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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Sociology in 1983

We, the Tikopia: A Sociological Study of Kinship in Primitive Polynesia by Firth, Raymond William
South Africa's Transkei by Southall, Roger
Karl Marx / Friedrich Engels: Exzerpte Und Notizen, September 1849 Bis Februar 1851 by Marx, Karl, Engels, Friedrich
Dissent and Affirmation: Essays in Honor of Mulford Q. Sibley by
Yesterday's Faces, Volume 1: Glory Figures by Sampson, Robert
21. Deutscher Soziologentag 1982: Beiträge Der Sektions- Und Ad Hoc-Gruppen Band I / II by Heckmann, Friedrich
Pladoyer Fur Eine Befreiung Des Wohnens Aus Den Zwangen Sinnloser Perfektion by Hackelsberger, Christoph
Die Verheißungen Der Dienstleistungsgesellschaft: Soziale Befreiung Oder Sozialherrschaft? by Gross, Peter
Interessenvermittlung Und Politik: Interesse ALS Grundbegriff Sozialwissenschaftlicher Lehre Und Analyse by Alemann
Neokonservatismus in Den USA: Eine Herausforderung by
Familienmedizin: Herausforderung an Den Heutigen Arzt; Diskussionsbeiträge Zum Thema Patient -- Arzt -- Familie by Bernachon, P.
Frankreich: Grundwissen-Länderkunde Wirtschaft -- Gesellschaft -- Politik by Uterwedde, Henrik, Menyesch, Dieter
Albert Einstein ALS Philosoph Und Naturforscher: Eine Auswahl by
Experimentelle Politik -- Reformstrohfeuer Oder Lernstrategie: Bestandsaufnahme Und Evaluierung by
Arbeitszeitverkürzung -- Ein Weg Zur Vollbeschäftigung? by Vilmar, Fritz, Kutsch, Thomas
Soziale Dynamik Der Technischen Entwicklung by Rammert, Werner
Soziale Vorurteile Und Soziale Urteile: Kritik Und Wissenssoziologische Grundlegung Der Vorurteilsforschung by Estel, Bernd
Eliten Und Liberalismus: Ein Neues Modell Zur Geschichtlichen Entwicklung Der Abhängigkeit Von Eliten Und Nicht-Eliten: Zusammenhänge, Möglichk by Lowell Field, George, Higley, John
Die Erfahrung Der Arbeit: Zum Berufsbiographischen Erwerb Von Handlungsmustern Bei Industriearbeitern by Brose, Hanns-Georg
Sozialforschung Aus Gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung: Entstehungs- Und Leistungsgeschichte Der Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund by Neuloh, Otto
Frieden -- Ökologie -- Gerechtigkeit: Selbstorganisierte Lernprojekte in Der Friedens- Und Ökologiebewegung by Beer, Wolfgang
Politische Stabilität Und Konflikt: Neue Ergebnisse Der Makroquantitativen Politikforschung by
Gesellschaftliche Probleme ALS Anstoß Und Folge Von Politik: Wissenschaftlicher Kongreß Der Dvpw 4.-7. Oktober 1982 in Der Freien Universität Berlin T by Hartwich, Hans-Hermann
Die Ordnung Sozialer Situationen: Theoretische Studien Über Die Methoden Und Strukturen Sozialer Erfahrung Und Interaktion by Sofsky, Wolfgang
Staatliche Programme Und "Verwaltungskultur": Bekämpfung Des Drogenmißbrauchs Und Der Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Schweden, Großbritannien Und Der Bunde by Jann, Werner
Jugend -- Ein Soziales Problem?: Theoretische Positionen, Empirische Forschungen Und Kritische Analysen Zu Einer Immer Dringlicheren Gesellschaftspoli by
Bedürfnisse Im Wandel: Theorie, Zeitdiagnose, Forschungsergebnisse by Arzberger, Klaus, Hondrich, Karl Otto
Alternative America: Henry George, Edward Bellamy, Henry Demarest Lloyd and the Adversary Tradition by Thomas, John L.
