• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Sociology in 1986

Transition and Development by Fagen, Richard
Crisis in S. Africa by Saul, John S.
The Challenge of Social Control: Citizenship and Institution Building in Modern Society: Essays in Honor of Morris Janowitz by Zald, Mayer N., Unknown, Suttles, Gerald D.
Correspondance de Leonhard Euler Avec P.-L. M. de Maupertuis Et Frederic II by Euler, Leonhard
Paradoxical Effects of Social Behavior: Essays in Honor of Anatol Rapoport by
The Religion of Science Fiction by Kreuziger, Frederick A.
Focus on Community by
A Cent a Story!: The Best from Ten Detective Aces by Roberts, Garyn G.
Familienpolitik in Der DDR 1945-1980 by Obertreis, Gesine
Umweltbelastung Und Gesellschaft -- Luft -- Boden -- Technik by Rhein -Westf Akad D. Wiss, Na
Briefwechsel Mit Cantor, Dedekind, Helmholtz, Kronecker, Weierstrass Und Anderen by Lipschitz, Rudolf
Adenauer Und Die Rheinische Republik: Der Erste Anlauf 1918-1924 by Köhler, Henning
Politische Kultur, Postmaterialismus Und Materialismus in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Gabriel, Oscar W.
Barbara Mettler-Meibom Breitbandtechnologie: Über Die Chancen Sozialer Vernunft in Technologiepolitischen Entscheidungsprozessen by Mettler- Von Meibom, Barbara
Sprachwissenschaft Und Volkskunde: Perspektiven Einer Kulturanalytischen Sprachbetrachtung by
Neue Subsidiarität: Leitidee Für Eine Zukünftige Sozialpolitik? by
Die Entmythologisierung Der Berufsarbeit: Über Den Sozialen Wandel Von Arbeit, Familie Und Freizeit by Vollmer, Randolph
Politische Wissenschaft Und Politische Ordnung: Analysen Zu Theorie Und Empirie Demokratischer Regierungsweise by
Mensch Und Technik: Grundlagen Und Perspektiven Einer Sozialverträglichen Technikgestaltung by Alemann
Kultur Und Gesellschaft by
Bundestag Und Bürger Im Spiegel Der Demoskopie: Eine Sekundäranalyse Zur Parlamentarismusperzeption in Der Bundesrepublik by Suzanne S., Schüttemeyer
Berufsbiographien Im Wandel by Brose, Hanns-Georg
Neue Alte Ungleichheiten: Berichte Zur Sozialen Lage Der Bundesrepublik by Franz, Hans-Werner
Wahlentscheidung Im Dienstleistungszentrum: Analysen Zur Frankfurter Kommunalwahl Vom 22. März 1981 by Schacht, Konrad
Radikale Neoklassik: Ein Neues Paradigma Zur Erklärung Der Massenarbeitslosigkeit ? -- Die Vogt-Kontroverse by Hickel, Rudolf
Der Wille Zur Herrschaft Und Der Hunger Nach Glück: Max Webers Werk Aus Der Sicht Der Kritischen Theorie by Hommerich, Brigitte
Süd-Nord-Gefälle in Der Bundesrepublik?: Sozialwissenschaftliche Analysen by Friedrichs, Jürgen
Kulturelle Jugendbildung Zwischen Programmatik Und Professionalität by Kolfhaus, Stephan
Computer Und Partizipation: Ergebnisse Zu Gestaltungs- Und Handlungspotentialen by Oppermann, Reinhard, Tepper, August, Mambrey, Peter
Lehrerarbeitslosigkeit Und Lehrerausbildung: Diagnosen Und Strategien Zur Überwindung Der Krise by Sommer, Manfred
Politik ALS Wissenschaft: Ein Überblick by Röhrich, Wilfried
Prinzip Nation: Dimensionen Der Nationalen Frage, Dargestellt Am Beispiel Deutschlands by Mayer, Tilman
Arbeit, Mobilität, Partizipation, Protest: Gesellschaftlicher Wandel in Deutschland Im 19. Und 20. Jahrhundert by
Soziale Codierung Des Körpers: Zum Verhältnis Von Psychoanalyse Und Systemtheorie. Grundlagen Einer Sozialpsychologie Familialer Interaktion by Clemenz, Manfred
Amerikaner Über Deutschland Und Die Deutschen: Urteile Und Vorurteile by Jonas, Klaus, Stapf, Kurt H., Stroebe, Wolfgang
Gerechtigkeit, Diskurs Oder Markt?: Die Neuen Ansätze in Der Vertragstheorie by
Konfliktforschung: Einführung Und Überblick by
Soziologie Und Ethnologie: Zur Interaktion Zwischen Zwei Disziplinen Beiträge Zu Einem Symposium Aus Anlaß Des 80. Geburtstages Von Wilhelm Emil by Reimann, Horst
Technik Von Gestern Für Die Ziele Von Morgen?: Energiepolitische Orientierungen Auf Dem Weg Zur Postmaterialischen Gesellschaft by Held, Martin
Recht ALS Instrument Der Politik by
Ordnung Und Verzierung: Untersuchungen Zur Deutschsprachigen Architekturtheorie Des 18. Jahrhunderts by Schütte, Ulrich
