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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Sociology in 2009

A Short History of Sociological Thought by Swingewood, Alan
Pragat Samajik Sanshodhan Paddhati va Sankhiki by Prof Khairnar, Dilip
Maharashtratil Adivasi by Kulkarni, Shounak
Ischia: the island of cinematography: A sociological study of its development by Sasso, Marianna
Applied Social Intelligence by Sampson, Stephen J., Elrod, Cindy
Edited Clean Version: Technology and the Culture of Control by Guins, Raiford
Découvrir la philosophie contemporaine by Le Ny, Marc
Citations littéraires expliquées by Le Boursicaud Podetti, Valérie
Rebuilding the Research Capacity at HUD by National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Center for Economic Governance and International Studies
The Sociology Instructional Design Model by El Etan, Yolanda
Literature & the Economics of Liberty (Large Print Edition): Spontaneous Order in Culture (Large Print Edition) by Cantor, Paul a.
Boundaries of Order (Large Print Edition): Private Property as a Social System (Large Print Edition) by Shaffer, Butler
History Culture & Traditions of North East India by Akoijam, Tangjakhombi
Ecrire un roman policier: et se faire publier by Bellet, Alain
L'art d'écrire une chanson by Lemesle, Claude
Civilization and Enlightenment: The Early Thought of Fukuzawa Yukichi by Craig, Albert M.
Making English Morals: Voluntary Association and Moral Reform in England, 1787 1886 by Roberts, M. J. D., M. J. D., Roberts
Communicating Politics in the Twenty-First Century by Sanders, Karen
Communicating Politics in the Twenty-First Century by Sanders, Karen
Encountering the Everyday: An Introduction to the Sociologies of the Unnoticed by Jacobsen, Michael Hviid
Encountering the Everyday: An Introduction to the Sociologies of the Unnoticed by Jacobsen, Michael Hviid
New Media: Culture and Image by Fuery, Kelli
New Media: Culture and Image by Fuery, Kelli
L'Apprentissage de soi: Exercices spirituels de Socrate à Foucault by Pavie, Xavier
Medical Technology Into Healthcare and Society: A Sociology of Devices, Innovation and Governance by Faulkner, A.
Boys and Schooling: Beyond Structural Reform by Lingard, B., Martino, W., Mills, M.
Make Poverty History: Political Communication in Action by Sireau, Nicolas
Young People Making a Life by Wierenga, Ani
Media Witnessing: Testimony in the Age of Mass Communication by
Developing Skill, Developing Vision: Practices of Locality at the Foot of the Alps by Grasseni, Cristina
Charisma and Compassion: Cheng Yen and the Buddhist Tzu CHI Movement by Huang, C. Julia
Pro-Life Reflections for Every Day by Pavone, Frank
Women on the Line by Glucksmann Aka Ruth Cavendish, Miriam
Pulling Newspapers Apart: Analysing Print Journalism by
Ultra-Low Fertility in Pacific Asia: Trends, causes and policy issues by
Biographical Dictionary of Social and Cultural Anthropology by
Pulling Newspapers Apart: Analysing Print Journalism by
Social Welfare in Western Society by Handel, Gerald
Theorising International Society: English School Methods by
Discourse and Transformation in Central and Eastern Europe by
Transnational Corporations and Development Policy: Critical Perspectives by
A Textbook of Social Work by Sheldon, Brian, MacDonald, Geraldine
Private Security in the 21st Century: Concepts and Applications: Concepts and Applications by Maggio, Edward J.
Do Your Giving While You Are Living: Inspirational Lessons on What You Can Do Today to Make a Difference Tomorrow by Fraser, Edie, Spizman, Robyn Freedman
Graffiti Lives: Beyond the Tag in New York's Urban Underground by Snyder, Gregory J.
Yeshiva Fundamentalism: Piety, Gender, and Resistance in the Ultra-Orthodox World by Stadler, Nurit
Girls on the Stand: How Courts Fail Pregnant Minors by Silverstein, Helena
Abrahamischer Trialog und Zivilgesellschaft by Hinterhuber, Eva Maria
A Textbook of Social Work by MacDonald, Geraldine, Sheldon, Brian
Times Past in Korea: An Illustrated Collection of Encounters, Customs and Daily Life Recorded by Foreign Visitors by Uden, Martin
Gender Inclusive: Essays on violence, men, and feminist international relations by Jones, Adam
Land, Water and Development: Sustainable and Adaptive Management of Rivers by Newson, Malcolm
The Development of Modern Medicine in Non-Western Countries: Historical Perspectives by
Jean Baudrillard: Fatal Theories by
Scriptwriting for the Screen by Moritz, Charlie
Globalization and the State in Central and Eastern Europe: The Politics of Foreign Direct Investment by Drahokoupil, Jan
Legally Stoned: 14 Mind-Altering Substances You Can Obtain and Use Without Breaking the Law by Thies, Todd A.
