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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General World History in 1983

Social Register' 83 by Miliband, Ralph
Sectarian Law in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Courts, Testimony and the Penal Code by Schiffman, Lawrence H.
A History of the County of Essex: Volume VIII by Knight, Norma, Board, Beryl A.
Literatur Und Gelehrtentum in Deutschland: Untersuchungen Zum Wandel Ihres Verhältnisses Vom Humanismus Bis Zur Frühaufklärung by Grimm, Gunter E.
The Tares and the Good Grain or the Kingdom of Man at the Hour of Reckoning by Lindbom, Tage
Remember Kirkland Lake: 'The Gold Miners' Strike of 1941-42 by MacDowell, Laurel Sefton
Sachregister Und Konkordanzliste Zu Den Verhandlungen Des Deutschen Bundestages 9. Wahlperiode (1980-1983) Und Zu Den Verhandlungen Des Bundesrates (1 by
Windmills and Pumps of the Southwest by Hays, Dick
The Dutch Colonial System in the East Indies by Klaveren, Na
Orationes de Lege Agraria. Oratio Pro C. Rabirio Perduellionis Reo by Marcus Tullius Cicero
Didymi in Demosthenem Commenta by Didymus
Kunsterfahrung und Kulturpolitik im Berlin Hegels by
Japans Wandel Von Der Agrar- Zur Industriegesellschaft: Fallstudien Regionaler Entwicklungen by Kreiner, Josef
Briefe Von Der Elektrizität by Franklin, Benjamin
Katalog Der Bithynischen Münzen Der Sammlung Des Instituts Für Altertumskunde Der Universität Zu Köln: Nikaia. Mit Einer Untersuchung Der Prägesysteme by Weiser, Wolfram
Literature of Mysticism in Western Tradition by Grant, P.
War der Nationalsozialismus ohne Beispiel? by Trevor-Roper, Hugh R.
Classes in Contemporary Japan by Steven, Rob
Wahlen Und Politisches System: Analysen Aus Anlaß Der Bundestagswahl 1980 by
Hauptstädte in europäischen Nationalstaaten by
Die Familie ALS Werkstatt Der Erziehung: Rollenbilder Des Kindertheaters Und Soziale Realität Im Späten 18. Jahrhundert by Mairbäurl, Gunda
A History of the County of Oxford: Volume XI: Wootton Hundred (Northern Part) by
Carmina Epigraphica Graeca Saeculorum VIII-V A. Chr. N by
Liberaler Katholizismus: Biographische Und Kirchenhistorische Essays Von Franz Xaver Kraus by
East Los Angeles: History of a Barrio by Romo, Richardo
The Amazing Adventures of the Jewish People by Dimont, Max I.
Pharaoh's Counsellors: Job, Jethro, and Balaam in Rabbinic and Patristic Tradition by Baskin, Judith R.
UFOs: The Public Deceived by Klass, Philip
Martianus Capella by
Bürgerliche Alltagswelt und pietistisches Denken im Werk Hölderlins by Prill, Meinhard
A History of Wiltshire: Volume XII: Ramsbury Hundred, Selkley Hundred, the Borough of Marlborough by
Sepher Ha-Razim: The Book of Mysteries by Morgan, Michael A.
Das römisch-deutsche Reich im politischen System Karls V. by
Jahrbuch Für Geschichte. Band 25 by
Vom Bewußtsein Zum Sein: Vergleich Der Geschichtsphilosophie Von Hegel Und Marx by Ley, Hermann
1982 by
1982 by
Archiv Für Naturschutz Und Landschaftsforschung. Band 22, Heft 3 by
Bauer Und Landarbeiter Im Kapitalismus in Der Magdeburger Börde by
Volksleben Zwischen Zunft Und Fabrik: Studien Zu Kultur Und Lebensweise Werktätiger Klassen Und Schichten Während Des Übergangs Vom Feudalismus Zum Ka by
The Nightingaleas Burden: Women Poets and American Culture Before 1900 by Walker, Cheryl
The Peasants' Revolt of 1381 by
Abyss of Despair by Hanover, Nathan
Briefwechsel 1945-1968 by Bauer, K. H., Jaspers, K.
Social and Political History of the Jews in Poland 1919-1939 by Marcus, Joseph
British Essays in American History by Arnold, Edward
Village and Bureaucracy in Southern Sung China by McKnight, Brian E.
Clio From the Right: Essays of a Conservative Historian by Shapiro, Edward S.
Revivalism, Social Conscience, and Community in the Burned-Over District: January 4, 1782-December 29, 1785 by Saltzgaber, Jan M., Altschuler, Glenn C.
