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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Sociology in 1978

The Development of the Modern State: A Sociological Introduction by Poggi, Gianfranco
Quantification in Cultural Anthropology: An Introduction to Research Design by Johnson, Allen W.
Pernambuco in the Brazilian Federation, 1889-1937 by Levine, Robert M.
Reconciling Man with the Environment by Ashby, Eric
Manchester and S~ao Paulo: Problems of Rapid Urban Growth by
Studies in Social Psychology by Ollman, Bertell
Toward a Marxist Theory of Nationalism by Davis, Horace B.
Slavery Imperial Freedom by Lewis, Gordon K.
Varieties of Police Behavior: The Management of Law and Order in Eight Communities, with a New Preface by the Author by Wilson, James Q.
Lordship and Society in the March of Wales 1282-1400 by Davies, R. R.
China Enters the Twentieth Century: Chang Chih-Tung and the Issues of a New Age, 1895-1909 by Bays, Daniel
Neuer Lebensstil -- Verzichten Oder Verändern?: Auf Der Suche Nach Alternativen Für Eine Menschlichere Gesellschaft by
Planungsbegriffe: Ein Leitfaden Durch Das Labyrinth Der Planersprache by
Materialien Zur Soziologie Des Alltags by Hammerich, Kurt
Discovering Suicide: Studies in the Social Organisation of Sudden Death by Atkinson, J. Maxwell
Alternative Möglichkeiten Für Die Energiepolitik: Argumente Und Kritik by Lienemann, Wolfgang
Umweltpolitik: Beiträge Zur Politologie Des Umweltschutzes by
Beiträge Zur Wissenssoziologie, Beiträge Zur Religionssoziologie / Contributions to the Sociology of Knowledge, Contributions to the Sociology of Reli by MILIC, Vojin
Junge Leute Von Heute by Böhret, Carl, Brewer, Garry D., Brunner, Ronald D.
Formal Methods in Policy Formulation: The Application of Bayesian Decision Analysis to the Screening, Structuring, Optimisation and Implementation of by Bunn, Howard
Von China Lernen? by Nishimura, Fumiko, Galtung, Johan
Politische Wissenschaft Und Politische PRAXIS: Tagung Der Deutschen Vereinigung Für Politische Wissenschaft in Bonn, Herbst 1977 by
Umweltrecht Im Wandel by Mayer-Tasch, Peter Cornelius
Arbeitsmarktpolitik by
Lebensbedingungen Und Sozialisation: Die Abhängigkeit Von Sozialisationsprozessen in Der Familie Von Ihrer Stellung Im Verteilungssystem Ökonomischer, by Steinkamp, Günther
Freizeitsport: Aufgabe Und Chance Für Jedermann by Dieckert, Jürgen
Sozialstaatspostulat Und Gesellschaftlicher Status Quo by Hans-Hermann, Hartwich
Theorie Der Sozialen Gruppe by Homans, George Caspar
Grundlagen Der Anwendungsbezogenen Sozialwissenschaft by Derschka, Peter
Umweltschutz Und Unternehmensplanung: Die Betriebliche Anpassung an Den Einsatz Umweltpolitischer Instrumente by Lange, Christoph
Das Soziale Bewußtsein Von Konsumenten: Erklärungsansätze Und Ergebnisse Einer Empirischen Untersuchung in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Bruhn, Manfred
Natur-, Ingenieur- Und Wirtschaftswissenschaften: Vorträge - N 274 by Fränz, Kurt
Handbuch Politische Planung by Waterkamp, Rainer
Europawahl '79: Daten -- Fakten -- Probleme by Woyke, Wichard, Steffens, Udo
Nordchina Am Vorabend Der Mongolischen Eroberungen, Wirtschaft Und Gesellschaft Unter Der Chin-Dynastie (1115-1234): 226. Sitzung Am 21. Dezember 1977 by Franke, Herbert
Einführung in Die Methoden Der Empirischen Soziologie by Mayntz, Renate, Holm, Kurt, Hübner, Peter
Die Scheinwelt Des Paradoxons: Eine Kommentierte Anthologie in Wort Und Bild by Hughes, Patrick, Brecht, Georges
Die Planungszelle: Der Bürger Plant Seine Umwelt. Eine Alternative Zur Establishment-Demokratie by Dienel, Peter C.
