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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Sociology in 2007

Des philosophes pour bien vivre by Vegleris, Eugénie
Basic Social Skills for Youth by Tierney, Jeff
Legend and Mysteries of the Maori by Wilson, Charles A. a.
Cinetech: Film, Convergence and New Media by Keane, Stephen
Saints and Cities in Medieval Italy by
Gender and the Media by Gill, Rosalind
Online Teaching and Learning Preparation Tcq V16#1 by Hewett, P.
The City and the Senses: Urban Culture Since 1500 by Steward, Jill
Cross-Cultural Anthropology: A Reference Collection by
Encyclopedia of Diasporas: Immigrant and Refugee Cultures Around the World. Volume I: Overviews and Topics; Volume II: Diaspora Communities by
Die Dokumentarische Methode Und Ihre Forschungspraxis: Grundlagen Qualitativer Sozialforschung by
Rebels and Robbers: Violence in Post-Colonial Angola by Malaquias, Assis
Young People and Politics in the UK: Apathy or Alienation? by Marsh, D., O´toole, T., Jones, S.
Transforming the Golden-Age Nation State by
Researching the Margins: Strategies for Ethical and Rigorous Research with Marginalised Communities by
Digital Practices: Aesthetic and Neuroesthetic Approaches to Performance and Technology by Broadhurst, S.
Press and Television in British Politics: Media, Money and Mediated Democracy by Gavin, N.
The Construction of Minority Identities in France and Britain by
Women in Russian Culture and Society, 1700-1825 by
Online Matchmaking by
Towards Understanding Community: People and Places by
Communication in the Age of Suspicion: Trust and the Media by
Emotional Governance: Politics, Media and Terror by Richards, B.
Blake, Modernity and Popular Culture by
Textual Construction of the Female Body: A Critical Discourse Approach by Jeffries, L.
Irish Postmodernisms and Popular Culture by Balzano, Wanda
Working-Class Lesbian Life: Classed Outsiders by Taylor, Yvette
Trust in Food: A Comparative and Institutional Analysis by Kjaernes, U., Harvey, M., Warde, A.
Women, Men, Work and Family in Europe by
Democracy and Interest Groups: Enhancing Participation? by Maloney, W., Jordan, G.
Corruption and Development: The Anti-Corruption Campaigns by
Asian and Pacific Cosmopolitans: Self and Subject in Motion by
Modern Couples Sharing Money, Sharing Life by Halleröd, Björn, Stocks, Janet
The New Transnationalism: Transnational Governance and Democratic Legitimacy by Dingwerth, K.
Language, Power and Identity Politics by
Governance, Consumers and Citizens: Agency and Resistance in Contemporary Politics by
Neoliberalism and Institutional Reform in East Asia: A Comparative Study by
Identity and Repartnering After Separation by Peggs, K., Lampard, R.
Fiction and Economy by
Parenting and Inclusive Education: Discovering Difference, Experiencing Difficulty by Rogers, Chrissie
Shyness and Society: The Illusion of Competence by Scott, Susie
Uncertainty and Communication: New Theoretical Investigations by Grant, Colin B.
The Postmodern Fairytale: Folkloric Intertexts in Contemporary Fiction by Smith, Kevin Paul
What Women Want from Work: Gender and Occupational Choice in the 21st Century by Woodfield, R.
School Choice and Student Well-Being: Opportunity and Capability in Education by Kelly, A.
Protecting Human Security in a Post 9/11 World: Critical and Global Insights by Shani, Giorgio, Sato, Makoto
Publishing in the First World War: Essays in Book History by
Counterhegemony in the Colony and Postcolony by
Social Policy in Sub-Saharan African Context: In Search of Inclusive Development by
Transnational Lives and the Media: Re-Imagining Diaspora by
Different Paths to the Nation: Regional and National Identities in Central Europe and Italy, 1830-70 by Cole, Laurence
Global Children, Global Media: Migration, Media and Childhood by Loparo, Kenneth A., Buckingham, D.
Ambivalent Jew by
State and Civil Society in Northern Europe: The Swedish Model Reconsidered by
Making Peace with the Earth: What Future for the Human Species and the Planet by
Risk and the Public Acceptance of New Technologies by Flynn, Rob, Bellaby, Paul
Studying Societies and Cultures: Marvin Harris's Cultural Materialism and Its Legacy by Kuznar, Lawrence A., Sanderson, Stephen K.
