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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General World History in 1968

A History of the County of Dorset: Volume III by
A History of the County of Gloucester: Volume VIII by
Parliamentary Surveys of the Bishopric of Durham. Volume I by
Andreas Hartknopf by Moritz, Karl Philipp
Gesammelte Schriften, Band 17, Band 2. 1813-1835 by
Continuity in History and Other Essays by Gerschenkron, Alexander
Early English Intercourse with Burma, 1587-1743 and the Tragedy of Negrais by George, David, Hall, Edward
England and Russia: Comprising the Voyages of John Tradescant the Elder, Sir Hugh Willoughby, Richard Chancellor, Nelson and Others, to th by Hamel, J.
Handbook of Middle American Indians, Volume 5: Linguistics by Wauchope, Robert
A History of Shropshire, Volume VIII by
From Puritanism to Platonism in Seventeenth Century England by Roberts, James Deotis
Libros IV Priores Et Quinti Prooemium Continens by Iulius Firmicus Maternus
Libros IV Posteriores Cum Praefatione Et Indicibus Continens by Iulius Firmicus Maternus
Arethae Archiepiscopi Caesariensis Scripta Minora: Volumen I by Arethas Caesariensis
Zur Geschichte Der Geschichtsschreibung by
Metternich and the Political Police: Security and Subversion in the Hapsburg Monarchy (1815-1830) by Emerson, Donald Eugene
Literary Figures in French Drama (1784-1834) by Kadler, Ralf
Indian Foreign Policy and the Border Dispute with China by Van Eekelen, Willem Frederik, Eekelen, Willem Frederik
Fidalgos and Philanthropists: The Santa Casa Da Misericórdia of Bahia, 1550-1755 by Wood, A. J. R. Russell-
Dutch Anabaptism: Origin, Spread, Life and Thought (1450-1600) by Krahn, Cornelius
Versailles and the Ruhr: Seedbed of World War II by Schmidt, Royal J.
Epistles Written on the Eve of the Anglo-Burmese War by Nandadhaja, Shin, Aung, Htin
The Concept of Judgment in Montaigne by La Charité, Raymond C.
Die Ablösungskapitalien Aus Der Bauernbefreiung in West- Und Süddeutschland: Höhe Und Verwendung Bei Standes- Und Grundherren by Winkel, Harald
The War Against the Jew by Dagobert, Runes D.
Balcony Stories by King, Grace
Das Register Papst Johannes' VIII: (872-882). Neue Studien Zur Abschrift Reg. Vat. I, Zum Verlorenen Originalregister Und Zum Diktat Der Briefe by Lohrmann, Dietrich
Diary of an Austrian Secretary of Legation: At the Czar Peter the Great by Korb, Johann-Geeorg
The Explosion: Marxism and the French Upheaval by Lefebvre, Henri
Studien Zu Der Person, Den Werken Und Dem Nachleben Der Dichterin Kassia by Rochow, Ilse
Rodolphe Guilland: Recherches Sur Les Institutions Byzantines. II by
Erfahrungen Sozialistischer Gemeinschaftsarbeit Am Beispiel Der Ausarbeitung Der Achtbändigen Geschichte Der Deutschen Arbeiterbewegung by Berthold, Lothar
Die Herausbildung Des Historischen Materialismus: In Marx "Thesen Über Feuerbach‟, Engels "Die Lage Der Arbeitenden Klasse in England‟ Und by Cornu, Auguste
Das Sprach- Und Geschichtsbewusstsein in Der Rumänischen Literatur Von 1780-1880 by Bahner, Werner
From Peter the Great to Lenin CB: History of Russian Labour Movement with Special Reference to Trade Unionism by Turin, S. P.
The Great Rift Valley by Gregory, J. W.
Celestial Worlds Discovered Cb: Celestial Worlds Disco by Huygens, Christiaan, Childe, T.
