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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General World History in 1988

Boston Assembly Minutes, 1545-1575 by Clark, Jennifer, Clark, Peter
Province of Reason by Warner, Sam Bass
Emblem and Fable Books Printed in the Low Countries, 1542-1813: A Bibliography. 3rd Rev. and Augmented Edition by Landwehr, John
Deutsche Architekten: Biographische Verflechtungen 1900-1970 by Durth, Werner
Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, Band 30, Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens (1988) by
Die aufgeklärte Familie by Saße, Günter
A History of the County of Gloucester: Volume IV: The City of Gloucester by
SPD Und Öffentlicher Dienst in Der Weimarer Republik: Die Öffentlich Bediensteten in Der SPD Und Ihre Bedeutung Für Die Sozialdemokratische Politik 19 by Sühl, Klaus
Oxen, Women, or Citizens?: Slaves in the System of the Mishnah by Flesher, Paul Virgil McCracken
Die Sozialen Grundlagen Der Barockkultur in Süddeutschland by Zückert, Hartmut
Betrachtungen Über Die Bewegende Kraft Des Feuers: Und Die Zur Entwickelung Dieser Kraft Geeigneten Maschinen by Carnot, Sadi
Heinrich Von Kleist: Studien Zu Werk Und Wirkung by
Soviet and American Signalling in the Polish Crisis by Cynkin, T.
China in World History by Adshead, S. A. M.
Communist Ideology, Law and Crime: A Comparative View of the USSR and Poland by Los, Maria W.
The Emergence of the Modern Russian State, 1855-81 by McCauley, Martin, Waldron, Peter
Literature Into History by Harvey, A. D.
The Statesman's Year-Book Historical Companion by Paxton, John
Britain and the Marshall Plan by Pelling, Henry
Wahlkämpfe in Europa 1884 Bis 1889: Parteiensysteme Und Politikstile in Deutschland, Frankreich Und Großbritannien by Bendikat, Elfi
Ideas of Jewish History by Meyer, Michael A.
Letters and Papers of the Banks Family of [The] Revesby Abbey, 1704-1760 by Hill, J. W. F.
The Dobama Movement in Burma (1930-1938) by Yi, Khin
In Search of Southeast Asia: A Modern History (Revised Edition) by Roff, William R., Chandler, David P.
Lebensläufe by
Teil I, Politik by
Teil I, Politik by
Register Der Geburtsorte Und Der Letzten Wohnorte by
Historia Apollonii Regis Tyri by
Die Werkstatt als Utopie by Kambas, Chryssoula
Zur Theoretischen Grundlegung Einer Sozialgeschichte Der Literatur: Ein Struktural-Funktionaler Entwurf by
Wettlauf in die Moderne by
Humboldt, Wilhelm von: Gesammelte Werke. Band 6 by Humboldt, Wilhelm Von
Humboldt, Wilhelm von: Gesammelte Werke. Band 1 by Humboldt, Wilhelm Von
Humboldt, Wilhelm von: Gesammelte Werke. Band 2 by Humboldt, Wilhelm Von
Hofberedsamkeit: Studien Zur PRAXIS Höfisch-Politischer Rede Im Deutschen Territorialabsolutismus by Braungart, Georg
1988 by
Die Abgrenzung des Hellenismus in der griechischen Literaturgeschichte by Kassel, Rudolf
Out of Mind, Out of Sight by O'Brien, Patricia
Goyim: Gentiles and Israelites in Mishnah-Tosefta by Porton, Gary G.
Law's Empire by Dworkin, Ronald
Lost Cities of Ancient Lemuria and the Pacific by Childress, David Hatcher
A Guide to the History of Texas by
Europa vor dem Krieg von 1870 by
Strategische Rohstoffe: Risiken Für Die Wirtschaftliche Sicherheit Des Westens by Maull, Hanns W.
Dem Gedenken Michail Wassiljewitsch Lomonossows: Nowak, Siegfried: Forschungsergebnisseaus Dem Zentralinstitut Für Organische Chemie by Nowak, Siegfried, Klare, Hermann
Das Leben Der Werktätigen in Der Magdeburger Börde: Studien Zum Dörflichen Alltag Vom Beginn Des 20. Jahrhunderts Bis Zum Anfang Der 60er Jahre by
Der Ursprung Der Modernen Wissenschaften: Studien Zur Entstehung Wissenschaftlicher Disziplinen by
Quellenstudien Zur Herrschenden Klasse Von Byzanz Im 8. Und 9. Jahrhundert by Winkelmann, Friedhelm
Frauen in Der Französischen Revolution: Dokumente, Kommentare, Bilder by Petersen, Susanne
Wissenschafts- Und Universitätsgeschichte in Sachsen Im 18. Und 19. Jahrhundert by Czok, Karl
American Refugee Policy and European Jewry, 1933-1945 by Kraut, Alan M., Bretman, Richard
Thinking in Time: The Uses of History for Decision Makers by Neustadt, Richard E.
