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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General World History in 2001

The Exploited Seas: New Directions for Marine Environmental History by
Jadid al-Islam: The Jewish "New Muslims" of Meshhed by Patai, Raphael
Playboys in Paradise: Masculinity, Youth and Leisure-Style in Modern America by Osgerby, Bill
War in the Shadow of Auschwitz: Memoirs of a Polish Resistance Fighter and Survivor of the Death Camps by Wiernicki, John
Uruk Mesopotamia and Its Neighbors: Cross-Cultural Interactions in the Era of State Formation by
Celebrating Ethnicity and Nation: American Festive Culture from the Revolution to the Early 20th Century by
Bedouin Century: Education and Development Among the Negev Tribes in the Twentieth Century by Abu-Rabia, Aref
Marx Engles: On Colonialism by Marx, Carl, Marx, Karl
Salamanca, 1812 by Muir, Rory
Old Civilizations in the New World by Verrill, A. Hyatt
Copper Camp: The Lusty Story of Butte, Montana by Writers Project of Montana
Figuren und Strukturen by
Votes, Money, and the Clinton Impeachment by Morris, Irwin
Moses Mendelssohns >Jerusalem: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Der Menschenrechte Und Der Pluralistischen Gesellschaft in Der Deutschen Aufklärung by Berghahn, Cord-Friedrich
Nikolai Sukhanov: Chronicler of the Russian Revolution by Getzler, I.
Law and Colonial Cultures: Legal Regimes in World History, 1400-1900 by Benton, Lauren
Law and Colonial Cultures: Legal Regimes in World History, 1400 1900 by Benton, Lauren, Lauren, Benton
Text and Picture in Anglo-Saxon England by Karkov, Catherine E.
Mesoamerica's Ancient Cities: Aerial Views of Pre-Columbian Ruins in Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, and Honduras by Ferguson, William M., Adams, Richard E. W.
The Timetables of American History: History and Politics, the Arts, Science and Technology, and More in America and Elsewhere by Urdang, Laurence
The Spanish Civil War by Thomas, Hugh
Swiss Community in Adams County by Lehman, Naomi
Toledo: A History in Architecture 1835-1890 by Speck, William D.
Vormundschaft und Protektion by Schulz, Andreas
Liberalismus by Leonhard, Jörn
Der Munizipalsozialismus in Europa /Le socialisme municipal en Europe by
Karel Kramár (1860-1937): Selbstbild, Fremdwahrnehmungen Und Modernisierungsverständnis Eines Tschechischen Politikers by Winkler, Martina
Ocala by McCarthy, Kevin
Akten Zur Auswärtigen Politik Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1953 by
Detroit's Michigan Central Station by Kavanaugh, K., Kavanaugh, Kelli Barbara
D. Martin Luthers Werke. Kritische Gesamtausgabe (Weimarer Ausgabe): Abteilung Schriften.Band 69: Deutsches Sachregister: A-E by
Thomas Reid and Scepticism: His Reliabilist Response by Bary, Philip De, De Bary, Philip
Friedrich I. König von Preußen by Droysen, Johann Gustav
Apuleius: Rhetorical Works by Harrison, S. J., Hilton, J. L., Apuleius
The Alcoholic Empire: Vodka & Politics in Late Imperial Russia by Herlihy, Patricia
Growing Up and Growing Old in Ancient Rome: A Life Course Approach by Harlow, Mary, Laurence, Ray
Time in the Medieval World by
Public Speech and the Culture of Public Life in the Age of Gladstone by Meisel, Joseph
Government and Politics in Kent, 1640-1914 by
Strangers in the City: The Atlanta Chinese, Their Community and Stories of Their Lives by Zhao, Jianli
Atomic Bomb Cinema: The Apocalyptic Imagination on Film by Shapiro, Jerome F.
Atomic Bomb Cinema: The Apocalyptic Imagination on Film by Shapiro, Jerome F.
Documenting Individual Identity: The Development of State Practices in the Modern World by
Einstein from 'b' to 'z' by Stachel, John
The Emergence of the Eastern Powers, 1756-1775 by Scott, H. M.
Historical Dictionary of Medieval Russia by Langer, Lawrence N.
How Hitler Could Have Won World War II: The Fatal Errors That Led to Nazi Defeat by Alexander, Bevin
The Makers of British Foreign Policy: From Pitt to Thatcher by
The Makers of British Foreign Policy: From Pitt to Thatcher by
Der Schmuggel politischer Schriften by Müller, Thomas Christian
Die drei Ringe by Mulsow, Martin
The Art of Glass by Merrett, Christopher, Neri, Antonio
Philippus Arabs: Ein Soldatenkaiser in Der Tradition Des Antoninisch-Severischen Prinzipats by Körner, Christian
Law, Laity and Solidarities: Essays in Honour of Susan Reynolds by
British Culture and the End of Empire by
Annae Comnenae Alexias: Pars Prior: Prolegomena Et Textus. Pars Altera: Indices by
Surviving Poverty in Medieval Paris: Gender, Ideology, and the Daily Lives of the Poor by Farmer, Sharon
Medieval Naval Warfare 1000-1500 by Rose, Susan
Ret-rica, Historia y PolZmica: BartolomZ de las Casas y la tradici-n intelectual renacentista by Arias, Santa
Lloyd George, Liberalism and the Land: The Land Issue and Party Politics in England, 1906-1914 by Packer, Ian
Samuel Johnson in Historical Context by Clark, J., Erskine-Hill, H.