Revivalism, Social Conscience, and Community in the Burned-Over District: January 4, 1782-December 29, 1785 by Altschuler, Glenn C., Saltzgaber, Jan M.
Alone of All Her Sex: The Myth and the Cult of the Virgin Mary by Warner, Marina
The Meaning of Hitler by Haffner, Sebastian
Ethnic America: A History by Sowell, Thomas
Islam in the Political Process by
Cabeza de Vaca's Adventures in the Unknown Interior of America by Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar
The Santa Fe and Taos Colonies: Age of the Muses, 1900-1942 by Gibson, Arrell M., Gibson, Arre
Practical Quality Management in the Chemical Process Industry by Bader, Morton E.
The Prehistory of Denmark by Jensen, Jorgen
Four Keys to El Salvador by Osborne, Lilly De Jongh, Unknown
Mary Somerville and the Cultivation of Science, 1815-1840 by Patterson, E. C.
Wives & Property: Reform of the Married Women's Property Law in Nineteenth-Century England by Holcombe, Lee
The Best Defense: The Courtroom Confrontations of America's Most Outspoken Lawyer of Last Resort-- the Lawyer Who Won the Claus von Bulow Appeal by Dershowitz, Alan
Escape to Freedom: The Story of the International Rescue Committee by Levenstein, Aaron
Patterns in the Dust: Chinese-American Relations and the Recognition Controversy, 1949-1950 by Tucker, Nancy Bernkopf
A Lecture on Russian History by Karpovich, Michael
Britain and Revolutionary France: Conflict, Subversion and Propaganda by
Die Menschenrechtspolitik der USA by Pflüger, Friedbert
Authority, Power and Policy in the USSR: Essays Dedicated to Leonard Schapiro by Rigby, T. H.
Cairo, City of Art and Commerce by Unknown, Wiet, Gaston
The Second British Empire: Trade, Philanthropy, and Good Government, 1820-1890 by Halstead, John P.
The Slayers of Moses: The Emergence of Rabbinic Interpretation in Modern Literary Theory by Handelman, Susan a.
The Letters of Margaret Fuller: 1817-1838 by Fuller, Margaret
The Letters of Margaret Fuller: 1839-1841 by Fuller, Margaret
Gleanings in Europe: Italy by Cooper, James Fenimore
Ausgewählte Werke, Bd 5/Tl 1, Erste Gründe der gesamten Weltweisheit (Theoretischer Teil) by Gottsched, Johann Christoph
Studies in English Legal History by Plucknett Fba, T. F. T.
The Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, Volume 1: Atlas of the Lewis and Clark Expedition by Clark, William, Lewis, Meriwether
Francis Parkman: France and England in North America Vol. 1 (Loa #11): Pioneers of France in the New World / The Jesuits in North America / La Salle a by Parkman, Francis
Sharecropping and Sharecroppers by Byres, T. J.
Christianity and Western Civilization by Unknown, Hayes, Carlton Joseph Huntley
Economic Growth: England in the Later Middle Ages by R. a., Bridbury, A. R.
Oral History: A Guide for Teachers (And Others) by Davis, O. L., Sitton, Thad, Mehaffy, George L.
Einleitung - Vorgeschichtliche Perioden - Religiöse Grundlagen Des Lebens - Seelen- Und Geisterglaube - Macht Und Kraft - Das Heilige Und Die Kultform by Vries, Jan de
Canadian Frontier, 1534-1760 (Revised) by Eccles, W. J.
The Poetical Works of Robert Browning: Volume I: Pauline and Paracelsus by Browning, Robert
All Our Kin by Stack, Carol B.
Theological Transition in American Methodism: 1790-1935 by Chiles, Robert E.
The Holocaust and the Historians by Dawidowicz, Lucy S.
A Generation of Materialism, 1871-1900 by Unknown, Hayes, Carlton Joseph Huntley
Melville Dissertations, 1924-1980: An Annotated Bibliography and Subject Index by Bryant, John
USSR in Crisis by Goldman, Marshall I.
Januar 1948 - Dezember 1948 by
History of Black Americans: From the Compromise of 1850 to the End of the Civil War by Foner, Philip Sheldon, Unknown
de Nugis Curialium: Courtiers' Trifles by Map, Walter
Lenin and the Problem of Marxist Peasant Revolution by Kingston-Mann, Esther
Literature of Mysticism in Western Tradition by Grant, P.