Assessing the Impacts of Information Technology: Hope to Escape the Negative Effects of an Information Society by Research by
Soziologie Der Herrschaft: Analyse Von Struktur, Entwicklung Und Zustand Von Herrschaftszusammenhängen by
Frauen in Der Kleinbäuerlichen Landwirtschaft by Blasche, Margret
Mikrosoziologie: Ein Interaktionsanalytischer Zugang by
Gruppensoziologie: Perspektiven Und Materialien by
Interpretative Strukturmodellierung (Ism): Stand Der Forschung Und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten by Szyperski, Norbert
Wahl'83: Bundestagswahl 1983: Parteien Und Wähler Politische Entwicklung Wahlen Und Wahlverfahren by Uwe, Andersen
Japans Wandel Von Der Agrar- Zur Industriegesellschaft: Fallstudien Regionaler Entwicklungen by Kreiner, Josef
Von Der Schule in Den Beruf by
Architectura by Dietterlin, Wendel
Kritik Der Kausalwissenschaftlichen Sozialforschung: Untersuchungen Zur Grundlegung Von Soziologie Und Ökonomie by Hoppe, Hans-Hermann
Alltagsinterpretation Und Soziologische Rekonstruktion by Bohnsack, Ralf
Sozialpolitik in der Bundesrepublik by
American Literature and Social Change: William Dean Howells to Arthur Miller by Spindler, Michael
Soviet-Jewish Emigration and Soviet Nationality Policy by Zaslavsky, Victor, Brym, Robert J.
Wörterbuch Der Marxistisch-Leninistischen Soziologie by Aßmann, Georg
Realizing Social Science Knowledge: The Political Realization of Social Science Knowledge and Research: Toward New Scenarios by
Political Opinion Polling: An International Review by
Independent Television in Britain: Volume 2 Expansion and Change, 1958-68 by Sendall, Bernard
Wahlen Und Politisches System: Analysen Aus Anlaß Der Bundestagswahl 1980 by
Sozialgeschichte Des Naturrechts by Breuer, Stefan
Gesetzliche Rentenversicherung. Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung by Witt, Jürgen
Entscheidungsspiele in Politik, Verwaltung Und Wirtschaft by Wender, Astrid
Hauptstädte in europäischen Nationalstaaten by
The Appalachian Experience by
Journal of the Appalachian Studies Association: Appalachia and the Politics of Culture by
Patriarch Nikon on Church and State: Nikon's "Refutation" by
As the Japanese See It: Past and Present by
Causal Modeling by Asher, Herbert B.
Political Analysis and American Medical Care Essays by Marmor, Theodore R.
The Raising of Money: 35 Essentials Every Trustee Should Know by Lord, James Gregory
Cyclical Time & Ismaili Gnosis by Corbin, Henry
Cocoa & Kinship in Guana by Okali
Bruno Jasienski: His Evolution from Futurism to Socialist Realism by Kolesnikoff, Nina
Simple Statistics: A Course Book for the Social Sciences by Clegg, Frances
Der Zukunftsmensch: (Über Eine Diskussion in Der Literaturnaja Gaseta) by Udalzow, Arkadi
Zur Strukturellen Und Funktionellen Dynamik in Den Typologischen Subräumen Der Hauptstadt Der Ddr, Berlin by Zimm, Alfred
Indikatoren in Der Soziologischen Forschung by
Religion, My Own: Literary Works of Najib Mahfuz by Peled, Mattityahu
Independent Television in Britain: Volume 2 Expansion and Change, 1958-68 by Sendall, Bernard
Media and the American Mind: From Morse to McLuhan by Czitrom, Daniel J.
Modern Sociological Theory: An Introduction by Abraham, M. Francis
The Peasants' Revolt of 1381 by
Max Weber and Methodology of Social Science by Huff, T.
Social Organization: A Study of the Larger Mind by
Dusk of Dawn!: An Essay Toward an Autobiography of Race Concept by DuBois, W. E. B.
Human Nature and the Social Order by Cooley, Charles Horton
Näherungsversuche Jugend '81: Eine Studie. Eine Tagung. Reaktionen. by Lang, Margot, Fischer, Arthur
Sozialdemokratie Und Verfassungsverständnis: Zur Ausbildung Einer Liberaldemokratischen Verfassungskonzeption in Der Sozialdemokratie Seit Der Mitte D by Steinbach, Peter
"Angemessenheit" Im Scheidungsrecht: Frauen Zwischen Berufschance, Erwerbspflicht Und Unterhaltsprivileg. Eine Soziologisch-Juristische Untersuchung by Berghahn, Sabine, Lucke, Doris
Wertewandel?: Grundfragen Zu Einer Diskussion by Jaide, Walter
Polish Contributions to the Science of Science by
Gewollt Und Durchgesetzt: Die Spd-Bürgerschaftsfraktion Des Landes Bremen Von Der Jahrhundertwende Bis Zur Gegenwart by
Zur Kritik Der Modernisierungstheorien: Ein Versuch Zur Beleuchtung Ihres Methodologischen Basissyndroms by Resasade, Hadi
Sozialpolitik in Der Bundesrepublik by
Motive Und Weiterbildungsbedarf: Zum Zusammenhang Von Lernmotivation Und Weiterbildungsverhalten by Seidel, Christoph
Methoden Und PRAXIS Der Filmanalyse: Untersuchungen Zum Spielfilm Und Seinen Interpretationen by Becker, Wolfgang, Schöll, Norbert
Afrikan People and European Holidays: A Mental Genocide, Book 2 by Barashango, Ishakamusa
Family Planning on a Crowded Planet by Yates, Wilson, Unknown
Orokaiva Society. by Williams, F. E., Williams, Francis Edgar
The New Working Class?: White-Collar Workers and Their Organizations- A Reader by
The Emergence of Modern South Africa: State, Capital, and the Incorporation of Organized Labor on the South African Gold Fields, 1902-1939 by Yudelman, David
Billiards, Bowling, Table Tennis, Pinball, and Video Games: A Bibliographic Guide by Craven, Robert R.
