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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General United States History in 2019

The American Pageant, Volume II by Kennedy, David, Cohen, Lizabeth
Cincinnati's Colored Citizens by Dabney, Wendell Phillips
Energy, the Modern State, and the American World System by Gonzalez, George A.
Our War Paint Is Writers' Ink: Anishinaabe Literary Transnationalism by Spry, Adam
Smyth County, Virginia History and Traditions by Wilson, Goodridge
Race, Space and Youth Labor Markets by Stoll, Michael A.
French Louisiana Music and Its Patrons: The Popularization and Transformation of a Regional Sound by Peknik, Patricia
Women's Work and Politics in Wwi America: The Munsingwear Family of Minneapolis by Olsson, Lars
The History of Lady Sophia Sternheim by Collyer, J.
Secularists, Religion and Government in Nineteenth-Century America by Verhoeven, Timothy
Eisenhower and American Public Opinion on China by Oliva, Mara
German and Irish Immigrants in the Midwestern United States, 1850-1900 by Donlon, Regina
To Papa To Patsy: A Collection of Letters between Thomas Jefferson, and his daughter Martha by Evans, Cj
Progressive New World: How Settler Colonialism and Transpacific Exchange Shaped American Reform by Lake, Marilyn
Allegories of Encounter: Colonial Literacy and Indian Captivities by Newman, Andrew
The Living History Anthology: Perspectives from ALHFAM by
Allegories of Encounter: Colonial Literacy and Indian Captivities by Newman, Andrew
Women's Rights Emerges Within the Anti-Slavery Movement, 1830-1870: A Short History with Documents by Sklar, Kathryn Kish
Workers on Arrival: Black Labor in the Making of America by Trotter, Joe William
Citizen Spies: The Long Rise of America's Surveillance Society by Reeves, Joshua
Hip Santa Cruz 4: First-person Accounts of the Hip Culture of Santa Cruz in the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s by
Soldiers of the Pen: The Writers' War Board in World War II by Howell, Thomas
Guido Culture and Italian American Youth: From Bensonhurst to Jersey Shore by Tricarico, Donald
The Politics of Southern Pastoral Literature, 1785-1885: Jeffersonian Afterlives by Templeton, Peter
Workin' on the Railroad: Forging a Steel Highway Across America by Graham, Bill
The Centennial: A Journey Through America's National Park System by Kroese, David
Reporting the First World War in the Liminal Zone: British and American Eyewitness Accounts from the Western Front by Prieto, Sara
The Divo and the Duce: Promoting Film Stardom and Political Leadership in 1920s America Volume 1 by Bertellini, Giorgio
By More Than Providence: Grand Strategy and American Power in the Asia Pacific Since 1783 by Green, Michael
The Golden State: The History of California's Growth into the Largest State in the Union by Charles River
The Golden State: The History of California's Growth into the Largest State in the Union by Charles River
How to Boycott: Make Your Voice Heard, Understand History, & Change the World by Biel, Joe
Bibliography and reference list of the history and literature relating: To the adoption of the Constitution of the United States, 1787-8 by Ford, Paul Leicester
Moral Contagion: Black Atlantic Sailors, Citizenship, and Diplomacy in Antebellum America by Schoeppner, Michael A.
The Records of the Virginia Company of London, Volume 2: The Court Book, 1622-1624 by Kingsbury, Susan M.
The President Travels by Train: Politics and Pullmans by Withers, Bob
Vie de Benjamin Franklin by Franklin, Benjamin
The Arawak: The History and Legacy of the Indigenous Natives in South America and the Caribbean by Charles River
The Arawak: The History and Legacy of the Indigenous Natives in South America and the Caribbean by Charles River
The American Yawp, Volume 2: A Massively Collaborative Open U.S. History Textbook: Since 1877 by
The American Yawp, Volume 1: A Massively Collaborative Open U.S. History Textbook: To 1877 by
A History of the United States and its People by Eggleston, Edward
Machine Gun Kelly: The Notorious Life and Crimes of the Depression Era Gangster by Charles River
History of the United States of America: Vol. 2 by Adams, Henry
Vaccination in America: Medical Science and Children's Welfare by Altenbaugh, Richard J.
