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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Sociology in 1984

Faltering Economy by Foster, John Bellamy
Not in Our Backyards by Freudenberg, Nicholas
Politics of Intervention by Burbach, Roger
Not in Our Backyards by Freudenberg, Nicholas
Rise of Authoritarian State by Thomas, Clive Y.
Grenada by Bureau, Latin American
Orwell's Message: 1984 & the Present by Woodcock, George
Karl Marx / Friedrich Engels: Briefwechsel, Januar Bis Dezember 1851 by Engels, Friedrich, Marx, Karl
Cultural Perspectives on Biological Knowledge by Duster, Troy, Garrett, Karen, Unknown
How We Live: An Economic Perspective on Americans from Birth to Death by Fuchs, Victor R.
Life and Land Use on the Bahrain Islands: The Geoarchaeology of an Ancient Society by Larsen, Curtis E.
Multinationale Konzerne Und Dritte Welt by Senghaas, Dieter, Albrecht, Ulrich
Studies in the Sociology of Social Problems by
Sunbelt Cities: Politics and Growth since World War II by
Sozialer Protest: Studien Zu Traditioneller Resistenz Und Kollektiver Gewalt in Deutschland Vom Vormärz Bis Zur Reichsgründung by
Ethik Und Körperbeherrschung: Die Verflechtung Von Thomas Manns Novelle "Der Tod in Venedig" Mit Dem Zeitgenössischen Intellektuellen Kräftefeld by Sonner, Franz-Maria
Partizipation Und Vertrauen: Grundlagen Von Demokratie Und Politischer PRAXIS by Waschkuhn, Arno
Unexpected News by Brown, Robert McAfee
Deutsch-Deutsche Beziehungen: Prämissen, Probleme, Perspektiven by Bruns, Wilhelm
Medienverbund Im Organisationsverbund: Planung Und Organisation Des Einsatzes Außerschulischer Medienverbundprogramme by Krieger, Gero, Ortner, Gerhard E.
Einführung in Die Deutsche Literatur Des 19. Jahrhunderts: Band 2: März-Revolution, Reichsgründung Und Die Anfänge Des Imperialismus by Jansen, Josef
Protest Und Reaktion by Steinert, Heinz
Gesundheitsverhalten Und Krankheitsgewinn: Zur Logik Von Widerständen Gegen Gesundheitliche Aufklärung by Kraft-Krumm, Doris, Beier, Christel, Horn, Klaus
Entstehung Und Entwicklung Des Rechtsextremismus in Der Bundesrepublik: Zur Tradition Einer Besonderen Politischen Kultur. Band 1 by Jaschke, Hans-Gerd
Krankheit, Konflikt Und Soziale Kontrolle: Eine Empirische Untersuchung Subjektiver Sinnstrukturen by Wolf, Michael, Horn, Klaus, Beier, Christel
Autonomie Und Organisation: Die Sozialwissenschaftliche Mystifikation Der Verselbständigung Von Organisationen by Schönweiss, Friedrich
Die Parlamentarische Kontrolle Der Bundesregierung by Stadler, Peter M.
Die Frühe Deutsche Soziologie 1909 Bis 1934 Und Ihre Entstehungs-Milieus: Eine Wissenschaftssoziologische Untersuchung by
Soziale Probleme Und Protestverhalten: Eine Empirische Konfrontation Des Modells Rationalen Verhaltens Mit Soziologischen Und Demographischen Hypothes by
Ioannis Lodovici Vivis Valentini Praefatio in Leges Ciceronis Et Aedes Legum by Vives, Juan Luis
Wohlfahrtsstaat Und Soziale Probleme by
Grenzen Der Behandlung: Soziale Kontrolle Und Psychiatrie by Eisenbach-Stangl, Irmgard
Karriere Oder Kochtopf?: Frauen Zwischen Beruf Und Familie by Von, Monika
Bürgerinitiativen Und Repräsentatives System by
Anspielung Und Stereotyp: Eine Linguistische Untersuchung Des Politischen Sprachgebrauchs Am Beispiel Der SPD by Svensson, Arnold
Friedensstiftung Durch Präventive Staatsgewalt: Eine Untersuchung Zu Theorie Und PRAXIS Staatlicher Gewalt in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Süß, Werner
Recht Und Technik Im Spannungsfeld Der Kernenergiekontroverse: Mit Beitr. Von Dieter Czajka by Czajka, Dieter, Roßnagel, Alexander
Strukturalistische Handlungstheorie: Zum Verhältnis Von Soziologischer Theorie Und Empirischer Forschung Im Werk Talcott Parsons' by Miebach, Bernhard
Stichwort: Wahlen: Ein Ratgeber Für Wähler Und Kandidaten by Wichard, Woyke
Studien- Und Berufserfolg Von Hochschulabsolventen Mit Unterschiedlichen Studieneingangsvoraussetzungen by Hitpass, Josef
Verrechtlichung Und Verdrängung: Die Bürokratie Und Ihre Klientel by Funk, Albrecht
Strukturgenese Und Moral: Rekonstruktive Sozialisationsforschung in Den Sozial- Und Erziehungswissenschaften by Garz, Detlef
Politische Willensbildung Und Interessenvermittlung: Verhandlungen Der Fachtagung Der Dvpw Vom 11.-13. Oktober 1983 in Mannheim by Fenner, Christian, Greven, Micheal Th, Falter, Jürgen W.
