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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Sociology in 1982

Reading Lists by Economics, Union Radical
Under the Eagle: United States Intervention in Central America and the Caribbean by Pearce, Jenny
Outbreaks: The Sociology of Collective Behavior by Rose, Jerry D.
Albums of James Tissot by Misfeldt, Willard
Ananda: Where Yoga Lives by Ball, John
Sozialarbeit ALS Sozialplanung by
Das Panel: Zur Analyse Von Verhaltens- Und Einstellungswandel by Hansen, Jochen
Sicherheit Und Militär: Genese, Struktur Und Wandel Von Meinungsbildern in Militär Und Gesellschaft. Ergebnisse Und Analyseansätze Im Internat by Zoll, Ralf
Alcohol, Science and Society Revisited by
Sub-Saharan Africa by Allen, Chris
Pañji, the Culture Hero: A Structural Study of Religion in Java by Rassers, W. H.
Das Verhältnis Von Partei Und Staat Im Sowjetsystem: 266.Sitzung Am 21. April 1982 in Düsseldorf by Meissner, Boris
Ehe Und Familie by Mühlfeld, Claus
Revolution Und Die Transformation Von Gesellschaften: Eine Vergleichende Untersuchung Verschiedener Kulturen by Aizensh Tad&#7789, Shemuʼel Noaḥ
Liberalismus Und Arbeitende Klassen: Zur Gesellschaftstheorie John Stuart Mills by Bartsch, Volker
Besatzungsmacht Und Gewerkschaften: Zur Entwicklung Und Anwendung Der Us-Gewerkschaftspolitik in Deutschland 1944-1948 by Fichter, Michael
Dimensionen Und Determinanten Der Freizeit: Eine Bestandsaufnahme Der Sozialwissenschaftlichen Freizeitforschung by Giegler, Helmut
Rechtsformen Der Verflechtung Von Staat Und Wirtschaft by Gessner, Volkmar
Lebensbedingungen Behinderter Im Sozialstaat by
Arbeitszufriedenheit: Ein Interessiertes Mißverständnis by Meyer, Wolf-Hartwig
Bürger Und Parteien: Ansichten Und Analysen Einer Schwierigen Beziehung by Raschke, Joachim
Anpassung an Den Ruhestand: Ein Empirischer Beitrag Zur Alternsforschung by Priemer, Werner
Theorie Und Forschung: Zur Paradigmatischen Struktur Der Westdeutschen Soziologie Und Zu Ihrem Einfluß Auf Die Forschung by Sahner, Heinz
Strukturformen Und Funktionsleistungen Sozialer Systeme: Ein Soziologisches Paradigma by
Materialien Zur Industriesoziologie by Schmidt, Gert
Die Neue Soziale Frage: Zum Soziologischen Gehalt Eines Sozialpolitischen Konzeptes by
Prejudice by Fredrickson, George M., Knobel, Dale T., Pettigrew, Thomas F.
Rundfunkpolitik in Der Bundesrepublik: Der Kampf Um Die Macht Über Hörfunk Und Fernsehen by Kleinsteuber, Hans J.
Frankreich: Grundwissen-Länderkunde Wirtschaft -- Gesellschaft -- Politik by Menyesch, Dieter
Die Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung Der Psychologen II: Die Diskussion in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by
Das Akademische Kunstmuseum Der Universität Bonn by Ehrhardt, Wolfgang
Der Bundestag: Eine Darstellung Seiner Aufgaben Und Seiner Arbeitsweise by Schäfer, Friedrich
Einführung in Die Deutsche Literatur Des 19. Jahrhunderts: Restaurationszeit (1815-1848) by Jansen, Josef
Der Ministerrat Der DDR: Aufgaben, Arbeitsweise Und Struktur Der Anderen Deutschen Regierung by Lapp, Peter Joachim
Neue Soziale Bewegungen by Brand, Karl-Werner
Zeit Für Veränderungen: Zur Bedeutung Des Zeitfaktors Bei Geplanten Veränderungen Im Staatlichen Schulsystem by Briese, Volker, Heitmeyer, Wilhelm
Bildungsauftrag Und Berufspraxis: Festschrift Zum Dreißigjährigen Bestehen Der Gesellschaft Der Freunde Und Förderer Der Hochschule Für Wirtschaft Und by Aust, Norbert
Ökologie und soziale Arbeit by Wendt, Wolf R.
