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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Sociology in 2020

मानवी भूगोल by &#2337&#2377. &#2350&#2381&#2361&#2360&#2381&#2325&#2375, &#
Yaksh Prashnon Ke Uttar by Kumar, Indresh
Social Concepts in Rural India by Birendra
Sanskriti Ki Satta by Misra, Dayanidhi
Les Femmes Et l'Adultère, de l'Antiquité À Nos Jours: Peines, Châtiments, Maris Complaisants, Maris Jaloux, Anecdotes, Situations Plaisantes by Mitton, Fernand
Les Croisades by Tourneur-Aumont, Jean
Living Community: An introductory course in community work by Andrews, Dave
Resounding International Relations: On Music, Culture, and Politics by
Études Sur l'Organisation Du Travail Dans Les Usines by Taylor, Frederick Winslow
Un Meeting, Avant La Guerre, Rapports Et Discours. Londres, 17 Mai 1870 by Ligue Internationale Et Permanente de la Paix
Polarized and Demobilized: Legacies of Authoritarianism in Palestine by El Kurd, Dana
21vi SADI KE 21 SABAK by Harari, Yuval Noah
Institutionalised Dreams: The Art of Managing Foreign Aid by Drążkiewicz, Elżbieta
FastPrayGive: Ending Hunger By The Means Of Grace by Morris, Andy
National Pastimes: Cinema, Sports, and Nation by Bonzel, Katharina
The Class Ceiling: Why It Pays to Be Privileged by Friedman, Sam, Laurison, Daniel
Population: An Introduction to Concepts and Issues by Weeks, John
Sociology (Social Institutions and Change) by Yeole, Sudhir, Gagangras, Jyoti Suhas
The SAGE Handbook of Visual Research Methods by
From Albert Salomon: Essays on Social Thinkers by
Mata Bhoomi by Agrawal, Vashudeva Sharan
Die Rechte des Menschen.: Eine Antwort auf Herrn Burke's Angriff gegen die französische Revolution von Thomas Paine by Paine, Thomas
Antología Literaria by de Mendoza, Adalberto García
Antología Literaria by de Mendoza, Adalberto García
Media ka Vartmaan Paridrishya by Praveer, Rakesh
The Influence of Parenting Styles on the Social Skills of Pupils in Lower Primary Classes: A study for Ibadan North Local Government Area in Nigeria by Oyedoyin, Mayowa
Bildung. Verstärkt Schule die soziale Ungleichheit? by Anonymous
Sozialpsychologie - Der Mensch in Sozialen Beziehungen: Interpersonale Und Intergruppenprozesse by Seibt, Beate, Werth, Lioba, Mayer, Jennifer
Belgrade: The 21st Century Metropolis of Southeast Europe by Arandelovic, Biljana, Vukmirovic, Milena
Neoendogenous Development in European Rural Areas: Results and Lessons by
Geographies of Behavioural Health, Crime, and Disorder: The Intersection of Social Problems and Place by
Higher Education and Career Prospects in China by Tian, Felicia F., Chen, Lin
Grid Planning in the Urban Design Practices of Senegal by Bigon, Liora, Ross, Eric
What You See Is What You Hear: Creativity and Communication in Audiovisual Texts by Martinelli, Dario
Topographische Nachrichten von Lief- und Estland: Zweiter Band by Hupel, August Wilhelm
Global Health Security: Recognizing Vulnerabilities, Creating Opportunities by
Climate Change and Sea Level Rise in South Florida: The View of Coastal Residents by Palm, Risa, Bolsen, Toby
Overcoming the Guilt & Shame of Abortion: Grace: A Wonder of Wonders! by Sekiziyivu, Esther
Das Diskursive Interview: Methodische Und Methodologische Grundlagen by Ullrich, Carsten G.
