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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Sociology in 2005

Turning Promises by Nathan, Richard P.
The Origin of Civilisation and the Primitive Condition of Man by Lubbock, John
Le mariage gay: Les enjeux d'une revendication by Collin, Thibaud
The Path to Posthumanity: Aspects of Near-Future Science and Technology by Goertzel, Ben
Meningitis by Kneib, Martha
Silently Silenced: Essays on the Creation of Acquiescence in Modern Society by Mathiesen, Thomas
Hepatitis by Gallagher, Aileen
The Abilities of Man: Their Nature and Measurement by Spearman, Charles
Search and Seizure of Digital Evidence by Moore, Robert
Cultivating Development: An Ethnography Of Aid Policy And Practice by Mosse, David
Theorizing Nationalism by Day, Graham, Thompson, Andrew
Terrorism and Peacekeeping: New Security Challenges by
Watching Babylon: The War in Iraq and Global Visual Culture by Mirzoeff, Nicholas
Skepticism, Modernity and Critical Theory: Critical Theory in Philosophical Context by Walsh, P.
Migration Policies and Political Participation: Inclusion or Intrusion in Western Europe? by Odmalm, P.
Nineteenth-Century Anti-Catholic Discourses: The Case of Charlotte Brontë by Peschier, D.
Trust, Risk and Uncertainty by Moran, A., Watson, S.
Ngo's and the United Nations: Institutionalization, Professionalization and Adaptation by Martens, K.
Joseph Conrad and Popular Culture by Donovan, S.
Education as Social Action: Knowledge, Identity and Power by
Media Audiences and Identity: Self-Construction and the Fan Experience by Bailey, S.
Gothic and the Comic Turn by Horner, A., Zlosnik, S.
Representing Scotland in Literature, Popular Culture and Iconography: The Masks of the Modern Nation by Riach, A.
Studies in Modern Childhood: Society, Agency, Culture by
Work-Life City Limits: Comparative Household Perspectives by Jarvis, H.
Limits of European Citizenship: European Integration and Domestic Immigration Policies by Vink, Maarten P.
The Contemporary Deathbed: The Ultimate Rush by Tercier, John Anthony
Satyajit Ray's the Chess Players and Postcolonial Film Theory: Postcolonialism and Film Theory by Dube, Reena
Conceptualising Community: Beyond the State and Individual by Studdert, D.
The Sociology of African American Language: A Language Planning Perspective by Debose, C.
Motivation, Engagement and Educational Performance: International Perspectives on the Contexts for Learning by Willis, W., Elliott, J., Hufton, N.
Developing Ecofeminist Theory: The Complexity of Difference by Cudworth, E.
Friendship and Educational Choice: Peer Influence and Planning for the Future by Brooks, R.
Is God a Scientist?: A Dialogue Between Science and Religion by Crawford, R.
The Digital City: The American Metropolis and Information Technology by Laguerre, M.
Muslims In Australia by Kabir, Nahid
Watching Babylon: The War in Iraq and Global Visual Culture by Mirzoeff, Nicholas
The Body: A Reader by
Cities and Race: America's New Black Ghetto by Wilson, David
Citizenship and Belonging: Immigration and the Politics of Demographic Governance in Postwar Britain by Hampshire, James
Social Limits to Learning: Essays on the Archeology of Domination, Resistance, and Experience by Mergner, Gottfried
Terrorism and Peacekeeping: New Security Challenges by Franke, Volker
Sport and Society: History, Power and Culture by Scambler Graham, Scambler, Graham
Theorizing Nationalism by Thompson, Andrew, Day, Graham
Governing Complex Societies: Trajectories and Scenarios by Pierre, J., Peters, B.
La competenza scrittoria mediale by Hans-Bianchi, Barbara
Science and Citizens: Globalization and the Challenge of Engagement by
Conceptual Foundations of Social Research Methods by Baranov, David
Spanisches Verblexikon by Vera Morales, José
Reform und Innovation in einer unstabilen Gesellschaft by
Das Weite suchen by Uzarewicz, Michael, Uzarewicz, Charlotte
Im migratorischen Dreieck by Cappai, Gabriele
Wissenschaftliches Publizieren: Stand und Perspektiven by
Ritual in Its Own Right: Exploring the Dynamics of Transformation by
The Quotable Mises (Large Print Edition) (Large Print Edition) by Thornton, Mark
Politics in Land and Water Management: Study in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania by Lerise, Fred Simon
Preaching That Grabs the Heart by Wendland, Ernst, Wendland, Ernest R.