The Religious Left in Modern America: Doorkeepers of a Radical Faith by
The Pinkerton Agency: The History of Allan Pinkerton and America's First Major Private Detective Organization by Charles River
The Pinkerton Agency: The History of Allan Pinkerton and America's First Major Private Detective Organization by Charles River
Who Owns the News?: A History of Copyright by Slauter, Will
Who Owns the News?: A History of Copyright by Slauter, Will
Mental Illness and American Society, 1875-1940 by Grob, Gerald N.
Mental Illness and American Society, 1875-1940 by Grob, Gerald N.
Deutsche Liebe: German love by Müller, Friedrich Max
Private Property and the Origins of Nationalism in the United States and Norway: The Making of Propertied Communities by Fuglestad, Eirik Magnus
Britain, Europe and Civil Nuclear Energy, 1945-62: Power Politics by Theaker, Martin
Gladstone's Influence in America: Reactions in the Press to Modern Religion and Politics by Peterson, Stephen J.
The Negro Travelers' Green Book: 1954 Facsimile Edition by Green, Victor H.
The healthy Christian: An appeal to the church by Crosby, Howard
Revival: Little Golden America (1944) by Petrov, Eugene, Ilf, Ilya
Slavery and the University: Histories and Legacies by
How America Became Capitalist: Imperial Expansion and the Conquest of the West by Parisot, James
How America Became Capitalist: Imperial Expansion and the Conquest of the West by Parisot, James
Capitalizing on Change: A Social History of American Business by Buder, Stanley
Playmates of the Towpath: Happy Memories of the Canal Swimmers' Society by Ludwig, Charles
Lord Cornwallis Is Dead: The Struggle for Democracy in the United States and India by Slate, Nico
Postcolonial Grief: The Afterlives of the Pacific Wars in the Americas by Kim, Jinah
Postcolonial Grief: The Afterlives of the Pacific Wars in the Americas by Kim, Jinah
Slavery and the University: Histories and Legacies by
North Country by Beahan, Larry
The name of Dalrymple: With the genealogy of one branch of the family in the United States by Dalrymple, William Henry
Footprints of the pioneers in the Ohio Valley: A centennial sketch by Venable, William Henry
The World Disorder: Us Hegemony, Proxy Wars, Terrorism and Humanitarian Catastrophes by Moniz Bandeira, Luiz Alberto
Roman Catholicism in the United States: A Thematic History by
Roman Catholicism in the United States: A Thematic History by
The Story of Silver: How the White Metal Shaped America and the Modern World by Silber, William L.
The American Superhero: Encyclopedia of Caped Crusaders in History by Hall, Richard
The American Jew as Patriot. Soldier and Citizen by Wolf, Simon
Chronology: A Collection of 50 Short Essays Within the Timeline of American history. by America's Best History
Free Speech in the United States (1967) by Chafee, Zechariah, Jr.
An historical research respecting the opinions of the founders of the republic on Negroes as slaves,: As citizens, and as soldiers: read before the Ma by Livermore, George
Chiefs, Pawns and Warriors: A Memoir of Firefighter Ron Parker's 9/11 Experience by Parker, Ronald
Women, Warfare and Representation: American Servicewomen in the Twentieth Century by Archer, Emerald M.
