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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General United States History in 2018

U.S. Capitol by Rawson, Katherine
Public vs. Private: The Early History of School Choice in America by Gross, Robert N.
A Century of Dishonor by Jackson H. H., Helen
The USA in the Time of Zachary Taylor: 1850-1853 by Donovan, Mike
The Sanctuary and the Twenty-Three Hundred Days of Daniel VIII. 14: The Sanctuary and Its Cleansing by Smith, Uriah
Sand Creek Massacre by Hoig, Stan
The Theory of Determinants in the Historical Order of Its Development: Part I. Determinants in General, Leibnitz (1693) to Cayley (1841) by Muir, Thomas
Legacies of Losing in American Politics by Tulis, Jeffrey K.
The Pharaohs of the Bondage and the Exodus by Robinson, Charles Seymour
The Harvard Classics: Volume I by Franklin, Benjamin, Penn, William
America by MacKenzie, Robert
Heroic life of George Washington (1902) by Adrian, Iacob
Essays: Scientific, Political and Speculative: Vol. 1 by Spencer, Herbert
Death Ride: A Little Boy's Night of Terror by And Becky Hattenburg, Tim
The Origin and Antiquity of Physical Man Scientifically Considered by Tuttle, Hudson
Essays: Scientific, Political and Speculative: Vol. 2 by Spencer, Herbert
Woodsville, NH Thru a Young Boy's Eyes by Hobbs, James E.
Memoirs of Rev. Charles G. Finney by Finney, Charles G.
Why Veterans Run: Military Service in American Presidential Elections, 1789-2016 by Teigen, Jeremy M.
Native American Tribes: The History and Culture of the Utes by Charles River
True History And The Lies We Were Told: Vol. 1 Science and Technology by Bridges, John
Southern Wealth and Northern Profits: As Exhibited in Statistical Facts and Official Figure by Kettell, Thomas Prentice
Southern Wealth and Northern Profits,: as exhibited in statistical facts and official figures: showing the necessity of union to the future prosperity by Kettell, Thomas Prentice
Robert Blum: Ein Zeit- und Charakterbild für das deutsche Volk by Blum, Hans
The History of Ivory, New York by Munson, Harold E.
Presidential Profiles: Washington to Trump: Enneagram and Myers-Briggs Perspectives by Pearce, Herb
Where the New World Is: Literature about the U.S. South at Global Scales by Bone, Martyn
Knights of Spain, Warriors of the Sun: Hernando de Soto and the South's Ancient Chiefdoms by Hudson, Charles M.
Ein Parcerie-Vertrag: Erzählung zur Warnung und Belehrung für Auswanderer und ihre Freunde by Gerstäcker, Friedrich
North Carolina: Change and Tradition in a Southern State by Link, William A.
Pickin' Up Paw Paws: Descendants of Colonel William Burgess of Maryland by Lyons, Juanita Burgess
Die Karikatur im Weltkriege by Schulz-Besser, Ernst
Open Spaces, Open Rebellions: The War over America's Public Lands by Makley, Michael J.
Searching for America, Volume One, The New World: Teaching American Literature through Reader's Theater Script-Stories by Hamby, Zachary
La Naissance d'une capitale: La ville de Washington de 1800 à 1816 by Moireau, Auguste
Der Rangierbahnhof by Böhlau, Helene
LBJ's and Nixon's Patsy by Nolan, David B., Sr.
Black Boston: African American Life and Culture in Urban America, 1750-1860 by Levesque, George A.
Deutsch-Ostafrika: Geographie und Geschichte der Colonie by Förster, Brix
From Post-Traumatic Slave Syndrome to Self-Determination and Greatness, Volume 1 by Jjimerson, Rufus O.
Loaded: A Disarming History of the Second Amendment by Dunbar-Ortiz, Roxanne
Armed in America: A History of Gun Rights from Colonial Militias to Concealed Carry by Charles, Patrick J.
Happy 4th of July Color By Numbers Coloring Book for Adults: A Patriotic Adult Color By Number Coloring Book With American History, Summer Scenes, Ame by Zenmaster Coloring Books
The Elements of Style: The Original 1920 Edition by Strunk, William, Jr.
