephart, Horace
Beyond Culture by Hall, Edward T.
Periodic Markets, Urbanization, and Regional Planning: A Case Study from Western Kenya by Obudho, Robert A., Unknown, Waller, Peter P.
Chinese Chain and Washer Pumps by Watt, Simon
Economically Appropriate Technologies for Developing Countries: An Annotated Bibliography by Carr, Marilyn
Children in English-Canadian Society: Framing the Twentieth-Century Consensus by Sutherland, Neil
A Chinese Biogas Manual by
An Initial Course in Tropical Agriculture for the Staff of Co-Operatives by Yeo, Peter
Health, Medicine, Society by
Aspects of Chinese Sociolinguistics: Essays by Chao, Yuen Ren
Russia and America: A Philosophical Comparison: Development and Change of Outlook from the 19th to the 20th Century by Gavin, W. J., Blakeley, J. E.
Produktion Der Bedürfnisse Und Bedürfnisse Der Produktion by Terrail, Jean-Pierre, Moynot, Jean-Louis
Afrika: Gegenwärtige Soziale Prozesse Und Strukturen by
Beiträge Zur Gesellschaftstheorie in China: Die Herausbildung Des Klassenbegriffs Im 20. Jahrhundert by Müller, R. Reiner
Natur Und Technik - Theorie Und Strategie: Erkannte Naturgesetze Und Prinzipien Ihrer Bewußten Ausnutzung by Wendt, Helge
Wissenschaft als soziale Kraft by Kröber, Günter, Laitko, Hubert
Zum Briefwechsel Bürgerlicher Wissenschaftler by Kuczynski, Jürgen
Language and Man: Anthropological Issues by
Gesellschaft Und Umwelt: Hans Mottek Zum 65. Geburtstag by