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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General World History in 1992

Freedom and Determination by Ferraro, Joseph
A History of the County of Somerset: Volume VI: Andersfield, Cannington, and North Petherton Hundreds (Bridgwater and Neighbouring Parishes) by
An Old Norse Biblical Compilation: Studies in Stjorn by Astas, Reider
Peter Simon Pallas (1741-1811): Materialien Einer Biographie by Wendland, Folkwart
Walking Tcu: A Historic Perspective by Swaim, Joan
Understanding History: An Introduction to Analytical Philosophy of History by Gorman, Jonathan
Sanctuary Denied: Refugees from the Third Reich and Newfoundland Immigration Policy 1906-1949 by Bassler, Gerhard P.
Ethics of Liberal Democracy by Churchill, Robert P.
Inflation and the Merchant Economy by Lyth, Peter J.
A Class Society at War by Waites, Bernard
Achaemenid Imperial Administration in Syria-Palestine & the Missions of Ezra & Nehemiah by Hoglund, Kenneth G.
Nato: The Founding of the Atlantic Alliance and the Integration of Europe by Heller, Francis H., Gillingham, John R.
Essential Papers on Jewish Culture in Renaissance and Baroque Italy by
Evangelista's Libro de Cetrería: A Fifteenth-Century Satire of Falconry Books by
Mumford, Tate, Eiseley: Watchers in the Night by Carrithers, Gale H.
Europäische Aufklärung(en) by
Gender and Text in Modern Hebrew & Yiddish Literature by
Paris: Architektur Zwischen Purismus Und Beaux-Arts 1919-1939 by
Hesiodi Carmina by Hesiodus
De astronomia by Hyginus
Luciani Vitarum Auctio. Piscator by Lucianus
Laser Weapons: The Dawn of a New Military Age by Anderberg, Bengt, Wolbarsht, Myron L.
Notdürftiger Unterhalt Und Gehörige Schranken by Maisch, Andreas
Wiener Lieder Zu Philosophie Und Ökonomie by Kaufmann, Felix
Kooperation Und Abgrenzung: Zur Dynamik Von Intergruppen-Beziehungen in Kooperationssituationen by Beck, Dieter
Merchants of the Raj: British Managing Agency Houses in Calcutta Yesterday and Today by Jones, Stephanie
Russian Peasants and Tsarist Legislation on the Eve of Reform: Interaction Between Peasants and Officialdom, 1825-1855 by Moon, David
South Africa, the Colonial Powers and 'African Defence': The Rise and Fall of the White Entente, 1948-60 by Berridge, G.
The Czech and Slovak Experience: Selected Papers from the Fourth World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies, Harrogate, 1990 by
Economy and Society in Russia and the Soviet Union, 1860-1930: Essays for Olga Crisp by
Ukraine: From Chernobyl' to Sovereignty: A Collection of Interviews by
Conflict and Amity in East Asia: Essays in Honour of Ian Nish by
The Presidency in Mexican Politics by Philip, George D. E.
Salt and Civilization by Adshead, S. A. M.
Health, Disease and Healing in Medieval Culture by
The Balance of Power: The System of International Relations, 1648-1815 by Luard, Evan
The Portuguese Columbus: Secret Agent of King John II by Barreto, Maxcarenhas, Brown, Reginald A.
Wyndham Lewis and Western Man by Ayers, David
Direkte Steuerprogression: Geschichtliche Entwicklung Und Kritische Würdigung Ihrer Begründungen by Lieb, Ralf
Vom Stand Zum Amt: Der Materielle Und Soziale Emanzipationsprozeß Der Elementarlehrer in Preußen by Deppisch, Herbert, Meisinger, Walter
The Shattered Crystal Ball: Fear and Learning in the Cuban Missile Crisis by Blight, James G.