From Post-Traumatic Slave Syndrome to Self-Determination and Greatness, Volume 2 by Jimerson, Rufus O.
9 Presidents Who Screwed Up America: And Four Who Tried to Save Her by McClanahan, Brion
The Butler: A Witness to History by Haygood, Wil
Town and County Government in the English Colonies of North America by Channing, Edward
The Pond Dwellers: People of the Freshwaters of Massachusetts 1620-1676 by Savage, Kelly
A History of Alaska, Volume I: From Old and New Frontiers to the Changing Strategic Balance by Nielson, Jonathan M.
Memoirs of General Andrew Jackson: Together With the Letter of Mr. Secretary Adams, in Vindication of the Execution of Arbuthnot & Ambrister, and the by Adams, John Quincy, Former Ow
L'Amérique avant Christophe Colomb by Blerzy, Henri
Spy Chiefs: Volume 1: Intelligence Leaders in the United States and United Kingdom by
The Blessings of Liberty by Miller, Francis Pickens
Seed from Madagascar by Heyward, Duncan Clinch
Over the Blue Wall by Matthews, Etta Lane
Ferien an der Adria: Bilder aus Süd-Österreich by Heer, Jakob Christoph
Common Threads: A Cultural History of Clothing in American Catholicism by Dwyer-McNulty, Sally
Situational Identities Along the Raiding Frontier of Colonial New Mexico by Sunseri, Jun U.
Prehistoric Stone Tools of Virginia by Hranicky, Wm Jack
School of the Guides: Designed for the Use of the Militia of the United States by Le Gal, Eugene
History of the City of New York in the Seventeenth Century; Volume 2 by Van Rensselaer, Schuyler
Black History Collection: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, Up from Slavery, and The Souls of Black Folk by Washington, Booker T., Bois, W. E. B. Du, Douglass, Frederick
American Pioneer Life: A Remarkable Collection of the Books and Pamphlets Published by Beadle and Adams Dealing With the Character, Condition by And Adams, Beadle, O'Brien, Frank P., Anderson Galleries, Inc
The Real Mound Builders of North America: A Critical Realist Prehistory of the Eastern Woodlands, 200 BC-1450 AD by Byers, A. Martin
The Souls of Black Folk by Bois, W. E. B. Du
How to Conquer Texas, Before Texas Conquers Us by Hale, Edward Everett
Emma: Reine des îles Havaï by De Varigny, Charles
The Life and Service of Major-General William Alexander, Also Called the Earl of Stirling by Ditmas, Charles Andrew
The Early History of Wall Street, 1653-1789 by Villard, Oswald Garrison
Ambiguous Relations: The American Jewish Community and Germany Since 1945 by Shafir, Shlomo
The Forerunners: Dutch Jewry in the North American Diaspora by Swierenga, Robert P.
South Carolina Botanists: Biography and Bibliography by Gee, Wilson
Ramsay's History of South Carolina, From its First Settlement in 1670 to the Year 1808 by Ramsay, David
A Sketch of the Means and Benefits of Prosecuting This war Against Britain by Elliott, Benjamin
The Indian Names of Boston, and Their Meaning by Horsford, Eben Norton
On the Sunny Side: The Danbury Mad Hatter Chorus, 1966-2016 by Gadkar-Wilcox, Wynn W.
American Capitalism: New Histories by
The Crisis of the Middle-Class Constitution: Why Economic Inequality Threatens Our Republic by Sitaraman, Ganesh
A Monograph on the Origin and Early Life of Brattleboro by Grout, Lewis
America's Journey: Underdog to Overlord, Regrets to Rebirth by Trzupek, Rich
Take a Stand! American Revolution up to 1914 by De Gree, John
Soldiers of the Tsar and Other Sketches and Studies of the Russia of To-day by West, Julius
Biographical Sketches of the Bench and bar of South Carolina: To Which is Added the Original fee Bill of 1791 ... the Rolls of Attorneys Admitted To P by O'Neall, John Belton
Laus Veneris, and Other Poems by Sutherland, Howard Vigne, Swinburne, Algernon Charles
A Letter to a Friend on the Conduct of the Adherents to Mr. Burr by Cheetham, James
Speeches on Illinois and Michigan Canal and Other Subjects by Harrison, Carter Henry
Everybody's Cyclopedia: A Concise And Accurate Compilation Of The World's Knowledge; Volume 1 by Leonard-Stuart, Charles
Back Through the Veil II, Research Edition: The Ancestral Histories of Several African-American Families and How They Survived from Their Arrivals in by Prier, Donald G.
