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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Sociology in 2003

Changing Expectations?: The Concept and Practice of Civil Society in International Development by
Committed to Breathing by Medina, Tony
Activist Teaching Profession by Sachs
Bien dans son corps au quotidien by Audouin, Luc
Philosophical Imaginary by Doeuff, Michele Le
Collaboration Social Wrk Pract by Weinstein, Jenny
Secret Service: Life Protecting the President by Seidman, David
Bodyguards: Life Protecting Others by Giacobello, John
Careers in Police Departments' Search and Rescue Unit by Plum, Jennifer
Careers in the Coast Guard's Search and Rescue Units by Roza, Greg
Red Flower: Rethinking Menstruation by Taylor, Dena
Slavery, Freedom, and Gender: The Dynamics of Caribbean Society by
For Free Press and Equal Rights: Republican Newspapers in the Reconstruction South by Abbott, Richard H.
Epitaph Culture in the West Variations on a Theme in Cultural History by Guthke, Karl S.
Städtebau: Ein Grundkurs by Meyer, Johannes
Dr. Laurie's Introduction to Statistical Methods by Dodge, Laurie Grahm
Cost Recovery and the Crisis of Service Delivery in South Africa by
Victory Over Violence and Was Jesus a Revolutionist? by Hengel, Martin
Drugs, Prisons and Policy-Making by Duke, K.
Drink and British Politics Since 1830: A Study in Policy Making by Greenaway, J.
Social Movements in France: Towards a New Citizenship by Waters, S.
Women, Education and the Self: A Foucauldian Perspective by Tamboukou, M.
Towards a Christian Literary Theory by Ferretter, L.
Theories of New Regionalism: A Palgrave MacMillan Reader by
International Migration and Sending Countries: Perceptions, Policies and Transnational Relations by
Urban Multiculturalism and Globalization in New York City: An Analysis of Diasporic Temporalities by Laguerre, M.
Managing Boundaries in Organizations: Multiple Perspectives by
The Regional Organizations of the Asia Pacific: Exploring Institutional Change by
Consumerism, Romance and the Wedding Experience by Boden, Sharon
The Tsarist Secret Police Abroad: Policing Europe in a Modernising World by Zuckerman, F.
Ethnicity, Exclusion and the Workplace by Carter, J.
Disputed Territories: The Transnational Dynamics of Ethnic Conflict Settlement by Wolff, Stefan
Religion as Social Capital: Producing the Common Good by
Future Girl: Young Women in the Twenty-First Century by Harris, Anita
Television Families: Is Something Wrong in Suburbia? by Douglas, William
Negri on Negri: in conversation with Anne Dufourmentelle by Negri, Antonio
Gender, Justice and Welfare in Britain,1900-1950: Bad Girls in Britain, 1900-1950 by Cox, P.
Globalization and Educational Restructuring in Asia and the Pacific Region by
Talking Trash: The Cultural Politics of Daytime TV Talk Shows by Manga, Julie
The Cybercities Reader by
Talking Trash: The Cultural Politics of Daytime TV Talk Shows by Manga, Julie
Christian women in Indonesia: A Narrative Study of Gender and Religion by Adeney, Frances S.
The Attack on U.S. Servicemen in Saudi Arabia on June 25, 1996 by Ferguson, Amanda
Rebuilding Urban Japan After 1945 by
The Future of Revolutions: Rethinking Radical Change in the Age of Globalization by
Re-examining Liberation in Namibia by
Nachhaltiges Marketing-Management: Möglichkeiten Einer Umwelt- Und Sozialverträglichen Unternehmenspolitik by Balderjahn, Ingo
Der soziale Konflikt by Messmer, Heinz
Television Families: Is Something Wrong in Suburbia? by Douglas, William
Making a Virtue of Necessity: An Overview of the English Language in Nigeria by Banjo, Ayo, Banjo, Avo, Banjo, L. Ayo
Prison is not a Holiday Camp by Kimani, John Kiggia
Wife or Worker?: Asian Women and Migration by
Basque Cyberculture: From Digital Euskadi to Cybereuskalherria by Alonso, Andoni, Arzoz, Iñaki
Longitudinal Qualitative Research: Analyzing Change Through Time by Saldaña, Johnny
Global Perspectives on Social Issues: Marriage and Divorce by Simon, Rita J., Altstein, Howard
Artifacts by Ewen, Charles R.
