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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Sociology in 1980

Medical Merry-Go-Round by Glasser, Morton
Correspondance de Leonhard Euler Avec A. C. Clairaut, J. d'Alembert Et J. L. Lagrange by Euler, Leonhard
Women and Marriage in Kpelle Society by Bledsoe, Caroline H.
Rituals and Ceremonies in Popular Culture by
Sociological Traditions from Generation to Generation: Glimpses of the American Experience by Riley, Matilda White, Merton, Robert K.
Sociological Traditions from Generation to Generation: Glimpses of the American Experience by Riley, Matilda White, Unknown, Merton, Robert K.
5000 Years of Popular Culture: Popular Culture before Printing by
The American Indians by Spicer, Edward H.
Concepts of Ethnicity by Petersen, William, Novak, Michael, Gleason, Philip
Mit 50 Schon Zum Alten Eisen?: Ältere Mitarbeiter Im Betrieb by Speckner, Günther
Autonomes Handeln ALS Personale Und Gesellschaftliche Aufgabe: Ergebnisse Aus Der Arbeit Des Sonderforschungsbereichs 22 Für Sozialisations- Und Kommu by Ronneberger, Franz
Organisation Und Recht: Organisatorische Bedingungen Des Gesetzesvollzugs by Blankenburg, Erhard
The New Gods: Psyche and Symbol in Popular Art by Schechter, Harold
Bildhaftigkeit Und Organisation: Untersuchungen Zu Einer Differenzierten Organisationshyothese by Wippich, W.
Theorie Und Planung Psychologischer Experimente by Bredenkamp, J.
Life on Television: Content Analyses of U.S. TV Drama by Greenberg, Bradley S.
Life on Television: Content Analyses of U.S. TV Drama by Greenberg, Bradley S.
White Nile Arabs: Political Leadership and Economic Change Volume 53 by Mohamed, Abbas
Current Perspectives in Social Theory by
Pluralismus: Grundlegung Und Diskussion by
Das Politische System Frankreichs: Eine Einführung by Kempf, Udo
Politik, Wirtschaft Und Gesellschaft in Der DDR: Studientexte Für Die Politische Bildung by
Familie Und Soziale Plazierung: Studien Zum Verhältnis Von Familie, Sozialer Mobilität Und Heiratsverhalten an Westfälischen Beispielen Im Späten 18. by Kocka, Jürgen
Politik ALS Gelebte Verfassung: Aktuelle Probleme Des Modernen Verfassungsstaates Festschrift Für Friedrich Schäfer by
Sozialwissenschaften Und Politikberatung: Zur Nutzung Sozialwissenschaftlicher Informationen in Der Ministerialorganisation by Bruder, Wolfgang
Wissenschaft Und Arbeitnehmerinteressen by Stoltenberg, Ute, Lambrecht, Lars, Beiback, Karl-Jürgen
Schichtarbeit ALS Langzeiteinfluß Auf Betriebliche, Private Und Soziale Bezüge by
Vom Nationalismus Zum Umweltschutz: Die Deutsche Gemeinschaft/Aktionsgemeinschaft Unabhängiger Deutscher Im Parteiensystem Der Bundesrepublik by Stöss, Richard
Gewerkschaften Und Öffentlicher Dienst: Zur Entwicklung Der Beamtenpolitik Des Dgb by Ellwein, Thomas
Politikfeld-Analysen 1979: Wissenschaftlicher Kongreß Der Dvpw 1.-5. Oktober 1979 in Der Universität Augsburg by
Politische Ungleichheit: Ein Acht-Nationen-Vergleich by Allerbeck, Klaus
The Politics of Ethnicity by Higham, John, Walzer, Michael, Kantowicz, Edward T.
Arbeitsmarkt Und Arbeitslosigkeit by Brandes, W., Weise, P.
Alternative Medienarbeit: Videogruppen in Der Bundesrepublik by
Rechtsextremismus in Der Bundesrepublik: Die "Alte", Die "Neue" Rechte Und Der Neonazismus by Sattler, Martin, Höffken, Heinz-Werner
Politik Im Dickicht Der Bürokratie: Beiträge Zur Implementationsforschung by
Frau -- Sein: Genetische Disposition Und Gesellschaftliche Prägung by Meyer, Heinz
Zur Theorie Der Sozialen Interaktionsmedien by
The Intellectual Roots of Independence by
Jugend in Der Gegenwartsgesellschaft by Schäfers, Bernhard
Leibniz Und Die Neuhumanistische Theorie Der Bildung Des Menschen: 247. Sitzung Am 19. März 1980 in Düsseldorf by Menze, Clemens
Deutsche Politik in Polen 1939-1945: 1939 - 1945; Aus D. Diensttagebuch Von Hans Frank, Generalgouverneur in Polen by Frank, Hans
Wirtschaft: Aktuelle Probleme Des Wachstums Und Der Konjunktur by Czada, Peter
Wahl '80: Die Bundestagswahl Parteien - Wähler - Wahlverfahren by Woyke, Wichard, Andersen, Uwe
Stichwort: Wahlen: Ein Ratgeber Für Wähler, Wahlhelfer Und Kandidaten by Woyke, Wichard
Zum Verhältnis Von Bild Und Text in Der Renaissance: 235. Sitzung Am 20. Dezember 1978 in Düsseldorf by Kauffmann, Georg
Immigration by Easterlin, Richard a., Ward, David, Bernard, William S.