Geschichte Des Königreichs Neapel; Volume 1 by Colletta, Pietro
Histories on Screen: The Past and Present in Anglo-American Cinema and Television by
Histories on Screen: The Past and Present in Anglo-American Cinema and Television by
Choctaws and Missionaries in Mississippi, 1818-1918 by Kidwell, Clara Sue
In God We Trusted by Wallace, Jeff
Geschichte Des Christlichen Lebens In Der Rheinisch-westphälischen Evangelischen Kirche: Das Siebenzehnte Jahrhundert by Goebel, Max
The History Of Massachusetts ...: The Colonial Period [to 1692 by Barry, John Stetson
History Of The American Troops, During The Late War, Under The Command Of Colonels Fenton And Campbell: Giving An Account Of The Crossing Of Niagara . by White, Samuel
Leben August Gottlieb Spangenbergs Bischofs Der Evangelischen Brüdergemeinde by Risler, Jeremias
The Journal Of The American Irish Historical Society ...; Volume 16 by Society, American-Irish Historical
Kirchliche Nachrichten Über Die Evangelischen Gemeinden Toggenburgs Kantons St. Gallen by Franz, Johann Friedrich
Geschichte Der Entdeckungen Und Eroberungen Der Portugiesen Im Orient Von 1415 - 1539, Part 5 by Barros, João de
The Paths Of Inland Commerce: A Chronicle Of Trail, Road, And Waterway; Volume 4 by Hulbert, Archer Butler
Deutschlands Eisenbahnen: Ein Handbuch Für Geschäftsleute, Capitalisten Und Speculanten, Enthaltend Geschichte Und Beschreibung Der Eisenbahnen. by Michaelis, Julius
"Believe Me": 56-Weeks of POTUS 45 and then Week-57 by Lipton, W. Lawrence
American Legacy: American History 1492 to 1877 by Beaudoin, Douglas G.
Signs of Resistance: A Visual History of Protest in America by Siegler, Bonnie
American Business Since 1920: How It Worked by McCraw, Thomas K., Childs, William R.
Charles Lyell's Reisen in Nordamerika: Mit Beobachtungen Über Die Geognostischen Verhältnisse Der Vereinigten Staaten, Von Canada Und Neu-Schottland by Von Wolff, Emil Theodor, Lyell, Charles
Religion as Affected by Modern Materialism by Martineau, James
The Face of Crazy Horse: The Case for a Tintype Photograph of the Great Lakota Patriot by Abiuso, Pietro, Marino, Cesare
SoJourn 2.2, Winter 2017/18 by
History of the United States of America, From the Discovery of the Continent [To 1789] by Bancroft, George
The Eve of the Revolution by Becker, Carl Lotus
True History And The Lies We Were Told: Vol.2 Society And Culture by Bridges, John
Discourse On the History, Character, and Prospects of the West: Delivered to the Union Literary Society of Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, at Their Ni by Drake, Daniel
History of the United States of America; Volume 4 by Elson, Henry William, Hart, Charles Henry
Proceedings and Collections of the Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Volumes 1-2 by
Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society, Volumes 3-4 by Honeyman, John C.
A History of the Puget Sound Country: Its Resources, Its Commerce and Its People: With Some Reference to Discoveries and Explorations in North America by Prosser, William Farrand
The New Testament by Noyes, George R.
