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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Sociology in 1979

The Study of Chinese Society: Essays by Freedman, Maurice
Language, Context, and the Imagination: Essays by Friedrich, Paul
Labor Migration in PR by Force, History Task
Revolution Disarmed: Chile by Smirnow, Gabriel
Fighting Two Colonialisms by Urdang, Stephanie
People's Republic of China by Selden, Mark
Big Steel: Black Politics and Corporate Power in Gary, Indiana by Greer, Edward
Political Economy of Race and Class in S Africa by Magubane, Bernard M.
The Alabama Folk Lyric: A Study in Origins and Media of Dissemination by Browne, Ray B.
Karl Marx / Friedrich Engels: Briefwechsel, Mai 1846 Bis Dezember 1848 by Marx, Karl, Engels, Friedrich
Adelsherrschaft Und Städtische Gesellschaft in Oberitalien: (9.-12. Jahrhundert) by Keller, Hagen
The New Religions of Africa by Jules-Rosette, Bennetta, Unknown
The Isabella Valancy Crawford Symposium by
Entrepreneurship: A Comparative and Historical Study by Unknown, Wilken, Paul H.
Leben in Der Stadt Das Beispiel Standtsanierung Bielefeld by Mai, Ulrich, Webler, Wolff-Dietrich, Lauster, Jürgen
Straffälligenpädagogik Und Delinquenzprophylaxe: Soziale Bestimmungsgründe Delinquenten Verhaltens Von Kindern Und Jugendlichen by Deimling, Gerhard
Untersuchung Zum Persönlichkeitsbild Und Zu Sozialen Einstellungen Körperbehinderter Und Nichtbehinderter Im Jugendalter Am Ende Der Allgemeinen Schul by Esser, Franz Otto
Arbeitswissenschaft by Schnauber, Herbert
Betriebliches Ausbildungswesen by Schanz, Heinrich
Albert Einstein ALS Philosoph Und Naturforscher by Schilpp, Paul Arthur
Ihr Ideal-Job: Berufserfolg Systematisch Planen by Feix, Wilfried E.
Empirische Herrschaftstheorie: Zur Beziehung Zwischen Kontextdifferenzierung, Politischer Herrschaft Und Politischer Sozialisation by Müller, Norbert
Bildhaftigkeit Und Lernen by Bredenkamp, J., Wippich, W.
The Legacy of Aging: Inheritance and Disinheritance in Social Perspective by Rosenfeld, Jeffrey P.
The Politics of Benevolence: Revival Religion and American Voting Behavior by Hammond, John L.
Der Hymnus >Veni Creator Spiritus by Lausberg, Heinrich
Anwendung Des Simulationsmodells Baymo 70 Auf Die Stadtentwicklungsplanung: Band 1: Flächennutzung, Infrastruktur, Gemeindehaushalt by Schülein
Fighting Two Colonialisms by Urdang, Stephanie
Handbuch Der Betrieblichen Zusatz- Und Sozialleistungen by Grätz, Frank
Mitwirkung Im Industriebetrieb Der DDR: Planung -- Einzelleitung -- Beteiligung Der Werktätigen an Entscheidungsprozessen Des Veb by Belwe, Katharina
Selbstorganisierte Jugendgruppen Zwischen Partykultur Und Politischer Partizipation: Am Beispiel Von Jugendzentren Und Fu?ball-Fanclubs by Friebel, Harry
Wie Das Industriesystem Von Seinen Mißständen Profitiert: Kosten Und Nutzen Technokratischer Symptombekämpfung: Umweltschutz, Gesundheitswesen, Innere by Jänicke, Martin
Die Sowjetunion Und Die Deutsche Teilung: Die Sowjetische Deutschlandpolitik 1945-1979 by Fritsch-Bournazel, Renata
Freizeitschule: Selbstbestimmtes Lernen Und Nicht-Direktives Lehren in Offenen Situationen by
Länderparlamentarismus in Der Bundesrepublik by Schneider, Herbert
Gesprächspsychotherapie: Forschung -- PRAXIS -- Ausbildung by Helm
Multidimensionale Optimierung Bei Der Standortwahl Von Grosstechnischen Anlagen: Lösung Ökonomisch-Ökologischer Zielkonflikte Mit Einem Spieltheoretis by Halbritter, G.
Alternative Rechtsformen Und Alternativen Zum Recht by Klausa, Ekkehard
Panik Stadt by
Chile 1970-73: Economic Development and Its International Setting: Self-Criticism of the Unidad Popular Government's Policies by Sideri, Sandro Antonio Rosario
The Diplomacy of Partition: Britain, France and the Creation of Nigeria, 1890-1898 by Hirshfield, Claire
Geld, Glaube, Gesellschaft: 240. Sitzung Am 20. Juni 1979 in Düsseldorf by Weber, Wilhelm
Probleme Der Modernisierung in Deutschland: Sozialhistorische Studien Zum 19. Und 20. Jahrhundert by
Handbuch Medienarbeit: Medienanalyse Medieneinordnung Medienwirkung by Albrecht, Gerd
Family Life in Old Age: Proceedings of the Meetings of the European Social Sciences Research Committee in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 19-23 October by Dooghe, G.
