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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General World History in 2002

Jerusalem in Medieval Thought, 400-1300 by Renna, Thomas
Turning Points in the World's History by Mann, Henry
The Orgasms of History: 3000 Years of Spontaneous Insurrection by Fremion, Ives
Globality and Multiple Modernities: Comparative North American & Latin American Perspectives by
Emergence of Mass Politics in Spain: Populist Demagoguery and Republican Culture, 1890-1910 by Alvarez-Junco, Jose
London Higher by
The Berlin Embassy of Lord d'Abernon, 1920-1926 by Johnson, G.
Kennedy, MacMillan and the Cold War: The Irony of Interdependence by Ashton, N.
Redefining the Bonds of Commonwealth, 1939-1948: The Politics of Preference by McKenzie, F.
Liquidation of Empire: The Decline of the British Empire by Douglas, R.
Ideas of Europe Since 1914: The Legacy of the First World War by
E. M. Forster's Modernism by Medalie, David
Dissent in the Years of Krushchev: Nine Stories about Disobedient Russians by Kulavig, E.
United States Policy Towards Indonesia in the Truman and Eisenhower Years by Roadnight, A.
The GI War Against Japan: American Soldiers in Asia and the Pacific During World War II by Schrijvers, P.
Reflections on Political Theory: A Voice of Reason from the Past by Wood, N.
A New History of Identity by Armstrong, D.
Nikolai Sukhanov: Chronicler of the Russian Revolution by Getzler, I.
Reassessing Tudor Humanism by
Finland in the Second World War: Between Germany and Russia by Vehviläinen, Olli
Medieval Cultures in Contact by
Before and After the Cold War: Using Past Forecasts to Predict the Future by Quester, George H.
Political Uses of the Past: The Recent Mediterranean Experiences by
For James and Gillian: Jim Gill's New York by Gill, James
Perfect Harmony: The Intertwining Lives of Animals and Humans Throughout History by Caras, Roger
Economic Relations Between Britain and Australia from the 1940s-196 by Singleton, J.
Black People And Their Place In World History by Vaughn, Leroy
Nationalismus und Autonomie. Die Krise im Baskenland 1975-1981 by Helmerich, Antje
Bystanders to the Holocaust: A Re-evaluation by Cesarani, David, Levine, Paul A.
Postcolonial Subjectivities in Africa by
KPD und NSDAP im Propagandakamp der Weimarer Republik. Eine inhaltsanalytische Untersuchung in Leitartikeln von Rote Fahne und Der Angriff by Ropenack, Arne Von
Die Seerüstung innerhalb der sicherheitspolitischen Entwicklung der Sowjetunion unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Amtszeit von Admiral Gorschkow ( by Muller, Andreas
Life, Death and the Law: Law and Christian Morals in England and the United States by St John-Stevas, Norman
Johann Jacob Moser: Politiker Pietist Publizist by Lächele, Rainer, Gestrich, Andreas
Prelude to Struggle: African American Clergy and Community Organizing for Economic Development in the 1990's by Day, Katie
Rewriting the Jew: Assimilation Narratives in the Russian Empire by Safran, Gabriella
Globality and Multiple Modernities: Comparative North American & Latin American Perspectives by
The West New Guinea Debacle: Dutch Decolonisation and Indonesia, 1945-1962 by Penders, C. L. M.
Gentlemanly Capitalism, Imperialism and Global History by
The Letters of William Freeman, London Merchant, 1678-1685 by
Intimate Ironies: Modernity and the Making of Middle-Class Lives in Brazil by Owensby, Brian P.
Careers for Students of History by Miller, Page Putnam, Marrs, Aaron, Shulz, Constance
Poems in Steel: National Socialism and the Politics of Inventing from Weimar to Bonn by Gispen, Kees
Scuttlebutt: Seafaring History & Lore by Guest, John H.
