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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General United States History in 2011

Into the Unknown: The Logistics Preparation of the Lewis and Clark Expedition by Carr, Donald L., Combat Studies Institute
Elementary Geology. by Hitchcock, Edward, Schmid, Ernst Erhard, Smith, John Pye
Summer Cruise in the Mediterranean, on Board an American Frigate. by Willis, Nathaniel Parker
Summer Cruise in the Mediterranean, on Board an American Frigate. by Willis, Nathaniel Parker
A Survey of the State of Maine, in Reference to Its Geographical Features, Statistics and Political Economy. by Greenleaf, Moses
To Live Ancient Lives: The Primitivist Dimension in Puritanism by Bozeman, Theodore Dwight
Books Between Europe and the Americas: Connections and Communities, 1620-1860 by
Citizens in Arms: The Army and Militia in American Society to the War of 1812 by Cress, Lawrence Delbert
Evangelicalism and the Politics of Reform in Northern Black Thought, 1776-1863 by Roberts, Rita
The Papers and Writings of Abraham Lincoln Volume One: Special Constitutional Collectors Edition Includes the Gettysburg Address by Lincoln, Abraham
The Souls of Black Folk by Du Bois, W. E. B.
The Good Citizen: A History of American Civic Life by Schudson, Michael
Making the San Fernando Valley: Rural Landscapes, Urban Development, and White Privilege by Barraclough, Laura R.
Making the San Fernando Valley: Rural Landscapes, Urban Development, and White Privilege by Barraclough, Laura R.
The Still Hour, or Communion with God by Phelps, Austin
Power and the People: Executive Management of Public Opinion in Foreign Affairs, 1897-1921 by Hilderbrand, Robert C.
Rebels in Bohemia: The Radicals of the Masses, 1911-1917 by Fishbein, Leslie E.
The Book of the World: being an account of all Republics, Empires, Kingdoms, and Nations. ... With maps and charts. (Second edition.). VOL. I by Fisher, Richard Swainson
Cary by Monahan, Sherry
Overland Through Asia. Pictures of Siberian, Chinese, and Tartar Life ... with ... Map, and ... Illustrations. by Knox, Thomas Wallace
Georgia Curiosities: Quirky Characters, Roadside Oddities & Other Offbeat Stuff by Schemmel, William
Chicago Curiosities: Quirky Characters, Roadside Oddities & Other Offbeat Stuff by Cohn, Scotti
Progress of the United States in Population and Wealth in Fifty Years, as Exhibited by the Decennial Census (1790-1840). by Tucker, George
Elementary Geology. by Hitchcock, Edward
First Impressions of England and Its People. by Miller, Hugh
Florida Curiosities by Grimes, David, Becnel, Tom
The Haunted Forts and Battlefields of 1812 by C. T. Shooting Star
In Search Of Gold Mountain: The Chinese experience in19th century America by Laplante, Margaret
Artemissmith's Odd Girl Revisited: An Autobiographical Correlate by Smith, Artemis
The Myth of American Religious Freedom by Sehat, David
Poverty and Politics: The Rise and Decline of the Farm Security Administration by Baldwin, Sidney
The American Indian Intellectual Tradition by
Visualizing the Sacred: Cosmic Visions, Regionalism, and the Art of the Mississippian World by
First Along the River: A Brief History of the U.S. Environmental Movement by Kline, Benjamin
Sacred Games, Death, and Renewal in the Ancient Eastern Woodlands: The Ohio Hopewell System of Cult Sodality Heterarchies by Byers, A. Martin
ArtemisSmith's Odd Girl Restored: Originally Anne Loves Beth by Smith, Artemis (Annselm Morpurgo)
The United States: A Brief Narrative History by Nelson, Scott, Hullar, Link
Before Haiti: Race and Citizenship in French Saint-Domingue by Garrigus, J.
Air Pollution and Human Health by Seskin, Eugene P., Lave, Lester B.
Speaking Up for America: In the Rogue River Valley During the Vietnam War by Bornet, Ph. D. Vaughn Davis
Globalizing Polar Science: Reconsidering the International Polar and Geophysical Years by
Globalizing Polar Science: Reconsidering the International Polar and Geophysical Years by
Analyzing Demand Behavior: A Study of Energy Elasticities by Bohi, Douglas R.