Perspectives on the Holocaust by
Epistemology, Methodology, and the Social Sciences by
Historical Sociology by Abrams, Philip
Historical Sociology by Abrams, Philip
How to Tell the Liars from the Statisticians by Hooke, Hooke, Robert
Politics of Reality: Essays in Feminist Theory by Frye, Marilyn
Flying Dragons, Flowing Streams: Music in the Life of San Francisco's Chinese by Riddle, Ronald
The Raw and the Cooked: Mythologiques, Volume 1 by Lévi-Strauss, Claude
The Language of Oppression by Bosmajian, Haig A.
How Humans Adapt: A Biocultural Odyssey by
The Language of Ethnic Conflict: Social Organization and Lexical Culture by Allen, Irving Lewis
The Austrian Mind: An Intellectual and Social History, 1848-1938 by Johnston, William M.
Biological Differences and Social Equality: Implications for Social Policy by
Civil Religion and Moral Order: Theoretical and Historical Dimensions by Hughey, Michael W.
The Wider Domain of Evolutionary Thought by
Sociobiology and the Human Dimension by Breuer, Georg
A Treatise on Social Theory by Runciman, W. G., W. G., Runciman
Symbol and Theory by Skorupski, John, Skorupski
Aspects of the Military Documents of the Ancient Egyptians by Spalinger, Anthony John
Gender at Work by Game, Ann
Frauenfrage und Presse by Wischermann, Ulla
Measures of Association by Liebetrau, Albert M.
Test Item Bias by Osterlind, Steven J.
Mobility Tables by Hout, Michael
Gandhi: The Traditional Roots of Charisma by Rudolph, Susanne Hoeber, Rudolph, Lloyd I.
Contemporary Subject Headings for Urban Affairs by Greenwood, John Ed, Unknown
Sports and Physical Education: A Guide to the Reference Resources by Lingenfeller, Judith, Wai Geng Chan, Betty, Gratch, Bonnie
Fertility, Biology, and Behavior: An Analysis of the Proximate Determinants by Potter, Robert E., Bongaarts, John
Born to Play: The Life and Career of Hazel Harrison by Cazort, Jean, Hobson, Constance
The Development of Social Knowledge: Morality and Convention by Turiel, Elliot
Implementation Politischer Programme II: Ansätze Zur Theoriebildung by
Greek Stones Speak: The Story of Archaeology in Greek Lands (Second Edition, Revised and En) by Mackendrick, Paul Lachlan
Beyond Method: Strategies for Social Research by
The Abutia Ewe of West Africa by Verdon, Michel
Maker of Modern Arabia. by Unknown, Rihani, Ameen Fares
Consumer Choice by Foxall, Gordon R.
The Problem of Sociology by Lee, David, Newby, Howard
Ethics & Other Liabilities: Trying to Live Right in an Amoral World by Stein, Harry
The New Metropolis: New York City, 1840-1857 by Spann, Edward
At Home in America by Moore, Deborah
Musical Nationalism: American Composers' Search for Identity by Levy, Alan
Property and Power: Towards a Non-Marxian Historical Materialism by Nowak, Lesz
Multivariate Analysis in the Human Services by Schuerman, J. R.
Exploring the City: Inquiries Toward an Urban Anthropology by Hannerz, Ulf
Property and Power: Towards a Non-Marxian Historical Materialism by Nowak, Lesz
Living with Nuclear Weapons by Hoffmann, Stanley, Carnesale, Albert, Doty, Paul
The Creation of Regional Dependency by Matthews, Ralph
Advances in Applied Social Psychology: Volume 2 by
The Defective Detective in the Pulps by
Whatever Happened to the Human Race? (Revised Edition) by Schaeffer, Francis A., Koop, C. Everett
Your History: From Beginning of Time to the Present Paperback by Rogers, J. a.