African Studies in Social Movements and Democracy by
Draft Treaty for the Establishment of Th by Mvungi, Sengondo
Prophetism in Ghana by Baeta, C.
Democratie et developpement en Afrique de l'Ouest mythe et realite ('Democracy and development in west Africa. Myth and reality') by
Citizens of Europe?: The Emergence of a Mass European Identity by Bruter, M.
The Noble Savage in the New World Garden: Notes toward a Syntactics of Place by McGregor, Gaile
Loving Through Bars: Children with Parents in Prison by Martone, Cynthia
Social Theory and Social History by Macraild, Donald, Taylor, Avram
Democracy Needs Aristocracy by Worsthorne, Peregrine
Narrative Strategies in Television Series by Allrath, G., Gymnich, M.
Incentives for Regional Development: Competition Among Sub-National Governments by Sridhar, K.
Urban Poverty, Housing and Social Change in China by Wang, Ya Ping
Turkey: Challenges of Continuity and Change by Altunisik, Meliha, Tür, Özlem
The Media and Body Image: If Looks Could Kill by Wykes, Maggie, Gunter, Barrie
Language Contact and Composite Structures in New Ireland by Jenkins, Rebekah Sue
Knowing Capitalism by Thrift, N. J., Thrift, Nigel
Rural Geography: Processes, Responses and Experiences in Rural Restructuring by Woods, Michael
Quoting God: How Media Shape Ideas about Religion and Culture by
Fundamentals of Biogeography by Huggett, Richard John
Invitation to the Party: Building Bridges to the Arts, Culture and Community by Walker-Kuhne, Donna
New Northern Lights: Graduate Research on Circumpolar Studies from the University of Alberta by
Child Abuse and Neglect: Biosocial Dimensions - Foundations of Human Behavior by
The Essential Gunnar Myrdal by Myrdal, Gunnar
International Exposure: Perspectives on Modern European Pornography, 1800-2000 by
Call of the Mall: The Geography of Shopping by the Author of Why We Buy by Underhill, Paco
Validating Bachelorhood: Audience, Patriarchy and Charles Brockden Brown's Editorship of the Monthly Magazine and American Review by Slawinski, Scott
The Social Organization of Policy: An Institutional Ethnography of UN Forest Deliberations by Eastwood, Lauren E.
Islam, Democracy and the Status of Women: The Case of Kuwait by Rizzo, Helen M.
The Whole by Reed, John
Everything You Know Seems Wrong: Globalization and the Relativizing of Tradition by Campbell, George Van Pelt
The End of Blackness: Returning the Souls of Black Folk to Their Rightful Owners by Dickerson, Debra J.
Monday Night Class by Gaskin, Stephen
Sacred Circles, Public Squares: The Multicentering of American Religion by Demerath III, N. J., Diamond, Etan, Farnsley, Arthur E.
Primate Ethology by Morris, Desmond
Unfolding Social Constructionism by Hibberd, Fiona J.
Cohort Analysis by Glenn, Norval D.
Cultural Transformation and Religious Practice by Ward, Graham
Becoming Literate in the City by Serpell, Robert, Baker, Linda, Sonnenschein, Susan
Group Formation in Economics by
The Politics of Personalised Medicine by Hedgecoe, Adam
Cultural Transformation and Religious Practice by Ward, Graham
Harper's New Monthly Magazine March to May 1882 by Various Authors
Anthropological Religion by Muller, Friedrich
Journey's End by Brown, Cecil
Plays of Leo Tolstoy: The Power Of Darkness, The First Distiller, Fruits Of Culture by Tolstoy, Leo
Salt Water Taffy or TwentyThousand Leagues Away From The Sea by Triplett, June
Harper's New Monthly Magazine December 1881 to February 1882 by Various Authors
A Study Of Spinoza by Martineau, James
Marriage Customs In Many Lands by Hutchinson, H.
