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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General United States History in 2022

Railroads of Wyoming by Danneman, Mike
New Perspectives in American Jewish History: A Documentary Tribute to Jonathan D. Sarna by
United States Senators from Ohio by Navarro, Bob
Drawing the Past, Volume 1: Comics and the Historical Imagination in the United States by
Drawing the Past, Volume 1: Comics and the Historical Imagination in the United States by
In and Around the Arena: The 100-Year History of the Fortuna Rodeo by O'Hara, Susan J. P., Service, Alex
Kiowa Military Societies: Ethnohistory and Ritual by Meadows, William C.
In and Around the Arena: The 100-Year History of the Fortuna Rodeo by Service, Alex, O'Hara, Susan J. P.
Insurrection: Rebellion, Civil Rights, and the Paradoxical State of Black Citizenship by Allan, Hawa
Peninsula Roots: A Delmarva Miscellany by Slavens, Christopher
The 1619 Project: A New Origin Story (Large Print Edition) by
Aboriginal America by Abbott, Jacob
First Along the River: A Brief History of the U.S. Environmental Movement by Kline, Benjamin
Trump, tamales y la familia americana by Donnelly, Margaret
Trump, tamales y la familia americana by Donnelly, Margaret
The Third History of America: 100 Chapters 100 Words by Defilippi, Jim
Hood Healing: Interviews With Some of Chicago's Most Prolific Voices In Media and Black Culture by Harrison, Vee L.
American Indian Wars: The Essential Reference Guide by
The Invention of the White Race: The Origin of Racial Oppression by Allen, Theodore W.
The Apocalypse of a Moor - Menes Ankh El v. UNITED STATES & THE COLONIAL UNITED STATES OF AMERICA by Ankh El, Menes
We the Presidents: How American Presidents Shaped the Last Century by Gruner, Ronald
We the Presidents: How American Presidents Shaped the Last Century by Gruner, Ronald
Millennial History by Jackson, Steve
All in a Day's Riding: Stories of the New Mexico Range by Zimmer, Stephen
Stanford Hose Co. of Corry PA, Diamond Jubilee 1955 by
Political Volatility in the United States: How Racial and Religious Groups Win and Lose by Liu, Baodong
Notorious Two-Bit Street: 2nd Edition by Barnes, Lyle And Jean
Thomas Jefferson and the Politics of Nature by Engeman, Thomas
Adventures in Philosophy at Notre Dame by Sayre, Kenneth M.
Protest in the Vietnam War Era by
Chapters In Rural Progress by Butterfield, Kenyon Leech
Booker T. Washington: Builder Of A Civilization With A Preface By Theodore Roosevelt by Stowe, Lyman Beecher, Scott, Emmett Jay
Arizona Sketches by A. Munk, J.
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Section 2 (Volume IV) John Tyler by D. Richardson, James
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Section 3 (Volume IV) James Knox Polk by D. Richardson, James
A Compilation of Messages and Letters of the Presidents Section 2 (Volume II) John Quincy Adams by D. Richardson, James
The Boy's Book of Indians and the Wild West by Alfred Williams, George
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Section 3 (Volume V) Franklin Pierce by D. Richardson, James
Arizona's Yesterday by H. Cady and Basil Woon, John
Boys' Book of Frontier Fighters by L. Sabin, Edwin
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Section 4 (Volume V) James Buchanan by D. Richardson, James
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Section 2 (Volume VI) Andrew Johnson by D. Richardson, James
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Section 1 (Volume VII) Ulysses S. Grant by D. Richardson, James
Boys' Book of Indian Warriors and Heroic Indian Women by L. Sabin, Edwin
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Section 1 (Volume VIII) James A. Garfield by D. Richardson, James
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Section 2 (Volume VIII) Chester A. Arthur by D. Richardson, James
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Section 3 (Volume VIII) Grover Cleveland by Cleveland, Grover
Arkansas Governors and United States Senators by L. Ferguson, John
The Arctic Prairies: a Canoe-Journey of 2,000 Miles in Search of the Caribou; Being the Account of a Voyage to the Region North of Aylemer by Thompson Seton, Ernest
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Section 1 (Volume IX) Benjamin Harrison by Harrison, Benjamin
Geronimo's Story of His Life by Geronimo
The Boys of 1812 and Other Naval Heroes by Russell Soley, James
Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents; William McKinley; Messages, Proclamations, and Executive Orders Relating to the Spanish-Amer by McKinley, William
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Section 4 (Volume I) James Madison by D. Richardson, James
The Boys of '98 by Otis, James
Ferdinand Vandiveer Hayden and the Founding of the Yellowstone National Park by Anonymous
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Section 1 (Volume II) James Monroe by D. Richardson, James
Army Letters from an Officer's Wife, 1871-1888 by Marie Antoinette Mack Roe, Frances
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Section 1 (Volume X) by D. Richardson, James
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Section 2 of Supplemental Volume: Theodore Roosevelt, Supplement by Roosevelt, Theodore
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Section 1 (Volume I) George Washington by D. Richardson, James
Boys of the Old Sea Bed: Tales of Nature and Adventure by Allen McConnell, Charles
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Section 2 (Volume I) John Adams by D. Richardson, James
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Section 2 (Volume III) Martin Van Buren by D. Richardson, James
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Section 1 (Volume VI) Abraham Lincoln by D. Richardson, James
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Section 1 (Volume IV) William Henry Harrison by D. Richardson, James
The Complete Story of the Galveston Horror by Various
The Fight to Vote by Waldman, Michael
First Along the River: A Brief History of the U.S. Environmental Movement by Kline, Benjamin
The Attack on Higher Education: The Dissolution of the American University by Musto, Ronald G.
