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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General United States History in 1999

Rhetorical Campaigns of the 19th Century Anti-Catholics and Catholics in America by Roy, Jody M.
Montana Mainstreets: A Guide to Historic Lewistown by Sievert, Ken, Sievert, Ellen
A Dutch Family in the Middle Colonies: 1660-1880 by Fabend, Firth Haring
The Malbone Street Wreck by Cudahy, Brian J.
The Malbone Street Wreck by Cudahy, Brian J.
Good Old Coney Island by McCullough, Edo
Mirror for Gotham: New York as Seen by Contemporaries from Dutch Days to the Present by Still, Bayrd
American Work: Four Centuries of Black and White Labor by Jones, Jacqueline
Wild West Shows and the Images of American Indians, 1883-1933 by Moses, L. G.
Sex, Love, Race: Crossing Boundaries in North American History by
Looking West by Dorst, John D.
People of the Wind River: The Eastern Shoshones, 1825-1900 by Stamm, Henry E., IV
Fishing with the Presidents by Mares, Bill
Eight Habits of the Heart: Embracing the Values that Build Strong Families and Communities by Taulbert, Clifton L.
A Concise Natural History of East & West Florida by Romans, Bernard
The Other Side of the River: A Story of Two Towns, a Death, and America's Dilemma by Kotlowitz, Alex
Ritual, Media, and Conflict by Wong, Sau-Ling Cynthia
Ocd Treatment Through Storytelling: A Strategy for Successful Therapy by
A Social History of the Laboring Classes: From Colonial Times to the Present by Jones, Jacqueline
Marie Or, Slavery in the United States: A Novel of Jacksonian America by de Beaumont, Gustave
The Works: The Industrial Architecture of the United States by Bradley, Betsy Hunter
Manufacturing the Future by Adams, Stephen B., Butler, Orville R.
Shapers of the Great Debate on Immigration: A Biographical Dictionary by Brown, Mary Elizabeth
War and American Popular Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia by
Treasure from the Painted Hills: A History of Calico, California, 1882-1907 by Steeples, Douglas W.
Slavery and Freedom in Delaware, 1639-1865 by Williams, William H.
Uphill Against Water: The Great Dakota Water War by Carrels, Peter
Building an American Identity: Pattern Book Homes and Communities, 1870-1900 by Smeins, Linda E.
Presidents We Imagine: Two Centuries of White House Fictions on the Page, on the Stage, Onscreen, and Online by Smith, Jeff
Creating Colorado: The Making of a Western American Landscape, 1860-1940 by Wyckoff, William
Rereading Frederick Jackson Turner: The Significance of the Frontier in American History and Other Essays by Turner, Frederick
Nights of Ice by Walker, Spike
Writers Guide To Everyday Life In The Wild West 1840-1900 Pod Ed by Moulton, Candy
A History of the American People by Johnson, Paul
Detroit: City of Champions by Poremba, David Lee
Williamsport's Baseball Heritage by Hunsinger, Louis, Jr., Quigel, James P., Jr.
Consuming Power: A Social History of American Energies by Nye, David E.
The Boundless Frontier: America From Christopher Columbus to Abraham Lincoln by Wall, James T.
Consumers Against Capitalism?: Consumer Cooperation in Europe, North America, and Japan, 1840D1990 by
Schooling the New South: Pedagogy, Self, and Society in North Carolina, 1880-1920 by Leloudis, James L.
Slavery in North Carolina, 1748-1775 by Kay, Marvin L. Michael, Cary, Lorin Lee
Southern Slavery and the Law, 1619-1860 by Morris, Thomas D.
American Heritage: Great Minds of History by American Heritage
A Country With No Name: Tales from the Constitution by de Grazia, Sebastian
Presidential Wives: An Anecdotal History by Boller, Paul F.
In the Past Lane: Historical Perspectives on American Culture by Kammen, Michael
War and Press Freedom: The Problem of Prerogative Power by Smith, Jeffrey a., Smith, Jeffery a.
Star-Spangled Men: America's Ten Worst Presidents by Miller, Nathan
The Encyclopedia of Native-American Economic History by Johansen, Bruce
Jersey Blue: Civil War Politics in New Jersey, 1854-1865 by Gillette, William
Fertile Ground, Narrow Choices: Women on Texas Cotton Farms, 1900-1940 by Sharpless, Rebecca
Meatpackers: An Oral History of Black Packinghouse Workers and Their Struggle for Racial and Economic Equality by Halpern, Rick, Horowitz, Roger
Race, Space and Youth Labor Markets by Stoll, Michael A.
