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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Sociology in 2022

Social Philosophy on the Path of Life by Briscoe, David Lloyd
Dropping the Eyelids: Nonfiction for the Soul by Dempsey, Ernest
Steam Project-Based Learning, Grade 6 Teacher Resource by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
The Future of You: Can Your Identity Survive 21st-Century Technology? by Follows, Tracey
Doing Fieldwork in Areas of International Intervention: A Guide to Research in Violent and Closed Contexts by
Steam Project-Based Learning, Grade 5 Teacher Resource by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
Gleichstellungspolitiken Revisted: Zeitgemäße Gleichstellungspolitik an Der Schnittstelle Zwischen Politik, Theorie Und PRAXIS by
Sustainable Development and Communication in Global Food Networks: Lessons from India by Touri, Maria
Spring Holidays by Press, J. P.
Police Station by McDonald, Amy
Conflict Management by Martin, Jennifer
Much Sound and Fury, or the New Jim Crow?: The Twenty-First Century's Restrictive New Voting Laws and Their Impact by
A Goddess in Motion: Visual Creativity in the Cult of María Lionza by Canals, Roger
KANDY Fall 2021 Magazine: Cover Model Kourtney Reppert Wants A Cowboy by Magazine, Kandy
Fundamental Concepts and Functions of Passenger and Freight Transportation in Great Britain by Cao, Mengqiu, Spurling, John
Cinematic Comanches: The Lone Ranger in the Media Borderlands by Tahmahkera, Dustin
Cliff's Note by Mish, Michael
Steam Project-Based Learning, Grade 2 Teacher Resource by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
Steam Project-Based Learning, Grade 3 Teacher Resource by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
Steam Project-Based Learning, Grade 4 Teacher Resource by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
Steam Project-Based Learning, Grade 1 Teacher Resource by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
The Pro-Life Playbook: Understanding Pro-life Counters to Pro-Choice Arguments by Groff, Jordan D.
Land Tenure Challenges in Africa: Confronting the Land Governance Deficit by
The Palgrave Handbook of Development Cooperation for Achieving the 2030 Agenda: Contested Collaboration by
Spatial Tensions in Urban Design: Understanding Contemporary Urban Phenomena by
Perpetual Movement: Alfred Hitchcock's Rope by Badmington, Neil
Healthy Lifestyle: From Pediatrics to Geriatrics by
Was It Yesterday?: Nostalgia in Contemporary Film and Television by
Seeing Symphonically: Avant-Garde Film, Urban Planning, and the Utopian Image of New York by Stein, Erica
The Atlantic and Africa: The Second Slavery and Beyond by
Race and the Suburbs in American Film by
Animals in Irish Society: Interspecies Oppression and Vegan Liberation in Britain's First Colony by Wrenn, Corey Lee
Premises and Problems: Essays on World Literature and Cinema by
Sappho's Legacy: Convivial Economics on a Greek Isle by Karides, Marina
The Seasons: Philosophical, Literary, and Environmental Perspectives by
Encountering the Impossible: The Fantastic in Hollywood Fantasy Cinema by Sergeant, Alexander
Faith, Hope, and Sustainability: The Greening of US Faith Communities by Shattuck, Cybelle T.
Making the Case: Feminist and Critical Race Philosophers Engage Case Studies by
Christ Returns from the Jungle: Ayahuasca Religion as Mystical Healing by Blainey, Marc G.
Blacks in Niagara Falls: Leaders and Community Development, 1850-1985 by Boston, Michael B.
Toward an African Future-Of the Limit of World by Chandler, Nahum Dimitri
Serialität im Kinderfernsehen. Merkmale am Beispiel Bibi & Tina by Graf, Nele
Die nationale Staatenbildung und der moderne deutsche Staat by Bluntschli, Johann C.