Youth in the Middle Ages by
Archiv Für Geschichte Des Buchwesens. Band 56 by
Der Frontbuchhandel 1939-1945: Organisationen, Kompetenzen, Verlage, Bücher - Eine Dokumentation by Bühler, Edelgard, Bühler, Hans-Eugen
Libri VII-XV by Gaius Plinius Secundus
Archiv Für Geschichte Des Buchwesens. Band 55 by
Cumberland Island: Strong Women, Wild Horses by Seabrook, Charles
The Essential Antifederalist by
Romanticism Against the Tide of Modernity by Löwy, Michael, Sayre, Robert
The Human Tradition in Modern Japan by Walthall, Anne
Shaky Ground: The Sixties and Its Aftershocks by Echols, Alice
Actors and Activists: Performance, Politics, and Exchange Among Social Worlds by Schlossman, David
Creole Gentlemen: The Maryland Elite, 1691-1776 by Burnard, Trevor
The World Chess Championship 1948 by Golombek, Harry
Chinese San Francisco, 1850-1943: A Trans-Pacific Community by Chen, Yong
Creole Gentlemen: The Maryland Elite, 1691-1776 by Burnard, Trevor
Fiscal Crises, Liberty, and Representative Government 1450-1789 by
Shaky Ground: The '60s and Its Aftershocks by Echols, Alice
The Peddler's Grandson: Growing Up Jewish in Mississippi by Cohen, Edward
The Black Tulip: A Novel of War in Afghanistan by Bearden, Milt
When Information Came of Age: Technologies of Knowledge in the Age of Reason and Revolution, 1700-1850 by Headrick, Daniel R.
The Zapatista Reader by
Xenophon's March: Into the Lair of the Persian Lion by Prevas, John
Four Years with the Iron Brigade: The Civil War Journal of William Ray, Company F, Seventh Wisconsin Volunteers by Herdegen, Lance, Murphy, Sherry
The Politics of Memory: The Journey of a Holocaust Historian by Hilberg, Raul
The Troubles: Ireland's Ordeal and the Search for Peace: Ireland's Ordeal and the Search for Peace by Coogan, Tim Pat
The Bad Boys of the Cookson Hills by Morgan, R. D.
John Irving und die Kunst des Fabulierens by Weiß, Elke
Heisenberg and the Nazi Atomic Bomb Project: A Study in German Culture by Rose, Paul Lawrence
The Age of Cultural Revolutions: Britain and France, 1750-1820 by
The Dark Valley: A Panorama of the 1930s by Brendon, Piers
Hearst Over Hollywood: Power, Passion, and Propaganda in the Movies by Pizzitola, Louis
Abgeordnete des Deutschen Bundestages, Band 16, Walter Althammer by
Begegnungen VOR Gericht: Eine Sozial- Und Kulturgeschichte Des Englischen Arbeitsrechts (1850-1925) by Steinmetz, Willibald
Morocco by Loti, Pierre
Tahiti the Marriage of Loti by Loti, Pierre
Die letzte Fahrt der München: Ein Schiff und sein tragisches Schicksal by Schmitz-Eggen, Lars
Republican Identities in War and Peace: Representations of France in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries by Prost, Antoine
Republican Identities in War and Peace: Representations of France in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries by Prost, Antoine
Rearing Wolves to Our Own Destruction: Slavery in Richmond, Virginia, 1782-1865 by Takagi, Midori
Alexanders Asienfeldzug bis zur Schlacht am Granikos by Kanstinger, Bertram
Virtually Jewish: Reinventing Jewish Culture in Europe by Gruber, Ruth Ellen
1688: A Global History by Wills, John E.
Religion, Scholarship, and Higher Education: Perspectives, Models, and Future Prospects by
Religion, Scholarship, & Higher Education: Perspectives, Models and Future Prospects. Essays from the Lilly Seminar on Religion and Higher Education by
Modern Irish Culture by
The Rise and Fall of Renaissance France: 1483-1610 by Knecht, Robert J.
Warfare in the Western World, 1882-1975 by Black, Jeremy
Women in European History by Bock, Gisela
Renaissance France 1483-1610 2e by Knecht, Robert J.
Pressewesen der Aufklärung by
"Freier Gebrauch der Kräfte" by
Justiz Im Dritten Reich 1933-1940: Anpassung Und Unterwerfung in Der Ära Gürtner by Gruchmann, Lothar
A Buddhist History of the West: Studies in Lack by Loy, David R.
Literacy in Early Modern Europe by Houston, R. A.
What Went Wrong?: Western Impact and Middle Eastern Response by Lewis, Bernard W.
'Our Place in Al-Andalus': Kabbalah, Philosophy, Literature in Arab Jewish Letters by Anidjar, Gil
'Our Place in Al-Andalus': Kabbalah, Philosophy, Literature in Arab Jewish Letters by Anidjar, Gil
Slavery in Ancient Rome by Massey, Michael
Another Such Victory: President Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1953 by Offner, Arnold A.