Polizei-Alltag: Strategien, Ziele Und Strukturen Polizeilichen Handelns by Girtler, Roland
Kleines Wörterbuch Der Marxistisch-Leninistischen Philosophie by Buhr, Manfred, Kosing, Alfred
Politik in Einer Neuen Großstadt: Entscheidungen Im Spannungsfeld Von City Und Stadtbezirken by Kevenhörster, Paul
The View from Goffman by
Buddhist Revival in India: Aspects of the Sociology of Buddhism by Ling, Trevor
The Arab Executive by Staff, Muna
Graham Wallas and the Great Society by Qualter, Terence H.
New Directions in Public Health Care: A Prescription for the 1980's by Lindsay, Cotton M.
Wissenssoziologie by Stehr, Nico
Kommunale Medienarbeit by Schwitajewski-Schürkmann, Eduard
Housing: Federal Policies by Weicher, John C.
Post Revolutionary Society by Sweezy, Paul M.
Anthropology by
Compendium of General Sociology by Pareto, Vilfredo
New Roots for Agriculture by Jackson, Wes
The Long Thirst: Prohibition in America, 1920-1933 by Coffey, Thomas M.
From Rationality to Liberation: The Evolution of Feminist Ideology by Sabrosky, J., Sabrosky, Judith A.
History of Sociological Thought by
Personal Politics: The Roots of Women's Liberation in the Civil Rights Movement and the New Left by Evans, Sara
Methods for the Social Sciences: A Handbook for Students and Non-Specialists by Hartman, John J., Hedblom, Jack H.
Geometrische Modelle Zur Analyse Empirischer Daten by Hartmann, Wolfgang
Programmed to Learn: An Essay on the Evolution of Culture by Dunford, Christopher, Pulliam, H.
Stress and Old Age by Watson, Wilbur
Outlines of Sociology by Gumplowicz, Ludwig
Achtzehnjährige -- Zwischen Reaktion Und Rebellion: Politische Einstellungen Und Aktivitäten Jugendlicher in Der Bundesrepublik by Jaide, Walter
Das Kuratorium Unteilbares Deutschland: Aufbau Programmatik Wirkung by Kreuz, Leo
Outlines of Sociology by Gumplowicz, Ludwig
Friendly Intruders: Childcare Professionals and Family Life by Joffe, Carole E.
Die Debatte Über Den Kalten Krieg: Politische Konjunkturen -- Historisch-Politische Analysen by Wolffsohn, Michael
Administered Politics: Elite Political Culture in Sweden by Anton, T. J.
Parteien Und Demokratie: Eine Soziologische Analyse Paradigmatischer Ansätze Der Parteienforschung by Wiesendahl, Elmar
Economic Information, Decision, and Prediction: Selected Essays: Volume II by Marschak, M.
Naturalism and Social Science by Thomas, David
Popular Recreations in English Society 1700 1850 by Malcolmson, Robert W., Malcolmson, Malcolm
Such a Pretty Face: Being Fat in America by Millman, Marcia
Soziale Ordnungen Im Selbstverstandnis Des Mittelalters. 2. Halbbd by
Peasants, Primitives, and Proletariats by
Spirits, Shamans, and Stars by
Society and Democracy in Germany: Translation of Gesellschaft Und Demokratie in Deutschland by Dahrendorf, Ralf, Unknown
The Growth of the Church in Buganda: An Attempt at Understanding by Taylor, John Vernon, Lsi
Speech and Speech Disorders in Western Thought Before 1600. by O'Neill, Ynez Viole, Viole O. Neill, Ynez
The Rules of Disorder by Marsh, Peter, Rosser, Elizabeth, Harre, Rom
The Father-Infant Relationship: Observational Studies in the Family Setting by
The Black Extended Family by Martin, Elmer P.
The People of the Plain by Gilmore, David
East Asian Medicine in Urban Japan: Varieties of Medical Experience by Lock, Margaret M.
British Historical Facts, 1760-1830 by Cook, C., Stevenson, J.
British Historical Facts, 1760-1830 by Stevenson, J., Cook, C.