Dangerous Encounters: Meanings of Violence in a Brazilian City by Linger, Daniel Touro
From Wheel House to Counting House: Essays in Maritime Business History in Honour of Professor Peter Neville Davies by
People of the Northern Seas by
Story of Psychic Science by Carrington, Hereward
Kikyo: Coming Home to Powell Street by Wakayama, Tamio
Freedom and Determination by Ferraro, Joseph
Columbus: His Enterprise: Exploding the Myth by Koning, Hans
Nurturing Neighborhood: The Brownsville Boys' Club and Jewish Community in Urban America, 1940-1990 by Sorin, Gerald
Juli 1926 - Juli 1927 by
Die Institutio Traiani: Ein Pseudo-Plutarchischer Text Im Mittelalter. Text - Kommentar - Zeitgenössischer Hintergrund by Kerner, Maximilian, Kloft, Hans
Prinzipienfindung bei Aristoteles by Pietsch, Christian
Französische Revolution und deutsche Öffentlichkeit by
Ciceros Rede Pro Rabirio Postumo by Klodt, Claudia
Definition und Schilderung in Theophrasts Charakteren by Stein, Markus
Annales Libri I-VI by Cornelius Tacitus
Education in Georgia: Charlayne Hunter, Hamilton Holmes, and the Integration of the University of Georgia by Trillin, Calvin
The Rise of the West: A History of the Human Community by McNeill, William H.
Essays in Scotch-Irish History by
The Houses of Key West by Caemmerer, Alex
By Any Means Necessary by Malcolm X
February 1965: The Final Speeches by Malcolm X.
Aspirations and Anxieties: New England Workers and the Mechanized Factory System, 1815-1850 by Zonderman, David A.
Railroads Triumphant: The Growth, Rejection, and Rebirth of a Vital American Force by Martin, Albro
Inventing India: A History of India in English-Language Fiction by Crane, R.
Die Bauten Von Hadim Sulaiman Pascha (1468-1548) Nach Seinen Urkunden Im Ministerium Für Fromme Stiftungen in Kairo by El-Masry, Ahmed M.
Von Kairo Nach Mekka: Sozial- Und Wirtschaftsgeschichte Der Pilgerfahrt Nach Den Berichten Des Ibrahim Rif'at Basa: Mir'at Al- Haramain by Stratkötter, Rita
Les Mouvements Révolutionnaires Et La Constitution de 1906 En Iran by Shafiei-Nasab, Djafar
The Trial of Woman: Feminism and the Occult Sciences in Victorian Literature and Society by Basham, D.
Byzanz Im 8. Jahrhundert in Der Sicht Des Theophanes: Quellenkritisch-Historischer Kommentar Zu Den Jahren 715-813 by Rochow, Ilse
Columbus and the Ends of the Earth: Europe's Prophetic Rhetoric as Conquering Ideology by Kadir, Djelal
Occupation: The Policies and Practices of Military Conquerors by Carlton, Eric
Social Orders and Social Classes in Europe Since 1500: Studies in Social Stratification by Bush, M. L.
Health, Disease and Healing in Medieval Culture by
Decentralization in Latin America: An Evaluation by
Die Bilanz der Moderne by Lublinski, Samuel
Barbot on Guinea: Volume I by Jones, Adam, Hair, P. E. H.
Love of Glory and the Common Good: Aspects of the Political Thought of Thucydides by Palmer, Michael
Understanding Peasant China: Case Studies in the Philosophy of Social Science by Little, Daniel
Age of Atonement: The Influence of Evangelicalism on Social and Economic Thought, 1785-1865 by Hilton, Boyd
Spain and Central America: Democracy and Foreign Policy by Rosenberg, Robin L.
The Pulse of Politics: Electing Presidents in the Media Age by Barber, James David
Vom Alten Zum Neuen Bürgertum: Die Mitteleuropäische Stadt Im Umbruch 1780-1820 by
The Great Wall of China: From History to Myth by Waldron, Arthur
Philosophy, Science, and Religion in England 1640 1700 by
Revolution in Russia: Reassessments of 1917 by
France's Overseas Frontier by Aldrich, Robert
The Eclipse of Darwinism: Anti-Darwinian Evolution Theories in the Decades Around 1900 by Bowler, Peter J.
The Cherokees: A Population History by Thornton, Russell
Making of a Southerner by Lumpkin, Katharine Du Pre
Historicism, the Holocaust, and Zionism: Critical Studies in Modern Jewish History and Thought by Katz, Steven T.
Growing Up Black: From Slave Days to the Present: 25 African-Americans Reveal the Trials and Triumphs of Their Childhoods by
The Protestant Reformation in Europe by Johnston, Andrew
Shah of Shahs by Kapuscinski, Ryszard
Pathos und Politik by Lowry, Stephen
In the Shadow of History: Jews and Conversos at the Dawn of Modernity by Faur, Jose
Conflict and Amity by
Slave and Citizen: The Classic Comparative Study of Race Relations in the Americas by Tannenbaum, Frank
Josefo: Los Escritos Esenciales by Maier, Paul L.
