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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General United States History in 2015

A Short History of the United States by Commager, Henry Steele, Nevins, Allan
A Short History of the United States by Nevins, Allan, Commager, Henry Steele
America In Perspective: The United States through foreign eyes in thirty-five essays, Edited with introduction and notes by
Living Ideas in America, Edited and with commentary by
America In Perspective: The United States through foreign eyes in thirty-five essays, Edited with introduction and notes by
Living Ideas in America, Edited and with commentary by
Leading the Historical Enterprise: Strategic Creativity, Planning, and Advocacy for the Digital Age by Dearstyne, Bruce W.
Texas: Crossroads of North America by Young, Nancy, De La Teja, Jesus F., Tyler, Ron
It Happened 'Round North Bend: A History of Miami Township and its Borders by Burress, Marjorie Byrnside
Pets in America: A History by Grier, Katherine C.
Interpreting African American History and Culture at Museums and Historic Sites by
A Complete History of Connecticut, Civil and Ecclesiastical: From the Emigration of its First Planters, From England, in the year 1630, to the Year 17 by Trumbull, Benjamin
A Complete History of Connecticut, Civil and Ecclesiastical: From the Emigration of Its First Planters, From England, In The Year 1630, To The Year 17 by Trumbull, Benjamin
Harm's Way Trilogy by Pettit, Tom
Foreign Relations: American Immigration in Global Perspective by Gabaccia, Donna R.
The United States of Apostasy: The Story of a Wayward Nation by Bradford, Adam S.
This Is America: A Short History of the United States by
History of the Grange Movement (Large Print Edition) by McCabe, James D.
Miss Mary's Money: Fortune and Misfortune in a North Carolina Plantation Family, 1760-1924 by Jones, H. G., Southern, David
America's Unwritten Constitution: The Precedents and Principles We Live by by Amar, Akhil Reed
The Messiah in Moses and the Prophets by Lord, Eleazar
Orderly Anarchy: Sociopolitical Evolution in Aboriginal California Volume 8 by Bettinger, Robert L.
Emerging Metropolis: New York Jews in the Age of Immigration, 1840-1920 by Soyer, Daniel, Polland, Annie
From The Golden Gate to Mexico City: The U.S. Army Topographical Engineers in the Mexican War 1846-1848 by Center of Military History United States
Mea Culpa: Lessons on Law and Regret from U.S. History by Bender, Steven W.
Reframing Randolph: Labor, Black Freedom, and the Legacies of A. Philip Randolph by Kersten, Andrew E., Lang, Clarence
Guns Along the Rio Grande Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma by U. S. Department of the Army
Gateway South: The Campaign for Monterrey by U. S. Department of the Army
A Guide to the Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine by Hall, Edward Hagaman
Preserving Early Texas History: Essays of an Eighth-Generation South Texan by López, José Antonio
Preserving Early Texas History: Essays of an Eighth-Generation South Texan by López, José Antonio
Plucked: A History of Hair Removal by Herzig, Rebecca M.
Leading the Historical Enterprise: Strategic Creativity, Planning, and Advocacy for the Digital Age by Dearstyne, Bruce W.
Monumental Providence by Caranci, Heather a., Caranci, Paul F.
Bliss and Tragedy: The Ashtabula Railway-Bridge Accident of 1876 and the Loss of P.P. Bliss by Corts, Thomas E.
History of Asian Americans: Exploring Diverse Roots by Lee, Jonathan
The Emergence of Operational Art in the Great Sioux War 1876-1877 by U. S. Army Command and General Staff Coll
Origins and History of the Village of Yorkville in the City of New York: Second Edition 2014 by Lofaso, Anthony
A Georgia Tidewater Companion: Essays, Papers and Some Personal Observations on 30 Years of Research in Coastal Georgia History by Sullivan, Buddy
Abraham Lincoln: A Biography of the Exciting Achievements of one of the Greatest US Presidents; An Example of Leadership by Knight, Cj
Philadelphia Liberty Trail: Trace the Path of America's Heritage by Milne, Larissa, Milne, Michael
Mississippi: A History by Busbee, Westley F.
Religion and the Culture of Print in Modern America by
The Inspectors General of the United States Army 1777-1903 by David, David a.
