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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General World History in 1978

A History of the County of Somerset: Volume IV by
Lehrbuch Der Finanz-Wissenschaft by Jung-Stilling, Johann Heinrich
Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, Band 17, 1977/78 by
Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, Band 19, Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens (1978) by
Politik und Gerechtigkeit bei Traian by Wolf, Joseph Georg
A History of the County of Cambridge and the Isle of Ely: Volume VII: Roman Cambridgeshire by Elrington, C. R.
Nordchina Am Vorabend Der Mongolischen Eroberungen, Wirtschaft Und Gesellschaft Unter Der Chin-Dynastie (1115-1234): 226. Sitzung Am 21. Dezember 1977 by Franke, Herbert
Le Registre d'Inquisition de Jacques Fournier (Évêque de Pamiers): 1318 - 1325 by
Imperialism: From the Colonial Age to the Present by Magdoff, Harry
The Last Days of Hitler by Trevor-Roper, Hugh R.
Kölner Papyri by Hagedorn, Dieter, Kramer, Bärbel
A History of the County of Cambridge and the Isle of Ely, Volume VI by
Committees for Repeal of the Test and Corporation Acts: Minutes 1786-90 and 1827-8 by
Register Zu Band 200 (1965) Bis 225 (1977) by
Paul Harvey's the Rest of the Story by Aurandt, Paul
Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution Vol. II by Draper, Hal
The Nature of Geography: A Critical Survey of Current Thought in the Light of the Past by Hartshorne, Richard
Kultur Und Lebensweise Lausitzer Bandweber (1750-1850) by Schöne, Bernd
Michael Nerlich: Kritik Der Abenteuer-Ideologie. Teil 1 by Nerlich, Michael
Michael Nerlich: Kritik Der Abenteuer-Ideologie. Teil 2 by Nerlich, Michael
Philosophische Probleme Der Entwicklung by
Über Historischen Materialismus Und Zeitgenössische Tendenzen Seiner Verfälschung by Finger, Otto
Jahrbuch Für Geschichte. Band 17 by
Jahrbuch Für Geschichte. Band 16 by
Jahrbuch Für Geschichte. Band 15 by
Bourgeoisie Und Bürgerliche Umwälzung in Deutschland 1789-1871 by
Yankee Family by McGovern, James
The Posthumous Life of Plato by Novotny, F.
Le Mythe de La Qualite de La Vie Et La Politique Urbaine En France: Enquete Sur L'Ideologie Urbaine de L'Elite Technocratique Et Politique (1945 1975) by Dagnaud, Monique
The Smithsonian: Octopus on the Mall by Unknown, Hellman, Geoffrey
Days of Lorne by Macnutt, W. Stewart, Unknown
The Age of the World: Moses to Darwin by Haber, Francis C., Unknown
The Education of a Concert-Goer by Unknown, Ulrich, Homer
The United States and the African Slave Trade: 1619-1862 by Duignan, Peter, Clendenen, Clarence, Unknown
New Perspectives on Galileo: Papers Deriving from and Related to a Workshop on Galileo Held at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, by
Der Verlag Walter de Gruyter & Co.: Skizzen Aus Der Geschichte Der Seinen Aufbau Bildenden Ehemaligen Firmen, Nebst Einem Lebensabriss Dr. Walter de G by Lüdtke, Gerhard
Riot, Rout, and Tumult: Readings in American Social and Political Violence by Lane, Roger, Turner, John J.
The Tyranny of Testing by Hoffmann, Banesh, Unknown
The Marx-Engels Reader by Engels, Friedrich, Marx, Karl
The Enchanted Voyage: And Other Studies by Hutchinson, G. Evelyn, Hutchinson, George Evelyn, Unknown
A Short History of Agriculture in the British Colonies by Unknown, Masefield, G. B., Masefield, Geoffrey Bussell
Bahia: Ensenada and Its Bay; Freedom, Farce, Fiesta and Frustration in a Small Mexican City by Brenton, Thaddeus Reamy T.
Britain and the British People by Barker, Ernest, Unknown
Maryland: A History by Bode, Carl
Die Bistümer Der Kirchenprovinz Mainz. Das Bistum Würzburg III. by
Außenpolitik in Der Emigration: Die Exildiplomatie Adam Jerzy Czartoryskis 1830-1840 by Hahn, Hans Henning
Die Civitas Auf Deutschem Boden Bis Zum Ausgange Der Karolingerzeit: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Der Deutschen Stadt by Rietschel, Siegfried
Das Dritte Reich und seine Denker by
Thesaurus-Leitfaden: Eine Einführung in Das Thesaurus-Prinzip in Theorie Und PRAXIS by Wersig, Gernot
Roman Law by Schiller, A. Arthur
The Ordinals of Christ from Their Origins to the Twelfth Century by Reynolds, Roger E.
