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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Sociology in 2019

Onukh Moyi Mali Odyseyi by Onukh, Yuriy
Political Parties in Sri Lanka: Change and Continuity by
The Infinite Monkey Cage - How to Build a Universe by Ince, Robin, Feachem, Alexandra, Cox, Professor Brian
Intimacy and Ageing: New Relationships in Later Life by Öberg, Peter, Bildtgård, Torbjörn
Illusio Fachkräftemangel: Der Zwischenraum Von Bildung Und Wirtschaft in Deutschland Und Nordkalifornien by Herberg, Jeremias
Snobbery by Morgan, David
Programme d'Une Sociologie Générale by Takebe, Tongo
Manuel de l'Homme Du Monde Ou Connoissance Générale Des Principaux États de la Société: Et de Toutes Les Matieres Qui Sont Le Sujet Des Conversations by Alletz, Pons-Augustin
Maxims of Political Leadership: Thoughts and Reflections on Issues in Management and Contemporary Leadership by Ogbo, Anthony Obi
Oeuvres Sociales by Laboulaye, Édouard, Channing, William Ellery
Qualitative Forschung in Der Kommunikationswissenschaft: Eine Praxisorientierte Einführung by Löblich, Maria, Pfaff-Rüdiger, Senta, Meyen, Michael
Brokered Subjects: Sex, Trafficking, and the Politics of Freedom by Bernstein, Elizabeth
Anthropométrie Ou Mesure Des Différentes Facultés de l'Homme by Quetelet, Adolphe
Réflexions Sur Les Sociétés Secrètes Et Les Usurpations. Partie 1: Écueils Et Dangers Des Sociétés Secrètes by Appell, Paul
Ne Fuyons Plus Les Campagnes by Dufailly, Jules
Les Assurances Sociales En Alsace Et En Lorraine by Exposition Internationale Du Centenaire de Pasteur
Du Rôle Social Des Idées Chrétiennes. Tome 2 by Marchal, Charles
La morale d'un égoïste, essai de morale sociale by Laplaigne, H.
Dictionnaire Des Appellations Ethniques de la France Et de Ses Colonies by Rolland de Denus, André
L'Art Militaire Au XIXe Siècle, Études Stratégiques Et Tactiques Sur Les Guerres Les Plus Récentes: Volume 2 by Rüstow, Wilhelm Friedrich, Savin de Larclause, Louis Charles Agénor
Diverging Tracks: American Versus English Rail Travel in the 19th Century by Snowdon, Trevor K.
Reclaiming the System: Moral Responsibility, Divided Labour, and the Role of Organizations in Society by Herzog, Lisa
Because I Said I Would. by Sheen, Alex
Life Admin: How I Learned to Do Less, Do Better, and Live More by Emens, Elizabeth F.
To the Bridge: A True Story of Motherhood and Murder by Rommelmann, Nancy
Portraits of Personality: How the Cycles of Nature Shape Your Character & Appearance by Schreib, William Arthur
High Participation Systems of Higher Education by
Rod Bush: Lessons from a Radical Black Scholar on Liberation, Love, and Justice by
Rod Bush: Lessons from a Radical Black Scholar on Liberation, Love, and Justice by
Greening the City: Urban Landscapes in the Twentieth Century by
The Class Ceiling: Why It Pays to Be Privileged by Friedman, Sam, Laurison, Daniel
Scholastic News Leveled Informational Texts: Grade 3: High-Interest Passages at Three Lexile Levels with Comprehension Questions by Scholastic Teacher Resources
WORK THE FUTURE! TODAY 2019 Pocket Pal: A faster path to purpose, passion and profit by Vosburgh, Whitney, Charlie, Grantham
Badalte Gaon, Badalta Dehat: Nayi Samajikta Ka Uday by Kumar, Satendra
Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Race by
Searching for the Philosophers' Stone: Encounters with Mystics, Scientists, and Healers by Metzner, Ralph
A Billion Black Anthropocenes or None by Yusoff, Kathryn
The Ideas Industry: How Pessimists, Partisans, and Plutocrats Are Transforming the Marketplace of Ideas by Drezner, Daniel W.
Islam & Human Ideology by El-Zeyn
Monetising the Dividual Self: The Emergence of the Lifestyle Blog and Influencers in Malaysia by Hopkins, Julian
Refugees Welcome?: Difference and Diversity in a Changing Germany by
The Caribbeanization of Black Politics: Race, Group Consciousness, and Political Participation in America by Wright Austin, Sharon D.