The American South and the Italian Mezzogiorno: Essays in Comparative History by
Witchcraft in the Modern World: New Perspectives on Witchcraft, Magic, and Demonology by
Witchcraft in the British Isles and New England: New Perspectives on Witchcraft, Magic, and Demonology by
Witchcraft, Healing, and Popular Diseases: New Perspectives on Witchcraft, Magic, and Demonology by
Gender and Witchcraft: New Perspectives on Witchcraft, Magic, and Demonology by
Economic Relations Between Britain and Australia from the 1940s-196 by Singleton, J.
Three Postwar Eras in Comparison: Western Europe 1918-1945-1989 by
Three Postwar Eras in Comparison: Western Europe 1918-1945-1989 by
The American South and the Italian Mezzogiorno: Essays in Comparative History by
Ratsbürgerschaft und Residenz by Schmitz, Christian
Secret Judgments of God, Volume 205: Old World Disease in Colonial Spanish America by Cook, Noble David, Lovell, W. George
Labour Before the Law: The Regulation of Workers' Collective Action in Canada, 1900-1948 by Fudge, Judy, Tucker, Eric
Regulating Girls and Women: Sexuality, Family, and the Law in Ontario, 1920-1960 by Sangster, Joan
Sons of the Republic of Texas by
Sons of the Republic of Texas by
Space and Time in the Religious Life of the Near East by Wyatt, Nicolas
Karrieren in der Kirche by Papenheim, Martin
The Making of the Modern World: Visions from the West and East by MacFarlane, A.
Revolutionary Histories: Cultural Crossings 1775-1875 by
The National Game: Baseball and American Culture by Rossi, John P.
Weimar Culture: The Outsider as Insider by Gay, Peter
Historical Consciousness and History Teaching in a Globalizing Society- Geschichtsbewusstsein und Geschichtsunterricht in einer sich globalisierenden by
Orientalism and Race: Aryanism in the British Empire by Ballantyne, T.
Orientalism and Race: Aryanism in the British Empire by Ballantyne, T.
Reinventing Hippocrates by
Reflections on Political Theory: A Voice of Reason from the Past by Wood, N.
Breaking Away from the Textbook: Creative Ways to Teach World History by Pahl, Ron H.
Breaking Away from the Textbook: Creative Ways to Teach World History by Pahl, Ron H.
Medieval Naval Warfare 1000-1500 by Rose, Susan
The Wearing of the Green: A History of Saint Patrick's Day by Cronin, Mike, Adair, Daryl
Reading 1922: A Return to the Scene of the Modern by North, Michael
Studies in Contemporary Jewry: Volume XVII: Who Owns Judaism? Public Religion and Private Faith in America and Israel by Makhon Le-Yahadut Zemanenu a Sh Avraham
Life in the Third Reich (Revised) by
The Logic of Culture: Authority and Identity in the Modern Era by Ray, William
Europe Crisis 1598-1648 2e by Parker, Geoffrey
Sparing the Child: Grief and the Unspeakable in Youth Literature about Nazism and the Holocaust by Bosmajian, Hamida
Demonology, Religion, and Witchcraft: New Perspectives on Witchcraft, Magic, and Demonology by
Atlas of the Year 1000 by Man, John
Europe in Crisis: 1598-1648 by Parker, Geoffrey
Paradise, Death and Doomsday in Anglo-Saxon Literature by Kabir, Ananya Jahanara
Literature and Religious Culture in Seventeenth-Century England by Reid, Barbour, Barbour, Reid
Royal Historical Society Annual Bibliography of British and Irish History: Publications of 2000 by
From Illusion to Delusion: Globalization and the Contradictions of Late Modernity by Segesvary, Victor
Foot Soldier: A Combat Infantryman's War in Europe by
Ladies and Gentlemen on Display: Planter Society at the Virginia Springs, 1790-1860 by Lewis, Charlene M. Boyer
Ladies and Gentlemen on Display: Planter Society at the Virginia Springs, 1790-1860 by Lewis, Charlene M. Boyer
Censorship of Historical Thought: A World Guide, 1945-2000 by de Baets, Antoon, Baets, Antoon de
Daily Life in Early Modern Japan by Perez, Louis
Tides in the Affairs of Men: The Social History of Elizabethan Seamen, 1580-1603 by Fury, Cheryl A.
Daily Life in Traditional China: The Tang Dynasty by Benn, Charles D.
The Who's Who of Nobel Prize Winners, 1901-2000 by Sherby, Louise S., Odelberg, Wilhelm
Events That Changed Ancient Greece by Vivante, Bella
The Regions of Italy: A Reference Guide to History and Culture by Domenico, Roy Palmer
The Twilight of Britain: Cultural Nationalism, Multi-Culturalism and the Politics of Toleration by Betts, G. Gordon
Understanding the Cold War: A Historian's Personal Reflections by Ulam, Adam B.
Colonialism and the Modern World: Selected Studies by Bunton, Martin, Croizier, Ralph C., Blue, Gregory
China's Economic Challenge: Smashing the Iron Rice Bowl: Smashing the Iron Rice Bowl by Hughes, Neil C.
Jews Christians 12th Century Europe by Signer, Michael A.
Physical Oceanography of the Adriatic Sea: Past, Present and Future by
Echoes Among the Stars: A Short History of the U.S. Space Program: A Short History of the U.S. Space Program by Walsh, Patrick J.