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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Sociology in 2016

Commodification of Sexual Labor: The Contribution of Internet Communities to Prostitution Reform by Young, Jeffrey R.
Samakalin Bharatiya Samaj by Bhagwat, Vidyut
Rural Development In India: Policies and Programmes by Azeez, Abdul Np
Gandhi's Free Communication and Free Press by Abhishek, Krishnaveer Challa
State Failure and Human Miseries: A Study with Special Focus on Famines In British Malabar by Raghavan, M.
Displacement And Rehabilitation: Protest Movement Against Industrial Displacement in An Indian State by Pani, Niranjan
Centroamérica en la mira: La migración en su relación con el desarrollo y las oportunidades para el cambio by Yansura, Julia, Orozco, Manuel
Violence in Canada by
Issues in Development, Environment and Bio-diversity Conservation by Slariya, Mohinder Kumar
Questions religieuses et sociales, de Notre Temps verites, erreurs, opinions libres by Sauve, Henry
The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift - Volume III by Swift, Jonathan
Understanding Development in Relation to Environment: Coping Measures by Slariya Ph. D., Mohinder Kumar, Jeong Ph. D., Dai Yeun
Crveno I Skriveno by Pervic, Muharem
Role Stress, Communication and Empowerment by Rashmi Mishra
智慧养老探索与实践 by 陈志峰
Trust Us: Reproducing the Nation and the Scandinavian Nationalist Populist Parties by Hellström, Anders
Engaging with Strangers: Love and Violence in the Rural Solomon Islands by McDougall, Debra
Paradoxe Sur Les Femmes, Où l'On Tâche de Prouver Qu'elles Ne Sont Pas de l'Espèce Humaine by Acidalius-V
La Police Parisienne: Aventuriers de Génie by Mace-G
Le Conflit de la Morale Et de la Sociologie 2e Éd by Deploige-S
La Police Parisienne: Aventuriers de Génie by Mace-G
Le Repos Hebdomadaire: Solutions Intervenues, Solutions Proposées, Exemple de l'Étranger by Turmann-M
Pour La Société Des Nations by Bourgeois-L
La Dépopulation de la France: La Question Laitière by Nourry-C
Le Problème de la Dépopulation by Bertillon-J
Travail Et Travailleurs by Millerand-A
La Perfection Des Femmes . Avec l'Imperfection de Ceux Qui Les Méprisent by de Meynier-H
L'Humanité Et La Patrie by Naquet-A
L'Esprit Familial Dans La Maison, Dans La Cité Et Dans l'État by Delassus-H
Les Sociétés Ouvrières by Nadaud-M
Les Soupes Scolaires by Cesar-P
Fat Activism: A Radical Social Movement by Cooper, Charlotte
Policy for Play: Responding to Children's Forgotten Right by Voce, Adrian
Cities and Crisis by Konvitz, Josef W.
A Philosophy of the Social Construction of Crime by Polizzi, David
Tales from the Dark Side of the City: Unknown Fields by Young, Maria, Davies, Kate
Colonial Heritage, Memory and Sustainability in Africa. Challenges, Opportunities and Prospects by
Guerrilleros and Neighbours in Arms: Identities and Cultures of Anti-Fascist Resistance in Spain by Marco, Jorge
The Country House: Material Culture and Consumption by
Faked in China: Nation Branding, Counterfeit Culture, and Globalization by Yang, Fan
State Defense Forces and Their Role in American Homeland Security by Naval Postgraduate School
After Urban Regeneration: Communities, Policy and Place by
Never Never Lands: Unknown Fields by Young, Liam, Davies, Kate
Treasure Islands: Unknown Fields by Young, Liam, Davies, Kate
Snowing in the Supercomputer: Unknown Fields by Davies, Kate, Young, Liam
High Strange: Unknown Fields by Davies, Kate, Young, Liam
From Jack Johnson to Lebron James: Sports, Media, and the Color Line by
Precarious Lives: Forced Labour, Exploitation and Asylum by Dwyer, Peter, Hodkinson, Stuart, Lewis, Hannah
Key Thinkers in Childhood Studies by Smith, Carmel, Greene, Sheila
Social Policies and Social Control: New Perspectives on the 'Not-So-Big Society' by
Ethics of Care: Critical Advances in International Perspective by
After Urban Regeneration: Communities, Policy and Place by
Strangers In Our Own Lands: Cast Adrift in Aotearoa by De Forest, G. A.