Gender, Sexuality and Race in the Digital Age by
Platform Urbanism: Negotiating Platform Ecosystems in Connected Cities by Barns, Sarah
Empty Buckets and Overflowing Pits: Urban Water and Sanitation Reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa - Acknowledging Decline, Preparing for the Unprecedented by Werchota, Roland
Prime Video. Warum ist Amazons Video-on-Demand-Angebot in Deutschland so erfolgreich? by Grauer, Anna
Der demografische Wandel und seine Auswirkungen auf das Privatkundengeschäft der Banken by Härning, Manuel
Confucian Geopolitics: Chinese Geopolitical Imaginations of the Us War on Terror by An, Ning
Temporary Appropriation in Cities: Human Spatialisation in Public Spaces and Community Resilience by
Der Transparenz-Imperativ: Normen - Praktiken - Strukturen by
Economic and Ecological Implications of Shifting Cultivation in Mizoram, India by Sati, Vishwambhar Prasad
Researches into the origin of the primitive constellations of the Greeks, Phoenicians and Babylonians (Volume I) by Brown, Robert
Essays in Biblical Greek by Hatch, Edwin
Rasch Measurement: Applications in Quantitative Educational Research by
Seeing Education on Film: A Conceptual Aesthetics by Gibbs, Alexis
Philosophy, Travel, and Place: Being in Transit by
Global Youth Citizenry and Radical Hope: Enacting Community-Engaged Research Through Performative Methodologies by
A Framework of Intersectional Risk Theory in the Age of Ambivalence by Öhman, Susanna, Giritli Nygren, Katarina, Olofsson, Anna
Die Funktion Von Nichtstaatlichen Primarschulen in Post-Konflikt-Gesellschaften: Eine Fallstudie Zum Bildungswesen in Ruanda by Wenz, Mark
Environmental Participation: Practices Engaging the Public with Science and Governance by Landström, Catharina
Ethnic Dignity and the Ulster-Scots Movement in Northern Ireland: Supremacy in Peril by Gardner, Peter
A Dialectical Journey Through Fashion and Philosophy by Kang, Eun Jung
Zusammengehörigkeit, Genderaspekte Und Jugendkultur Im Salafismus by Akkuş, Umut, Yılmaz, Deniz, Toprak, Ahmet
Lao-Tzu: a study in Chinese philosophy by Watters, T.
Doctoral Writing: Practices, Processes and Pleasures by Carter, Susan, Aitchison, Claire, Guerin, Cally
The Migration Myth in Policy and Practice: Dreams, Development and Despair by Ullah, Akm Ahsan, Haque, MD Shahidul
Gesetzsammlung für das Fürstentum Reuß älterer Linie: No. 1 (ausgegeben den 25. Januar 1861) by Anonymus
Zu Davide Morosinottos "Die Mississippi-Bande. Wie wir mit drei Dollar reich wurden": Sachanalytische, methodisch - didaktische Aufbereitung und Anreg by Linstedt, Paul
Ottawa Book Expo and Ottawa Fair Catalogue of Vendors October 2019 by Tremblay, Peter
Power, Political Economy, and Historical Landscapes of the Modern World: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
From News to Talk: The Expansion of Opinion and Commentary in US Journalism by Meltzer, Kimberly
The Distortion of Nature's Image: Reification and the Ecological Crisis by Gerber, Damian
Exiles, Entrepreneurs, and Educators: African Americans in Ghana by Taylor, Steven J. L.
Postpolitics and the Limits of Nature: Critical Theory, Moral Authority, and Radicalism in the Anthropocene by Scerri, Andy
Coming Together: Comparative Approaches to Population Aggregation and Early Urbanization by
Science, Technology, and Society: New Perspectives and Directions by
Climate and Culture: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on a Warming World by
Socio-Economic Development in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region: Disparities and Power Struggle in China's North-West by Cappelletti, Alessandra
L. S. Vygotsky's Pedological Works: Volume 1. Foundations of Pedology by Vygotsky, L. S.
Duality by Design: The Global Race to Build Africa's Infrastructure by
Science, Technology, and Society: New Perspectives and Directions by
Business and Social Crisis in Africa by Handley, Antoinette
Business and Social Crisis in Africa by Handley, Antoinette
Navigating Research Funding with Confidence by Spencely, Carol, Acuna-Rivera, Marcela, Denicolo, Pam
Navigating Research Funding with Confidence by Spencely, Carol, Acuna-Rivera, Marcela, Denicolo, Pam
Qualitative Secondary Analysis by
Writing Ethnographically by Atkinson, Paul
Writing Ethnographically by Atkinson, Paul
Statistical Methods for Geography: A Student's Guide by Rogerson, Peter A.
