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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Sociology in 2015

The Emerging Data Revolution in Africa: Strengthening the Statistics, Policy and Decision-making Chain by Kiregyera, Ben
Social Problems In India by Sarkar, Sukanta
Social Justice For Weaker Section by Ranjithkumar, A. &. Anil A.
A Guide to Twenty-One Trends for the 21st Century: Out of the Trenches and Into the Future by Marx, Gary
Sacred and Secular Musics: A Postcolonial Approach by Kalra, Virinder S.
Internet Addiction in Psychotherapy by Griffiths, M., Kuss, D.
Water, State and the City by Ioris, A.
Mobile Commons, Migrant Digitalities and the Right to the City by Parsanoglou, D., Tsianos, V., Trimikliniotis, N.
Crime and the Imaginary of Disaster: Post-Apocalyptic Fictions and the Crisis of Social Order by Yar, M.
Devolution and Governance: Wales Between Capacity and Constraint by Cole, Alistair, Stafford, Ian
The Making of European Consumption: Facing the American Challenge by
Gender, Informal Institutions and Political Recruitment: Explaining Male Dominance in Parliamentary Representation by Bjarnegård, E.
Juries in the Japanese Legal System: The Continuing Struggle for Citizen Participation and Democracy by Vanoverbeke, Dimitri
Social Relations in Human and Societal Development by
Baby Boomers and Generational Conflict by Bristow, Jennie
The Criminal ACT: The Role and Influence of Routine Activity Theory by
Media Ethics and Justice in the Age of Globalization by
Taking Fame to Market: On the Pre-History and Post-History of Hollywood Stardom by King, B.
Southeast Asian Muslims in the Era of Globalization by
The Cognitive Impact of Television News: Production Attributes and Information Reception by Gunter, B.
Borderities and the Politics of Contemporary Mobile Borders by Amilhat-Szary, A., Giraut, F.
Film, History and Memory by
Adaptation, Authorship, and Contemporary Women Filmmakers by Cobb, S.
American Political Fictions: War on Errorism in Contemporary American Literature, Culture, and Politics by Swirski, Peter
Transnational Labour Migration, Remittances and the Changing Family in Asia by
Young People's Educational Careers in England and Germany: Integrating Survey and Interview Analysis Via Qualitative Comparative Analysis by Glaesser, J.
Media Power and Plurality: From Hyperlocal to High-Level Policy by
The Post-2000 Film Western: Contexts, Transnationality, Hybridity by
Interrogating the Theory and Practice of Communication for Social Change: The Basis for a Renewal by Thomas, Pradip Ninan, Van De Fliert, Elske
Cosmopolitanism and the Media: Cartographies of Change by Christensen, M., Jansson, A.
Frames of Memory After 9/11: Culture, Criticism, Politics, and Law by Bond, L.
Contemporary Debates in the Sociology of Education by
The Politics of Being a Woman: Feminism, Media and 21st Century Popular Culture by
Human Rights Film Festivals: Activism in Context by Tascón, Sonia M.
Documentary Films in India: Critical Aesthetics at Work by Sharma, Aparna
Trauma and Public Memory by
Multiple Normalities: Making Sense of Ways of Living by Misztal, B.
The Fascination of Film Violence by Bacon, Henry
Storytelling in the Media Convergence Age: Exploring Screen Narratives by
The Politics of Adaptation: Media Convergence and Ideology by
Vandalism and Anti-Social Behaviour by Hopkins Burke, Roger, Long, Matt
Journalism, Audiences and Diaspora by
Anthropology, Theatre, and Development: The Transformative Potential of Performance by Tinius, Jonas, Flynn, Alex
Cynicism in British Post-War Culture: Ignorance, Dust and Disease by Curran, K.
Managing Global Health Security: The World Health Organization and Disease Outbreak Control by Kamradt-Scott, A.
Civil Society and the Governance of Development: Opposing Global Institutions by Uhlin, Anders, Kalm, S.
The Economics of Schooling in a Divided Society: The Case for Shared Education by Knox, C., Borooah, V.
Cultures of Optimism: The Institutional Promotion of Hope by Bennett, Oliver
Ethnographies of Uncertainty in Africa by
Critical Discursive Psychology by Parker, I.
3D Cinema: Optical Illusions and Tactile Experiences by Ross, Miriam
New Technologies in Developing Societies: From Theory to Practice by Obijiofor, L.
