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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General World History in 2016

An Orphan's Tale: An Account of Why I Left Home and What Happened Afterwards by Manuelian, Mardiros
Krosno by the Wislok River - Memorial Book of Jewish Community of Krosno, Poland by Leibner, William
Barren Lands: An Epic Search for Diamonds in the North America Arctic by Krajick, Kevin
Hell and Good Company: The Spanish Civil War and the World It Made by Rhodes, Richard
Hard Reading: Learning from Science Fiction by Shippey, Tom
Terrorism, 9/11, and Freedom, Expanded and Revised Second Edition by Madden, Russell
Holocaust on Pan Am Flight 073 by S. Shaffi, Hussain
The Book of Dembitz (Dębica, Poland) - Translation of Sefer Dembitz by Leibl, D.
A History of the Jewish War: AD 66-74 by Mason, Steve
Sammlung von Volksgesängen für den Männerchor by Heim, Ignaz
Geschichte des Humanismus in der Schweiz by Büchi, Albert, Bonstetten, Albrecht Von
Geschichte der Historiographie in der Schweiz by Wyss, Georg
Die Geschichte der Wiedertäufer in Oesterreich-Ungarn by Beck, Josef Von
The Question of the Hour, The Bible and the School Fund by Clark, Rufus W.
Lectures on Preaching, Delivered Before the Divinity School of Yale College by Brooks, Phillips
Christ and the Human Race by Hall, Charles Cuthbert
Recollections of the Private Life of General Lafayette by Cloquet, Jules
Poems by Clough, Arthur Hugh
Do the Dead Still Live?, Or the Testimony of Science Respecting a Future Life by Heagle, David
The religious poetry of Alexander Mack by Heckman, Samuel B.
The Three Brontes by Sinclair, May
A Key to the National Arithmetic by Greenleaf, Benjamin
The Poetical Works of Mrs Hemans by Hemans, Felicia Dorothea Browne
The English Poems of George Herbert, Together with His Collection of Proverbs Entitled Jacula by Herbert, George
Histoire Des Origines Du Gouvernement Représentatif En Europe - Tome II by Barberi, Tito Martinez
Geschichtsschulbücher im Unterricht. Zusammenfassung zum Thema Schulbuchanalyse by Mauelshagen, Timo
Greed Unbound II: Official Misdeeds in the Political Economies of Kingdoms & Empires by Mendonsa Ph. D., Eugene L.
Secrets of Greatness by Purvis, Andy
Sailors and Homosexuality: From Ancient Argo to Don't Ask/Don't Tell by Hone, Michael
The Conklin Mills and Falls LaFayette, NY by Dodge, J. Roy
The Ride of Pride by Johnson, Lee E.
The Story of Ab: A Tale of the Time of the Cave Man by Waterloo, Stanley
AIR CRASH INVESTIGATIONS - CRACKED SOLDER JOINT - The Crash of Indonesia AirAsia Flight 8501 by Barreveld, Dirk
Kriegsbegeisterung 1914 in Deutschland. Zwischen Mythos und Realität by Teplik, Janet
British Settler Emigr in Print 1832-77 C by Piesse
Hilary of Poitiers on Conciliating the Homouseans and the Homoeouseans: An Inquiry on the Fourth-Century Trinitarian Controversy by Abogado, Jannel
Missionary Strategies in the New World, 1610-1690: An Intellectual History by Ballériaux, Catherine
The Long Eighteenth Century: British Political and Social History 1688-1832 by O'Gorman, Frank
Reverberations of Nazi Violence in Germany and Beyond: Disturbing Pasts by
Migrant Women's Voices: Talking about Life and Work in the UK Since 1945 by McDowell, Linda
Desertion in the Early Modern World: A Comparative History by
Life and Times in Nazi Germany by
Life and Times in Nazi Germany by
A History of Kingsway Country Club by Fisher, Pierre J.
Reden und Abhandlungen by Liebig, Justus
Kriegs-Tagebuch (1870-71) by Richter, Carl
Vater Robinson by Wilbrandt, Adolf
Zur Geschichte des Gottesdienstes: und der gottesdienstlichen Handlungen in Hessen by Diehl, Wilhelm
Abschied vom Frontal- und Hinwendung zum Gruppenunterricht?: Ein Praktikumsbericht by Erdmann, Peter Hubertus
Cicero im Wandel der Jahrhunderte by Zielinski, Tadeusz
Geschichte der Weltliteratur: Zweiter Band - Die Literaturen Indiens und Ostasiens by Baumgartner, Alexander
Edelsteinkunde: für Mineralogen, Steinschreifer, Juweliere, etc. by Bauer, Max
Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft: Neue Bearbeitung unter Mitwirkung zahlreicher Fachgenossen. 9. Halbband by Pauly, August Friedrich Van
Zwewle, Knowloch un Marau: Pfälzische Gedichte by Rohr, Lorenz
Ein Ministerium under Philipp II: Kardinal Granvella am spanischen Hofe (1579-1586) by Philippson, Martin
Idiotikon von Hessen by Pfister-Schwaighusen, Hermann Von, Vilmar, August Friedrich Christian
Principles And Practice Of The Law Of Libel And Slander by Hugh Fraser, M. a.
