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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General World History in 1989

A Raine Miscellany by
Torah and the Chronicler's History Work by Shaver, Judson R.
From Ancient Israel to Modern Judaism: Intellect in Quest of Understanding, Essays in Honor of Marvin Fox, Volume 2 by
Indices by
Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, Band 32, Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens (1989) by
Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, Band 33, Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens (1989) by
Matthew Arnold and the Classical Tradition by Anderson, Warren D.
Diskursivität und Aphoristik by Wanning, Frank
La Genese Sociale de L'Individualisme Romantique: Esquisse Historique de L'Evolution Du Roman En France Du Dix-Huitieme Au Dix-Neuvieme Siecle by Condé, Michel
Deutschland Im 19. Jahrhundert: Entwicklungslinien by Görtemaker, Manfred
Politischer Extremismus in Demokratischen Verfassungsstaaten by Backes, Uwe
A History of the County of Middlesex: Volume IX: Hampstead and Paddington Parishes by
Sturz Und Riss: Über Den Anlaß Zu Architektonischer Subversion by Jonak, Ulf
Nahost: Geschichte Und Struktur Des Konflikts by Schreiber, Friedrich, Wolffsohn, Michael
Profiles of a Rabbi: Synoptic Opportunities in Reading about Jesus by Chilton, Bruce
Die Weistümer Des Klosters St. Matthias in Trier by Hinsberger, Rudolf
Studien Zur Geschichtlichen Bedeutung Des Deutschen Bauernstandes by Blickle, Peter
Adam Ries by Wussing, Hans
The Lure of Peru: Maritime Intrusion Into the South Sea, 1598-1701 by Bradley, Peter T.
The Development of Siberia: People and Resources by Wood, Alan, French, R. A.
Army, State and Society in Italy, 1870-1915 by Suzuki, Yoshitaka
Mickey Mouse Numbers in World History: The Short View by Platt, D. C. M.
The Culture of Reconstruction: European Literature, Thought and Film, 1945-50 by Hewitt, Nicholas
Social Welfare, 1850-1950: Australia, Argentina and Canada Compared by Platt, Desmond Christopher St Martin
The USA and the Middle East Since World War 2 by Fraser, T. G.
A History of the United Nations: Volume 2: The Age of Decolonization, 1955-1965 by Luard, Evan
French Caesarism from Napoleon I to Charles de Gaulle by Thody, Philip
The Political Economy of Argentina, 1946-83 by Di Tella, Guido, Dornbusch, Rudiger
Czechoslovakia: Crossroads and Crises, 1918-88 by
Goethe in Trümmern: Zur Rezeption Eines Klassikers in Der Nachkriegszeit by Meier, Bettina
Die Extreme Rechte in Der Bundesrepublik: Entwicklung -- Ursachen -- Gegenmaβnahmen by
Die Mainzer Republik 3: Die Erste Bürgerlich-Demokratische Republik Auf Deutschem Boden by Scheel, Heinrich
London Viewers and Their Certificates 1508-1558: Certificates of the Sworn Viewers of the City of London by
Two Cartularies of Abingdon Abbey, Vol I by
The Dread Disease: Cancer and Modern American Culture by Patterson, James T.
From Ancient Israel to Modern Judaism: Intellect in Quest of Understanding: Essays in Honor of Marvin Fox, Volume 3 by
Nuclear Power: Both Sides: The Best Arguments for and Against the Most Controversial Technology by Kaku, Michio
Bibliography of the Blackfoot by Dempsey, Hugh A., Moir, Lindsay
A History of the County of Cambridge and the Isle of Ely, Volume IX: Chesterton, Northstowe, and Papworth Hundreds (North and North-West of Cambridge) by Lewis, C. P.