Critical Essays in Appalachian Life and Culture by
Allokationsbedingungen Im Arbeitsmarkt: Das Beispiel Des Arbeitsmarktes Für Angestelltenberufe Im Kaiserreich, 1880 - 1913 by Pierenkemper, Toni
Konzentration Von Arbeitern Und Ausländern in Großstadtinnenstädten Am Beispiel Der Stadt Köln: Ansatzpunkte Für Maßnahmen Zur Vermeidung Einseitiger by Langkau-Herrmann, Monika
Politics of Us Labor by Milton, David
Soziale Probleme Und Soziale Kontrolle: Neue Empirische Forschungen, Bestandsaufnahmen Und Kritische Analysen by
Elementare Soziologie by Conrad, Wolfgang, Streeck, Wolfgang
Theorie Sozialen Wandels by Schmid, Michael
Einführung in Die Deutsche Literatur Des 12. Bis 16. Jahrhunderts: Patriziat Und Landesherrschaft - 13.-15. Jahrhundert by Raitz, Walter, Frey, Winfried
Öffentliche Meinung Und Sozialer Wandel / Public Opinion and Social Change by Baier, Horst
Innerparteiliche Gruppierungen in Der SPD: Eine Empirische Studie Über Informell-Organisierte Gruppierungen Von 1969-1980 by Müller-Rommel, Ferdinand
Politische Psychologie by
The Black Man in Slavery and Freedom in Colonial Brazil by Russell-Wood, A. J. R.
Social Forecasting for Company Planning by
Propaganda, Politics and Film, 1918-45 by Springd, D. W.
Writers in East-West Encounter: New Cultural Bearings by
Politische Generationen: Empirische Bedeutung Und Theoretisches Modell by Fogt, Helmut
Raumbezogenheit Sozialer Probleme by
Aktionsräume Von Stadtbewohnern: Eine Empirische Untersuchung in Der Region Hamburg by Droth, Wolfram
La Profitabilité Comme Facteur de l'Investissement. Einige Aspekte Von Theorie Und Empirie Segmentierter Arbeitsmärkte: 285. Sitzung Am 4. Februar 198 by Stafleu, Na
Spielschule Des Denkens by Meirovitz, Marco, Jacobs, Paul I.
Basale Soziologie: Soziologie Der Politik by Münch, Richard
Political Leadership in Contemporary Japan: Volume 1 by
Knights of the Green Cloth: The Saga of the Frontier Gamblers by Dearment, Robert K.
Grafting Old Rootstock: Studies in Culture and Religion of the Chamba, Duru, Fula, and Gbaya of Cameroun by
The Bible and Social Reform by
Kölner Papyri by Kramer, Bärbel, Köln, P., Römer, Cornelia
The Lost Sisterhood: Prostitution in America, 1900-1918 by Rosen, Ruth
Studies in the Sociology of Sport by
Supplement to the Handbook of Middle American Indians, Volume 1: Archaeology by
A Pillar of Fire to Follow: American Indian Dramas, 1808-1859 by Sears, Priscilla
Arabian Essays by Algosaibi
Interaction Ritual: Essays on Face-to-Face Behavior by Goffman, Erving
Bevölkerungstheorie Und Bevölkerungspolitik by Khalatbari, Parviz
Modernisierungstheorien Und Bürgerliche Sozialwissenschaften: Eine Studie Zur Bürgerlichen Gesellschaftstheorie Und Geschichtsideologie Der Gegenwart by Rose, Günther
American Urban History: An Interpretive Reader with Commentaries by Callow, J. A.
The Claim of Dispossession by Avneri, Arieh L.
Two Cultures of Policing: Street Cops and Management Cops by Reuss-Ianni, Elizabeth
Erinnerungsarbeit: Geschichte Und Demokratische Identität in Deutschland by
Zur Lage Der Familie Und Der Familienpolitik in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Cramer, Alfons
Industrielle Arbeitsbeziehungen: Eine Vergleichende Analyse Theoretischer Konzepte in Der "Industrial-Relations"-Forschung by Schienstock, Gerd
Die Entwicklung Der Politischen Parteien in Irland: Nationalismus, Katholizismus Und Agrarischer Konservatismus ALS Determinanten Der Irischen Politik by Murphy, Detlef
Behavioral and Social Science Research: A National Resource, Part I by Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
An Assessment of Research-Doctorate Programs in the United States: Humanities by Committee on an Assessment of Quality Related Characteristic
The Female World by Bernard, Jessie
Sozialistische Systeme: Einführung in Die Kommunismus- Und Ddr-Forschung by Glaeßner, Gert-Joachim
Personal Relationships: Their Structures and Processes by Kelley, Harold H.
Modernization and the Working Class: The Politics of Legitimacy by Waisman, Carlos H.
Doctors, Patients, and Society: Power and Authority in Medical Care by
Gene Function: "E. Coli" and Its Heritable Elements by Glass, Robert E.
The Science of Conflict by Schellenberg, James A.
Language, Semantics and Ideology by Pecheux, Michel
Evaluation in Environmental Planning: Assessing Environmental, Social, Economic, and Political Trade-offs by McAllister, Donald M.
