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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Sociology in 2014

The Shame of It: Global Perspectives on Anti-Poverty Policies by
The Shame of It: Global Perspectives on Anti-Poverty Policies by
Pursuing Livelihoods, Imagining Development: Smallholders in Highland Lampung, Indonesia by Kusworo, Ahmad
Social Work and Poverty: A Critical Approach by Parrott, Lester
Beyond Priscilla by Witthaus, Daniel
Collected Critical Essays: Wading through the Nonsense by Ruhala, Mark
Sexual Behaviour Disclosure and Behaviour Change Amidst HIV Infected Men by Thomas, Sony
Of Fear Comes Guns by Mette Larsen Sabrine, Thor Straten Jonas Emil, Normann Kristensen Signe
Spooked: The Truth about Intelligence in Australia by
Exploring Compatibility by Morozov, Vladimir a.
别扭的声音 The Awkward Voice by Zhu Youke
Migration and Religion in Europe: Comparative Perspectives on South Asian Experiences. by Ester Gallo by
Methoden zur Ermittlung von Schülervorstellungen by Stasik, Julian
Crime, Deviance and Doping: Fallen Sports Stars, Autobiography and the Management of Stigma by Yar, M.
Network Society and Future Scenarios for a Collaborative Economy by Kostakis, V., Bauwens, M.
Global Modernity: A Conceptual Sketch by Schmidt, V.
Personal Media and Everyday Life: A Networked Lifeworld by Rasmussen, T.
The Public on the Public: The British Public as Trust, Reflexivity and Political Foreclosure by Westall, C., Gardiner, M.
Islamophobia, Victimisation and the Veil by Zempi, I., Chakraborti, N.
The Silent Revolution: How Digitalization Transforms Knowledge, Work, Journalism and Politics Without Making Too Much Noise by Bunz, M.
Western Aid at a Crossroads: The End of Paternalism by Eggen, O., Roland, K.
The Ambiguous Multiplicities: Materials, Episteme and Politics of Cluttered Social Formations by Brighenti, A. Mubi
The Highway Horror Film by Murphy, Bernice M.
International Practice Theory: New Perspectives by Gadinger, F., Bueger, C.
Building a Total Quality Culture by Batten, Joe D.
Autobiographical Memory in an Aboriginal Australian Community: Culture, Place and Narrative by Monchamp, A.
Constitutionalism and the Politics of Accommodation in Multinational Democracies by Lluch, Jaime
The Unacceptable by
Gaming in Social, Locative and Mobile Media by Richardson, I., Hjorth, L.
Memory and Imagination in Film: Scorsese, Lynch, Jarmusch, Van Sant by Lombardo, P.
Affective Relations: The Transnational Politics of Empathy by Pedwell, C.
East Asian Film Stars by
Fitness Culture: Gyms and the Commercialisation of Discipline and Fun by Sassatelli, Roberta
Rethinking Peacekeeping, Gender Equality and Collective Security by
Space and the Memories of Violence: Landscapes of Erasure, Disappearance and Exception by Schindel, Estela, Colombo, Pamela
Social Media and the Politics of Reportage: The 'arab Spring' by
Travel Journalism: Exploring Production, Impact and Culture by
Reading Bridal Magazines from a Critical Discursive Perspective by Glapka, E.
Internet Governance and the Global South: Demand for a New Framework by Bhuiyan, A.
Social Invisibility and Diasporas in Anglophone Literature and Culture: The Fractal Gaze by Kral, F.
New Documentary Ecologies: Emerging Platforms, Practices and Discourses by
Analyzing Social Media Data and Web Networks by
The Capability Approach: From Theory to Practice by
Victorians on Screen: The Nineteenth Century on British Television, 1994-2005 by Kleinecke-Bates, Iris
Mobilities in Socialist and Post-Socialist States: Societies on the Move by
Class, Crime and International Film Noir: Globalizing America's Dark Art by Broe, D.
Media Representations of Police and Crime: Shaping the Police Television Drama by Colbran, M.
African Football, Identity Politics and Global Media Narratives: The Legacy of the Fifa 2010 World Cup by Mhiripiri, Nhamo A., Chari, Tendai
Becoming an African Diaspora in Australia: Language, Culture, Identity by Ndhlovu, F.