Altersgrenze Und Arbeitsmarktpolitik: Eine Empirische Untersuchung Zu Den Beschäftigungs- Und Sozialpolitischen Aspekten Einer Vorverlegung Der Alters by Blume, Otto
Die Sozialstruktur Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Ein Soziologischer Überblick by Fürstenberg, Friedrich
Theorien Der Unterentwicklung Und Entwicklungsstrategien: Eine Einführung by Grimm, Klaus
Parlamentarische Und Präsidentielle Demokratie: Strukturelle Aspekte Westlicher Demokratien by Steffani, Winfried
Deutsche Soziologie Seit 1945: Entwicklungsrichtungen Und Praxisbezug by Lüschen, Günther
The Social Construction of Mind: Studies in Ethnomethodology and Linguistic Philosophy by Coulter, Jeff
Regulating Business: Law and Consumer Agencies by Cranston, Ross
Policing the Inner City: A Study of Amsterdam's Warmoesstraat by Punch, Maurice
Administrative Secrecy in Developed Countries by
The Executive Gypsy: The Quality of Managerial Life by Cooper, Cary L.
Can We Avoid a Third World War Around 2010?: The Political, Social and Economic Past and Future of Humanity by Peeters, Peter
Die Situation Der Katakombenforschung in ROM by Reekmans, Louis
The Social Theory of Claude Lévi-Strauss by Jenkins, A.
Sozialistische Systeme: Theorie- Und Strukturanalyse Ein Studienbuch by Meyer, Gerd
Der Abgeordnete Im Parlamentarischen Regierungssystem Der Bundesrepublik by Schweitzer, Carl-Christoph
Basale Soziologie: Soziale Ungleichheit by Zipp, Gisela, Zingg, Walter
Critical Analyses in English Renaissance Drama: A Bibliographic Guide by Salomon, Brownell
A Basis for Music Education by Swanwick, Keith
Watteau's Shepherds: The Detective Novel in Britain, 1914-1940 by Panek, Leroy Lad
Dependent Accumulation by Frank, Andre Gunder
America: Exploration and Travel by
Dynamos and Virgins Revisited: Women and Technological Change in History by Trescott, Martha Moore
On the Edge of Politics: The Roots of Jewish Political Thought in America by Berlin, William S., Unknown
Television Fraud: The History and Implications of the Quiz Show Scandals by Anderson, J. Kent
A Bibliography of African Ecology: A Geographically and Topically Classified List of Books and Articles by Unknown, Rogers, Dilwyn J.
Zeitschrift Für Phonetik Sprachwissenschaft Und Kommunikationsforschung. Band 31, Heft 4 by
Gegenwartsprobleme - Briefe Und Vorträge by Kuczynski, Jurgen
U.S. and World Development Agenda: 1978-79 by McLaughlin, Martin Michael
Recent Developments in Medical Education by
Dictionary of Chinese History by Dillon, Michael
Contemporary Issues in Theory and Research: A Metasociological Perspective by Fuhrman, Elsworth, Miller, Michael
Die Wirtschaftsbeziehungen DDR -- Sowjetunion 1945-1961: Eine Politologische Analyse by Lentz, Manfred
Neuordnung Oder Restauration?: Das Demokratiekonzept Der Amerikanischen Besatzungsmacht Und Die Politische Sozialisation Der Westdeutschen: Wirtschaf by Lange-Quassowski, Jutta-B
Research on Human Subjects: Problems of Social Control in Medical Experimentation by
Grundinformation Recht: Funktion -- Wirklichkeit Gesellschaftspolitische Zusammenhänge by Heckel, Hans
Grundgesetz Und Sozialer Wandel -- Zum 30. Jahrestag Der Verfassung Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by
Natur Und Staat: Zur Politischen Theorie Der Deutschen Romantik by Stanslowski, Volker
Interesse Und Konsensus: Zur Rekonstruktion Und Begründung Normativ-Kritischer Elemente Neopluralistischer Demokratietheorie by Massing, Peter
Qualitative Sociology: A Method to the Madness by Schwartz, Howard
Irish Settlements in Eastern Canada: A study of cultural transfer and adaptation by Mannion, John
The American Family: Dying or Developing by Hoffman, Howard
The Damned and the Beautiful: American Youth in the 1920's by Fass, Paula S.