Die Bedrohung der gesetzlichen Ordnung in Kirche und Staat: durch die Press radikal-sozialisischer Richtung by Greith, Karl Johann
Ethics of Computer Gaming: A Groundwork by Ulbricht, Samuel
Oberbayerische Lieder mit ihren Singweisen by Von Ramberg, Arthur, Von Kobell, Franz
Incompleteness: Donald Trump, Populism and Citizenship by Nyamnjoh, Francis B.
Nord Stream 2 - Das Beharren Auf Widerlegten Argumenten by Halder, Gerhard
Media and Genre: Dialogues in Aesthetics and Cultural Analysis by
Boetius und die griechische Harmonik des Anicius Manlius Severinus Boetius: Fünf Bücher über die Musik by Paul, Oskar
Die Begriffe von Mord und Totschlag: sowie vorsätzlicher Körperverletzung mit tödlichem Ausgange in der Gesetzgebung seit der Mitte des 18ten Jahrhund by Wachenfeld, Friedrich
The D Word by McCuistion, Susan
Forgetting and the Forgotten: A Thousand Years of Contested Histories in the Heartland by Batinski, Michael C.
Livable Proximity: Ideas for the City That Cares by Manzini, Ezio
Soziale Arbeit für Menschen mit Behinderung im Wandel der Zeit (1933 bis 2021) by Anonym
Mediensozialisation. Welchen Einfluss haben soziale Medien auf Jugendliche?: Eine rezipientenorientierte Analyse des Einflusses am Beispiel von TikTok by Ivos, Tea
Une Caraïbe décoloniale by Dalphinis, Morgan, Eybalin Casséus, Clara Rachel
Sun Tzu and Clausewitz. Two Diametrically Alternative Views on the Utility of the Application of Force by Sagkal, Hüseyin Ugur
In Search оf the True Russia: The Provinces in Contemporary Nationalist Discourse by Parts, Lyudmila
Club Red Vacation Travel and the Soviet Dream by Koenker, Diane
Beyond Benevolence: The New York Charity Organization Society and the Transformation of American Social Welfare, 1882-1935 by Greeley, Dawn M.
Beyond Benevolence: The New York Charity Organization Society and the Transformation of American Social Welfare, 1882-1935 by Greeley, Dawn M.
The Circus Is in Town: Sport, Celebrity, and Spectacle by
The Circus Is in Town: Sport, Celebrity, and Spectacle by
Black Man in the Netherlands: An Afro-Antillean Anthropology by Guadeloupe, Francio
Black Man in the Netherlands: An Afro-Antillean Anthropology by Guadeloupe, Francio
Drawing the Past, Volume 1: Comics and the Historical Imagination in the United States by
Drawing the Past, Volume 2: Comics and the Historical Imagination in the World by
Soziale Ungleichheit innerhalb des deutschen Bildungssystems: Kann die Ganztagsschule einen Beitrag zur Bewältigung sozialer Benachteiligung leisten u by Koschuth, Charlotte
Community and Identity in Contemporary Technosciences by
Conversations with Dave Eggers by
Conversations with Dave Eggers by
Women's Economic Empowerment: Feminism, Neoliberalism, and the State by Michaeli, Inna
Restless Cities on the Edge: Collective Actions, Immigration and Populism by Maddanu, Simone, Farro, Antimo Luigi
Drawing the Past, Volume 1: Comics and the Historical Imagination in the United States by
Breaking Ground: Charting Our Future in a Pandemic Year by
Drawing the Past, Volume 2: Comics and the Historical Imagination in the World by
Cities, Health and Wellbeing: Global Governance and Intersectoral Policies by Soeiro, Diana
Social Transformations in India, Myanmar, and Thailand: Volume I: Social, Political and Ecological Perspectives by
Activist Citizenship Education: A Framework for Creating Justice Citizens by Heggart, Keith
Consolidating Economic Governance in Latin America by Angel, Alejandro
Development, Capitalism, and Rent: The Political Economy of Hartmut Elsenhans by
Connecting Childhood and Old Age in Popular Media by
Making Sense of the Paranormal: The Interactional Construction of Unexplained Experiences by Wooffitt, Robin, Ironside, Rachael
Image, Imagination and Imaginarium: Remapping World War II Monuments in Greater China by Pan, Lu
The First Days of Berlin: The Sound of Change by Gutmair, Ulrich
Audiovisual Tourism Promotion: A Critical Overview by
Multicultural and Interreligious Perspectives on the Ethics of Human Reproduction: Protecting Future Generations by
Shrinking Japan and Regional Variations: Along the Hokurikudo and the Tosando II by Kumagai, Fumie
Religion, Citizenship and Democracy by
Renewable Energy Communities and the Low Carbon Energy Transition in Europe by
East Asia, Latin America, and the Decolonization of Transpacific Studies by
Codes of Ethics and Ethical Guidelines: Emerging Technologies, Changing Fields by
Configural Frequency Analysis: Foundations, Models, and Applications by Von Eye, Alexander, Wiedermann, Wolfgang
Tax and Time: On the Use and Misuse of Legal Imagination by Infanti, Anthony C.
