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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General World History in 2006

A Woman in Wartime London: The Diary of Kathleen Tipper 1941 - 1945 by
Zur Logik des modernen Krieges by Enßlen, Michael
Histoire du XXe siècle: De la Première Guerre à nos jours by Sarciaux, Dominique
Frantz Fanon's Black Skin, White Masks: New interdisciplinary essays by
Reclaiming a Plundered Past: Archaeology and Nation Building in Modern Iraq by Bernhardsson, Magnus T.
The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley by Shelley, Percy Bysshe Bysshe
British History in the Nineteenth Century - 1782 - 1901 by Trevelyan, G. M.
Tom Swift and His Air Scout by Appleton, Victor, II
Love Stories by Rinehart, Mary Roberts
The Moving Picture Boys at Panama by Appleton, Victor, II
The Marriage Contract by De Balzac, Honore
A Minstrel in France by Lauder, Harry
A History of Rome to the Death of Caesar by How, W. W., Leigh, H. D.
Chaucer's Official Life by Hulbert, James Root
Up Close and Personal Portraits from Socrates to Hitler by Botwinick, Rita S.
History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science by Draper, John William
Diasporic Africa: A Reader by
The Night the Old Regime Ended: August 4, 1789 and the French Revolution by Fitzsimmons, Michael P.
Calderon and the Baroque Tradition by
Bourgeois, Sans-Culottes and Other Frenchmen: Essays on the French Revolution in Honor of John Hall Stewart by Slavin, Morris, Smith, Agnes M.
Ashkenazic Jewry in Transition by Rosensweig, Bernard
Select Statutes, Documents and Reports Relating to British Banking, 1832-1928: Volume 1 by
Empire and Identity: An Eighteenth-Century Sourcebook by Gregg, Stephen H.
Technology and Science in the Industrializing Nations 1500-1914: Control of Nature by Brose, Eric Dorn
Books on Early American History and Culture, 1951-1960: An Annotated Bibliography by Irwin, Raymond
Oppression and Scarcity: The History and Institutional Structure of the Marxist-Leninist Government of East Germany and Some Perspectives on Li by Sperlich, Peter
The Papers of James Monroe: Selected Correspondence and Papers, 1776-1794, Volume 2 by Preston, Daniel
A Riverfront Town by the Waccamaw River by Pyatt, Thomas J.
Working in East Germany: Normality in a Socialist Dictatorship 1961-79 by Madarász, J.
Security and Special Operations: SOE and Mi5 During the Second World War by Murphy, C.
Media and the British Empire by
Mass Media, Culture and Society in Twentieth-Century Germany by
Liberal Government and Politics, 1905-15 by Packer, I.
Reinterpreting Revolutionary Russia: Essays in Honour of James D. White by
Britain, France and the Entente Cordiale Since 1904 by
Irish Rebellion: Protestant Polemic 1798-1900 by Andrews, S.
Memory, Trauma and World Politics: Reflections on the Relationship Between Past and Present by
Popular Spanish Film Under Franco: Comedy and the Weakening of the State by Marsh, S.
The Nation, Psychology, and International Politics, 1870-1919 by Sluga, G.
Economic Development and Social Change: Historical Roots and Modern Perspectives by
Truth and Compassion: Essays on Judaism and Religion in Memory of Rabbi Dr Solomon Frank by
The Rabbi's Wife: The Rebbetzin in American Jewish Life by Schwartz, Shuly Rubin
The Politics of Free Markets: The Rise of Neoliberal Economic Policies in Britain, France, Germany, and the United States by Prasad, Monica
Echoes from the Poisoned Well: Global Memories of Environmental Injustice by
Authors of Their Lives: The Personal Correspondence of British Immigrants to North America in the Nineteenth Century by Gerber, David A.
The Black Urban Community: From Dusk Till Dawn by Tate, G.
Growing Up in the People's Republic: Conversations Between Two Daughters of China's Revolution by Ye, W.
Brown V. Board of Education at Fifty: A Rhetorical Retrospective by
Cultural Creativity in the Early English Renaissance: Popular Culture in Town and Country by Salter, E.
Not Guilty: A Defence of the Bottom Dog by Blatchford, Robert
The Dutch Slave Trade, 1500-1850 by Emmer, Pieter C.