Mother/Nature: Popular Culture and Environmental Ethics by Roach, Catherine M.
Making Use: Scenario-Based Design of Human-Computer Interactions by Carroll, John M.
Population Economics by Sadka, Efraim, Razin, Assaf
Student Spiritual Renaissances & Social Reconstructions by
Student Spiritual Renaissances & Social Reconstructions by
Making Meetings Work: Achieving High Quality Group Decisions by Tropman, John E.
Japanese Capitals in Historical Perspective: Place, Power and Memory in Kyoto, EDO and Tokyo by
Media and Health by Seale, Clive
Ethics and Journalism by Sanders, Karen
Human Genetics for the Social Sciences by
Understanding and Dealing with Violence: A Multicultural Approach by
How to Conduct Self-Administered and Mail Surveys by Bourque, Linda, Fielder, Eve P.
Implicating Empire by
The Church of God: A Social History by Crews, Mickey
Presbyterian Pluralism: Competition in a Protestant House by Weston, William J.
No Turning Back: The History of Feminism and the Future of Women by Freedman, Estelle
The Body and the Blood: The Middle East's Vanishing Christians and the Possibility for Peace by Sennott, Charles M.
T.A.Z.: The Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism by Bey, Hakim
Anti-Communism and Popular Culture in Mid-Century America by Hendershot, Cyndy
Victimisation: Theory, Research and Policy by
Tobacco: A Cultural History of How an Exotic Plant Seduced Civilization by Gately, Iain
American Social and Political Thought: A Reader by
The City in Mind: Notes on the Urban Condition by Kunstler, James Howard
Them: Adventures with Extremists by Ronson, Jon
Joining Hands and Hearts: Interfaith, Intercultural Wedding Celebrations: A Practical Guide for Couples by Macomb, Susanna
Jane Austen and Co.: Remaking the Past in Contemporary Culture by
Witnessing and Testifying by
Die Freimaurerei - Die Marionetten von Winkel und Zirkel by Frutiger, Peter
Children and the Changing Family: Between Transformation and Negotiation by
In Gotham's Shadow: Globalization and Community Change in Central New York by Thomas, Alexander R.
A Scientific Model of History: Where Is the Future Leading Us by Gomez-Ibarra, Juan Jose
Queer Studies: An Interdiciplinary Reader by
Man-Made Disaster: The Story of St. Francis Damvolume 3 by Outland, Charles F.
Wettbewerberanalyse im globalen Medienmarkt by Koenen, Gerald
Disco Divas: Women and Popular Culture in the 1970s by
Economic Dynamics: Phase Diagrams and Their Economic Application by Shone, Ronald
The Way of Freedom: An Eon Book by Throne, Paul
Breaking Into Magazine Writing by Garrett, William
Symbole im Medienwahlkampf: Symbolische Politik am Beispiel des FDP-Landtagswahlkampfes 2000 in Nordrhein-Westfalen by Renkel, Sven
Methods of Disaster Research by Stallings, Robert A.
Musings on Human Metamorphoses by Leary, Timothy
Love by the Glass: Tasting Notes from a Marriage by Gaiter, Dorothy J., Brecher, John
Methods of Disaster Research by Stallings, Robert A.
Public Private Partnerships and the Poor - Bolivia Case Study: A Perspective on Water Supply and Sewerage, Case Study Bolivia, South America by Walton, Barry
Public Private Partnerships and the Poor - Jakarta Case Study: Drinking Water Concessions, Case Study Jakarta, Indonesia by Surjadi, Charles
PPP and the Poor: Case Report 2. Bulk Water Consumers of the Karachi Water and Sewerage Board by Ahmed, Norman
PPP and the Poor: Case Report 3 - Awami Tanks in Orangi Town, Karachi, Pakistan by Ahmed, Norman
PPP and the Poor: Case Report 4. Awami Tanks Revisited. Study of Current Working and Stakeholders Response - Orangi, Baldia and Surjani Towns, Karachi by Ahmed, Norman
Spreading the Word Further: Guidelines for Disseminating Development Research - Synthesis Notes by Fisher, Julie
PPP and the Poor: Pro-Poor Longer Term (Concession and Lease) Contracts by
PPP and the Poor: Case Study - Buenos Aires, Argentina. Experiences with Water Provision in Four Low-Income Barrios in Buenos Aires by Shusterman, R.