Contesting Crime Science: Our Misplaced Faith in Crime Prevention Technology by Oleson, James C., Kramer, Ronald
Reactivating Elements: Chemistry, Ecology, Practice by
Techno-Magism: Media, Mediation, and the Cut of Romanticism by Wang, Orrin N. C.
The Oxford Handbook of Ethnographies of Crime and Criminal Justice by
Techno-Magism: Media, Mediation, and the Cut of Romanticism by Wang, Orrin N. C.
Frühförderung. Aspekt der Zusammenarbeit von Frühförderfachkräften und Familien by Kießhauer, Julia
Contesting Crime Science: Our Misplaced Faith in Crime Prevention Technology by Kramer, Ronald, Oleson, James C.
Their Own Best Creations: Women Writers in Postwar Television Volume 1 by Berke, Annie
Their Own Best Creations: Women Writers in Postwar Television Volume 1 by Berke, Annie
Der Wandel von Todeskonzepten und Trauerarbeit im evangelischen Religionsunterricht by Fischenko, Valentina
Imperialism After the Neoliberal Turn by Gürcan, Efe Can
Introduction to Marriage Laws in India by Bose, Siva Prasad
The End of Burnout: Why Work Drains Us and How to Build Better Lives by Malesic, Jonathan
People Change by Shraya, Vivek
Ripe for Revolution: Building Socialism in the Third World by Friedman, Jeremy
Key Terms in Comics Studies by
Women and the Media Institution in Ethiopia by Anonym
Project Censored's State of the Free Press 2022 by
2030: How Today's Biggest Trends Will Collide and Reshape the Future of Everything by Guillén, Mauro F.
Vernacular Voices: The Rhetoric of Publics and Public Spheres by Hauser, Gerard A.
Social Chemistry: Decoding the Patterns of Human Connection by King, Marissa
On Microfascism: Gender, War, and Death by Bratich, Jack Z.