Manithanum Marmangalum by Madhan
The Gendering of Human Rights in the International Systems of Law in the Twentieth Century by Quataert, Jean H.
Imperialism on Trial: International Oversight of Colonial Rule in Historical Perspective by
Lynching in America: A History in Documents by
A People's History of England by Morton, A. L.
Tom Swift and His Motor-Cycle by Appleton, Victor, II
Anti-Semitism: Its History and Causes by Lazare, Bernard
Technology and Utopia by Segal, Howard P.
The Story of the Gypsies (History of the Romany) by Bercovici, Konrad
Continuing the Inquiry: The Council on Foreign Relations from 1921 to 1996 by Grose, Peter
The Victim in Criminal Law and Justice by Kirchengast, T.
Die griechische Skulptur by Kekulé Von Stradonitz, Reinhard
Pomp and Politics of Patriotism: Imperial Celebrations in Habsburg, Austria, 1848-1916 by Unowsky, Daniel
Die Neuzeit: Vom Kriegswesen Der Renaissance Bis Zu Napoleon by
Das Mittelalter: Von Karl Dem Großen Bis Zum Späten Mittelalter by
Das Altertum: Von Den Perserkriegen Bis Caesar by
Die Germanen: Vom Kampfder Römer Und Germanen Bis Zum Übergang Ins Mittelalter by
Epidemics and Pandemics: Their Impacts on Human History by Hays, J. N.
The Sounds of Silence: Nineteenth-Century Portugal and the Abolition of the Slave Trade by Marques, João Pedro
Uncivil War: Intellectuals and Identity Politics During the Decolonization of Algeria, Second Edition by Le Sueur, James D.
The Invention of Politics in the European Avant-Garde (1906-1940) by
Encyclopedia of Hair: A Cultural History by Sherrow, Victoria
African Origins Volume 2: African Origins of Western Civilization, Religion and Philosophy by Ashby, Muata
Hernando de Soto Expedition: History, Historiography, and "Discovery" in the Southeast by
Ki.Mu.Ki.Pi by Madhan
A Century of War (Large Print Edition): Lincoln, Wilson, and Roosevelt (Large Print Edition) by Denson, John V.
Diasporic Africa: A Reader by
A Orillas del Guadalquivir by Rubio Suriol, Montse
The Third Chimpanzee: The Evolution and Future of the Human Animal by Diamond, Jared M.
Rock And Roll: A Social History by Friedlander, Paul
Geschichte des Klosters Fredelsloh (Reprint 2005) by Scheibe-Moringen, Karl
Women, Wealth, and Community in Perpignan, c. 1250-1300: Christians, Jews, and Enslaved Muslims in a Medieval Mediterranean Town by Winer, Rebecca Lynn
The Nature of Cities: Culture, Landscape, and Urban Space by
Sex And Sex Worship by Wall
Women and the Fatimids in the World of Islam by Cortese, Delia, Calderini, Simonetta
Women and the Fatimids in the World of Islam by Cortese, Delia, Calderini, Simonetta
The Jesus Gene: A Messianic Bloodline, the Jews and Freemasonry by Byrne, Patrick M. L.
Political Change and the Rise of Labour in Comparative Perspective: Britain and Sweden 1890-1920 by Hilson, Mary
A Cardboard Castle?: An Inside History of the Warsaw Pact, 1955-1991 by
Social Struggles in Archaic Rome: New Perspectives on the Conflict of the Orders by
The Routledge Guide to British Political Archives: Sources since 1945 by
Social Struggles in Archaic Rome: New Perspectives on the Conflict of the Orders by
The Discovery of Islands by Pocock, J. G. a.
Moving the Maasai: A Colonial Misadventure by Hughes, S.
Moving the Maasai: A Colonial Misadventure by Hughes, S.
Greven an der Ems: Die Geschichte der Stadt und des Amtes Greven (Reprint der Ausgabe von 1950) by Prinz, Joseph
Pol Pot: Anatomy of a Nightmare by Short, Philip
Auschwitz: A New History by Rees, Laurence
Yoshimasa and the Silver Pavilion: The Creation of the Soul of Japan by Keene, Donald
Zwölf wiedergefundene Jahre: Kaltenkirchen unter dem Hakenkreuz by Hoch, Gerhard
Berlin Embassy by Russell, William
How Novels Think: The Limits of Individualism from 1719-1900 by Armstrong, Nancy
Picturing Austria-Hungary: The British Perception of the Habsburg Monarchy 1865-1870 by Frank, Tibor
How Novels Think: The Limits of Individualism from 1719-1900 by Armstrong, Nancy
The European City and Green Space: London, Stockholm, Helsinki and St Petersburg, 1850-2000 by
Gentry Culture in Late Medieval England by
Walking Ghosts: Murder and Guerrilla Politics in Colombia by Dudley, Steven
Anadenanthera: Visionary Plant of Ancient South America by Torres, Constantino M., Repke, David B.