Deutsche Und Tschechen: Bedeutung Und Wandlungen Einer Nachbarschaft in Mitteleuropa Mit Einem Exkurs Zur Deutschen Frage by Hilf, Rudolf
Gesellschaft Lernen: Einführung in Die Soziologie by Abels, Heinz
Grundbegriffe Der Soziologie by
The Impact of Institutions in Appalachia by
Sex and Isolation: And Other Essays by Benderson, Bruce
Dynamik Der Globalen Krise by Arrighi, Giovanni, Frank, Andre Gunder, Amin, Samir
Die Zweite Stadt: Neue Formen Lokaler Arbeits- Und Sozialpolitik by
Psychologie Ästhetischer Wahrnehmungen: Selbstorganisation Und Vielschichtigkeit Von Empfindung, Verhalten Und Verlangen by Schurian, Walter
Verwaltungsautomation Und Bürgerservice: Ansätze Zur Aufhebung Eines Widerspruchs by Lange, Klaus
Der Mensch ALS Störfaktor Im Geosystem: 294. Sitzung Am 19. Juni 1985 in Dösseldorf by Hambloch, Hermann
The Third World War Scare in Britain: A Critical Analysis by Sabin, Philip A. G.
Mapping the Dynamics of Science and Technology: Sociology of Science in the Real World by
Patterns of Economic Behaviour Among the American Poor by Gutkind, Efraim
From Crime Policy to Victim Policy: Reorienting the Justice System by
Wahlen Und Politischer Prozeß: Analysen Aus Anlaß Der Bundestagswahl 1983 by
Organisierte Nächstenliebe: Wohlfahrtsverbände Und Selbsthilfe in Der Krise Des Sozialstaats by Dießenbacher, Hartmut, Bauer, Rudolph
Eliteforschung in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Analyse, Kritik, Alternativen by
Heroes and Humanities: Detective Fiction and Culture by Browne, Ray B.
Family Television: Cultural Power and Domestic Leisure by Morley, David
The Language Parallax: Linguistic Relativism and Poetic Indeterminacy by Friedrich, Paul
The Promise of History: Essays in Political Philosophy by
Country of Acadia by Gallant, Melvin
Gender Studies: New Directions in Feminist Criticism by
Emile Durkheim: An Introduction to Four Major Works by Jones, Robert Alun
Mexican American Fertility Patterns by Bean, Frank D., Swicegood, Gray
Island Of Bali by Covarrubias, Miguel
Camp David Accords by Kamel, Mohamed Ibrahim
Administrative Development by Al-Buraey, Muhammad A.
The State and Rural Class Formation in Ghana: A Comparative Analysis by Konings, Piet
Sawanih by Pourjavady
Sex and the Population Crisis by Loraine, John Alexander, Unknown
Venezuela by Lieuwen, Edwin, Unknown
Gesellschaftstheorie Und Geschichtswissenschaftliche Erklärung by
Music History from the Late Roman Through the Gothic Periods, 313-1425: A Documented Chronology by Gangwere, Blanche M.
Familie Und Sozialisation in Der DDR by Hille, Barbara
Arbeitsbuch: Kleinkindererziehung: Didaktischer Baustein Für Lehrer Und Schüler an Berufsbildenden Schulen by Schachtmeyer, Elke Von, Pousset, Raimund
Belgien Niederlande Luxemburg: Politik -- Gesellschaft -- Wirtschaft by Lepszy, Norbert, Woyke, Wichard
Sozialisationsprobleme Koreanischer Kinder in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Bedingungen Und Möglichkeiten Für Eine Interkulturelle Erziehung by Kim, Young-Hee
Ein Deutscher Ombudsman: Der Bürgerbeauftragte Von Rheinland-Pfalz Unter Berücksichtigung Von Petitionsinstanzen in Europa Und Nordamerika by
The Communal Experience of the Kibbutz by Blasi, Joseph
Mädchen in Einrichtungen Der Jugendhilfe by Giesselmann, Annedore, Freigang, Werner, Frommann, Anne
Widows in African Societies: Choices and Constraints by
Behavioral and Social Science: 50 Years of Discovery by Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
Population Growth and Economic Development: Policy Questions by Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
Field Instruction: Techniques for Supervisors by Wilson, Janet
The Future of Party Government Vol. 1: Visions & Realities of Party Government by
Rollenspiel ALS Forschungsmethode by Sader, Manfred
Erneuerung Der Politik "Von Unten"?: Stadtpolitik Und Kommunale Selbstverwaltung Im Umbruch by
The Struggle for the Third World: Soviet Debates and American Options by Hough, Jerry
Old Age in a Bureaucratic Society: The Elderly, the Experts, and the State in American Society by
Screwball Comedy: A Genre of Madcap Romance by Gehring, Wes D.