Your Research Project: Designing, Planning, and Getting Started by Walliman, Nicholas Stephen Robert
Your Research Project: Designing, Planning, and Getting Started by Walliman, Nicholas Stephen Robert
From Being to Living: A Euro-Chinese Lexicon of Thought by Jullien, François, Richardson, Michael, Fijalkowski, Krzysztof
Deutschland - Produktivitätswüste und Zombie-Land: Produktivitätsmisere, Zombie-Wirtschaft und Zombie-Eliten vor dem Crash by Schneider, Dietram
Der Einfluss von personalisierten Inhalten auf das Kaufverhalten: Diskrepanz zwischen Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmung im Internet by Utz, Alicia
Multiperspektivität im Geschichtsunterricht. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen by Anonym
Argumentatives Schreiben. Unterrichtseinheit zur Förderung der Argumentationskompetenz in der Oberstufe by Schmitt, Katharina
Chancengleichheit im tertiären Bildungssektor? Relevanz sozialer Disparitäten bei der Hochschulinskription by Malkic, Emina
Das Bauernhaus und seine Popularisierung in der Familienzeitschrift Gartenlaube von 1853 bis 1918: Von Region zu Nation by Horbach, Alena
The Use of Family Planning Devices. Students' Attitudes in Nigeria by Nnamdi, Ezebuiro
Die Marktfähigkeit regionaler Produkte. Eine Untersuchung des "Hessenkorn-Brots" by Möckel, Francisco
Virtual Communication: Another Form of Communication? by Runcan, Remus
Race Talk in the South African Media by Botma, Gawie
The Process of the Development of the Addictive Career. Young People and Addictive Behaviour by Bartolo, Kimberley
Educational Politics for Social Justice by Marshall, Catherine, Gerstl-Pepin, Cynthia, Johnson, Mark
Umweltbewusstsein versus Umweltverhalten: Akteure und deren Einfluss im Umweltdiskurs by Davisca, Andrada
'The Chinese will eat your dogs': A handbook bringing into question 16 preconceived ideas on China by G. Nonchez, Louis
Ärztemangel? Die hausärztliche Versorgung in ländlichen Regionen Bayerns by Walter, Antonia
Bildungsbenachteiligung an deutschen Schulen by Wetjen, Ricarda
Gothic Cinema by Aldana Reyes, Xavier
Social Media and Elections in Africa, Volume 1: Theoretical Perspectives and Election Campaigns by
Mediated Identities in the Futures of Place: Emerging Practices and Spatial Cultures by
Briefwechsel des Freiherrn Karl Hartwig Gregor von Meusebach: mit Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm by Meusebach, Karl
Inklusion in Deutschland. Entwicklungen in Bremen by Anonym
Cultural Realism and Virtualism Design Model by Wang, Ming-Feng
Disease Prevention and Health Promotion in Developing Countries by
Die Arabische Wahrnehmung Der Eu-Außenpolitik Zur Palästina-Frage: Zwischen Al-Aqsa-Intifada (2000) Und Arabischem Frühling (2012) by Harba, Malek
Social Capital as a Resource for Migrant Entrepreneurship: Self-Employed Migrants from the Former Soviet Union in Germany by Sommer, Elena
Strategien Und Ressourcen Für Die Internationalisierung: Fallbeispiele Erfolgreicher Unternehmer Im Deutsch-Polnischen Grenzraum by Steinkamp, Anna M.