The A to Z of Taoism by Pas, Julian F.
Municipalités Méditerranéennes: Municipalités Méditerranéennes by
Karl Ernst Adolf Von Hoff, Der Bahnbrecher Moderner Geologie: Eine Wissenschaftlich Biographie by Reich, Otto
In Pursuit of German Memory: History, Television, and Politics after Auschwitz by Kansteiner, Wulf
Becoming a Revolutionary: The Deputies of the French National Assembly and the Emergence of a Revolutionary Culture (1789-1790) by Tackett, Timothy
Sudan's Blood Memory: The Legacy of War, Ethnicity, and Slavery in South Sudan by Beswick, Stephanie
Too Free: A Chronicled History of The New American Black Race From Slavery To Present Day by Johnson, Wendell M., Jr.
Britain, Soviet Russia and the Collapse of the Versailles Order, 1919-1939 by Neilson, Keith
The Americas: A Hemispheric History by Fernández-Armesto, Felipe
Politik und Propaganda: Der Siebenjaehrige Krieg in den zeitgenoessischen Flugschriften by Schort, Manfred
Full Circle: Escape from Baghdad and the Return by Fathi, Saul Silas
Full Circle: Escape from Baghdad and the Return by Fathi, Saul Silas
Full Circle: Escape from Baghdad and the Return by Fathi, Saul Silas
German Cincinnati by Tolzmann, Don Heinrich
The Unending Frontier: An Environmental History of the Early Modern World Volume 1 by Richards, John F.
Margin Calls: & Other Disasters by Smith, Clayton B.
A Companion to 19th-Century America by
Margin Calls: & Other Disasters by Smith, Clayton B.
The Jews in Australia by Rutland, Suzanne D.
Siempre Fiel by Perera, Domingo
Los Judas Leones by Perera, Domingom
The Original Accident by Virilio, Paul
Claiming Macedonia: The Struggle for the Heritage, Territory and Name of the Historic Hellenic Land, 1862-2004 by Papavizas, George C.
(Eta-Kappa) by
(Lambda-Omikron) by
Die Medizinische Fakultät Der Universität Bonn Im Dritten Reich by Forsbach, Ralf
Mitteilungen Der Gemeinsamen Kommission Für Die Erforschung Der Jüngeren Geschichte Der Deutsch-Russischen Beziehungen. Band 2 by
Archive Stories: Facts, Fictions, and the Writing of History by
And Brothers Once by Thiel, Richard Henry
And Brothers Once by Thiel, Richard Henry
Female Writers' Struggle for Rights and Education for Women in France- (1848-1871) by Dixon-Fyle, Joyce
Passing the Torch by Angelillo, Ralph F.
The Arab-Israeli Cookbook - Recipes: The Recipes by Soans, Robin
Islam: An Illustrated History by Freeman-Grenville, Greville Stewart Parker, Munro-Hay, Stuart C.
Ritual in the Bronze Age Aegean: The Minoan Peak Sanctuaries by Kyriakidis, Evangelos
Gender History in Practice: Historical Perspectives on Bodies, Class, and Citizenship by Canning, Kathleen
The Nottingham Lots: A Tercentenary Celebration 2001 by Trustees, East Nottingham
The Body Wall: Somatics of Travelling and Discursive Practices by Bialas, Zbigniew
What Doctors Don't Tell You About Tubal Ligation and Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome (PTLS) by Bucher, Susan
The Historical Statistics of the United States 5 Volume Hardback Set: Millennial Edition by
Zinaida Vengerova: In Search of Beauty: A Literary Ambassador between East and West by Neginsky, Rosina
Sex and Manners: Female Emancipation in the West, 1890-2000 by Wouters, Cas
Orchards of Eden: White Bluffs on the Columbia 1907-1943 by Mendenhall, Nancy
The African American Press: A History of News Coverage During National Crises, with Special Reference to Four Black Newspapers, 1827-1965 by Simmons, Charles A.
