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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Sociology in 2008

Shetkaryanchya Atmhattya Thambvaychya Kashya? by Prof Bokare, Divakar
Wannabes, Goths, and Christians: The Boundaries of Sex, Style, and Status by Wilkins, Amy C.
Une innovation en conduite du changement: Le projet Litchi à EDF by LeLoup, Robert, Marty, Sandrine, Autissier, David
Être l'acteur de son cours by Berthier-McLaughlin, Cécile, Harfaut, Michèle
Enjeux et outils du marketing RH: Promouvoir et vendre les ressources humaines by Panczuk, Serge, Point, Sébastien
Entre mère et fils: Une histoire d'amour et de désir by Megglé, Virginie
Concilier travail et vie privée by Caillaud, Carole
Alors... Heureux ?: Les relations humaines by Thévenet, Maurice
La chance tu provoqueras: Six comportements pour profiter du hasard by Samson, Alain
Regionalism and the Reading Class by Griswold, Wendy
Heartland TV: Prime Time Television and the Struggle for U.S. Identity by Johnson, Victoria E.
Ontology of Sex by Hull, Carrie
The Psychology of Salesmanship by Atkinson, William Walker
Mormon Polygamous Families: Life in the Principle by Embry, Jessie L.
Abortion: A Documentary and Reference Guide by Rose, Melody
European Societies: Fusion or Fission? by
Participatory Action Research Approaches and Methods: Connecting People, Participation and Place by
Globalisation, Modernity and Social Change: Hotspots of Transition by Taylor, Graham, Dürrschmidt, Jörg
Globalisation, Modernity and Social Change: Hotspots of Transition by Taylor, Graham, Dürrschmidt, Jörg
The Spaces of Organisation and the Organisation of Space: Power, Identity and Materiality at Work by Dale, Karen, Burrell, Gibson
Social Theories of Risk and Uncertainty: An Introduction by
Constituting Communities: Political Solutions to Cultural Conflict by
Health Promotion in Action: From Local to Global Empowerment by Labonté, R., Laverack, G.
European Childhoods: Cultures, Politics and Childhoods in Europe by James, Allison, James, Adrian L.
Refuge in the Land of Liberty: France and Its Refugees, from the Revolution to the End of Asylum, 1787-1939 by Burgess, Greg
Institutions for Social Well Being: Alternatives for Europe by
Modular Narratives in Contemporary Cinema by Cameron, A.
Global Governance and Diplomacy: Worlds Apart? by Maley, William
The Mass Image: A Social History of Photomechanical Reproduction in Victorian London by Beegan, G.
Community, Conflict and the State: Rethinking Notions of 'safety', 'cohesion' and 'wellbeing' by Cooper, C.
Forced Displacement: Why Rights Matter by
Metaphors of Globalization: Mirrors, Magicians and Mutinies by
Transitions Through Homelessness: Lives on the Edge by McNaughton, C.
Transformative Learning for a New Worldview: Learning to Think Differently by Jackson, M.
Transnationalization of Public Spheres by Peters, B., Weßler, H., Brüggemann, M.
Freud's Memory: Psychoanalysis, Mourning and the Foreign Body by White, R.
Uncertainty in Medical Innovation: Experienced Pioneers in Neonatal Care by Mesman, Jessica
The Body of Nature and Culture by Giblett, R.
Trade, Poverty and the Environment: The Eu, Cotonou and the African-Caribbean-Pacific Bloc by Flint, Adrian
Presbyterians in Ireland: Identity in the Twenty-First Century by Baillie, S.
Horizontal Inequalities and Conflict: Understanding Group Violence in Multiethnic Societies by
The Politics of AIDS: Globalization, the State and Civil Society by Thörn, Håkan
Identity Trouble: Critical Discourse and Contested Identities by
Transatlantic Print Culture, 1880-1940: Emerging Media, Emerging Modernisms by
New Humanitarianism: Britain and Sierra Leone, 1997-2003 by Schümer, T.
Method and Substance in Macrocomparative Analysis by
Lived Experiences of Public Consumption: Encounters with Value in Marketplaces on Five Continents by
Computer Games as a Sociocultural Phenomenon: Games Without Frontiers - War Without Tears by
Feminism and Criminal Justice: A Historical Perspective by Logan, Anne
The Ideology of Home Ownership: Homeowner Societies and the Role of Housing by Ronald, R.
Russia and Its Other(s) on Film: Screening Intercultural Dialogue by
Theorizing Desire: From Freud to Feminism to Film by Gorton, K.
Families in Converging Europe: A Comparison of Forms, Structures and Ideals by Oinonen, E.