5 Steps to a 5: 500 AP Us History Questions to Know by Test Day, Third Edition by Demeter, Scott
Reisen und Entdeckungen in Nord- und Central-Afrika in den Jahren 1849 bis 1855. Von Dr. H. Barth. Tagebuch seiner im Auftrag der Brittischen Regierun by Barth, Heinrich
Des deutschen Spiessers Wunderhorn; gesammelte Novellen: 1 by Meyrink, Gustav
Urkundenbuch zur Reformationsgeschichte des Herzogthums Preussen. Herausgegeben von P. Tschackert. DREIUNDVIERZIGSTER BAND by Tschackert, Paul
Streifzüge in den Urwäldern von Mexico und Central-Amerika. Mit 76 Abbildungen, etc. by Oswald, Felix Leopold
Heilsame Erinnerungen aus der Franzosenzeit by Jansen, Karl
Geschichte des ehemaligen Stiftes und der Landschaft St. Gallen unter den zween letzten Fürstäbten von St. Gallen, besonders während den jahren der he by Weidmann, Franz
Oesterreich unter Maria Theresia. by Wolf, Adam
Luther und J. Janssen: Der deutsche Reformator und ein ultramontaner Historiker by Köstlin, Julius
Geschichte des polnischen Aufstandes vom Jahre 1846. by Sala, Moritz Von
William Pitt (Chatham) und Graf Bute. Ein Beitrag zur inneren Geschichte Englands unter Georg III. by Pitt, William, Bute, John Stuart, Ruville, Albert Von
Les Normands au Canada. M. Jean Le Sueur, ... 1634-1668. by Gosselin, Auguste
Deutsche Lyrik seit Liliencron by Bethge, Hans
Drei Jahre in Amerika 1859-1862. [With a portrait.] by Benjamin, Israel Joseph
Von Alsen bis zum Frieden. Eine Skizze vom Kriegstheater. Schluss des "Von der Eider bis Düppel." Von einem Officier. by Knorr, Emil
Die Römische Kirche und ihr Einfluss auf Disciplin und Dogma in den ersten drei Jahrunderten: Nach den Quellen auf's Neue untersucht by Hagemann, Hermann
Geschichte des Brandenburg-Preussischen Staates, etc. by Wolff, Carl
Cours d'histoire du Canada. PREMIERE PARTIE. by Ferland, Jean Baptiste Antoine
Burchard Friedrich Lemm, weiland Kaiserlich-Russischer Generalmajor, ein Bild aus der Verborgenheir des Christenlebens by Lemm, Daniel
Ostafrika, der Sudan und das Seeengebiet. Land und Leute, etc. by Baumgarten, Johannes
Geschichte der Erdkunde und der Entdeckungen ... Herausgegeben von H. A. Daniel. Mit C. Ritter's Bildniss. by Daniel, Hermann Adalbert, Ritter, Carl
Der Krimkrieg und die österreichische Politik by Friedjung, Heinrich
Bismarck und der weltkrieg by Ehrlich, Eugen
Mexico. Land und Leute. Reisen auf neuen Wegen durch das Aztekenland. Mit Abbildungen, und einer Generalkarte Mexicos Crfter Theil. by Hesse-Wartegg, Ernst Von
Geschichte der Stadt Narva, etc. by Hansen, Heinrich Johann
The American Press and the Cold War: The Rise of Authoritarianism in South Korea, 1945-1954 by Elliott, Oliver
Das alte Wales: Ein Beitrag zur Völker-, Rechts- und Kirchen-Geschichte by Walter, Ferdinand
Meine Erlebnisse in der Wissmann-Truppe. by Richelmann, G.
Bilder aus der deutsch-pennsylvanischen Geschichte. by Seidensticker, Oswald
Reisen und Entdeckungen in Nord- und Central-Afrika in den Jahren 1849 bis 1855. Von Dr. H. Barth. Tagebuch seiner im Auftrag der Brittischen Regierun by Barth, Heinrich
Geschichte der Stadt Weipert. by Schmidl, Carl G., Luft, Michael
Die Gründung der amerikanischen Union von 1787 by Bluntschli, Johann Caspar
Reisen und Entdeckungen in Nord- und Central-Afrika in den Jahren 1849 bis 1855. Von Dr. H. Barth. Tagebuch seiner im Auftrag der Brittischen Regierun by Barth, Heinrich
Die geistigen und sozialen Strömungen Deutschlands im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert bis zum Beginn des Weltkrieges by Ziegler, Theobald
Geschichte, Geographie und Statistik des Erzherzogthums Oesterreich ob der Enns und des Herzogthums Salzburg, etc. ERSTER THEIL by Pillwein, Benedikt