Das Grossmeister-Turnier New York 1924 by Aljechin, Aleksander
Welt, Geschichte, Mythos und Politik by Brand, Gerd
The Supreme Court and the Idea of Progress by Bickel, Alexander M.
The Economic Development of the Third World Since 1900 by Bairoch, Paul
Modern Prose Style by Dobree, Bonamy, Unknown
Ulrich Von Hutten and the German Reformation by Holborn, Hajo
Das Dritte Reich und seine Diener by Wulf, Josef, Poliakov, Léon
Die deutsche Emigration in Frankreich nach 1933 by Fabian, Ruth, Coulmas, Corinna
Growing Old in America: The Bland-Lee Lectures Delivered at Clark University by Fischer, David Hackett
A Decade of Sectional Controversy, 1851-1861 by Unknown, Simms, Henry Harrison
Die Numinose Mischgestalt: Methodenkritische Untersuchungen Zu Tiermenschlichen Erscheinungen Altägyptens, Der Eiszeit Und Der Aranda in Australi by Merz, Richard
A Century of Municipal Progress, 1835-1935 by Jennings, W. Ivor, Laski, Harold Joseph
Socialism and the Individual: Notes on Joining the Labour Patry by Sinclair, William Angus, Unknown
Reflections on Modern History: The Historian and Human Responsibility by Kohn, Hans, Unknown
The Great Mahele by Chinen, Jon J.
The Press and Society: From Caxton to Northcliffe by Cranfield, Geoffrey Alan
Funktionalistische Rezeptionstheorie: Eine Auseinandersetzung Mit Rezeptionsästhetischen Positionen in Der Literaturwissenschaft by Hoogeveen, Jos
The Austrian School of Reform: Its Bases, Principles and Development--The Twenty Years Between the Two World Wars by Papanek, Ernest, Unknown, Papanek, Ernst
Modulation and Related Harmonic Questions by Unknown, Foote, Arthur
Britain in Western Europe by Royal Institute of International Affairs, Royal Institute of International Affairs
The English Radical Tradition, 1763-1914. by Unknown, Maccoby, Simon
American Intellectual Histories and Historians. by Unknown, Skotheim, Robert Allen
The Georgics of Virgil: A Critical Survey by Virgil, Wilkinson, L. P.
A Journey Through Texas; Or, a Saddle-Trip on the Southwestern Frontier by Olmsted, Frederick Law, Jr.
Urbanization in the Americas from Its Beginning to the Present by
Profit and Power: A Study of England and the Dutch Wars by Wilson, Charles
Conservatism Revisited. by Viereck, Peter Robert Edwin, Unknown
United States Congressional Districts 1788-1841 by Beach, William W., Parsons, Stanley B., Hermann, Dan
Medieval England: A Social History and Archaeology from the Conquest to 1600 AD by Platt, Colin
Country and Calling by Hancock, W. K., Unknown
L'esprit du jeu chez les Aztèques by Duverger, Christian
Sir Arthur Pinero's Play and Players by Unknown, Fyfe, Henry, Fyfe, Hamilton
Ethiopian Perspectives: A Bibliographical Guide to the History of Ethiopia by Brown, Clifton F., Unknown
Panorama of Evil: Insights from the Behavioral Sciences by Doob, Leonard William, Unknown
Newton on Matter and Activity by McMullin, Ernan
Cod Fisheries: The History of an International Economy by Innis, Harold A.
Venise Au Siècle Des Lumières by Georgelin, Jean
Greek Scenic Conventions in the Fifth Century B.C. by Arnott, Peter D.
The Victorian Heroine: A Changing Ideal, 1837-1873 by Thomson, Patricia
Two Nations Over Time: Spain and the United States, 1776-1977 by Unknown, Cortada, James W.
The Social Bases of City Politics: Atlanta, 1865-1903 by Unknown, Watts, Eugene J.