Tertiary Student Migration from Central Asia to Germany: Cases of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan by Abdullaeva, Nargiza
Counting as a Qualitative Method: Grappling with the Reliability Issue in Ethnographic Research by Fife, Wayne
Civic Engagement in Social and Political Constructs by
Applying Innovative Technologies in Heritage Science by
Schöpfung im Religionsunterricht. Eignet sich Bart Moeyaerts Kinderbuch "Am Anfang" für Bremer Klassenzimmer? by Lukas, Vivien
Research Process in Education and Social Sciences by German, Anagbogu
C'est ça Lumumba: Partager, soutenir et poursuivre pour la dignité, la justice et l'émancipation by Mbelu, Jean-Pierre
Globalisierung und politische Ökonomie der Armut in Indien by Weber, Eberhard
Building and Dwelling by Sennett, Richard
Reading Minds: How Childhood Teaches Us to Understand People by Wellman, Henry M.
Stimm-los? Die Auswirkungen digitaler Medien auf die Entwicklung der Kindersingstimme im Vorschulalter by Conrad, Tanja
Unmanned Technologies. The future of the concept of Air Power by Anonym
Veränderungen im Arbeitsmarkt durch die fortschreitende Digitalisierung by Mißler, Mathias
Invisibility by Design: Women and Labor in Japan's Digital Economy by Lukács, Gabriella
Old Times There Should Not Be Forgotten: Cultural Genocide in Dixie by Tucker, Leslie R.
Publishing for Impact by Denicolo, Pam, Henslee, Erin, Duke, Dawn
Publishing for Impact by Denicolo, Pam, Henslee, Erin, Duke, Dawn
Mentoring to Empower Researchers by Brooks, Susan A., Hopkins, Sam, Yeung, Alison
Mentoring to Empower Researchers by Brooks, Susan A., Hopkins, Sam, Yeung, Alison
Programming with Python for Social Scientists by Brooker, Phillip
Programming with Python for Social Scientists by Brooker, Phillip
The Oxford Handbook of Max Weber by
From Being to Living: A Euro-Chinese Lexicon of Thought by Fijalkowski, Krzysztof, Jullien, François, Richardson, Michael
Le Paris criminel et judiciaire du XIXème siècle 2: IIème partie Arrondissements VIII à XX et banlieue by Richou, Olivier
Emotionen: Ein Interdisziplinäres Handbuch by
Verfangen Im Fadenkreuz Gottes: Eine Kulturanthropologische Fabel by Müller, Klaus E.
Media and Social Representations of Otherness: Psycho-Social-Cultural Implications by
Transformative Planning: Radical Alternatives to Neoliberal Urbanism by
Bribery, Fraud, Cheating: How to Explain and to Avoid Organizational Wrongdoing by
Human and Organisational Factors: Practices and Strategies for a Changing World by
(Un-)Sichtbare Erfolge: Bildungswege Von Romnja Und Sintize in Deutschland by Jonuz, Elizabeta, Weiß, Jane
The Attention Economy and How Media Works: Simple Truths for Marketers by Nelson-Field, Karen
Childhood and Children's Rights Between Research and Activism: Honouring the Work of Manfred Liebel by
Experience, Caste, and the Everyday Social by Sarukkai, Sundar, Guru, Gopal
The Downfall of Deutsche Bank - Symbol of the Decline of the Monetary System: The Rise of the new Monetary System by Kasischke, Rafael D.
