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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Sociology in 2011

Changing Places: How Communities Will Improve the Health of Boys of Color by
Le Désir by Bégorre-Bret, Cyrille
A Critical Study of the Collection of Crania of Aboriginal Australians in the Cambridge University Museum. (Reprinted from the Journal of the Anthropo by Duckworth, Wynfrid Laurence Henry
The Dancer's Gift: Sociology in Life by Zusman, Marty E., Schacht, Caroline, Kennedy, Meredith
Maîtres ou esclaves du numérique ?: 2049: Internet, notre second cerveau by Sillard, Benoît
Eloge de la vitesse: La revanche de la génération texto by Smati, Rafik
Expanding Energy Access in Developing Countries: The Role of Mechanical Power by Practical Action Consulting, Undp
More People, More Trees: Environmental Recovery in Africa by Critchley, William
From Vulnerability to Resilience: A Framework for Analysis and Action to Build Community Resilience by Pasteur, Katherine
Sharing the Load: A Guide to Improving the Welfare of Working Animals Through Collective Action by Pradhan, Subir K., Van Dijk, Lisa, Pritchard, Joy C.
Rules and Bye-Laws. with List of the Members 1889. by Anonymous
The Rules and Regulations, with List of the Members. by Anonymous
Onwards! But Whither? a Life Study. by Bewicke, Alicia E. Neva
Man's Origin and Destiny Sketched from the Platform of the Sciences, in a Course of Lectures Delivered Before the Lowell Institute, in Boston. by Lesley, Peter
List of Committees and Members, Rules. by Anonymous
Papers on Toleration. Third Edition. by Wyvill, Christopher
Our Nationalities. [A Series of Ethnological Treatises.] by Bonwick, James
Our Nationalities. [A Series of Ethnological Treatises.] by Bonwick, James
Paddles and Politics Down the Danube. with Illustrations by the Author. by Bigelow, Poultney
Bond Slaves. the Story of a Struggle. by Varley, Isabella
Ethnology; Or, the History and Genealogy of the Human Race. by Painter, John Thomas
Disaster Response in India by U. S. Department of the Army, Singh, Prakash, Foreign Military Studies Office
Traditional Knowledge of Household Products by Ghosh, Ashis Kumar
Games and Gaming: An Introduction to New Media by Hjorth, Larissa
Twentieth Century Negro Literature by
Reservation Reelism: Redfacing, Visual Sovereignty, and Representations of Native Americans in Film by Raheja, Michelle H.
Grand Theft Childhood: The Surprising Truth about Violent Video Games and by Kutner, Lawrence, Olson, Cheryl
History and Politics in French-Language Comics and Graphic Novels by
The Hungry Cowboy: Service and Community in a Neighborhood Restaurant by Erickson, Karla a.
Chocolate Nations: Living and Dying for Cocoa in West Africa by Ryan, Órla
The Philosophy of Software: Code and Mediation in the Digital Age by Berry, D.
Masculinities and the Contemporary Irish Theatre by Singleton, B.
Constructing Leisure: Historical and Philosophical Debates by Spracklen, K.
Poverty in Haiti: Essays on Underdevelopment and Post Disaster Prospects by
Religion, Consumerism and Sustainability: Paradise Lost? by
Work-Life Balance in Europe: The Role of Job Quality by
Cultural Globalization and Music: African Artists in Transnational Networks by Kiwan, Nadia, Meinhof, Ulrike Hanna
Migration and the New Technological Borders of Europe by
The Politics of Irish Memory: Performing Remembrance in Contemporary Irish Culture by Pine, E.
Crisis in the Global Mediasphere: Desire, Displeasure and Cultural Transformation by Lewis, J.
Globalization and Inequality in Emerging Societies by
Globalized Labour Markets and Social Inequality in Europe by
Crime Prevention, Security and Community Safety Using the 5is Framework by Ekblom, P.
Regimes of Social Cohesion: Societies and the Crisis of Globalization by Janmaat, J., Green, A.
Reading Communities from Salons to Cyberspace by Sedo, Denel Rehberg
The Eu and the Domestic Politics of Welfare State Reforms: Europa, Europae by Graziano, Paolo
Europe's Migrant Policies: Illusions of Integration by Mulcahy, Suzanne
Drug Policy Harmonization and the European Union by Chatwin, C.
Total Institutions and Reinvented Identities by Scott, S.
Ethnic Citizenship Regimes: Europeanization, Post-War Migration and Redressing Past Wrongs by Maatsch, A.