Theorien Sozialer Strukturen: Ansätze Und Probleme by Blau, Peter Michael
Partei Und Staatsapparat in Der DDR: Aspekte Der Instrumentalisierung Des Staatsapparats Durch Die sed by Neugebauer, Gero
Partizipation -- Demokratisierung -- Mitbestimmung: Problemstellung Und Literatur in Politik, Wirtschaft, Bildung Und Wissenschaft. -- Eine Einführung by
Handlungssysteme by
Spanien: Eine Politische Länderkunde by Meyer, Heinz, Woyke, Wichard
Deutsch-Deutsche Beziehungen: Prämissen, Probleme, Perspektiven by Bruns, Wilhelm
Ex-Nuns: A Study of Emergent Role Passage by Riley, Matilda W., Sangiovanni, Lucinda, Unknown
Colonialism and Language Policy in Viet Nam by Francis, John de
Origins of Agriculture by
Injustice: The Social Bases of Obedience and Revolt: The Social Bases of Obedience and Revolt by Moore Jr, Barrington
Der Mensch Im Beengten Raum by Streufert, S., Nogami, G. y.
Berufsausbildung Und Weiterbildung by Klause, Dieter
Bundeswehr Und Gesellschaft: Ein Wörterbuch by
Erziehungssystem Und Gesellschaft by
Methoden Der Wirtschafts- Und Sozialwissenschaften: Eine Wissenschaftskritische Einführung by Kromphardt, Jürgen
Leben Auf Dem Dorf: Zur Sozialgeschichte Des Dorfes Und Zur Sozialpsychologie Seiner Bewohner by Ilien, Albert
Der Mensch Und Sein Lebensraum: Eingriff Und Wandel by Loparo, Kenneth A.
The Origins of the United Arab Emirates: A Political and Social History of the Trucial States by Zahlan, R. Said
The Resurgence of Class Conflict in Western Europe Since 1968: Volume I: National Studies by
Intergroup Accommodation in Plural Societies: A Selection of Conference Papers with Special Reference to the Republic of South Africa by Rhoodie, Nic
Die amerikanische Stimmung im Jahr des Janus: Gemeinsame Sitzung der Klasse für Geisteswissenschaften und der Klasse für Natur-, Ingenieur- und Wirtsc by Spencer, Samuel R.
Grundlagen der Arbeitssicherheit im Betrieb by Müller, Eugen
Dotierte Ehe -- Rechte Ehe Zur Entwicklung Des Eheschließungsrechts in Fränkischer Zeit: 214. Sitzung Am 21. Juli 1976 in Düsseldorf by Mikat, Paul
Networking Institutions of Learning -- SchoolNet by
Krise Des Steuerstaats?: Widersprüche, Perspektiven, Ausweichstrategien by
Jonathan Loved David: Homosexuality in Biblical Times by Horner, Tom M.
Colonialism in Modern America: The Appalachian Case by Johnson, Linda, Askins, Donald, Lewis, Helen Matthews
Double Jeopardy: A Critique of Seven Yüan Courtroom Dramas by Perng, Ching-Hsi
Woman in Levi's by Bourne, Eulalia
Streetcar Suburbs: The Process of Growth in Boston, 1870-1900, Second Edition by Warner, Sam Bass
Race and Class in Colonial Oaxaca by Chance, John K.
The concept and dynamics of culture by
Multidimensional Scaling by Kruskal, Joseph B., Wish, Myron
Ecological Inference by Langbein, Laura Irwin, Lichtman, Allan J.
Macht Durch Wissen: Zum Zusammenhang Von Bildungspolitik, Bildungssystem Und Kaderqualifizierung in Der Ddr. Eine Politsch-Soziologische Untersuchung by Glaeßner, Gert-Joachim
Fifty Years with Music by Spaeth, Sigmund Gottfried, Spaeth
Digging Up the Past. by Woolley, Leonard, Unknown, Woolley, Charles Leonard
Relations of Production by
Television as an Instrument of Terror by Berger, Arthur Asa
1977 by
1977 by
Tendenzen Der Bevölkerungsverteilung Und Stellung Der Städte Im Siedlungssystem by Grimm, Frankdieter, Zimm, Alfred
Tragic Realism and Modern Society: Studies in the Sociology of the Modern Novel by Orr, John
Max Weber: An Intellectual Portrait by Bendix, Reinhard
Tragic Realism and Modern Society: Studies in the Sociology of the Modern Novel by Orr, John
Education, Employment and Migration by Ritterband, Paul
Yankee Family by McGovern, James
Marxism and the Question of the Asiatic Mode of Production by Sawer, M.