Framing-Effekte während der Corona-Pandemie in Deutschland. Sprachgebrauch von Ausgangssperre und Ausgangsbeschränkung in der Medienberichterstattung by Hübner, Katharina
Der Zusammenhang von physischer Attraktivität und Einkommen. Eine Sekundäranalyse anhand der Daten des ALLBUS 2012 by Vetter, Lena
Multimediale Werbekommunikation im deutsch-spanischen Vergleich. Eine Analyse von Jägermeister und Licor 43 by Scharf, Jennifer
Sport mit Alltagsgegenständen (6. Klasse Sport) by Rieke, Christopher
Futuer Technology Development Trend: To US And UK by Lok, John
Kampf ums Überleben by Käthner, Horst
Der Einfluss von Sozialen Medien auf die Identitätsbildung im Jugendalter by Schneider, Luisa
The Digital Factory: The Human Labor of Automation by Altenried, Moritz
India-Vietnam Relations: Development Dynamics and Strategic Alignment by Marwah, Reena, Hằng Nga, Lê Thị
Get Your Knee Off Our Necks: From Slavery to Black Lives Matter by
Chinese Aesthetics in a Global Context by Zhu, Zhirong
Journalistische Praxis: Modernes Nachrichtenschreiben: Neu Interpretierte Regeln Für Einen Besseren Digitalen Qualitätsjournalismus by Marinos, Alexander
Die Orgel: ihre Geschichte und ihr Bau by Wangemann, Otto
Care and Care Workers: A Latin American Perspective by
Integrating Indigenous and Western Education in Science Curricula: Relationships at Play by Kim, Eun-Ji Amy
La teoría de las ventanas rotas: el orden del caos by MICó Faus, Jacobo Salvador
Irgendwann Muss Doch Mal Ruhe Sein!: Institutionelles Ringen Um Aufarbeitung Von Sexualisierter Gewalt Und Machtmissbrauch an Einem Institut Für Analy by Dill, Helga, Caspari, Cornelia, Caspari, Peter
Die Internet-Galaxie: Internet, Wirtschaft Und Gesellschaft by Castells, Manuel
ICT Systems and Sustainability: Proceedings of Ict4sd 2021, Volume 1 by
Klimawandel - Grundlagen Und Spekulation: Wie Und Warum Es So Kommen Musste Und Weiter Kommen Muss by Hehl, Walter
Soziologie Der Parteien: Neue Zugänge Zu Einer Alten Organisationsform Des Politischen by
Indigenous Knowledge and Mental Health: A Global Perspective by
The Digital Factory: The Human Labor of Automation by Altenried, Moritz
Rock Concert Performance from ABBA to ZZ Top by Smith, Peter
Moyi-Be-Dri-Lata: A HISTORY OF THE MA'DI IN SOUTH SUDAN 1860 to 1984 by Wani, Victor Keri
German philosophy and politics by Dewey, John
Existential Science Fiction by Lizardi, Ryan
Regenbogenfamilien und ihre Herausforderungen und Stärken by Elvers, Johanna
Black in White Space: The Enduring Impact of Color in Everyday Life by Anderson, Elijah
Honouring the Loss: A Holistic Guide to Healing with Ritual and Herbal Medicine After an Abortion by Elyn, India
COVID-19 in Southeast Asia: Insights for a post-pandemic world by
The Richer, the Poorer: How Britain Enriched the Few and Failed the Poor. a 200-Year History by Lansley, Stewart
Cyberphysical Smart Cities Infrastructures: Optimal Operation and Intelligent Decision Making by
Place and Professional Practice: The Geographies in Healthcare Work by Andrews, Gavin J., Rowland, Emma, Peter, Elizabeth
Handbuch Körpersoziologie 2: Forschungsfelder Und Methodische Zugänge by
Agro and Food Processing Industry in India: Inter-Sectoral Linkages, Employment, Productivity and Competitiveness by
A Historical Survey of the Yellow River and the River Civilizations by Ge, Jianxiong, Hu, Yunsheng
A Social History of Sheffield Boxing, Volume II: Scrap Merchants, 1970-2020 by Armstrong, Gary, Bell, Matthew
The Richer, the Poorer: How Britain Enriched the Few and Failed the Poor. a 200-Year History by Lansley, Stewart
On Informal Institutions and Accounting Behavior by Du, Xingqiang
Exploring Minecraft: Ethnographies of Play and Creativity by Davies, Hugh, Hjorth, Larissa, Richardson, Ingrid
Environment and Development: Challenges, Policies and Practices by
Rethinking Politicisation in Politics, Sociology and International Relations by
Pastoral Care in a Korean American Context by
Intergenerational Transmission and Economic Self-Sufficiency by
Jainism for a New World Order by Bhatt, Siddheshwar Rameshwar
Visual Sociology: Practices and Politics in Contested Spaces by Bratchford, Gary, Zuev, Dennis
Diversifying Learner Experience: A Kaleidoscope of Instructional Approaches and Strategies by
Soziologie Der Zwischenkriegszeit. Ihre Hauptströmungen Und Zentralen Themen Im Deutschen Sprachraum: Band 1 by
Topologies of Digital Work: How Digitalisation and Virtualisation Shape Working Spaces and Places by
Social Rights and the Politics of Obligation in History by
Qualitative Comparative Analysis Using R by Oana, Ioana-Elena, Schneider, Carsten Q., Thomann, Eva
Inequality: A Contemporary Approach to Race, Class, and Gender by Keister, Lisa A., Southgate, Darby E.