Families and Kinship in Contemporary Europe: Rules and Practices of Relatedness by Jallinoja, Riitta
The Challenges of Vulnerability: In Search of Strategies for a Less Vulnerable Social Life by Misztal, B.
Social Movements in the Global South: Dispossession, Development and Resistance by
Curating Difficult Knowledge: Violent Pasts in Public Places by
It Came from the 1950s!: Popular Culture, Popular Anxieties by McCarthy, Elizabeth, Murphy, Bernice M., Jones, Darryl
Young People and Sexuality Education: Rethinking Key Debates by Allen, L.
Overcoming the Persistence of Inequality and Poverty by Heyer, Judith, Fitzgerald, Valpy
White Middle-Class Identities and Urban Schooling by Reay, D., Crozier, G., James, D.
Negotiating Multicultural Europe: Borders, Networks, Neighbourhoods by
Popular Media and Animals by Molloy, Claire
Minds, Bodies, Machines, 1770-1930 by
A Social and Economic Theory of Consumption by Kivinen, David
Local Radio, Going Global by Starkey, Guy
Work and Identity: Historical and Cultural Contexts by Wall, C., Kirk, J.
Quality of Life and Work in Europe: Theory, Practice and Policy by
The World's Largest Humanitarian Agency: The Transformation of the UN World Food Programme and of Food Aid by Shaw, D.
American Postmodernist Fiction and the Past by Savvas, T.
Civic Republicanism and Civic Education: The Education of Citizens by Peterson, A.
Existentialism and Social Engagement in the Films of Michael Mann by Gaine, Vincent M.
Performance in the Borderlands by
Television, Memory and Nostalgia by Holdsworth, A.
The Governance of Active Welfare States in Europe by
Narrating the Past by Robinson, A.
The Migration-Development Nexus: A Transnational Perspective by Fauser, Margit, Kivisto, Peter, Faist, Thomas
Transnational Policing and Sex Trafficking in Southeast Europe: Policing the Imperialist Chain by Papanicolaou, Georgios
Displaying Families: A New Concept for the Sociology of Family Life by
Lesbian, Gay and Queer Parenting: Families, Intimacies, Genealogies by Hicks, S.
Sport and Challenges to Racism by
Nationalism and the Reshaping of Urban Communities in Europe, 1848-1914 by
Melancholy Experience in Literature of the Long Eighteenth Century: Before Depression, 1660-1800 by Ingram, A., Sim, S., Lawlor, C.
Europe, Nations and Modernity by
Globesity, Food Marketing and Family Lifestyles by Kline, Stephen
Community Theatre and AIDS by Johansson, O.
Social Lives with Other Animals: Tales of Sex, Death and Love by Cudworth, E.
Youth, Music and Creative Cultures: Playing for Life by Bloustien, Geraldine, Peters, Margaret
Student Mobilities, Migration and the Internationalization of Higher Education by Brooks, R., Waters, J.
Snowboarding Bodies in Theory and Practice by Thorpe, H.
Researching Families and Relationships: Reflections on Process by
The Literature of Melancholia: Early Modern to Postmodern by
Mothers of the South: Portraiture of the White Tenant Farm Woman by Hagood, Margaret Jarman
'Race', Culture and the Right to the City: Centres, Peripheries, Margins by Millington, Gareth
Die Wirklichkeit Der Universität: Rudolf Stichweh Zum 60. Geburtstag by
The Science and Humanism of Stephen Jay Gould by Clark, Brett, York, Richard
Dialogically Speaking by
The Technology of Policing: Crime Mapping, Information Technology, and the Rationality of Crime Control by Manning, Peter K.
The Elements of Social Science: Or, Physical, Sexual, and Natural Religion by Drysdale, George
Der Leib Und Die Grenzen Der Gesellschaft: Eine Neophänomenologische Soziologie Des Transhumanen by Uzarewicz, Michael
Kampffertigkeit by Schindler, Larissa
Der Arzt und seine Kritiker by Wagner, Elke
Essentials of Accessible Grounded Theory by Stern, Phyllis Noerager, Porr, Caroline Jane
Non consentante: Viol Et Récidive: Le Témoignage Qui Ose by Robert, Céline
Framing the Troubles Online: Northern Irish Groups and Website Strategy by Reilly, Paul
Essentials of Accessible Grounded Theory by Stern, Phyllis Noerager, Porr, Caroline Jane
Repenser les economies africaines pour le developpement by
Children and Armed Conflict: Cross-Disciplinary Investigations by
Global Media and Communication Policy: An International Perspective by Iosifidis, P.
