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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General World History in 1991

All's Well That Ends Well (Large Print Edition) by Shakespeare, William
Justice in Eighteenth-Century Hackney: The Justicing Notebook of Henry Norris and the Hackney Petty Sessions Book by Paley, Ruth
The Studia Philonica Annual, III, 1991: Heirs of the Septuagint: Philo, Hellenistic Judaism and Early Christianity (Festschrift for Earle Hilgert) by
Town Planning in Britain Since 1900: The Rise and Fall of the Planning Ideal by Cherry, Gordon E.
From Luddism to the First Reform Bill: Reform in England 1810-1832 by Dinwiddy, J. R.
Rousseau, Kant, Goethe by Cassirer, Ernst
Chile and the United States by Sater, William F.
Sachregister Zu Den Verhandlungen Des Deutschen Bundestages 11. Wahlperiode (1987-1991) Und Zu Den Verhandlungen Des Bundesrates (1987-1990) by
Search for Security: Saudi Arabian Oil and American Foreign Policy by Miller, Aaron David
Die Romanliteratur Der DDR: Erzähltechniken, Leserlenkung, Kulturpolitik by Schregel, Friedrich-Hermann
Daretis Phrygii de Excidio Troiae Historia by Dares Phrygius
Francisci Enzinatis Burgensis Historia de Statu Belgico Deque Religione Hispanica by Enzinas, Francisco De
Vitae cum fragmentis by Nepos, Cornelius
Inventar archivalischer Quellen des NS-Staates, Teil 1, Reichszentralbehörden, regionale Behörden und wissenschaftliche Hochschulen für die zehn westd by
Politik, Kultur Und Gesellschaft in Kroatien Und Slawonien in Der Ersten Hälfte Des 19. Jahrhunderts: Historiographie Und Grundlagen by Kessler, Wolfgang
Die Huldigung Der Untertanen: Rechtskultur Und Herrschaftsordnung (800-1800) by Holenstein, André
Wörterbücher / Dictionaries / Dictionnaires. 2. Teilband by
Religion in History by Troeltsch, Ernst, Bense, Walter F.
Die Privatrechtswissenschaft im 19. Jahrhundert in Europa by Coing, Helmut
Kölner Papyri: P. Köln by Universität Zu Köln, Gronewald, Michael, Maresch, Klaus
Finland's Search for Security Through Defence, 1944-89 by Penttila, Risto E. J.
Science, Medicine and Cultural Imperialism by
Laos: Beyond the Revolution by
Us Foreign Policy in the 1990s by Schmergel, Greg
Intervention at Abadan: Plan Buccaneer by Cable, James
Anglo-American Relations in the 1920s: The Struggle for Supremacy by McKercher, B. J. C.
Historical Tables 58 BC - AD 1990 by Steinberg, S. H.
China in the International System, 1918-20: The Middle Kingdom at the Periphery by Yongjin, Zhang
The French Communist Party and the Algerian War by Joly, Daniele
American Studies: Essays in Honour of Marcus Cunliffe by White, John, Reid, Brian Holden
Czechoslovakia 1918-88: Seventy Years from Independence by
Socialism Without the State by Luard, E.
Deutsche Schriftsteller Im Banne Der Novemberrevolution 1918: Bernhard Kellermann, Lion Feuchtwanger, Ernst Toller, Erich Mühsam, Franz Jung by Choluj, Bożena
Russian Seapower and 'The Eastern Question' 1827-41 by Daly, John C. K.
A Concise History of the Modern World: 1500 to the Present by Woodruff, William
The Jews of the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic by Shaw, Stanford J.
Hoffnungswerte: Ungeregelte Ansprüche Aus Wertpapieremissionen VOR 1945 Und Ihre Entschädigung Nach Der Wiedervereinigung by Glasemann, Hans-Georg, Korsch, Ingo
'Erinnerung Ist Unsere Aufgabe': Über Literatur, Moral Und Politik 1945-1990 by Vogt, Jochen
Venice, Austria, and the Turks in the 17th Century: Memoirs, American Philosophical Society (Vol. 192) by Setton, Kenneth M.
Milestones in Western Civilization: Selected Readings, The Renaissance through Waterloo by Mickelson-Gaughan, Joan
A Select Bibliography of British and Irish University Theses about Maritime History, 1792-1990 by
Nourish the People: The State Civilian Granary System in China, 1650-1850 Volume 60 by Wong, R. Bin, Will, Pierre-Etienne, Wong, R.