Abstracts from the Pennsylvania Gazette, 1748-1755 by Clarke, Janet R., Scott, Kenneth
New York Historical Manuscripts: Minutes of the Mayors Court of New York, 1674-1675 by Scott, Kenneth
New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch. Old First Dutch Reformed Church of Brooklyn, New York. First Book of Records, 1600-1752 by
The Changing Role of American Women throughout History by Zapala-Kraj, Marta
Negroes with Guns by Nelson, Truman, Williams, Robert F., King, Martin Luther, Jr.
The Ancestry of the Dewalt Family of Crawford County, Ohio by Stucky, Duane
Separating Fools from Their Money: A History of American Financial Scandals by MacDonald, Scott B.
A Touch of the Underworld by Trucker, David
A Touch of the Underworld by Trucker, David
Transpacific Field of Dreams: How Baseball Linked the United States and Japan in Peace and War by Guthrie-Shimizu, Sayuri
Death by Cannibal: Minds with an Appetite for Murder by Davidson, Peter
Tallyns of England and America: A History and Genealogy (1080-1979). The Descendants of William R. Tallyn of Stoke Rivers, Devonshire, England by Cochran, Donn L.
Tales from Kentucky Nurses by Montell, William Lynwood
Rethinking Disaster Recovery: A Hurricane Katrina Retrospective by
Native American Tribes: The History and Culture of the Utes by Charles River
Acts of Domestic Terrorism in the United States by Navarro, Bob
Why We Are at War - War College Series by Wilson, Woodrow
The Spaldings of the West by McCormick, Linda
Medieval Mississippians: The Cahokian World by
Medieval Mississippians: The Cahokian World by
Great Events in the History of North and South America; From the Alleged Discovery of the Continent, by the Northmen in the Tenth Century, to the Inau by Goodrich, Charles A.
A History of the United States of America - On a Plan Adapted to the Capacity of Youth, and Designed to Aid the Memory by Systematic Arrangement and I by Goodrich, Charles A.
The Child's History of the United States - Designed as a First Book of History for Schools, Illustrated by Numerous Anecdotes by Goodrich, Charles A.
Secret Lives of the Underground Railroad in New York City: Sydney Howard Gay, Louis Napoleon and the Record of Fugitives by Papson, Don, Calarco, Tom
American Political History: A Very Short Introduction by Critchlow, Donald T.
Congressional Government by Wilson, Woodrow
In Our First Year of the War by Wilson, Woodrow
On Being Human by Wilson, Woodrow
President Wilson's Addresses by Wilson, Woodrow
State Of The Union Addresses by Wilson, Woodrow
Cecil Dreeme by Winthrop, Theodore
John Brent by Winthrop, Theodore
A Brief History of Washington State by Navarro, Bob
Adventures on the Columbia River, including the narrative of a residence of six years on the western side of the Rocky Mountains, among various tribes by Cox, Ross
The History of the Thirty Years' War in Germany. Translated by J. M. Duncan - War College Series by Schiller, Friedrich, Duncan, James Marriott
Documentary History of the American Revolution, Consisting of Letters and Papers Relating to the Contest for Liberty, Chiefly in South Carolina ... 17 by Gibbes, Robert Wilson
The Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe, Complete. with Memoir and Vindication. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Poe, Edgar Allan
The Days of Bruce; A Story from Scottish History. [edited by Sarah Aguilar.] - Scholar's Choice Edition by Aguilar, Grace
Protecting Yellowstone: Science and the Politics of National Park Management by Yochim, Michael J.
Bigfoot in the Holy Bible by Blevins, Leroy, Sr.
Comic History of the United States by Nye, Bill
Pests in the City: Flies, Bedbugs, Cockroaches, and Rats by Biehler, Dawn Day
Die Forty-Eighters und die Sezession von 1861. Politisches Handeln und Moralempfinden Deutscher Exilanten in Amerika: Anhand zeitgenössischer Quellen by Thieler, Björn-Alexander
Modeling Manhood: Adam Sandler's Portrayals of Masculinity and Manhood by Chapman, K. B.
Our New Protectorate: Turkey in Asia, Volume II - Scholar's Choice Edition by McCoan, James Carlile
A History of Mount Airy, N.C. Commisioners' Meetings 1903 to 1907 by Brown, Dean
A History of Mount Airy, N.C. Commisioners' Meetings 1903 to 1907 by Brown, Dean
Early Theories of Translation by Amos, Flora Ross
The Natural History of New York: Second Edition by Freeman, Stan, Nasuti, Mike
The Cherokee Struggle to Maintain Identity in the 17th and 18th Centuries by Reynolds, William R.