Transitions in Middlebrow Writing, 1880 - 1930 by
A History of 1970s Experimental Film: Britain's Decade of Diversity by Gaal-Holmes, P.
Media, Myth and Terrorism: A Discourse-Mythological Analysis of the 'Blitz Spirit' in British Newspaper Responses to the July 7th Bombings by Kelsey, D.
Consumable Texts in Contemporary India: Uncultured Books and Bibliographical Sociology by Gupta, S.
The Great War in Popular British Cinema of the 1920s: Before Journey's End by Napper, L.
Political Culture and Media Genre: Beyond the News by Corner, J., Richardson, K., Parry, K.
World Cinema and Cultural Memory by Hedges, I.
The Musicality of Narrative Film by Kulezic-Wilson, D.
Performance and the Global City by
Human Rights in Prisons: Comparing Institutional Encounters in Kosovo, Sierra Leone and the Philippines by Jefferson, A., Gaborit, L.
The Labour of Memory: Memorial Culture and 7/7 by Allen, M.
Crossroads in New Media, Identity and Law: The Shape of Diversity to Come by
European Integration, Processes of Change and the National Experience by
Infrastructure Redux: Crisis, Progress in Industrial Pakistan & Beyond by Anwar, N.
Civic Engagement and Social Media: Political Participation Beyond Protest by
Transforming Science in South Africa: Development, Collaboration and Productivity by Sooryamoorthy, R.
The Early Modern Medea: Medea in English Literature, 1558-1688 by Heavey, K.
Media-State Relations in Emerging Democracies by Hadland, A.
The Sacred and Modernity in Urban Spain: Beyond the Secular City by
The Psychology of Social Networking Vol.2 by Riva, Giuseppe, Wiederhold, Brenda K., Cipresso, Pietro
Can the Media Serve Democracy?: Essays in Honour of Jay G. Blumler by
Twins Talk: What Twins Tell Us about Person, Self, and Society by Davis, Dona Lee
Twins Talk: What Twins Tell Us about Person, Self, and Society by Davis, Dona Lee
Taking Liberties: Gender, Transgressive Patriotism, and Polish Drama, 1786-1989 by Filipowicz, Halina
Taking Liberties: Gender, Transgressive Patriotism, and Polish Drama, 1786-1989 by Filipowicz, Halina
Every River on Earth: Writing from Appalachian Ohio by
Every River on Earth: Writing from Appalachian Ohio by
Social Transformation and Migration: National and Local Experiences in South Korea, Turkey, Mexico and Australia by
Town Twinning, Transnational Connections, and Trans-Local Citizenship Practices in Europe by Langenohl, A.
Culture, Politics and Governing: The Contemporary Ascetics of Knowledge Production by Nickel, P.
Diversities Old and New: Migration and Socio-Spatial Patterns in New York, Singapore and Johannesburg by
The Middle Classes and the City: A Study of Paris and London by Benson, M., Bacqué, M., Bridge, G.
Running Across Europe: The Rise and Size of One of the Largest Sport Markets by
Working Time, Knowledge Work and Post-Industrial Society: Unpredictable Work by O'Carroll, A.
European Football and Collective Memory by
Psychological Well-Being in the Gulf States: The New Arabia Felix by Thomas, Justin
Childhood with Bourdieu by
The Social Psychology of Nonverbal Communication by
Oriental Identities in Super-Diverse Britain: Young Vietnamese in London by Barber, T.
Narcissism and Its Discontents by Walsh, J.
Besides the Screen: Moving Images Through Distribution, Promotion and Curation by
The Vernaculars of Communism: Language, Ideology and Power in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe by
What Is Narrative Research? by Andrews, Molly, Squire, Corinne
Renewing Europe's Housing by
Town and Country Planning in the UK by Webb, David, Vigar, Geoff, Davoudi, Simin
Science Diplomacy: New Day or False Dawn? by
The Formation of Gaming Culture: UK Gaming Magazines, 1981-1995 by Kirkpatrick, G.