Reflections On the Goodness of God to a Nation Threescore and Ten Years Old by Mandeville, Henry
A Birthday Book of Kansas City, 1821-1921 by
Woman and Her Wishes; an Essay by Higginson, Thomas Wentworth
Reminiscences of the Last Days, Death and Burial of General Henry Lee by Jones, Charles Colcock
1801. 1893 by Swindells, William
Views and Description History of Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts by Seeley, Ormby Gilbert
Seventeen Hundred and Seventy-six, or, The War of Independence; a History of the Anglo-Americans, From the Period of the Union of the Colonies Against by Lossing, Benson John
Original Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806; Printed From the Original Manuscripts in the Library of the American Philosophical Soc by Clark, William, Thwaites, Reuben Gold, Lewis, Meriwether
History of the United States, From Their First Settlement as Colonies, to the Close of the war With Great Britain in 1815 by Hale, Salma
An Oration on the Annals of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations by Curtis, George William, Vinton, Francis
The Mysterious Midwest: Mysteries, Legends, and Unexplained Phenomena in America's Heartland by Charles River
Sketches of the Country on the Northern Route From Belleville, Illinois, to the City of New York, and Back by the Ohio Valley; Together With a Glance by Reynolds, John
Covering America: A Narrative History of a Nation's Journalism by Daly, Christopher B.
The Architecture of Leisure: The Florida Resort Hotels of Henry Flagler and Henry Plant by Braden, Susan R.
Archaeology of Precolumbian Florida by Milanich, Jerald T.
Geschichte Des Neuern Italiens: Von Der Ersten Französischen Revolution Bis Zum Jahre 1850. Aus Dem Englischen Des Wrightson Von Julius Rybt. Mit Dem by Wrightson, Richard Heber
Geschichte Der Litteratur Von Ihrem Anfang Bis Auf Die Neuesten Zeiten: Geschichte Der Theologischen Wissenschaften Seit Der Verbreitung Der Alten Lit by Eichhorn, Johann Gottfried
Geschichte Der Länder Des Östreichischen Kaiserstaates: Mit Einer Charte In Futt; Volume 4 by Schels, Johann Baptist
Geschichte Der Litteratur Von Ihrem Anfang Bis Auf Die Neuesten Zeiten; Volume 2 by Eichhorn, Johann Gottfried
Old Virginia And Her Neighbours; Volume 5 by Fiske, John
Geschichte Der Entdeckungen Und Eroberungen Der Portugiesen Im Orient Von 1415 - 1539; Volume 4 by Barros, João de
Geschichte, Namen, Geschlecht, Leben, Thaten U. Absterben Der Bischöfe Von Würzburg U. Herzoge Von Franken, Auch Was Während Der Regg. Jedes Einzelnen by Fries, Lorenz
Geschichte Der Römerherrschaft In Judäa Und Der Zerstörung Jerusalems: Bis 66 P. Chr; Volume 1 by Eichler, Ludwig, Salvador, Joseph
Geschichte Der Litteratur Von Ihrem Anfang Bis Auf Die Neuesten Zeiten, Volumes 3-4 by Eichhorn, Johann Gottfried
History Of The United States, Or Republic Of America: Exhibited In Connexion With Its Chronology & Progressive Geography by Willard, Emma
Geschichte, Geographie Und Statistik Des Erzherzogthums Ob Der Enns; Volume 2 by Pillwein, Benedikt
History Of The United States Of America; Volume 4 by Elson, Henry William
History Of The United States Of America, From The Discovery Of The Continent [to 1789]; Volume 4 by Bancroft, George
History Of The United States Of America Under The Constitution: 1801-1817. Jefferson Republicans by Schouler, James
Annual Report Of The American Historical Association by Association, American Historical
Glänzende Züge Aus Der Bayerischen Geschichte: Mit Einer Stammtafel Des K. Hauses Wittelsbach by Krämer, G. C.
Geschichten Der Romanischen Und Germanischen Völker: Von 1494 Bis 1535; Volume 1 by Ranke, Leopold Von
Report Of The Committee On Coinage, Weights, And Measures: Part 1, On The Adoption Of The Metric System Of Weights And Measures, Together With Documen by
Annual Report Of The American Historical Association by Association, American Historical
Class-book Of Botany: Being Outlines Of The Structure, Physiology, And Classification, With A Flora Of The United States And Canada by Wood, Alphonso
Heinrich Heine: His Wit, Wisdom, Poetry, Preceded By The Essay Of Matthew Arnold by Arnold, Matthew, Heine, Heinrich
The Top 5 Greatest Americans by Charles River
The Top 5 Greatest Presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin D. Roosevelt by Charles River
America's Failing Economy and the Rise of Ronald Reagan by Crouse, Eric R.