Essays On Cultural Pluralism: A Philosophical Approach To Interfaith Spirituality In The Age Of Science by Khwaja, Jamal
Quest for Islam: A Philosopher's Approach To Religion In The Age Of Science And Cultural Pluralism by Khwaja, Jamal
The Vision Of An Unknown Indian: My Journey To Interfaith Spirituality by Khwaja, Jamal
Globalization and Sustainable Development in Africa by
Barriers to Play and Recreation for Children and Young People with Disabilities by Barron, Carol, Beckett, Angharad, Coussens, Marieke
Telethons: Spectacle, Disability, and the Business of Charity by Longmore, Paul K.
The Breastmilk of the Volcano: Unknown Fields by Young, Liam, Davies, Kate
The Basics of Social Research by Babbie, Earl
Dead End: Suburban Sprawl and the Rebirth of American Urbanism by Ross, Benjamin
A World Adrift: Unknown Fields by Davies, Kate, Young, Liam
Whose Body Is It Anyway?: A Sociological Reflection Upon Fitness and Wellbeing by Wellard, Ian
Whose Body Is It Anyway?: A Sociological Reflection Upon Fitness and Wellbeing by Wellard, Ian
Ernie Pyle in the American Southwest by Melzer, Richard
India in the 21st Century: What Everyone Needs to Know by Kamdar, Mira
Ernie Pyle in the American Southwest by Melzer, Richard
Teacher's Profession Education and Educational Clinic: A Recommendation by Istiningsih, Djohar, H.
A Study of Mexico by Wells, David Ames
Miscellaneous Papers on Mechanical Subjects by Whitworth, Joseph
One World Everybody Eats Guide to Starting a Community Cafe by May, Christina
Academics in Action!: A Model for Community-Engaged Research, Teaching, and Service by Brinkley-Rubinstein, Lauren, Doykos, Bernadette
The Subjection of Women (1869) by John Stuart Mill (World's Classics) by Mill, John Stuart
Die Facetten der Kristallkugel: Basis menschlicher Wahrnehmungen by Rifenkoek, Maximilian
Die demografische Entwicklung in Schweden und die schwedische Familienpolitik by Göpel, Susan
Der Einfluss von Geschwisterdynamik und Geburtenrangfolge auf die Bildung des Subjekts by Nyncke, Jonas
Digital Politics and Culture in Contemporary India: The Making of an Info-Nation by Sen, Biswarup
Handbuch Journalismustheorien by
Teaching Civic Engagement by
Tropical Gothic in Literature and Culture: The Americas by
Computerspielsucht. Auswirkungen auf das soziale Umfeld des betroffenen Individuums by Fenzlein, René
Information als Wirtschaftsgut. Digitale Wertschöpfung von E-Marketplaces und die Herausforderung der "Free"-Ökonomie in Nischenmärkten by Schotte, Niko
Frauenrollen in der Werbung. Eine Bewertung aus der Sicht des christlichen Menschenbildes by Fiedler, Laura
Material Relations: Domestic Interiors and Middle-Class Families in England, 1850-1910 by Hamlett, Jane
Zbigniew Brzezinski: Strategist of the Empire / Zbigniew Brzezinski stratège de l'Empire by Vaisse, Justin
Soziale Ungleichheit im Bildungswesen. Chancengleichheit und Gerechtigkeit durch Bildungsexpansion im deutschen Schulsystem? by Schneider, Natascha
London Is the Place for Me: Black Britons, Citizenship and the Politics of Race by Perry, Kennetta Hammond
Die Mauer muss weg! Mündigkeit im Umgang mit sexueller Vielfalt: Wenn wir respektvoller miteinander umgehen, kann die Welt davon nicht schlechter werd by Ziegler, Robert
Führen abweichende sexuelle Identitäten zu diskriminierenden Verhaltensweisen? by Hofmeister, Ina
Geography and Geographers: Anglo-American Human Geography Since 1945 by Johnston, Ron, Sidaway, James D.
Reproductive States: Global Perspectives on the Invention and Implementation of Population Policy by
Emotional Abuse of Children: Essential Information by Royse, David
The Challenger Launch Decision: Risky Technology, Culture, and Deviance at Nasa, Enlarged Edition by Vaughan, Diane
Academics in Action!: A Model for Community-Engaged Research, Teaching, and Service by Brinkley-Rubinstein, Lauren, Doykos, Bernadette
Newspaper Boys Always Deliver by Gulesserian, Joseph
Destiny's Mysticism by Shu, Jinyuan
Information Overload Paradox: Drowning in Information, Starving for Knowledge by Orman, L. V.
The Practice of Eating by Warde, Alan
The Common Good: Rising of a New Dawn How Living a More Conscious Life Can Heal a Nation One Heart, One Mind, One Thought at a Time by Farrow, Juanita S.