Class Formation, Civil Society and the State: A Comparative Analysis of Russia, France, UK and the Us by Burrage, Michael
Public and Private Social Policy: Health and Pension Policies in a New Era by
Marxism and Criminological Theory: A Critique and a Toolkit by Cowling, Mark
Cinema and Community by McKiernan, D.
Machinic Modernism: The Deleuzian Literary Machines of Woolf, Lawrence and Joyce by Monaco, B.
Civil Society Participation in European and Global Governance: A Cure for the Democratic Deficit? by
Family Practices in South Asian Muslim Families: Parenting in a Multi-Faith Britain by Becher, H.
The Soviet Dream World of Retail Trade and Consumption in the 1930s by Randall, A.
Transnational Women's Fiction: Unsettling Home and Homeland by Strehle, S.
Europe-Asia Relations: Building Multilateralisms by Balme, Richard, Bridges, Brian
The Political Economy of Human Rights Enforcement: Moral and Intellectual Leadership in the Context of Global Hegemony by Manokha, I.
Male Rape: The Emergence of a Social and Legal Issue by Abdullah-Khan, N.
Qualitative Research and Social Change: European Contexts by
Schooling in Western Europe: The New Order and Its Adversaries by Jones, K., Cunchillos, C., Hatcher, R.
Families Raising Disabled Children by Goodley, Dan, Clavering, Emma, McLaughlin, J.
Sublime Communication Technologies by Giblett, Rod
Intelligence, Security and Policing Post-9/11: The Uk's Response to the 'War on Terror' by Phythian, Mark
The Politics of Economic Inequality in Developing Countries by Nel, P.
Animal Disease and Human Trauma: Emotional Geographies of Disaster by Baxter, J., Convery, I., Mort, M.
Mental Maps in the Era of Two World Wars by
Baby Boy Names: The Most Popular Baby Boy Names in America from 1900 to Present by Flexser, Jennie
Multi-Choice Policing in Africa by Baker, Bruce
The Discipline of Leisure: Embodying Cultures of 'recreation' by
The Martin Luther King, Jr., Encyclopedia by Armstrong, Tenisha, Carson, Susan, Carson, Clayborne
Transit Migration: The Missing Link Between Emigration and Settlement by Papadopoulou-Kourkoula, A.
Understanding and Reducing Persistent Poverty in Africa by
The Bush Is Sweet: Identity, Power and Development Among WoDaaBe Fulani in Niger by Loftsdottir, Kristin
Commonwealth: Inter- and Non-State Contributions to Global Governance by Shaw, Timothy M.
Religious Commodifications in Asia: Marketing Gods by
Mental Health User Narratives: New Perspectives on Illness and Recovery by Cohen, Bruce M. Z.
Equality by Bellamy, Edward
Rethinking Gender and Youth Sport by
Against the Grain: The Vayda Tradition in Human Ecology and Ecological Anthropology by
Complex Emergencies by Keen, David J.
Heartland TV: Prime Time Television and the Struggle for U.S. Identity by Johnson, Victoria E.
Private Spenden für Kultur by Strachwitz, Rupert Graf, Sprengel, Rainer
Revolutionary Aristotelianism: Ethics, Resistance and Utopia by
Nach Jacques Derrida Und Niklas Luhmann: Zur (Un-)Möglichkeit Einer Gesellschaftstheorie Der Gerechtigkeit by
Zehn Jahre Danach. Niklas Luhmanns »Die Gesellschaft Der Gesellschaft«: Themenheft Soziale Systeme 1+2/07 by
»Tragic Choices«. Luhmann on Law and States of Exception: Themenheft Soziale Systeme 1/08 by
China's Emerging Cities: The Making of New Urbanism by
China on the Move: Migration, the State, and the Household by Fan, C. Cindy
Theodor Adorno by Wilson, Ross
The Myth of Generational Conflict: The Family and State in Ageing Societies by
Space, Difference, Everyday Life: Reading Henri Lefebvre by
Information and Communication Technologies in Action: Linking Theories and Narratives of Practice by Browning, Larry D., Saetre, Alf Steinar, Stephens, Keri
The Sexual Politics of Time: Confession, Nostalgia, Memory by Radstone, Susannah
Her Husband was a Woman!: Women's Gender-Crossing in Modern British Popular Culture by Oram, Alison
Supporting Multilingual Learners in the Early Years: Many Languages - Many Children by Smidt, Sandra
Mormon Polygamous Families: Life in the Principle by Embry, Jessie L.
'The Chinese Century'?: The Challenge to Global Order by Scott, D.