Winning Richmond: How a Progressive Alliance Won City Hall by McLaughlin, Gayle
The History of the United States, From Their Colonization to the end of the Twenty-sixth Congress, in 1841: In Four Volumes; Volume 2 by Tucker, George
The Story of Chicago by Hall, Jennie
Historie Eines Edeln Fürsten Herzog Ernst von Bayern und von Österreich by Rüttgers, Severin
Sketches of Some of the First Settlers of Upper Georgia, of the Cherokees, and the Author by Gilmer, George R.
Recall: A True Story of Love, Life, Honor by Walker, Arthur R.
The Top 5 Outlaws: Jesse James, Billy the Kid, John Dillinger, and Bonnie & Clyde by Charles River
Freedom's Dance: Social Aid and Pleasure Clubs in New Orleans by Celestan, Karen
Once Upon a Time: The Way America Was by Sloane, Eric
Palmetto Press: The History of South Carolina's Newspapers and Press Association by McNeely, Patricia G., Smith, Michael S.
Circle It, Minnesota Facts, Word Search, Puzzle Book by Lowry Global Media LLC, Schumacher, Mark
Literary San Antonio by
Partner to Power: The Secret World of Presidents and Their Most Trusted Advisers by Cummings, K. Ward
The Top 5 Greatest American Women by Charles River
America's Political Inventors: The Lost Art of Legislation by Liebmann, George W.
The Church of England in Colonial New Hampshire by Pennington, Edgar Legare
A Synopsis of 100 Influential American Statesmen by Navarro, Bob
A History of the United States and its People, From Their Earliest Records to the Present Time: 4 by Abbatt, William, Avery, Elroy McKendree
The History of the United States of America: From the Discovery of the Continent to the Organization of Government Under the Federal Constitution: 1 by Hildreth, Richard
A History of Alaska, Volume II: Alaska on the Road to War by Nielson, Jonathan M.
Illicit Love: Interracial Sex and Marriage in the United States and Australia by McGrath, Ann
The American Environment Revisited: Environmental Historical Geographies of the United States by
Indian Wars of the West: Containing Biographical Sketches of Those Pioneers who Headed the Western Settlers in Repelling the Attacks of the Sav by Flint, Timothy
The History of Massachusetts: 3 by Barry, John Stetson
Library of American History From the Discovery of America to the Present Time: 9 by Ellis, Edward Sylvester
George Rogers Clark and his Illinois Campaign by Starkey, Daniel B.
Irish vs. Yankees: A Social History of the Boston Schools by Sanders, James W.
The Founder of the City of Cleveland, and Other Sketches by Rice, Harvey
Devotions and Desires: Histories of Sexuality and Religion in the Twentieth-Century United States by
Devotions and Desires: Histories of Sexuality and Religion in the Twentieth-Century United States by
Deep in the Holler: Appalachian Tales by Buttke, Elizabeth Hardin
Julius Rodenberg: sein Leben und seine Werke: Biografie by Spiero, Heinrich
A Nation Like All Others: A Brief History of American Foreign Relations by Cohen, Warren I.
Canned: The Rise and Fall of Consumer Confidence in the American Food Industry Volume 68 by Zeide, Anna
The Invisible Empire Strikes Back and Other Essays: Trump, the Klan, Immigration and the Direction of the United States by Young, Glenn P.
The Yankee Road: Tracing the Journey of the New England Tribe that Created Modern America, Vol. 2: Domination by McNiven, James D.
The Battery: Charleston Statue by Rambling, Misc
Hist by Schultz, Kevin
Witch Hunts by Bailey, Jim
Fuego Subterráneo: Historia del Radicalismo de la Clase Obrera En Los Estados Unidos by Smith, Sharon
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