Middle Range Theory and the Study of Organizations by
Instrumental Reasoning and Systems Methodology: An Epistemology of the Applied and Social Sciences by Mattessich, Richard
Queen Elizabeth and the Revolt of the Netherlands by Wilson, Charles
The Tragedy of Enlightenment: An Essay on the Frankfurt School by Paul, Connerton, Connerton, Paul
Uruguay: Generals Rule by Pearce, Jenny
Business and Government in the Oil Industry: A Case Study of Sun Oil, 1876-1945 Volume 5 by Giebelhaus, August W.
The Pillars of the Post: The Making of a News Empire in Washington by Bray, Howard
The Dangerous Journey: Symbolic Aspects of Boy's Initiation Among the Wagenia of Kisangani, Zaire by Droogers, André
The Sociology of Race Relations by
Selected Writings of Alexandra Kollontai by Kollontai, A., Kollontai, Alexandra M., Kollanta
You Gotta Deal with It: Black Family Relations in a Southern Community by Kennedy, Theodore
Margaret Fuller's Woman in the Nineteenth Century: A Literary Study of Form and Content, of Sources and Influence by Urbanski, Marie Mitchell Olesen
People Studying People: The Human Element in Fieldwork by Jones, Michael O., Georges, Robert A.
Elites in the Middle East by
Town Into City: Springfield, Massachusetts, and the Meaning of Community, 1840-1880 by Frisch, Michael H.
American Kinship: A Cultural Account by Schneider, David M.
Index to International Public Opinion, 1978-1979 by Hastings, Philip K., Survey Research Consultants Internation, Survey Research Consultants Internationa
The Savoy Label: A Discography by Ruppli, Michel
The Prestige Label: A Discography by Permut, Steven
George Frederick Cooke: Machiavel of the Stage by Wilmeth, Don B.
The View from Goffman by
The Turbulent Era: Riot and Disorder in Jacksonian America by Feldberg, Michael
To Change China: Western Advisers in China by Spence, Jonathan D.
Economic--Environmental--Energy Interactions: Modeling and Policy Analysis by
Le rôle des traditions dans le développement de l'Afrique / The role of traditions in the development of Africa / Die Rolle der Traditionen für die En by
Orthodoxie religieuse et sciences humaines by Deconchy, Jean-Pierre
Wheeling and Dealing: Confessions of a Capitol Hill Operator by Baker, Bobby, Baker, Robert Gene
Brazil's Developing Northeast: A Study of Regional Planning and Foreign Aid by Robock, Stefan Hyman, Unknown
Social Engineering in the Philippines: The Aims, Execution, and Impact of American Colonial Policy, 1900-1913 by May, Glenn Anthony
Education and the Social Order by Russell, Bertrand
Close-Up: How to Read the American City by Clay, Grady
The Southern Common People: Studies in Nineteenth-Century Social History by Unknown
North American Social Report: A Comparative Study of the Quality of Life in Canada and the USA from 1964 to 1974.Vol. 1: Foundations, Population and by Michalos, Alex C.
Population Growth and Urban Systems Development: A Case Study by Van Der Knapp, G. a.
Environment and Culture by
Measurement in the Social Sciences: The Link Between Theory and Data by Zeller, Carmines, Edward G., Zeller, Richard a.
The Economics of Individual and Population Aging by Clark, Robert Louis, Spengler, Joseph J.
The Battered Woman by Walker, Lenore E.
Black Artists in the United States: An Annotated Bibliography of Books, Articles, and Dissertations on Black Artists, 1779-1979 by Davis, Lenwood G., Sims, Janet L.
The Divided Metropolis: Social and Spatial Dimensions of Philadelphia, 1800-1975 by Gillette, Howard, Cutler, William W., III
Electricity for Rural America: The Fight for the Rea by Brown, D. Clayton, Brown, Deward Clayton
Promise and Performance: Choosing and Implementing an Environmental Policy by Marcus, Alfred Allen
Urban Village: Population, Community, and Family Structure in Germantown, Pennsylvania, 1683-1800 by Wolf, Stephanie G.
The Private Worlds of Dying Children by Bluebond-Langner, Myra
Power and Democracy in America by Miller, Delbert C., Dahl, Robert Alan, Drucker, Peter F.
The Western Isles Today by Ennew, Judith
China and the Overseas Chinese: A Study of Peking's Changing Policy: 1949-1970 by Fitzgerald, John, Fitzgerald, Stephen
Tazlar: A Village in Hungary by Hann, C. M., Hann
Action and Interpretation: Studies in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences by Hookway, Christopher
Politics as Rational Action: Essays in Public Choice and Policy Analysis by
Long Engagements: Maturity in Modern Japan by Plath, David
A Common Spring: Crime Novel and Classic by Aisenberg, Nadya
Translating Neruda: The Way to Macchu Picchu by Felstiner, John
Humangenetik: Fragen Und Antworten by Zankl, Heinrich
The basic-needs approach to development. Some issues regarding conceptds and methodology by Khan, A. R., Lee and Al, E. L. H., Ghai, D. P.
