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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General World History in 2016

CLOSING IN on the Ancestry of John, Gabriel and James Phillips by Phillips, Doyle
Le capitaine Fracasse by Gautier, Theophile
Mademoiselle de Maupin by Gautier, Theophile
Die Kunstdenkmäler des Kreises Villingen: Die Kunstdenkmäler des Großherzogtums BADEN by Kraus, Franz Xaver
All the Presidents' Memories: How they Reconstruct the Past, Manage the Present and Shape the Future, Volume I by Roth, Ph. D. Henry J.
Lives on the Line: Voices for Change from the Thailand-Burma Border by Link, Burma
Queen Elizabeth II: A Celebration of Her Majesty's 90th Birthday by Ewart, Tim
Die Alliierte Hohe Kommision. Entstehung, Struktur und Verhältnis zu Bundeskanzler Konrad Adenauer by Pfeiffer, Christian
Geschichte der Weltliteratur: Die griechische und lateinische Literatur des klassischen Altertums by Baumgartner, Alexander
Athenais: Geschichte einer byzantinischen Kaiserin by Gregorovius, Ferdinand
Der philosophische Kritizismus und seine Bedeutung für die positive Wissenschaft by Riehl, Alois
Geschichte der deutschen Philosophie seit Leibniz by Zeller, Eduard
Der Ratskeller zu Bremen by Entholt, Hermann, Bedey, Björn
The History of India: As told by its own historians - The Muhammadan Period by Dowson, John
Le roman d'un enfant by Loti, Pierre
Mon Frère Yves by Loti, Pierre
Book Binding and Mending Made Easy, Designed for the Isntruction of All School Children by Frick, Erwin W.
Trois contes by Flaubert, Gustave
La chartreuse de parme (French Edition) by Stendhal
Le lys dans la vallee (French Edition) by De Balzac, Honore
Histoire de la crise religieuse en Europe by Renan, Ernest
Mon petit Trott by Lichtenberger, Andre
Enciclopedia del Peru by Villanueva Sotomayor, Julio R.
Der Einfluss der Schlacht von Bunker Hill auf den Amtsantritt von George Washingtons by Anonymous
Special Forces: A Unique National Asset "through, with and by" by Boyatt, Mark D.
The Crimean War and its Impacts on Britain and Europe by Pfeiffer, Christian
Special Forces: A Unique National Asset "through, with and by" by Boyatt, Mark D.
Of Papers and Protests: Hong Kong responds to Occupy Central Volume 2 by Breshears, Guy
Die Funktion des Reichsnationalismus nach der Gründung des Deutschen Reichs 1871: "Du bist nichts, Dein Volk ist alles" by Kersch, Laura Sophie
Das Deutsch-Britische Flottenabkommen von 1935 by V. Bruchhausen, Philipp-Henning
The Rails and Trails of Pittsburgh by Regan, Bob
Krisenjahre. Stationen sowjetisch-amerikanischer Beziehungen im Spannungsfeld des Kalten Krieges 1945-1962 by Schwab, Christian
Die nationale Einigung der Deutschen und die Entwicklung des Reiches by Henne Am Rhyn, Otto
Denken statt glauben: Wie das Christentum wirklich entstanden ist by Weber, Roland
Die deutschen Welthäfen Hamburg und Bremen by Flügel, Heinrich
The Poems, Plays and Other Remains, With a Copious Account of the Author, Notes and an Appendix by Suckling, John
Walks with Jesus, Or, Days of the Son of Man by March, Daniel
History of England, from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the reign of Victoria by Markham, Mrs
Geschichte Des Erzstifts Trier by Marx, Jakob
Martyr, A Tragedy of Belguim, Drama in Five Acts by Leeman, Jean
Louise et Barnavaux by Mille, Pierre
Portraits of eminent Americans now living, with biographical and historical memoirs of there lives and actions by Livingston, John
Scènes de la vie de jeunesse by Murger, Henri
Contes by de Musset, Alfred
Monsieur le Vent et Madame la Pluie by De Musset, Paul
Highland Tank Our Settlement by Graham, Priscilla T.
