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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General World History in 1985

A History of the County of Middlesex: Volume VIII: Islington and Stoke Newington Parishes by
Black Leaders: Texans for Their Times by
Telling the American Story: A Structural and Cultural Analysis of Conversational Storytelling by Polanyi, Livia
Text by
Europe in the 18th Century: Aristocracy and the Bourgeois Challenge by Rude, George
A History of Shropshire: Volume XI: Telford by
A History of the County of Somerset, Volume V by
Das Basler Konzil ALS Forschungsproblem Der Europäischen Geschichte: 280. Sitzung Am 14. Dezember 1983 in Düsseldorf by Meuthen, Erich
Zeit Und Kultur: Geschichte Des Zeitbewußtseins in Europa by
The Atlantic City Gamble: A Twentieth Century Fund Report by Sternlieb, George, Hughes, James W.
Künstler in Der Gesellschaft: Ergebnisse Einer Befragung Unter Bildenden Künstlern in Düsseldorf Und Umgebung by Thurn, Hanspeter
Theophylacti Simocatae Epistulae by Theophylactus Simocata
Primi Post Principatum Constitutum Saeculi Iuris Consulti. Sectio 1 by
Primi Post Principatum Constitutum Saeculi Iuris Consulti. Sectio 2 by
Immigrant Women by Ewen, Elizabeth
Kölner Papyri (P. Köln) by Kramer, Bärbel
Joseph Hume: The People's M.P., Memoirs, American Philosophical Society (Vol. 163) by Huch, Ronald K., Ziegler, Paul R.
Listen in Chronologischer Reihenfolge / Lists in Chronological Order by
Namensregister / Name Index by
NS-Presseanweisungen der Vorkriegszeit, Band 2, NS-Presseanweisungen der Vorkriegszeit (1934) by
Rüstung - Bündnis - Sicherheit: Dreibund Und Informeller Imperialismus 1900-1908 by Behnen, Michael
»Deutschlands Ruhe, Sicherheit Und Ordnung«: Die Anfänge Der Politischen Polizei 1806 - 1866 by Siemann, Wolfram
Der Kirchenkampf - Historie Oder Bleibendes Erbe by Herbert, Karl
Gotthelf im Zeitgeflecht by Holl, Hanns Peter
The Legal Methodology of Hai Gaon by Groner, Tsvi
Über Michael Kohlhaas - damals und heute by Sendler, Horst
Exegesis at Qumran: 4qflorilegium in Its Jewish Context by Brooke, George J.
The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917 - 1923 by Carr, Edward Hallett
The Complete Works of Robert Browning, Volume VII: With Variant Readings and Annotations by Browning, Robert
Jahrbuch Für Geschichte. Band 29 by
Geschichte, Gesellschaftliche Bewegung Und Erkenntnisprozess: Studien Zur Dialektik Der Theorieentwicklung in Der Bürgerlichen Gesellschaft by Sandkühler, Hans Jörg
Sprache Und Kulturentwicklung Im Blickfeld Der Deutschen Spätaufklärung by
Free Trade and Sailors' Rights: A Bibliography of the War of 1812 by Fredriksen, John C.
The Military Institutions of the Romans by Renatus, Flavius Vegetius
The Cambridge History of Africa by
Industrialisation and Trade Union Organization in South Africa, 1924 1955: The Rise and Fall of the South African Trades and Labour Council by Lewis, Jon
Social and Cultural Dynamics: A Study of Change in Major Systems of Art, Truth, Ethics, Law and Social Relationships by Sorokin, Pitirim
Continuing Education of Engineers by Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Research Council
Bulgarian Communism: The Road to Power 1934-1944 by Oren, Nissan, Unknown
The Discoverers by Boorstin, Daniel J.
The March of Folly: From Troy to Vietnam by Tuchman, Barbara W.
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies by
Jewish Family Celebrations by Cardozo, Arlene
The Palestinian Liberation Organisation: People, Power and Politics by Cobban, Helena
Virtue, Commerce, and History: Essays on Political Thought and History, Chiefly in the Eighteenth Century by Pocock, J. G. a.
