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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Sociology in 1985

Difficult Road by Saul, John S.
Energy Update by Tanzer, Michael
Rebel Pen by Garrison, Dee
Her Mothers by Broner, E. M.
Equality in America: A View from the Top by Orren, Gary R., Verba, Sidney
Love & Tradition: Marriage Between Jews and Christians by Mayer, Egon
Measurement of Audition and Vision in the First Year of Postnatal Life: A Methodological Overview by
Casebook Management For Non-Profit Organizations: Enterpreneurship & Occup by Young, Dennis, Slavin, Simon
Winners and Losers: The pursuit of social justice in Australian history by MacIntyre, Stuart
Intellectuals and the State in Twentieth-Century Mexico by Camp, Roderic Ai, Cam, Roderic Ai
Excellence in Education by
Sixty Years of Journalism: By James M. Cain by
Energy Update by Tanzer, Michael
Rebel Pen by Garrison, Dee
Natur in Der Ökonomischen Theorie: Teil 1: Vorklassik -- Klassik -- Marx, Teil 2: Naturherrschaft ALS Ökonomische Theorie -- Die Physiokraten by Immler, Hans
22. Deutscher Soziologentag 1984: Sektions- Und Ad-Hoc-Gruppen by Franz, Hans-Werner
Policy-Forschung in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Ihr Selbstverständnis Und Ihr Verhältnis Zu Den Grundfragen Der Politikwissenschaft by
Die Städte in Den 80er Jahren: Demograph., Ökonom. U. Technolog. Entwicklungen by Friedrichs, Jürgen
Handbuch Der Arbeitsbeziehungen by Adamy, Wilhelm, Steffen, Johannes
Konstruktive Argumentation Und Interpretative Erfahrung: Bausteine Zur Neuorientierung Der Soziologie by Wehrspaun, Michael
Die Schwierige Integration: Die Bundesrepublikanische Gesellschaft Und Ihre 5 Millionen Ausländer by Koch-Arzberger, Claudia
Sozialleistungen: Strukturen Und Selektivitäten: Zur Implementation Und Wirkungsweise Unterschiedlicher Sozialleistungen in Drei Städten by Windhoff-Héritier, Adrienne
Ethnic Dilemmas, 1964-1982 by Glazer, Nathan
Unternehmungsführung Und Mitbestimmung by Hentze, J.
Künstler in Der Gesellschaft: Ergebnisse Einer Befragung Unter Bildenden Künstlern in Düsseldorf Und Umgebung by Thurn, Hanspeter
Psychoanalytische Kurztherapien: Zur Psychoanalyse in Institutionen by Leuzinger-Bohleber, Marianne
Sprachwandel Und Feministische Sprachpolitik: Internationale Perspektiven by Hellinger, Marlis
Die Analyse Sozialer Ungleichheit: Kontinuität, Erneuerung, Innovation by
Forschungsmanagement -- Steuerungsversuche Zwischen Scylla Und Charybdis: Probleme Der Organisation Und Leitung Von Hochschulfreien, Öffentlich Finanz by
Soziologische Abenteuer: Earle Edward Eubank Besucht Europäische Soziologen Im Sommer 1934 by
Einführung in Die Deutsche Literatur Des 12. Bis 16. Jahrhunderts: Adel Und Hof -- 12./13. Jahrhundert by Raitz, Walter
Geschichte Der Deutschen Psychologie Im 20. Jahrhundert: Ein Überblick by
"Als Der Geist Der Gemeinschaft Eine Sprache Fand": Sprache Im Nationalsozialismus. Versuch Einer Historischen Argumentationsanalyse by Maas, Utz
Soziale Differenzierung by Luhmann, Niklas
Politische Sprachwissenschaft: Zur Analyse Von Sprache ALS Kultureller PRAXIS by Januschek, Franz
Helfen Und Helfende Berufe ALS Soziale Kontrolle by
Wenig Arbeit -- Aber Viel Zu Tun: Neue Wege Der Arbeitsmarktpolitik by Dierkes, Meinolf
Politische Theoriengeschichte: Probleme Einer Teildisziplin Der Politischen Wissenschaft by
Arbeitsperspektiven Angewandter Sozialwissenschaft by
Die Kommunikative Revolution: Strategien Zur Bewältigung Der Krise Der Moderne by Wersig, Gernot
Politik Und Wirtschaft in Den USA: Strukturen -- Probleme -- Perspektiven by
Bürokratie ALS Schicksal? by
Zur Politischen Didaktik Interkulturellen Lernens: Ein Planungskonzept Für Internationale Jugendarbeit by Otten, Hendrik
Private Eyes: One Hundred and One Knights: A Survey of American Detective Fiction 1922-1984 by Baker, Robert A.