The Palgrave Handbook of Sociology in Britain by
Fandom, Image and Authenticity: Joy Devotion and the Second Lives of Kurt Cobain and Ian Curtis by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Europeanizing Civil Society: How the EU Shapes Civil Society Organizations by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Researching and Representing Mobilities: Transdisciplinary Encounters by
Social Vulnerability in European Cities: The Role of Local Welfare in Times of Crisis by
Transitions to Adulthood in the Middle East and North Africa: Young Women's Rising? by Gebel, M., Heyne, S.
Media Representations of Footballers' Wives: A Wag's Life by Bullen, J.
Queer Youth and Media Cultures by Pullen, Christopher
Identity and Nation in African Football: Fans, Community, and Clubs by
Sensational Pleasures in Cinema, Literature and Visual Culture: The Phallic Eye by
The Political Economy of Korea: Transition, Transformation and Turnaround by Uttam, J.
The Death and Resurrection of Deviance: Current Ideas and Research by
Performing Feeling in Cultures of Memory by Trezise, B.
Disconnecting with Social Networking Sites by Light, B.
Idleness, Indolence and Leisure in English Literature by
Assessing the Open Method of Coordination: Institutional Design and National Influence of EU Social Policy Coordination by
Citizens, Community and Crime Control by Bullock, K.
Justice and Foreign Rule: On International Transitional Administration by Jacob, D.
Violence and Understanding in Gaza: The British Broadsheets' Coverage of the War by Kaposi, D.
Development in Difficult Sociopolitical Contexts: Fragile, Failed, Pariah by
Battles to Bridges: U.S. Strategic Communication and Public Diplomacy After 9/11 by Zaharna, R. S.
Cultural Constructions of the Femme Fatale: From Pandora's Box to Amanda Knox by Simkin, S.
Making the British Muslim: Representations of the Rushdie Affair and Figures of the War-On-Terror Decade by Falkenhayner, N.
Refugee Politics in the Middle East and North Africa: Human Rights, Safety, and Identity by Ullah, A.
Citizenship After the Nation State: Regionalism, Nationalism and Public Attitudes in Europe by Wincott, Daniel, Jeffery, Charlie
Media, Environment and the Network Society by Anderson, A.
Bioscience, Governance and Politics by Gillott, J.
Football Hooliganism, Fan Behaviour and Crime: Contemporary Issues by
International Student Mobility and Transnational Friendships by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Global Journalism Practice and New Media Performance by
Melodrama in Contemporary Film and Television by
Rethinking Unemployment and the Work Ethic: Beyond the 'Quasi-Titmuss' Paradigm by Dunn, A.
A Sociology of the World Rally Championship: History, Identity, Memories and Place by Naess, H.
Fantasy and Social Movements by Ormrod, J.
Patrons, Curators, Inventors and Thieves: The Storytelling Contest of the Cultural Industries in the Digital Age by Wheeldon, Jonathan
Classical Masculinity and the Spectacular Body on Film: The Mighty Sons of Hercules by O'Brien, D.
Deviance in International Relations: 'rogue States' and International Security by
Cyber Ireland: Text, Image, Culture by Lynch, C.
The Gothic and the Everyday: Living Gothic by
Reading Vampire Gothic Through Blood: Bloodlines by Stephanou, Aspasia
Affective Intensities in Extreme Music Scenes: Cases from Australia and Japan by Overell, R.
Commonplace Diversity: Social Relations in a Super-Diverse Context by Wessendorf, Susanne
The Ethics of Memory in a Digital Age: Interrogating the Right to Be Forgotten by
Contesting Integration, Engendering Migration: Theory and Practice by
Media Policies Revisited: The Challenge for Media Freedom and Independence by
Ageing, Popular Culture and Contemporary Feminism: Harleys and Hormones by
Comparing Political Communication Across Time and Space: New Studies in an Emerging Field by
Youth Cultures in the Age of Global Media by Kehily, Mary Jane, Bragg, Sara
Conceptualizing Culture in Social Movement Research by
Recipient States in Global Health Politics: Pepfar in Africa by Pereira, Ricardo
Transatlantic Literature and Culture After 9/11: The Wrong Side of Paradise by
International Educational Development and Learning Through Sustainable Partnerships: Living Global Citizenship by Potts, M., Whitehead, J., Coombs, S.
Crime, Disorder and Symbolic Violence: Governing the Urban Periphery by Bowden, M.