Enlightenment Aberrations by Bates, David W.
Talking at the Gates: A Life of James Baldwin by Campbell, James
The Crooked Ladder: Gangsters, Ethnicity and the American Dream by O'Kane, James M.
Immigrant City: Lawrence, Massachusetts, 1845-1921 by Cole, Donald B.
Ein Doktor, der spazieren geht ... Bd. 1: Chronik einer bulgarischen Familie in Berlin 1911-1939 by Verhoek, Margarete Johanne
1945 Bis 2000 Ansichten Zur Deutschen Geschichte: Zehn Jahre Gedenkstätte Moritzplatz Magdeburg Für Die Opfer Politischer Gewaltherrschaft 1945 Bis 19 by
Familienerziehung Im Historischen Wandel: Eine Qualitative Studie Über Erziehung Und Erziehungserfahrungen Von Drei Generationen by Ecarius, Jutta
Dust by Steedman, Carolyn
Impact of the Haitian Revolution in the Atlantic World by
Chinese Warfighting: The Pla Experience Since 1949: The Pla Experience Since 1949 by Finkelstein, David M., McDevitt, Michael A., Ryan, Mark A.
Conspiracy Nation: The Politics of Paranoia in Postwar America by
Nature's Perfect Food: How Milk Became America's Drink by Dupuis, E. Melanie
Catastrophe & Culture: The Anthropology of Disaster by
Colonial and Post-Colonial Incarceration by
The Cold War Era by Harbutt, Fraser J.
The Making of Modern British Politics: 1867 - 1945 by Pugh, Martin
Fractured Europe: 1600 - 1721 by Sturdy, D. J.
Fractured Europe: 1600 - 1721 by Sturdy, D. J.
Crisis and Renewal in France, 1918-1962 by
Livable Cities?: Urban Struggles for Livelihood and Sustainability by
The Ebbing of European Ascendancy: An International History of the World 1914-1945 by Marks, Sally
More Dredgings: The 1950s and 1960s by Feied, Barbara B.
The Discovery of First Principles: Volume 1 by Dodson, Edward J.
Reflections on the Revolution in France: A Critical Edition by Burke, Edmund
Nature's Perfect Food: How Milk Became America's Drink by Dupuis, E. Melanie
Inventing the 19th Century: 100 Inventions That Shaped the Victorian Age, from Aspirin to the Zeppelin by Dulken, Stephen Van
The Cold War Era by Harbutt, Fraser J.
Toward a Christian Conception of History by Smit, M. C.
Making Connections: Communication through the Ages by Meadow, Charles T.
A Dream of Wings: Americans and the Airplane, 1875-1905 by Crouch, Tom D.
Caesar's Legion: The Epic Saga of Julius Caesar's Elite Tenth Legion and the Armies of Rome by Dando-Collins, Stephen
Within a Four-Mile Square: The History of the Onondaga Nation by Cook, Jeanette
Europe in the Sixteenth Century by Pettegree, Andrew
The Mirror: A History by Melchoir-Bonnet, Sabine
War and the Rise of the State by Porter, Bruce D.
The Irish 100 by Ostello, Peter, Costello, Peter
Those Are Real Bullets: Bloody Sunday, Derry, 1972 by Pringle, Peter, Jacobson, Philip
Gold Wars: The Battle Against Sound Money As Seen From A Swiss Perspective by Lips, Ferdinand
Conspiracy Nation: The Politics of Paranoia in Postwar America by
The Haunting Post: History, Memory, and Justice in Contemporary France by Rousso, Henry
The Expressiveness of the Body and the Divergence of Greek and Chinese Medicine by Kuriyama, Shigehisa
Heart: A Natural History of the Heart-Filled Life by Godwin, Gail
Your'e Too Kind: A Brief History of Flattery by Stengel, Richard
The Quest for Cosmic Justice by Sowell, Thomas
The African-American Century: How Black Americans Have Shaped Our Country by West, Cornel, Gates, Henry Louis
The Revolutions in Europe, 1848-1849: From Reform to Reaction by
New Perspectives in Transatlantic Studies by
The Feminine Middlebrow Novel, 1920s to 1950s: Class, Domesticity, and Bohemianism by Humble, Nicola
Reformation, Politics and Polemics: The Growth of Protestantism in East Anglian Market Towns, 1500-1610 by Craig, John
Ethnic Attachments in Sri Lanka: Social Change and Cultural Continuity by Sabaratnam, L.