Mediating Legitimacy: Chieftaincy and Democratisation in Two African Chiefdoms by Fokwang, Jude
Democracy and Party Systems in Developing Countries: A comparative study of India and South Africa by Spiess, Clemens
Indian Foreign Policy in a Unipolar World by
Tracking the Media: Interpretations of Mass Media Discourses in India and Pakistan by Chattarji, Subarno
Literature and Politics in the Age of Nationalism: The Progressive Episode in South Asia, 1932-56 by Ahmed, Talat
Views from the Margins: Creating Identities in Modern France by
Basque by
Terror by Quota: State Security from Lenin to Stalin (an Archival Study) by Gregory, Paul R.
A General Theory of Emotions and Social Life by Tenhouten, Warren D.
Regionalism and the Humanities by
Scriptwriting for the Screen by Moritz, Charlie
Heroes Among Us: Ordinary People, Extraordinary Choices (Large Print Edition) by Quinones, John
Vivre libre avec les existentialistes: Sartre, Camus, Beauvoir... et les autres by Vegleris, Eugénie
L'écriture créative: 80 exercices pour libérer sa plume et oser écrire ! by Carpentier, Josette
Last Call: Sweat, Tears, and Beers: Thirty Years at the Firehouse by Rice, Charles E.
The Growth of Cities in the Nineteenth Century: A Study in Statistics by Weber, Adna Ferrin
The Evolution of Chinese Medicine: Song Dynasty, 960-1200 by Goldschmidt, Asaf
The Origin of Life by Waddington, C. H.
The Peckham Experiment Pbd: A Study of the Living Structure of Society by Pearse, Innes H., Crocker, Lucy H.
Women on the Line by Glucksmann Aka Ruth Cavendish, Miriam
Medienökonomik by Wentzel, Dirk
Why the Garden Club Couldn't Save Youngstown: The Transformation of the Rust Belt by Safford, Sean
Other Cities, Other Worlds: Urban Imaginaries in a Globalizing Age by
Negotiating Risk: British Pakistani Experiences of Genetics by Shaw, Alison
Keeping Together in Time: Dance and Drill in Human History by McNeill, William H.
Handbook for Rebels and Outlaws by Mirabello, Mark
The Wisdom of Love: Man, Woman and God in Jewish Canonical Literature by Rothenberg, Naftali
The Pursuit of Power: Technology, Armed Force, and Society since A.D. 1000 by McNeill, William H.
Concepts and Method in Social Science: The Tradition of Giovanni Sartori by
The Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie and The Gospel of Wealth by Carnegie, Andrew
Gang Leader for a Day: A Rogue Sociologist Takes to the Streets by Venkatesh, Sudhir
Women and Work in Africa by Bay, Edna G.
The African Slave in Colonial Peru, 1524-1650 by Bowser, Frederick P.
Mountain, Field, and Family: The Economy and Human Ecology of an Andean Valley by Brush, Stephen B.
Concubines and Bond Servants: The Social History of a Chinese Custom by Jaschok, Maria
Economic Rights of Women in Ancient Greece by Schaps, David M.
Women in Chinese Society by Witke, Roxane, Wolf, Margery
Screen Media: Analysing Film and Television by Stadler, Jane
The Rise and Fall of the South African Peasantry Second Edition by Bundy, Colin
A Community in the Andes: Problems and Progress in Muquiyauyo by Adams, Richard N.
The Wisdom of Love: Man, Woman and God in Jewish Canonical Literature by Rothenberg, Naftali
Stakeholder Politics: Social Capital, Sustainable Development, and the Corporation by Boutilier, Robert
Screening Sex by Williams, Linda
The Human Cost of African Migrations by
Youth Cultures: Scenes, Subcultures and Tribes by
Media and Ethnic Identity: Hopi Views on Media, Identity, and Communication by Levo-Henriksson, Ritva
Does Quality Pay?: Benefits of Attending a High-Cost, Prestigious College by Zhang, Liang
Linking Activism: Ecology, Social Justice, and Education for Social Change by Gardner, Morgan
International Relations in Latin America: Peace and Security in the Southern Cone by Oelsner, Andrea
Disability: The Social, Political, and Ethical Debate by
Roses in December: And Other Plays by Cahn, Victor L.
Roses in December: And Other Plays by Cahn, Victor L.