Minoan Architectural Design: Formation and Signification by Preziosi, Donald
Ethical Writings of Maimonides by Maimonides
Return of King Arthur British and American Arthurian Literature Since 1800 by
Die Parteien Kpd, SPD, Bvp in Verfolgung Und Widerstand by Schönhoven, Klaus, Mehringer, Hartmut, Grossmann, Anton
Die Herausforderung Des Einzelnen: Geschichten Über Widerstand Und Verfolgung by Fröhlich-Broszat, Elke
The Southern Enigma: Essays on Race, Class, and Folk Culture by
Crusaders and Compromisers: Essays on the Relationship of the Antislavery Struggle to the Antebellum Party System by
The Colonial Office by Jeffries, Charles Joseph, Unknown
Marsilius of Inghen: Treatises on the Properties of Terms: A First Critical Edition of the Suppositiones, Ampliationes, Appellationes, Restrictiones a by Bos, E. P.
Horses, Musicians and Gods: The Hausa Cult of Possession-Trance by Besmer, Fremont E.
The Cambridge History of China: Volume 12, Republican China, 1912 1949, Part 1 by
Monasticon Praemonstratense: Id Est Historia Circariarum Atque Canoniarum Candidi Et Canonici Ordinis Praemonstratensis. Vol I/Pars Prima Et Secund by Backmund, Norbert
S.I.O.P: The Secret U.S. Plan for Nuclear War by Arkin, William, Pringle, Peter
Protestant--Catholic--Jew: An Essay in American Religious Sociology by Herberg, Will
Four Thousand Years Ago: A World Panorama of Life in the Second Millenium B.C by Bibby, Geoffrey
A Century of Civil Rights by Konvitz, Milton Ridvas, Konvitz, Milton R., Unknown
How Philosophy Uses Its Past by Randall, John Herman, Jr., Unknown
Insight-Imagination: The Emancipation of Thought and the Modern World by Sloan, Douglas, Unknown
Early British Swimming 55BC-AD1719 by Orme, Nicholas
Science Under Scrutiny: The Place of History and Philosophy of Science by
Ausgewählte Werke, Bd 5/Tl 2, Erste Gründe der gesammten Weltweisheit (Praktischer Teil) by Gottsched, Johann Christoph
Absaraka: Home of the Crows by Carrington, Margaret Irvin
Space and Geometry: In the Light of Physiological, Psychological, and Physical Inquiry by Mach, Ernst
Social Conditions in Britain 1918-1939 by Constantine, Stephen
A Social and Religious History of the Jews: Late Middle Ages and Era of European Expansion (1200-1650): The Ottoman Empire, Persia, Ethiopia, India, a by Baron, Salo Wittmayer
Six Records of a Floating Life by Shen Fu
The Craft of Public History: An Annotated Select Bibliography by National
Black Press in the South by
Our Gang by Joselit, Jenna Weissman
Säkulare Aspekte Der Reformationszeit by
Regesten, Band 2 by
War and Change in World Politics by Gilpin, Robert
Sons of Liberty: The Masculine Mind in Nineteenth-Century America by Pugh, David G.
White Collar Crime by Sutherland, Edwin H.
Register Zu Band 1 Und 2 by
Sport and American Mentality, 1880-1910 by Mrozek, Donald J.
Science, God, and Nature in Victorian Canada: The 1982 Joanne Goodman Lectures by Berger, Carl
The Rise and Fall of the Toronto Typographical Union, 1832-1972: A Case Study of Foreign Domination by Zerker, Sally
The Origins of the Liberal Welfare Reforms 1906-1914 by
Barbara Pentland by Eastman, Sheila, McGee, Timothy
Colonial V1 by Unknown, Weinberg, Meyer
The English Jewry Under Angevin Kings. by Richardson, H. G., Unknown
Trinity House of Deptford Transactions, 1609-35 by
Preußen in Der Deutschen Geschichte Nach 1789 by
(Bis Zum Ende Des Jahres 1546) by
1918-1945 by Kuczynski, Jürgen
Byzantinoturucica, II: Sprachreste Der Türkvölker in Den Byzantinischen Quellen by Moravcsik, Gyula
Zur Dialektik Des Geschichtsprozesses: Studien Über Die Materiellen Grundlagen Der Historischen Entwicklung by Bauer, Adolf, Eichhorn I., Wolfgang
Über Traditionen Sächsischer Landesgeschichte by Czok, Karl
J.R. Capablanca - 75 Seiner Schönsten Partien by Capablanca, J. R.
Sozialutopisches Denken in Der Griechischen Antike by Müller, Reimar
2. Konferenz Junger Wissenschaftler Der Adw Der DDR by