America and Ireland, 1776-1976: The American Identity and the Irish Connection by Howard, Con, Doyle, David Noel, Edwards, Owen Dudley
God Has Many Names: Britain's New Religious Pluralism by Hick, John
Being and Becoming Old by
The Gentle Art of Murder: The Detective Fiction of Agatha Christie by Bargainnier, Earl F.
The Agatha Christie Companion by Fitzgibbon, Russell H.
Symbolic Crusade: Status Politics and the American Temperance Movement by Gusfield, Joseph R., Unknown
Freedom in the Air: Song Movements of the Sixties by Unknown, Dunson, Josh
Sex, Diet, and Debility in Jacksonian America: Sylvester Graham and Health Reform by Nissenbaum, Stephen
The Mansions and the Shanties [Sobrados E Mucambos]: The Making of Modern Brazil by Freyre, Gilberto, de Onis, Harriet
Behind Every Successful Man: Wives of Medicine and Academe by Fowlkes, Martha
The Development of Sociomoral Knowledge: A Cognitive-Structural Approach by Rosen, Hugh
Sports Violence: The Interaction Between Private Lawmaking and the Criminal Law by Horrow, Richard B.
An Introduction to Catastrophe Theory by Saunders, Peter Timothy, Saunders, P. T., Peter Timothy, Saunders
Sport in Soviet Society: Development of Sport and Physical Education in Russia and the USSR by Riordan, James, Riordan, J.
Sociological Explanation as Translation by Turner, David, Stephen P., Turner, Turner, Stephen P.
An Introduction to Catastrophe Theory by Saunders, Peter Timothy, Saunders, P. T.
Europe and Latin America 1980: An Annual Review of European-Latin American Relations by Latin America Bureau
Russian Foreign Policy Beyond Putin by Rumer, Eugene B.
Theory and Practice by
Beyond Conformity. by White, Winston, Unknown
Ethiopian Music, an Introduction: A Survey of Ecclesiastical and Secular Ethiopian Music and Instruments by Unknown, Powne, Michael
Scholarship and Partisanship: Essays on Max Weber by Bendix, Reinhard, Roth, Guenther
War and Society: The United States, 1941-1945 by Polenberg, Richard, Unknown
Composer's Point of View: Essays on Twentieth-Century Choral Music by Those Who Wrote It by Hines, Robert Stephan
Advice Among Masters: The Ideal in Slave Management in the Old South by Breeden, James
Women in American Religion by
The Concept of a Legal System: An Introduction to the Theory of the Legal System by Raz, Joseph
The Peasant and the Raj: Studies in Agrarian Society and Peasant Rebellion in Colonial India by Stokes, Eric, Stokes, E. T.
Marriage and Adoption in China, 1845-1945 by Huang, Chieh-Shan, Wolf, Arthur
Advances in Applied Social Psychology: Volume 1 by
Deep Like the Rivers: Education in the Slave Quarter Community, 1831-1865 by Webber, Thomas
Discriminant Analysis by Klecka, William R.
Log-Linear Models by Knoke, David
Interrupted Time Series Analysis by McCleary, Richard, McDowall, David
Blues People: Negro Music in White America by Baraka, Amiri
Why War? Ideology, Theory, and History by Nelson, Keith L., Olin, Spencer C.
Greek Theatre Practice by Walton, J. Michael
Community Power Succession: Atlanta's Policy Makers Revisited by Hunter, Floyd
Northern Ireland: A Psychological Analysis by Heskin, Ken
A Geo-Bibliography of Anomalies: Primary Access to Observations of UFOs, Ghosts, and Other Mysterious Phenomena by Eberhart, George M.
Modern Egypt: Studies in Politics and Society by
Science, Pseudo-Science and Society by Weyant, Robert, Hanen, Marsha, Osler, Margaret
Molecular Structures and Dimensions Volume 11: Bibliography 1978-79: Organic and Organometallic Crystal Structures by
North American Social Report: A Comparative Study of the Quality of Life in Canada and the USA from 1964 to 1974 by Michalos, Alex C.
Paraguay, Power Game by Latin America Bureau
Democracy in Plural Societies: A Comparative Exploration by Lijphart, Arend
Survival Models and Data Analysis by Elandt-Johnson, Regina C., Johnson, Norman L.
Charles Booth, Social Scientist. by Booth, Charles, Simey, Thomas Spensley, Simey, T. S.
Social Science Research and Decision-Making by Weiss, Carol, Bucuvalas, Michael
The Belief in a Just World: A Fundamental Delusion by Lerner, Melvin
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