Slavery and the Post-Black Imagination by
Television at Work: Industrial Media and American Labor by Hughes, Kit
Religion and Development in Southern and Central Africa: Vol. 1 by
Religion and Development in Southern and Central Africa: Vol. 2 by
Wanted Dead and Alive: The Case for South Africa's Cattle by Mthembu-Salter, Gregory
Boomer Brand Winners & Losers: 156 Best & Worst Brands of the 50s and 60s by Silverstein, Barry
Die Auslegung des Hohenliedes in der judischen Gemeinde und der griechischen Kirche by Riedel, Wilhelm
Sätze aus der theoretischen und praktischen Philosophie: Als Entwurf zur Besprechung auf dem, für den 26. September 1868 und die folgenden Tage nach P by Leonhardi, Hermann Karl
Die Ethnologie im Spannungsfeld zwischen historischen Aspekten und gegenwärtigen Konflikten: Beiträge zur bildungspolitischen Entwicklung in einer mul by Hubl, Eduard
A Televisão, o Digital e a Cultura Participativa by Cadima, Francisco Rui
The Inconvenient Generation: Migrant Youth Coming of Age on Shanghai's Edge by Ling, Minhua
Legal Pluralism in Central Asia: Local Jurisdiction and Customary Practices by Sadyrbek, Mahabat
Boys & Sex: Young Men on Hookups, Love, Porn, Consent, and Navigating the New Masculinity by Orenstein, Peggy
Entrepreneurship and Organizational Change: Managing Innovation and Creative Capabilities by
Contaminations and Ethnographic Fictions: Southern Crossings by Hemer, Oscar
In China's Wake: How the Commodity Boom Transformed Development Strategies in the Global South by Jepson, Nicholas
Journalismus in Deutschland, Österreich Und Der Schweiz by
Diversity and Inclusion in Global Higher Education: Lessons from Across Asia by
Philosophy and Allotment: John Locke's Influence on Henry L. Dawes by Bergeron, David
Sustainable Residential Landscapes: An International Perspective by
Biodemography: An Introduction to Concepts and Methods by Carey, James R., Roach, Deborah
In China's Wake: How the Commodity Boom Transformed Development Strategies in the Global South by Jepson, Nicholas
The Inconvenient Generation: Migrant Youth Coming of Age on Shanghai's Edge by Ling, Minhua
Why We Can't Sleep: Women's New Midlife Crisis by Calhoun, Ada
Legislating Morality in America: Debating the Morality of Controversial U.S. Laws and Policies by
An Introduction to Communication and Artificial Intelligence by Gunkel, David J.
Biogeography: An Ecological and Evolutionary Approach by Cox, C. Barry, Ladle, Richard J., Moore, Peter D.
Language and Process: Words, Whitehead and the World by Halewood, Michael
Fear of Falling: The Inner Life of the Middle Class by Ehrenreich, Barbara
El Manjar De Los Dioses: La Huelga Del Primero De Abril De 1993 by Nixon, Leticia Roa
El Manjar De Los Dioses: La Huelga Del Primero De Abril De 1993 by Nixon, Leticia Roa
Body Language: How to Analyze and Read People Better by Stephens, Sally
Body Language: How to Read People without Saying a Thing by Stephens, Sally
Body Language: 3 Ways to Learn More about Non-Verbal Communication, Body Language, and Personality by Stephens, Sally
Die früh-mittelalterliche Kunst der germanischen Voelker,: unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der skandinavischen Baukunst in Ethnologisch-Anthropolog by Seesselberg, Friedrich
L'instant mystique by Bogroff, Robert
Vergleich der Unterrichtsmethoden "Direkte Instruktion" und "Kooperatives Lernen" für das Thema Sexualkunde by Lindenau, Jenny
Frühchristliche Erziehung von Mädchen. Hiernoymus und sein Erziehungsdenken by Lemoine, Sarah
Against Borders: Why the World Needs Free Movement of People by Sager, Alex
Empirical Investigations of Social Space by
Operationalising E-Democracy Through a System Engineering Approach in Mauritius and Australia by Bungsraz, Soobhiraj
The Sexuality-Reproduction Nexus and the Three Demographic Transitions: An Integrative Framework by Botev, Nikolai
Social Protection in Africa: A Study of Paradigms and Contexts by
Child-Friendly Cities and Communities by Chan, Puthearath
Die Entwicklung der Todesvorstellung im Kindesalter mit Hilfe von Bilderbüchern. Eine Untersuchung des Buches "Kommt Papa gleich wieder?" von Elke Bar by Borgmann, Denise
Narrative Transmedia by
Nova York Rock City by Salomão, Filipe
Understanding Doulas and Childbirth: Women, Love, and Advocacy by Hurst, Abby, Hunter, Cheryl A.
Body Language: Mastering Non-Verbal Communication Skills by Stephens, Sally
Soziale Ungleichheit und Gesundheit. Einfluss des sozialen Umfelds auf die Ernährung von Kindern und Jugendlichen by Ripsam, Felicia
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