25 Years After: Mapping Civil Society in the Visegrád Countries by
Jeder kann Musik by Kemser, Johannes
Working in International Development and Humanitarian Assistance: A Career Guide by Gedde, Maia
Coasts for People: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Coastal and Marine Resource Management by Berkes, Fikret
Digital Humanitarians: How Big Data Is Changing the Face of Humanitarian Response by Meier, Patrick
Development, Poverty and Power in Pakistan: The impact of state and donor interventions on farmers by Ali, Syed Mohammad
Urban Problems and Planning in the Developed World (Routledge Revivals) by
Chronotopes of Law: Jurisdiction, Scale and Governance by Valverde, Mariana
Discourse Dynamics: Critical Analysis for Social and Individual Psychology by Parker, Ian
The Brics, Us 'Decline' and Global Transformations by Kiely, R.
Follow the Money: How Foundation Dollars Change Public School Politics by Reckhow, Sarah
Leisure and the Motive to Volunteer: Theories of Serious, Casual, and Project-Based Leisure by Stebbins, Robert A.
The Zombie Renaissance in Popular Culture by
Transforming Cities: Opportunities and Challenges of Urban Regeneration in the Basque Country by
The Politics of Autonomy in Latin America: The Art of Organising Hope by Dinerstein, A.
Caribbean Racisms: Connections and Complexities in the Racialization of the Caribbean Region by Tate, S., Law, I.
Cooperation and Conflict the Nordic Way by
Essays in Russian Social and Economic History by Hoch, Steven L.
Wonder Woman: Bondage and Feminism in the Marston/Peter Comics, 1941-1948 by Berlatsky, Noah
Ecrire une fiction: littérature, cinéma, théâtre, télévision by Hébert, Laurent
The Routledge Companion to Media & Gender by
The First Peoples of the Americas by Sevilla, Monica
Sociology: A Global Scenario by
Sustainable Development of Natural Resources and Wildlife Conservation by Dubey, Ashwani Kumar
Methodology for Social Sciences Research in Agriculture by Nirmal Ravi Kumar K. Jagan Mohan Reddy M.
En las grietas de la dominación by Borgeaud-Garciandía, Natacha
Couple Relationships in the 21st Century by Gabb, J., Fink, J.
Feminist Erasures: Challenging Backlash Culture by
Fantastic Transmedia: Narrative, Play and Memory Across Science Fiction and Fantasy Storyworlds by Harvey, C.
Fairy Tale and Film: Old Tales with a New Spin by Short, S.
Inside War by Armao, Fabio
By-Roads and Hidden Treasures: Mapping Cultural Assets in Regional Australia by
Vulnerability and Exposure: Footballer Scandals, Masculine Identity and Ethics by Cover, Rob
Environment and Citizenship in Latin America: Natures, Subjects and Struggles by
Cousin Marriages: Between Tradition, Genetic Risk and Cultural Change by
Anthropology and Philosophy: Dialogues on Trust and Hope by
Childhood and Disability in the Nordic Countries: Being, Becoming, Belonging by
China through the Lens of Comparative Education: The selected works of Ruth Hayhoe by Hayhoe, Ruth
The Routledge Encyclopedia of Film Theory by
Indian Society and Polity by Benjamin, Joseph
Urban Problems (Routledge Revivals): An Applied Urban Analysis by Pacione, Michael
Meeting Democracy by
Measuring Customer Experience: How to Develop and Execute the Most Profitable Customer Experience Strategies by Klaus, Philipp
Tu Propósito de Vida by García Calvo, Laín
Music in Our Lives: Why We Listen, How It Works by Friedmann, Jonathan L.
Dope: The 200 Most Awesome Things about Weed by Stoned, I. M.
The Making of a Postsecular Society: A Durkheimian Approach to Memory, Pluralism and Religion in Turkey by Rosati, Massimo
Dancing Tango: Passionate Encounters in a Globalizing World by Davis, Kathy
Vocational Education of Female Entrepreneurs in China: A multitheoretical and multidimensional analysis of successful businesswomen's everyday lives by Maslak, Mary Ann
Can the Media Serve Democracy?: Essays in Honour of Jay G. Blumler by
My Journey Through Homelessness: The Real Story by Stigmatized Hearts
Dove va il mondo?: Riflessioni sulla società contemporanea by Ciccia, Giuseppe
Vine Stories: How an App Changed Our Lives by Baker, Yolanda
Lovers Unmasked: The Neuroscience, Psychology and Spirituality of Intimate Abuse by Jesse, J. R.
The Sage Dictionary of Qualitative Inquiry by Schwandt, Thomas A.