Falling Behind: Explaining the Development Gap Between Latin America and the United States by
Free the Dumb by Wallace, William
Freemasonry: An Introduction by Koltko-Rivera, Mark E.
The Easiest Way to Stop Smoking: Finding the Way That Works Best for You by Dingwell, Heath
Celebrated Criminal Cases of America by Duke, Thomas S.
The Coming of Age of American Business: Three Centuries of Enterprise, 1600-1900 by Douglass, Elisha P.
John Pory, 1572-1636: The Life and Letters of a Man of Many Parts by Powell, William S.
The Response to Prostitution in the Progressive Era by Connelly, Mark Thomas
The Structure of Production in American Manufacturing by Moroney, J. R.
Toward a New Deal in Baltimore: People and Government in the Great Depression by Argersinger, Jo Ann E.
Emerson, Whitman, and the American Muse by Loving, Jerome
Holding Fast the Inner Lines: Democracy, Nationalism, and the Committee on Public Information by Vaughn, Stephen L.
A History of the National Intelligencer by Ames, William E.
The FBI, COINTELPRO, And Martin Luther King, Jr.: Final Report Of The Select Committee To Study Governmental Operations With Respect To Intelligence A by Committee, Church
American Legal Realism and Empirical Social Science by Schlegel, John Henry
Tribe, Race, History: Native Americans in Southern New England, 1780-1880 by Mandell, Daniel R.
The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser. with Memoir and Critical Dissertations, by the REV. G. Gilfillan. by Spenser, Edmund, Gilfillan, George
The Poetical Works of Thomas Campbell. [With a Portrait, and with Vignettes After Designs by J. M. W. Turner.] by Turner, Joseph Mallord William, Campbell, Thomas
The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser. with Memoir and Critical Dissertations, by the REV. G. Gilfillan. by Spenser, Edmund, Gilfillan, George
The Poetical Works of William Cowper. with Life, Critical Dissertation, and Explanatory Notes, by the REV. George Gilfillan. by Cowper, William, Gilfillan, George
The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser ... a New Edition, with Introductory Observations on the Faerie Queene, and Explanatory and Glossarial Notes: To by Aikin, John, Spenser, Edmund
The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser. with Memoir and Critical Dissertations, by the REV. G. Gilfillan. by Spenser, Edmund, Gilfillan, George
The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser. with Memoir and Critical Dissertations, by the REV. G. Gilfillan. by Spenser, Edmund, Gilfillan, George
The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser ... a New Edition, with Introductory Observations on the Faerie Queene, and Explanatory and Glossarial Notes: To by Spenser, Edmund, Aikin, John
The Poetical Works of Thomas Campbell. a New Edition. by Campbell, Thomas
The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser ... a New Edition, with Introductory Observations on the Faerie Queene, and Explanatory and Glossarial Notes: To by Spenser, Edmund, Aikin, John M. D.
The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser ... a New Edition, with Introductory Observations on the Faerie Queene, and Explanatory and Glossarial Notes: To by Spenser, Edmund, Aikin, John
The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser. with Memoir and Critical Dissertations, by the REV. G. Gilfillan. by Spenser, Edmund, Gilfillan, George
Lectures and Addresses on Literary and Social Topics. by Robertson, Frederick William
The Lion's Cub. with Other Verse. by Stoddard, Richard Henry
The Poetical Works of James Thomson. with His Last Corrections, Additions and Improvements. with the Life of the Author ... Embellished with Superb En by Thomson, James, Murdoch, Patrick
The Poetical Works of James Thomson. Edited by B. Dobell, with a Memoir of the Author. by Dobell, Bertram, Thomson, James
The Poetical Works of James Thomson, James Beattie, Gilbert West and John Bampfylde ... New Edition. by Clarke, Charles, Thomson, James
Japan and the Japanese: From the Most Authentic and Reliable Sources, with Illustrations of Their Manners, Costumes, Etc. by Watts, Talbot
The Poetical Works of James Thomson ... Edited by B. Dobell, with a Memoir of the Author. by Dobell, Bertram, Thomson, James
The Chinese in America by Gibson, Otis
The Poetical Works of James Thomson. with His Last Corrections, Additions and Improvements. with the Life of the Author ... Embellished with Superb En by Thomson, James, Murdoch, Patrick
The Poems of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Etc. by Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
Days of Decision: Turning Points in U.S. Foreign Policy by Kilroy, David P., Nojeim, Michael J.
