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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General World History in 2009

Peasant History in South India by Ludden, David E.
The Long White Cloud: Ao Tea Roa by Reeves, William Pember
Manzikert to Lepanto: the Byzantine World and the Turks, 1071-1571 Papers Given at the Nineteenth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, Mar by Bryer, Anthony, Ursinus, Michael
A Footnote to History (Eight Years of Trouble in Samoa) by Stevenson, Robert Louis
The Isle of Pines by Neville, Henry
The S'rimad Devi Bhagawatam, Volume 2 (Large Print Edition) by Vijnanananda, Swami
Groton School Camp, 1893 Squam Lake N.H.: A history of the First Summer Camp for Underprivileged Boys. by Bingham, Kenneth Edward
The African-Caribbean Worldview and the Making of Caribbean Society by
Children and Youth in a New Nation by
Mongrel Nation: The America Begotten by Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings by Walker, Clarence E.
Mazarin's Quest by Sonnino, Paul
Echoes of the Haitian Revolution, 1804-2004 by
The Evolution of the Wooden Ship by Greenhill, Basil
Making English Morals: Voluntary Association and Moral Reform in England, 1787 1886 by Roberts, M. J. D., M. J. D., Roberts
Beyond the Reformation?: Authority, Primacy and Unity in the Conciliar Tradition by Avis, Paul
Political Movements in Urban England, 1832-1914 by Roberts, Matthew
Political Movements in Urban England, 1832-1914 by Roberts, Matthew
Family Love in the Diaspora: Migration and the Anglo-Caribbean Experience by Chamberlain, Mary
The Rights Revolution in the Twentieth Century by Tushnet, Mark
Aftershocks: Politics and Trauma in Britain, 1918-1931 by Kingsley Kent, Susan
The Bee and the Eagle: Napoleonic France and the End of the Holy Roman Empire, 1806 by Forrest, Alan, Wilson, Peter H.
In Pursuit of the People: Political Culture in France, 1934-39 by Wardhaugh, J.
British Literature of the Blitz: Fighting the People's War by Miller, K.
A Child for Keeps: The History of Adoption in England, 1918-45 by Keating, J.
Charms, Charmers and Charming: International Research on Verbal Magic by
Gender, Labour, War and Empire: Essays on Modern Britain by Levine, Philippa, Grayzel, Susan R.
King Henry the Fourth, Part I (Large Print Edition) by Shakespeare, William
The Buddha (Large Print Edition) by Carus, Paul
The Quran, Part I (Large Print Edition) by Palmer, E. H.
The S'Rimad Devi Bhagawatam, Volume 1 by Vijnanananda, Swami
Hawaiian Legends of Ghosts and Ghost-Gods (Large Print Edition) by Westervelt, W. D.
Rhyming Reason: The Poetry of Romantic-Era Psychologists by Faubert, Michelle
maharashtratil Prasiddha Sardar Gharani by Kulkarni, M. R. Prof
Maharashtratil Santkavi by Datar, Arti
Blackmail, Scandal, and Revolution: London's French Libellistes, 1758-1792 by Burrows, Simon
Indhiya Varalaaru: Gandhikku Piragu ( Part - 1 ) by Guha, Ramachandra
The Garuda Purana by Wood, Ernest, Subrahmanyam, S. V.
Children and Youth in a New Nation by
A House Divided by Poe, Marshall
Getting an Academic Job in History by Polanichka, Dana M.
To Live to Work: Factory Women in Colonial Korea, 1910-1945 by Kim, Janice C. H.
The Vital Spark: The British Coastal Trade, 1700-1930 by Armstrong, John
Navigating African Maritime History by
Women and the U.S. Constitution: 1776-1920 by Baker, Jean H.
Caviar and Ashes: A Warsaw Generation's Life and Death in Marxism, 1918-1968 by Shore, Marci
The Wizard of the Nile: The Hunt for Joseph Kony by Green, Matthew
Federalism Across the Nineteenth Century, 1787-1905 by Ely Jr, James W.
Fed with Tears - Poisoned with Milk by
A Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful by Burke, Edmund
Fuhrer Durch Strassburg: Beschreibung Des Munsters Und Der Stadt by Euting, Julius
The Love Poems of John Donne by Donne, John
Keeping Together in Time: Dance and Drill in Human History by McNeill, William H.