Citizen Journalism: Practices, Propaganda, Pedagogy by Wall, Melissa
Impact Social Studies, Our Communities, Grade 3, Impact Explorer Magazine Teaching Guide by McGraw Hill
Adolescent Storm and Stress: An Evaluation of the Mead-Freeman Controversy by Cote, James E.
Iraq from Manadate Independence by Main
Career Development Interventions for Social Justice: Addressing Needs across the Lifespan in Educational, Community, and Employment Contexts by
Peer Groups. Zum Einfluss von Gruppen auf das Individuum während der Adoleszenz by Anonym
Sound Objects by
Refugees Welcome?: Difference and Diversity in a Changing Germany by
Hearts and Minds: Israel and the Battle for Public Opinion by Shai, Nachman
Career Development Interventions for Social Justice: Addressing Needs across the Lifespan in Educational, Community, and Employment Contexts by
Design-Thinking oder High-Tech-Kolonialisierung 2.0? by Böger, Astrid
A Turbulent South Africa: Post-Apartheid Social Protest by Tournadre, Jérôme
Cities Under Austerity: Restructuring the Us Metropolis by
P'Ungsu: A Study of Geomancy in Korea by
Anthropology and Civilizational Analysis: Eurasian Explorations by
Impact Social Studies, Regions of the United States, Grade 4, Inquiry Journal by McGraw Hill
Reflexivity: Theory, Method, and Practice by Lumsden, Karen
Agrourbanism: Tools for Governance and Planning of Agrarian Landscape by
Lone Heroes and the Myth of the American West in Comic Books, 1945-1962 by Huxley, David
Adaptive Governance in Carbon Farming Policies by Torabi, Nooshin
Film and the American Presidency by
The Ancestry of Regional Spatial Planning: A Planner's Look at History by Wassenhoven, Louis C.
Tokyo as a Global City: New Geographical Perspectives by
International and Transnational Perspectives on Urban Systems by
Affective Societies: Key Concepts by
Food & Fitness Community Partnerships by
Imagining the Public in Modern South Asia by
Politics and Governance in Water Pollution Prevention in China by Dai, Liping
Geographies of Migration by
Reading the Riot Act: Reflections on the 2011 urban disorders in England by
Brazilian Agrarian Social Movements by
Disability and Colonialism: (Dis)encounters and Anxious Intersectionalities by
Resisting Neoliberalism in Higher Education Volume II: Prising Open the Cracks by
Conflict in India and China's Contested Borderlands: A Comparative Study by Mukherjee, Kunal
Understanding the Impact of Inset on Teacher Change in China by Li, Ming
Civil Society Organisations, Governance and the Caribbean Community by Hinds, Kristina
Diasporas and Transnationalisms: The Journey of the Komagata Maru by
Happiness and the Good Life in Japan by
Governing the Commons in China by Zhang, Yan
The Erasure of Arab Political Identity: Colonialism and Violence by Hawa, Salam
Women, Work and Care in the Asia-Pacific by
The Everyday Life of an Algorithm by Neyland, Daniel
Social Evolution, Political Psychology, and the Media in Democracy: The Invisible Hand in the U.S. Marketplace of Ideas by Beattie, Peter
Architecture, Mentalities and Meaning by Malone, Patrick
The Sociotechnical Constitution of Resilience: A New Perspective on Governing Risk and Disaster by
Social Media in China by Kuang, Wenbo
Cómo Hacer Un Perfil Proyecto De Investigación Científica by Plata, LIC Desiderio Javier Solíz
Cómo Hacer Un Perfil Proyecto De Investigación Científica by Plata, LIC Desiderio Javier Solíz
Sustainability and the Humanities by
Digital Revolution Tamed: The Case of the Recording Industry by Sun, Hyojung
From Analogue to Digital Radio: Competition and Cooperation in the UK Radio Industry by Devlin, Jp
Soft Power Made in China: The Dilemmas of Online and Offline Media and Transnational Audiences by Lee, Claire Seungeun
Cultural Meanings and Social Institutions: Social Organization Through Language by Heise, David R.
Linguistic Ethnography of a Multilingual Call Center: London Calling by Woydack, Johanna
Exercises in New Creation from Paul to Kierkegaard by Dickinson, T. Wilson
Discourse, Culture and Organization: Inquiries Into Relational Structures of Power by
Regional Parallelism and Corruption Scandals in Nigeria: Intranational Approaches to African Media Systems by Yusha'u, Muhammad Jameel
The Recovery Myth: The Plans and Situated Realities of Post-Disaster Response by Easthope, Lucy
Interaction in Digital News Media: From Principles to Practice by
The Contexts of Diaspora Citizenship: Somali Communities in Finland and the United States by
Living Mantra: Mantra, Deity, and Visionary Experience Today by Rao, Mani
Animal Ethics and the Nonconformist Conscience by Sampson, Philip J.
