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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Sociology in 1981

Long Transition by Resnick, Idrian N.
And the Poor Get Children: Radical Perspectives on Population Dynamics by Michaelson, Karen L.
Long Transition by Resnick, Idrian N.
Ten Women of Mystery by
Capital Multinacional, Estados Nacionales Y Comunidades Locales by Castells, Manuel
Karl Marx / Friedrich Engels: Briefwechsel, Januar 1849 Bis Dezember 1850 by Marx, Karl, Engels, Friedrich
Symbols of Change: Urban Transition in a Zambian Community by Unknown, Jules-Rosette, Bennetta
Like Fathers, Like Sons: Portraits of Initmacy and Strain by Unknown, Cottle, Thomas J.
The New Sciences Organizations: A Reconceptualization of the Wealth of Nations by Guerreiro Ramos, Alberto
Dependency Road: Communications, Capitalism, Consciousness, and Canada by Smythe, Dallas
Wohnungspolitik Am Ende?: Analysen Und Perspektiven by Inst Wohnen U. Umwelt, Na
Das Orwellsche Jahrzehnt Und Die Zukunft Der Wissenschaft: Hochschultage Der Freien Universität Berlin 1980 by Greiff
Soziologie in Weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Festschrift Für René König Zum 75. Geburtstag by Thurn, Hans Peter, Alemann, Heine V.
The Petite Bourgeoisie: Comparative Studies of the Uneasy Stratum by
Ma' Betisek Concepts of Living Things: Volume 54 by Karim, Wazir-Jahan
Twentieth-Century Popular Culture in Museums and Libraries by Schroeder, Fred E. H.
Schulfernsehen Und Soziales Lernen: Begleituntersuchung Zur Schulfernsehserie "Auf Dem Spielplatz" by
Politische Kultur Der Bundesrepublik by Reichel, Peter
Reformkonjunkturen Und Politisches Krisenmanagement by Ruß-Mohl, Stephan
Politische Soziologie: Zur Geschichte Und Ortsbestimmung by
Verbände Und Staat: Vom Pluralismus Zum Korporatismus. Analysen, Positionen, Dokumente by Alemann
Legitimitätstheorien Und Die Dynamik Kollektiver Einstellungen: Probleme Der Verknüpfung Von Theorie Und Empirie by Thome, Helmut
Soziologie in Deutschland Und Österreich 1918-1945: Materialien Zur Entwicklung, Emigration Und Wirkungsgeschichte by Lepsius, Mario Rainer
Das Werk Max Webers in Der Marxistischen Rezeption Und Kritik by Weiß, Johannes
Einführung in Das Studium Der Soziologie by Matthes, Joachim
Sociology of Organizations by
Kulturpolitik in Düsseldorf: Situation Und Neubeginn Nach 1945 by Horn, Wolfgang
Zum Literaturbegriff in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Hintzenberg, Dagmar
Einführung in Die Deutsche Literatur Des 12. Bis 16. Jahrhunderts: Bürgertum Und Fürstenstaat -- 15./16. Jahrhundert by Frey, Winfried, Raitz, Walter
Zwei Staaten in Deutschland: Die Sozialliberale Deutschlandpolitik Und Ihre Auswirkungen 1969-1978 by Roth, Margit
Evangelische Theologie VOR Dem Staatsproblem: 256. Sitzung Am 18. März 1981 in Düsseldorf by Honecker, Martin
Fernsehen -- Genau Betrachtet: Sequenzanalysen Von Auslandsberichten: Methoden Zur Analyse Der Politischen Berichterstattung Von Ard Und Zdf Über Die by Ritscher, Hans
Literaturführer: Parlamentarische Demokratie: Pluralismustheorie -- Politisches System Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland -- Parlamentarismus -- Wahlen -- by Jesse, Eckhard
Emanzipatorische Familienarbeit: Zur Einheit Von Wegen Und Zielen -- Theoretische Und Empirische Ergebnisse by Keil, Siegfried
Hörfunk-Information: Hinter Den Kulissen Des Schnellsten Nachrichtenmediums by Arnold, Bernd-Peter
Jugendschutz in Der Jugendhilfe: Eine Arbeits- Und Planungshilfe Für Die Örtliche PRAXIS by Tillmann, Bertold
Georg Forsters Werke, BAND 15, Briefe Juli 1787-1789 by
Demographische Wirkungen Städtebaulicher Maßnahmen: Ein Verfahren Zur Kleinräumlichen Bevölkerungsprognose Auf Der Grundlage Der Wohnungsbelegung by Kreibich, Volker
Informationsverhalten Des Konsumenten: Ergebnisse Empirischer Studien by
Unfall-Vorkommen Und Unfall-Verhütung Beim Gebrauch Von Heimsportgeräten by Compes, Peter C.
Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungsinstitute: Personalstruktur, Forschungsprojekte Und Spezialisierung Der Sozialforschung by Von Alemann, Heine
Die Entstehung Sozialer Normen by Eichner, Klaus
Lebenslaufanalysen by Schmidtchen, Gerhard, Loparo, Kenneth A., Jäger, Herbert
Secret Incomes of the Soviet State Budget by Birman, Igor
International Mortality Statistics by Alderson, Michael
Measurement in Public Choice by Strom, S.
Urban Poverty and Economic Development: A Case Study of Costa Rica by Herrick, Bruce, Hudson, Barclay
Proto Otomanguean Kinship by Merrifield, William R.
Van Vollenhoven on Indonesian Adat Law by Sonius, H. W. J., Holleman, J. F., Vollenhoven, Cornelis Van
Russian Studies of Japan: An Exploratory Survey by Kirby, E. Stuart
English for Cross-Cultural Communication by
Alltagswissen, Interaktion Und Gesellschaftliche Wirklichkeit by Arbeitsgruppe Bielefelder Soziologen
Criminology in Africa (2nd Edition) by
Studium Und Beruf by Sube-Schindler, Susanne, Laatz, Wilfried, Friebel, Harry
Verbändepolitik und "Neokorporatismus: Zur politischen Soziologie organisierter Interessen by Heinze, Rolf G.
Equality, the Third World, and Economic Delusion by Bauer, P. T.
Teachers, Writers, Celebrities: The Intellectuals of Modern France by Debray, Regis
Fundamentals of Strategic Weapons: Offense and Defense Systems by Constant, James N.
Appalachia / America by
United States Relations with Mexico: Context and Content by Ross, Stanley R., Erb, Richard D.
The Fallen Angel: Chastity, Class and Women's Reading, 1835-1880 by Mitchell, Sally
Popular French Romanticism: Authors, Readers, and Books in the Nineteenth Century by Allen, James
Form and the Art of Theatre by Campbell, Paul Newell
Capital & Labour in South Africa by Du Toit, D.
Kultur Und Ethnos: Zur Kritik Der Bürgerlichen Auffassungen Über Die Rolle Der Kultur in Geschichte Und Gesellschaft by
Homo Hierarchicus: The Caste System and Its Implications by Dumont, Louis
Parda: A Study of Muslim Women's Life in Northern India by Vreede-de Stuers, Cora, Lsi
Corruption and Its Control in Hong Kong: Situations Up to the Late Seventies by Lee, Rance P. L., Cheung, Tak-Sing
Eat Not This Flesh: Food Avoidances in the Old World by Simoons, Frederick J.
The Highway and the City. by Mumford, Lewis
Chinese Dialectology: A Selected and Classified Bibliography by Yang, Paul Fu
Social Judgment: Assimilation and Contrast Effects in Communication and Attitude Change by Sherif, Muzafer
Lectures on the Relation Between Law and Public Opinion in England During the Nineteenth Century by Dicey, Albert Venn
DDR Und Osteuropa: Wirtschaftssystem, Wirtschaftspolitik, Lebensstandard. Ein Handbuch by Bethkenhagen, Jochen
Demokratie Und Planung Im Industriebetrieb Der DDR: Theorie Und PRAXIS by Eckhardt, Karl-Heinz
Birth Control and Controlling Birth: Women-Centered Perspectives by Gross, Michael, Holmes, Helen B., Hoskins, Betty B.
Birth Control and Controlling Birth: Women-Centered Perspectives by Hoskins, Betty B., Gross, Michael, Holmes, Helen B.
Understanding and Prediction: Essays in the Methodology of Social and Behavioural Theories by Nowak, S.
Epistemological and Social Problems of the Sciences in the Early Nineteenth Century by
Die Bundesrepublik in Den Siebziger Jahren: Versuch Einer Bilanz by
Economic Information, Decision, and Prediction: Selected Essays: Volume III by Marschak, M.
Latin American Urbanization by Butterworth, Douglas, Butterworth, Chance, John K.
Population Growth and Agrarian Change: An Historical Perspective by Grigg, David B., Grigg, D. B.
Sexually Victimized Children by Finkelhor, David
Portraying the President: The White House and the News Media by Grossman, Michael, Kumar, Martha Joynt
The Politics of Population in Brazil: Elite Ambivalence and Public Demand by McDonough, Peter
The Evolution of Human Sexuality by Symons, Donald
Economic and Social History of Ancient Greece by Vidal-Naquet, P., Austin, M. M.