Art and Beauty in the Middle Ages by Eco, Umberto
Convicts and Orphans: Forced and State-Sponsored Colonization in Portuguese Empire, 1550-1755 by Coates, Timothy J.
1958 by
Aufbau Und Krise Der Planwirtschaft: Die Arbeitskräftelenkung in Der Sbz/DDR 1945 Bis 1963. Veröffentlichungen Zur Sbz-/Ddr-Forschung Im Institut Für by Hoffmann, Dierk
George Eliot and the British Empire by Henry, Nancy
Heritage and Hellenism: The Reinvention of Jewish Tradition Volume 30 by Gruen, Erich S.
Israel in the Biblical Period by Soggin, J. Alberto
Fifty Key Medieval Thinkers by Evans, G. R.
Recht Und Sprache in Der Deutschen Aufklärung by
Only One God?: Monotheism in Ancient Israel and the Veneration of the Goddess Asherah by Dijkstra, Meindert, Korpel, Marjo, Becking, Bob
The Most Intriguing Story Ever Told: A Summary of Scientific Studies About How We Got Here by Firsching, Henry F.
Stalin-Tod oder Sozialismus by Zänker, Heiko
Fifty Key Medieval Thinkers by Evans, G. R.
Fleeter Than Birds: The 1985 St. Louis Cardinals and Small Ball's Last Hurrah by Feldmann, Doug
Communication, Life, Mega-Evolution: Decrypting Life's Nature by de Loof, A.
Worked to the Bone: A History of Race, Class, Power, and Privilege in Kentucky by Buck, Pem Davidson
A Woman at War by Moore, Marianne
Ages of Woman, Ages of Man: Sources in European Social History, 1400-1750 by Hanks, Merry Wiesner, Chojnacka, Monica
Dreams: A Reader on Religious, Cultural and Psychological Dimensions of Dreaming by
Dreams: A Reader on Religious, Cultural and Psychological Dimensions of Dreaming by
Luxury in the Eighteenth Century: Debates, Desires and Delectable Goods by
Luxury in the Eighteenth Century: Debates, Desires and Delectable Goods by
The Runaway Bride: Hollywood Romantic Comedy of the 1930s by Kendall, Elizabeth
Shaping Nations: Constitutionalism and Society in Australia and Canada by
Ruby Ridge: The Truth and Tragedy of the Randy Weaver Family by Walter, Jess
Adele Marion Fielde: Feminist, Social Activist, Scientist by Warren, Leonard
Cash Nexus by Ferguson, Niall
Warped Space: Art, Architecture, and Anxiety in Modern Culture by Vidler, Anthony
Als Feuer vom Himmel fiel by Brack, Friedhelm
The Essential Harold Cruse: A Reader by Cruse, Harold
The Silent and the Damned: The Murder of Mary Phagan and the Lynching of Leo Frank by Frey, Frey Seitz, Thompson-Frey, Nancy
The Politics of Court Scandal in Early Modern England: News Culture and the Overbury Affair, 1603-1660 by Bellany, Alastair
The World and the West: The European Challenge and the Overseas Response in the Age of Empire by Curtin, Philip
Society and Culture in the Huguenot World, 1559 1685 by
Hill Folks: A History of Arkansas Ozarkers and Their Image by Blevins, Brooks
American Religious History by
India's Nuclear Bomb: The Impact on Global Proliferation by Perkovich, George
Gegen Den Großen Krieg?: Entspannung in Den Internationalen Beziehungen 1911-1914 by Kießling, Friedrich
Die Stalin-Note Vom 10. März 1952: Neue Quellen Und Analysen by
Konflikt Oder Kooperation in Asien-Pazifik? by Umbach, Frank
Hippocrates On head wounds by
Personal Policy Making: Canada's Role in the Adoption of the Palestine Partition Resolution by Tauber, Eliezer
Erfahrung nach dem Krieg: Autorinnen im Literaturbetrieb 1945-1950. BRD, DDR, Oesterreich, Schweiz by
Bearing Witness: Partition, Independence, End of the Raj by Kamra, Sukeshi
The Controversialist: An Intellectual Life of Goldwin Smith by Phillips, Paul T.
America in Quotations: A Kaleidoscopic View of American History by
Memories of the Future: National Identity Issues and the Search for a New Taiwan by Corcuff, Stephane
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