Historical Research in the Low Countries 1970-1975: A Critical Survey by Carter, Alice C.
Britain and the Netherlands: Volume VII Church and State Since the Reformation Papers Delivered to the Seventh Anglo-Dutch Historical Conference by Duke, A. C., Tamse, C. A.
Demographic Collapse: Indian Peru, 1520 1620 by Cook, Noble David
Annual Bibliography of Indian Archaeology: Volume XXII for the Years 1967-1969 by
North American Social Report: A Comparative Study of the Quality of Life in Canada and the USA from 1964 to 1974.Vol. 5: Economics, Religion and Mor by Michalos, Alex C.
La Physiologie Des Lumières: Empirisme, Modèles Et Théories by Duchesneau, François
Under the Eagle 2nd Edition: United States Intervention in Central America and the Caribbean by Pearce, Jenny
A Woman to Deliver Her People: Joanna Southcott and English Millenarianism in an Era of Revolution by Hopkins, James K.
Gegenwartsgesellschaften: Polen by Reschka, W.
Making the Difference: Schools, Families and Social Division by Connell, Rw
Irish Folk History: Tales from the North by Glassie, Henry
Foxfire 7 by Foxfire Fund, Inc
Political Capacity in Developing Societies by Somjee, A. H.
Democracy and the Public Service by Mosher, Frederick C.
Conductors on Record by Holmes, J. L., Unknown, Holmes, John L.
Class, Conflict, and Consensus: Antebellum Southern Community Studies by McMath, Robert C., Burton, Vernon, Burton, Orville V.
Middletown in Transition: A Study in Cultural Conflicts by Lynd, Robert Staughton
A Bibliography of Theatre Technology: Acoustics and Sound, Lighting, Properties, and Scenery by Howard, John
Scientific Establishments and Hierarchies by
Psychological Decision Theory by Kozielecki, J.
Scientific Establishments and Hierarchies by
The Asymmetric Society by Coleman, James S.
Genocide and Human Rights: A Global Anthology by
Self-Organization and Dissipative Structures: Applications in the Physical and Social Sciences by
New Zealand: Chapters by W. T. G. Airey (and Others) by Unknown, Belshaw, Horace, Airey, W. T. G.
The Constitution of Society by Shils, Edward
To Dwell Among Friends: Personal Networks in Town and City by Fischer, Claude S.
Culture, Society and the Media by
Cognitive Development: Its Cultural and Social Foundations by Luria, A. R.
The Research Universities & Their Patrons by Rosenzweig, Robert M., Turlington, Barbara
The Cult Experience. by Pavlos, Andrew J.
A Guide to the Baltimore Stage in the Eighteenth Century: A History and Day Book Calendar by Ritchey, David
The Measurement of Association in Industrial Geography by Knos, Duane S., McCarty, Harold Hull, Hook, John C.
Religion in Sociological Perspective by Wilson, Bryan
The Psychiatric Society by Lovell, Anne, Castel, Françoise, Castel, Robert
Index to International Public Opinion, 1980-1981 by Survey
Family, Power, and Politics in Egypt: Sayed Bey Mare--His Clan, Clients, and Cohorts by Springborg, Robert
Nicolas Gueudeville and His Work (1652-172?) by Rosenberg, A.
Systems Methodology in Social Science Research: Recent Developments by Cavallo, R.
Ambiguous Ethnicity: Interracial Families in London by Benson, Susan
A User's Guide to the Gottman-Williams Time-Series Analysis Computer Programs for Social Scientists by Williams, Esther A.
Semiotics 1980 by Lenhart, Margot D., Herzfeld, Michael
One South: An Ethnic Approach to Regional Culture by Reed, John Shelton
Field Research: A Sourcebook and Field Manual by
Classes, Power, and Conflict: Classical and Contemporary Debates by
Revolutions in Americans' Lives: A Demographic Perspective on the History of Americans, Their Families, and Their Society by Wells, Robert V.
Drugs and Information Control: The Role of Men and Manipulation in the Control of Drug Trafficking by Cloyd, Jerald W.
Making Sense of Reification: Alfred Schutz and Constructionist Theory by Thomason, B.
Fellah and Townsman in the Middle East: Studies in Social History by Baer, Gabriel
The Logic of Culture: Advances in Structural Theory and Methods by Rossi, Ino
Evaluation of Research and Development: Methods for Evaluating the Results of European Community R&d Programmes by
The European Challenge: Europe's New Role in Latin America by
Collective Action by Hardin, Russell
Revolutionary Change by Johnson, Chalmers
Urban Villagers, REV & Exp Ed by Gans, Herbert J.
Overshoot: The Ecological Basis of Revolutionary Change by Catton, William R.