An Ordered Love: Sex Roles and Sexuality in Victorian Utopias--The Shakers, the Mormons, and the Oneida Community by Kern, Louis J.
Elements of Social Organization. by Firth, Raymond William, Unknown
An Introduction to Causal Analysis in Sociology by Birnbaum, Ian
Talking Cure by
The Art of Warfare in the Age of Napoleon by Rothenberg, Gunther E.
The Crisis in Sociology: Problems of Sociological Epistemology by Boudon, Raymond, Davis, Howard H.
The Microelectronics Revolution by
English Cathedral Music. by Fellowes, Edmund Horace, Westrup, Jack Allan, Unknown
Man and Environment in South-West Ireland, 4000 B.C.-A.D. 800: A Study of Man's Impact on the Development of Soil and Vegetation by Lynch, Ann
The Ring of Dancers: Images of Faroese Culture by Margolin, David, Wylie, Jonathan
Die Repräsentative Demokratie: Ideen Und Interessen by Röhrich, Wilfried
Einführung in Die Außenpolitik Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Eine Systematisch-Theoretische Grundlegung by
The Washington Reporters by Hess, Stephen
Outsiders in a Hearing World: A Sociology of Deafness by Higgins, Paul C.
The Language of American Popular Entertainment: A Glossary of Argot, Slang, and Terminology by Wilmeth, Don B.
The World of Black Singles: Changing Patterns of Male/Female Relations by Staples, Robert
Index to International Public Opinion, 1979-1980 by Hastings, Philip K.
A Primer of Playwriting by Macgowan, Kenneth, Unknown
Regulatory Politics and Electric Utilities: A Case Study in Political Economy by Anderson, Douglas D.
For Better or Worse: The American Influence in the World by Davis, Allen Freeman, Lsi
The Fast Track: Texans and Other Strivers by Lemann, Nicholas
England in Der Krise: Grundzüge Und Grundlagen Der Britischen Appeasement-Politik (1930-1937) by
Gene Function: E. Coli and Its Heritable Elements by Glass, Robert E.
Popular Culture: Past and Present by
The Nature of Special Education by
Influence of Business Firms on the Government: An Investigation of the Distribution of Influence in Society by Braam, Geert P. a.
Urban Social Structure by Unknown
The Petite Bourgeoisie: Comparative Studies of the Uneasy Stratum by
Theories of Authorship by Caughie, John
Steppin' Out: New York Nightlife and the Transformation of American Culture, 1890-1930 by Walker, Robert, Erenberg, Lewis A.
The Chivalrous Society by Duby, Georges
Bibliography of Black Music, Volume 1: Reference Materials by De Lerma, Dominique-Rene
A Social History of American Family Sociology, 1865-1940 by Mogey, John, Howard, Ronald L., Van Leeuwen, Louis
Condominiums: The Effects of Conversion on a Community by Dinkelspiel, John R., Selesnick, Herbert, Uchenick, Joel L.
Space and Incongruence: The Origin of Kant's Idealism by Buroker, J. V.
Religion and Fertility: Arab Christian-Muslim Differentials by Chamie, Chamie, Joseph
The Environment of Man: the Iron Age to the Anglo-Saxon Period by
Contemporary Theories in the Sociology of Education by Demaine, Jack
Doing Feminist Research by
Reasoned Argument in Social Science: Linking Research to Policy by Meehan, Eugene J.
Human Groups and Social Categories: Studies in Social Psychology by Henri, Tajfel, Tajfel, Henri
Beachside Comprehensive: A Case-Study of Secondary Schooling by Ball, S., Ball, Stephen J.
Social Situations by Argyle, Michael
Owners Versus Players: Baseball and Collective Bargaining by Dworkin, James B.
The Great Chain of Being and Italian Phenomenology by
North American Social Report: A Comparative Study of the Quality of Life in Canada and the USA from 1964 to 1974 by Michalos, Alex C.
The South and Film by
L'opinion publique by Padioleau, Jean
Regional Studies for Planning and Projecting by
The Nonviolent Alternative by Merton, Thomas
The Concept of Ideology and Political Analysis: A Critical Examination of Its Usage by Marx, Lenin, and Mannheim by Carlsnaes, Walter
Custer Legends by Frost, Lawrence
Sport and Work by Rigauer, Bero
Forty-Eight Days Adrift by Barbour, Captain Job
Conviction: The Law, the State and the Construction of Justice by McBarnet, D.