Kulturgeschichte der neuesten Zeit von der französischen Revolution bis auf die Gegenwart by Henne Am Rhyn, Otto
An Outline of Method in History by Kemp, Ellwood W.
Bookkeeping for Modern Business by Kirk, John George
Histoire de la Martinique, depuis la colonisation jusqu'en 1815 - Tome VI by Daney, Sidney
Louis XV et sa cour by Dumas, Alexandre
The Daughter of Heaven by Loti, Pierre, Gautier, Judith
The history of Reynard the Fox by Ellis, F. S.
Monarchs by Kenny, Peter Francis
The All-American Soap Box Derby: A Review of the Formative Years 1938 thru 1941 by Reed, Ronald R.
The All-American Soap Box Derby: A Review of the Formative Years 1938 thru 1941 by Reed, Ronald R.
Our Hulshoff & Kerchner Ancestors by Oberle, Frank
Twelfth Night: Abridged for Schools and Performance by Shakespeare, William, O'Hara, K. J.
The Story of Nursing in British Mental Hospitals: Echoes from the Corridors by McCrae, Niall, Nolan, Peter
The Chaco War: Environment, Ethnicity, and Nationalism by
Village Life in America 1852-1872 by Richards, Caroline Cowles
Migrant Women's Voices: Talking about Life and Work in the UK Since 1945 by McDowell, Linda
Das Welfen Genom: eine wahre Geschichte by Ruff, Nicolaus Johann Georg Von
The Teaching of Modern Foreign Languages and the Training of Teachers by Breul, Karl
Quartic Surfaces with Singular Points by Jessop, C. M.
Sir Philip Gibbs and English Journalism in War and Peace by Kerby, Martin C.
Rubber and Rubber Planting by Lock, R. H.
Mimicry in Butterflies by Punnett, Reginald Crundall
The English Republican Tradition and Eighteenth-Century France: Between the Ancients and the Moderns by Hammersley, Rachel
Finding Hidden Voices of the Chinese Railroad Workers by Allen, Rebecca, Heffner, Sarah Christine, Maniery, Mary L.
Richardson, Rousseau und Goethe: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Romans im 18. Jahrhundert by Schmidt, Erich
王国时代的智慧全书 A Comprehensive Book of Wisdom From the Era of Kingdoms by Xie, Xuanjun
1916 by Kelly, Sp
Vergil - A Biography by Frank, Tenney
Deafness, Community and Culture in Britain: Leisure and Cohesion, 1945-95 by Atherton, Martin
Hard Sell: Advertising, Affluence and Transatlantic Relations, C. 1951-69 by Nixon, Sean
Poems by Mansfield, Katherine
Colonial Food in Interwar Paris: The Taste of Empire by Janes, Lauren
Excavating Memory: Sites of Remembering and Forgetting by
Chancen und Grenzen der Portfolio-Arbeit im Geschichtsunterricht in der 6. Klasse. Stärkt die Arbeit mit dem Portfolio das selbstständige Lernen? by Schulz, Anke
Die Einheit von Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik. Zum historischen Zusammenhang eines Leitbegriffs der DDR in der Ära Honecker by Oelmüller, Frank
Die deutsche Kolonialpolitik in Deutsch-Südwestafrika als Genozid und Vorläufer nationalsozialistischer Gewalt? by Anonym
Alt-Westfalen: Die Bauentwicklung Westfalens seit der Renaissance by Von Kerckerinck Zur Borg, Engelbert
Halberstadt - Fliegerstadt bis 1918: mit einem Abriss der Luftfahrtgeschichte by Sternal, Bernd
Leibniz ALS Reichshofrat: Herausgegeben Von W. Li by Faak, Margot
Trickle Down for Dummies by Regain, Ronald
The Theology of Luther in Its Historical Development and Inner Harmony by Kostlin, Julius
The Fundamental Basis of Nutrition by Lusk, Graham
Wood and Forest by Noyes, William
Les Origines du Capitalisme moderne by Sée, Henri
In the Shadow of the Shtetl: Small-Town Jewish Life in Soviet Ukraine by Veidlinger, Jeffrey
La prova come confessione. Meditazioni sulla natura offesa by Francini, Giacomo