Implementing Labour Standards in Construction: A Sourcebook by Ladbury, Sarah
PPP and the Poor: Case Report 1. Karachi, Pakistan by Ahmed, Norman
Willingness-To-Pay Surveys - A Streamlined Approach: Guidance Notes for Small Town Water Services by Wedgewood, Alison
Partnerships to Improve Access and Quality of Public Transport - A Case Report: Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania by Coombe, W.
Creative Responses to Child Sexual Abuse: Challenges and Dilemmas by
The Silk Weavers of Kyoto: Family and Work in a Changing Traditional Industry by Hareven, Tamara
Empowerment for Sustainable Tourism Development by
Contracting Out Water and Sanitation Services: Volume 1. Guidance Notes for Service and Management Contracts in Developing Countries by Sansom, Kevin, Franceys, Richard
Contracting Out Water and Sanitation Services: Volume 2. Case Studies and Analysis of Service and Management Contracts in Developing Countries by Sansom, Kevin, Franceys, Richard
Werte Und Kriminalität: Konzeption Einer Allgemeinen Kriminalitätstheorie by Hermann, Dieter
Controlling and Preventing Disease: The Role of Water and Environmental Sanitation Interventions by Ince, Margaret, Rottier, Erik
Im Umgang Mit Der Macht: Herrschaft Und Selbstbehauptung in Einem Autoritären Politischen System by Borgwardt, Angela
Strong Religion: The Rise of Fundamentalisms Around the World by Almond, Gabriel a.
Appropriately Subversive: Modern Mothers in Traditional Religions by Hartman Halbertal, Tova
Present Pasts: Urban Palimpsests and the Politics of Memory by Huyssen, Andreas
Partnerships to Improve Access and Quality of Public Transport: Guidelines and Compilation CD by Mitlin, Diana
Partnerships to Improve Access and Quality of Public Transport: A Case Report Colombo, Sri Lanka by
Partnerships to Improve Access and Quality of Public Transport: A Case Report. Faisalabad, Pakistan by Ullah Khan, Ata
Spreading the Word Further: Guidelines for Disseminating Development Research by Fisher, Julie
Behavior and Sequential Analyses: Principles and Practice by Koperwas, John, Sharpe, Thomas L.
Present Pasts: Urban Palimpsests and the Politics of Memory by Huyssen, Andreas
Women Making Art: History, Subjectivity, Aesthetics by Meskimmon, Marsha
Emerging Johannesburg: Perspectives on the Postapartheid City by
Abortion and Social Responsibility: Depolarizing the Debate by Shrage, Laurie J.
Surface and Depth: The Quest for Legibility in American Culture by Gilmore, Michael T.
Morality and Cultural Differences by Cook, John W.
Vermittlungskulturen im Wandel: Brief - E-Mail - SMS by
Exile, language and identity by
Athletic Intruders: Ethnographic Research on Women, Culture, and Exercise by
Living with Tourism: Negotiating Identities in a Turkish Village by Tucker, Hazel
Emerging Johannesburg by
The Celebrity: An Episode by Churchill, Winston
Social Identities Across the Life Course by Hockey, Jenny, James, Allison
Dictators, Democracy, and American Public Culture: Envisioning the Totalitarian Enemy, 1920s-1950s by Alpers, Benjamin L.
Warten: Eine Annäherung by Rabba, Anke
Reproducing Empire: Race, Sex, Science, and U.S. Imperialism in Puerto Rico Volume 11 by Briggs, Laura
Sidgwicks Utility & Whitheads by Durand, Kevin
Annual Abstract of Statistics 2003 (No.139) by Na, Na
Sex Worship Or An Exposition of the Phallic Origins of Religion by Howard, Clifford
Reviving America's Forgotten Neighborhoods: An Investigation of Inner City Revitalization Efforts by Bright, Elise M.
Black City Cinema: African American Urban Experiences in Film by Massood, Paula
War of Words: Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War Press by Maihafer, Harry J.