Sport and Society in Modern France by Holt, Richard
Men at Midlife by Rosenberg, Stanley, Farrell, Michael
Poverty in America: The Welfare Dilemma by Segalman, Ralph, Basu, Asoke
English for Cross-Cultural Communication by
Sciences and Cultures: Anthropological and Historical Studies of the Sciences by
Sciences and Cultures: Anthropological and Historical Studies of the Sciences by
Is Science Sexist?: And Other Problems in the Biomedical Sciences by Ruse, M.
Is Science Sexist?: And Other Problems in the Biomedical Sciences by Ruse, M.
Power, Property and Corporatism: The Political Sociology of Planning by Simmie, J. M.
Multilateral Diplomacy within the Commonwealth by Papadopoulos, A. N.
The Population of the South: Structure and Change in Social Demographic Context by
The Sociology of Industry by Brown, Richard, Child, John, Parker, S. R.
If All We Did Was Weep at Home: A History of White Working-Class Women in America by Kennedy, Susan Estabrook
Psyche and Society: Explorations in Psychoanalytic Sociology by Endleman, Robert
Boosters and Businessmen: Popular Economic Thought and Urban Growth in the Antebellum Middle West by Unknown, Abbott, Carl
Longitudinal Research: Methods and Uses in Behavioral Science by
Contemporary Italian Sociology: A Reader by Pinto, Diana
The Rites of Rulers: Ritual in Industrial Society - The Soviet Case by Christel, Lane, Lane, Christel, Lane
To Disembark by Brooks, Gwendolyn
Polarized Development and Regional Policies by
Needs Assessment: A Model for Community Planning by Neuber, Keith A.
Unidimensional Scaling by Carmines, Edward G.
Magnitude Scaling: Quantitative Measurement of Opinions by Lodge, Milton
A Child's Parent Dies: Studies in Childhood Bereavement by Furman, Erna
Roman Social Relations, 50 B.C. to A.D. 284 by MacMullen, Ramsay
Themes of Work and Love in Adulthood by
The City of the Sun: A Poetical Dialogue (La Città del Sole: Dialogo Poetico) Volume 2 by Campanella, Tommaso
The Urban Community: Housing and Planning in the Progressive Era by Lubove, Roy
An Annotated Glossary of Arabic Musical Terms. by Faruqi Elzein, Anmar, Faruqi, Hawazin, Al Faruqi, Lois Ibsen
Guillaume Postel: Prophet of the Restitution of All Things His Life and Thought by Kuntz, M. L.
Science and Society: Studies in the Sociology of Science by Agassi, J.
Social Justice by
The Making of Blind Men by Scott, Robert A.
Environment, Transportation, and Housing: A Comparative Study of the Quality of Life in Canada and the USA from 1964 to 1974. Vol. 4: Environment, Tra by Michalos, Alex C.
Neighborhoods and Urban Development by Downs, Anthony
The Study of the State by
Hope for the Families by Perske, Robert
Inventing Australia by White, Richard
Anwendungsorientierte Multidimensionale Skalierung by Borg, I.
The Theories of Talcott Parsons: The Social Relations of Action by Savage, Stephen P.
Ideology and Image by Nichols, Bill
Introduction to Multidimensional Scaling: Theory, Methods and Applications by Schiffman, Susan S., Reynolds, M. Lance, Young, Forrest W.
The Idea of a Critical Theory: Habermas and the Frankfurt School by Geuss, Raymond
The Social Basis of Scientific Discoveries by Brannigan, Augustine, Brannigan, A.
The Ethnic Revival by Smith, Anthony D., Smith, A. D.
Folksingers and Folksongs in America: A Handbook of Biography, Bibliography, and Discography by Lawless, Ray McKinley
Seven Theories of Human Society by Campbell, Tom
Community Organization for Urban Social Change: A Historical Perspective by Romanofsky, Helen, Romanofsky, Peter, Fisher, Robert
Critical Issues in Medical Technology by Unknown
Manufacturing Green Gold: Capital, Labor, and Technology in the Lettuce Industry by Thomas, Robert J., Friedland, William H., Barton, Amy E.
Creating a Dialectical Social Science: Concepts, Methods, and Models by Mitroff, I. I., Mason, R. O.
Human Spirits: A Cultural Account of Trance in Mayotte by Lambek, Michael
Another Dimension to the Black Diaspora: Diet, Disease and Racism by Kiple, Kenneth F., King, Virginia H.
Handwörterbuch Zur Politischen Kultur Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Ein Lehr- Und Nachschlagewerk by Greiffenhagen, Sylvia
Krisen, Staatsstreiche Und Revolutionen: Theorien, Daten Und Neuere Forschungsansätze by
Otto Selz: His Contribution to Psychology by
El Mito del Canibalismo.Antropologia y Antropofagia by Arens, W.
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