Home: Social Essays by Jones (Amiri Baraka), Leroi
Mexico Unconquered: Chronicles of Power and Revolt by Gibler, John
African Urban Spaces in Historical Perspective by
Waist Deep in Broom Sedge: A Collection of Essays, Short Stories, and Poems by Stratton, Jim
Waist Deep in Broom Sedge: A Collection of Essays, Short Stories, and Poems by Stratton, Jim
Wozu Podcasts? - Zu den Verwendungsmöglichkeiten eines jungen Mediums by Clauß, Sebastian
Migration und europäische Zuwanderungspolitik. Eine Studie über Einstellungen und Vorstellungen von Schüler(innen) und Student(innen) in Marokko, Fran by Schicklinski, Judith
Inventing America's Worst Family: Eugenics, Islam, and the Fall and Rise of the Tribe of Ishmael by Deutsch, Nathaniel
Die Veränderung dokumentarischer Formate durch die DV-Technologie: Schneller, näher, persönlicher by Götzke, Manfred, Knüppel, Leila
Hopes N Hats: Tears Through Laughter and Laughter Through Tears by O'Brien Huber, Cheryl
Hopes N Hats: Tears Through Laughter and Laughter Through Tears by O'Brien Huber, Cheryl
Tanz im Bollywood-Kino by Lobgesang, Jonas
Medea - Filmanalyse zu "Der Schlaf der Vernunft" by Biller, Richard
Who's Who in Denver Society, 1908 by Kistler Stationary Co, W. H.
The Great Awakening: Seven Ways to Change the World by Wallis, Jim
Understanding Housing Finance: Meeting Needs and Making Choices by King, Peter
Humanitarian Intervention and Conflict Resolution in West Africa: From ECOMOG to ECOMIL by Kabia, John M.
Violence and Women's Health - An analysis of violence victimization and women's mental and reproductive health in two internally displaced populations by Anastario, Michael
Shanghai Contemporary: The Politics of Built Form How divergent planning methods transformed Shanghai's urban identity Foreword by Stanford Anderson by Arkaraprasertkul, Non
The Star Machine by Basinger, Jeanine
Creating a World Without Poverty: Social Business and the Future of Capitalism by Yunus, Muhammad
Neo-Colonialism The Last Stage of Imperialism by Nkrumah, Kwame
Individuelle Bewältigung von Flexibilitäts- und Mobilitätsanforderungen am Beispiel Wohnortwechsel by Stippler, Anja
Extremist Politics and Culture, and the Western Role in Its Resurgence by Nadeem, Ahmad
Religion, State, and Society: Jefferson's Wall of Separation in Comparative Perspective by Ramazani, R.
Aftermath: Readings in the Archaeology of Recent Conflict by Schofield, John
Healthy Longevity in China: Demographic, Socioeconomic, and Psychological Dimensions by
Marriage Among a Matrilineal Elite: A Family Study of Ghanaian Senior Civil Servants by Oppong, Christine
The Death of a Dream by Deitz, William
The Death of a Dream by Deitz, William
Quantitative Data Analysis: Doing Social Research to Test Ideas by Treiman, Donald J.
Afrikaners of the Kalahari: White Minority in a Black State by Russell, Margo, Russell, Martin
Weimar Cinema: An Essential Guide to Classic Films of the Era by
The Bioethics of Regenerative Medicine by
The Disappearance of the Social in American Social Psychology by Greenwood, John D.
Vorüberlegungen, Aufbau und Analyse von Interviews mit Angehörigen der deutschen Minderheit der Sinti und Roma: Eine narrative, biographische Intervie by Kraemer, Patrick
Mortality, Mourning and Mortuary Practices in Indigenous Australia by Burbank, Victoria, Tonkinson, Myrna
Boys in Children's Literature and Popular Culture: Masculinity, Abjection, and the Fictional Child by Wannamaker, Annette
Roman Catholic Beliefs in England: Customary Catholicism and Transformations of Religious Authority by Hornsby-Smith, Michael P.
Envoys and Political Communication in the Late Antique West, 411 533 by Gillett, Andrew
Rationalisierung in der Arbeitswelt - Folgen und Gründe by Scheuringer, Martin
Diversity Management zur institutionalisierten Nutzung gesellschaftlicher Vielfalt am Beispiel Age Diversity by Koncz, Monika
Medien, Macht und Individuum: Zum Verhältnis von Gesellschaft und Fernsehen in Deutschland seit 1945 by Baltes, Chrstiane
Die Schatten der Modernisierung by Hönigschmid, Stephan P.
Queer Visibilities: Space, Identity and Interaction in Cape Town by Tucker, Andrew
The Evolution of American Women's Studies: Reflections on Triumphs, Controversies, and Change by Ginsberg, A.