Women's Activism and Social Change: Rochester, New York, 1822 1872 by Hewitt, Nancy A.
Chinese by Norman, Jerry
War's Other Voices: Women Writers on the Lebanese Civil War by Cooke, Miriam
How to Observe Morals and Manners by Martineau, Harriet
The Mind and Faith of Justice Holmes: His Speeches, Essays, Letters, and Judicial Opinions by Wilhelmsen, Frederick D.
The Huguenot Connection: The Edict of Nantes, Its Revocation, and Early French Migration to South Carolina by
Arizona Place Names by Barnes, Will Croft
Essays in Religion, Politics, and Morality by Dalberg-Acton, John Emerich Edward
The Adena People by Webb, William S.
The Fatal Shore by Hughes, Robert
Peace Heroes in 20th-Century America by
The Emergence of the Modern Russian State, 1855-81 by McCauley, Martin, Waldron, Peter
Crisis in Allende's Chile: New Perspectives by Kaufman, Edy
Handbuch politisch-sozialer Grundbegriffe in Frankreich 1680-1820, Heft 8, Pierre Michel: Barbarie, Civilisation, Vandalisme. - Jean-Claude Perrot: Éc by Michel, Pierre, Perrot, Jean-Claude
Handbuch politisch-sozialer Grundbegriffe in Frankreich 1680-1820, Heft 10, Féodalité, féodal. Parlements by Heuvel, Gerd Van Den, Wagner, Michael
Handbuch politisch-sozialer Grundbegriffe in Frankreich 1680-1820, Heft 9, Bastille. Citoyen-Sujet, Civisme by Reichardt, Rolf, Rétat, Pierre
From Supplication to Revolution: A Documentary Social History of Imperial Russia by Freeze, Gregory L., Freeze, Gregory
Blunder Book: Gigantic by Goldberg, M. Hirsh
Social Security: Visions and Revisions: A Twentieth Century Fund Study by Achenbaum, W. Andrew
The Origins of European Thought: About the Body, the Mind, the Soul, the World, Time and Fate by Onians, R. B., Onians, Richard Broxton
U.S. Labor Movement and Latin America: A History of Workers' Response to Intervention; Vol. I 1846-1919 by Foner, Philip S.
A Guide to the History of Massachusetts by
The Tentacles of Progress: Technology Transfer in the Age of Imperialism, 1850-1940 by Headrick, Daniel R.
Things Seen and Unseen: Discourse and Ideology in Tokugawa Nativism by Harootunian, Harry D.
France, Fin de Siècle by Weber, Eugen
The Fellow Travellers: Intellectual Friends of Communism, Revised and Updated Edition by Caute, David
Work on Myth by Blumenberg, Hans
French Devotional Texts of the Middle Ages: A Bibliographic Manuscript Guide; Second Supplement by Sinclair, Keith Val
Cuba: An Annotated Bibliography by
Loosening the Bonds: Mid-Atlantic Farm Women, 1750-1850 by Jensen, Joan M.
Black Mosaic: Essays in Afro-American History and Historiography by Quarles, Benjamin
The World Slaveholders Made: Two Essays in Interpretation by Genovese, Eugene D.
Rechtsentwicklungen in Berlin: Acht Vorträge, Gehalten Anläßlich Der 750-Jahrfeier Berlins by
La Théorie de la Société Bien Ordonnée Chez Jean-Jacques Rousseau by Viroli, Maurizio
Dancing Gods: Indian Ceremonials of New Mexico and Arizona by Fergusson, Erna
Crusade Against Drink by Shiman, Lilian Lewis
Science Awakening I by Waerden, B. L. Van Der
The Making of Italy, 1796-1866 by Mack Smith, Denis
The Making of Italy, 1796-1866 by Mack Smith, Denis
The Peopling of British North America: An Introduction by Bailyn, Bernard
The German People and the Reformation: Ten Forgotten Socratic Dialogues by
The Life and Times of Congressman John Quincy Adams by Richard, Leonard L.