Two Cartularies of Abingdon Abbey, Vol II by Slade, C. F.
Columbus: His Enterprise by Koning, Hans
Curtain Calls: British and American Women and the Theater, 1660-1820 by Schofield, Mary Anne
Paul Lafargue and the Founding of French Marxism, 1842-1882 by Derfler, Leslie
The Story of Philosophy: The Lives and Opinions of the Greater Philosophers by Durant, Will
On Becoming Responsible by Pritchard, Michael S.
Transvestites: The Erotic Drive to Cross Dress by Hirschfeld, Magnus
Unity And Variety: A History of the Church in Devon and Cornwall by
Catilina. Iugurtha. Fragmenta Ampliora by Sallustius Crispus, Gaius
Grundlage des Naturrechts nach Prinzipien der Wissenschaftslehre (1796) by Fichte, Johann G.
Die Mechanisierung der deutschen Buchbinderei 1850-1900 by Biesalski, Ernst-Peter
NS-Pressepolitik im Zweiten Weltkrieg by Kohlmann-Viand, Doris Heidi
Zweihundert Jahre Homer-Forschung: Rückblick Und Ausblick by
Die singulären Iterata der Ilias by Blössner, Norbert
1990 by
A History of Wiltshire: Volume XIV: Malmesbury Hundred by
Juana Inés de la Cruz and the Theology of Beauty: The First Mexican Theology by Tavard, George H.
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 19: The Caliphate of Yazīd b. Muʿāwiyah A.D. 680-683/A.H. 60-64 by
The French Reformation by Greengrass, Mark
The Russian Revolution 1917-1921: History Association Studies by Williams, Beryl
Genius: The History of an Idea by Murray, Penelope
Occupied France: Collaboration and Resistance 1940-1944 by Kedward, Roderick
History of the Family by Casey, James
Culture and Belief in Europe 1450 - 1600: An Anthology of Sources by O'Day, Rosemary, Englander, David, Norman, Diana
The Blackwell Dictionary of Historians by
The Origins of English Individualism: The Family, Property and Social Transition by MacFarlane, Alan
The Unwritten Law: Criminal Justice in Victorian Kent by Conley, Carolyn A.
Die Persische Gesellschaft Unter Nasiru 'd-Din Sah (1848-1896) by Migeod, Heinz-Georg
Idylle Oder Aufbruch?: Das Dorf Im Bürgerlichen 19. Jahrhundert. Ein Europäischer Vergleich by
Dream Worlds: Mass Consumption in Late Nineteenth-Century France by Williams, Rosalind H.
Die Französische Revolution Von 1789. Studien Zur Geschichte Und Zu Ihren Wirkungen: Walter Markov ... Zum 80. Geburtstag Am 5. Oktober 1989 Gewidmet by
Sprache in Der Sozialen Und Kulturellen Entwicklung: Beiträge Eines Kolloquiums Zu Ehren Von Theodor Frings (1886-1968) by
Durch Die USA Und Canada Im Jahre 1887 by Lewin, Louis
Revolutions and History by Parker, Noel
The German Reformation: The Essential Readings by
Bismarck. Second Edition by Waller, Bruce
A Guide to the History of Illinois by
Origins of the Kabbalah by Scholem, Gershom Gerhard
China and Europe: Images and Influences in Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries by Lee, Thomas
Smoke and Fire: The Chinese in Montreal by Bun, Chan Kwok
The Death of Luigi Trastulli and Other Stories: Form and Meaning in Oral History by Portelli, Alessandro
Civilization Before Greece and Rome by Saggs, H. W. F.
Mexican Americans: Leadership, Ideology, and Identity, 1930-1960 by García, Mario T.
The People's Peace: British History 1945-1989 by Morgan, Kenneth O.
Moscow and the Middle East: Soviet Policy Since the Invasion of Afghanistan by Robert O., Freedman, Freedman, Robert O.
Fin de Siècle and Its Legacy by
The Essential Calhoun by Wilson, Clyde N.
Fascism and the Working Class in Austria, 1918-1934 by Lewis, G. A.
We the People: The Economic Origins of the Constitution by McDonald, Forrest
Toward a New Enlightenment: Philosophy of Paul Kurtz by
War Crimes and Laws of War by Wells, David a.