Trinity Lime Rock in Context - A History by Brown, Geoffrey
The Holy Warrior: Osama Bin Laden and his Jihadi Journey in the Soviet-Afghan War by Fancher, Reagan
Jewish Consumer Cultures in Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century Europe and North America by
The Conquest of a Continent; or, The Expansion of Races in America by Grant, Madison
Letters of Uncle Jonas Lawrence: An Early History Of Southern, Central, Western New York, And Northern And North Western Pennsylvania by Lawrence, Jonas
Progressive Politics in the Democratic Party: Samuel Untermyer and the Jewish Anti-Nazi Boycott Campaign by Hawkins, Richard A.
German and United States Colonialism in a Connected World: Entangled Empires by
The First Rocky Mountaineers: Coloradans Before Colorado by Kornfeld, Marcel
The Cherokees: A Captivating Guide to the History of a Native American Tribe, the Cherokee Removal, and the Trail of Tears by History, Captivating
United States Senators from Tennessee by Navarro, Bob
Black Lives, White Lives: Three Decades of Race Relations in America by Blauner, Bob
We Are Not Slaves: State Violence, Coerced Labor, and Prisoners' Rights in Postwar America by Chase, Robert T.
How the Other Half Lives by Riis, Jacob A.
When the Beaches Trembled: The Incredible True Story of Stephen Ganzberger and the LCIs in World War II by Morris, Zach S.
Philosophical Siblings: Varieties of Playful Experience in Alice, William, and Henry James by Thrailkill, Jane F.
Washington Bullets by Prashad, Vijay
German Footprints in America: Four Centuries of Immigration and Cultural Influence by Wike, Sudie Doggett
The Stark Ranch of Cooke County, Texas: History that spans the Red River by Schmitz, John, Cole-Jett, Robin
Kingston Then And Now by Rigdon, John
Reconciling Opposites: Religious Freedom and Contractual Ethics in a Democratic Society by Clark, W. Royce
Real Americans: National Identity, Violence, and the Constitution by Goldstein, Jared
Real Americans: National Identity, Violence, and the Constitution by Goldstein, Jared
Buttons, Bolt Cutters & Barricades by Palmer, Jerry
The First Wayland-Smith Family: A Photographic Compilation by
Smashing Statues: The Rise and Fall of America's Public Monuments by Thompson, Erin L.
The Underground Railroad by Still, William
The Gift of the Middle Tanana: Dene Pre-Colonial History in the Alaskan Interior by Smith, Gerad M.
Fairhope, 1894-1954: The Story of a Single Tax Colony by Alyea, Paul E., Alyea, Blanche R.
The New Puritanism: Three Essays by Mencken, H. L.