German People and the Reformation: Ten Forgotten Socratic Dialogues by
Six Women's Slave Narratives by Prince, Mary, Andrews, William L., Jackson, Mattie
The Mechanic Muse by Kenner, Hugh
Terrorism, 1980-1987: A Selectively Annotated Bibliography by Fleming, Peter
Jewish High Society in Old Regime Berlin by Hertz, Deborah
The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom by
Resistance and Integration: Peronism and the Argentine Working Class, 1946 1976 by James, Daniel
Indian Society and the Making of the British Empire by Bayly, Christopher Alan, Bayly, C. a.
Bengal: The British Bridgehead: Eastern India 1740 1828 by P. J., Marshall, Marshall, P. J.
Historical Geography of Europe 1800 1914 by Pounds, N. J. G., Pounds Norman J G
British Intelligence and the Formation Of a Policy Toward Russia, 1917-18: Missing Dimension or Just Missing? by Babiuk, Darvin
Gegenstand Geschichte: Geschichtswissenschaftstheorie in Husserls Phänomenologie by Lembeck, K. -H
Women and Higher Education in American History by
Iroquois Land Claims by
Early Medieval Philosophy 480-1150: An Introduction by Marenbon, John
The Cold War Begins in Asia: American East Asian Policy and the Fall of the Japanese Empire by Gallicchio, Marc
The Strategy of Russian Imperialism: Expansion in Eurasia Gorbachev by Sicker, Martin
The United States in the Middle East: A Historical Dictionary by Shavit, David
Historical Dictionary of North American Archaeology by
Lancashire: A Social History, 1558-1939 by Walton, John K.
Where Two Worlds Meet: The Great Lakes Fur Trade by Gilman, Carolyn
O Jerusalem by Collins, Larry, Lapierre, Dominique
The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962: Needless or Necessary? by Medland, William
The Business of Being Buffalo Bill: Selected Letters of William F. Cody, 1879-1917 by Buffalo Bill, Blackstone, Sarah J.
Allgemeine Wirtschaftsgeschichte Des Mittelalters Und Der Neuzeit: Band I: Das Mittelalter. Band II: Die Neuzeit. Mit Register Zu Band I-II by Kulischer, Josef
Die Französische Revolution als Bruch des gesellschaftlichen Bewußtseins by
Studies in Contemporary Jewry: The Jews and the European Crisis, 1914-1921 by Institute of Contemporary Jewry
Selected Subaltern Studies by
Interest and Emotion: Essays on the Study of Family and Kinship by Sabean, David Warren
A History of Psychology in Metascientific Perspective: Volume 53 by Madsen, K. B.
Expanding the Past: A Reader in Social History by Stearns, Peter N.
How We Invented the Airplane: An Illustrated History by Wright, Orville
Leon Trotsky and the Art of Insurrection 1905-1917 by Nelson, Harold Walter
Personal Voices: Chinese Women in the 1980's by Hershatter, Gail, Honig, Emily
Personal Voices: Chinese Women in the 1980's by Hershatter, Gail, Honig, Emily
Playing the Game: Sports and the Physical Emancipation of English Women, 1870-1914 by McCrone, Kathleen E.
The Music Forum by
All That Is Solid Melts Into Air: The Experience of Modernity by Berman, Marshall
Everything Is Changing: Contemporary U.S. Movements in Historical Perspective by De Leon, David
Elizabethan Popular Culture by Ashley, Leonard R. N.
American Philanthropy by Bremner, Robert H.
Wolfgang Schollwer by
Methodist Education in Peru: Social Gospel, Politics, and American Ideological Andeconomic Penetration, 1888-1930 by Bruno-Jofré, Rosa del Carmen
The Theory of Oral Composition: History and Methodology by Foley, John Miles
The American Founding: Essays on the Formation of the Constitution by Barlow, J. Jackson
Young Guard!: The Communist Youth League, Petrograd 1917-1920 by Tirado, Isabel A.
Art and History: Images and Their Meaning by
Mammon and the Pursuit of Empire Abridged Edition: The Economics of British Imperialism by Davis, Lance Edwin, Lance Edwin, Davis, Huttenback, Robert A.
Developing Dixie: Modernization in a Traditional Society by Tyler, Lyon, Moore, Winfred, Tripp, Joseph
Three Mile Island: A Selectively Annotated Bibliography by Wood, M. Sandra, Shultz, Suzanne M.
Everything Is Changing: Contemporary U.S. Movements in Historical Perspective by De Leon, David
Irish American Material Culture: A Dictionary of Collections, Sites, and Festivals in the United States and Canada by Eleuterio-Comer, Susan K.
