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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General World History in 2016

Visions of an Unseen World: Ghost Beliefs and Ghost Stories in Eighteenth Century England by Handley, Sasha
Ships and the Development of Maritime Technology on the Indian Ocean by
Sound Mind and Memory: 19th Century Newfoundland Wills by Butler, Ba Llb Tep Lynne
The Crescent of Circumcision: A History of Beer, Boats and Taxation by Milne, Tony
Entrepreneurial Families: Business, Marriage and Life in the Early Nineteenth Century by Popp, Andrew
The Religious Culture of Marian England by Loades, David
Between Empire and Revolution: A Life of Sidney Bunting, 1873-1936 by Drew, Allison
Rhyming Reason: The Poetry of Romantic-Era Psychologists by Faubert, Michelle
Credibility in Elizabethan and Early Stuart Military News by Randall, David
Britain and the First World War (RLE The First World War) by
Rural Unwed Mothers: An American Experience, 1870-1950 by Hough, Mazie
Policing Prostitution, 1856-1886: Deviance, Surveillance and Morality by Lee, Catherine
Dialogue, Didacticism and the Genres of Dispute: Literary Dialogues in the Age of Revolution by Wallbank, Adrian J.
Jewish Immigrants in London, 1880-1939 by Tananbaum, Susan L.
The Edinburgh Review in the Literary Culture of Romantic Britain: Mammoth and Megalonyx by Christie, William
The Politics of Childhood in Cold War America by Kordas, Ann Maire
Blake, Gender and Culture by Bruder, Helen P.
Medicine and Colonialism: Historical Perspectives in India and South Africa by
Desperate Housewives, Neuroses and the Domestic Environment, 1945-1970 by Haggett, Ali
The Politics of Reproduction in Ottoman Society, 1838-1900 by Balsoy, Gülhan
The English Deists: Studies in Early Enlightenment by Hudson, Wayne
Socialism and Print Culture in America, 1897-1920 by Martinek, Jason D.
Natural Science and the Origins of the British Empire by Irving, Sarah
Guilty Money: The City of London in Victorian and Edwardian Culture, 1815-1914 by Michie, Ranald C.
Diabolism in Colonial Peru, 1560-1750 by Redden, Andrew
Daniel O'Connell and the Anti-Slavery Movement: 'The Saddest People the Sun Sees' by Kinealy, Christine
Disabled Children: Contested Caring, 1850-1979 by Borsay, Anne
Jews and the Renaissance of Synagogue Architecture, 1450-1730 by Stiefel, Barry L.
Enlightenment and Modernity: The English Deists and Reform by Hudson, Wayne
Debt and Slavery in the Mediterranean and Atlantic Worlds by Stanziani, Alessandro
A Political Biography of Jonathan Swift by Oakleaf, David
Writing the Empire: Robert Southey and Romantic Colonialism by Bolton, Carol
Age and Identity in Eighteenth-Century England by Yallop, Helen
The Poetic Enlightenment: Poetry and Human Science, 1650-1820 by Boyson, Rowan
Ireland and Empire, 1692-1770 by McGrath, Charles Ivar
A Medical History of Skin: Scratching the Surface by Siena, Kevin Patrick
Charity, Self-Interest And Welfare In Britain: 1500 To The Present by
Bacteria in Britain, 1880-1939 by Wall, Rosemary
Child Guidance in Britain, 1918-1955: The Dangerous Age of Childhood by Stewart, John
The Politics of Disclosure, 1674-1725: Secret History Narratives by Bullard, Rebecca
The Aliveness of Plants: The Darwins at the Dawn of Plant Science by Ayres, Peter
William Wickham, Master Spy: The Secret War Against the French Revolution by Durey, Michael
The English Empire in America, 1602-1658: Beyond Jamestown by Roper, L. H.
Paracelsus's Theory of Embodiment: Conception and Gestation in Early Modern Europe by Cislo, Amy Eisen
The Historiography of the Chemical Revolution: Patterns of Interpretation in the History of Science by McEvoy, John G.