Il Progresso E Le Sue Interpretazioni by Carlo, Emanuele
Life and Confession of Stephen Dee Richards: A 19th Century Serial Killer by Richards, Stephen Dee, Anonymous
Relations of Power in Early Neo-Assyrian State Ideology by Karlsson, Mattias
A Prince Too Far: The Great Powers and the Shaping of Modern Albania by Salleo, Ferdinando
Rabaul Jewel of the Pacific: A Pictorial look at Historic Rabaul by Young, Warren
Privacy: A Short History by Vincent, David
The Tamil Separatist War in Sri Lanka by Wickremesekera, Channa
Only a Celtic Quarrel by Smith, David James
The Divine Comedy by Alighieri, Dante
Un Chico Sin Estrella by Gómez Martín, Florentino
Politische Werbung durch Plakate in der Weimarer Republik (Klasse 9, Geschichte) by Wagner, Julia
Greek Perspectives on the Achaemenid Empire: Persia Through the Looking Glass by Morgan, Janett
Los Rieles del Tamarindo: El Tiempo del Condor: El Tiempo del Condor by Romero, Fausto M.
Bad Queen Bess?: Libels, Secret Histories and the Politics of Publicity in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth I by Lake, Peter
Das völkische Milieu. Zur Gründung der NSDAP by Pötsch, Christian
Japan's Cold War: Media, Literature, and the Law by Sherif, Ann
Writing the Rules for Europe: Experts, Cartels, and International Organizations by Kaiser, Wolfram, Schot, Johan
50 Great Disasters Made Worse by Human Folly by King, Jeffrey L.
La Ciudad de Los Iconos: Fascinantes historias georgianas contadas por un uruguayo by Alayon, Ruben
Les inutiles du mariage by Ulbach, Louis
Hartman, Dühring und Lange Zur Geschichte der deutschen Philosophie im XIX. Jahrhundert by Vaihinger, Hans
Pirates of the Golden Age: Revealing the True History of Pirates and their World by Rhodes, Ts
Prison Planet - Swastikas were "S" letter shapes for "SOCIALIST"; Fascist behavior & the Third Reich's stiff-armed gesture came from the USA by Curry Esq, Rex, Institute, Pointer, Writers, Dead
Stories of the American revolution by Tomlinson, Everett T.
Lebenserinnerungen: Ein Stück deutschen Lebens by Eucken, Rudolf
Altchristliche Literatur und kritische Historie bei Franz Overbeck: Vier Studien by Emmelius, Johann-Christoph
Captain Derek's Dolphin Magic Boat by Barros, Susan
New York's Yiddish Theater: From the Bowery to Broadway by
Stealing the Show: African American Performers and Audiences in 1930s Hollywood by Petty, Miriam J.
Irish Voices from the Spanish Inquisition: Migrants, Converts and Brokers in Early Modern Iberia by O'Connor, Thomas
The Great East Asian War and the Birth of the Korean Nation by Haboush, Jahyun Kim
Stealing the Show: African American Performers and Audiences in 1930s Hollywood by Petty, Miriam J.
Goals and Means: Anarchism, Syndicalism, and Internationalism in the Origins of the Federación Anarquista Ibérica by Garner, Jason
Im Vertrauen auf Gott und den "Führer": Die Tagebücher meines Vaters 1935 - 1945 by Heuer, Edith
Revolutionary Cuba: A History by Martínez-Fernández, Luis
Treasure in Heaven: The Holy Poor in Early Christianity by Brown, Peter
Recovering The Lost World, Volume 2 by Cook, Jno
Recovering The Lost World, Volume 3 by Cook, Jno
Poems by MacCarthy, Denis Florence
The Battleship Book by Farley, Robert M.
İrƏvan XanliĞi... GerçƏklİyİn AydinliĞi by Zeynalov, Asgar
The Triumph of Seeds: How Grains, Nuts, Kernels, Pulses, and Pips Conquered the Plant Kingdom and Shaped Human History by Hanson, Thor
Umweltgeschichte: Eine Einführung in Grundbegriffe by Herrmann, Bernd
Oral History Theory by Abrams, Lynn
Roland: Zeitschrift der genealogisch-heraldischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Roland zu Dortmund e.V. by
An Historical Address Delivered in the First Parish Church, Wayland, Mass by Cutting, Alfred Wayland
The French Revolution and Modern French Socialism by Peixotto, Jessica Blanche
The First Century of American History by Long, A. H.
The Hippie Movement: Exploring the Counter-Culture Explosion of the 1960s & Beyond by Beech, Norman R. R.