Lethal Imagination: Violence and Brutality in American History by
The Oral Tradition in the South by Braden, Waldo W.
Napoleon and the American Dream by Murat, Inès
Americans at War: The Development of the American Military System by Williams, T. Harry
Urban Growth in the Age of Sectionalism: Virginia, 1847-1861 by Goldfield, David
Shucks, Shocks, and Hominy Blocks: Corn as a Way of Life in Pioneer America by Hardeman, Nicholas P.
Rearing Wolves to Our Own Destruction: Slavery in Richmond, Virginia, 1782-1865 by Takagi, Midori
The Selected Essays of T. Harry Williams by Williams, T. Harry
Immigrant Voices: Twenty-Four Voices on Becoming an American by
Cities of Gold: A Journey Across the American Southwest by Preston, Douglas
Proletarians of the North: A History of Mexican Industrial Workers in Detroit and the Midwest, 1917-1933 Volume 1 by Vargas, Zaragosa
Women and Religion in Early America,1600-1850: The Puritan and Evangelical Traditions by Westerkamp, Marilyn J.
Women in Early American Religion 1600-1850: The Puritan and Evangelical Traditions by Westerkamp, Marilyn J.
Salem, Ohio Volume II by Shaffer, Dale
Immigrants in the Lands of Promise by Baily, Samuel L.
True Gardens of the Gods: Californian-Australian Environmental Reform, 1860a 1930 by Tyrrell, Ian
Native People of Southern New England, 1500-1650, Volume 221 by Bragdon, Kathleen J.
Builders by Pratt, Joseph a., Castaneda, Christopher J.
November 22, 1963: A Reference Guide to the JFK Assassination by Scott, William E.
Community, Continuity and Change: New Perspectives on Staten Island History by
Air Power in the Age of Total War by Buckley, John J.
Rioting in America by Gilje, Paul Arn
Five Fires: Race, Catastrophe, and the Shaping of California by Wyatt, David
Detroit: 1900-1930 by Bak, Richard
Levittown, Volume II by Ferrer, Margaret Lundrigan, Navarra, Tova
Johnston: Volume II by Johnston, Historical Society, Johnston Historical Society
Anticipating Total War by
100 Key Documents in American Democracy by
The Kickapoo Indians, Their History and Culture: An Annotated Bibliography by White, Phillip
The Southern Essays of Richard M. Weaver by Weaver, Richard M.
Race and Affluence: An Archaeology of African America and Consumer Culture by Mullins, Paul R.
Battleground of Desire: The Struggle for Self -Control in Modern America by Stearns, Peter N.
Guns in America: A Historical Reader by
Religious and Secular Reform in America: Ideas, Beliefs, and Social Change by
Guns in America: A Historical Reader by
The Freedmen's Bureau and Black Texans by Crouch, Barry a.
Billy Rose Presents . . . Casa Mañana by Jones, Jan L.
Afro-Virginian History and Culture by
21: Every Day Was New Year's Eve by Kriendler, H. Peter
Campaigns and the Court: The U.S. Supreme Court in Presidential Elections by Stephenson, Donald Grier
Billy Rose Presents . . . Casa Mañana by Jones, Jan L.
Intimate Frontiers: Sex, Gender, and Culture in Old California by Hurtado, Albert L.
Parks for Texas: Enduring Landscapes of the New Deal by Steely, James Wright
In God's Country: The Patriot Movement and the Pacific Northwest by Neiwert, David A.
Railroad Reorganization by Daggett, Stuart
Around Worthington by McCormick, Robert W.
Ybor City by De Quesada, A. M.
Guide to the Historic Architecture of Western North Carolina by Bishir, Catherine W., Southern, Michael T., Martin, Jennifer F.
Forgotten Americans: Footnote Figures Who Changed American History by Randall, Willard Sterne, Nahra, Nancy
Law and History: The Evolution of the American Legal System by Chase, Anthony
Border Conflict: Villistas, Carrancistas and the Punitive Expedition, 1915-1920 by Stout, Joseph A.