The Three Kingdoms: England, Scotland, Ireland - Scholar's Choice Edition by Victor Prvt Arlincourt, Charles
Does America Hate God? Faith Under Fire by Nedd II, Council, Almasi, David
Four Great Americans: Washington, Franklin, Webster, Lincoln by Baldwin, James
The Mystery: Amelia Earhart, The Answers: Forensic Astrology by Crystal, Linda
The Great American Flag: The story behind America's biggest flag by Kincaid, Johnny
History of the American Civil War, etc. Vol. II. - War College Series by Draper, John William
Indian Heroes and Great Chieftains by Eastman, Charles A.
The Dance Festivals of the Alaskan Eskimo by Hawkes, E. W.
Power of Israel in the United States by Last, First
The Big House: Image and Reality of the American Prison by Cox, Stephen
America Moved by Tarkington, Booth
Cengage Advantage Books: Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People, Volume 1: To 1877 by Johnson, Paul, Murrin, John, Hämäläinen, Pekka
America Moved by Tarkington, Booth
General Scott by Wright, Marcus Joseph
Cengage Advantage Books: Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People, Volume 2: Since 1863 by Johnson, Paul, Murrin, John, Hämäläinen, Pekka
Hometown Chinatown: A History of Oakland's Chinese Community, 1852-1995 by Ma, Eva Armentrout
Entrepreneurship and Religion: Korean Immigrants in Houston, Texas by Hyonchu Kwon, Victoria
This Quiet Place by Allen, Everett
Read to Me! by Zschock, Martha
Islam in America by Curiel, Jonathan
American Senate: An Insider's History by Baker, Richard A., MacNeil, Neil
James J. Hill's Legacy to Railway Operations by Currie, Earl J.
The Teacher Or Moral Influences Employed in the Instruction and Government of the Young by Abbott, Jacob
Cabinet of Curiosities 3 by Taylor, Troy
Quiet Places: Photographs Expressing the Spirit of Kentucky by
Medicine and Nation Building in the Americas, 1890-1940 by Amador, Jose
Medicine and Nation Building in the Americas, 1890-1940 by Amador, Jose
Small Wonder: The Little Red Schoolhouse in History and Memory by Zimmerman, Jonathan
The Mantle Site: An Archaeological History of an Ancestral Wendat Community by Birch, Jennifer, Williamson, Ronald F.
Novanglus Essays by Adams, John
Draft of the Declaration of Independence and Other Works by Adams, John
Martin Luther King, Jr. by Ling, Peter J.
Martin Luther King und Malcolm X: Eine vergleichende Darstellung im Kontext der US-Bürgerrechtsbewegung by Heinen, Deborah
Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom by Ellen Craft, William and
Tales of Gotham, Historical Archaeology, Ethnohistory and Microhistory of New York City by
A Short History of the United States by Channing, Edward
American Intellectual Histories and Historians by Skotheim, Robert Allen
Federal Courts in the Early Republic: Kentucky, 1789-1816 by Tachau, Mary K. Bonsteel
Abraham Lincoln and Reconstruction: The Louisiana Experiment by McCrary, Peyton
The New Urban History: Quantitative Explorations by American Historians by Schnore, Leo Francis
Gifford Pinchot: Forester-Politician by McGeary, M. Nelson
Ghosts of Chokoloskee by Magers, Rick
Theodore Roosevelt and His Times by Howland, Howard
Building the Past: Prehistoric Wooden Post Architecture in the Ohio Valley-Great Lakes by
Understanding the Great Recession by Board of Governors of the Federal Reserv
Oregon Bingo Book: Complete Bingo Game In A Book by Stark, Rebecca
The Manhattan Project: A Theory of a City by Kishik, David
Das Bordbuch von Cristóbal Colón und die Kolonialisierung Amerikas. Die Sicht der Sieger versus die Sicht der Besiegten by Keyser, Carmen
Coming Home in Gold Brocade: Chinese in Early Northwest America by Ho, Chuimei, Bronson, Bennet
12 Conversations with American Studies Scholars by Wilson, Leslie
Sylvania, Lucas County, Ohio; From Footpaths to Expressways and Beyond Volume Five by Gindy, Gayleen
Angel Patriots: The Crash of United Flight 93 and the Myth of America by Riley, Alexander T.