Bureaucrats and Beggars: French Social Policy in the Age of the Enlightenment by Adams, Thomas McStay
The Last Romantic: Life of Max Eastman by
Die Ursachen Des Umbruchs 1989: Politische Sozialisation in Der Ehemaligen DDR by
A Short History of the Labour Party by Pelling, Henry
Jews and the German State: The Political History of a Minority, 1848-1933 by Pulzer, Peter
Time, Narrative, and History by Carr, David
A Faith for All Seasons: Islam and the Challenge of the Modern World by Akhtar, Shabbir
Roots of Strategy: Book 3 by
Old Indian Days by Eastman, Charles A.
Unruhige Zeiten by
Brown Co, in: Histories and Families, 1836-1990 by Birney Bailey, Dorothy
The First Steps in Algebra by Wentworth, G. A.
The First Steps in Algebra by Wentworth, G. A.
Censorship: The Knot That Binds Power and Knowledge by Jansen, Sue Curry
Justice in Our Time: The Japanese Canadian Redress Settlement by Kobayashi, Cassandra, Miki, Roy
Political Romanticism by Schmitt, Carl
Before European Hegemony: The World System A.D. 1250-1350 by Abu-Lughod, Janet L.
The Making of Haiti: The Saint Domingue Revolution from Below by Fick, Carolyn E.
The Jewish Response to German Culture: From the Enlightenment to the Second World War by Reinharz, Jehuda
Canaanites and Their Land: The Tradition of the Canaanites by Lemche, Niels Peter
Mystical Prayer in Ancient Judaism: An Analysis of Ma'aseh Merkavah by Swartz, Michael D.
Sexual Science: The Victorian Constuction of Womanhood by Russett, Cynthia
Presidential Power and the Modern Presidents: The Politics of Leadership from Roosevelt to Reagan by Neustadt, Richard E.
The Mind Has No Sex?: Women in the Origins of Modern Science by Schiebinger, Londa
The Wars of German Unification 1864 - 1871 by Carr, William, Hearder, Harry
City At The Point: Essays on the Social History of Pittsburgh by Hays, Samuel
The Social System by Parsons, Talcott
History of Universities: 1990 by
The Poetical Works of Robert Browning: Volume IV: Bells and Pomegranates VII-VIII (Dramatic Romances and Lyrics, Luria, a Soul's Tragedy) and Christma by Browning, Robert
Unwelcome Strangers: East European Jews in Imperial Germany by Wertheimer, Jack
Boundaries: The Making of France and Spain in the Pyrenees by Sahlins, Peter
Athenian Myths and Institutions: Words in Action by Tyrrell, William Blake, Tyrrell, Wm Blake, Brown, Frieda S.
Lady Windermere's Fan by Wilde, Oscar
Birds in the Bush by Torrey, Bradford
The Invisible Weapon: Telecommunications and International Politics, 1851-1945 by Headrick, Daniel R.
Nightmare in Red: The McCarthy Era in Perspective by Fried, Richard M.
Mind-Body: A Pluralistic Interpretation of Mind-Body Interaction Under the Guidelines of Time, Space, and Movement by Moulyn, Adrian C.
The Reunification of China: PRC-Taiwan Relations in Flux by Lee, Lai To
Presidency of T. Roosevelt by Gould, Lewis L.
Force Recon Diary, 1969: Force Recon Diary, 1969: The Riveting, True-to-Life Account of Survival and Death in One of the Most Highly Skilled Un by Norton, Bruce H.
Czechoslovakia (from the beginnings to 1989) by
Contingencies of Value: Alternative Perspectives for Critical Theory by Smith, Barbara Herrnstein
Beiträge Zum Vierten Internationalen Symposion Trier 28. Februar Bis 2. März 1988 by
The Ruins of Empires by Volney, Constantine Francis
The German Communists and the Rise of Nazism by Fischer, C.
The Future of the Past by Woodward, C. Vann
Wine and the Vine: An Historical Geography of Viticulture and the Wine Trade by Unwin, Tim
Brief by Nickisch, Reinhard M.
Abraham Gotthelf Kästner, Aufklärer: (1719-1800) by Baasner, Rainer
Kriegsgefangenschaft: Berichte Über Das Leben in Gefangenenlagern Der Alliierten by Engelbert, Otto
Handbuch politisch-sozialer Grundbegriffe in Frankreich 1680-1820, Heft 11, Utopie, Utopiste by Funke, Hans-Günter
Landgemeinde Und Stadtgemeinde in Mitteleuropa by
Enemy in Our Midst: Germans in Britain During the First World War by Panayi, Panikos
The Rise and Fall of Democracy in Early America, 1630-1789: The Legacy for Contemporary Politics by Miller, Joshua
The Huguenots and French Opinion, 1685-1787: The Enlightenment Debate on Toleration by Adams, Geoffrey
Pioneer Urbanites: A Social and Cultural History of Black San Francisco by Daniels, Douglas Henry
In Search of the Indo-Europeans by Mallory, J. P.