Vancouver: A Visual History by MacDonald, Bruce
Anarchist Thinkers and Thought: An Annotated Bibliography by Nursey-Bray, Paul F.
Contesting Power: Everyday Resistance in South Asian Society & History by
Sentinel for Health: A History of the Centers for Disease Control by Etheridge, Elizabeth W.
The Collected Novels and Memoirs of William Godwin Vol 2 by Philp, Mark, Clemit, Pamela, Hindle, Maurice
The Allegory of Female Authority: Christine de Pizan's Cité Des Dames by Quilligan, Maureen
The Allegory of Female Authority: Christine de Pizan's Cité Des Dames by Quilligan, Maureen
The Balance of Power: The System of International Relations, 1648 1815 by Luard, Evan
Medicine in Society: Historical Essays by
The Legacy: The Vietnam War in the American Imagination by
The Non-Darwinian Revolution: Reinterpreting a Historical Myth by Bowler, Peter J.
Stedman's Surinam: Life in an Eighteenth-Century Slave Society. an Abridged, Modernized Edition of Narrative of a Five Years Expedition A by Stedman, John Gabriel
Die Rechtsprechung Des Reichsgerichts in Strafsachen Zwischen 1933 Und 1945 Und Ihre Fortwirkung in Der Rechtsprechung Des Bundesgerichtshofes by Pauli, Gerhard
Bolsheviks and British Jews: The Anglo-Jewish Community, Britain and the Russian Revolution by Kadish, Sharman
The Correspondence of Walter Benjamin and Gershom Scholem, 1932-1940 by
Bedouin Life in the Egyptian Wilderness by Hobbs, Joseph J.
Plough, Sword, and Book: The Structure of Human History by Gellner, Ernest
Religion in History / La Religion Dans l'Histoire: The Word, the Idea, the Reality / Le Mot, l'Idée, La Realité by
Chronical of the Table: For a Historical Gastronomy / Chronique de Platine: Pour une gastronomie historique by Flandrin, Jean-Louis
Family and Kinship in East London by Young, Michael W., Willmott, Peter
7 Men Who Rule the World from the Grave by Breese, Dave
Afghanistan Under Soviet Domination, 1964-91 by Hyman, Anthony
Afghanistan Under Soviet Domination, 1964-91 by Hyman, Anthony
Die Brentano: Eine Europäische Familie by
Ukrainian Literature in the Twentieth Century: A Reader's Guide by Luckyj, George
Historical Dictionary of Revolutionary China, 1839-1976 by Leung, Edwin
Historical Dictionary of the French Fourth and Fifth Republics, 1946-1991 by Northcutt, M. Wayne
A History of Knowledge: Past, Present, and Future by Van Doren, Charles
Rural Process-Pattern Relationships: Nomadization, Sedentarization, and Settlement Fixation by Grossman, David
Medieval Literary Theory and Criticism C.1100--C.1375: The Commentary-Tradition by
Iran After Khomeini by Hunter, Shireen
Evangelical Protestantism in Ulster Society 1740-1890 by Hampton, David, Hull, Myrtle
Hirohito: The Emperor and the Man by Hoyt, Edwin
Wiedergutmachung by Goschler, Constantin
Die Deutschen Sozialdemokraten Und Das Sowjetische Modell: Ideologische Auseinandersetzungen Und Außenpolitische Konzeptionen 1917-1933 by Zarusky, Jürgen
Die Deutsche Wirtschaft Im 16. Jahrhundert by Mathis, Franz
Regierungsakten Des Königreichs Westphalen 1807-1813 by
Der Französische Revolutionskalender (1792-1805): Planung, Durchführung Und Scheitern Einer Politischen Zeitrechnung by Meinzer, Michael
Eigentum in der Französischen Revolution by Botsch, Elisabeth
Machtverfall und Machtbewusstsein by Ebersold, Bernd
Eherecht und Familiengut in Antike und Mittelalter by
Konfessionalisierung Im 16. Jahrhundert by Schmidt, Heinrich R.
Workers' Culture in Imperial Germany: Leisure and Recreation in the Rhineland and Westphalia by Abrams, Lynn
Medieval Councils, Decretals and Collections of Canon Law by Kuttner, Stephan
Islamic Technology: An Illustrated History by Hill, Donald, Hassan, Al, Al-Hassan, Ahmad Y.