Television and the Performing Arts: A Handbook and Reference Guide to American Cultural Programming by Rose, Brian Geoffrey
Proletarians and Protest: The Roots of Class Formation in an Industrializing World by
Before the Best Interests of the Child by Goldstein, Joseph, Freund, Anna, Solnit, Albert J.
Propaganda and Empire: The Manipulation of British Public Opinion, 1880-1960 by MacKenzie, John M.
Neighbours: The Work of Philip Abrams by Bulmer, Martin, Abrams, Philip
Redefining Social Problems by
Women's Work: Development and the Division of Labor by Gender by Leacock, Eleanor, Safa, Helen I.
Weberian Sociological Theory by Collins, Randall
The Search for a Methodology of Social Science: Durkheim, Weber, and the Nineteenth-Century Problem of Cause, Probability, and Action by Turner, S.
Coping with Life Crises: An Integrated Approach by
Labor Relations in Professional Sports by Berry, Robert, Gould, William, Staudohar, Paul
Illiterate America by Kozol, Jonathan
Metatheory in Social Science: Pluralisms and Subjectivities by
The Adolescent Dilemma: International Perspectives on the Family Planning Rights of Minors by
The Obedience Experiments: A Case Study of Controversy in Social Science by Miller, Arthur G., Miller, Arthur
Work in France by
Thank You Music Lovers: A Bio-Discography of Spike Jones and His City Slickers, 1941-1965 by Mirtle, Jack
The Family in Ancient Rome by
The Constitution of Society: Outline of the Theory of Structuration by Giddens, Anthony
Joe Dimaggio: Baseball's Yankee Clipper by Moore, Jack B.
Buckskins, Bullets, and Business: A History of Buffalo Bill's Wild West by Blackstone, Sarah
Developing the Socially Useful Economy by Bodington, Stephen, George, Mike, Michaelson, John
Class, Power and Austerity: The New York City Fiscal Crisis by Lichten, Eric
New Methods for Old-Age Research by Fry, Christine, Keith, Jennie
New Methods for Old-Age Research by Keith, Jennie, Fry, Christine L.
Class, Power and Austerity: The New York City Fiscal Crisis by Lichten, Eric
Design of Management Systems in U.S.S.R. Industry: A Systems Approach by Yevenko, L., Milner, B., Rapoport, V.
Beyond Revolution: A New Theory of Social Movements by Larkin, Ralph, Foss, Daniel a.
Non-Antagonistic Games by Germeier, Yu B.
Recent Developments in the Foundations of Utility and Risk Theory by
Society and Identity by Teitge, Dennis W., Weigert, Andrew J., Teitge, J. Smith
Analytical Marxism by
Worlds Apart: The Market and the Theater in Anglo-American Thought, 1550 1750 by Jean-Christophe, Agnew, Agnew, Jean-Christophe
Storm over Biology by Davis, Bernard D.
Information and Behavior: Systems of Influence by Winett, Richard a.
Meta-Analysis: Quantitative Methods for Research Synthesis by
Linear Programming: An Introduction by Feiring, B.
Family Research Methods by Miller, Brent C.
The Jewish Mothers' Hall of Fame by Bernstein, Fred A.
Symbolic Interactionism: Perspective and Method by Blumer, Herbert
Making an Issue of Child Abuse by Nelson, Barbara J.
Mental Maps by White, Rodney, Gould, Peter
Origins of the English Language by Williams, Joseph M.
A Resource Guide to Themes in Contemporary American Song Lyrics, 1950-1985 by Cooper, B. Lee
Press Law and Press Freedom for High School Publications: Court Cases and Related Decisions Discussing Free Expression Guarantees and Limitations for by Ingelhart, Louis E.
Philadelphia Theatres, A-Z: A Comprehensive, Descriptive, Record of 813 Theatres Constructed Since 1724 by Glazer, Irvin
Confrontation, Class Consciousness, and the Labor Process: Studies in Proletarian Class Formation by
The American Musical Stage Before 1800 by Mates, Julian
The Housing Crisis by
Football and the Decline of Britain by Walvin, J.
Ethnicity and Educational Achievement in British Schools by Ashworth, B., Verma, G.
Football and the Decline of Britain by Walvin, J.