The Politics of Anthropology by
A New America? by
Red Black and Green: Black Nationalism in the United States by Pinkney, Alphonso, Pinkney, A., Pinkney
Nationalism and the Crises of Ethnic Minorities in Asia by Kang, Tia
Discography of Historical Records on Cylinders and 78s. by Rust, Brian A. L., Unknown
Mathematical Models for the Growth of Human Populations by Pollard, J. H., Pollard, Carys Mary
Origins of Aggression by
The Public Eye: Television and the Politics of Canadian Broadcasting, 1952-1968 by Peers, Frank
The Soviet Political Agenda: Problems & Priorities, 1950-1970: Problems & Priorities, 1950-1970 by Tarschys, Daniel
Toward a Cultural Theory of Education & Schooling by
Instructor's Manual for Statistical Methods in Education and Psychology by Kurtz, A. K., Mayo, S. T.
City and Hinterland: A Case Study of Urban Growth and Regional Development by Miller, Roberta Balstad, Balstad Miller, Roberta
Dependency and Development in Latin America by Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, Faletto, Enzo
Rural Poverty and the Urban Crisis: A Strategy for Regional Development by Hansen, Niles M., Unknown
From Ape to Angel: An Informal History of Social Anthropology by Hays, H. R., Hays, Hoffman Reynolds
Organized Anti-Semitism in America: The Rise of Group Prejudice During the Decade 1930-1940 by Strong, Donald Stuart
Bach's Fugal Works: With an Account of Fugue Before and After Bach by Dickinson, A. E. F., Dickinson, Alan Edgar Frederic
New York: State and City by Ellis, David Maldwyn
Communication and the Evolution of Society by Habermas, Juergen
Such As Us: Southern Voices of the Thirties by
Radical Heritage: Labor, Socialism, and Reform in Washington and British Columbia, 1885-1917 by Schwantes, Carlos Arnaldo
Political Attitudes in Venezuela: Societal Cleavages and Political Opinion by Baloyra, Enrique a.
Toward a Marxist Anthropology by
Public Policy in Temporal Perspective: Report on the Workshop on the Application of Time-Budget Research to Policy Questions in Urban and Regional Set by
Social Construction of Mind by Coulter, Jeff
Working-Class Community in Industrial America: Work, Leisure, and Struggle in Two Industrial Cities, 1880$1930 by Cumbler, John T., Unknown
The de-Romanization of the American Catholic Church. by Scheuer, Joseph F., Unknown, Wakin, Edward
Philosophy in Geography by
Polish Essays in the Methodology of the Social Sciences by
Treatise on Basic Philosophy: Ontology II: A World of Systems by Bunge, M.
Polish Essays in the Methodology of the Social Sciences by
Treatise on Basic Philosophy: Ontology II: A World of Systems by Bunge, M.
Urbanization in Papua New Guinea: A Study of Ambivalent Townsmen by Levine, Marlene Wolfzahn, Levine, Hal B., Wolfzahn Levine, Marlene
Pastoral Production and Society/Production Pastorale Et Soci T by Ecologie, Equipe
The Sisterhood of Man by Newland, Kathleen
Slavery Remembered: A Record of Twentieth-Century Slave Narratives by Escott, Paul D.
Colonialism and Change by
Political Anthropology: The State of the Art by
Regulating Business: Law and Consumer Agencies by Cranston, Ross
Controlology: Beyond the New Criminology by Ditton, J. R.
Characters and Commentaries by Strachey, Unknown, Strachey, Lytton
Quality of Working Life in Western and Eastern Europe by Mumford, Enid
The Community Orchestra: A Handbook for Conductors, Managers, and Boards by Unknown, Van Horn, James
The Roseto Story: An Anatomy of Health by Bruhn, John G., Wolf, Stewart
Mother Camp: Female Impersonators in America by Newton, Esther
Freud: The Mind of the Moralist by Rieff, Philip
Social Work Practice: People and Environments: An Ecological Perspective by
Unequal Americans: Practices and Politics of Intergroup Relations by Slawson, John, Unknown, Vosk, Marc
Cross-Cultural Perspectives of Mate-Selection and Marriage by Kurian, George
Family Life in Old Age by
Goethe and the Development of Science 1750-1900 by Wells, G. a.
Sociolinguistic Studies in Language Contact: Methods and Cases by
La Population de l'Irlande by Verrière, Jacques
Europe as a Cultural Area by
Archaeological essays in honor of Irving B. Rouse by
Annual Index to Motion Picture Credits 1978. by Academy of Motion Picture Arts &. Science, Ramsey, Verna, Academy of Motion Picture Arts &. Scienc
The Interpretation of Ordinary Landscapes: Geographical Essays by Meining, D. W., Meinig, D. W.
The Jewish Feminist Movement in Germany: The Campaigns of the Judischer Frauenbund, 1904-1938 by Kaplan, Marion
The Rational Peasant by Popkin, Samuel L.