The Social Teaching of the Black Churches by
Factor Analysis and Related Methods by McDonald, Roderick P.
Verkehrsberuhigung Und Sozialraumgestaltung Im Wohngebiet by
Berufliche Qualifikation Und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung: Alltagserfahrungen Jugendlicher Und Sozialwissenschaftliche Deutung by
Ideale Nacktheit by Himmelmann, Nikolaus
Children of Mao: Personality Development and Political Activism in the Red Guard Generation by Chan, Anita
Mental Health, Social Policy and the Law by Butler, Tom
Social Policy in Western Europe and the Usa, 1950-80: An Assessment by
Towards a Political Economy for Africa: The Dialectics of Dependence by Shaw, Timothy M.
Opinion Control in the Democracies by Qualter, Terence H.
Jugendliche + Erwachsene '85: Generationen Im Vergleich: Band 3: Jugend Der Fünfziger Jahre -- Heute by Studie Im Auftrag Des Jugendwerks Der Deutschen Shell
Energieeinsparung Und Solarenergienutzung Im Hochbau -- Erreichtes Und Erreichbares. Die Bedeutung Der Verkehrsplanung in Der Stadtplanung -- Heute: 3 by Gertis, Karl, Mäcke, Paul Arthur
Freizeit Und Jugendkultur by Fischer, Arthur
Jugendliche + Erwachsene '85: Generationen Im Vergleich by Behnken, Imbke
Föderalismus ALS Dynamisches System: Zentralisierung Und Dezentralisierung Im Föderativen Staat by Benz, Arthur
Wirtschafts- und Bevölkerungsstatistik by Abels, Heiner
The Outcasts of Melbourne: Essays in social history by
The Canadian General Election of 1984: Politicians, Parties, Press and Poll by Westell, Anthony, Frizzell, Alan
Something More than Night: The Case of Raymond Chandler by Wolfe, Peter
The Many Faces of Appalachia by
Difficult Road by Saul, John S.
Cultural Values and Human Ecology in Southeast Asia: Volume 27 by
Max Brand: Western Giant: The Life and Times of Frederick Schiller Faust by
Flora Of Kuwait: Volume 1 Dicotyledoneae by Daoud, Hazim S.
Mahdish Faith and Sudanic Tradition by Kapteijns, Lidwien
Information, Ideology and Communication: The New Nations' Perspectives on an Intellectual Revolution by Gibbons, Arnold
The Egyptian Elite Under Cromer 1882-1907: 1882-1907 by Collins, Jeffrey G.
Die Türkei Im Spannungsfeld Extremer Ideologien (1973-1980): Eine Unters. D. Polit. Verhältnisse by Oehring, Otmar
Leistungssteigerung Der Kombinate Und Ökonomische Strategie: Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Konferenz Der DDR Im Karl-Marx-Jahr 29./30. September 1983 i by
Fertilitätstrends: Methode, Analyse, Politik by
Kommunikationsmittel Fachsprache by Hoffmann, Lothar
Sprache, Anthropologie, Philosophie in Der Französischen Aufklärung: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Des Verhältnisses Von Sprachtheorie Und Weltanschauung by Ricken, Ulrich
Kommunikationsmittel Fachsprache: Eine Einführung by Hoffmann, Lothar
Tuhami: Portrait of a Moroccan by Crapanzano, Vincent
Chinese Lexicology and Lexicography: A Selected and Classified Bibliography by Yang, Paul Fu
Dreams and Visions: A Study of American Utopias, 1865-1917 by Rooney, Charles
The Origins of Modern Feminism: Women in Britain, France and the United States, 1780-1860 by Rendall, Jane
Weeding Out the Target Population: The Law of Accountability in a Manpower Program by Latimore, James
Child Survival: Strategies for Research by Mosley, W. Henry, Chen, Lincoln C.
Speaking Naturally by
Authority and the Individual by Russell, Bertrand
Awkward Dominion: American Political, Economic, and Cultural Relations with Europe, 1919 1933 by Costigliola, Frank C.