Neo-Assyrian Treaties and Loyalty Oaths by Watanabe, Kazuko, Parpola, Simo
Nobility and Privilege in Late Imperial Russia by Becker, Seymour
Japan and the World: Essays on Japanese History and Politics by
West Germany: Internal Structures and External Relations: Foreign Policy of the Federal Republic of Germany by Pfetsch, Frank R.
Studies in Ecstatic Kabbalah by Idel, Moshe
The Letters of Margaret Fuller: 1848-1849 by Fuller, Margaret
Deus Destroyed: The Image of Christianity in Early Modern Japan by Elison, George
Europe in the Nineteenth Century by Hearder, Harry
Paris Journal, 1965-70 by Flanner, Janet
Paris Journal, 1944-1955 by Flanner, Janet
Paris Journal, 1956-65 by Flanner, Janet
The Burden of Representation: Essays on Photographies and Histories by Tagg, John
Western Women: Their Land, Their Lives by
Die Bistümer Der Kirchenprovinz Trier. Das Erzbistum Trier 5: Die Stifte St. Severus in Gemünden, St. Maria in Diez Mit Ihren Vorläufern, St. Petrus i by
Responses: On Paul de Man's Wartime Journalism by
'At Duty's Call': A Study in Obsolete Patriotism by Reader, W. J.
1493 - 1815 by
Die zehnte Rede des Lysias by Hillgruber, Michael
A Commentary on the Fourth Pythian Ode of Pindar by Braswell, Bruce K.
The Press and the Origins of the Cold War, 1944-1947 by Liebovich, Louis W.
Slavery: And Other Forms of Unfree Labour by Archer, Leonie
Manhattan Country Doctor by Slocum, Milton J.
Islamic Liberalism: A Critique of Development Ideologies by Binder, Leonard
A World Atlas of Military History, 1861-1945 by Banks, Arthur
Lincoln and the Civil War by Hay, John
Una Traduzione Giudeo-Romanesca del Libro Di Giona by Cuomo, Luisa
Robert Harley: Speaker, Secretary of State and Premier Minister by Hill, Brian W.
Inequality in Africa: Political Elites, Proletariat, Peasants and the Poor by Nafziger, Wayne, Nafziger, E. Wayne
Energy in Physics, War and Peace: A Festschrift Celebrating Edward Teller's 80th Birthday by
Towards a Better Understanding by Norling, Bernard
The Middle East: Ten Years After Camp David by
Working the Waterfront: The Ups and Downs of a Rebel Longshoreman by Mers, Gilbert
The Ancient Mediterranean by Grant, Michael
The Struggle for European Union by Political Parties and Pressure Groups in Western European Countries 1945-1950: (Including 252 Documents in Their Or by
Compendium Maleficarum: The Montague Summers Edition by Guazzo, Francesco Maria
The Carter Implosion: Jimmy Carter and the Amateur Style of Diplomacy by Spencer, Donald S.
Modular America: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on the Emergence of an American Way by Blair, John G.
Central America: Historical Perspectives on the Contemporary Crises by
The Anglo-American Relationship: An Annotated Bibliography of Scholarship, 1945-1985 by Lincove, David A., Treadway, Gary R.
Keepers of Our Past: Local Historical Writing in the United States, 1820s-1930s by Russo, David J.
Enterprise, Management and Innovation in British Business, 1914-80 by Davenport-Hines, R. P. T., Jones, Geoffrey
Ts`ao Yin and the K`ang-Hsi Emperor: Bondservant and Master, Second Edition by Spence, Jonathan D.
Spirituality and Society: Postmodern Visions by
A History of the Jews by Johnson, Paul
British West Indian Slavery, 1750-1834: The Process of Amelioration by Ward, J. R.
Psychology and Historical Interpretation by
The Transport Revolution 1770-1985 by Bagwell, Philip
The Chalice and the Blade by Eisler, Riane
Guiding the Invisible Hand: Economic Liberalism and the State in Latin American History by Love, Joseph, Jacobsen, Nils
Engine of Mischief: An Analytical Biography of Karl Radek by Tuck, Jim
Idols of Perversity: Fantasies of Feminine Evil in Fin-de-Siecle Culture by Dijkstra, Bram
The Fate of Nations: The Search for National Security in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries by Mandelbaum, Michael
German Catholics and Hitler S Wars: Theology by Zahn, Gordon C.
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