A History of the County of York East Riding: Volume VI: The Borough and Liberties of Beverley by
Paul Cassirer und die Pan-Presse by Caspers, Eva
Alexandri Lycopolitani Contra Manichaei Opiniones Disputatio by Alexander Lycopolitanus
Teil II, Wirtschaft/Landwirtschaft by
Teil II, Wirtschaft/Landwirtschaft by
Teil III, Kultur by
Hungary (from the beginnings to 1988) by
Perspectives on the Holocaust by
The Origins of the Holocaust by
The Nazi Holocaust. Part 3: The Final Solution. Volume 1 by
The Nazi Holocaust. Part 3: The Final Solution. Volume 2 by
The Nazi Holocaust. Part 5: Public Opinion and Relations to the Jews in Nazi Europe. Volume 1 by
The Nazi Holocaust. Part 5: Public Opinion and Relations to the Jews in Nazi Europe. Volume 2 by
The Nazi Holocaust. Part 6: The Victims of the Holocaust. Volume 1 by
The Nazi Holocaust. Part 6: The Victims of the Holocaust. Volume 2 by
The Nazi Holocaust. Part 8: Bystanders to the Holocaust. Volume 1 by
The Nazi Holocaust. Part 8: Bystanders to the Holocaust. Volume 2 by
The Nazi Holocaust. Part 8: Bystanders to the Holocaust. Volume 3 by
The End of the Holocaust by
Historiarum Libri by Cornelius Tacitus
Nation und Literatur im Europa der Frühen Neuzeit by
The Jewish State by Herzl, Theodor
Meadows Of Gold by Masudi
Zionism: The Formative Years by Vital, David
Telling the American Story: A Structural and Cultural Analysis of Conversational Storytelling by Polanyi, Livia
Britain, NATO and Nuclear Weapons: Alternative Defence Versus Alliance Reform by Baylis, John, Booth, Ken
Jahrbuch Für Geschichte. Band 36 by
Wolfgang Strähl Briefe Eines Schweizers Aus Paris, 1835-1836: Neue Dokumente Zur Geschichte Der Frühproletarischen Kultur Und Bewegung by
Anfänge Von Systematischer Anatomie Und Teratologie Im Alten Babylon by Scharf, Joachim-Hermann
Vergleichende Revolutionsgeschichte - Probleme Der Theorie Und Methode by Schilfert, Gerhard, Kossok, Manfred, Markov, Walter
Modernism and the Harlem Renaissance by Baker Jr, Houston A.
The Literature of Destruction: Jewish Responses to Catastrophe by Roskies, David
The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers: Economic Change and Military Conflict from 1500 to 2000 by Kennedy, Paul
Party and Politics, 1830-1852 by Stewart, Robert
Realism and Revolution: Balzac, Stendhal, Zola and the Performances of History by Petrey, Sandy
Great Lakes Shipwrecks & Survivals by Ratigan, William
Last Voyages: Cavendish, Hudson, Ralegh by
The Pursuit of Sodomy: Male Homosexuality in Renaissance and Enlightenment Europe by Gerard, Kent
Origins of Containment: A Psychological Explanation by Larson, Deborah Welch
China: Modernization in the 1980's by Cheng, Joseph Y. S.
Modern India 1885-1947 by Sarkar, Sumit
The Ends of the Earth: Perspectives on Modern Environmental History by
The Ends of the Earth: Perspectives on Modern Environmental History by
Feminism in America: A History by O'Neill, William L.
Netzwerk Weltpolitik: Großmächte, Mittelmächte Und Regionen Und Ihre Außenpolitik Nach Dem Zweiten Weltkrieg by
Bild Und Gegenbild: Die USA in Der Belletristik Der Sbz Und Der DDR (Bis 1987) by Weßel, Daisy
Einstein and the Generations of Science by
The Works of Charles Darwin: Subset by Darwin, Charles
Monks and Monasteries of the Egyptian Desert: Revised Edition by Meinardus, Otto F. a.
The Philosophy of History by Hegel, G. W. F.
The Long Peace: Inquiries Into the History of the Cold War by Gaddis, John Lewis
Mass Communications and the Modern World by Ward, Ken
The Influence of Sea Power on Ancient History by Starr, Chester G.
UNESCO Yearbook on Peace and Conflict Studies 1987 by UNESCO, United Nations Educational Scientific an
The Murkin Conspiracy: An Investigation into the Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by Melanson, Philip
A Retrospective Bibliography of American Demographic History from Colonial Times to 1983 by Gerhan, David R., Wells, Robert
Holland on the Hudson: An Economic and Social History of Dutch New York by Rink, Oliver A.