Die Bistümer Der Kirchenprovinz Köln. Das Bistum Münster I. Die Schwesternhäuser Nach Der Augustinerregel by
Ausgewählte Schriften by Kapp, Ernst
Germanisches Recht, Band 2, Rechtsaltertümer by Amira, Karl Von
Totalitarianism: Part Three of the Origins of Totalitarianism by Arendt, Hannah
Post-Victorian Britain 1902-1951 by Seaman, Lewis Charles Bernard
Totalitarianism: Part Three of the Origins of Totalitarianism by Arendt, Hannah
Antisemitism: Part One of the Origins of Totalitarianism by Arendt, Hannah
Affairs of West Africa by Morel, Edmund Dene
Abt. 4, Politische Briefe: Aus: [Gesammelte Schriften] Wilhelm Von Humboldts Gesammelte Schriften, 16-17 by Humboldt, Wilhelm
Einführung in die Geschichtswissenschaft by Kirn, Paul
La France au XXe siècle by Trotignon, Yves
Boden und Werkwelt by Bambeck, Manfred
Quellen Zum Wormser Konkordat by Fritz, Wolfgang
Hérésies et sociétés dans l'Europe pré-industrielle 11e-18e siècles by
Revolutions of 1848: A Social History by Robertson, Priscilla Smith
The Rise of Our East African Empire (1893): Early Efforts in Nyasaland and Uganda (Vol 1, of 2 Vols) by Lugard, Lord Frederick J. D.
Our Own Worst Enemy by Lederer, William J.
The Peasant in Nineteenth-Century Russia by
The Banquet Years: The Origins of the Avant-Garde in France, 1885 to World War I by Shattuck, Roger
The Social Contract by Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Geschichte Der Syrischen Literatur: Mit Ausschluß Der Christlich-Palästinensischen Texte by Baumstark, Anton
Edmund Burke: A Philosophical Enquiry Into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful by Burke, Edmund
The Alhambra: A Cycle of Studies on the Eleventh Century in Moorish Spain by Bargebuhr, Frederick P.
Horace and His Lyric Poetry by Wilkinson, L. P., L. P., Wilkinson
Roman History from Coins: Some Uses of the Imperial Coinage to the Historian by Grant, Michael, Grant, Rickford
The City in History: Its Origins, Its Transformations, and Its Prospects by Mumford, Lewis
Zur Theorie Der Weltgeschichte by Heuß, Alfred
The Great Illusion: An Informal History of Prohibition by Asbury, Herbert, Unknown
Die Herrschaft Des Deutschen Militarismus Und Die Katastrophe Von 1918 by
The Gladstone Diaries Volume Two: 1833-1839 by Gladstone, William
Studies in the Eighteenth Century: Papers Presented at the David Nichol Smith Memorial Seminar, Canberra 1966 by
Trade Liberalization and the Canadian Pulp and Paper Industry by Cape, Edward, Takacsy, N. S., Haviland, William
Life in Ontario: A Social History by Glazebrook
Man and His World/Terres Des Hommes: The Noranda Lectures, Expo 67/Les Conferences Noranda/l'Expo 67 by The Noranda Lectures
The History of the Pioneer German Language Press of Ontario, 1835-1918 by Kalbfleisch, Herbert
Pioneer Arts and Crafts by Guillet, Edwin
The Jesuits' Estate Question, 1760-1888: A Study of the Background for the Agitation of 1889 by Dalton, Roy
The Lives and Times of the Patriots: An Account of the Rebellion in Upper Canada, 1837-1838 and of the Patriot Agitation in the United States, 1837-18 by Guillet, Edwin
Land Policies of Upper Canada by Gates, Lillian F.
The Development of British Industry and Foreign Competition 1875-1914 by
Die Theorie Der Lage Der Arbeiter by Kuczynski, Jürgen
Zur Politökonomischen Ideologie in Frankreich Und Andere Studien by Kuczynski, Jürgen
Januar 1915 bis Oktober 1917 by
L'Union Des Provinces de l'Amérique Britannique Du Nord by Cauchon, Joseph
Dokumente Und Studien Zu Den Bänden 29 Und 30: Amerikanische Krisen Und Monopolbildung in Deutschen Diplomatischen Berichten by Kuczynski, Jürgen