Texts in Context: Revisionist Methods for Studying the History of Ideas by Boucher, David
Martha: German, English Language Edition, Vocal Score by
History of the Communist Party of Great Britain Vol 3 1927-1941 by Branson, Noreen
Lucia Di Lammermoor: Italian Language Edition, Vocal Score by
Comparative Studies in the Archaeology of Colonialism by
Waltzes by
European Decolonization 1918-1981: An Introductory Survey by Holland, Robert F.
The Discovery of the Pacific Islands by Unknown
Messengers of God: A True Story of Angelic Presence and the Return to the Age of Miracles by Wiesel, Elie
Basic Values of Western Civilization by Clough, Shepard Bancroft, Unknown
The Arab Heritage by Unknown, Hitti, Philip K.
The Zimmermann Telegram: America Enters the War, 1917-1918; Barbara W. Tuchman's Great War Series by Tuchman, Barbara W.
Zusammenbruch und Wiederaufbau by Vaubel, Ludwig
Hunger and History by Rabb, Theodore K., Rotberg
Tribes on the Hill: The U.S. Congress--Rituals and Realities by Weatherford, Jack
Tribes on the Hill: The U.S. Congress--Rituals and Realities by Weatherford, Jack
Nazis in Skokie: Freedom, Community, and the First Amendment by Downs, Donald Alexander
C Wright Mills an American Utopia by Horowitz, Irving Lewis
Diodori Bibliotheca historica, Vol. V, Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana by Siculus Diodorus
Stitch in Time by Gould, John
Interregnum: Tagebuch Des Generalsekretärs Des Länderrats Der Bizone 1947-1949 by Troeger, Heinrich
Das Grossmeister-Turnier New York 1924 by Aljechin, Aleksander
Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire by Houston, Drusilla Dunjee
Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire, Book 1 by Houston, Drusilla Dunjee
Industrialization in Nineteenth Century Europe by Kemp, Tom
People's Poland: Patterns of Social Inequality and Conflict by Majowski, Wladysla
Sources in British Political History 1900-1951: Volume 6: First Consolidated Supplement by
Aufbruch ins Industriezeitalter, Band 1, Linien der Entwicklungsgeschichte by
Out of Order by Capaldi, Nicholas
Jews in an Arab Land: Libya, 1835-1970 by De Felice, Renzo
Excavations at Xunantunich and Pomona Belize in 1959-1960: A ceremonial centre and an earthen mound of the Maya Classic period by MacKie, Euan W.
1946-1962: From the End of World War II to the Various Stations of the Cold War by
Continental Plans for European Union 1939-1945: (Including 250 Documents in Their Original Language on 6 Microfiches) by
Theory and Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia: Biomedical Sociocultural & Psychological Perspectives by
Adirondack French Louie: Early Life in the North Woods by Dunham, Harvey
A History of Grambling State University by Gallot, Mildred B. G.
A Roster of Civilizations and Culture by Kroeber, A. L., Unknown
The Empire of the Bretaignes, 1175-1688: The Foundations of a Colonial System of Government: Select Documents on the Constitutional History of the Bri by
A Short History of the Saracens: Being a Concise Account of the Rise and Decline of the Saracenic Power and of the Economic, Social and Intellectual a by Ali, Ameer
Privateering and Colonization in the Reign of Elizabeth I: Raleigh in Exeter 1985 by
Maschinenbauunternehmen in der Deutschen Inflation 1919-1923 by Lindenlaub, Dieter
Abriß Der Geschichte Israels Und Judas. Lieder Der Hudhailiten, Arabisch Und Deutsch by Wellhausen, Julius
Queen Victoria's Little Wars by Farwell, Byron
Life Against Death: The Psychoanalytical Meaning of History by Brown, Norman O.
The Imperial Idea and Its Enemies: A Study in British Power by Thornton, A. P.
The First Whigs: The Politics of the Exclusion Crisis, 1678-1683 by Jones, J. R., Unknown
The Structure of Mind in History: Five Major Figures in Psychohistory by Pomper, Philip
A Journey Through the Yemen by Harris, Walter B.
The Talmud by Polano, H.
The Theory of Heat Radiation by Planck, Max
The Theory of Heat Radiation by Planck, Max
The Theory of Spectra and Atomic Constitution by Bohr, Niels
The Theory of Spectra and Atomic Constitution by Bohr, Niels
The Uneasy State: The United States from 1915 to 1945 by Karl, Barry D.