A Trilogy of What "Might Have Been" in the Spanish Civil War by Dumphy, Adam
The Aran Islands by Synge, J. M.
Wisdom and Destiny by Maeterlinck, Maurice
Babylonian Life and History by Budge, Ernest Alfred Wallis, Budge, E. a. Wallis
Phantasmagoria and Other Poems by Lewis Carroll, Poetry - English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh by Carroll, Lewis
Cultures of Technology and the Quest for Innovation by
Cultures of Technology and the Quest for Innovation by
Miners and the State in the Ottoman Empire: The Zonguldak Coalfield, 1822-1920 by Quataert, Donald
The Wearing of the Green: A History of St Patrick's Day by Cronin, Mike, Adair, Daryl
Strangers and Kin: The American Way of Adoption by Melosh, Barbara
Out of Due Time Wilfrid Ward and the Dublin Review by Scotti, Dom Paschal
Making the Irish American: History and Heritage of the Irish in the United States by
Family Love in the Diaspora: Migration and the Anglo-Caribbean Experience by Chamberlain, Mary
New World, First Nations: Native Peoples of Mesoamerica and the Andes Under Colonial Rule by Cahill, David
The Society of the Cincinnati: Conspiracy and Distrust in Early America by Hünemörder, Markus
Ready-Made Democracy: A History of Men's Dress in the American Republic, 1760-1860 by Zakim, Michael
Daily Life in the Mongol Empire by Lane, George
Miners and the State in the Ottoman Empire: The Zonguldak Coalfield, 1822-1920 by Quataert, Donald
The London Hanged: Crime and Civil Society in the Eighteenth Century by Linebaugh, Peter
An Economic History of Rome by Frank, Tenney
My Dear President: Letters Between Presidents and Their Wives by Gawalt, Gerard W.
Seize the Daylight: The Curious and Contentious Story of Daylight Saving Time by Prerau, David
Women's Hats, Headdresses and Hairstyles: With 453 Illustrations, Medieval to Modern by De Courtais, Georgine
Black Codes In Georgia by Mitchell, Michele, Moore Sr, Dan
A Global Clan: Scottish Migrant Networks and Identities Since the Eighteenth Century by
Expulsion: England's Jewish Solution by Huscroft, Richard
Cosmopolitanism and Solidarity: Studies in Ethnoracial, Religious, and Professional Affiliation in the United States by Hollinger, David A.
Majesty in Canada: Essays on the Role of Royalty by
Captain Otway Burns And His Ship Snap Dragon by Robinson, Gysgt Usmc
The Fascist Experience: Italian Society and Culture, 1922-1945 by Tannenbaum, Edward R.
Rich and Poor in Renaissance Venice: The Social Institutions of a Catholic State, to 1620 by Pullan, Brian
The History of the Maghrib: An Interpretive Essay by Laroui, Abdallah
Only Angels Fly by Hope, Alexander
The Life of Miranda, Volume 2 by Robertson, William Spence
A Heritage of Her Own: Toward a New Social History of American Women by Cott, Nancy F., Pleck, Elizabeth H.
The Life of Miranda, Volume 1 by Robertson, William Spence
The Volunteer Army and the Allied Intervention in South Russia, 1917-1921: A Study in the Politics and Diplomacy of the Russian Civil War by Brinkley, George A.
The Peasants' Revolt of 1381 by Dobson, Richard Barrie
The Politics of Ethnic Survival: Germans in Prague, 1861-1914 by Cohen, Gary B.
Atlas of Slavery and Civil Rights: An Annotated Chronicle of the Passage from Slavery and Segregation to Civil Rights and Equality under the Law by Santoro, Nicholas J.
American Scream: Allen Ginsberg's Howl and the Making of the Beat Generation by Raskin, Jonah
Waterloo: Napoleon's Last Gamble by Roberts, Andrew
Fraternidad Entre Alambradas: Guantanamo 1994-1995 by Perera, Domingo M.
Encierro Incertidumbre y Sexo by Perera, Domingo
Captivity and Restoration by Rowlandson, Mary
The Phantom Herd by Bower, B. M.
Tom Swift and His Airship by Appleton, Victor, II
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