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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Sociology in 1977

The Belize Issue by Zammitt, Anne
Women in Russia by
Opportunity and Attainment in Australia by Broom, Leonard
Deepening Crisis by Magdoff, Harry
The Belize Issue by Zammitt, Anne
A Paradigm for Looking: Cross-Cultural Research with Visual Media by Bellman, Beryl L., Jules-Rosette, Bennettta, Unknown
The Promise of Greatness by Levitan, Sar a., Taggart, Robert
Elites and Economic Development: Comparative Studies on the Political Economy of Latin American Cities by Walton, John
Die Inszenierung Der Alltagswelt by Durth, Werner
Concepts and Tools of Computer-Assisted Policy Analysis: Vol. 1: Basic Concepts by Bossel
Relevanz Und Entwicklung Der Psychologie: Die Krisen-Diskussion in Der Amerikanischen Psychologie, Probleme Einer Psychologischen Technologie Und Die by Seeger, F.
Das Mount Carmel Zentrum: Frauenbildung Für Gemeinwesenarbeit by Saran, Mary
Ansätze Zur Gesamtanalyse Des Systems Mensch -- Energie -- Umwelt: Eine Dynamische Computersimulation by Voss
Einführung in Die Soziologischen Theorien I: Vergleichende Analyse Soziologischer Hauptrichtungen by Kiss, Gabor
Bedeutung Der Berufstätigkeit Von Frauen: Konfliktmanagement in Komplexen Rollenkonfigurationen by Brothun, Mechthild
Organisierter Konflikt in Westeuropäischen Parteien: Eine Vergleichende Analyse Parteiinterner Oppositionsgruppen by Raschke, Joachim
Stadtforschung Und Stadtplanung by
Einführung in Die Soziologischen Theorien II: Vergleichende Analyse Soziologischer Hauptrichtungen by
Trivialliteratur by Klein, Albert
Rüstung Und Militär in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by
Eine Welt -- Eine Zukunft: Mit Den Armen Teilen? by Leurdijk, Dick
Das Konfliktpotential Industrieller Arbeitsstrukturen: Analyse Der Technischen Und Sozialen Ursachen by Euler, Hanns Peter
Literatur Und Studentenbewegung: Eine Zwischenbilanz by
Planung in Öffentlicher Hand by
Die Inszenierung Der Alltagswelt: Zur Kritik Der Stadtgestaltung by Durth, Werner
The Family Life Cycle in European Societies: Le Cycle de la Vie Familiale Dans Les Sociétés Européennes by
The Urban Saint in Early Byzantine Social History by Seiber, Julia
Beschäftigung, Geld Und Preisniveaustabilität: Empirische Untersuchungen Zum Inflationsproblem by Woll, Artur
Personalentwicklung Und -Förderung by Kolvenbach, Horst
Verstehende Soziologie Und Theorie Der Symbolischen Interaktion by Helle, H. J.
Arbeitsorientierte Arbeitslehre: Eine Einführung by Himmelmann, Gerhard
Geschichte der Sozialpartner by Werner, Eva
Britain and the Netherlands: Volume VI: War and Society. Papers Delivered to the Sixth Anglo-Dutch Historical Conference by Duke, A. C.
The Housing of Nations: Analysis and Policy in a Comparative Framework by Burns, Leland S., Grebler, Leo
Sociological Theories of the Economy by
Praktische Orthothanasie (Sterbebeistand) Im Arbeitsfeld Sozialer PRAXIS: I. Teil Entwicklung Von Verhaltensmerkmalen Für Den Umgang Mit Sterbenden Au by Rest, Franco
EDV im Personalbereich by Nagel, Kurt
Post-Incunabula En Hun Uitgevers in de Lage Landen / Post-Incunabula and Their Publishers in the Low Countries: Een Bloemlezing Gebaseerd Op Wouter Ni by Vervliet, Hendrik D. L.
Smith, Marx, & After: Ten Essays in the Development of Economic Thought by Meek, Ronald Lindley
Combinatorial Connectivities in Social Systems: An Application of Simplicial Complex Structures to the Study of Large Organizations by Atkin
Concepts and Tools of Computer-Assisted Policy Analysis: Vol. 2: Causal Systems Analysis by Bossel
Die Organisation Der Personal- Und Sozialabteilung by Kolb, Meinulf, Staude, Joachim
Soziologie Und Sozialpolitik by Ferber
Soziale Rolle: Zur Vermittlung Von Individuum Und Gesellschaft. Ein Soziologisches Studien- Und Arbeitsbuch by Griese, Hartmut M.