Die Inschriften Der Grabfronten Der Siut-Gräber in Mittelägypten Aus Der Herakleopolitenzeit: Eine Wiederherstellung Nach Der Zeichnungen Der Descript by Edel, Elmar
Schriften Und Reden: 1951 - 1983 by Frei, Otto
Rhetoric in Sociology by Edmondson, Ricca
Henry L. Brunk and Brunk's Comedians: Tent Repertoire Empire of the Southwest by Martin, Jerry L.
Raumentwicklung Und Wasserversorgung Des Ruhrgebietes 1954 - 1980 by Budde, Bernhard
Labour and Leisure in the Soviet Union: The Conflict Between Public and Private Decision-Making in a Planned Economy by Moskoff, William
Ethnologie ALS Sozialwissenschaft by König, René
Spielprogramme Für Den Apple IIe: Spiele Sowie Anleitungen, Techniken Und Unterprogramme Für Die Eigenentwicklung Von Spielen by Franklin, Howard
The Sa'dan Toradja Chant for the Deceased by Van Der Veen, H.
Israel: Grundwissen-Länderkunde Politik -- Gesellschaft -- Wirtschaft by Wolffsohn, Michael
Collective Decision Making in Rural Japan: Volume 11 by
Twelve Englishmen of Mystery by
Explaining Reform Judaism by House, Behrman
Peoples of the USSR: An Ethnographic Handbook by Wixman, Ronald
Le Travail et ses Representations by Cartier, Michel
Man-Made Famine in Ukraine by Conquest, Robert
Information and Communication Technologies for Development in Africa: Opportunities and Challenges for Community Development by
Beyond Political Independence by
Humans in Universe by Fuller, Buckminster, DIL, Answar
Garrison Guatemala by Black, George
Social Organization in South China, 1911-1949: The Case of Kuan Lineage in K'Ai-P'Ing County Volume 48 by Woon, Yuen-Fong
Love's Sweet Return: The Harlequin Story by Jensen, Margaret Ann
Irvin S. Cobb by Lawson, Anita
The TV Arab by Shaheen, Jack G.
The Media in Britain by Tunstall, Jeremy
The Games Must Go on: Avery Brundage and the Olympic Movement by Guttmann, Allen
Religious Change In Zambia by Van
Muslim Sects and Divisions by
Bread and Circuses: Theories of Mass Culture as Social Decay by Brantlinger, Patrick
Systems Analysis in Public Policy: A Critique, Revised Edition by Hoos, Ida R.
The Arab World and Asia Between Development and Change: Dedicated to the Xxxist International Congress of Human Sciences in Asia and North Africa by
English Ayres: A Selectively Annotated Bibliography and Discography by Swanekamp, Joan
The History and Practice of Japanese Printmaking: A Selectively Annotated Bibliography of English Language Materials by Abrams, Leslie E.
Bibliography of Black Music, Volume 4: Theory, Education, and Related Studies by De Lerma, Dominique-Rene
Max Weber's Political Sociology: A Pessimistic Vision of a Rationalized World by Murvar, Vatro, Glassman, Ronald
Forgotten Children: Parent-Child Relations from 1500 to 1900 by Pollock, Linda A.
Kinship and Marriage: An Anthropological Perspective by Robin, Fox, Fox, Robin
The Myceneaens and Europe by Harding, A. F.
Reporting for Television by Lewis, Carolyn Diana
The State and the Poor in the 1980s by Bane, Mary Jo, Unknown
Kister's Atlas Buying Guide: General English-Language World Atlases Available in North America by Kister, Kenneth F., Unknown
Communication and Social Order by Duncan, Hugh Dalziel
Wissenschaft Und Kernenergie: Eine Wissenschaftssoziologische Untersuchung Zur Kontroverse Um Kernenergie by Riedle, Klaus
Der Bundestagspräsident: Funktion Und Reale Ausformung Eines Amtes Im Deutschen Bundestag by Wermser, Jürgen
Public Interest Groups Im Politischen System Der USA: Organisierbarkeit Und Einflußtechniken by Brinkmann, Heinz Ulrich
Die Betriebliche Gewinn- Und Kapitalbeteiligung: ALS Grundlage Einer Vermögenspolitischen Lösung. Dargestellt Am Beispiel Des Pieroth-Modells by Kramer, Johannes
Modern Turkey: Continuity and Change by Evin, Ahmet
Die Verunsicherte Generation: Jugend Und Wertewandel by Sinus-Institut
The Sociological Eye by Hughes, Everett C.