The Unsigned Essays of Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story: Early American Views of Law by Story, Joseph
The Unsigned Essays of Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story: Early American Views of Law by Horowitz, Valerie L.
Angel Patriots: The Crash of United Flight 93 and the Myth of America by Riley, Alexander T.
Fighting Neoslavery in the 20th Century: The Forgotten Legacy of the NAACP by Walters, Ronald
French Colonial Archaeology in the Southeast and Caribbean by
A Concise Encyclopedia of the Ozarks by Wood, Larry
The Lively Experiment: Religious Toleration in America from Roger Williams to the Present by
A Force for Good: How the American News Media Have Propelled Positive Change by Streitmatter, Rodger
A Force for Good: How the American News Media Have Propelled Positive Change by Streitmatter, Rodger
Empire's Twin: U.S. Anti-Imperialism from the Founding Era to the Age of Terrorism by
The Democracy Machine: How One Engineer Made Voting Possible For All by Silman, Jon
Empire's Twin: U.S. Anti-Imperialism from the Founding Era to the Age of Terrorism by
Die haitianische Revolution 1791-1804. Das Stiefkind des "revolutionären Zeitalters"? by Traore, Mohamet
Provocations: A Transnational Reader in the History of Feminist Thought by
Provocations: A Transnational Reader in the History of Feminist Thought by
30 Illegal Years To The Strip: The Untold Stories Of The Gangsters Who Built The Early Las Vegas Strip by Friedman, Bill
How the Mail get's delivered by Faraday, Michael P.
What Is African American History? by Dagbovie, Pero Gaglo
What Is African American History? by Dagbovie, Pero Gaglo
Arizona erleben: 33 Geschichten aus dem Land des Grand Canyon by Hexamer, Gunhild
Common Sense in the Household by Harland, Marion
American agriculture in old adverts: 1900-1910 by Nicholson, Martin P.
Pine Barrens: Life and Legends by Kinsella, Thomas E., Schopp, Paul W.
The Oxford Movement by Church, Richard William
Replace #2: Guns & Race in America: How To Save Lives by Rountree, Elisha Lott
Orthodoxy by Clarke, James Freeman
The Limits of Partnership: U.S.-Russian Relations in the Twenty-First Century - Updated Edition by Stent, Angela E.
First Word: Black Scholars, Thinkers, Warriors; Knowledge, Wisdom, Mental Liberation by Person-Lynn, Kwaku
Pioneers Remember: Revised Edition by Kearby, Mary Renfro
Celebrity in Chief: A History of the Presidents and the Culture of Stardom by Walsh, Kenneth T.
Religion in the Oval Office: The Religious Lives of American Presidents by Smith, Gary Scott
The Narrative of John Doy, of Lawrence, Kansas by Doy, John
The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft - Volume I by Bancroft, Hubert Howe
The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft - Volume II by Bancroft, Hubert Howe
The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft - Volume III by Bancroft, Hubert Howe
The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft - Volume IV by Bancroft, Hubert Howe
The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft - Volume V by Bancroft, Hubert Howe
In the Shadow of Wrath: A Veteran's Journey by Mitchell, Jerry
The American Martyrology by
Origins of American Religious Nationalism by Haselby, Sam
Speaking American: A History of English in the United States by Bailey, Richard W.
Virginia Vignettes (Vol. 1) - Famous Characters & Events in Central Virginia History by Britton, Rick
Classroom Wars: Language, Sex, and the Making of Modern Political Culture by Petrzela, Natalia Mehlman
Democracy in America by Tocqueville, Alexis De
State of the Union Addresses by Reagan, Ronald
The Book on African American Drag Racers by Blackwell, Robert
State of the Union Addresses by Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Reflections on Old Age by Murphy, Cornelius F., Jr.
Reflections on Old Age by Murphy, Cornelius F., Jr.
The Prime of Life: A History of Modern Adulthood by Mintz, Steven
Making Port: the History of a Baltimore Family: This Collection Includes the Families Hiltz, Sinskey, Berquist, Hartlove, Stutt, Be by Berquist, Erica Lee
American Apartheid by Wright, James
Narrative of The Life of Frederick Douglass: Diary of An American Slave by Douglass, Frederick, Finnell, Shaka
The Constitution of the United States by Beck, James M.
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