Militär Und Entwicklung in Der Türkei, 1945-1973: Ein Beitrag Zur Untersuchung Der Rolle Des Militärs in Der Entwicklung Der Dritten Welt by Weiher, Gerhard
A Simulation Approach to the Study of Human Fertility by Santow, G.
Expansion and Reaction by
Urbanization in Australia: The Post-War Experience by Burnley, I. H., Burnley
Guatemala: Unnatural disaster by Plant, Roger
Gesellschaftliche Berichterstattung: Eine Einführung in Theorie Und PRAXIS Sozialer Indikatoren by Leipert, C.
Progressiveness and Conservatism: The Fundamental Dimensions of Ideological Controversy and Their Relationship to the Social Class by Middendorp, C. P.
Women and Equality: Changing Patterns in American Culture by Chafe, William H.
Angola by Pelissier, Rene, Unknown, Wheeler, Douglas L.
Broadway in the West End: An Index of Reviews of American Theatre in London, 1950-1975 by Stanley, William T., Unknown
Culture and Practical Reason by Sahlins, Marshall
Domination, Legitimation, and Resistance: The Incorporation of the Nineteenth Century English Working Class by Hearn, Francis, Hearn, Frank, Unknown
The Education of a Concert-Goer by Unknown, Ulrich, Homer
A Selection of English Carols by Unknown, Greene, Richard Leighton
Population and Family in the Low Countries II by
The Supplément to the Encyclopédie by Hardesty, Kathleen
Aggression, Dominance, and Individual Spacing by
Iowa: A History by Wall, Joseph Frazier
The Restructuring of Social and Political Theory by Bernstein, Richard J.
Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television by Mander, Jerry
Riot, Rout, and Tumult: Readings in American Social and Political Violence by Lane, Roger, Turner, John J.
Discovering Suicide: Studies in the Social Organisation of Sudden Death by Atkinson, J. Maxwell
Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Collection by Johnson, Walter D., Blumhagen, Kathleen O'Connor
The Family by
Growing Pains: A Study of Teenage Distress by Irwin, Edna M.
Questions and Politeness by Goody, Goody, Esther N.
The Iron Barons: A Social Analysis of an American Urban Elite, 1874-1965 by Ingham, John N., Unknown
Ethics and Society in England: The Revolution in the Social Sciences, 1870-1914 by Soffer, Reba N.
The Building of Cities by Kaiser, Harvey H.
Illinois: A History by Jensen, Richard J.
Agrarian Revolution: Social Movements and Export Agriculture in the Underdeveloped World by Paige, Jeffrey M.
Identities in the Lesbian World: The Social Construction of Self by Ponse, Barbara
Collector's Bach by Broder, Nathan
Everything in Its Path by Erikson, Kai T.
The Twenty Ninth Day by Brown, Lester R.
Chamber and Solo Instrument Music by Schonberg, Harold C., Unknown
Max Weber: Selections in Translation by Weber, Max
L'Europe Et Ses Populations by Miroglio, J. a.
Antiquity Forgot: Essays on Shakespeare, Bacon and Rembrandt by White, Howard B.
Demographic Aspects of the Changing Status of Women in Europe: Proceedings of the Second European Population Seminar the Hague/Brussels, December 13-1 by Niphuis-Nell, M.
Foundations and Applications of Decision Theory: Volume II: Epistemic and Social Applications by
Set Valued Dynamical Systems and Economic Flow by Cherene, L. J. Jr.
Cultural Continuity in Mesoamerica by
The Ethnic Process by Jessel, Levic
L'enfant, l'image et le recit by
The Nomadic Alternative by
The Concerto by Hill, Ralph
The Dynamics of Science and Technology: Social Values, Technical Norms and Scientific Criteria in the Development of Knowledge by
The Dynamics of Science and Technology: Social Values, Technical Norms and Scientific Criteria in the Development of Knowledge by
Studies in Chinese Society by
A Pride of Terrys: Family Saga by Unknown, Steen, Marguerite
Kurusu: The Price of Progress in a Japanese Village, 1951-1975 by Smith, Robert J.
The Development of the Modern State: A Sociological Introduction by Poggi, Gianfranco
The American Occupational Structure by Blau, Peter M.