Appearance and Identity: Fashioning the Body in Postmodernity by Negrin, L.
Trials of Europeanization: Turkish Political Culture and the European Union by Grigoriadis, I.
Appearance and Identity: Fashioning the Body in Postmodernity by Negrin, L.
An Ambulance With Wings: Learning to Trust God through the Journey of Isaac: A Special Needs Child by Edens, Marsha N.
Wellbeing and Development in Peru: Local and Universal Views Confronted by
X-Rated!: The Power of Mythic Symbolism in Popular Culture by Danesi, Marcel
Wellbeing and Development in Peru: Local and Universal Views Confronted by
X-Rated!: The Power of Mythic Symbolism in Popular Culture by Danesi, Marcel
Innovations in Transformative Learning: Space, Culture, and the Arts- Foreword by Stephen Brookfield by
A Practical Treatise On Tree Culture In South Australia (1881) by Brown, John Ednie
Speeches And Tracts By Thomas Chalmers (1823) by Chalmers, Thomas
A Plan For The Reduction Of Juvenile Delinquency By Community Effort (1920) by Lewis, Orlando Faulkland
A Study In The Syntax Of Alexandre Hardy (1915) by Sirich, Edward Hinman
A Study In Troop Frontage: December, 1919 (1920) by Historical Branch War Plans Division
A Study Of New Semipermeable Membranes Prepared By The Electrolytic Method (1903) by Carver, Benjamin Franklin
A Study Of P. Papinius Statius Thebais And His Imitation Of Vergil's Aeneid (1906) by Daniells, Ernest Darwin
A Study Of Sand-Lime Brick (1912) by Parr, Samuel Wilson, Ernest, Thomas Reuben
A Study Of Some Points In The Pathology Of Cerebral Hemorrhage (1872) by Bouchard, Charles
A New And Practical System Of The Culture Of Voice And Action, And A Complete Analysis Of The Human Passions: With An Appendix Of Readings And Recitat by Frobisher, Joseph Edwin
A Torquay Marriage (1895) by Vicars, Edith, Vicars, G. Rayleigh
A Century Of Acrostics On The Most Eminent Names In Literature, Science, And Art, Down To The Present Time (1855) by Grinfield, Charles Vaughan
A Guide For Writing Social Science Papers (1918) by Bogardus, Emory Stephen
An Inquiry Into The Causes Of The Insurrection Of The Negroes In The Island Of St. Domingo (1792) by De Coulon, Jean-Philippe Garran
Anonymous Account Of The Early Life And Marriage Of James, First Duke Of Ormonde: With An Appendix (1864) by
A Little Australian Girl Or The Babes In The Bush: And Jim, A Little Nigger (1881) by Richardson, Robert
A Looker On In London (1899) by Krout, Mary Hannah
A Theory Of Civilization (1914) by Douglas, Sholto Osborne Gordon
Bohemia: A Brief Evaluation Of Bohemia's Contribution To Civilization (1917) by
An Address Delivered At The Fox Chase, Twenty-Third Ward, Philadelphia, March 12, 1871 (1871) by Wistar, Thomas
A Comparative Study Of Hesiod And Pindar (1898) by Scott, John Adams
A Marriage Under The Terror (1910) by Wentworth, Patricia
A Comparative View Of The Existing Tariff Of Duties On Goods Imported From Foreign Countries (1820) by United States Congress
Address And Speeches Delivered At Manchester: On April 23 And 24, 1862 (1862) by Gladstone, William Ewart
Address Of Captain Graves: President Of The Literary And Scientific Institute Of Malta, On The Evening Of Friday, June 10, 1853 (1853) by Graves, Thomas
Addresses, Speeches, And Orations, Delivered By A. A. Cravens (1879) by Cravens, A. A.
Violent Crime: Clinical and Social Implications by
Violent Crime: Clinical and Social Implications by
The Golden Triangle: Inside Southeast Asia's Drug Trade by Chin, Ko-Lin
Transnational Blackness: Navigating the Global Color Line by
Southeast Asian Culture and Heritage in a Globalising World: Diverging Identities in a Dynamic Region by Ismail, Rahil
Time Honored: A Global View of Architectural Conservation by Stubbs, John H.
The Golden Triangle: Inside Southeast Asia's Drug Trade by Chin, Ko-Lin
Key Concepts in Urban Geography by McCormack, Derek, McNamara, Kim, Latham, Alan
Key Concepts in Urban Geography by McCormack, Derek, McNamara, Kim, Latham, Alan
Key Concepts in Governance by Bevir, Mark
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