The Rustication of Urban Youth in China: A Social Experiment by
Revolutionary Education in China: Documents and Commentary by Seybolt, Peter J.
The Origin of the Inequality of the Social Classes by Landtman, Gunnar
Contract Children. Questioning Surrogacy by Danna, Daniela
Contract Children: Questioning Surrogacy by Danna, Daniela
Invitat to Sociology of Internat Law C by Hirsch
Gibt es in der deutschen Gesellschaft heutzutage noch Tabus? Eine empirische Studie by Anonymous
Improving Schools Through Action Research: A Reflective Practice Approach by Hendricks, Cher
Konsumismus: Kritik Einer Lebensform by Bierhoff, Burkhard
A Buddhist Theory of Privacy by Hongladarom, Soraj
Der Einfluss von Großeltern auf die Bildungserfolge ihrer Enkelkinder by Salvati, Claudio
Savage Park: A Meditation on Play, Space, and Risk for Americans Who Are Nervous, Distracted, and Afraid to Die by Fusselman, Amy
Big Ideas in Social Science by
Key Concepts in Urban Studies by Lehtovuori, Panu, Gottdiener, Mark D., Budd, Leslie
Key Concepts in Urban Studies by Lehtovuori, Panu, Gottdiener, Mark D., Budd, Leslie
Social Research Methods: The Essentials by Walliman, Nicholas Stephen Robert
Social Research Methods: The Essentials by Walliman, Nicholas Stephen Robert
Sport and Society: A Student Introduction by
Sudamérica: infraestructura e integración: La Hidrovía Paraná-Paraguay by Bono, Laura Maira
Educación Superior en perspectiva comparada y regional by Marrero, Adriana, Otero, Analía, Corrochano, María Carla
American Sociopath by Olmsted, Gwendolyn
Pleistocene Archaeology in Virginia: The Arkfeld Site by Hranicky, Wm Jack
Writing Myself Into Existence by Berger, Arthur Asa
Bram Stoker and the Gothic: Formations to Transformations by
Towards a Comparative Institutionalism: Forms, Dynamics and Logics Across the Organizational Fields of Health Care and Higher Education by
Superheroes and American Self Image: From War to Watergate by Goodrum, Michael
The Slave Ship, Memory and the Origin of Modernity by Hudson, Martyn
Ageing and Sexualities: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
Japan's Demographic Revival: Rethinking Migration, Identity and Sociocultural Norms by
Who Owns the World's Media?: Media Concentration and Ownership Around the World by Concentration Collaboration, The International Media, Noam, Eli M.
Fat Bodies, Health and the Media by Raisborough, Jayne
Hof, Herolde und Hospitäler: Wie funktionierte das Mittelalter wirklich? by Schüler, Robert a.
The Impact of Mobile Phones on Poverty and Inequality in Developing Countries by James, Jeffrey
Sociological Perspectives on Media Piracy in the Philippines and Vietnam by Ballano, Vivencio O.
Water Security, Justice and the Politics of Water Rights in Peru and Bolivia by Seemann, Miriam
State Phobia and Civil Society: The Political Legacy of Michel Foucault by Dean, Mitchell, Villadsen, Kaspar
The Palgrave Handbook of Gender and Development: Critical Engagements in Feminist Theory and Practice by
The Palgrave Handbook of Society, Culture and Outer Space by
The British Newspaper Industry: The Future of the Regional Press by Hill, John
Practicing Professional Ethics in Economics and Public Policy by
Introduction to Statistics: Using Interactive Mm*stat Elements by Härdle, Wolfgang Karl, Klinke, Sigbert, Rönz, Bernd
Reimagining the Purpose of Schools and Educational Organisations: Developing Critical Thinking, Agency, Beliefs in Schools and Educational Organisatio by
Publics and Their Health Systems: Rethinking Participation by Stewart, Ellen
Performance Anxiety in Media Culture: The Trauma of Appearance and the Drama of Disappearance by Bailey, Steven
Today's Sounds for Yesterday's Films: Making Music for Silent Cinema by
State Phobia and Civil Society: The Political Legacy of Michel Foucault by Villadsen, Kaspar, Dean, Mitchell
On Purpose: How We Create the Meaning of Life by Froese, Paul
The Neoliberal Regime in the Agri-Food Sector: Crisis, Resilience, and Restructuring by
Ripping Clouds: The Truth About Vaping by Kiyabu, Kimo
Krisenherd Sudan und der "Anti-Terror-Krieg" by Schmidt, Konstantin
Global Heartland: Displaced Labor, Transnational Lives, and Local Placemaking by Miraftab, Faranak
Shadow of Darkness, Dawning of Light: The Awakening of Human Consciousness in the 21st Century and Beyond by Tice, Paul
Sabotaging the Planet: Denial and International Negotiations by McPherson Ph. D., William R.