Russian Jews on Three Continents: Identity, Integration, and Conflict by Remennick, Larissa
Urban Tourism in the Developing World: The South African Experience by Visser, Gustav
Israel's Destiny: Fertility and Mortality in a Divided Society by Anson, Jon
Place You Love Is Gone: Progress Hits Home by Pierson, Melissa Holbrook
365 Ways to Change the World: How to Make a Difference-- One Day at a Time by Norton, Michael
Managing Development in a Global Context by Nef, J., Dwivedi, O., Khator, R.
Louisiana Creoles: Cultural Recovery and Mixed-Race Native American Identity by Jolivétte, Andrew J., Allen, Paula Gunn
The Sociology of Radical Commitment: Kurt H. Wolff's Existential Turn by
A New Dictionary of the Social Sciences by
Human Well-Being: Concept and Measurement by
Understanding American Culture: The Theological and Philosophical Shaping of the American Worldview by Rogers, Glenn
The Zakir Husain Memorial Lectures by College, Zakir Husain
World Cinema's 'Dialogues' with Hollywood by
Israel's Destiny: Fertility and Mortality in a Divided Society by Anson, Jon
Reasoning Skills for Handling Conflict by Felder, David W.
Journey to Chernobyl: Encounters in a Radioactive Zone by Cheney, Glenn
Loan-Words in Indonesian and Malay by
Repicturing the Second World War: Representations in Film and Television by Paris, Michael
The Physics of the Buffyverse by Ouellette, Jennifer
Terrorism: The Newest Face of Warfare by Hanle, Donald J.
Understanding Social Inequality by Butler, Tim, Watt, Paul
21st Century Dissent: Anarchism, Anti-Globalization and Environmentalism by Curran, G.
Consensus Organizing: Building Communities of Mutual Self-Interest by
Writing for Publication by Kenway, Jane, Boden, Rebecca, Epstein, Debbie
Winning and Managing Research Funding by Kenway, Jane, Boden, Rebecca, Epstein, Debbie
The Globalization of Nothing 2 by Ritzer, George
History Making and Present Day Politics: The Meaning of Collective Memory in South Africa by
The Texas Republic: A Social and Economic History by Hogan, William R.
The Transformation Journey: The Process of Guided Drawing - An Initiatic Art Therapy by Elbrecht, Cornelia
Birth Statistics 2005, No. 34 by Na, Na
The Wedding Present: Domestic Life Beyond Consumption by Purbrick, Louise
The Legacy of Socrates: Essays in Moral Philosophy by Rachels, James
Research Techniques for Clinical Social Workers by Tripodi, Tony, Epstein, Irwin, Vonk, M. Elizabeth
The Myth of Media Violence: A Critical Introduction by Trend, David
The Myth of Media Violence: A Critical Introduction by Trend, David
Research Techniques for Clinical Social Workers by Tripodi, Tony, Epstein, Irwin, Vonk, M. Elizabeth
Welfare Policy Under New Labour: Views from Inside Westminster by Defty, Andrew, Bochel, Hugh
The Clashing Worlds of Economics and Faith by Halteman, James
Christian Moderns: Freedom and Fetish in the Mission Encounter Volume 1 by Keane, Webb
The Clashing Worlds of Economics and Faith by Halteman, James
Labour Bondage in West India: From Past to Present by Breman, Jan
The Curse of the Self: Self-Awareness, Egotism, and the Quality of Human Life by Leary, Mark R.
Right Leadership: The Most Insiprational Leaders Are Invisible Heroes by Mercer, Harry Stewart
Reframing Complexity: Perspectives from the North and South by
Death and Dying: A Sociological Introduction by Howarth, Glennys
Global Inequality: Patterns and Explanations by
Bildungsbiographie und elementarpaedagogische Bildungsarbeit: Eine Studie zum Zusammenhang von Bildungsbiographien elementarpaedagogischer Mitarbeiter by Bastigkeit, Anja
Aspekte des Entwurfs und der Implementierung service-orientierter Architekturen am Beispiel von Portal-Systemen by Kohne, Jens
Nutzerakzeptanz von interaktivem Fernsehen am Beispiel IPTV by Broszeit, Jörg
Poverty: An International Glossary by
Project Governance: Implementing Corporate Governance and Business Ethics in Nonprofit Organizations by Renz, Patrick S.