Orofacial Growth and Development by
Changing Identities in Modern Southeast Asia by
Western Expansion and Indigenous Peoples: The Heritage of Las Casas by
Social Issues in Regional Policy and Planning by
Our America: Writings on Latin America and the Struggle for Cuban Independence by Martí, José, Foner, Philip S.
Bail Reform in America by Thomas, Wayne H.
Paradise on Earth: Some Thoughts on European Images of Non-European Man by Baudet, Henri, Baudet, E. H. P.
An African Explains Apartheid. by Unknown, Ngubane, Jordan K.
Stadt-Umland-Beziehungen II by
Klassenkampf Oder Sozialer Konflikt?: Zu Den Gleichgewichts Und Konflikttheorien Der Bürgerlichen Politischen Soziologie by Löwe, Bernd P.
Kommunikationsmittel Fachsprache: Eine Einführung by Hoffmann, Lothar
Kommunikationsmittel Fachsprache: Eine Einführung by Hoffmann, Lothar
The City is Our Farm by
The Moon and the Ghetto: An Essay on Public Policy Analysis by Nelson, Richard R.
Intellectuals in Developing Societies by Alatas, Hussein
Task-Centered Practice by
Statistical Methods for Social Scientists by Jackson, John E., Hanushek, Eric A.
The Nayars Today by Fuller, C. J.
Alienation: Marx's Conception of Man in a Capitalist Society by Ollman, Bertell, Bertell, Ollman
The Sanctity of Social Life: Physicians Treatment of Critically Ill Patients by Crane, Diana
Bibliography 1975-76 Organic and Organometallic Crystal Structures by
Philosophical Papers by Waismann, Friedrich
Philosophical Papers by Waismann, Friedrich
Unequal Justice: Lawyers and Social Change in Modern America by Auerbach, Jerold S.
The Russian Peasant 1920 and 1984 by Smith, Robert Ernest Frederick
Class Struggle and the Industrial Revolution: Early Industrial Capitalism in Three English Towns by Foster, John
The Evolution of Population Theory: A Documentary Sourcebook by Overbeek, Johannes, Martindale, Edith
Ruling Class, Ruling Culture by Connell, R. W., Connell, Raewyn
The Origins and Characteristics of Anabaptism / Les Debuts Et Les Caracteristiques de l'Anabaptisme: Proceedings of the Colloquium Organized by the Fa by
Red Children in White America by Beuf, Ann Hill
The Brain Drain: Determinants, Measurements and Welfare Effects by Grubel, Herbert
Sociology of Communism by Monnerot, Monnerot, Jules, Unknown
The Taming of the Troops: Social Control in the United States Army by Radine, Lawrence, Martindale, Edith
Production and Reproduction: A Comparative Study of the Domestic Domain by
Urbanization in the Middle East by Costello, V. F., Costello, Costello, Vincent Francis
Passing of the Mill Village: Revolution in a Southern Institution by Herring, Harriet Laura, Unknown
Kind -- Familie -- Gesellschaft: Vorgelegt in Der Sitzung Vom 3. Juli 1976 by Schaefer, H.
Amérique Latine: Philosophie de la Conquête by Zavala, Silvio
Organisation by Kubicek, Herbert, Kieser, Alfred
Canonical Analysis and Factor Comparison by Levine, Mark S.
Concerning Music by Hearn, Charles
Red Over Black: Black Slavery Among the Cherokee Indians by Halliburton, R., Unknown
The Intellectual Adventure of Ancient Man: An Essay of Speculative Thought in the Ancient Near East by Frankfort, Henri, Frankfort, H. A., Wilson, John A.
Women and the Welfare State by Wilson, Elizabeth
The Middle Eastern Economy: Studies in Economics and Economic History by
Methodology of Sociological Research: General Problems by Nowak, S.
The Social Production of Scientific Knowledge: Yearbook 1977 by
The Social Production of Scientific Knowledge: Yearbook 1977 by
Out of the Cloister: A Study of Organizational Dilemmas by Ebaugh, Helen Rose Fuchs
Analysis of Ordinal Data by Rosenthal, Howard, Hildebrand, David K., Laing, James D.