The Story of the Mikado by Gilbert, William S.
Words And Places Or Etymological Illustrations Of History, Ethnology And Geography by Taylor, Isaac
Got Truth? by Hope, Gary Raymond
Truth-Driven Thinking: An Examination of Human Emotion and Its Impact on Everyday Life by Gibson, Stephen L.
An Appeal In Behalf Of The Negro And Indian Missions In The United States by Anonymous
Childhood Socialization by Garbarino, James
Wedlock In Time by Fairbanks, Douglas
Marriage Customs In Many Lands by Hutchinson, H.
Eugene Field: A Study in Heredity and Contradictions Part One by Thompson, Slason
Scribner's Monthly Illustrated Magazine February to April 1879 by
Religious Innovation in a Global Age: Essays on the Construction of Spirituality by
Text and Image: Art and the Performance of Memory by Smith, Richard
A Field Negroes Handbook by Wells, Napoleon
The Compassionate Community by Harmer, Catherine M.
Institutional Capital: Building Post-Communist Government Performance by Brunell, Laura
The Naked Crowd: Reclaiming Security and Freedom in an Anxious Age by Rosen, Jeffrey
Cultural Studies: A Critical Introduction by During, Simon
Living Theory: The Application of Classical Social Theory to Contemporary Life by Hurst, Charles
Cardboard Condo: How the Homeless Survive the Streets by Greene, Robert C.
Mill's The Subjection of Women: Critical Essays by
Famine That Kills: Darfur, Sudan by de Waal, Alex
Elitenzirkulation in Transformationsgesellschaften: Eine Soziologische Fallstudie Zur Zirkulation Der Eliten Im Iran by Gächter, Afsaneh
Understanding Theology and Popular Culture by Lynch, Gordon
Cities and Society by
Cities and Society by
Pop Culture Latin America!: Media, Arts, and Lifestyle by Shaw, Lisa, Dennison, Stephanie
Undestanding Theology Culture by Lynch, Gordon
New Teacher Identity and Regulative Government: The Discursive Formation of Primary Mathematics Teacher Education by Brown, Tony, McNamara, Olwen
Bücher, Verlage, Medien by
The Mathematics of Marriage: Dynamic Nonlinear Models by Swanson, Catherine C., Gottman, John M., Murray, James D.
Assessing Sanitation Policy: A Series of Wedc Briefing Notes by Tayler, Kevin
Drawing Water: A Resource Book of Illustrations on Water and Sanitation in Low-Income Countries by Shaw, Rod
The Pied-Noirs 1960-2000: A Case Study in the Persistence of Subcultural Distinctiveness by Manes, R. Averell
PPP and the Poor: The Real Obstacles to Universal Access to Drinking Water in Developing Countries by Botton, Sarah
Implementing Labour Standards in Construction: Briefing and Guidance Notes by Scott, Rebecca
As Seen in Vogue: A Century of American Fashion in Advertising by Hill, Daniel Delis
Building with the Community: Engineering Projects to Meet the Needs of Both Men and Women by Reed, Brian
Repression and Mobilization by Davenport, Christian
Water and Sanitation for Disabled People and Other Vulnerable Groups: Designing Services to Improve Accessibility by Jones, Hazel, Reed, R. a.
Rethinking Development in Latin America by
Unrequited Love and Gay Latino Culture: What Have You Done to My Heart? by Contreras, D.