Namibia: Conquest to Independence: Formation of a Nation by Mwakikagile, Godfrey
Cultures of Optimism: The Institutional Promotion of Hope by Bennett, Oliver
Global Communication by Hamelink, Cees
Global Communication by Hamelink, Cees
Diversity, Social Justice, and Inclusive Excellence: Transdisciplinary and Global Perspectives by
Approaches to Human Geography: Philosophies, Theories, People and Practices by
Approaches to Human Geography: Philosophies, Theories, People and Practices by
Dancing Tango: Passionate Encounters in a Globalizing World by Davis, Kathy
For Ethnography by Atkinson, Paul
A Student′s Introduction to Geographical Thought: Theories, Philosophies, Methodologies by Couper, Pauline
The Trouble with Marriage: Feminists Confront Law and Violence in India Volume 1 by Basu, Srimati
The Trouble with Marriage: Feminists Confront Law and Violence in India Volume 1 by Basu, Srimati
Advances in Population Research by
Socioeconomic Baseline Study for the Gulf of Mexico, Final Report: Description of the Dataset, 1930-1990 by U. S. Department of the Interior Minerals
Broadband Loan and Grant Programs in the USDA's Rural Utilities Service by Kruger
This Is America: A Short History of the United States by
Rabindranath Tagore in the 21st Century: Theoretical Renewals by
Winning the Peace: Australia's Campaign to Change the Asia-Pacific by Carr, Andrew
Fantasy Islands: Chinese Dreams and Ecological Fears in an Age of Climate Crisis by Sze, Julie
Extremismus im Internet: Die Bedeutung des Internets für die Mobilisierungsprozesse von Rechtsextremisten und Islamisten im Vergleich by Leimbach, Katharina
Politik zwischen Leben und Tod. Der Begriff der Biopolitik bei Michel Foucault, Giorgio Agamben und Achille Mbembe by Sterzer, Julia
Unterschiede in der Einstellungen von Männern und Frauen. Analyse durch einen Fragebogen by Rich, Frida
The Mind-Game Film. Cinema in the Digitalized Societies of Control by Mindermann, Malte
Freiheit durch Sicherheit? Eine gesellschaftliche Skizze zur Veränderung der Bedeutung von Sicherheit im 21. Jahrhundert by Leimbach, Katharina
Heinrich Heines Autobiografie: Nach seinen Werken, Briefen und Gesprächen by Heine, Heinrich, Karpeles, Gustav
Money, How to flip the table off: Re-occupy Wall-Street ? by Peretz, Louis
Proyecto de Factibilidad para la Implementación de un Semanario Comunitario by Lojano, Raúl Javier
For a Proper Home: Housing Rights in the Margins of Urban Chile, 1960-2010 by Murphy, Edward
Asian Comics by Lent, John a.
Free Jazz/Black Power by Carles, Philippe, Comolli, Jean-Louis
The Church in Exile: Living in Hope After Christendom by Beach, Lee
Lie Detecting 101: A Comprehensive Course in Spotting Lies and Detecting Deceit by Craig, David
Digital Humanitarians: How Big Data Is Changing the Face of Humanitarian Response by Meier, Patrick
Are Emergency Nurses Well Prepared For Disaster Management? by Gaber Shreen, Fekry Nehad
Environmental Anthropology of the Qanat System in Iran by Habashiani Rasoul
The Population of Malaysia (Second Edition) by Saw, Swee-Hock
Baby Knows Best: Raising a Confident and Resourceful Child, the Rie(tm) Way by Solomon, Deborah Carlisle
Eigenverantwortung im Schweizer Gesundheitswesen: Eine sozialethische Auseinandersetzung im Kontext steigender Gesundheitskosten by Bürgstein, Wolfgang
Als die Götter Menschen waren: Die Vorgeschichte der Menschheit nach antiken Quellen by Nowak, Peter
Bourdieu for Educators: Policy and Practice by English, Fenwick W., Bolton, Cheryl L.
Person-Centered Approaches for Counselors by Cornelius-White, Jeffrey H. D.
Young, Educated & Broke: An Introduction to America's New Poor by Borromeo, Jamie
Young, Educated & Broke: An Introduction to America's New Poor by Borromeo, Jamie
Philosophy of Social Science: A New Introduction by
Carceral Geography: Spaces and Practices of Incarceration by Moran, Dominique
Geocriticism: Real and Fictional Spaces by Westphal, B.
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