The Babylonian World by
The Rise and Fall of the Spanish Empire by Maltby, William
Soldiers, Citizens and Civilians: Experiences and Perceptions of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, 1790-1820 by
The Complete Poems of John Donne by Donne, John
Irandam Ulaga Por by Marudhan
The Growth of Cities in the Nineteenth Century: A Study in Statistics by Weber, Adna Ferrin
Mythistory and Other Essays by McNeill, William H.
Convict Society and Its Enemies: A History of Early New South Wales by Hirst, John B.
The Absinthe Encyclopedia by Nathan-Maister, David
The Killer Book of Serial Killers: Incredible Stories, Facts and Trivia from the World of Serial Killers by Philbin, Tom, Philbin, Michael
Where Have All the Soldiers Gone? by Sheehan, James J.
Sex and the Supernatural by Taylor, Troy
The Syrian Princesses: The Women Who Ruled Rome, AD 193-235 by Turton, Godfrey
Women's Silence, Men's Violence: Sexual Assault in England 1770-1845 by Clark, Anna
Colonial Culhuacan, 1580-1600: A Social History of an Aztec Town by Cline, Sarah L.
Outline of the Principles of History by Droysen, Johann Gustav
Insulinde: Experiences of a Naturalist's Wife in the Eastern Archipelago by Forbes, Anna
Die politische Rolle der Frau in der romischen Republik by Fortsch, Barbara
Liberation in South America, 1806-1827: The Career of James Paroissien by Humphreys, Robert Arthur
The Frontier in History: North America and Southern Africa Compared by Thompson, Leonard, LaMar, Howard
Structure sociale, famille, chretiente a Byzance, IVe-XIe siecle by Patlagean, Evelyne
The Archaeology of North America by Snow, Dean
Socialism and Man in Cuba by Castro, Fidel, Guevara, Ernesto Che
The Byzantine Monuments and Topography of the Pontos, Volume I by Winfield, David, Bryer, Anthony
The Byzantine Monuments and Topography of the Pontos, Volume II by Bryer, Anthony, Winfield, David
The Rose & the Vine by Harman, Lydia
Getting Even In Gaza - the muzlumz hit the strip by Forgione, David
Vermeer's Hat: The Seventeenth Century and the Dawn of the Global World by Brook, Timothy
The Angel Letters by Shelton, Nick
Charles Allen Oakley and the Scottish Division of the National Institute of Industrial Psychology - A Contribution to Occupational Psychology in Great by Allan, Lori L.
L'assistenza nello spirito del capitalismo: Riforma protestante e stato sociale a Zurigo agli albori dell'età moderna by Francini, Giacomo
The Fourteen Lives of Matt Perry by Perry, Matthew
Riding the New Wave: Youth and the Rejuvenation of France After the Second World War by Jobs, Richard Ivan
Inventing America's Worst Family: Eugenics, Islam, and the Fall and Rise of the Tribe of Ishmael by Deutsch, Nathaniel
The Fourteen Lives of Matt Perry by Perry, Matthew
Abraham Lincoln: 1916 Reprint (The Lincoln Room Classics - 2009 Edition) by Wheeler, Daniel E.
American Labor History Made Easy! by Davin, Eric Leif
A Sportive Matka Polka - Nationalism and Feminism in Women's Physical Culture in Modern Poland by Mathur, Nameeta
The Role of Bishops in Icelandic Society (1056-1211) Political and Social Aspects of Activities by Kravchenko, Iryna
The Physiognomy of a Renaissance Ruler Portraits and Descriptions of Matthias Corvinus, King of Hungary (1458-1490) by Békés, Enikő
Der Hitler-Stalin-Pakt: Weg und Beweggründe by Schrader, Toralf
Ethnische Konflikte in der Sowjetunion: Eine Fallstudie am Beispiel der Tschetschenen und Inguschen während des Stalinismus by Boettcher, Alexander
Colonial Days by Clark, J. Max
Who's Who in Denver Society, 1908 by Kistler Stationary Co, W. H.
Pelze, Pulver und Musketen - Die Konfliktgeschichte Neuhollands 1609 bis 1664 by Maninger, Stephan
The Russian Settlement in California, Fort Ross, Sonoma County by Thompson, R. A.