The Jews of Warsaw, 1939-1943: Ghetto, Underground, Revolt by Gutman, Yisrael
Dictionary of American History by Martin, Michael, Gelber, Leonard
The Origin and Prevention of Major Wars by
Anglo-Scandinavian England: Norse-English Relations in the Period Before Conquest Old English Colloquium Series, No. 4 by Niles, John D., Amodio, Mark
The Origins of Field Theory by Williams, Pearce L.
The Making of the Second World War by Adamthwaite, Anthony P.
Our Man in Moscow: A Diplomat's Reflections on the Soviet Union by Ford, Robert
The New Cultural History: Volume 6 by
The Corporation and the Indian: Tribal Sovereignty in Indian Territory, 1865-1907 by Miner, H. Craig
Women and Welfare: Ten Victorian Women in Public Social Service by Parker, Julia
Women and Welfare: Ten Victorian Women in Public Social Service by Parker, Julia
Captain Kidd and the War Against the Pirates by Ritchie, Robert C.
The Seven Day Circle: The History and Meaning of the Week by Zerubavel, Eviatar
The Social History of Rome by Alföldy, Géza
Europe 1780 - 1830 by Ford, Franklin L.
Evangelische Kirche und Entnazifizierung 1945-1949 by Vollnhals, Clemens
Lawrence of Arabia by Hart, B. H. Liddell, Liddell Hart, Basil Henry
Empire and Emancipation: Power and Liberation on a World Scale by Pieterse, Jan Nederveen
The Seventeenth Century: The Intellectual and Cultural Context of English Literature, 1603-1700 by Parry, Graham
Thomas Percy by Davis, Bertram H.
Edmonson Co, KY: Family Histories 1825-1989 by
The Compromising of Louis XVI: The Armoire de Fer and the French Revolution by
French Revolution by Kropotkin, Peter
French Revolution by Kropotkin, Peter
May '68: Coming of Age by
Forty Years a Fur Trader on the Upper Missouri: The Personal Narrative of Charles Larpenteur, 1833-1872 by Larpenteur, Charles, Quaife, Milo Milton
The American Search for Mideast Peace by Tschirgi, Dan, Tschirgi, Daniel, Tschirgi, Robert Daniel
Plenty and Want: A Social History of Food in England from 1815 to the Present Day by Burnett, Proffessor John, Burnett, John
Soviet Non-Capitalist Development: The Case of Nasser's Egypt by Hossein-Zadeh, Ismael, Hosseinzadeh, Esmael, Hosseinzadeh, Esmail
Production Power and World Order: Social Forces in the Making of History by Cox, Robert
History, Labour, and Freedom: Themes from Marx by Cohen, G. A.
The Age of Empire: 1875-1914 by Hobsbawm, Eric
Europe in the Seventeenth Century by Pennington, Donald
The Urbanists, 1865-1915 by White, Dana F.
The Sinews of Power: War, Money and the English State 1688-1783 by Brewer, John
The Cambridge History of Japan by
The New Historicism by
The Works of William Harvey by Harvey, William
The Crusades Through Arab Eyes by Maalouf, Amin
The Philosophy of Thomas Reid by
One Hundred Years of Chemical Engineering: From Lewis M. Norton (M.I.T. 1888) to Present by
The Jews in Their Land in the Talmudic Age: 70-640 CE by Alon, Gedaliah
The Culture We Deserve by Barzun, Jacques
Journal of My Life by Ménétra, Jacques-Louis
The Southern Frontiers, 1607-1860: The Agricultural Evolution of the Colonial and Antebellum South by Otto, John
Vico Revisited: Orthodoxy, Naturalism and Science in the Scienza Nuova by Bedani, Gino
Deity and Domination: Images of God and the State in the 19th and 20th Centuries by Nicholls, David
Progressivism at Risk: Electing a President in 1912 by Broderick, Francis L.
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 25: The End of Expansion: The Caliphate of Hishām A.D. 724-738/A.H. 105-120 by
Discos and Democracy: China in the Throes of Reform by Schell, Orville
A Guide to the History of California by Lothrop, Gloria, Nunis, Doyce
Binah: Volume I; Studies in Jewish History by Dan, Joseph
Guide to Historical Resources in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo by Macnaughton, Elizabeth, Wagner, Pat
The First Imperial Age: European Overseas Expansion 1500-1715 by Scammell, Geoffrey V.