Understanding News by Hartley, John
Deciphering Sociological Research by Rose, Gerry
Bibliography of Black Music, Volume 3: Geographical Studies by Dominique-Rene de Lerma
From Ritual to Theatre: The Human Seriousness of Play by Turner, Victor
The Grand Domestic Revolution: A History of Feminist Designs For American Homes, Neighborhoods, and Cities by Hayden, Dolores
Science, Myth, Reality: The Black Family in One-Half Century of Research by Engram, Eleanor
The Soviet Worker: Illusions and Realities by
Annual Index to Motion Picture Credits 1981 by Lsi, Academy of Motion Picture Arts &. Science, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Scien
Cognitive Analysis of Social Behavior: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on "The Cognitive Analysis of Socio-Psychological Processes", by
Variety Entertainment and Outdoor Amusements: A Reference Guide by Wilmeth, Don B.
Papers in Game Theory by Harsanyi, J. C.
Foundations of Religious Tolerance by Newman, Jay
Propaganda, Politics and Film, 1918-45 by Springd, D. W.
City People: The Rise of Modern City Culture in Nineteenth-Century America by Barth, Gunther Paul
Chinese Dictionaries: An Extensive Bibliography of Dictionaries in Chinese and Other Languages by Unknown
Politics, Character, and Culture: Perspectives from Hans Gerth by Gerth, Nobuko, Bensman, Marilyn
Current Problems in Sociobiology by King's, College Sociobiology Group, King's College Sociobiology Group
Cooking, Cuisine and Class: A Study in Comparative Sociology by Goody, Jack
The Emergence of Ornithology as a Scientific Discipline: 1760-1850 by
Models of Intraurban Residential Relocation by Porrell, F. W.
International Networks of Banks and Industry by Fennema, M.
The God That Limps: Science and Technology in the Eighties by Norman, Colin
Toward an Urban Vision: Ideas and Institutions in Nineteenth-Century America by Bender, Thomas
Concise Histories of American Popular Culture by Unknown
Falklands/Malvinas: Whose Crisis? by Pearce, Jenny, Honeywell, Martin
Agrarian Movements in India: Studies on 20th Century Bihar by Das, Arvind N.
Buenos Aires: 400 Years by
Religion and Societies: Asia and the Middle East by
Artistic Voyagers: Europe and the American Imagination in the Works of Irving, Allston, Cole, Cooper, and Hawthorne by Kasson, Joy S.
New York: The Politics of Urban Regional Development by Danielson, Michael N., Doig, Jameson W.
A Pennsylvania German Reader and Grammar by Haag, Earl C.
New York: The Politics of Urban Regional Development by Danielson, Michael N., Doig, Jameson W.
Manufacturing Consent: Changes in the Labor Process Under Monopoly Capitalism by Burawoy, Michael
The Varied Sociology of Paul F. Lazarsfeld: Writings by Lazarsfeld, Paul F.
The Business of Psychotherapy: Private Practice Administration for Therapists, Counselors, and Social Workers by Barker, Robert
Philanthropy and Cultural Imperialism by
The Foundations of Expected Utility by Fishburn, P. C.
The Black Man in Slavery and Freedom in Colonial Brazil by Russell-Wood, A. J. R.
Environment, Subsistence and System: The Ecology of Small-Scale Social Formations by Ellen, Roy, Ellen, R. F.
Paradoxical Harvest: Energy and Explanation in British History, 1870 1914 by Richard N., Adams, Adams, Richard Newbold, Adams
American Collegiate Populations: A Test of the Traditional View by Burke, Colin
Bevölkerungs- Und Wirtschaftsstatistik: Aufgaben, Probleme Und Beschreibende Methoden by Schaffranek, M., Anderson, O., Stenger, H.
Freedom and Reform: Essays in Economics and Social Philosophy by Knight, Frank H.
Interpreting and Using Regression by Achen, Christopher H.
Multiattribute Evaluation by Edwards, Ward, Newman, J. Robert
Dynamic Modeling: An Introduction by Huckfeldt, R. Robert, Likens, Thomas W.
Freedom and Reform: Essays in Economics and Social Philosophy by Knight, Frank H.
Independent Television in Britain: Origin and Foundation 1946-62 by Sendall, Bernard
Old People, New Lives: Community Creation in a Retirement Residence by Keith, Jennie
Wage-Earning Women: Industrial Work and Family Life in the United States, 1900-1930 by Tentler, Leslie Woodcock
American Ceramics Before 1930: A Bibliography by Weidner, Ruth Irwin, Gerth, Nobuko, Vidich, Arthur
Theatrical Touring and Founding in North America by Pomerleau, Cynthia, Morantz, Regina
Ban Johnson: Czar of Baseball by Murdock, Eugene
Women in Popular Culture: A Reference Guide by Fishburn, Katherine
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