Mental Health, Social Mirror by
Digital Destiny: New Media and the Future of Democracy by Chester, Jeff
Skulls to the Living, Bread to the Dead: The Day of the Dead in Mexico and Beyond by Brandes, Stanley
Golden Gulag: Prisons, Surplus, Crisis, and Opposition in Globalizing California Volume 21 by Gilmore, Ruth Wilson
Casebook for the Foundation: A Great American Secret by Fleishman, Joel L., Kohler, J. Scott, Schindler, Steven
Girl Power: Saving Our Daughters Movement by Powell, Robin
Subcultures: Cultural Histories and Social Practice by Gelder, Ken
Collaborating with Community-Based Organizations Through Consultation and Technical Assistance by
Simulation: Pragmatic Constructions of Reality by
Demographic Research, Volume 9: a free, expedited, online journal of peer-reviewed research and commentary in the population sciences by
The Kingdom and the Power: Behind the Scenes at The New York Times: The Institution That Influences the World by Talese, Gay
Ethics: Contemporary Challenges in Health and Social Care by
Ethics: Contemporary Challenges in Health and Social Care by
Building Sustainable Communities: Spatial Policy and Labour Mobility in Post-War Britain by Raco, Mike
Friends That Matter by Smith, R. Craig
Building Sustainable Communities: Spatial Policy and Labour Mobility in Post-War Britain by Raco, Mike
The Idea of Poverty by Spicker, Paul
Methodological Developments in Ethnography by Jeffrey, Bob, Troman, Geoff
The History of Junkanoo Part One: My Way All the Way by Carroll, Anthony B.
Shyness and Society: The Illusion of Competence by Scott, Susie
My Two Cents' Worth by Loh, Michael
Lies That Bind: Chinese Truth, Other Truths by Blum, Susan D.
Curriculum and the Cultural Body by
The Great American Makeover: Television, History, Nation by
Fehler im Krankenhaus - Analyse und Konzeption für ein niedrigschwelliges Meldesystem by Rieger, Thorsten
Race, Ethnicity, and Inequality in the U.S. Labor Market: Critical Issues in the New Millennium by Wilson, George
In Search of Intercultural Understanding by Schmidt, Patrick
A New Literacies Sampler by
Science, Values and Politics in Max Weber's Methodology: New Expanded Edition by Bruun, Hans Henrik
Contributions of Land Remote Sensing for Decisions about Food Security and Human Health: Workshop Report by Board on Earth Sciences and Resources, National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies
Kindheit Und Jugend Im Exil: Ein Generationenthema by
Explanations, Accounts, and Illusions: A Critical Analysis by McClure, John, John, McClure
Accountability Arrangements to Combat Corruption: Literature Review by Cavill, Sue
Corruption in Infrastructure Delivery: South Africa by Hollands, Glen
Addressing Corruption in Infrastructure Services in Georgia: A Case Study by Sekhniashvili, Maryam
Corruption in Infrastructure Provision and Service Delivery at the Municipal Level in Nepal by Man Shrestha, Purusottam
Accountability Arrangements to Combat Corruption in the Delivery of Infrastructure Services in Bangladesh by
Accountability to Combat Corruption: Synthesis Report and Case Study Survey Reports by Cavill, Sue
Accountability Arrangements to Combat Corruption in the Housing and Municipal Sector in Ukraine by Kyrylchuk, Ihor
Partnering to Combat Corruption in Infrastructure Services: A Toolkit by Cavill, Sue
Infrastructure for All: Meeting the Needs of Both Men and Women in Development Projects - A Practical Guide for Engineers, Technicians and Project Man by Reed, Brian
Community in the Balance: Morality and Social Change in an Indonesian Society by Hagen, James
Civil-military Relations in Today's China: Swimming in a New Sea: Swimming in a New Sea by Finkelstein, David M., Gunness, Kristen
Corporations and Society: The Social Anthropology of Collective Action by Smith, M. G.
Accountability Arrangements to Combat Corruption: A Note on Research Methodology for Combating Corruption by Cavill, Sue
Developing Engineers and Technicians: Notes on Giving Guidance to Engineers and Technicians on How Infrastructure Can Meet the Needs of Men and Women by Reed, Brian
Messy Self by Rosner, Jennifer
Games and Sport in Everyday Life: Dialogues and Narratives of the Self by Perinbanayagam, Robert S.
Jury Ethics: Juror Conduct and Jury Dynamics by Abramson, Jeffrey B., Kleinig, John, Levine, James P.