Why the Porcupine Is Not a Bird: Explorations in the Folk Zoology of an Eastern Indonesian People by Forth, Gregory
In Search of the Liberal Moment: Democracy, Anti-Totalitarianism, and Intellectual Politics in France Since 1950 by
Access to History for the IB Diploma: Civil Rights and Social Movements in the Americas Post-1945 Second Edition: Hodder Education Group by Sanders, Vivienne
Der Untergang des Einzelnen im Klassenkampf? Zur Möglichkeit der Durchsetzung individueller Interessen im Rätedemokratischen Staatsmodell und der Marx by Hoops, Maik
Between Slavery and Freedom: Free People of Color in America From Settlement to the Civil War by Winch, Julie
The Intellectual in Modern Chinese History by Cheek, Timothy
Großbritanniens Weg in den Zweiten Weltkrieg. Eine Darstellung der britisch-sowjetischen Verhandlungen im Mai 1939 anhand des Buches "How war came" vo by Meyer, Isabel
Geschlecht und Ethnizität in Kuba von der Sklaverei bis zur Revolution. Die Testimonio-Literatur von "Reyita": Die Geschichte einer Afrokubanerin by Lucas, Claudia
The Rise of the Global Company by Fitzgerald, Robert
The Rise of the Global Company by Fitzgerald, Robert
Pleasant Valley Revisited by Crandall, Zeke
The Royal Blue: Maharani Krishna Kumari KI Romanchak Gaatha by Prasad, Ayodhya
Das Eisenbahnwesen als Glied des Verkehrswesens: insbesondere die Staatsbahnen - Abriss einer Eisenbahn - Politik und -Ökonomik by Wagner, Adolph
Hendschel's Telegraph: Uebersicht der Eisenbahn, Post, Dampfschiff und TelegraphenVerbindungen by Hendschel, E.
Krieg der Franken gegen die wider sie verbündeten Mächte by Posselt, Ernst Ludwig
The Lives Of The Saints: First Edition by Baring-Gould, Sabine
The Lives Of The Saints: Volume II by Baring-Gould, Sabine
Hanseakten aus England: 1275 bis 1412 by Kunze, Karl
Praktisches Handbuch der osmanisch-türkischen Sprache by Wahrmund, Adolf
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott: Vol. XI - The bridal of triermain. Harold the dauntless by Scott, Walter
An Epoch in Irish History, Trinity College, Dublin, Its Foundation and Early Fortune by Mahaffy, John Pentland
Point de lendemain by Denon, Vivant
The Aran Islands by Synge, John M.
Wissenschaft Und Globales Denken by
Ostfriesische Geschichte by Wiarda, Tilemann Dothias
Unterhaltungen aus der Naturgeschichte by Leizelt, Balthasar Friedrich, Wilhelm, Gottlieb Tobias
Jenseits von Gut und Böse by Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
Das Unbewusste vom Standpunkt der Physiologie und Descendenztheorie: Eine kritische Beleuchtung des naturphilosophischen Teils der Philosophie des Unb by Hartmann, Eduard Von
Ägyptische Chronologie by Lieblein, Jens Carolus
80 Old Testament Characters of World History: Chronological, Historical and Archaeological Evidence by Gertoux, Gerard
The Placentia Area - A Changing Mosaic by Everts, Lee K. M.
The Shepherds of Arcadia Solution.: The Mysteries of Stirling Castle, Rennes le Chateau, and Shugborough Hall by Lindahl, Bradbury Cort
Mountain Folk: More Oral Histories of the Appalachian People by Coffey, Lynn
American Indian Women of Proud Nations: Essays on History, Language, and Education by
Higher Lessons in English by Reed, Alonzo
I forgot more than you'll ever know about me. by Hobbs, James E.
Principes d'économie politique by Gide, Charles
The Last American by Mitchell, John Ames
Seeing Things at Night by Broun, Heywood
Adventures in New Guinea by Chalmers, James
Jennie Gerhardt by Dreiser, Theodore
Logic. Inductive and Deductive by Minto, William
The Future of International Law by Oppenheim, L.
Poems by Whitman, Walt
An African Adventure by Marcosson, Isaac F.