Ausländische Mädchen in Der Bundesrepublik by Stüwe, Gerd, Rosen, Rita
Die Blockfreien: Ursprünge - Entwicklung - Konzeptionen by Matthies, Volker
Verantwortung Im Betrieb: Eine Theoretische Und Empirische Analyse Der Verantwortungskonzepte Sowie Von Problemen Der Verantwortung in Betriebli by Preisendörfer, Peter
Das Methoden-Repertoire Von Lehrern: Eine Untersuchung Zum Unterrichtsalltag in Der Sekundarstufe I by Hage, Klaus, Bischoff, Heinz, Dichanz, Horst
Jugend, Politik Und Politische Bildung: 2. Bundeskongreß Für Politische Bildung Berlin 1984 by
Auf Der Schattenseite Des Wohnungsmarkts: Kinderreiche Immigrantenfamilien: Analyse Mit Verbesserungsvorschlägen in Wohnungsbelegung, Erneuerung, Selb by Gude, Sigmar, Wurtinger, Hermann, Arin, Cihan
Die Geteilte Utopie Sozialisten in Frankreich Und Deutschland: Biografische Vergleiche Zur Politischen Kultur by
Sachzwang -- Die Eindimensionale Logik Der Industriegesellschaften by Treu, Hans-Eckbert
Konsensus Und Interessen: Eine Studie Zur Entstehung Des Grundgesetzes Für Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Sörgel, Werner
Sexualität -- Unterdrückung Statt Entfaltung by Pagenstecher, Lising, Kavemann, Barbara, Lohstöter, Ingrid
Das Frauen- Und Mädchenbild in Den Medien by Schmerl, Christiane
Sozialstruktur Im Umbruch: Karl Martin Bolte Zum 60. Geburtstag by
Pädagogik Der Massenkommunikation: Grundlagen -- Anregungen -- Forderungen by Gibas, Heinz
Psychologie Sozialer Prozesse: Eine Einführung in Das Selbststudium Der Sozialpsychologie by Lück, Helmut
Race, Class, and Political Symbols: Rastafari and Reggae in Jamaican Politics by Waters, Anita M.
Jugendliche + Erwachsene '85 Generationen Im Vergleich: Band 1 Biografien Orientierungsmuster Perspektiven / Band 2 Freizeit Und Jugendkultur / Band 3 by Jugendwerk Der Deutschen Shell
Learning to Cooperate, Cooperating to Learn by
Mädchen in Erziehungseinrichtungen: Erziehung Zur Unauffälligkeit by
Alltagsbewältigung: Rückzug -- Widerstand? by Kurth, Anne, Fromm, Claudia, Savier, Monika
Am Rande Der Arbeitsgesellschaft: Weibliche Behinderte Und Erwerbslose by Schildmann, Ulrike, Marquardt, Regine, Diezinger, Angelika
Jugend Privat: Verwöhnt? Bindungslos? Hedonistisch? Ein Bericht Des Sinus-Instituts Im Auftrag Des Bundesministers Für Jugend, Famili by
Later Life Transitions: Older Males in Rural America by Goudy, Willis J., Keith, Patricia M., Powers, Edward A.
Information Technologies and Social Transformation by National Academy of Engineering
Immigration Statistics: A Story of Neglect by National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
Urban Policy in a Changing Federal System: Proceedings of a Symposium by National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
Youth Employment and Training Programs: The Yedpa Years by National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
Islamic Dilemmas: Reformers, Nationalists and Industrialization: The Southern Shore of the Mediterranean by
Peru: Paths to Poverty by Reid, Michael
Towards a Political Economy for Africa: The Dialectics of Dependence by Shaw, Timothy M.
Social Policy in Western Europe and the Usa, 1950-80: An Assessment by
Success or Failure: Family Planning Programs in the Third World by Hernandez, Donald J.
The Myth of Inevitable Progress by Ferrarotti, Franco
The Sacred in a Secular Age: Toward Revision in the Scientific Study of Religion by
The Pursuit of Happiness: Family and Values in Jefferson's Virginia by Lewis, Jan
Literacy in Theory and Practice by Street, Brian V.
Essays on the History of British Sociological Research by Bulmer, Martin
Geography Matters!: A Reader by
Seven Pillars of Popular Culture by Fishwick, Marshall William
A History of the Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry by Verkade, P. E.
Ergebnisse Einzelfallstatistischer Untersuchungen in Psychosomatik Und Klinischer Psychologie by
Opinion Control in the Democracies by Qualter, Terence H.
The Discovery of the Pacific Islands by Unknown
Four Steps Toward Modern Art: Giorgione, Caravaggio, Manet, Cezanne by Unknown, Venturi, Lionello, Clarks Chart
Basic Values of Western Civilization by Clough, Shepard Bancroft, Unknown
Architecture and the Esthetics of Plenty by Fitch, James Marston, Unknown
Gdr Society and Social Institutions: Facts and Figures by Edwards, Geoffrey
Ogilvy on Advertising by Ogilvy, David
Cities and the Wealth of Nations: Principles of Economic Life by Jacobs, Jane
The Art and Science of Negotiation by Raiffa, Howard
Demography, Urbanization, and Spatial Planning in Kenya: A Bibliographical Survey by Obudho, Robert A.
Cahiers Du Cinema: Volume I: The 1950s. Neo-Realism, Hollywood, New Wave. by
Family + Economy in Modern Society by
An Introduction to Sociology by Goldthorpe, J. E.