Sociology of Music. by Silbermann, Alphons
The Housing of Nations: Analysis and Policy in a Comparative Framework by Burns, Leland S., Grebler, Leo
A Chance to Learn: The History of Race and Education in the United States by Weinberg, Meyer
The Social Use of Metaphor by
Nakahara: Family Farming and Population in a Japanese Village, 1717-1830 by Smith, Thomas C.
A Government of Strangers: Executive Politics in Washington by Heclo, Hugh
The Discovery of the Tomb of Tutankhamen by Carter, Howard, Mace, A. C.
Statut personnel et famille au Maghreb de 1940 à nos jours by Borrmans, Maurice
Slave Testimony: Two Centuries of Letters, Speeches, Interviews, and Autobiographies by
The Book of European Light Opera by Unknown, Ewen, David
The Handwriting on the Wall: Toward a Sociology and Psychology of Graffiti by Martindale, Edith
Black Ethos: Northern Urban Negro Life and Thought, 1890-1930 by Nielson, David Gordon, Unknown
Handbook of American Aging Programs by Unknown, Baumhover, Lorin A., Jones, Joan Dechow
In the Almost Promised Land: American Jews and Blacks, 1915-1935 by Unknown, Diner, Hasia R.
Trade Unions and the Media by Philo, Greg, Beharrell, Peter
The Force of Knowledge by John M., Ziman, Ziman, John M., Ziman, J. M.
Economic Interest, Militarism, and Foreign Policy: Essays on German History by Kehr, Eckart
Government and Rural Development in East Africa: Essays on Political Penetration by
Population Growth and Land Use by Clark, Colin
Stochastic Programming by Kolbin, V. V.
Outline of a Theory of Practice by Bourdieu, Pierre
Violence and Fraud in El Salvador: Report on Current Political Events in El Salvador by Latin America Bureau
Multi-Criteria Analysis and Regional Decision-Making by Delft, A. Van, Nijkamp, Peter
Law in Modern Society: Toward a Criticism of Social Theory by Unger, Roberto Mangabeira
Differentiation and Integration in Western Kenya by Wolf, Jan De
Speech as Instruction by Shands, Harley C.
Essays on Individuality by
The Black Family in Slavery and Freedom, 1750-1925 by Gutman, Herbert G.
The Future of Socialism. by Unknown, Crosland, Charles Anthony Raven, Crosland, Anthony
Essays on American Music by Clarke, Garry E., Unknown
BBC by Burns, T.
A Right to the Land: Essays on the Freedmen's Community by Magdol, Edward, Unknown
United States Penetration of Brazil by Black, Jan Knippers
From Incidental to Planned Parenthood: Results of the Second National Fertility Survey in Belgium by Schoenmaeckers, R. C., Cliquet, R.
Treatise on Basic Philosophy: Ontology I: The Furniture of the World by Bunge, M.
Scientific Materialism in Nineteenth Century Germany by Gregory, F.
Divorce in Europe by Chester, R.
Scientific Materialism in Nineteenth Century Germany by Gregory, F.
Simulationstechnik Und Simulationsmodelle in Den Sozial- Und Wirtschaftswissenschaften by Mandl, C. E.
Stationäre Und Schrumpfende Bevölkerungen: Demographisches Null- Und Negativwachstum in Österreich by
Pauvreté économique et pauvreté sociale à Byzance by Patlagean, Evelyne
Bibliographie des Régions du Sénégal by Porgès, Laurence
Campagnes Et Villes Au Sud de la République Populaire Du Bénin by Mondjannagni, Alfred C.
Recession, Crime and Punishment by Box, Steven
We, the People: American Character and Social Change by Martindale, Edith, Direnzo, Gordon J.
Africans and Seminoles: From Removal to Emancipation by Littlefield, Daniel F., Jr.
The Craft of Interviewing by Brady, John
Contemporary Entrepreneurs: The Sociology of Residential Real Estate Agents by House, J. D., Martindale, Edith
Equality and Preferential Treatment: A Philosophy and Public Affairs Reader by
Buddhism in America: The Social Organization of an Ethnic Religious Institution by Kashima, Tetsuden, Martindale, Edith
Anti-Apartheid: Transnational Conflict and Western Policy in the Liberation of South Africa by Shepherd, George W., Unknown
Towards a Social Grammar of Language by Grayshon, Mathew C.