Water Safety Plans: Book 1 Planning Water Safety Management for Urban Piped Water Supplies in Developing Countries by Godfrey, Sam
Water Safety Plans - Book 2: Supporting Water Safety Management for Urban Piped Water Supplies in Developing Countries by
Teilhabe an Der Gesellschaft: Menschen Mit Behinderung Zwischen Inklusion Und Exklusion by Wansing, Gudrun
Stadtentwicklung Mit Stadtmanagement? by
Why America's Top Pundits Are Wrong: Anthropologists Talk Back Volume 13 by
Soziologie Des Erziehungswesens by Lange, Elmar
Schule in Der Wissensgesellschaft: Ein Soziologisches Studienbuch Für Lehrerinnen Und Lehrer by Gill, Bernhard
Die "Vergessenen" Frauen Aus Der Zuwanderergeneration: Zur Lebenssituation Von Alleinstehenden Migrantinnen Im Alter by Matthäi, Ingrid
Organisationsgesellschaft: Facetten Und Perspektiven by
Kommunikationsanschlüsse: Zur Soziologischen Differenz Von Realer Und Künstlicher Sozialität by Malsch, Thomas
Development of Sociology in Japan: Jahrbuch Für Soziologiegeschichte by
Mill's The Subjection of Women: Critical Essays by
Church, State and Civil Society by Fergusson, David
The Politics of Personalised Medicine by Hedgecoe, Adam
Good People in an Evil Time: Portraits of Complicity and Resistance in the Bosnian War by Broz, Svetlana
Socialism in America: Second Edition by Bowman, John L.
Regimes of Description: In the Archive of the Eighteenth Century by
Arguing Comics: Literary Masters on a Popular Medium by
Regimes of Description: In the Archive of the Eighteenth Century by
Mathematics and Culture II: Visual Perfection: Mathematics and Creativity by
Media Spectacle and the Crisis of Democracy: Terrorism, War, and Election Battles by Kellner, Douglas
Media Spectacle and the Crisis of Democracy: Terrorism, War, and Election Battles by Kellner, Douglas
The Resilient City: How Modern Cities Recover from Disaster by
American Communities: The Next Human Advance, A New Class of Freedom by Schneider, Kenneth R.
Like Wheat to the Miller: Community, Convivencia, and the Construction of Morisco Identity in Sixteenth-Century Aragon by Halavais, Mary
The Future of Forensic DNA Testing: Predictions of the Research and Development Working Group by US Department of Justice, Us Department of Justice
Forging A More Perfect Union: For a Grand Harmony of Cities, Democracy, Ecology by Schneider, Kenneth R.
Die Anwendung der Konzepte probabilistischer Bevölkerungsmodelle auf Prognosen für den Hochschulbereich by Boes, Stephan
Mapping the Global Future: Report of the National Intelligence Council's 2020 Project by National Intelligence Council
Good Luck Life: The Essential Guide to Chinese American Celebrations and Culture by Gong, Rosemary
Graphic Design as Communication by Barnard, Malcolm
Through the Tempest by Gilkey, Langdon
Einführung in Die Sozialwissenschaftliche Datenanalyse by Benninghaus, Hans
Knowledge and Social Construction by Koch, Andrew M.
Graphic Design as Communication by Barnard, Malcolm
Ökonomie des Vertrauens - Feldstudien zu Reziprozität und Gift-Exchange Experiment: Ein Erklärungsansatz zur erfolgreichen Implementierung von Self-Pr by Steiniger, Henny
The Semi-Complete Guide to Sort of Being a Gentleman by Laborde, Esquire Gentleman Brock
Mediating the Family: Gender, Culture and Representation by Tincknell, Estella
Unternehmenskultur Und Unternehmensidentität: Wirklichkeit Und Konstruktion by
Making Political Ecology by Neumann, Rod
Kybernetische Interventionen: Zum Kritischen Verständnis Des Immanenten Verhältnisses Von Multimedia Und Pädagogik by Weber, Dietmar
Macht Der Unschuld: Das Kind ALS Chiffre by
Cities of Europe: Changing Contexts, Local Arrangements, and the Challenge to Urban Cohesion [With CDROM] by
Globalizing Critical Theory by
The Making of Arab News by Mellor, Noha
Handwörterbuch Zur Ländlichen Gesellschaft in Deutschland by
Ethnodrama: An Anthology of Reality Theatre by
The Industry of Marrying Europeans by Phung, Vu Trong
Business and Technical Communication: An Annotated Guide to Sources, Skills, and Samples by
Terrorism and Peacekeeping: New Security Challenges, Instructor's Manual by
Food Culture in Mexico by Long, Janet, Vargas, Luis Alberto, Long-Solis, Janet
Woodstock: An Encyclopedia of the Music and Art Fair by Perone, James E.
The Industry of Marrying Europeans by Phung, Vu Trong
See More