Africa Projected: From Recession to Renaissance by the Year 2000? by
A Reference Guide to United States Department of State Special Files by Haines, Gerald K.
Christianity in the West 1400-1700 by Bossy, John
Expository Science: Forms and Functions of Popularisation by
Expository Science: Forms and Functions of Popularisation by
The French Nobility in the Eighteenth Century: From Feudalism to Enlightenment by Chaussinand-Nogaret, Guy
Gospels in the Schools, C. 1100 C. 1280 by Smalley Fba, Beryl
The Reservation by Williams, Ted C.
Aristoteles: Eine Einführung in Sein Philosophieren by Ackrill, John L.
The Great Sahara by Tristram
Religion, Rebellion, Revolution: An Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Collection of Essays by
Dictionary of Modern Italian History by Coppa, Frank
Greek Religion and Society by
Philosophy and the Absolute: The Modes of Hegel's Speculation by McRae, R. G.
1846-1849 by
Free Women of Petersburg: Status and Culture in a Southern Town, 1784-1860 (Revised) by Lebsock, Suzanne
Captured by the Indians: 15 Firsthand Accounts, 1750-1870 by
Abortion and the Politics of Motherhood: Volume 3 by Luker, Kristin
Poland in the Second World War by Garlinski, Josef
A New England Town: The First Hundred Years by Lockridge, Kenneth A.
Handbuch politisch-sozialer Grundbegriffe in Frankreich 1680-1820, Heft 1-2, Rolf Reichardt: Allgemeine Bibliographie, Einleitung. - Brigitte Schliebe by Reichardt, Rolf, Schlieben-Lange, Brigitte
Handbuch politisch-sozialer Grundbegriffe in Frankreich 1680-1820, Heft 3, Philosophe, Philosophie. Terreur, Terroriste, Terrorisme by Reichardt, Rolf, Heuvel, Gerd Van Den, Gumbrecht, Hans Ulrich
Bibliographie Zum Strafrecht Im Nationalsozialismus: Literatur Zum Straf-, Strafverfahrens- Und Strafvollzugsrecht Mit Ihren Grundlagen Und Einem Anha by Rüping, Hinrich
Alphonse Merrheim: The Emergence of Reformism in Revolutionary Syndicalism, 1871 - 1925 by Papayanis, N.
Labsal Dessen, Der Bei Tag Und Bei Nacht Reist: Ibn Māliḥs Uns As-Sārī Was-Sārib; Ein Marokkanisches Pilgerbuch Des Frühen 1 by Schupp, Sabine
The Spellbinders: Charismatic Political Leadership by Willner, Ann Ruth
How to Run a Traditional Jewish Household by Greenberg, Blu
Propaganda in an Open Society: The Roosevelt Administration and the Media, 1933-1941 by Steele, Richard W.
The Soul of the Wobblies: The I.W.W., Religion, and American Culture in the Progressive Era, 1905-1917 by Winters, Donald E.
Prologue: The Novels of Black American Women, 1891-1965 by Watson, Carole McAlpine
Recalling the Good Fight: An Autobiography of the Spanish Civil War by Tisa, John
Recalling the Good Fight: An Autobiography of the Spanish Civil War by Tisa, John
The Reformation of the Sixteenth Century by Bainton, Roland
Psychology: The Briefer Course by James, William
Pac Power: Inside the World of Political Action Committees by Sabato, Larry
Reliving the Past: The Worlds of Social History by Tilly, Charles, Cohen, David William, Zunz, Olivier
Religion in American Public Life by Reichley, James A.
The Selling of the Empire: British and French Imperialist Propaganda, 1890-1940 by August, T.
When Fathers Ruled: Family Life in Reformation Europe by Ozment, Steven
The Literary Underground of the Old Regime by Darnton, Robert
International Ethics: A Philosophy and Public Affairs Reader by Alexander, Lawrence A.
Evolving Hierarchical Systems: Their Structure and Representation by Salthe, Stanley N.
The Line of Duty: Maverick Congressmen and the Development of American Political Culture, 1836-1860 by Nicol Shields, Johanna
Physician-Patient Decision-Making: A Study in Medical Ethics by Walton, Douglas N.