Race, War, and the Cinematic Myth of America: Dust That Never Settles by Trenkamp, Eric
Financial Accounting Milestones in the Annual Reports of United States Steel Corporation: The First Seven Decades by
The History of the Labor Movement in the United States, Vol. 11: The Depression by Foner, Philip
Disabilities of the Color Line: Redressing Antiblackness from Slavery to the Present by Tyler, Dennis
The Traditional History and Characteristic Sketches of the Ojibway Nation by Copway, George
Disabilities of the Color Line: Redressing Antiblackness from Slavery to the Present by Tyler, Dennis
Exploring American Healthcare Through 50 Historic Treasures by Kehoe, Tegan
A Monk Swimming: A Memoir by Malachy McCourt by McCourt, Malachy
Tales of Old San Francisco by Earnshaw, Graham
Beautés de l'Histoire Du Canada by Dainville-D
Les États-Unis by Lacorne-D
Class and Consent by
Super Bowl Quizzes: Want to Test Your Knowledge by Otis, Johnson
You Are Not American: Citizenship Stripping from Dred Scott to the Dreamers by Frost, Amanda
Unbroken and Unbowed by Hawkins, Jimmie R.
Seeing Red: Indigenous Land, American Expansion, and the Political Economy of Plunder in North America by Witgen, Michael John
What This Country Really Needs: A Story of an American Vice President and the Cause of the 25th Amendment by Brown, John E.
A Black History Poetry Journal by McCants, Margaret Marie
Bottled Poetry: Napa Winemaking from Prohibition to the Modern Era by Lapsley, James T.
Bottled Poetry: Napa Winemaking from Prohibition to the Modern Era by Lapsley, James T.
Medicine, Education, and the Arts in Contemporary Native America: Strong Women, Resilient Nations by
Curing the Mischiefs of Faction: Party Reform in America by Ranney, Austin
Curing the Mischiefs of Faction: Party Reform in America by Ranney, Austin
The Hamilton Phenomenon by
Deterrence and Escalation in Competition with Russia: The Role of Ground Forces in Preventing Hostile Measures Below Armed Conflict in Europe by Rooney, Bryan, Germanovich, Gene, Watts, Stephen
Saving Patriotism by Nethercutt, George R.
30 Influential Black Americans by Navarro, Bob
A History of Navajo Nation Education: Disentangling Our Sovereign Body by Greyeyes, Wendy Shelly
Without Destroying Ourselves: A Century of Native Intellectual Activism for Higher Education by Goodwin, John A.
Our Common Ground: A History of America's Public Lands by Leshy, John D.
The Bald Eagle: The Improbable Journey of America's Bird by Davis, Jack E.
An Incomplete History of St. Joseph County, Indiana by Helman
A History of Navajo Nation Education: Disentangling Our Sovereign Body by Greyeyes, Wendy Shelly
American Founders: How People of African Descent Established Freedom in the New World by Proenza-Coles, Christina
Becoming a University: The Story of Upike by Sidle, Meg Wright, Stratton, Dan
Apalachicola: Resilience and Adaptation of a Native American Community on the Chattahoochee River by Foster II, H. Thomas
The Cambridge History of America and the World: Volume 4, 1945 to the Present by
Wisdom Is Not Enough: Reflections on Leadership and Teams by Appelquist, Jeff
Courting Islam: Us-British Engagement with Islam Since the European Colonial Period by Oliver-Dee, Sean
Video Games and Spatiality in American Studies by
Au pays des Bayous, tome 1 by Denuziere-M
This Earthly Frame: The Making of American Secularism by Sehat, David
Rediscovering America: How the National Holidays Tell an Amazing Story about Who We Are by Powell, Scott S.
Ginseng Diggers: A History of Root and Herb Gathering in Appalachia by Manget, Luke
The Hidden History of Big Brother in America: How the Death of Privacy and the Rise of Surveillance Threaten Us and Our Democracy by Hartmann, Thom
A Little Devil in America: In Praise of Black Performance by Abdurraqib, Hanif
Cuba: An American History (Large Print Edition) by Ferrer, Ada
Managing Sino-American Crises: Case Studies and Analysis by
American Constitutional History: A Brief Introduction by Fruchtman, Jack
Better Homes In America: Plan Book For Demonstration Week October 9 To 14, 1922 by Meloney (Marie Mattingly Meloney), Mr
More Light: Collected Masonic Writings 2017 - 2021 by Shifrin, Austin
The Old Bison: Threads from the Fabric of a Western Life by Lottridge, Stephen S.
Separating Church and State: A History by Green, Steven K.
Providing for the People: Economic Change Among the Salish and Kootenai Indians, 1875-1910 Volume 280 by Bigart, Robert J.