The Political Economy of Hope and Fear: Capitalism and the Black Condition in America by Andrews, Marcellus William
Beyond Ke'eaumoku: Koreans, Nationalism, and Local Culture in Hawai'i by Kwon, Brenda L.
Asian/American: Historical Crossings of a Racial Frontier by Palumbo-Liu, David
Asian/American: Historical Crossings of a Racial Frontier by Palumbo-Liu, David
American Indians & National Parks by Keller, Robert H., Turek, Michael F.
Those Dirty Rotten Taxes: The Tax Revolts That Built America by Adams, Charles
From Mud-Flat Cove to Gold to Statehood: California 1840-1850 by Stone, Irving
Return to the Scene of the Crime: A Guide to Infamous Places in Chicago by Lindberg, Richard
Fort Worth: A Frontier Triumph by Garrett, Julia Kathryn
Return to the Scene of the Crime: A Guide to Infamous Places in Chicago by Lindberg, Richard
From a Native Daughter: Colonialism and Sovereignty in Hawaii (Revised Edition) by Trask, Haunani-Kay
The Presidency and the Politics of Racial Inequality: Nation-Keeping from 1831 to 1965 by Riley, Russell
The Presidency and the Politics of Racial Inequality: Nation-Keeping from 1831 to 1965 by Riley, Russell
La Vida Latina En L.A.: Urban Latino Cultures by
The Seminole Baptist Churches of Oklahoma: Maintaining a Traditional Community by Schultz, Jack M.
Insecure Prosperity: Small-Town Jews in Industrial America, 1890-1940 by Morawska, Ewa
Jefferson and the Iconography of Romanticism by Kelsall, M.
The Empty Cradle: Infertility in America from Colonial Times to the Present by Marsh, Margaret, Ronner, Wanda
Strangers Among Us: Latino Lives in a Changing America by Suro, Roberto
Lafayette Square, St. Louis by Montesi, Albert J., Deposki, Richard
Nashua: In Time and Place by Trustees, Of The Hunt Building, Trustees of the Hunt Building, Trustees of the Hunt Memorial
Val Verde County by Braudaway, Douglas, Val, Verde County Historical Commission, Val Verde County Historical Commission
On Lake Worth by Mustaine, Beverly A.
Eating in America: A History by Root, Waverly
American Dreams in Mississippi: Consumers, Poverty, and Culture, 1830-1998 by Ownby, Ted
Religious and Secular Reform in America: Ideas, Beliefs and Social Change by
Faces Along the Bar: Lore and Order in the Workingman's Saloon, 1870-1920 by Powers, Madelon
In the Jaws of History by Diem, Bui, Bui, Diem
Rochester's Lakeside Resorts and Amusement Parks by Shilling, Donovan a.
The Cycles of American History by Schlesinger, Arthur Meier, Jr.
The Great Boston Trivia & Fact Book by Kaitz, Merrill
The Great Boston Trivia & Fact Book by Kaitz, Merrill
The White Earth Tragedy: Ethnicity and Dispossession at a Minnesota Anishinaabe Reservation, 1889-1920 by Meyer, Melissa L.
Dilemmas of Scale in America's Federal Democracy by
Death of a Legend: The Myth and Mystery Surrounding the Death of Davy Crockett by Groneman, Bill
Yellowstone Story, REV Ed VL I: A History of Our First National Park (Rev) by Haines, Aubrey L.
Washington County Arkansas by Brotherton, Velda
Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma by Van Hasselt, C., Gibb, Alan
To Bear Any Burden: The Vietnam War and Its Aftermath in the Words of Americans and Southeast Asians by Santoli, Al
Washington and Rome: Catholicism in American Culture by Zöller, Michael
General and the Texas: A Pictorial History of the Andrews Raid, April 12, 1862 by Boggle, James G., Cohen, Stan
Political Terrain: Washington, D.C., from Tidewater Town to Global Metropolis by Abbott, Carl
Wisconsin History: An Annotated Bibliography by Paul, Justus, Paul, Barbara Dotts
The Archaeological Northeast by Nassaney, Michael, Sassaman, Kenneth, Levine, Mary Ann
An Archaeology of Manners: The Polite World of the Merchant Elite of Colonial Massachusetts by Goodwin, Lorinda B. R.