The Monstrous-Feminine in Contemporary Japanese Popular Culture by Dumas, Raechel
Interrogating Belonging for Young People in Schools by
Rival Conceptions of Freedom in Modern Iran: An Intellectual History of the Constitutional Revolution by Hashemi, Ahmad
Permanent Liminality and Modernity: Analysing the Sacrificial Carnival through Novels by Szakolczai, Arpad
Politics and Drama by Cakirtas, Onder
Politics and Drama by Cakirtas, Onder
Putin's Olympics: The Sochi Games and the Evolution of Twenty-First Century Russia by Orttung, Robert W., Zhemukhov, Sufian N.
Ceylon by Holden, Lord
What's Become of Australian Cultural Studies?: The Legacies of Graeme Turner by
Populism Around the World: A Comparative Perspective by
Pieces and Parts in Scientific Texts by
Catholics and Everyday Life in Macau: Changing Meanings of Religiosity, Morality and Civility by Hon-Fai, Chen
Resilienz oder Was uns nicht umbringt, macht uns stark? Der Plan.: Romys Fragen ans Universum by Böger, Astrid
The Space between Us by Enos, Ryan D.
Environmental Justice: An Issue for Social Work Education and Practice by
Cultural Diplomacy: Beyond the National Interest? by
Contemporary African Mediations of Affect and Access by
Why Inequality Matters by Segall, Shlomi
International and Interdisciplinary Insights into Evidence and Policy by
Cortical Visual Impairment Advanced Principles by
Transnational Television Remakes by
Scientific Knowledge Communication in Museums by Rovida, Edoardo, Rovetta, Alberto
China's Global Rebalancing and the New Silk Road by
Vergessene Und Verkannte Vordenker Für Eine Kritische Konsumtheorie: Beiträge Aus Ökonomik, Soziologie Und Philosophie by
Mega-Events and Social Change: Spectacle, Legacy and Public Culture by Roche, Maurice
China and India's Development Cooperation in Africa: The Rise of Southern Powers by Mthembu, Philani
Geographies of Transport and Ageing by
Storytelling Industries: Narrative Production in the 21st Century by Smith, Anthony N.
Energie zyklisch denken by Hartmann, Gunnar, Kießling, Andreas
Flüchtlinge auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt. Wie ist eine erfolgreiche Integration möglich? by Dues, Kirsten
Organizational Transition and Systematic Governance: Labor Relations in Enterprises by Qu, Jingdong, Fu, Chunhui, Wen, Xiang
Playful Disruption of Digital Media by
Methodological Investigations in Agent-Based Modelling: With Applications for the Social Sciences by Silverman, Eric
Qca with R: A Comprehensive Resource by Duşa, Adrian
Changing Values and Identities in the Post-Communist World by
Media Logic(s) Revisited: Modelling the Interplay Between Media Institutions, Media Technology and Societal Change by
Aesthetico-Cultural Cosmopolitanism and French Youth: The Taste of the World by Cicchelli, Vincenzo, Octobre, Sylvie
Stories of Indigenous Success in Australian Sport: Journeys to the Afl and Nrl by Robert Evans, John, Light, Richard
Recentering Africa in International Relations: Beyond Lack, Peripherality, and Failure by
L'Être Numérique by Bluteau, Sebastien
A Master's Perspective: Understanding Brexit Neomercantilism, Rent-seeking, The gig economy, and the International Trade of an emerging West A by Ikeji, Adrian
Norm Dilemmas in Humanitarian Intervention: How Bosnia Changed NATO by Abe, Yuki
Issues on Health and Healthcare in India: Focus on the North Eastern Region by
Crossing Borders: Governing Environmental Disasters in a Global Urban Age in Asia and the Pacific by
The Evolution and Preservation of the Old City of Lhasa by Li, Qing
Insight Into Acquired Brain Injury: Factors for Feeling and Faring Better by Durham, Christine, Ramcharan, Paul
Not Just a Laughing Matter: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Political Humor in China by
The Southeast Asian Woman Writes Back: Gender, Identity and Nation in the Literatures of Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and the Phi by
Japanese Imperialism: Politics and Sport in East Asia: Rejection, Resentment, Revanchism by
The Changing Face of Parties and Party Systems: A Study of Israel and India by Choudhary, Sunil K.