From Blessing to Violence: History and Ideology in the Circumcision Ritual of the Merina of Madagascar by Bloch, Maurice
Confronting Nature: T́he Sociology of Solar-Neutrino Detection by
The Agrarian Question in Socialist Transitions by Saith, Ashwani
Psychologische Forschung Im Umriß by Lewin, Miriam
The Ultimate Insiders: U.S. Senators in the National Media by Hess, Stephen
The "Uncensored War": The Media and Vietnam by Hallin, Daniel C.
Kausalanalyse by
Fund Raising: The Guide to Raising Money from Private Sources by Broce, Thomas E.
Media Sociology by Barrat, David
Contested Meanings: The Construction of Alcohol Problems by Gusfield, Joseph R.
Personality, Cognition and Values by Vermad, Gajendra K.
Workforce Management in the Arabian Peninsula: Forces Affecting Development by
Conservatism: A Contribution to the Sociology of Knowledge by Mannheim, Karl
Out of the House of Bondage: Runaways, Resistance and Marronage in Africa and the New World by
Social Security: Visions and Revisions: A Twentieth Century Fund Study by Achenbaum, W. Andrew
Frame Analysis: An Essay on the Organization of Experience by Goffman, Erving
Slipping Through the Cracks: Status of Black Women by Simms, Margaret C.
Laws of Our Fathers: Popular Culture and the U.S. Constitution by
Paths to Progress: Bread and Freedom in Developing Societies by McCord, William
Elite Activism and Political Transformation in China: Zhejiang Province, 1865-1911 by Rankin, Mary
The Pornography of Representation by Kappeler, Susanne
Struktur Und Dynamik Der Person: Einführung in Die Persönlichkeitspsychologie by
Supplement to the Handbook of Middle American Indians, Volume 4: Ethnohistory by
The Theory of Communicative Action: Reason and the Rationalization of Society, Volume 1 by Habermas, Jürgen
Popular Culture in the Middle Ages by Campbell, Josie P.
Fantasy, Fashion, and Affection: Editions of Robert Herrick's Poetry for the Common Reader, 1810-1968 by Gertzman, Jay
The Needs of Strangers: An Essay on Privacy, Solidarity, and the Politics of Being Human by Ignatieff, Michael
Filters against Folly by Hardin, Garrett
Urban Policy Problems: Federal Policy and Institutional Change by Unknown
Black Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: An Annotated Bibliography by Watts, Thomas, Wright, Roosevlt
The Social Dimensions of AIDS: Method and Theory by Johnson, T., Feldman, Louis H.
Communication Technology: The New Media in Society by Rogers, Everett M.
Rules and Processes by Roberts, Simon, Comaroff, John L.
Documentary Expression and Thirties America by Stott, William
Make Prayers to the Raven: A Koyukon View of the Northern Forest by Nelson, Richard K.
Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity by Goffman, Erving
Feudalism to Capitalism: Peasant and Landlord in English Agrarian Development by Martin, John E.
Religion and Political Conflict in Latin America by
Grant Proposal Writing: A Handbook for School Library Media Specialists by Woolls, Blanche
Famine in Peasant Societies. by Seavoy, Ronald E.
Population and Economy: Population Adn History from the Traditional to the Modern World by Rotberg, Rotberg, Rotberg, Theodore K., Rabb
Relative Deprivation and Social Comparison: The Ontario Symposium, Volume 4 by
Institutional Disability: The Saga of Transportation Policy for the Disabled by Katzmann, Robert a.
British and American Women at Work: Do Equal Opportunities Policies Matter? by Shaw, Lois B., Dex, Shirley
The Federal Theatre Project: A Catalog-Calendar of Productions by Unknown
Contextualism and Understanding in Behavioral Science: Implications for Research and Theory by Germer, Chrostopher, Altman, Irwin, Blank, Thomas
When Marxists Do Research by Vaillancourt Rosenau, Pauline, Rosenau, Pauline Vaillancourt
The Underside of High-Tech: Technology and the Deformation of Human Sensibilities by Murphy, John W., Mickunas, Algis
Urban Neighborhoods: Research and Policy by
Free Flow of Information: A New Paradigm by Mehra, Achal
City in Late Imperial Russia by
The Knowledge Society: The Growing Impact of Scientific Knowledge on Social Relations by
The Knowledge Society: The Growing Impact of Scientific Knowledge on Social Relations by
Simple Modelle Für Komplexe Diagnoseprobleme?: Zur Robustheit Probabilistischer Diagnoseverfahren Gegenüber Vereinfachenden Modellannahmen by Aufsattler, Werner
Sprechwissenschaft & Psycholinguistik: Beiträge Aus Forschung Und PRAXIS by
Disaster and the Millennium by Barkun, Michael
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