Passionate Love and Popular Cinema: Romance and Film Genre by Todd, Erica
Media Systems and Communication Policies in Latin America by
Contemporary Crisis Fictions: Affect and Ethics in the Modern British Novel by Horton, E.
Sex, Love and Abuse: Discourses on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault by Hayes, Sharon
Queer Post-Gender Ethics: The Shape of Selves to Come by Nicholas, Lucy
Intellectual Work and the Spirit of Capitalism: Weber's Calling by Kemple, Thomas
Texture in Film by Donaldson, Lucy Fife
Contemporary British Literature and Urban Space: After Thatcher by Duff, K.
Transmedia Storytelling and the New Era of Media Convergence in Higher Education by Kalogeras, Stavroula
The Rushdie Fatwa and After: A Lesson to the Circumspect by Winston, B.
From Literature to Cultural Literacy by Segal, Naomi, Koleva, Daniela
Sounds and the City: Popular Music, Place, and Globalization by
Contemporary Scottish Gothic: Mourning, Authenticity, and Tradition by Baker, T.
Port Cities and Global Legacies: Urban Identity, Waterfront Work, and Radicalism by Mah, A.
Literature After Postmodernism: Reconstructive Fantasies by Huber, I.
Planning and the Case Study Method in Africa: The Planner in Dirty Shoes by Duminy, James, Andreasen, Jørgen, Lerise, Fred
Epistemic Relativism: A Constructive Critique by Seidel, M.
Dance Ethnography and Global Perspectives: Identity, Embodiment and Culture by
Re-Imagined Universities and Global Citizen Professionals: International Education, Cosmopolitan Pedagogies and Global Friendships by George, Shanti
Religious Ideology and the Roots of the Global Jihad: Salafi Jihadism and International Order by Turner, J.
Sexuality and the Gothic Magic Lantern: Desire, Eroticism and Literary Visibilities from Byron to Bram Stoker by Jones, D.
Communication Rights and Social Justice: Historical Accounts of Transnational Mobilizations by
Democracy Bytes: New Media, New Politics and Generational Change by Bessant, J.
Brazil Under the Workers' Party: Continuity and Change from Lula to Dilma by
The Sounds of Silent Films: New Perspectives on History, Theory and Practice by Windisch, Anna Katharina, Tieber, Claus
Trust Ownership and the Future of News: Media Moguls and White Knights by Ellis, Gavin
Mediterranean Racisms: Connections and Complexities in the Racialization of the Mediterranean Region by Law, I.
Mediated Youth Cultures: The Internet, Belonging and New Cultural Configurations by
Reflexivity in Criminological Research: Experiences with the Powerful and the Powerless by Winter, Aaron
Keeping Cool in Southeast Asia: Energy Consumption and Urban Air-Conditioning by Sahakian, M.
Transformations in Global and Regional Social Policies by
Animation, Sport and Culture by Wells, P.
The Chinese Constitution of Central Asia: Regions and Intertwined Actors in International Relations by Godehardt, N.
Voice and Environmental Communication by Depoe, Stephen
Reclaiming the Public Sphere: Communication, Power and Social Change by
Migrants, Work and Social Integration: Women's Labour in the Turkish Ethnic Economy by Dedeoglu, S.
Toward Assimilation and Citizenship: Immigrants in Liberal Nation-States by Morawska, E., Joppke, C.
Sustainable Human Development: A New Territorial and People-Centred Perspective by Biggeri, M., Ferrannini, A.
Masculinity and Irish Popular Culture: Tiger's Tales by Tracy, Tony, Holohan, Conn
Development Policy in Africa: Mastering the Future? by Kararach, G.
A Critique of Judgment in Film and Television by
Political Communication Cultures in Europe: Attitudes of Political Actors and Journalists in Nine Countries by
Compromise and Resistance in Postcolonial Writing: E. M. Forster's Legacy by Fernández Carbajal, Alberto
Geopolitical Change, Grand Strategy and European Security: The EU-NATO Conundrum in Perspective by Simon, L.