The Early Christian Conception of Christ, Its Significance and Value in the History of Religion by Pfleiderer, Otto
History of American Literature by Halleck, Reuben Post
An essay on probabilities, and their application to life contingencies and insurance offices by de Morgan, Augustus
Adolphe by Constant, Benjamin
North China The Land of the Boxers or China Under the Allies by Casserly, Captain Gordon
Studies from Life by Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock
Traité pratique de la machine locomotive by Demoulin, Maurice
Letters to the Sage: Collected Correspondence of Thomas Moore Johnson: Volume One: The Esotericists by Johnson, Thomas Moore
Villainy in Western Culture: Historical Archetypes of Danger, Disorder and Death by Kendrick, M. Gregory
Lone Star Unionism, Dissent, and Resistance: Other Sides of Civil War Texas by
The Jefferson Bible by Jefferson, Thomas
Selected Letters from Pliny the Younger's Epistulae: Commentary by Jacqueline Carlon by Carlon, Jacqueline
Operatoren, Fachbegriffe und Vorgehensweisen für diverse Analysen im Fach Geschichte. Abiturvorbereitungen für den Leistungskurs by G, Mike
The Jefferson Bible by Jefferson, Thomas
"A Train to Catch" by Kassim, Husna
Cynewulf´s Elene: A metrical translation from Zupitza's edition by Menzies, Jane
Schriften des Vereins für die Geschichte der Stadt Berlin: Erster Band by Verein Für Die Geschichte Berlins
Schriften: des Vereins für Geschichte des Bodensees und seiner Umgebung by Verein Für Geschichte
Die Ursachen des Deutschen Kriegs und seine Folgen by Reyscher, August Ludwig
Das schlimme Jahr by Breitschaft, Roswitha
Nekrolog auf das Jahr 1793: Erster Band by Schlichtegroll, Friedrich
The North American Arithmetic by Emerson, Frederick
Religion and Life by Eucken, Rudolf
Oeuvres complettes, Pour servir a l'Histoire des cours de Louis XIV, de la Régence et de Louis XV - Tome IX by Saint-Simon, Louis De
L'Assommoir by Zola, Émile
Histoires naturelles by Renard, Jules
A Question in Baptist History, Whether the Anabaptists in England Practiced Immersion by Whitsitt, William H.
La chute de miss Topsy by Rod, Edouard
Money inflation in the United States, a study in social pathology by Wildman, Murray Shipley
The principles of agriculture for common schools by Winslow, I. O.
Practical problems of the school by Waits, Harmon Ebert
Twenty Years' Experience as a Ghost Hunter by O'Donnell, Elliot
Histoire de la Flandre et de ses institutions civiles et politiques - Tome I by Warnkoenig, L. a.
Addresses on Historical and Literary Subjects by Dollinger, Johann Joseph Ignaz Von
Historia Graeca by Xenophon
East Tennessee and the civil war by Temple, Oliver Perry
Always on Target: Adventurous Annie Oakley by Endorf, Charlotte M.
Poultry Breeding and Management: The Origin of the 300-Egg Hen by Dryden, James
Soldiers as Workers: Class, Employment, Conflict and the Nineteenth-Century Military by Mansfield, Nick
Nationalism and History Education: Curricula and Textbooks in the United States and France by Hutchins, Rachel D.
Le conflit en Irak et en Syrie, expliqué aux lycéens by Clionautes, Les, Stener, Christophe
Songs, measures, metrical lines by Graham, Jaen Carlyle
Rhymes à la mode by Lang, Andrew
Aber die Liebe: Ein Ehemanns und Menschenbuch by Dehmel, Richard
Voices of the Spirit by Matheson, George
Elements of Ecclesiastical Law: Volume 1: Ecclesiastical Persons by Smith, Sebastian Bach
Theodore Roosevelt/Spring Rice in WWI, Joshua Barney, Dolley Madison, Elizabeth Monroe, & USN "Airdales" by Marrone, Daniel Scott
Rückblicke auf Dichtungen und Sagen des deutschen Mittelalters by
Sadlier's excelsior studies in the history of the United States by Sadlier, William
Abhandlung von der Anlage, dem vorteilhaftesten Bau und der Unterhaltung der Röhrbrunnen: 1791 by Cancrin, Franz Ludwig
Local government and taxation of towns: Ireland: part II; Belfast, Trim and Wicklow by Gb Royal Commission Taxation
Commissioners of National Education in Ireland: forty-first report, 1874, with appendices by Com of National Education in Ireland
Commissioners for Administering Laws for Relief of Poor in Ireland: twenty-fifth annual report with appendix by Commissioners for Administering Laws
Archiv für Frankfurts Geschichte und Kunst: Dritter Band by Verein Für Altertumskunde
Kunst über alle Künste: Ein bös Weib gut zu machen ( 1672 ) by Shakespeare, William
Pfälzische historische Nachrichten aus neuern Schriften by Meusel, S.