The Mill by Vukmir, Rade B.
Recruiting and Managing Volunteers in Museums: A Handbook for Volunteer Management by Wellman, Loni, Van Hoven, Kristy
Defenders of the Unborn: The Pro-Life Movement Before Roe V. Wade by Williams, Daniel K.
Race and Family: A Structural Approach by Coles, Roberta L.
Race and Family: A Structural Approach by Coles, Roberta L.
Beyond the Bear: How I Learned to Live and Love Again after Being Blinded by a Bear by McKinney, Debra, Bigley, Dan
Moc Racunara I Ljudski Um by Vajzenbaum, Dzozef
Combating Hunger and Achieving Food Security by Swaminathan, M. S.
Media Communication: An Introduction to Theory and Process by Watson, James
Urban Planning: An Introduction by Couch, Chris
Urban Planning: An Introduction by Couch, Chris
Sexuelle Zufriedenheit und ihre erklärenden Faktoren: Eine quantitative Analyse anhand der PAIRFAM-Daten by Salvati, Claudio
Die NPD im Netz. Internetpräsenz der Nationaldemokratischen Partei Deutschlands auf Facebook und Youtube: Eine Analyse by Kremski, Ignar
Ethik der islamischen Finanzwirtschaft by Al-Khazan, Philip
Der Weg Aus Dem Leadership Dilemma: Team-Exzellenz an Der Spitze! by Sprenger, Bernd, Novotny, Till
Be a Prepper: A Beginner's Guide to Surviving Disasters by Anderson, Macallister
Ist das duale System der Berufsausbildung der Königsweg? Bedrohungen und Herausforderungen der dualen Ausbildung in Deutschland und der Schweiz by Reinke, Michael
Die Attraktivität des Arbeitsplatzes in der Altenpflege. Das Werben der Führungskräfte um das eigene Personal by Haberland, Ellen
Bruno Gröning - Das Lehrbuch by Hofstede, Theo Von
Strahovlada by Dimitrijevic, Vojin
The Story of My Life by Keller, Helen
Homosexualität in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft. Ein Clash of Cultures? by Müller, Nelson
Sicherheit: Ein (Un)Stillbares Grundbedürfnis by Frevel, Bernhard
Adapting in the Dust: Lessons Learned from Canada's War in Afghanistan by Saideman, Stephen M.
Sex Museums: The Politics and Performance of Display by Tyburczy, Jennifer
Be Creative: Making a Living in the New Culture Industries by McRobbie, Angela
Die Wirkungen traditioneller und moderner Medien aus mediensoziologischer Perspektive: Eine Analyse by Hanke, Lea
Grundlagen der Kultursoziologie nach Mannheim by Hanke, Lea
Recruiting and Managing Volunteers in Museums: A Handbook for Volunteer Management by Van Hoven, Kristy, Wellman, Loni
Intersectionality: An Intellectual History by Hancock, Ange-Marie
African and European Addresses by Roosevelt, Theodore
Why Women Need Quotas by Pryce, Vicky
Advances in Experimental Social Psychology: Volume 53 by
Deutsche Kultur- und Sittengeschichte by Scherr, Johannes
Wie kann die Pflege darstellen, was sie leistet? Der Nutzen von Klassifikationssystemen by Kamptz, Wolfgang
What Have the Immigrants Ever Done for Us? by MacKenzie, Kelvin
Living with Difference: How to Build Community in a Divided World Volume 37 by Montgomery, David W., Seligman, Adam B., Wasserfall, Rahel R.
Kulturökonomik: Probleme, Fragestellungen Und Antworten by Gottschalk, Ingrid
Pops in Pop Culture: Fatherhood, Masculinity, and the New Man by
Ecuadorians in Madrid: Migrants' Place in Urban History by Masterson-Algar, Araceli
Global University Rankings and the Mediatization of Higher Education by Stack, Michelle
Global Media and National Policies: The Return of the State by
The Ultimate Walking Dead and Philosophy: Hungry for More by
Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking: Beyond Victims and Villains by Lutnick, Alexandra
Down with the Royals by Smith, Joan
Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking: Beyond Victims and Villains by Lutnick, Alexandra
Der Begriff der "Öffentlichkeit" bei John Dewey by Pepmeyer, Jörg
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