Hunger and History by Rabb, Theodore K., Rotberg
Re-encounters in China: Notes of a Journey in a Time Capsule by Isaacs, Harold R.
Shielding - People & Shelter by Krissdottir, Krissdottir, Morine
Semiotic PRAXIS: Studies in Pertinence and in the Means of Expression and Communication by Mounin, Georges
The New Urban Reality by
Computerization and Work: A Reader on Social Aspects of Computerization by
Women, Employment and Development in the Arab World by
Naturalistic Inquiry by Lincoln, Yvonna S., Guba, Egon G.
The Johnny Cash Discography by Smith, John
Talcott Parsons on Institutions and Social Evolution: Selected Writings by Parsons, Talcott
Causal Models in the Social Sciences by
Theory and Practice of Community Social Work by
Women in English Society, 1500-1800 by
Rockin' the Classics and Classicizin' the Rock: A Selectively Annotated Discography by Duxbury, Janell R.
Politics of Child Abuse by Parton, Nigel
The Principles of Policing by Pike, M.
The Principles of Policing by Pike, M.
The Rural Workforce: Non-Agricultural Occupations in America by Skipper, James K., Bryant, Clifton D., Shoemaker, Donald J.
Speaking of Soap Operas by Allen, Robert
Development and Decline: The Evolution of Sociopolitical Organization by Classen, Henri Jm, Van De Velde, Pieter
Modell- Und Rekursionstheoretische Grundlagen Psychologischer Theorienbildung by Lehmann, Günter
Multiple Regression in Practice by Berry, William Dale, Feldman, Stanley
Models for Innovation Diffusion by Mahajan, Vijay, Peterson, Robert A.
Stochastic Parameter Regression Models by Newbold, Paul, Bos, Theodore
Using Microcomputers in Research by Tate, C. Neal, Brookshire, Robert G.
Adolescent Subcultures and Delinquency by Schwendinger, Herman, Schwendinger, Julia Siegel
Age and Generation by O'Donnell, Mike
Progress and Its Discontents by Chodorow, Marvin, Almond, Gabriel a., Pearce, Roy Harvey
Evaluationsforschung: Aufgaben, Probleme Und Anwendungen by Wittmann, Werner W.
German Actors of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries: Idealism, Romanticism, and Realism by Williams, Simon
A Roster of Civilizations and Culture by Unknown, Kroeber, A. L.
Index to International Public Opinion, 1983-1984 by
Zanzibar, Its Society and Its Politics. by Campbell, Jane, Middleton, John
Aaron Copland: A Bio-Bibliography by Skowronski, JoAnn
A Guide to World Fairs and Festivals by Shemanski, Frances, Shemenski, Frances
Working the Range: Essays on the History of Western Land Management and the Environment by Wunder, John R., Wunder, J.
The Rudy Vallee Discography by Kiner, Larry F.
The American Labor Movement by
Religion, Rationality and Community: Sacred and Secular in the Thought of Hegel and His Critics by Gascoigne, Robert
Philosophical Papers: Volume 2, Philosophy and the Human Sciences by Charles, Taylor, Taylor, Charles
Habermas and Modernity by Bernstein, Richard J.
Women and Change in Latin America: New Directions in Sex and Class by
Urbanization in the World Economy by
City of Green Benches: Growing Old in a New Downtown by Vesperi, Maria
The Education of Sociologists in the United States by Sibley, Elbridge, Unknown
American Vocal Chamber Music, 1945-1980: An Annotated Bibliography by Lust, Patricia
Recovering from Catastrophes: Federal Disaster Relief Policy and Politics by May, Peter J.
The Final Transition by Kalish, Richard
American Indians and Christian Missions: Studies in Cultural Conflict by Bowden, Henry Warner
Boys From Grover Avenue: Ed Mcbain's 87th Precinct Novels by Dove, George N.
Daniel Bell and the Agony of Modern Liberalism by Liebowitz, Nathan
Torts and Sports: Legal Liability in Professional and Amateur Athletics by Yasser, Raymond L.
Samuel Barber: A Bio-Bibliography by Hennessee, Don A.
Freedom for the College Student Press: Court Cases and Related Decisions Defining the Campus Fourth Estate Boundaries by Ingelhart, Louis E.
Ideologies, Goals, and Values by Gross, Feliks
Macromodels of the National Economy of the USSR: Methodological Aspects by Kolbin, V. V.
Women and Change in Latin America: New Directions in Sex and Class by Safa, Helen, Nash, June
Expository Science: Forms and Functions of Popularisation by
Policy Conflicts in Post-Mao China: A Documentary Survey with Analysis: A Documentary Survey with Analysis by Burns, John P., Rosen, Stanley
Expository Science: Forms and Functions of Popularisation by
Social Action by
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