Aspects of Vagueness by
Decision Making in Child Welfare Services: Intake and Planning by Stein, T. J., Rzepnicki, T. L.
Sozialisation: Weiblich -- Männlich? by Hagemann-White, Carol
Longitudinal Research in Alcoholism by
Aggregation in Economic Research: From Individual to Macro Relations by Van Daal, J., Merkies, A. H.
Effizienz Und Emanzipation: Prinzipien Verantwortlichen Urteilens Und Handelns. Eine Grundlegung Zur Didaktik Der Politischen Bildung by Sander, Wolfgang
Menschenrechtserziehung in Der Schule: Ein Kognitionspsychologisch Orientiertes Konzept Für Den Politikunterricht by Friedrichs, Peter Michael
Familie in Der Gesellschaft: Gestalt--Standort--Funktion by Eickelpasch, Rolf, Ebel, Heinrich, Kühne, Eckehard
Der Gläserne Fremde: Bilanz Und Kritik Der Gastarbeiterforschung Und Der Ausländerpädagogik by
Perspectives on Urban Infrastructure by National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
Problems in Syntax by
Orthodoxy, Heterodoxy and Dissent in India by
Liberalism and the Origins of European Social Theory by Seidman, Steven
The Analysis of Power: A Realist Approach by Debnam, Geoffrey
Bernhardt and the Theatre of Her Time by
Demography Through Problems by Keyfitz, Nathan, Beekman, John a.
Haiti: Political Failures, Cultural Successes by Unknown
La Terra in Piazza: An Interpretation of the Palio of Siena by Dundes, Alan, Falassi, Alessandro
Anthropology and Modern Life by Boas, Franz
Systematic Sociology: An Introduction to the Study of Society by Unknown, Mannheim, Karl
Serf Actor: The Life and Art of Mikhail Shchepkin by Senelick, Laurence
Good City Form by Lynch, Kevin
Critical Hermeneutics: A Study in the Thought of Paul Ricoeur and Jurgen Habermas by Thompson, John B., Thompson, J. B.
Multivariate Statistical Methods in Physical Anthropology: A Review of Recent Advances and Current Developments by
Guyana: Fraudulent Revolution by Latin America Bureau
Biofuture: Confronting the Genetic Era by Zimmerman, Burke K.
Industrialization and Development: A Third World Perspective by
Turing's Man: Western Culture in the Computer Age by Bolter, J. David
American Tough: The Tough-Guy Tradition and American Character by Unknown
From Museums, Galleries, and Studios: A Guide to Artists on Film and Tape by Besemer, Susan, Crosman, Chris
Social Inequality and Class Radicalism in France and Britain by Gallie, Duncan
Elderly People and the Environment by
Spatial Statistics and Models by
Grenada: Whose Freedom? by Dunkerley, James, Ambursley, Fitzroy
Countercultures: The Promise and Peril of a World Turned Upside Down by Yinger, J. Milton
Crowds and Power by Canetti, Elias
Family and Class in a London Suburb by Wilmott, Peter, Young, Michael, Willmott, Peter
As Good as Any: Foreign Correspondence on American Radio, 1930-1940 by Hosley, David H.
War, State and Society by
War, State and Society by
Leadership in Administration: A Sociological Interpretation by Selznick, Philip
The Art and History of Book Printing: A Topical Bibliography by Unknown, Brenni, Vito Joseph
Musical Theatre in America: Papers and Proceedings of the Conference on the Musical Theatre in America by
American Popular Illustration: A Reference Guide by Best, James J.
Foundations by Kiger, Joseph, Caryl Keele Trust, Caryl Keele Trust
Getting Up: Subway Graffiti in New York by Castleman, Craig
Opening Pandora's Box: A Sociological Analysis of Scientists' Discourse by Gilbert, Nigel, Mulkay, Michael
The Nature of Technological Knowledge. Are Models of Scientific Change Relevant? by
Evaluation of Research and Development: Methodologies for R&d Evaluation in the Community Member States, the United States of America and Japan by
Kant and the Double Government Methodology: Supersensibility and Method in Kant's Philosophy of Science by Butts, Robert E.