Revenue Raiders: Macon County's Whiskey War by Gammon, CL
As A Chinaman Saw Us: Passages from His Letters to a Friend at Home by Gratton
The History of Elmira, New York and the Elmira City Directory 1863 by Maxwell, Thomas
Brinkley, American History, AP Ed, 2023, 16e, Student Edition by Brinkley, Alan
Columbus Black History: Images from Our Past Volume I Volume 1 by Fuller-Yates, Rita
The Oxford Handbook of Latinx Christianities in the United States by
United States Senators from Kentucky by Navarro, Bob
美国山水的四位灵魂人物 by Wang, Sen
Topographie des Königreichs Böhmen: darinn alle Städte, Flecken, Herrschaften, Schlösser, Landgüter, Edelsitze, Klöster, Dörfer, wie auch verfallene S by Schaller, Jaroslaus
Barger Gulch: A Folsom Campsite in the Rocky Mountains by Surovell, Todd A.
Sieben Monate in den Rebellenstaaten: während des nordamerikanischen Krieges 1863 by Scheibert, Justus
Disappearing Desert: The Growth of Phoenix and the Culture of Sprawl by Schipper, Janine
Craft: An American History by Adamson, Glenn
Rise and Fall of the American Empire by Bishirjian, Richard
In the Name of Democracy: U.S. Policy Toward Latin America in the Reagan Years by Carothers, Thomas
In the Name of Democracy: U.S. Policy Toward Latin America in the Reagan Years by Carothers, Thomas
Geschichte des siebenjährigen Krieges in Deutschland by Tempelhof, Georg Friedrich Von, Lloyd, Henry
Cincinnati Union Terminal by Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce
Transforming Diné Education: Innovations in Pedagogy and Practice by
American Trinity: Jefferson, Custer, and the Spirit of the West, Revised Edition by Peterson, Larry Len
A New Balance of Payments for the United States, 1790-1919: International Movement of Free and Enslaved People, Funds, Goods and Services by Officer, Lawrence H.
Transforming Diné Education: Innovations in Pedagogy and Practice by
Federalism, Preemption, and the Nationalization of American Wildlife Management: The Dynamic Balance Between State and Federal Authority by Baier, Lowell E.
Australian and Us Military Cooperation: Fighting Common Enemies by Hubbard, Christopher
More Light: Collected Masonic Writings 2017 - 2021 by Shifrin, Austin
Border Land, Border Water: A History of Construction on the US-Mexico Divide by Alvarez, C. J.
From Sand Creek to Summit Springs: Colorado's Indian Wars by Wommack, Linda
U.S. History by Corbett, P. Scott, Janssen, Volker, Openstax
Quest for the Presidency: The Storied and Surprising History of Presidential Campaigns in America by Riel, Bob
United States Senators from Vermont by Navarro, Bob
The Bill of Rights in Modern America: Third Edition, Revised and Expanded by
The Bill of Rights in Modern America: Third Edition, Revised and Expanded by
Historical Sketch And Roster Of The Tennessee 31st Infantry Regiment by Rigdon, John C.
The Enchantments of Mammon: How Capitalism Became the Religion of Modernity by McCarraher, Eugene
In Whose Ruins: Power, Possession, and the Landscapes of American Empire by Puglionesi, Alicia
Whore's Lake (Large Print Edition) by Jackson, Ruth
God's Reflections by Grotzke, David, Schmidt, Ernest, Phillips, Ronald Ian
God's Reflections by Schmidt, Ernest, Grotzke, David, Phillips, Ronald Ian
James Monroe, John Marshall and 'The Excellence of Our Institutions', 1817-1825: How Monroe's Presidency Became 'An Important Epoch in the History of by Aschenbrenner, Peter J.
The Year of Intelligence in the United States: Public Opinion, National Security, and the 1975 Church Committee by Townley, Dafydd
Bygone Utopias and Farm Protest in the Rural Midwest: Returning Home by Jaster, Daniel
Footprints of Abraham Lincoln Presenting many interesting fact, reminiscences and illustrations never before published by T. Hobson, J.
Fort Concho Its Why and Wherefore by N. Gregory, J.
Fort Duquesne and Fort Pitt Early Names of Pittsburgh Streets Sixth Edition by Various
Creation Myths of Primitive America; In relation to the Religious History and Mental Development of Mankind by Curtin, Jeremiah
Fort Gibson A Brief History by Foreman Carolyn Thomas Foreman, Grant
At Last: A Christmas in the West Indies by Kingsley, Charles
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