Understanding Programme Evaluation by Rutman, Leonard
Your History: From Beginning of Time to the Present Hardcover by Rogers, J. a.
Pioneer Settlement in the Asiatic Tropics: Studies in Land Utilization and Agricultural Colonization in Southeastern Asia by Pelzer, Karl J., Unknown
Standing Room Only: The World's Exploding Population by Lsi, Sax, Karl
Hooligan: A history of respectable fears by Pearson, Geoffrey
Dime Novel Roundup: Annotated Index, 1931-1981 by Cook, Michael L.
Mystery Fanfare: A Composite Annotated Index to Mystery and Related Fanzines 1963-1981 by Cook, Michael L.
The Popular Press Companion to Popular Literature by Neuburg, Victor E.
Conviction: Law, the State and the Construction of Justice by McBarnet, Doreen J.
Discovering Suicide: Studies in the Social Organization of Sudden Death by Atkinson, J. Maxwell
The Anatomy of American Popular Culture, 1840-1861 by Bode, Barbara, Bode, Carolyn, Bode, Janet
Laienpotential, Patientenaktivierung und Gesundheitsselbsthilfe by
California Series on Social Choice and Political Economy by Alt, James E., Chrystal, K. Alec
The Anthropology of Space by Dooren, Ingrid Van, Pinxten, Rik, Harvey, Frank
Cohabitation, an Alternative to Marriage?: A Cross-National Study by Wiersma, G. E.
Charlie Chaplin: A Bio-Bibliography by Gehring, Wes
Third World: Premises of U.S.Policy by Lobdell, Jared C.
Social Science Research and Climate Change: An Interdisciplinary Appraisal by
Joe Louis: A Bibliography of Articles, Books, Pamphlets, Records, and Archival Materials by Davis, Lenwood
Readings in Urban Analysis: Perspectives on Urban Form and Structure by Lake, Robert W.
Explaining Technical Change: A Case Study in the Philosophy of Science by Elster, Jon
Pornography and Censorship by
Cities and Urban Living by
Exploring Individual Modernity by Inkeles, Alex
Sharecropping and Sharecroppers by Byres, T. J.
Hindu Places of Pilgrimage in India: A Study in Cultural Geography by Bhardwaj, Surinder M.
Equalities by Rae, Douglas
The Gold Coast and the Slum: A Sociological Study of Chicago's Near North Side by Zorbaugh, Harvey Warren
Human Legacy by Festinger, Leon
The Human Legacy by Festinger, Leon
Campus Policing: The Nature of University Police Work by Bordner, Diane C., Peterson, David M.
Irish Culture and Nationalism, 1750-1950 by Travers, Pauric
Manual for Kinship Analysis by Schusky, Ernest L.
Development of the Family and Marriage in Europe by Goody, Jack
The Struggle for Rural Mexico by Esteva, Gustavo
Prospective Studies of Crime and Delinquency by
Functions and Uses of Disciplinary Histories by
Man, a Geomorphological Agent: An Introduction to Anthropic Geomorphology by Nir, D.
Functions and Uses of Disciplinary Histories by
The Challenge of Change: Perspectives on Family, Work, and Education by
Culture and Society, 1780-1950 by Williams, Raymond
All Our Kin by Stack, Carol B.
The Politics of Experience by Laing, R. D.
Countercultural Communes: A Sociological Perspective by Zicklin, Gilbert
Black and White Styles in Conflict by Kochman, Thomas
American Popular Music: A Reference Guide by Booth, Mark W.
Second-Hand Knowledge: An Inquiry into Cognitive Authority by Wilson, Patrick
Deontology Together with a Table of the Springs of Action and the Article on Utilitarianism by Bentham, Jeremy
Molecular Structures and Dimensions: Bibliography 1981-82 Organic and Organometallic Crystal Structures by
Didactical Phenomenology of Mathematical Structures by Freudenthal, Hans
The Social Relations of Physics, Mysticism, and Mathematics: Studies in Social Structure, Interests, and Ideas by Restivo, S.
Chile: The Pinochet Decade: The Rise and Fall of the Chicago Boys by O'Brien, Phillip, Roddick, Jacqueline
Marcus Garvey, Hero: A First Biography by Martin, Tony
Dilemmas in Regional Policy by
Introduction to Survey Sampling by Kalton, Graham
Confirmatory Factor Analysis: A Preface to Lisrel by Long, J. Scott
Covariance Structure Models: An Introduction to Lisrel by Long, J. Scott
Achievement Testing: Recent Advances by Bejar, Isaac I.
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