Power and Privilege: A Theory of Social Stratification by Lenski, Gerhard E.
The Moscow Business Elite by Ruckman, Jo Ann
Handwörterbuch Zur Kommunalpolitik by
An Den Grenzen Der Mehrheitsdemokratie: Politik Und Soziologie Der Mehrheitsregel by
The Orwellian World of Jehovah's Witnesses by Botting, Heather, Botting, Gary
The Third Wave: The Classic Study of Tomorrow by Toffler, Alvin
Social Science and Revolutions by Taylor, S.
Urban Development in the Third World by
The Disreputable Profession: The Actor in Society by Kohansky, R., Kohansky, Mendel
Biographical Dictionary of Latin American Historians and Historiography by Thomas, Jack
American Odyssey by Laguerre, Michel
Conditions of Happiness by Veenhoven, R.
Conditions of Happiness by Veenhoven, R.
Marketing Health Behavior: Principles, Techniques, and Applications by
Data-Book of Happiness: A Complementary Reference Work to 'Conditions of Happiness' by the Same Author by Veenhoven, R.
Cities of the Mind: Images and Themes of the City in the Social Sciences by
Reductionism and Cultural Being: A Philosophical Critique of Sociobiological Reductionism and Physicalist Scientific Unificationism by Smith, J. W.
Quantifying Music: The Science of Music at the First Stage of Scientific Revolution 1580-1650 by Cohen, H. F.
In the Field: An Introduction to Field Research by Burgess, Robert G.
Huarochiri: An Andean Society Under Inca and Spanish Rule by Spalding, Karen
The Empire Strikes Out: Kurd Lasswitz, Hans Dominik, and the Development of German Science Fiction by Fischer, William B.
Future Shock by Toffler, Alvin
Research No. 8/9: J.G. Ballard by Vale, V.
Future Shock by Toffler, Alvin
Thea Musgrave: A Bio-Bibliography by Hixon, Donald L.
Population, Environment and Resources, and Third World Development by
Social Hierarchies: Essays Toward a Sociophysiological Perspective by
A Chinese Village in Early Communist Transition by Yang, C. K., Yang, Ch'ing-K'Un, Unknown
Garrick Claims the Stage: Acting as Social Emblem in Eighteenth-Century England by Woods, Leigh
Disaster Management: Warning Response and Community Relocation by Perry, Ronald W., Mushkatel, Alvin H.
Maya Society Under Colonial Rule: The Collective Enterprise of Survival by Farriss, Nancy Marguerite
Israeli Society and Its Defense Establishment: The Social and Political Impact of a Protracted Violent Conflict by
Solidarity: The Analysis of a Social Movement: Poland 1980 1981 by Wieviorka, Michel, Dubet, Francois, Touraine, Alain
Muslim Cities in Later Middle Ages by Lapidus, Ira M., Lapidus
Progress in Utility and Risk Theory by
Methodology for the Human Sciences: Systems of Inquiry by Polkinghorne, Donald E.
Famine: As a Geographical Phenomenon by
The Cognitive Paradigm: Cognitive Science, a Newly Explored Approach to the Study of Cognition Applied in an Analysis of Science and Scientifi by De Mey, Marc
Krauss - Conflict in Japan Paper by
Role Transitions: Explorations and Explanations by
Romano-British Urban Settlements in the West Midlands by Crickmore, Julie
Einführung in Das Strafrecht by
Bentham and the Oppressed by Campos Boralevi, Lea
Analysis of Nominal Data by Reynolds, H. T.
Game Theory: Concepts and Applications by Zagare, Frank C.
Introduction to Applied Demography: Data Sources and Estimation Techniques by Rives, Norfleet W., Serow, William J.
Nonrecursive Causal Models by Berry, William Dale
Ford-A Village in the West Highlands of Scotland: A Case Study of Repopulation and Social Change in a Small Community by Stephenson, John B.
Time Series in the Frequency Domain: Volume 3 by Krishnaiah, P. R.
The Modernity of Tradition: Political Development in India by Rudolph, Lloyd I., Rudolph, Susanne Hoeber
Law and Life of Rome, 90 B.C.-A.D. 212 by Crook, J. a.
Art as Therapy: An Introduction to the Use of Art as a Therapeutic Technique by
Labor Immigration Under Capitalism: Asian Workers in the United States Before World War II by
Research in Organizational Behavior: Volume 6 by Staw, B.
Research in Economic Anthropology by
Stochastische Theorien Individuellen Wahlverhaltens by Colonius, H.
Politics and Punishment: The History of the Louisiana State Penal System by Carleton, Mark Thomas
Grundfragen Der Soziologie: (Individuum Und Gesellschaft) by Simmel, Georg
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