Der Kampf um die Vorherrschaft in Deutschland 1859 bis 1866. Erfter Band. by Friedjung, Heinrich
Geschichte des Culturkampfes in Preussen-Deutschland. by Majunke, Paul
Polens Revolution und Kampf im Jahre 1831 ... Zweite Auflage. Nebst einer Charte von Polen und dem Plan der Schlacht bei Grechow. by Neyfeld, Carl
Englische Gedichte aus neuerer Zeit. Nach F. Hemans, L. E. Landon, R. Southey, A. Tennyson, H. W. Longfellow, und Anderen. by Freiligrath, Ferdinand
Zwischen Donau und Kaukasus. Land und Seefahrten im Bereiche des Schwarzen Meeres. ... Mit ... Original-Illustrationem, etc. by Schweiger-Lerchenfeld, Amand Von
Unter den Tropen. Wanderungen durch Venezuela, am Orinoco, durch Britisch Guyana und am Amazonenstrome ... 1849-1868 ... Mit ... Illustrationen, etc. by Appun, Carl Ferdinand
Die Alpen in Natur- und Lebensbildern Mit 16 Illustrationen ... nach Originalzeichnungen von Emil Rittmeyer by Rittmeyer, Emil, Berlepsch, Hermann Alexander Von
Petersburg in Bildern und Skizzen. by Kohl, Johann Georg
Urkundenbuch zur Reformationsgeschichte des Herzogthums Preussen. Herausgegeben von P. Tschackert. VIERUNDVIERZIGSTER BAND by Tschackert, Paul
Urkundenbuch zur Reformationsgeschichte des Herzogthums Preussen. Herausgegeben von P. Tschackert. Funfundvierzigfter Band by Tschackert, Paul
Chronik der Friesischen Uthlande. by Hansen, Christian Peter
Unter den Tropen. Wanderungen durch Venezuela, am Orinoco, durch Britisch Guyana und am Amazonenstrome 1849-1868. Mit Illustrationen, etc. Crfter Band by Appun, Carl Ferdinand
Geschichte der Entstehung des Kantons Aargau, etc. by Zschokke, Emil
Sources for of the People: Volume II: Since 1865 by Johnson, Maxwell
Sources for of the People: Volume I: To 1877 by Johnson, Maxwell
24 Stunden Moltkescher Strategie, entwickelt und erläutert an den Schlachten von Gravelotte und St. Privat am 18. August 1870: Erste eingehende Darste by Hoenig, Fritz August
Erlebnisse eines freiwilligen badischen Grenadiers im Feldzug 1870-71 by Schmitthenner, H.
Oesterreichisches Seebuch: Darstellungen aus dem Leben an den Seeufern des Salzkammergutes by Noé, Heinrich
Babylonien und Assyrien nach ihrer alten Geschichte und Kultur dargestellt von E. v. Starck. by Starck, Emil Von
Sagen des Neckarthals, der Bergstrasse und des Odenwald's by Baader, J.
Asmus Jakob Carstens' Jugend und Lehrjahre nach urkundlichen Quellen. by Sach, August
Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich, Zweiundzwanzigster Theil by Wurzbach, Constant Von
Fürst Clemens Metternich und sein Zeitalter. by Binder, Wilhelm
Luther und seine Zeit, Volksschauspiel by Trümpelmann, August
Oberon: Poëme En Quatorze Chants by Wieland, Christoph Martin
Radowitz und die deutsche Revolution by Meinecke, Friedrich
Rückblick auf das Leipziger Stadttheater: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Leipziger Theaters, nebst allgemeinen Bemerkungen über die Bühnenleitung in a by Küstner, Karl Theodor
Abrégé De L'histoire Du Canada: Depuis Sa Découverte Jusqu'à 1840 by Garneau, François-Xavier
Mein Feld- die Welt. Leben und Abenteuer eines Seekadetten der Reichsmarine by Waldeyer-Hartz, Hugo Von
Histoire de la participation de la France à l'établissement des États-Unis d'Amérique. Correspondance diplomatique et documents: 1 by Doniol, Henri
Im Wandel der Jahrtausende: eine Weltgeschichte in Wort und Bild: 03 by Wirth, Albrecht
August's von Kotzebue ausgewählte Schriften. Dreizehnter Band. by Kotzebue, August Von
Gerhart Hauptmann, sein Leben und seine Werke in einer kurzen by Kirschstein, Max
Gerhart Hauptmann und das deutsche Volk by Haenisch, Konrad
Goethe's Verdienste um unsere nationale Entwicklung; zur Goethe-Feier am 28 August 1849. by Assmann, W.