Urbanization and Urban Growth in the Caribbean: An Essay on Social Change in Dependent Societies by Cross, Malcolm, Cross
Women in Irish Society: The Historical Dimension by Unknown, Mac Curtain, Margaret, O'Corrain, Donnchadh
The American Woman in Transition: The Urban Influence, 1870$1920 by Gibbons Wilson, Margaret, Wilson, Margaret Gibbons, Unknown
The Constitution of Silence: Essays on Generational Themes by Unknown, Rintala, Marvin
The Aesthetic Dimension: Toward a Critique of Marxist Aesthetics by Marcuse, Herbert
The Frontiers of Development Studies by Streeten, Paul
The Ruling Class: A Study of British Finance Capital by Unknown, Aaronovitch, Sam
Claude Debussy: Master of Dreams by Dumesnil, Maurice
The Working Class in the Labour Market by Blackburn, R. M., Mann, Michael
The Working Class in the Labour Market by Mann, Michael, Blackburn, R. M.
American Workingclass Culture: Explorations in American Labor and Social History by Cantor, Milton
A Short History of the Netherlands Antilles and Surinam by Goslinga, Cornelis C.
Afro-American Religious Music: A Bibliography and a Catalogue of Gospel Music by Jackson, Irene V.
Juvenile Delinquency and Its Origins by Richard E., Johnson, Johnson, Richard E., Johnson, Eric Ed
Spatial Inequalities and Regional Development by
Profits from Power: Readings in Protection Rent and Violence-Controlling Enterprises by Lane, Frederick C.
Britain and Latin America 1979: An Annual Review of British-Latin American Relations by Latin America Bureau
Expériences entre groupes by Doise, Willem
Physiological and Morphological Adaptation and Evolution by
Process and Reality by Whitehead, Alfred North
Schooling the Smash Street Kids by Corrigan, Paul
Education, Social Structure and Development: A Comparative Analysis by Williamson, Bill
The Philosophical Foundations of Soviet Aesthetics: Theories and Controversies in the Post-War Years by Swiderski, Edward M.
Development of Societies: The Next Twenty-Five Years: Proceedings of the ISS 25th Anniversary Conference the Hague, December 1977 by
The Role of Systems Methodology in Social Science Research by Cavallo, R.
Nicaragua: Dictatorship and Revolution by Latin America Bureau
Space, Hierarchy and Society: Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Area Analysis by
Violence and Culture in the Antebellum South by Bruce, Dickson D.
Anthropology & Social Change in Rural Areas: The Impact of Agrarian Reform Upon Local Communities by
Life′s Career-Aging: Cultural Variations on Growing Old by
Settlement Types and Settlement Patterns in the West Hallstatt Province by Harke, Heinrich G. H.
Protest and Prejudice: A Study of Belief in the Black Community by Marx, Gary T., Unknown
American Character and Culture in a Changing World: Some Twentieth-Century Perspectives by Unknown, Hague, John A.
Subculture: The Meaning of Style by Hebdige, Dick
Suburban Tokyo: A Comparative Study in Politics and Social Change by Allinson, Gary D.
Ten Thousand Working Days by Schrank, Robert
Counter-Movements in the Sciences: The Sociology of the Alternatives to Big Science by
Philosophical Problems of Statistical Inference: Learning from R.A. Fisher by Seidenfeld, T.
Counter-Movements in the Sciences: The Sociology of the Alternatives to Big Science by
Foreign Immigrants in Early Bourbon Mexico, 1700 1760 by Nunn, Charles F.
The Child in the City (Vol. I): Today and Tomorrow by Levine, Saul, Michelson, William, Michelson, Ellen
The Child in the City (Vol. II): Changes and Challenges by Michelson, William, Spina, Anna-Rose, Levine, Saul
Within the Four Seas: The Dialogue of East and West by Needham, Joseph
From Lordship to Stewardship by Vasallo, Mario
Soziale Ordnungen Im Selbstverständnis Des Mittelalters. 1. Halbbd by
Verse by the Side of the Road: The Story of the Burma-Shave Signs and Jingles by Rowsome, Frank
From Modernization to Modes of Production: A Critique of the Sociologies of Development and Underdevelopment by Taylor, John G.
Central Problems in Social Theory: Action, Structure and Contradiction in Social Analysis by Giddens, Anthony
Usable Knowledge: Social Science and Social Problem Solving by Lindblom, Charles E.
Cogent Communication: Overcoming Reading Overload by Unknown, Yerkey, A. Neil, Bernier, Charles L.
Communication in Africa: A Search for Boundaries by Unknown, Doob, Leonard William
Olmsted South: Old South Critic / New South Planner by Kramer, Victor, White, Dana
Analyzing an Art Museum by Hendon, William
The Sociology of Science: Theoretical and Empirical Investigations by Merton, Robert K.
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