Reshaping Rural England: A Social History 1850-1925 by Howkins, Alun
A Social History of England 1851-1990 by Bedarida, Francois
Australia, New Zealand, and the United States: Internal Change and Alliance Relations in the Anzus States by
History and Strategy by Trachtenberg, Marc
China Statistical Yearbook 1990 by State Statistical Bureau Peoples Republ, State Statistical Bureau Peoples Republi
The University and the City: From Medieval Origins to the Present by
Discovering the Roman Family: Studies in Roman Social History by Bradley, Keith R., Bradley, K. R.
Europe, America, and the Wider World by Parker, William N.
Social Sciences and Modern States: National Experiences and Theoretical Crossroads by
Europe, America, and the Wider World: Volume 2, America and the Wider World: Essays on the Economic History of Western Capitalism by Parker, William N.
In Search of America: Transatlantic Essays, 1951-1990 by Palmer, Phyllis, Cunliffe, Marcus
Railway Imperialism by Robinson, Ronald E.
Die Standesordnungen Der Freien Berufe: Geschichtliche Entwicklung, Funktionen, Stellung Im Rechtssystem by Taupitz, Jochen
Law, Gender, and Injustice: A Legal History of U.S. Women by Hoff, Joan
James J. Hill and the Opening of the Northwest by Martin, Albro
Between Two Fires: Europe's Path in the 1930s by Large, David Clay
The Theory of the Relativity of Motion by Tolman, Richard C.
The Theory of the Relativity of Motion by Tolman, Richard C.
Dominoes & Bandwagons: Strategic Beliefs and Great Power Competition in the Eurasian Rimland by
Society and Economy in Modern Britain 1700-1850 by Brown, Richard
The Battle of the Books: Ten Forgotten Socratic Dialogues by Levine, Joseph M.
Thomas Reid on Freedom and Morality by Rowe, William L.
Apples on the Flood: Minority Discourse and Appalachia by Cunningham, Rodger
Bonds of Community: Literary Texts and Political Models by Osterud, Nancy Grey
Free Women of Spain by Ackelsberg, Martha A.
Women's Words: The Feminist Practice of Oral History by
Horrible Prettiness: Burlesque and American Culture by Allen, Robert
Journalists for Empire: The Imperial Debate in the Edwardian Stately Press, 1903-1913 by Startt, James D.
The French Revolution in Culture and Society by Andrews, Norwood
The Dependent Empire and Ireland, 1840-1900: Advance and Retreat in Representative Self-Government Select Documents on the Constitutional History of T by
Music and Musicians in Early Nineteenth-Century Cornwall: The World of Joseph Emidy - Slave, Violinist and Composer by McGrady, Richard
Kemet and Other Ancient African Civilizations: Selected References by Gordon, Vivian
Of Walls and Bridges: The United States & Eastern Europe by
Aeschylus: Choephori by Aeschylus
Propertius: Elegies III by Propertius
Res Publica: Roman Politics and Society According to Cicero by
Roman Provincial Administration by Richardson, J.
Julio-Claudian Emperors by Wiedemann, Thomas E. J.
Propertius: Elegies II by Propertius
Good Wives: Image and Reality in the Lives of Women in Northern New England, 1650-1750 by Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher
Cannibals and Kings: Origins of Cultures by Harris, Marvin
The See of Peter by Shotwell, James T., Loomis, Louis
The See of Peter by Shotwell, James T., Loomis, Louis
Medizin Und Gesundheitspolitik in Der Ns-Zeit by
Altständisches Bürgertum zwischen Beharrung und Wandel by Hahn, Hans-Werner
25. Januar 1853 Bis 8. August 1854 by
"Leichtfertigkeit" und ländliche Gesellschaft by Breit, Stefan
Die Kenntnis beider "Indien" im frühneuzeitlichen Europa by
Jews and Messianism in the Modern Era: Metaphor and Meaning by
The English Urban Renaissance: Culture and Society in the Provincial Town 1660-1770 by Borsay, Peter
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