A la découverte de l'Asie: Mieux comprendre ses pensées et ses pratiques by Keo Kosal, Rany, Birken, Danielle
Her Husband was a Woman!: Women's Gender-Crossing in Modern British Popular Culture by Oram, Alison
Troubled Youth, Troubled Families: Understanding Families at Risk for Adolescent Maltreatment by
Labyrinths of Deceit: Culture, Modernity and Identity in the Nineteenth Century by Walker, Richard J.
At Home in the Chinese Diaspora: Memories, Identities and Belongings by
On the Lower Frequencies: A Secret History of the City by Lyle, Erick
Game of Kings: A Year Among the Oddballs and Geniuses Who Make Up America's Top HighSchool Ches s Team by Weinreb, Michael
Strivadi Samajik Vichar by Prof Bhagwat, Vidyut
Doper sa carrière d'enseignant by Coudray-Betoulle, Catherine
But Wait, There's More...: A History of Australian Advertising, 1900-2000 by Crawford, Robert
Mediating Health Information: The Go-Betweens in a Changing Socio-Technical Landscape by
Only-Child Experience and Adulthood by Sorensen, B.
Finding Funding: Grantwriting From Start to Finish, Including Project Management and Internet Use by Achilles, Charles M., Brewer, Ernest W.
Stepfamilies: Myths and Realities by Visher, Emily
Children and Media Outside the Home: Playing and Learning in After-School Care by Vered, K.
Lost in Space: The Criminalization, Globalization and Urban Ecology of Homelessness by Amster, Randall
Geography of Time: The Temporal Misadventures of a Social Psychologist, or How Every Culture Keeps Time Just a Little Bit Differently by Levine, Robert
The New Face of Political Cinema: Commitment in French Film Since 1995 by O'Shaughnessy Martin
Time and History: The Variety of Cultures by
Identification for Prediction and Decision by Manski, Charles F.
Uncanny Modernity: Cultural Theories, Modern Anxieties by Collins, Jo
Teaching Transformation: Contributions from the January 2008 Annual Conference on Teaching for Transformation, UMass Boston by
Teaching Transformation: Contributions from the January 2008 Annual Conference on Teaching for Transformation, UMass Boston by
The Constitutionalization of the European Union by
Design: The Key Concepts by McDermott, Catherine
Global Childhoods: Globalization, Development and Young People by
Handbook of Restorative Justice: A Global Perspective by
Sometimes Hunting Can Seem Like Business: Polar Bear Sport Hunting in Nunavut by Wenzel, George W.
Urban Dreams: Stories of Hope, Resilience, and Character by
Evidence of Hope: Grace and Truth in Social Issues by Johnson, Paul G.
God Gardened East: A Gardener's Meditation on the Dynamics of Genesis by
The Mechanical Bride: Folklore of Industrial Man by McLuhan, Marshall
Fame Junkies: The Hidden Truths Behind America's Favorite Addiction by Halpern, Jake
In Tension Between Organization and Profession: Professionals in Nordic Public Service by
Einführung von HDTV im ARD-Sendezentrum. Voraussetzungen und technische Realisierbarkeit. by Glatz, Johannes
What's Wrong with the World by Chesterton, G. K.
What's Wrong with the World by Chesterton, G. K.
Die Diskriminierung von Frauen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt by Brylla, Konrad
Sozial benachteiligte Jugendliche in der betreuten Wohngemeinschaft by Leutschacher, Mirja
Selektives Medienverhalten oder was der Zuschauer mit dem Medium Fernseher macht by J. Kreppel, Krisztina
Independent Radio: Analyse zu den Erfolgschancen eines Zielgruppenformatradios in Deutschland by Rackwitz, Roman
Deutschlands Elitenstruktur von 1945 bis heute by Anonym
Privatisierungsmaßnahmen im Wassersektor der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit aus neo-institutionalistischer Perspektive by Nitschke, Karla
Inevitable Aging?: Contributions to Evolutionary-Demographic Theory by Baudisch, Annette
Pressefreiheit gleich Verlegerfreiheit? Pressefreiheit in der Bundesrepublik by J. Kreppel, Krisztina
Was die Aufklärung im Fernsehen behindert (Politik, Wirtschaft und Spezialfall Krieg) by Dietzsch, Ellen
Toward a New World Order by Del Ama, Carlos
Avoiding Culture Shock- Exposure to unfamiliar cultural environments and its effects on exchange students by Skierlo, Armin
Toward a New World Order by Del Ama, Carlos, Ama, Carlos Del
El Alto, Rebel City: Self and Citizenship in Andean Bolivia by Lazar, Sian
Andrea Dworkin by Robinson, Jeremy Mark