Family of Freedom: Presidents and African Americans in the White House by Walsh, Kenneth T.
Colors of Zion: Blacks, Jews, and Irish from 1845 to 1945 by Bornstein, George
Edward Seaga and the Challenges of Modern Jamaica by Bryan, Patrick E.
Time and Money: The Economy and the Planets (second edition) by Gover, Robert
"The Problem": A Military Novel by Gilmore, F. Grant
Vengeance in a Small Town: The Thorndale Lynching of 1911 by Nielsen, George R.
James Michael Curley (Paperback): A Short Biography with Personal Reminiscences by Bulger, William, Allison, Robert
Redondo Beach Police Department by Skipper, John, Stark, Michael L.
Saints, Sinners, and the God of the World: The Hartford Sermon Notebook Transcribed, 1679-1680 by Mallory, Andrew
African Americans in Hawai'i by Molentia Guttman, D., Golden, Ernest
Theatres of Hawai'i by Angell, Lowell
The Myth of the Rational Market: A History of Risk, Reward, and Delusion on Wall Street by Fox, Justin
U.S. Infantry Tactics.: for the instruction, exercise and manuevers of the United States infantry... (Large Print Edition) by United States War Department
Crozier's General Armory: A Registry of American Families Entitled to Coat Armor by Crozier, William Armstrong
Precise Leveling in New York City (Large Print Edition) by Koop, Frederick W.
Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans (Large Print Edition) by Hodge, Charles
Henry S. Manley (1892-1967): His Life and Writings by Forney, Joyce Manley
Henry S. Manley (1892-1967): His Life and Writings by Forney, Joyce Manley
The lives and times of the Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. Volume 2 of 2 by Flanders, Henry
Tales From the Troubled South: Civil Rights in Alabama by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
Filipinos in San Francisco by Manilatown Heritage Foundation, Filipino American National Historical So, Pin@y Educational Partnerships
If I Was a Highway by Ventura, Michael
Politics and Partnerships: The Role of Voluntary Associations in America's Political Past and Present by
The Poetical Works of James Thomson. with His Last Corrections, Additions and Improvements. with the Life of the Author ... Embellished with Superb En by Thomson, James, Murdoch, Patrick
The Poetical Works of Thomas Campbell. With a portrait. by Campbell, Thomas
The Myth of Post-Racial America: Searching for Equality in the Age of Materialism by Kaplan, H. Roy
The Myth of Post-Racial America: Searching for Equality in the Age of Materialism by Kaplan, H. Roy
The Poetical Works of Matthew Prior. With memoir and critical dissertation by G. Gilfillan. by Gilfillan, George, Prior, Matthew
To Live Again: Archeology and History of the Robinson-West River Plantation 1857-2011 by West, Bill D.
Crime and the Rise of Modern America: A History from 1865-1941 by Allerfeldt, Kristofer
Crime and the Rise of Modern America: A History from 1865-1941 by Allerfeldt, Kristofer
The Complete Poetical Works of Thomas Campbell. With an original biography, and notes. Edited by Epes Sargent. [With a portrait.] by Sargent, Epes, Campbell, Thomas
Reload: Rethinking Violence in American Life by Strain, Christopher B.
Chronology of Americans and the Environment by Magoc, Chris
Reload: Rethinking Violence in American Life by Strain, Christopher B.
The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser ... a New Edition, with Introductory Observations on the Faerie Queene, and Explanatory and Glossarial Notes: To by Spenser, Edmund, Aikin, John
The Poetical Works of Thomas Campbell. with Notes, and a Biographical Sketch, by the REV. W. A. Hill ... Illustrated by ... Vignettes from Designs by by Hill, William Alfred, Turnder, Joseph Mallord William, Campbell, Thomas
The Poetical Works of William Cowper. by Cowper, William
Mingo Junction by Smith, Larry, Mason, Guy
The Fifth Judicial Circuit of Illinois by Glenn, James R.