Nurturing the One, Supporting the Many: The Center for Family Life in Sunset Park, Brooklyn by McGowan, Brenda, Botsko, Michael, Hess, Peg
Kommunikationspolitische Maßnahmen zur Vermarktung des digitalen Fernsehens in der Medienbranche by Hagemann, Sandra
Visuelle Maßnahmen für die Band Eisheilig: Einführung einer Band, die die "schwarze Szene" als Zielgruppe hat, in den Musikmarkt by Keil, Anja
Master Mind Magazine, October 1911 to March 1912 by Militz, Annie Rix
Master Mind Magazine, April 1912 to September 1912 by
Master Mind Magazine, April 1916 to September 1916 by
Master Mind Magazine, April 1917 to September 1917 by
Master Mind Magazine, October 1917 to March 1918 by
Master Mind Magazine, April 1918 to September 1918 by
Master Mind Magazine, October 1918 to March 1919 by
Iranian History and Politics: The Dialectic of State and Society by Katouzian, Homa
English Drama Since 1940 by Rabey, David Ian
Master Mind Magazine, October 1915 to March 1916 by
Master Mind Magazine, October 1912 to March 1913 by
Master Mind Magazine, April 1915 to September 1915 by
Master Mind Magazine, October 1914 to March 1915 by
Master Mind Magazine, April 1913 to September 1913 by
Master Mind Magazine, October 1913 to March 1914 by
Master Mind Magazine, April 1914 to September 1914 by
Master Mind Magazine, October 1916 to March 1917 by
Iran's Persian Gulf Policy: From Khomeini to Khatami by Marschall, Christin
Nurturing the One, Supporting the Many: The Center for Family Life in Sunset Park, Brooklyn by Hess, Peg, McGowan, Brenda, Botsko, Michael
Hop on Pop: The Politics and Pleasures of Popular Culture by
The Rise and Fall of the The Soviet Economy: An Economic History of the USSR 1945 - 1991 by Hanson, Philip
Reel Arguments: Film, Philosophy, And Social Criticism by Light, Andrew
The Paradox Of Wealth And Poverty: Mapping The Ethical Dilemmas Of Global Development by Little, Daniel
Rational Ritual: Culture, Coordination, and Common Knowledge by Chwe, Michael Suk
The Monochrome Society by Etzioni, Amitai
Reinventing Justice: The American Drug Court Movement by Nolan, James L.
Theorizing Diaspora: A Reader by
The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of the Social Sciences by
War and Modernity by Joas, Hans
Identities: Race, Class, Gender, and Nationality by
American Barns and Covered Bridges by Sloane, Eric
Sacramental Society by Smith, C. Ryder
A Political Education Life Arts Project: A Civil Tongue with a Festival of Expressions by Drakeford, Dale B.
A Political Education Life Arts Project: A Civil Tongue With A Festival Of Expressions by Drakeford, Dale B.
Global Perspectives on Social Issues: Pornography by Procida, Richard, Simon, Rita J.
The Sociocultural and Political Aspects of Abortion: Global Perspectives by Basu, Alaka
Remembering School: Mapping Continuities in Power, Subjectivity, and Emotion in Stories of School Life by Southgate, Erica
Social Trends (33rd Edition) by Na, Na
Interrogating Racism in Qualitative Research Methodology by
Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Volume 1: Media, Industry, Society by
Punishment and Social Structure by
Inszenierung Und Interpenetration: Das Zusammenspiel Von Eliten Aus Politik Und Journalismus by Hoffmann, Jochen
Widerstand ALS Ästhetik: Peter Weiss Und Die Ästhetik Des Widerstands by Hvidtfeldt Madsen, Karen
Trauerarbeit Der Moderne: Autorenpoetiken in Der Gegenwartsliteratur by Richter, Steffen
Älter Werdende Und Ältere Frauen Heute: Zur Vielfalt Ihrer Lebenssituationen by
Wirtschaftsjournalismus: Grundlagen Und Neue Konzepte Für Die Presse by Mast, Claudia
Lehren Vom Leben: Essays Über Mensch Und Gesellschaft by Bibel, Wolfgang
Foundations and Public Policy: The Mask of Pluralism by Roelofs, Joan
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