Bismarck und seine Zeit. by Valentin, Veit
Richard Wagner: Erinnerungen by Lesimple, August
Einleitung in das Alte Testament, Zweyter Band. Vierte Original-Ausgabe. by Eichhorn, Johann Gottfried
D. Martin Luthers Bedeutung für die deutsche Literatur, ein Vortrag zum Reformations-Jubiläum by Roethe, Gustav
Durch Ukraine und Krim by Wertheimer, Fritz
D. Matthäi Ratzenbergers geheime Geschichte von den Chur- und Sächsischen höfen und den Religions-Streitigkeiten seiner Zeit by Ratzeberger, Matthäus
Chronik der Gesellschaft unter dem letzten Kaiserreich, Zweiter Band. by Zobeltitz, Fedor Von
Das Werk Conrad Ferdinand Meyers. by Baumgarten, Franz Ferdinand
Leben und Wirken des Groszherzogs Karl Friedrich von Baden by Schmid, J. B.
Les Jsuites et la Nouvelle-France au XVIIe sicle d'aprs beaucoup de documents indits par le P. Camille de Rochemonteix: T.2 by Missions, Jesuits Letters from, Rochemonteix, Camille De
Alta California 1769: The Portolá Expedition by Farebrother, David L.
Snakes in American Culture: A Hisstory by Shaw-Draves, Conor, Donahue, Jesse C.
Die deutsche Volkswirtschaft im neunzehnten Jahrhundert und im Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts. Vierte - durchgesehene Auflage. by Sombart, Werner
Mean Things Happening in this Land: The Life and Times of H.L. Mitchell, Co-Founder of the Southern Tenant Farmers Union by Mitchell, H. L.
The Cumberland River Archaic of Middle Tennessee by
Annals of Augusta county, Virginia, from 1726 to 1871 by Waddell, Jos a.
Reminiscences: The Story of an Emigrant by Mattson, Hans
Goethes Wilhelm Meister und die Entwicklung des modernen Lebensideals by Wundt, Max
SoJourn 3.2, Winter 2018/19: A journal devoted to the history, culture, and geography of South Jersey by
The Flag Within: Poetic Commentary by Jihad, Renay Intisar
Red, White, and Blue Boxed Set by Applewood Books
The American Law of Slavery, 1810-1860: Considerations of Humanity and Interest by Tushnet, Mark
The Great Frontier: Freedom and Hierarchy in Modern Times by McNeill, William Hardy
The American Law of Slavery, 1810-1860: Considerations of Humanity and Interest by Tushnet, Mark
The Great Frontier: Freedom and Hierarchy in Modern Times by McNeill, William Hardy
We the Resistance: Documenting a History of Nonviolent Protest in the United States by
The Politics of Losing: Trump, the Klan, and the Mainstreaming of Resentment by Estep, Kevin, McVeigh, Rory
Reminiscences of Half a Century by Glover, William
Notice sur le Salvador by Pector, Eugenio
Rural Problems in the United States by Boyle, James Ernest
First American Edition of the Works of the Rev. D. W. Cahill, D. D by Cahill, Daniel William
Freundschaft: Novelle by Hirschfeld, Georg
Was Onkel Oskar mit seiner Schwiegermutter in Amerika passierte by Wolzogen, Ernst Von
American Stories by Edward Everett Hale, Edited
Eine Reise Nach Mexico Im Jahre 1864 by Kollonitz, Paula
Sir Hubert's Marriage; Volume III by Mayer, Gertrude Townshend
Notes and Comments on Industrial, Economic, Political, and Historical Subjects by Swank, James M.
A Preliminary Report on the Hymeniales of Connecticut by White, Edward Albert
Oholiba: Erzählungen und Skizzen. by Carmoly, Eliakim
Notes Upon Russia: Being a Translation of the Earliest Account of That Country; Volume II by Von Herberstein, Richard Henry Major Si
The Veto Power in the United States: What is It? by Benton, Josiah Henry
A Kidnapped Colony by Raymond Shipman Andrews, Mary
Hudson Tercentenary: An Historical Retrospect by Chamberlain, Frank
Hudson Tercentenary: An Historical Retrospect by Chamberlain, Frank
A Few Acts and Actors in the Tragedy of the Civil War in the United States by Wilson, William Bender
America's Race to Victory by Réquin, E.
The Early Spring Massachusetts by Thoreau, Henry David
Canada: Why We Live in it and Why We Like It by Copleston, Edward
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