Crónicas de Un Inmigrante Indocumentado by Muñoz, Natalio D.
Police Science: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice by
Sexual Violence and Effective Redress for Victims in Post-Conflict Situations: Emerging Research and Opportunities by Sikulibo, Jean de Dieu
Essential Essays, Volume 1: Foundations of Cultural Studies by Hall, Stuart
The Discourse of ADHD: Perspectives on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder by Horton-Salway, Mary, Davies, Alison
Essential Essays, Volume 2: Identity and Diaspora by Hall, Stuart
Jimi Hendrix and the Cultural Politics of Popular Music by Lefkovitz, Aaron
Sweden: From Neutrality to International Solidarity by Czarny, Ryszard M.
The Child in Contemporary Latin American Cinema by Martin, Deborah
Reimagining Global Abortion Politics: A Social Justice Perspective by Estrada Claudio, Sylvia, Bloomer, Fiona, Pierson, Claire
The Palgrave Handbook of Social Creativity Research by
Societies Under Construction: Geographies, Sociologies and Histories of Building by
Production of the 'Self' in the Digital Age by Ibrahim, Yasmin
Civic Engagement in Scandinavia: Volunteering, Informal Help and Giving in Denmark, Norway and Sweden by
Roma Identity and Ritual in the Classroom: The Institutional Embeddedness of Ethnicity by Obrovská, Jana
Computer Simulations of Space Societies by Bainbridge, William Sims
The Environmental Crunch in Africa: Growth Narratives vs. Local Realities by
Religion and Identity in the Post-9/11 Vampire: God Is (Un)Dead by Wilkins, Christina
The Self and Social Relations by Whittingham, Matthew
Disaster Relief Aid: Changes and Challenges by Paul, Bimal Kanti
Post-Brexit European Intelligence, Defense Capability and Defense Industrial Cooperation by Segell, Glen
Biopsychosocial Approaches to Understanding Health in South Asian Americans by
Work and Identity: Contemporary Perspectives on Workplace Diversity by
Mere Animals: How Postmodernism Fails by Spriggs, Thomas
Property and Persuasion: Essays on the History, Theory, and Rhetoric of Ownership by Rose, Carol M.
The Gap Between Rich and Poor: Contending Perspectives on the Political Economy of Development by Seligson, Mitchell A.
Survival in Russia: Chaos and Hope in Everyday Life by Fisher, Lois
Politics and Economic Development in Nigeria: Updated Edition by Forrest, Tom
Struktur Und Dynamik - Un/Gleichzeitigkeiten Im Geschlechterverhältnis by
Foucault Und Das Politische: Transdisziplinäre Impulse Für Die Politische Theorie Der Gegenwart by
Theory and Methods for Sociocultural Research in Science and Engineering Education by
Digitized Lives: Culture, Power and Social Change in the Internet Era by Reed, T. V.
Rethinking the Environment for the Anthropocene: Political Theory and Socionatural Relations in the New Geological Epoch by
Pde Models for Multi-Agent Phenomena by
Variedades de Capitalismo Entre Centro Y Periferia: Miradas Críticas Desde América Latina by Bazza, Alcides, Ebenau, Matthias, de Souza, Marcos Barcellos
American Racism: Black Power in a White World by Justice, Ck
Sensorisches Training für autistische Kinder und Jugendliche zur Anbahnung bewussten Handelns: Ein komplettes Trainingsprogramm auch für schwerst auti by Wieland, Michael Theodor
Strategische Kommunikation Deutscher Großkirchen: Von Kirchlicher Publizistik Zur Strategischen Kirchenkommunikation by Wiesenberg, Markus
The Lost Ethnographies: Methodological Insights from Projects That Never Were by
Community Resilience under the Impact of Urbanisation and Climate Change: Cases and Experiences from Zimbabwe by
Etat, Religions et Genre en Afrique Occidentale et Centrale by
New Orleans Voodoo: A Cultural History by Schmitt, Rory O'Neill, O'Neill, Rosary Hartel
Social Networks and the Life Course: Integrating the Development of Human Lives and Social Relational Networks by
Representations of Transnational Human Trafficking: Present-Day News Media, True Crime, and Fiction by
Knowledge and Institutions by
New Cities and Community Extensions in Egypt and the Middle East: Visions and Challenges by
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