The Origins of American Social Science by Ross, Dorothy
Theatre in Spain, 1490 1700 by McKendrick, Melveena
The Color of Their Skin by Pratt, Robert A.
Agrarian Women: Wives and Mothers in Rural Nebraska, 1880-1940 by Fink, Deborah
Let Freedom Ring: A Documentary History of the Modern Civil Rights Movement by
Hitlers Stellvertreter: Führung Der Partei Und Kontrolle Des Staatsapparates Durch Den Stab Heß Und Die Partei-Kanzlei Bormann by Longerich, Peter
Where They Lie by Young, Mel
To Build in a New Land: Ethnic Landscapes in North America by
Madonnas That Maim: Popular Catholicism in Italy Since the Fifteenth Century by Carroll, Michael P.
Cuba (from the Beginnings to 1990) by
Civil War Quiz Book by Malone, John, Adler, Bill, Jr., Bill Adler Books, Inc
Menendez: Pedro Menendez de Aviles, Captain General of the Ocean Sea by Manucy, Albert
Das Erzbistum Köln: Die Benediktinerabtei Brauweiler by
Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy and the Origins of the Eec, 1952-1957 by
Further Reflections on the Revolution in France by Burke, Edmund
Conduct of War PB by Fuller, J. F.
Traders and Gentlefolk: The Forms of Postmodern Poetry by Kierner, Cynthia A.
Documentary History of the Modern Civil Rights Movement by
Ancient Egypt Light of the World by Massey, Gerald
The Emergence of the Modern European World: From the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century by Fox, Edward Whiting
History of Syphilis by Quétel, Claude
The Condition of Postmodernity by Harvey, David
The Secularization of Early Modern England: From Religious Culture to Religious Faith by Sommerville, C. John
The Lever of Riches: Technological Creativity and Economic Progress by Mokyr, Joel
The Arab Bureau: British Policy in the Middle East, 1916-1920 by Westrate, Bruce
The Politics of Evolution: Morphology, Medicine, and Reform in Radical London by Desmond, Adrian
Horace Greeley: A Bio-Bibliography by Schulze, Suzanne
William Wilberforce, 1759-1833: A Bibliography by Cowie, Leonard W.
The Legacy of Rome: A New Appraisal by
Museums 2000: Politics, People, Professionals and Profit by
A Selected Bibliography of Modern Historiography by Pok, Attila
Kansas History: An Annotated Bibliography by Socolofsky, Homer E.
Medieval Games: Sports and Recreations in Feudal Society by Carter, John M.
Uskoks of Senj: Piracy, Banditry, and Holy War in the Sixteenth-Century Adriatic by Bracewell, Catherine Wendy
American Hegemony and the Trilateral Commission by Gill, Stephen
Records of the Courts of Sussex County, Delaware, Volume 2: 1677-171 by
Records of the Courts of Sussex County, Delaware, Volume 1: 1677-1689 by
Adam Smith's Legacy: His Place in the Development of Modern Economics by
The Works of Charles Darwin: Vol 29: Erasmus Darwin (1879) / the Autobiography of Charles Darwin (1958) by Barrett, Paul H.
The Atlantic Slave Trade: Effects on Economies, Societies and Peoples in Africa, the Americas, and Europe by
Judahite Burial Practices and Beliefs about the Dead by Bloch-Smith, Elizabeth
Probing the Limits of Representation: Nazism and the "Final Solution" by
The Deeds of Louis the Fat by Suger, Abbot Of St Denis
Bibliographie. Einleitung. Syntax by Meier-Brügger, Michael
Wortschatz. Formenlehre. Lautlehre. Indizes by Meier-Brügger, Michael
Thirty Florida Shipwrecks by McCarthy, Kevin M.
After Auschwitz: History, Theology, and Contemporary Judaism by Rubenstein, Richard L.
Chutzpah by Dershowitz, Alan M.
Poetik und Historik by Mandelartz, Michael
Latin America and the Caribbean: A Critical Guide to Research Sources by
Society and Politics in the Russian Revolution by Service, R.
Jewish Polemics by Hertzberg, Arthur
The Rise of the Labour Party 1893-1931 by Phillips, Gordon
Nature's Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West by Cronon, William
Begging Pardon and Favor: Catholic Revival, Society and Politics in 19th-Century Europe by Koziol, Geoffrey
American History in 100 Nutshells: From "The Mayflower Compact" to "A Kinder and Gentler Nation" by Tuleja, Tad
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