Studies in Chinese Society by
The Press and Society: From Caxton to Northcliffe by Cranfield, Geoffrey Alan
Handbook of Futures Research by Fowles, Robert Brent, Fowles, Jib, Unknown
Zero Population Growth--For Whom: ? Differential Fertility and Minority Group Survival by
The Crime of Galileo by Santillana, Giorgio de
Statistical Methods and the Geographer by Gregory, Stanley
Medieval England: Rural Society and Economic Change 1086-1348 by Miller, Edward, Hatcher, John
14 Miles on a Clear Night by Clayton, Peter, Unknown, Gammond, Peter
Foote & Spalding: Harmony by Spalding, Walter Raymond, Foote, Arthur
Garrick by Barton, Margaret, Unknown
Contrapuntal Harmony for Beginners. by Kitson, Charles Herbert, Unknown, Kitson, C. H.
Population and World Politics: The Interrelationships Between Demographic Factors and International Relations by Leroy, M.
Highland Peoples of New Guinea by Brown, Paula
Britain and Latin America 1978: An Annual Review of British-Latin American Relations by Latin America Bureau
Agrarian Radicalism in Veracruz, 1920-38 by Salamini, Heather Fowler
The Difficult Flowering of Surinam: Ethnicity and Politics in a Plural Society by Dew, Edward
Extended Family in Black Societies by
Locke, Rousseau, and the Idea of Consent: An Inquiry Into the Liberal-Democratic Theory of Political Obligation by Unknown, Steinberg, Jules
Profit and Power: A Study of England and the Dutch Wars by Wilson, Charles
Freethought in the United States: A Descriptive Bibliography by Unknown, Brown, Marshall G., Stein, Gordon
Continuity and Change: A Study of Two Ethnic Communities in Israel by Simon, Rita James, Simon, James Simon, Rita
Urbanization and Social Change in West Africa by Gugler, Josef, Gugler, J., Flanagan, William G.
Continuity and Anachronism: Parliamentary and Constitutional Development in Whig Historiography and in the Anti-Whig Reaction Between 1890 and 193 by Blaas, P. B. M.
Freud and Modern Society: An Outline and Analysis of Freud's Sociology by
Urban Low-Income Housing and Development: A Case Study in Peninsular Malaysia by Wegelin, E. a.
Teaching Medical Sociology: Retrospection and Prospection by
Spatial Representation and Spatial Interaction by
Making Organisations Work by Owen, T.
Early Paleolithic in South and East Asia by
Advances in Andean Archaeology by
American Indian Economic Development by
Workbook for Statistical Methods in Education and Psychology by Kurtz, A. K., Mayo, S. T.
Kinship in Bali by Geertz, Clifford, Geertz, Hildred
Autonomous Technology: Technics-out-of-Control as a Theme in Political Thought by Winner, Langdon
Environmental Problems of the City Centres: A Report Prepared for the Environment and Consumer Protection Service of the Commission of the European Co by
Cities with Little Crime: The Case of Switzerland by Clinard, Clinard, Marshall Barron
Structure, Consciousness and History by Brown, Richard Harvey
Groups and Individuals: Explanations in Social Psychology by Douglas, G., Doise, Willem
Regional Policies in Nigeria, India and Brazil by
Stateville: The Penitentiary in Mass Society by Jacobs, James B.
The Social Bases of City Politics: Atlanta, 1865-1903 by Unknown, Watts, Eugene J.
The Unexpected Community: Portrait of an Old Age Subculture, Revised Edition by Hochschild, Arlie Russell
Injustice: The Social Bases of Obedience and Revolt by Moore, Barrington Jr., Jr.
The Blue-Coated Worker: A Sociological Study of Police Unionism by Reiner, Robert
Opening and Closing by Klapp, Klapp, Orrin E.
Decision Theory and Social Ethics: Issues in Social Choice by
Decision Theory and Social Ethics: Issues in Social Choice by
Ni juif ni grec. Entretien sur le racisme by
Thought and Choice in Chess by Groot, Adriaan D. De
Mishpokhe by Mitchell, William E.
The World as a Company Town by
The Processes of Urbanism by
Evolutionary Models and Studies in Human Diversity by
The Early State by
Crise du logement et mouvements sociaux urbains by Godard, Francis, Castells, Manuel, Cherki, Eddy
La dominance cérébrale by Hécaen, Henry
Society and History by
The French Language and National Identity (1930-1975) by Gordon, David C.
Dermatoglyphics: An International Perspective by
Ursachen des Terrorismus in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by
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