The Making of the Last Prophet by Newby, Gordon Darnell
Trauma and Rebirth: Intergenerational Effects of the Holocaust by Weinfeld, Morton, Sigal, John J.
How Britain's Economic, Political, and Military Weakness Forced Canada Into the Arms of the United States: The 1988 Joanne Goodman Lectures by Granatstein, J. L.
At a Century's Ending: Reflections, 1982-1995 by Kennan, George Frost
Landscape and Townscape in the South West by
The Discoverie of Witchcraft by Scot, Reginald
Imperial Meridian: The British Empire and the World 1780-1830 by Bayly, C. a.
Binah: Volume II; Studies in Jewish Thought by
Binah: Volume I; Studies in Jewish History by
Sources in European Political History: Volume 2: Diplomacy and International Affairs by Cook, Chris
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 30: The ʿAbbāsid Caliphate in Equilibrium: The Caliphates of Mūsā al-Hādī and H by
Fabulous 50's at Wku by
Fabulous 50's at Wku by
The Popular Front in Europe by
A History of Venice by Norwich, John Julius
The New Deal and Its Legacy: Critique and Reappraisal by
Peasants, Politicians and Producers: The Organisation of Agriculture in France Since 1918 by Cleary, Mark C., Mark C., Cleary, Cleary, M. C.
Squatter Citizen: Life in the Urban Third World by Hardoy, Jorge E., Satterthwaite, David
Pillar of the Constitution: The House of Lords in British Politics, 1640-1784 by Jones, Clyve
Carmina Epigraphica Graeca Saeculi IV A. Chr. N. (Ceg 2) by
Secrets from the Center of the World: Volume 17 by Harjo, Joy
Thukydides-Interpretationen by Erbse, Hartmut
Erste Gründe Der Gesammten Weltweisheit (Variantenverzeichnis) by Gottsched, Johann Christoph
A History of the United Nations: Volume 2: The Age of Decolonization, 1955-1965 by Luard, Evan
Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland Und Der Namibia-Konflikt by Brenke, Gabriele
Japans neue Entwicklungspolitik by May, Bernhard
Soviet History in the Gorbachev Revolution by Davies, R. W.
Betting on Ideas: Wars, Invention, Inflation by Brenner, Reuven
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 24: The Empire in Transition: The Caliphates of Sulaymān, ʿUmar and Yazīd A.D. 715-724/A.H. 97 by
The Urban South: A Bibliography by Brown, Catherine L.
Studies in Contemporary Jewry: Volume V: Israel: State and Society, 1948-1988 by
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 20: The Collapse of Sufyānid Authority and the Coming of the Marwānids: The Caliphates of Muʿ& by
History Through the Eyes of Faith: Christian College Coalition Series by Wells, Ronald A.
Soviet Regional Elite Mobility After Khruschev by Clark, William a., Clark, Wiliam
Ariadne S Thread: The Search for New Modes of Thinking by Clark, Mary E.
Industrialisation in the Non-Western World by Kemp, Tom
Ariadne's Thread: The Search for New Modes of Thinking by Clark, Mary E.
Ariadne's Thread: The Search for New Modes of Thinking by Clark, Mary E.
The Economics of the Industrial Revolution by
The Final Prophecies of Nostradamus by Cheetham, Erika
The Road to Modern Jewish Politics: Political Tradition and Political Reconstruction in the Jewish Community of Tsarist Russia by Lederhendler, Eli
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 13: The Conquest of Iraq, Southwestern Persia, and Egypt: The Middle Years of ʿUmar's Caliphate A.D. 636 by
Clarendon: Politics, History, and Religion, 1640-1660 by Wormald, B. H. G.
Thomas Reid and 'The Way of Ideas' by Gallie, R. D.
From Front Porch to Back Seat: Courtship in Twentieth-Century America by Bailey, Beth L.
Ambition: The Secret Passion by Epstein, Joseph
Fürstliche Territorialhoheit und lokale Adelsgewalt by Hahn, Peter-Michael
A History of the American Revolution by Alden, John R.
Cities and Towns in American History: A Bibliography of Doctoral Dissertations by Young, Arthur P.
Colonial Identity in the Atlantic World, 1500-1800 by
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