Implications of Current Research on Social Innovation in the Basque Country by
The European Union and Its Crises: Through the Eyes of the Brussels Elite by Ross, G.
The Challenge of Transition: Trade Unions in Russia, China and Vietnam by Clarke, Simon, Pringle, Tim
Lifestyle Media and the Formation of the Self by Raisborough, J.
Political Communication in Postmodern Democracy: Challenging the Primacy of Politics by
The Costs and Benefits of Animal Experiments by Knight, Andrew
Genre in Asian Film and Television: New Approaches by
Ethical Issues in International Communication by Nikolaev, Alexander G.
Feminism in the News: Representations of the Women's Movement Since the 1960s by Mendes, K.
International Perspectives on Suburbanization: A Post-Suburban World? by
Cyborg Cinema and Contemporary Subjectivity by Short, S.
Masculinities in Transition by Hockey, J., Robinson, V.
Innovation: Economic, Social, and Cultural Aspects by
Victorian Social Activists' Novels Vol 1 by Lovesey, Oliver
The Science and Humanism of Stephen Jay Gould by York, Richard, Clark, Brett
The Global Football League: Transnational Networks, Social Movements and Sport in the New Media Age by Millward, P.
Twentieth-Century Urbanization: In Search of an Urban Paradigm for an Urban World by Spodek, Howard
East Asian Cinemas: Regional Flows and Global Transformations by
Serious Leisure and Nature: Sustainable Consumption in the Outdoors by Stebbins, R., Davidson, L.
The Clash of Group Interests (Large Print Edition) (Large Print Edition) by Von Mises, Ludwig
Company Towns in the Americas: Landscape, Power, and Working-Class Communities by
Making the San Fernando Valley: Rural Landscapes, Urban Development, and White Privilege by Barraclough, Laura R.
Company Towns in the Americas: Landscape, Power, and Working-Class Communities by
Religion, Politics, and Globalization: Anthropological Approaches by
Een Zwarte Vrijstaat in Suriname: de Okaanse Samenleving in de Achttiende Eeuw by Thoden Van Velzen, H. U. E., Van Velzen, Wilhelmina
Debating Obesity: Critical Perspectives by
Disability Culture and Community Perform: Find a Strange and Twisted Shape by Kuppers, P.
Outliers: The Story of Success by Gladwell, Malcolm
Graduate Theorizations: Imaginative Applied Sociologies-Manifest and Latent by
Graduate Theorizations: Imaginative Applied Sociologies-Manifest and Latent by
Vertragstheorie und Friedensschluss bei Thomas Hobbes: Mit einem Rekurs auf die Staatsbildung bzw. Regierungsformen bei Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-17 by Schüttler, Markus
Humans and the Environment: Understanding This Complex Relationship by Tan, Adrian James
Curaçao in the Age of Revolutions, 1795-1800 by
Dancing Communities: Performance, Difference, and Connection in the Global City by Hamera, J.
One Million Acres & No Zoning by Lerup, Lars
The Harvard Psychedelic Club: How Timothy Leary, RAM Dass, Huston Smith, and Andrew Weil Killed the Fifties and Ushered in a New Age for America by Lattin, Don
Scent of the Missing: Love and Partnership with a Search-And-Rescue Dog by Charleson, Susannah
The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible: A Free Market Odyssey by Schoolland, Ken
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl: Written by Herself by Brent (Harriet Jacobs), Linda
The Souls of Black Folk by Du Bois, W. E. B.
Si la psychanalyse m'était contée: Les mots de la psychanalyse au fil des millénaires by Bensasson, Mario
Elle s'appelait Victoire by Aymard, Pauline
Le ventre vide, le froid autour by Les Filles Du Calvaire
The Legitimacy of Economic Inequality: An Empirical Approach to the Case of Chile by Castillo, Juan C.
Preparedness Peace USA: Six Sessions to a Basic Foundation for a Lifestyle of Disaster Preparedness by Boland, Kynada
The Makassar Annals by
The State and Illegality in Indonesia by Aspinall, E., Van Klinken, G.
Preparedness Peace GODRN: Six Sessions to a Basic Foundation for a Lifestyle of Disaster Preparedness by Boland, Kynada
Theory and Methods in Social Research by
Making the San Fernando Valley: Rural Landscapes, Urban Development, and White Privilege by Barraclough, Laura R.