Cape Hatteras: America's Lighthouse by Shelton-Roberts, Cheryl, Yocum, Thomas, Roberts, Bruce
Preserving Charleston's Past, Shaping Its Future: The Life and Times of Susan Pringle Frost by Bland, Sidney R.
Cape Hatteras America's Lighthouse: Guardian of the Graveyard of the Atlantic by Shelton-Roberts, Cheryl, Yocum, Thomas, Roberts, Bruce
Grasshopper Pueblo: A Story of Archaeology and Ancient Life by Whittlesey, Stephanie, Reid, Jefferson
A Place to Remember: Using History to Build Community by Archibald, Robert R.
Gold Creeks and Ghost Towns of Ne Wa: Of Northeastern Washington by Barlee, Bill
Historic Faulkner County by Paulson, Walter, Paulette, Walker, Lawrie
Jewish Community of Chattanooga by Adams, Joy, Effron Abelson Adams, Joy
Washington, D.C.: A Historic Walking Tour by Carrier, Thomas J.
Quincy Illinois by Landrum, Carl, Landrum, Shirley
Bossier Parish by Cardin, Clifton D.
Easton by Clagett, Laurence, Claggett, Laurence G.
Weatherford, Texas by Aiken, David, Newberry, Barbara Y.
Jurismania: The Madness of American Law by Campos, Paul F.
Red River Steamboats by Brock, Eric J., Joiner, Gary
Debtors and Creditors in America: Insolvency, Imprisonment for Debt, and Bankruptcy, 1607-1900 by Coleman, Peter J.
Colonial Living by Tunis, Edwin
WW II in Fort Pierce by Taylor, Robert A., Robert, A. Taylor
Stratford by Stratford Historical Society
Lorain by Black River Historical Society
The Priestly Tribe: The Supreme Court's Image in the American Mind by Perry, Barbara A.
The Priestly Tribe: The Supreme Court's Image in the American Mind by Perry, Barbara A.
Transformative Motherhood: On Giving and Getting in a Consumer Culture by
Encyclopedia of American Indian Wars: 1492-1890 by Keenan, Jerry
Jonesport and Beals by Trussell, Ann
Breeding Better Vermonters: The Eugenics Project in the Green Mountain State by Gallagher, Nancy L.
Six Armies in Tennessee: The Chickamauga and Chattanooga Campaigns by Woodworth, Steven E.
The Eloquent War: Personal and Public Writings from the Civil War by
Turning Points: Making Decisions in American History by
Detroit: 1930-1969 by Poremba, David Lee
Urban Castles: Tenement Housing and Landlord Activism in New York City, 1890-1943 by Day, Jared
Monica's Story by Morton, Andrew
Thy Honored Name: A History of the College of the Holy Cross, 1843-1994 by Kuzniewski, Anthony J.
From Craft to Profession: The Practice of Architecture in Nineteenth-Century America by Woods, Mary N.
Enfield, Connecticut by Miller, Michael K.
The Wobblies: The Story of the IWW and Syndicalism in the United States by Renshaw, Patrick
Pre-Code Hollywood: Sex, Immorality, and Insurrection in American Cinema, 1930â "1934 by Doherty, Thomas
Notable Women in American History: A Guide to Recommended Biographies and Autobiographies by Adamson, Lynda
Unconquered People: Florida's Seminole and Miccosukee Indians by Weisman, Brent R.
Haverhill's Immigrants: At the Turn of the Century by O'Malley, Patricia Trainor
Minnesota Swedes Volume II: Trolle Ljungby Families in Goodhue County by Setterdahl, Lilly
The Quotable George Washington: The Wisdom of an American Patriot by
No Constitutional Right to Be Ladies: Women and the Obligations of Citizenship by Kerber, Linda K.
Northwest Lands, Northwest Peoples: Readings in Environmental History by
Old North Trail by McClintock, Walter
Horizontal Yellow: Nature and History in the Near Southwest by Flores, Dan
Maynard, Massachusetts by Boothroyd, Paul, Halprin, Lewis, Broothroyd, Paul
Ossining Remembered by The Ossining Historical Society
An Empire Wilderness: Travels into America's Future by Kaplan, Robert D.
Staten Island: Volume II; A Closer Look by Navarra, Tova, Lundrigan, Margaret
Let Me Be Free: The Nez Perce Tragedy by Lavender, David
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