Contesting Empire, Globalizing Dissent: Cultural Studies After 9/11 by Denzin, Norman K., Giardina, Michael D.
Pedagogies of the Global: Knowledge in the Human Interest by Dirlik, Arif
Good Governance and Provision of Affordable Housing in DKI Jakarta, Indonesia by Widoyoko, Danang
Water from Sand Rivers: Guidelines for Abstraction by Hussey, Stephen
Measuring Stress in Humans: A Practical Guide for the Field by
Time for Dying by Glaser, Barney
Generationen der Jugend: Bedeutung und aktuelle Relevanz des Generationskonzepts in der Jugendsoziologie by Bauer, Quirin
Excreta Disposal in Emergencies: A Field Manual by Harvey, Peter
Hidden Handedness by Randolph, Samuel M.
Challenging Global Inequality: Development Theory and Practice in the 21st Century by Turner, Mark, Greig, Alastair, Hulme, David
International Media Studies by McMillin, Divya
Weltstaat Und Weltstaatlichkeit: Beobachtungen Globaler Politischer Strukturbildung by
Death and Dying: A Sociological Introduction by Howarth, Glennys
Cultural Studies by Rojek, Chris
Soziologie Der Kindheit: Verletzlicher Eigen-Sinn by Schweizer, Herbert
Verortete Normen: Öffentliche Räume, Normen, Kontrolle Und Verhalten by Klamt, Martin
Väter Im Aufbruch?: Deutungsmuster Von Väterlichkeit Und Männlichkeit Im Kontext Von Väterinitiativen by Wolde, Anja
Politische Planung: Aufsätze Zur Soziologie Von Politik Und Verwaltung by Luhmann, Niklas
Bildung Und Anderes Wissen: Zur Neuen Thematisierung Von Erfahrungswissen in Der Beruflichen Bildung by Sevsay-Tegethoff, Nese
Headhunters: Matchmaking in the Labor Market by Finlay, William, Coverdill, James E.
The Formation of a Persecuting Society by Moore, Robert I.
International Media Studies by McMillin, Divya
Headhunters: Matchmaking in the Labor Market by Finlay, William, Coverdill, James E.
Fernsehen Und Angstbewältigung: Zur Typologie Des Zuschauerverhaltens by Vitouch, Peter
Jahrbuch Für Soziologiegeschichte: Soziologisches Erbe: Georg Simmel - Max Weber - Soziologie Und Religion - Chicagoer Schule Der Soziologie by
Die Zukunft Des Öffentlichen: Multidisziplinäre Perspektiven Für Eine Öffnung Der Diskussion Über Das Öffentliche by
Der Wahlabend Im Deutschen Fernsehen: Wandel Und Stabilität Der Wahlberichterstattung by Wied, Kristina
Zukunft Von Stadt Und Region: Band V: Strategien Und Verfahren Für Forschung Und Politik. Beiträge Zum Forschungsverbund Stadt 2030 by Sahr-Pluth, Jessika
Ernährung Im Fernsehen: Eine Kultivierungsstudie Zur Darstellung Und Wirkung by Lücke, Stephanie
Beyond Anne Frank: Hidden Children and Postwar Families in Holland by Wolf, Diane L.
Nobody's Perfect!: A Critique of Modern American Society by Glukstad, Richard W.
The Long Day: The Story of a New York Working Girl by Richardson, Dorothy
The Writings And Speeches Of Samuel J. Tilden V2 by Tilden, Samuel J.
Life And Later Speeches Of Chauncey M. Depew by DePew, Chauncey M.
The Speeches Of The Right Honorable William Huskisson V3 by Huskisson, William
The Speeches Of The Duke Of Wellington V1: In Parliament by
Zoroastrian Civilization: From The Earliest Times To The Downfall Of The Last Zoroastrian Empire 651 A.D. by Dhalla, Maneckji Nusservanji
The Making Of Citizens by Hamilton, J. G. De Roulhac, Knight, Edgar Wallace
Public Opinion by Lippmann, Walter
Geography Of Africa South Of The Zambesi: With Notes On The Industries, Wealth And Social Progress Of The States And Peoples by Greswell, William Parr
Dreams Of The Ages: A Poem Of Columbia by Sherwood, Kate Brownlee
The Civic Theatre: In Relation To The Redemption Of Leisure, A Book Of Suggestions by Mackaye, Percy
Speeches of His Majesty Kamehameha IV: To the Hawaiian Legislature by King Kamehameha
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