Qualitative Comparative Analysis Using R: A Beginner's Guide by Schneider, Carsten Q., Thomann, Eva, Oana, Ioana-Elena
Investing in the Educational Success of Black Women and Girls by
Enemies of the People: Hitler's Critics and the Gestapo by Stackhouse, J. Ryan
Is AI Good for the Planet? by Brevini, Benedetta
Die Herausforderungen der Neuen Kriege by Paktiawal, Mira
Police Social Work: Social Work Practice in Law Enforcement Agencies by Patterson, George T.
Police Social Work: Social Work Practice in Law Enforcement Agencies by Patterson, George T.
Ökonomische und ökologische Chancen und Gefahren des Ätnas auf Sizilien by Willems, Julia
Progress in French Tourism Geographies: Inhabiting Touristic Worlds by
Handbuch Filmsoziologie by
Urban Inequalities: Ethnographically Informed Reflections by
Taschenbuch eines Bankieres und Kaufmannes: Eine Erklärung der Münzen und des Wechselkurses by Nelkenbrecher, Johann Christian
Applied Crowd Science by Still, G. Keith
Reproduction of Inequality and Social Exclusion: A Study of Dalits in a Caste Society, Nepal by Pyakurel, Uddhab
Global Production and Consumption of Fast Food and Instant Concentrates by Simakova, Inna Vladimirovna, Strizhevskaya, Victoria Nikolaevna, Perkel, Roman Lvovich
Die Doppelte Defensive: Soziale Lage, Mentalitäten Und Politik Der Ingenieure in Deutschland 1890 - 1933 by Sander, Tobias
The Joy of Thriving While Black by Williams, Charisse M.
Geschlechterspezifische Leseförderung. Ihre Notwendigkeit nach dem PISA-Schock 2000 by Jaun, Christoph
Confucian Sentimental Representation: A New Approach to Confucian Democracy by Kwon, Kyung Rok
Reactivating Elements: Chemistry, Ecology, Practice by
A Strategic Nature: Public Relations and the Politics of American Environmentalism by Aronczyk, Melissa, Espinoza, Maria I.
Forces of Production, Climate Change and Canadian Fossil Capitalism by Graham, Nicolas
Corona Pandemie in Deutschland. Kontaktverbote und Kita. Schließung für Kinder von 2-6 Jahren by Anonym
Umwelt- Und Klimagerechtigkeit: Digitalisierung, Energiebedarfe, Klimastörung Und Umwelt(un)Gerechtigkeit by Grafe, Regine
Provisorischen Katalog der Plastischen und der Gemälde-Sammlung im K. Museum der bildenden Künste zu Stuttgart by Staatsgalerie Stuttgart
Provocative Plastics: Their Value in Design and Material Culture by
Return Migrants in Hong Kong, Singapore and Israel: Choices, Stresses and Coping by Chan, Kwok-Bun, Chan, Wai-Wan Vivien
Qui fait pousser des dattes, ne récolte pas de dattes. - Celso Salles - 2e édition: Collection Afrique by Salles, Celso
Displacement Among Sri Lankan Tamil Migrants: The Diasporic Search for Home in the Aftermath of War by Chattoraj, Diotima
The Social Construction of AIDS Issues by Pan, Suiming
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