Invisible and Voiceless: The Struggle of Mexican Americans for Recognition, Justice, and Equality by Caso, Martha
Invisible and Voiceless: The Struggle of Mexican Americans for Recognition, Justice, and Equality by Caso, Martha
Seven Events That Made America America: And Proved That the Founding Fathers Were Right All Along by Schweikart, Larry
A treatise on the law of evidence. by Greenleaf, Simon
The Poetical Works of James Thomson, James Beattie, Gilbert West and John Bampfylde ... New edition. by Thomson, James
Restoring Cultural Foundations: A Wake Up Call to America: The Belief and Practice of the Ten Commandments in the Life of America by Tasker, R. James
Race for Citizenship: Black Orientalism and Asian Uplift from Pre-Emancipation to Neoliberal America by Jun, Helen Heran
Restoring Cultural Foundations: A Wake Up Call to America: The Belief and Practice of the Ten Commandments in the Life of America by Tasker, R. James
Race for Citizenship: Black Orientalism and Asian Uplift from Pre-Emancipation to Neoliberal America by Jun, Helen Heran
Say Cheese!: The Story of the Era when New York State Cheese was King by Sernett, Milton C.
Lullaby-Land. Songs of Childhood ... Selected by K. Grahame ... and Illustrated by Charles Robinson. by Robinson, Charles, Field, Eugene, Grahame, Kenneth
History of the Expedition under the command of Captains Lewis and Clark to the sources of the Missouri, thence across the Rocky Mountains, and down th by Biddle, Nicholas, Lewis, Meriwether, Allen, Paul
The Norsk Hostfest: A Celebration of Ethnic Food and Ethnic Identity by Emch, Paul Thomas
Proposed Amendments to the U.S. Constitution 1787-2001 Vol. IV Supplement 2001-2010 by
Colorado's Iceman & the Story of the Frozen Dead Guy by Shaffer, Bo
The Spokan Indians by Ross, John Alan
Constables and Tobacco Planters in Orange County, Virginia, 1735-1769 by Papageorgiou, Lizabeth Ward
First Impressions of England and Its People. by Miller, Hugh
The Southern States Since the War. 1870-1. with Map. by Somers, Robert
The Poetical Works of Thomas Campbell. with Life. Six Engravings on Steel. by Campbell, Thomas
Texan Ranch Life: With Three Months Through Mexico in a "Prairie Schooner.." by Jaques, Mary J.
View of the State of Europe During the Middle Ages the Seventh Edition. by Hallam, Henry
Inquiries Concerning the Intellectual Powers and the Investigation of Truth ... Second Edition. by Abercrombie, John
The Philosophy of the Active and Moral Powers of Man. [With an Appendix.] by Stewart, Dugald
History of New Hampshire, from Its First Discovery to the Year 1830. by Sanborn, Edwin David
A History of the United States, from the Discovery of the American Continent to the Present Time. [Brought Down to 1782 Only.] by Bancroft, George
Impressions of America, During the Years 1833, 1834 and 1835. by Power, Tyrone, Jr.
A History of the United States, from the Discovery of the American Continent to the Present Time. [Brought Down to 1782 Only.] by Bancroft, George
History of the German Element in Virginia. by Schuricht, Herrmann
Outline of the Geology of the Globe, and of the United States in Particular. by Hitchcock, Edward
Home Influence. a Tale of Mothers and Daughters by Aguilar, Grace
A History of the United States, from the Discovery of the American Continent to the Present Time. [Brought Down to 1782 Only.] by Bancroft, George
A History of Illinois from Its Commencement as a State in 1818 to 1847, Etc. Sixth Thousand. by Ford, Thomas
Miscellanies of Georgia, Historical, Biographical, Descriptive, Etc. by Chappell, Absalom Harris
History of Thomaston, Rockland, and South Thomaston, Maine, from Their First Exploration, A.D. 1605; With Family Genealogies, Etc. by Eaton, Cyrus
History of Thomaston, Rockland, and South Thomaston, Maine, from Their First Exploration, A.D. 1605; With Family Genealogies, Etc. by Eaton, Cyrus
A History of the United States, from the Discovery of the American Continent to the Present Time. [Brought Down to 1782 Only.] by Bancroft, George
The Register of New Netherland, 1626 to 1674. L.P. by O'Callaghan, Edmund Bailey
Impressions of America, During the Years 1833, 1834 and 1835. by Power, Tyrone, Jr.