In Search of a Path: An Analysis of the Foreign Policy of Suriname from 1975 to 1991 by Janssen, Roger
Evaluation of a Site-Specific Risk Assessment for the Department of Homeland Security's Planned National Bio- And Agro-Defense Facility in Manhattan, by National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources
Kulturelle Werte im Wandel: Ambivalente Betrachtungen der Moderne bei Anthony Giddens und Richard Sennett by Voigt, Larissa
Women and the Everyday City: Public Space in San Francisco, 1890-1915 by Sewell, Jessica Ellen
Tragedy in the Gulf: A Call for a New Engineering Ethic by Catalano, George
Prison Notebooks: Volumes 1, 2 & 3 by Gramsci, Antonio
The Compassionate Rebel Revolution: Ordinary People Changing the World by Berlowe, Burt F.
Irish Environmental Politics After the Communicative Turn by
International Students and Global Mobility in Higher Education: National Trends and New Directions by Bhandari, Rajika, Blumenthal, Peggy
The Invention of Spain: Cultural Relations Between Britain and Spain, 1770-1870 by Howarth, David
Limits of Horror: Technology, Bodies, Gothic by Botting, Fred
Dispatches from the Abortion Wars: The Costs of Fanaticism to Doctors, Patients, and the Rest of Us by Joffe, Carole
Beastie Boys: A Musical Biography by Zwickel, Jonathan
Psychosoziale Situation der Studierenden an der Hochschule Esslingen: Statistische Erhebung über das Essverhalten von Obst und Gemüse der Studierenden by Thiel, Christine
Wie Google unser Leben verändert by Schotte, Niko
The Last Taboo: Women and Body Hair by
Religion, Terror, and Error: U.S. Foreign Policy and the Challenge of Spiritual Engagement by Johnston, Douglas
How to Be a Mentalist: Master the Secrets Behind the Hit TV Show by Winthrop, Simon
Lebensstile und Lebensqualität von Bergwanderern und Kletterern in Österreich: Eine empirische Untersuchung by Geiger, Wilhelm
Paris Hilton: A Biography by Gurvis, Sandra
Die Verschmelzung von Sport und digitalen Massenmedien im Spannungsfeld zwischen Gesellschaft und Individuum: Vergleichende Gegenwartsdiagnosen by Fritsch, Tobias
Teasing and Its Long-Term Effects on Body Image by Harpole, Heather
The Cultural Front: The Laboring of American Culture in the Twentieth Century by Denning, Michael
Stuff: Compulsive Hoarding and the Meaning of Things by Steketee, Gail, Frost, Randy
The Gangrene Constituancy by Gleason, Michael J.
The Cycle of Development: Or, Essays in Illustration of the Order, Uniformity and Invariable Sequence in the Cyclical Development of Man. by Westropp, Hodder Michael
Inbreeding And Outbreeding Their Genetic And Sociological Significance by Jones Sc D., Donald F., East, Edward M.
Spain on Screen: Developments in Contemporary Spanish Cinema by
Political Communication in Postmodern Democracy: Challenging the Primacy of Politics by
Statistical Methods for the Evaluation of University Systems by
Prodigal Nation: Moral Decline and Divine Punishment from New England to 9/11 by Murphy, Andrew R.
The Docks by Sharpsteen, Bill
The Power of the Internet in China: Citizen Activism Online by Yang, Guobin
The Docks by Sharpsteen, Bill
Land use in the Greater Mekong Subregion - A Challenge for Society, Economy and Biodiversity by Langenberger, Gerhard
Vision of Canada 2020: Save Canadian Medicare and Money by Hannaford, Elizabeth Elsie
Lifestyle Media and the Formation of the Self by Raisborough, J.
Avoiding Plagiarism: Write Better Papers in APA, Chicago, and Harvard Citation Styles by Wong, Ken K.
Vision of Canada 2020: Save Canadian Medicare and Money by Hannaford, Elizabeth Elsie
Volunteering & Your Retirement Lifestyle by Webber, Jeffrey
Orientalism in Translation by Bouagada, Habib
Avoiding Plagiarism: Write Better Papers in APA, Chicago, and Harvard Citation Styles by Wong, Ken K.
Policing the Poor in Eighteenth-Century France by Schwartz, Robert M.
Hoping For A Home: How a woman with a big heart gave new lives to animals in need by Ritson, Janie
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