Political Parties in Britain 1783-1867 by Evans, Eric J.
Response to Revolution by Welch, Richard E.
Munich and Theatrical Modernism: Politics, Playwriting, and Performance, 1890-1914 by Jelavich, Peter
American Childhood: A Research Guide and Historical Handbook by
Double Impact: France and Africa in the Age of Imperialism by
To Enforce Education: A History of the Founding Years of the United States Office of Education by Warren, Donald R.
Crusaders and Pragmatists: Movers of Modern American Foreign Policy, Second Edition by Stoessinger, John George
The Language of Shakespeare's Plays by Evans, B. Ifor, Unknown
Historical Dictionary of Censorship in the United States by Hurwitz, Leon
The Autobiography of a Curmudgeon by Ickes, Harold L., Ickes, Elizabeth
Historical Dictionary of the French Second Empire, 1852-1870 by Echard, William
The History and Social Influence of the Potato by Salaman, Redcliffe, Redcliffe N., Salaman
History of Gonville and Caius College by Brooke, Christopher N. L.
Climate and History: Studies in Past Climates and Their Impact on Man by
The Earliest Life of Gregory the Great by Colgrave, Bertram
Felix's Life of Saint Guthlac: Texts, Translation and Notes by Felix
The Life of Bishop Wilfrid by Eddius Stephanus by Colgrave, Bertram, Eddius, Stephanus, Eddius
Two Lives of Saint Cuthbert by Colgrave, Bertram, Colgrave
Jean Buridan's Logic: The Treatise on Supposition the Treatise on Consequences by
Church and Culture Since Vatican II: The Experience of North and Latin America by
Die Bistümer Der Kirchenprovinz Trier. Das Erzbistum Trier III. Das Stift St. Kastor in Karden an Der Mosel by
Chaim Weizmann: The Making of a Zionist Leader by Reinharz, Jehuda
Chaim Weizmann: The Making of a Statesman by Reinharz, Jehuda
Conversations with William Styron by
Walter Rathenau: Industrialist, Banker, Intellectual, and Politician; Notes and Diaries 1907-1922 by Von Strandmann
Controlling Unlawful Organizational Behavior: Social Structure and Corporate Misconduct by Vaughan, Diane
The Beginnings of the Book Trade in Canada by Parker, George L.
The Supreme Court of Canada: History of the Institution by Vaughan, Frederick, Snell, James G.
Kingship and Law in the Middle Ages by Blackwell, Basil, Kern, Fritz
Political Thought in Medieval Islam: An Introductory Outline by Rosenthal, Erwin Isak Jakob
The Countryside in the Age of Capitalist Transformation: Essays in the Social History of Rural America by
Islam Assembled: The Advent of the Muslim Congresses by Kramer, Martin
1985-1986 by
Human Nature and Natural Knowledge: Essays Presented to Marjorie Grene on the Occasion of Her Seventy-Fifth Birthday by
Belegstellenverzeichnis Altgriechischer Sozialer Typenbegriffe Von Homer Bis Aristoteles, Teil 2 by
Von Sarajevo Nach Versailles: Deutschland Im Ersten Weltkrieg by Klein, Fritz, Petzold, Joachim, Gutsche, Willibald
Produktivkräfte Und Produktionsverhältnisse in Ur- Und Frühseschichtlicher Zeit by
The Festival Cycle of the Aztec Codex Borbonicus by Couch, N. C. Christopher
Griechenland, Byzanz, Europa: Ein Studienband by
Belegstellenverzeichnis Altgriechischer Sozialer Typenbegriffe Von Homer Bis Aristoteles, Teil 2 by
Belegstellenverzeichnis Altgriechischer Sozialer Typenbegriffe Von Homer Bis Aristoteles, Teil 1 by
Research Projects in Progress 1981-1983 by
100 Jahre Indischer Nationalkongreß 1885-1985 by Krüger, Horst, Heidrich, Joachim
Kriegsgefahren und Friedenschancen im 20. Jahrhundert by
Die Zerschlagung Des Hitlerfaschismus Und Die Befreiung Des Deutschen Volkes: (Juni 1944 Bis Zum 8. Mai 1945) by