Day of Empire: How Hyperpowers Rise to Global Dominance--and Why They Fall by Chua, Amy
Neufrankreich - Eine militärhistorische Betrachtung des Zeitraumes 1608 bis 1701 by Maninger, Stephan
The Wagner Clan: The Saga of Germany's Most Illustrious and Infamous Family by Carr, Jonathan
Examination of the Prophecies by Paine, Thomas
The Imaginary Invalid: (Or The Malade Imaginaire) by Moliere
Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe by Defoe, Daniel
This Republic of Suffering: Death and the American Civil War (National Book Award Finalist) by Faust, Drew Gilpin
Camping in Colorado, with Suggestions to Gold Seekers, Tourists and Invalids by Gordon, S. Anna
Selected Babylonian Business and Legal Terms of the Hammurabi Period by Ungnad, Arthur
Dangers of the Trail in 1865 by Young, Charles Edward
Colonial Days by Clark, J. Max
Who's Who in Denver Society, 1908 by Kistler Stationary Co, W. H.
The Ox Team; Or, the Old Oregon Trail, 1852-1906 by Meeker, Ezra
Graphic Sketches of the West by Kent, Henry Brainard
The Golden State and Its Resources by Powell, John J.
Six Months in Kansas by Lady, A.
Rambles in the Rocky Mountains by Morris, Maurice O'Connor
Rambles Overland by Gunnison, Almon
Rhymes of the Rockies by Hooper, S. K.
Journal of a Trip to California by Smith, Charles W.
Legends of the Pike's Peak Region; The Sacred Myths of the Manitou by Whitney, Ernest
The Golden State and Its Resources by Powell, John J.
The Rhyme of the Border War by Peacock, Thomas Brower
Mr. Dide by France, L. B.
Six Months in Kansas by Lady, A.
Occidental Sketches by Ben C. Truman, Major
Korea and the Imperialists: In Search of a National Identity by Park, Young
Aging Early: Collapse of the Oasis of Liberties by Aman, Mirza
The Antidote For War and Discontent: How Wisdom, Knowledge, and Human Nature Can Change Us by Price, Robert
Legends of the Komets by Sebring, Blake
Peregrinations of an Inquisitive Mind by Ropp, R. C.
The Antidote For War and Discontent: How Wisdom, Knowledge, and Human Nature Can Change Us by Price, Robert
On the Shoulders of Greatness by Montgomery, Beverly
Beowulf and Old Germanic Metre by Russom, Geoffrey
England in 1815: A Critical Edition of the Journal of Joseph Ballard by
The British Discovery of Hinduism in the Eighteenth Century by
Anglo-Saxon Crucifixion Iconography and the Art of the Monastic Revival by Raw, Barbara Catherine
The Frontier People of Roman Britain by Salway, Peter
England in 1815: A Critical Edition of the Journal of Joseph Ballard by
Performing Magic on the Western Stage: From the Eighteenth Century to the Present by
Ethnographies of Moral Reasoning: Living Paradoxes of a Global Age by
Themes in Modern European History, 1890-1945 by
The Palgrave Dictionary of Transnational History: From the Mid-19th Century to the Present Day by
Ethnographies of Moral Reasoning: Living Paradoxes of a Global Age by
A History of the Swarthmore Fire Company by Akasaka, Rio
The Rise and Fall of the American Century: The United States from 1890-2009 by Chafe, William H.
The Rise and Fall of the American Century: The United States from 1890-2009 by Chafe, William H.
Dilemmas of Internationalism: The American Association for the United Nations and US Foreign Policy, 1941-1948 by Johnstone, Andrew
The Jesuits and the Thirty Years War: Kings, Courts, and Confessors by Robert, Bireley, Bireley, Robert
The Wilsonian Moment: Self-Determination and the International Origins of Anticolonial Nationalism by Manela, Erez
Cults and Terrorism by Machovec, Frank
Buxton Roots by Dickey, Leeann, Lemberger, Leann, Lemberger, Michael
Hatha Yoga: The Yogi Philosophy of Physical Well-Being by Ramacharaka, Yogi
Sunkist Recipes Oranges-Lemons - 1916 Reprint by Bradley, Alice
Neue Welt und neuzeitliche Medizin: Guajakholz als Heilmittel und Handelsware by Söhner, Felicitas
Walfisch, Wissenschaft, Wettbewerb - Die deutschen Ansprüche auf Teile der Antarktis: Die "Neuschwabenland"-Expedition von 1938/39 im Kontext by Stunz, Holger Reiner
Yankee Ships and Yankee Sailors - Tales of 1812 by Barnes, James
The Practical Angler Or, The Art of Trout-Fishing;More Particularly Applied to Clear Water by Stewart, W. C.