Schumann: A Symposium by Kennett, Lee
The Resolution of Conflict: Constructive and Destructive Processes by Deutsch, Morton
The Other Californians: Prejudice and Discrimination Under Spain, Mexico, and the United States to 1920 by Heizer, Robert F., Almquist, Alan J.
This Species of Property: Slave Life and Culture in the Old South by Owens, Leslie Howard, Cwens, Leslie H.
A History of Russian Music by Leonard, Richard Anthony, Unknown
Decision Making and Change in Human Affairs: Proceedings of the Fifth Research Conference on Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision Making, Dar by
Middle Start: An Experiment in the Educational Enrichment of Young Adolescents by Yinger, Milton Yinger, J., Ikeda, Kiyoshi
System and Succession: The Social Bases of Political Elite Recruitment by Nagle, John D.
German Buenos Aires, 1900-1933: Social Change and Cultural Crisis by Newton, Ronald C.
Archaeology and Anthropology-Areas of Mutual Interest by
Growing Up Suburban by Wynne, Edward a.
Family Life and Illicit Love in Earlier Generations: Essays in Historical Sociology by Laslett, Peter, Peter, Laslett
A Coat of Many Colors: Jewish Subcommunities in the United States by Lavender, Abraham D.
Implicit Psychology: An Introduction to Social Cognition by Wegner, Daniel M.
Manners and Morals by Thaman, Unknown, Thaman, Mary Patrice
Community Organization: Action and Inaction by Schaffer, Ruth C., Sheps, Cecil G., Hunter, Floyd
The Many-Faceted Jacksonian Era: New Interpretations by Pessen, Edward, Unknown
Victims of the Miracle: Development and the Indians of Brazil by Davis, S. H., Davis, Shelton H.
Existential Sociology by Douglas, Jack
Mountain, Field, and Family by Brush, Stephen B.
Progress, Poverty and Population: Re-reading Condorcet, Godwin and Malthus by Avery, John
Basic Problems in Methodology and Linguistics: Part Three of the Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy by
Kentucky: A History by Channing, Steven A.
The Sociology of Canadian Mennonites, Hutterites and Amish: A Bibliography with Annotations by
Issues in Sociolinguistics by
Culture and Diplomacy: The American Experience by Unknown, Heald, Morrell, Kaplan, Lawrence S.
Sociological Theories of the Economy by
Action Theory and Social Science: Some Formal Models by Pörn, I.
Class, Race, and Worker Insurgency: The League of Revolutionary Black Workers by Geschwender, James a.
The Devil by Russell, Jeffrey Burton
Theater & Propaganda by Szanto, George H.
Soviet Contributions to the Sociology of Language by
Marx and the Third World by Melotti, Umberto
Freedom in Constitutional Contract: Perspectives of a Political Economist by Buchanan, James M.
Datenanalyse by
Acceptability in Language by
Language Planning Processes by
The New Wind: Changing Identities in South Asia by
Urbanization, Population Growth, and Economic Development in the Philippines. by Pernia, Ernesto del Mar, Unknown
Co-Operative Organization: An Introduction by Youngjohns, B.
Report on Farm Equipment: Development Project Daudawa Ncs, Nigeria by Boyd, John
Consultancy for Small Businesses: The Concept - Training the Consultants by Harper, Malcolm
Small-Scale Cement Plants: A Study in Economics by Sigurdson, Jon
Decadence and Objectivity: Ideals for Work in the Post-Consumer Society by Haworth, Lawrence
Agrarian Revolt in a Mexican Village by Friedrich, Paul
Sexual Behaviour in Canada: Patterns and Problems by
World Handbook of Political and Social Indicators by Russett, Bruce M., Alder, Hayward R.
New World Journeys: Contemporary Italian Writers and the Experience of America by Barnett, Louise K., Unknown, Jeannet, Angela M.
Blacks in the West by Savage, W. Sherman, Savage Allen, Inez M., Logan, Eloise
The Domestication of the Savage Mind by Goody, Jack
Equilibrium and Disequilibrium in Economic Theory: Proceedings of a Conference Organized by the Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria July 3 by
Die Demographie Und Ihre Methode by
Dialektik Und Systemdenken: Historische Aspekte. Nikolaus Von Kues, Französische Aufklärung, Schelling by Bergmann, Helga, Hedtke, Ulrich, Ruben, Peter
Bevölkerungsdynamik Und Gesellschaft: Ein Politökonomischer Beitrag Zur Bevölkerungstheorie Und -Methodologie by Khalatbari, Parviz
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