Die EBU (European Broadcasting Union) - Geschichte und Aufgaben by Siegordner, Martin
Stellenwert der Musik bei der Identitätsbildung von Jugendlichen by Zielina, Katrin
Der Einfluss von Emotionen auf rationales Handeln: Inwieweit lassen sich Emotionen mit der Theorie der rationalen Wahl arrangieren? by Koch, Eva
Postmans kleine Geschichte des Gebrauchwertes der Literalität by Sievers, Marco
Process of change within family structures by Rihs, Bruno
Verschuldung - Überschuldung - Verbraucherinsolvenz by Kunze, Claudia
Islam in Europe: Diversity, Identity and Influence by
Medienrecht im Internet by Lindner, Robert
Rural Society in Southeast India by Kathleen, Gough Ed, Gough, Kathleen
Reliefkarten im fächerübergreifenden Geometrie- und Analysis-Unterricht: Ein Vorschlag für kooperatives Lernen by Huschenbeth, Antje
The Power of Unreasonable People: How Social Entrepreneurs Create Markets That Change the World by Hartigan, Pamela, Elkington, John
Looking for Dreamland: Uncovering a Family's Secret of the 1921 Tulsa Race Riot by Benedetti, Robert
The McCarran Internal Security Act, 1950-2005 by Patenaude, Marc
Public Opinion by Lippmann, Walter
All God's Children: The Bosket Family and the American Tradition of Violence by Butterfield, Fox
Letter to a Christian Nation by Harris, Sam
Fighting for Air: The Battle to Control America's Media by Klinenberg, Eric
Open Your Eyes: Deaf Studies Talking by
Wie werden Trends gemacht? Eine Analyse wissenschaftlicher und marktstrategischer Forschungsansätze by Schmidt, Tanja
Leadership When the Sky Falls: Leadership Lessons from the Shuttle Columbia Disaster by Hurst, Robert
An Examination of Quality of Work Life within a Health Care Setting by Fortune, Darla
No One Knows Everything - Open Source and the Crisis in Public Opinion by Dickens, Risa
The Mass Image: A Social History of Photomechanical Reproduction in Victorian London by Beegan, G.
Fernsehen heute und in der Zukunft: Digitalfernsehen, Kabel- und Satellitengesellschaften, IPTV und Handy-TV by Flath, Herbert
Social Revolution . . . . by Herzberger, Leslie
The Politics of Chapter VII Interventions in Violent Conflicts by Mboka, Abu Karimu
Maximizing Consumer Value through Channel Integration by Bernard, Elena
Reception To The Settlers Of Chicago Prior To 1840, By The Calumet Club, Of Chicago (1879) by The Calumet Club
Civic Improvement League For Canada: Report Of Preliminary Conference Held Under The Auspices Of The Commission Of Conservation At Ottawa, November 19 by Canada Commission of Conservation
Indian Corn: Its Value, Culture And Uses (1866) by Enfield, Edward
Illinois And The Nation: A Practical Treatise On State And National Civics (1915) by Trowbridge, Oliver R.
Christmas In Ritual And Tradition: Christian And Pagan (1912) by Miles, Clement A.
The Address Of The Honorable William. A. Graham On The Mecklenburg Declaration Of Independence Of The 20th Of May, 1775 (1875) by Graham, William Alexander
Rochester Social Centers And Civic Clubs: Story Of The First Two Years (1909) by League of Civic Clubs
President Lincoln's Attitude Towards Slavery And Emancipation: With A Review Of Events Before And Since The Civil War (1914) by Wilbur, Henry Watson
Principles Of Plant Culture: An Elementary Treatise Designed As A Textbook For Beginners In Agriculture And Horticulture (1906) by Goff, Emmett Stull
How We Advertised America: The First Telling Of The Amazing Story Of The Committee On Public Information That Carried The Gospel Of Americanism T by Creel, George
Man And Nature: Or Physical Geography As Modified By Human Action (1864) by Marsh, George Perkins
Individualism And After: The Herbert Spencer Lecture Delivered In The Sheldonian Theatre On The 29th May, 1908 (1908) by Kidd, Benjamin
Contested Individualization: Debates about Contemporary Personhood by
200 Jahre Heidelberger Romantik by
Emotionale Beziehungen im Generationenverband: Zur Analyse von emotionalen Beziehungen zwischen Eltern und ihren erwachsenen Kindern in Bezug auf die by Scheller, Christian
Die Geschichte des amerikanischen Films von 1895-1933 by Roloff, Nina, Töller, Melitta
Philosophy and the City: Classic to Contemporary Writings by
Meinungsmacher Michael Moore?: Der Einfluss des Films Fahrenheit 9/11 auf das Nationenimage Amerikas in Deutschland - eine empirische Analyse - by Lange, Christiane
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