Un révolutionnaire-diplomate: Christian Rakovski by Conte, Francis
The New Left in France: The Unified Socialist Party by Hauss, Charles, Unknown
A History of Medieval Islam by Saunders, John Joseph
Argonauts of the Western Pacific: An Account of Native Enterprise and Adventure in the Archipelagoes of Melanesian New Guinea by Malinowski, Bronislaw
The Right and Wrong of Compulsion by the State, and Other Essays by Herbert, Auberon
The Path Between the Seas: The Creation of the Panama Canal, 1870-1914 by McCullough, David
Paul Cambon: Master Diplomat by Unknown, Eubank, Keith
Twilight of Empire: Memoirs of Prime Minister Clement Attlee by Williams, Francis, Unknown
Menace in the West: The Rise of French Anti$americanism in Modern Times by Strauss, David, Unknown
Edward S. Corwin's Constitution and What It Means Today: 1978 Edition by Corwin, Edward S.
Transatlantic Revivalism: Popular Evangelicalism in Britain and America, 1790$1865 by Carwardine, Richard, Unknown
Rebels and Gentlemen: Philadelphia in the Age of Franklin by Anderson, J. Kent
Enlight Despot by Johnson, Eric Ed, Johnson, Johnson, A. H.
Miscellany 1759$1763. by Shenstone, William, Unknown
Chesapeake Politics, 1781-1800 by Risjord, Norman
Amiens and Munich: Comparisons in Appeasement by Presseisen, E. L.
The Roots of Lo Mexicano: Self and Society in Mexican Thought, 1900-1934 by Schmidt, Henry C.
1. Januar 1547 - 25. Mai 1548 by
Briefe Und Akten Zur Geschichte Des Dreißigjährigen Krieges in Den Zeiten Des Vorwaltenden Einflusses Der Wittelsbacher: Band 12: Die Reichspolitik Ma by Altmann, Hugo
Kritik Der Reinen Vernunft (1. Aufl. 1781). Prolegomena. Grundlegung Zur Metaphysik Der Sitten. Metaphysische Anfangsgründe Der Naturwissenschaften by Kant, Immanuel
Poor People's Movements: Why They Succeed, How They Fail by Piven, Frances Fox, Cloward, Richard
European Settlement and Development in North America by
The Idea of Decadence in French Literature, 1830-1900 by Carter, A. E.
Commitment and Change: Georges Sorel and the Idea of Revolution by Vernon, Richard
Charting the Future: The Supreme Court Responds to a Changing Society, 1890$1920 by Semonche, Barbara P., Semonche, John E.
History of Public Speaking in America. by Unknown, Oliver, Robert Tarbell
Selected Writings 1909-1953: Volume One by Reichenbach, M.
Hans Reichenbach: Selected Writings 1909-1953 Volume Two by Reichenbach, M.
The Theory of Business Enterprise by Veblen, Thorstein
Selected Writings 1909-1953: Volume One by Reichenbach, M.
Hans Reichenbach: Selected Writings 1909-1953 Volume Two by Reichenbach, M.
Beiträge Des Arbeitskreises: Die Grosse Sozialistische Oktoberrevolution Und Der Kampf Um Die Friedliche Koexistenz Der Staaten Unterschiedlicher G by
The Book of Ingenious Devices / Kitáb Al-Ḥiyal: Kitáb Al-Hiyal. by the Banú (Sons Of) Músà Bin Shákir by
Frankreich Zwischen Faschismus Und Demokratie: (1932-1934) by Köller, Heinz
Frankreich Zwischen Faschismus Und Demokratie (1932-1934) by Köller, Heinz
Zur Konstituierung Des Proletariats ALS Klasse: Strukturuntersuchung Über Das Leipziger Proletariat Während Der Industriellen Revolution by Zwahr, Hartmut
Neuere Ddr-Literatur Zur Großen Sozialistischen Oktoberrevolution Und Zur Verallgemeinerung Ihrer Lehren: Eine Auswahlbibliographie by
de Gaulles Weg Zur Macht: Der Niedergang Der IV. Französischen Republik by Jeschonnek, Bernd
Westgotische Und Langobardische Gefolgschaften Und Untertanenverbände by Diesner, Hans-Joachim
Beiträge Des Arbeitskreises: Die Verwirklichung Der Lehren Der Großen Sozialistischen Oktoberrevolution Und Des Sozialistischen Aufbaus in Der Udss by
Ereignisse Des Bauernkrieges 1525 in Sachsen Der Sächsische Bauernaufstand 1790 by Blaschke, Karlheinz
Wirtschaft Und Gesellschaft Im Seleukidenreich: Die Eigentums- Und Die Abhängigkeitsverhältnisse by Kreissig, Heinz
Afrika Im Antiimperialistischen Kampf: Probleme Eines Kontinents by
Weltgeschichte Bis Zur Herausbildung Des Feudalismus. Ein Abriss by