Manual of Mineralogy, Including Observations on Mines, Rocks, Reduction of Ores, and the Applications of the Science to the Arts ... Fourth Edition. by Dana, James Dwight
A History of the United States, from the Discovery of the American Continent to the Present Time. [Brought Down to 1782 Only.] by Bancroft, George
The Missouri Hand-Book, Embracing a Full Description of the State of Missouri; Her Agricultural, Mineralogical and Geological Character, Etc. by Parker, Nathan Howe
Passages from the French and Italian Note-Books of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Vol. I by Hawthorne, Nathaniel
The Minnesota Handbook for 1856-7, Etc. by Parker, Nathan Howe
Passages from the French and Italian Note-Books of Nathaniel Hawthorne. by Hawthorne, Nathaniel
The Crest of the Continent: A Record of a Summer's Ramble in the Rocky Mountains and Beyond. by Ingersoll, Ernest
Across the Continent: A Summer's Journey to the Rocky Mountains, the Mormons, and the Pacific States, with Speaker Colfax. [With a Map.] by Bowles, Samuel, Colfax, Schuyler
Bussy D'Ambois: A Tragedie, Etc. [By George Chapman.] by Chapman, George
Deck and Port; Or, Incidents of a Cruise in the United States Frigate Congress to California, with Sketches of Rio Janeiro, Valparaiso, Lima, Etc. [Wi by Colton, Walter
Central Route to the Pacific, from the Valley of the Mississippi to California, Journal of the Expedition of E. F. Baale and G. H. H. in 1853. by Heap, Gwinn Harris
Catalogue of the Principal Officers of Vermont, as Connected with Its Political History, from 1778 to 1851, with Some Biographical Notices, Andc. by Deming, Leonard
Answer to Hugh Miller and Theoretic Geologists. by Davies, Thomas Alfred, Miller, Hugh
The Critical Period of American History ... Illustrated, Etc. by Fiske, John
The American Colonies Previous to the Declaration of Independence. the Arnold Prize Essay, 1869. by Doyle, John Andrew
Circassia; Or, a Tour to the Caucasus. by Ditson, George Leighton
Circassia; Or, a Tour to the Caucasus. by Ditson, George Leighton
A Year's Residence in the United States of America. by Cobbett, William
Voyages to Various Parts of the World Made Between the Years 1799 and 1845, Etc. [With a Portrait.] by Coggeshall, George
The States and Territories of the Great West; Including Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minesota, Kansas and Nebraska; T by Ferris, Jacob
A Historical Sketch of the Town of Hanover, Mass., with Family Genealogies by Barry, John Stetson
View of the State of Europe During the Middle Ages ... the Seventh Edition. by Hallam, Henry
The Supreme Court in United States History, Vol. III (in Three Volumes) by Warren, Charles
The Supreme Court in United States History, Vol. II (in Three Volumes) by Warren, Charles
Wisconsin Gazetteer; Containing the Names, Location, and Advantages of the Counties, Cities, Towns, Villages ... and Settlements ... in the State of W by Hunt, John Warren
Scenes in the South, and Other Miscellaneous Pieces. [Edited by Mrs. J. R. Creecy.] by Creecy, James R.
Most Favored Nation: The Republican Revisionists and U.S. Tariff Policy, 1897-1912 by Wolman, Paul
A Few Acts and Actors in the Tragedy of the Civil War in the United States. by Wilson, William Bender
The Czechs in Oklahoma by Bicha, Karel D.
Texas Through Time: Evolving Interpretations by
The Critical Period of American History, 1783-1789. by Fiske, John
White Mother to a Dark Race: Settler Colonialism, Maternalism, and the Removal of Indigenous Children in the American West and Australia, 1880-1940 by Jacobs, Margaret D.
Deconstructing the Cherokee Nation: Town, Region, and Nation Among Eighteenth-Century Cherokees by Boulware, Tyler
History of Orange, North Milford, Connecticut, 1639 - 1949 by Woodruff, Mary R.
The Supreme Court in United States History, Vol. I (in Three Volumes) by Warren, Charles
Die Bürgerrechtsbewegung in den Vereinigten Staaten: Im Anfang war Amerika by Bengelsdorf, Carolin
The light side of little Texas by Black, Uyless
Great Projects: The Epic Story of the Building of America, from Th by Tobin, James
Sterling by Hershberger, Forrest
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