Die Kunst im Zusammenhang der Kulturentwickelung und die Ideale der Menschheit: Zweiter Band by Carriere, Moriz
Die Kunst im Zusammenhang der Kulturentwickelung und die Ideale der Menschheit: Fünfter Band by Carriere, Moriz
The Life of Jean-Jacques Olier: Founder of the Seminary of St. Sulpice by Thompson, Edward Healy
Holy wisdom: or, Directions for the prayer of contemplation, extracted out of more than forty treatises by Baker, Augustine
Milton und seine Zeit: Drittes Buch. Zweiter Teil by Stern, Alfred
Nachrichten von den Eisbergen in Tirol by Walcher, Joseph
The end of religious controversy: in a friendly correspondence between a religious society of Protestants and a Roman Catholic divine by Milner, John, Lucas, Fielding
Die Kunst im Zusammenhang der Kulturentwickelung und die Ideale der Menschheit: Erster Band by Carriere, Moriz
Pindars Logavedische Strophen by Graf, Ernst
Die Franzosen am Rhein by Girtanner, Christoph
A complete Greek and English lexicon for the poems of Homer and the Homeridae: Illustrating the domestic, religious, political, and military condition by Smith, Henry, Crusius, Gottlieb Christian
Die Altertümer des Volkes Israel by Ewald, Heinrich
Geschichte des Königreichs Westfalen by Kleinschmidt, Arthur
Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland: During the Middle Ages by Rishanger, William, Riley, Henry Thomas
Kulturhistorische Bilder aus der Schweiz by Osenbrüggen, Eduard
Die Ausbildung der Grundherrschaften in Deutschland während der Karolingerzeit by Karl Theodor F. M. Von Inama-Sternegg
Geschichte der Deutschen in Frankreich und der Franzosen in Deutschland by Von Nau, Bernhard Sebastian
Die Kunst im Zusammenhang der Kulturentwicklung und die Ideale der Menschheit: Erster Band: Die Anfänge der Kultur und das orientalische Altertum in R by Carriere, Moriz
The Waverley Novels: Volume V. - The Antiquary by Scott, Walter
Zwei Churer Sagen und die altgermanischen Götter Frey und Balder by Vetter, Ferdinand
Politische Correspondenz Friedrichs des Grossen: 21. Band (1761-1762) by König Von Preussen, Friedrich
Durchfluege durch Deutschland, die Niederlande und Frankreich by Heß, Jonas Ludwig Von
Frau Wilhelmine: Letzter Teil: aus dem Leben der Hauptstadt by
Goethe-Jahrbuch: Sechzehnter Band by Geiger, Ludwig
The flying Dutchman ( Der fliegende Holländer ): a romantic opera in three acts by Troutbeck, J. (John), Baker, Theodore, Wagner, Richard
The life of Cardinal Ximenez by Hefele, Karl Joseph Von
Freuden des jungen Werthers: Leiden und Freuden Werthers des Mannes by Nicolai, Friedrich
A Natural History for Young People Our Animal Friends in their Native Homes by Humphreys, Mrs Phebe Westcott
Breaking the Outer Ring: Marine Landings in the Marshall Islands by Chapin, Captain John C.
The Truth About German Atrocities Founded on the Report of the Committee on Alleged German Atrocities 1915 by Anonymous
The Growth of Parliament and the War With Scotland (1216-1307) by Robieson, W. D.
Caught In The Ripple by Clapham, L. D.
Le Japon by De Montblanc, Charles
Studies in Church History: Volume 1: Centuries I. - VIII. by Parsons, Reuben
Epic Women by See, Marlo M.
The Poems of William Shakespeare by Shakespeare, William
Die Anfänge der Landfriedensaufrichtungen in Deutschland by Goecke, Rudolf
The Cowboy Saddle by Prevedel, David
Das Kloster Disentis: vom Ausgang des Mittelalters bis zum Tode des Abtes Christian von Castelberg 1584 by Cahannes, Johann
Über Kritik und Geschichte des Goetheschen Textes by Bernays, Michael
Domestic Tensions, National Anxieties: Global Perspectives on Marriage, Crisis, and Nation by
The Growth of British Policy, An Historical Essay by Seeley, J. S.
Shakespeare's Sonnets by Shakespeare, William
Sonnets On The Sonnet: An Anthology by Russell, Matthew
Europäische Annalen by Posselt, Ernst Ludwig
Luthers Verhältniss zu Kunst und Künstlern by Lehfeldt, Paul
Richardson, Rousseau und Goethe: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Romans im 18.Jahrhundert by Schmidt, Erich
Relief Organizations and Religions in China 救难组织与中国宗教 by Xie, Xuanjun
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