Dignity & Inclusion: Making It Work for Children with Complex Health Care Needs by
Global Sport-For-Development: Critical Perspectives by Adair, Daryl
Television Audiences Across the World: Deconstructing the Ratings Machine by
Children and Borders by
Anatomy of Media: Myths. Behaviors. Influence. by Gordon Phd, Philip
Changing Play: Play, Media and Commercial Culture from the 1950s to the Present Day by Marsh, Jackie, Bishop, Julia
日本论 Theory of Japan by Dai Jitao
日本与日本人 Japan And Japanese by Hu Shanyuan
Attachment Security and the Social World by Sochos, A.
British Chinese Families: Parenting, Relationships and Childhoods by Lau-Clayton, C.
Happiness: Understandings, Narratives and Discourses by Hyman, L.
Problem Gambling: Cognition, Prevention and Treatment by
The Customization of Science: The Impact of Religious and Political Worldviews on Contemporary Science by
Ordinary Relationships: A Sociological Study of Emotions, Reflexivity and Culture by Brownlie, J.
Media and the Inner World: Psycho-Cultural Approaches to Emotion, Media and Popular Culture by
Men, Masculinities, Travel and Tourism by
Internationalization of Education Policy: A New Constellation of Statehood in Education? by Martens, Kerstin, Knodel, Philipp
Bild Lücke Deutschland. Kaliningrader Studierende sprechen über Deutschland by Grupp, Katja
Imperial Hygiene: A Critical History of Colonialism, Nationalism and Public Health by Bashford, A.
Race in Transnational and Transracial Adoption by Treitler, Vilna Bashi
Gauging and Engaging Deviance, 1600-2000 by Sitas, Ari, Keim, Wiebke, Damodaran, Sumangala
Social Work and Poverty: A Critical Approach by Parrott, Lester
Leveraging Legacies from Sports Mega-Events: Concepts and Cases by
Übergabegespräche by Oberzaucher, Frank
Geschlechterunterschiede und Geschlechterunterscheidungen in Europa by
Interaktion - Organisation - Gesellschaft revisited by
Soziologie der Schwangerschaft by Hirschauer, Stefan, Heimerl, Birgit, Hoffmann, Anika
Erinnern als Interaktion by Prochnow, Jeannette
Questionnaire Research: A Practical Guide by Patten, Mildred L.
Die TV-Serie als Bildungsfernsehen?. Eine Untersuchung der Selbst- und Weltbilder in der Quality-Primetime-Serie Mad Men by Kleibrink, Ariane
From Social Movement to Moral Market: How the Circuit Riders Sparked an IT Revolution and Created a Technology Market by McInerney, Paul-Brian
The New Middle Class in China: Consumption, Politics and the Market Economy by Tsang, E.
Framing Jewish Culture: Boundaries and Representations by Bronner, Simon J.
Making Place: Space and Embodiment in the City by
Young People's Political Participation in Western Europe: Continuity or Generational Change? by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Dalit Households in Village Economies by
Private Development Aid in Europe: Foreign Aid Between the Public and the Private Domain by Hoebink, Paul
Transnational Mobilities in Action Sport Cultures by Thorpe, H.
Understanding Families Over Time: Research and Policy by Edwards, Rosalind
The Cultural Imaginary of the Internet: Virtual Utopias and Dystopias by Yar, M.
Mobilities and Neighbourhood Belonging in Cities and Suburbs by
Literature and Film, Dispositioned: Thought, Location, World by Gavin, Alice
Sinophone Cinemas by
My Enemy's Enemy by Hughes, Geraint
Queer Nostalgia in Cinema and Pop Culture by Padva, Gilad
Writing Empirical Research Reports: A Basic Guide for Students of the Social and Behavioral Sciences by Pyrczak, Fred, Galvan, Melisa C.
Child and Youth Migration: Mobility-In-Migration in an Era of Globalization by
Hindi Is Our Ground, English Is Our Sky: Education, Language, and Social Class in Contemporary India by Ladousa, Chaise
The History of the Stasi: East Germany's Secret Police, 1945-1990 by Gieseke, Jens
Markets and Civil Society: The European Experience in Comparative Perspective by
Livelihood Sustainability through Agro-biodiversity Conservation- A Socio-Economic Study by Fernandaz, C. Cinthia
Commemoration as Conflict: Space, Memory and Identity in Peace Processes by McDowell, S., Braniff, M.
Dialect Diversity in America: The Politics of Language Change by Labov, William
De la dépression au goût du bonheur: Abandonner ses résistances, se libérer de ses croyances et retrouver le lien avec soi by Roubeix, Hélène
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