Der Polnische Insurrektionskrieg im Jahre 1794: Nebst einigen freimütigen Nachrichten und Bemerkungen über die letzte Teilung in Polen. Von einem Auge by Möllendorff, O. F. Von
A Biographical Dictionary of the Sudan: Biographic Dict of Sudan by Hill, Richard
The Damned Art (RLE Witchcraft): Essays in the Literature of Witchcraft by
Einstein The Searcher: His Work Explained from Dialogues with Einstein by Moszkowski, Alexander
Recent Developments in Atomic Theory by Graetz, Leo
The Erosion of Childhood: Childhood in Britain 1860-1918 by Rose, Lionel
European Witch Trials (RLE Witchcraft): Their Foundations in Popular and Learned Culture, 1300-1500 by Kieckhefer, Richard
Muslims In Australia by Kabir, Nahid
The History Of The Rod by Cooper, William M.
Science Advances by Haldane, J. B. S.
Sketches of Hayti: From the Expulsion of the French to the Death of Christophe by Harvey, William Woodis
Psycho-Analysis (RLE: Freud): A Brief Account of the Freudian Theory by Low, Barbara
Scientific Progress by Jeans, James, Bragg, William, Appleton, E. V.
Haunted Hotels in Arizona and Colorado by Hudnall, Ken, Hudnall, Sharon
By the Ionian Sea by Gissing, George
The Diaries of Sir Ernest Mason Satow, 1883-1888: A Diplomat In Siam, Japan, Britain and Elsewhere by Ruxton (Ed )., Ian
Taking Off: Memories of de Havilland at Hatfield by Hatfield Local History Society
2015 Annual Issue by History Review, New York
Emily's Story: The Brave Journey of an Orphan Train Rider by Kidder, Clark
Global Geopolitical Flashpoints: An Atlas of Conflict by Anderson, Ewan W.
The Ancestors and Descendants of Thomas Jones by Jones, Samuel Gregory
Weston: A Place Apart (Second Edition) by Anderson, Betsy
Escape From Manchuria by Maruyama, Paul
Rabindranath Tagore, the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913, and the British Raj: Some Untold Stories by Doulah, A. B. M. Shamsud
Rabindranath Tagore, the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913, and the British Raj: Some Untold Stories by Doulah, A. B. M. Shamsud
King Sham, and Other Atrocities in Verse by Greenleaf, Lawrence N.
Jesus in the History of the World by Drews, Arthur, Renan, Ernest
Cousine Phillis by Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn
Encyclopédie des gens du monde, répertoire universel des sciences, des lettres et des arts - Tome XII by Montor, Artaud De
Zone Policeman 88; a close range study of the Panama canal and its workers by Franck, Harry Alverson
The Belief in Immortality on Purely Logical Principles by Gross, J. B.
Frederick the Great and his court, an historical romance by Muhlbach, L.
Outline Studies in the Old Testament for Bible Teachers by Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
Les contes de Jacques Tournebroche by France, Anatole
Monsieur Bergeret à Paris by France, Anatole
L'orme du Mail by France, Anatole
Cousine Phillis by Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn
Reminiscences - Vol. II by McCarthy, Justin
San Cristóbal de la Habana by Hergesheimer, Joseph
The Path of Prosperity by Allen, James
The Voice of the Machines: An Introduction to the Twentieth Century by Lee, Gerald Stanley
Storie di Mare: Le opere pittoriche raccontano i grandi eventi dalle Guerre Puniche alla Coppa America by Grillo, Salvatore
Key to the New Practical Arithmetic, With Answers to Exercises in the New Elementary Arithmetic by Greenleaf, Benjamin
Die SPD in der Endphase der Weimarer Republik: Mitschuld am Untergang der Republik oder Bollwerk gegen die NSDAP? by Tang-Chieu, Long
The Beginnings of Accounting and Accounting Thought: Accounting Practice in the Middle East (8000 B.C to 2000 B.C.) and Accounting Thought in India (3 by Mattessich, Richard
Witchcraft and Folk Belief in the Age of Enlightenment: Scotland, 1670-1740 by Henderson, Lizanne
The Origins of the African-American Civil Rights Movement 1865-1956 by Zhang, Aimin
Struggle For National Survival: Chinese Eugenics in a Transnational Context, 1896-1945 by Chung, Yuehtsen Juliette
Taking Charge: Nursing, Suffrage, and Feminism in America, 1873-1920 by Lewenson, Sandra B.
The Assertive Woman in Zora Neale Hurston's Fiction, Folklore, and Drama by Peters, Pearlie Mae Fisher
Women in Agriculture: A Guide to Research by Maman, Marie, Tate, Thelma H.
Thac Lu Mua Nguon by Nguyen, Tuong Ly
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