The Life of St. Francis of Assisi by Sabatier, Paul
The Great Boer War by Doyle, Arthur Conan
The Loss of the SS. Titanic by Beesley, Lawrence
Der frühmittelalterliche Holzkirchenbau und seine archäologische Erforschung by Witowski, Janis
The Conquest of Fear by King, Basil
Memory in Play: From Aeschylus to Sam Shepard by Favorini, A.
The Brontes in Ireland; Or, Facts Stranger than Fiction by Wright, William
Medieval Domesticity by
The Making of Peace: Rulers, States, and the Aftermath of War by
The Brontes in Ireland; Or, Facts Stranger Than Fiction by Wright, William
A Sermon Against Murmuring: Preached In The Cathedral Church Of St. Peter Exon (1680) by Long, Thomas
Alethea: The Story Of An Early Day (1919) by Myers, George Michael
Altertum, Mittelalter Und Neuzeit In Der Kirchengeschichte: Ein Beitrag Zum Problem Der Historischen Periodisierung (1921) by Heussi, Karl
A Short History Of Newnham College, Cambridge (1921) by Gardner, Alice
Acquiring Skill In Teaching (1922) by Grant, James Richard
A History Of Industry (1921) by Osgood, Ellen Louise
A Study Of The Little Child: For Teachers Of Beginners (1921) by Whitley, Mary Theodora
A History Of The Michael Brown Family Of Rowan County, North Carolina (1921) by Brown, Richard L.
A History Of Trade Unionism In Australia (1921) by Sutcliffe, James Thomas
Addresses At The Inauguration Of Merrill Edwards Gates, As President Of Rutgers College, New Brunswick, New Jersey (1883) by Gates, Merrill Edwards
An Old Dusty's Story (1901) by Williams, W. O.
A Book Of Ballads On German History: Arranged And Annotated (1877) by
A Book Of Cooking And Pastry: A Collection Of Original Receipts Gathered During A Life Time And Especially Arranged For Family Use (1887) by Pfau, C. F.
A Buckeye Baron: A Rural Story Of A Buckeye Boy (1901) by Paxson, William Alpha
A Compend Of Logic: For The Use Of The University Of Pennsylvania (1801) by Andrews, John
A Decade Of Oratory, At Northwestern University: Eleven Prize Orations (1888) by
Hey, Nigger Boy, Come Here!: My Journey from the Cotton Fields and Plantations in the Segregated Slave State of Georgia to the Floor of the State H by Senator 29
A History Of Minnesota V1 (1921) by Folwell, William Watts
A History Of The Association Psychology From Hartley To Lewes (1921) by Warren, Howard Crosby
A Pioneer Mother (1922) by Garland, Hamlin
A Short History Of Russian Literature (1921) by Shakhnovski
A History Of Civilization In Palestine (1921) by Macalister, Robert Alexander Stewart
A Sketch Of The History Of Orissa: From 1803 To 1828 (1873) by Toynbee, George
Hey, Nigger Boy, Come Here!: My Journey from the Cotton Fields and Plantations in the Segregated Slave State of Georgia to the Floor of the State H by Senator 29
The Delaware River Water War by Flowers, Robert
11,506 Knots In The Sunbeam In 1883: Malta, Gibraltar, Madeira, West Indies, Bermudas And Azores (1884) by Brassey, Thomas
A Eulogy On The Late Chancellor Joseph Gibson Hoyt Of Washington University: Delivered At The Hall Of The University, St. Louis, January 20, 1863 (186 by Waterhouse, Sylvester
A Short Account Of The University Of Glasgow: Prepared In Connection With The Celebration Of The Ninth Jubilee (1901) by Coutts, James
An Allegory, Founded On Fact: On The Rise And Fall Of The Temple Of Esculapius (1832) by Coulson, S.
A Manual Of The Thermometer: Containing Its History And Use As A Meteorological Instrument (1850) by Belville, John Henry
A Short History Of H.M.S. Victory: Gathered From Various Sources (1884) by
A Short History Of The Art Of Printing In England (1877) by Powell, Arthur
A Brief Description Of The Plague: With Observations On Its Prevention And Cure (1813) by Pearson, Richard
A Short Treatise On The History And Character Of Moses: For The Use Of The Unlearned (1867) by Anonymous
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