Anglo-Spanish Rivalry in Colonial South-East America, 1650-1725 by Grady, Timothy Paul
Court Politics and the Earl of Essex, 1589-1601 by Dickinson, Janet
Until Darwin, Science, Human Variety and the Origins of Race by Brown, B. Ricardo
Marcuse and Freedom (RLE Social Theory) by Lind, Peter
War and the Militarization of British Army Medicine, 1793-1830 by Kelly, Catherine
A Modern History of the Stomach: Gastric Illness, Medicine and British Society, 1800-1950 by Miller, Ian
Nervous Disease in Late Eighteenth-Century Britain: The Reality of a Fashionable Disorder by Beatty, Heather R.
Church-State Relations in the Early American Republic, 1787-1846 by Kabala, James S.
The Aboriginal Male in the Enlightenment World by Konishi, Shino
The Public Lives of Charlotte and Marie Stopes by Green, Stephanie
Race and Identity in the Tasman World, 1769-1840 by Standfield, Rachel
The Rise of the Left in Southern Europe: Anglo-American Responses by Rizas, Sotiris
Breast Cancer in the Eighteenth Century by Kaartinen, Marjo
Violence and Racism in Football: Politics and Cultural Conflict in British Society, 1968-1998 by Bebber, Brett
Out of the House of Bondage: Runaways, Resistance and Marronage in Africa and the New World by
In the Path of Allah: 'Umar, An Essay into the Nature of Charisma in Islam' by Willis, John Ralph
Mongolia Today: Science, Culture, Environment and Development by
Empire of Political Thought: Indigenous Australians and the Language of Colonial Government by Buchan, Bruce
British Agriculture in the First World War (RLE The First World War) by Dewey, Peter
The Politics of Hospital Provision in Early Twentieth-Century Britain by Doyle, Barry M.
The Study of Anatomy in Britain, 1700-1900 by Hutton, Fiona
A Century of Science 1851-1951 by
Little Bighorn!: Nordmann i kamp mot Sioux-indianere by Sollien, Asbjørn
Human Heredity in the Twentieth Century by Gausemeier, Bernd
Slaveholders in Jamaica: Colonial Society and Culture during the Era of Abolition by Petley, Christer
At a Theater or Drive-In Near You: The History, Culture, and Politics of the American Exploitation Film by Clark, Randall
New Subjects and New Governance in India by
'How Best Do We Survive?': A Modern Political History of the Tamil Muslims by McPherson, Kenneth
Anatomy and the Organization of Knowledge, 1500-1850 by
Banaras: Urban Forms and Cultural Histories by
Shaping the Landscape: Celebrating Dance in Australia by
Wronging Rights?: Philosophical Challenges for Human Rights by
Health and Citizenship: Political Cultures of Health in Modern Europe by
Western Maternity and Medicine, 1880-1990 by
Drink in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries by
Merchants and Profit in the Age of Commerce, 1680-1830 by
John Thelwall: Radical Romantic and Acquitted Felon by
Writing India, Writing English: Literature, Language, Location by Prasad, G. J. V.
Romantic Localities: Europe Writes Place by
India's Grand Strategy: History, Theory, Cases by
India's Strategic Culture: The Making of National Security Policy by Paranjpe, Shrikant
Slavery, Memory and Identity: National Representations and Global Legacies by
Sex, Reproduction and Darwinism by
Statistics, Public Debate and the State, 1800-1945: A Social, Political and Intellectual History of Numbers by Beaud, Jean-Pierre, Prevost, Jean-Guy
Modern German Midwifery, 1885-1960 by Fallwell, Lynne
Colonialism, Orientalism and the Dravidian Languages by Venkateswarlu, K.
Frontier Cultures: A Social History of Assamese Literature by Baruah, Manjeet
Poetry as Resistance: Islam and Ethnicity in Postcolonial Pakistan by Langah, Nukhbah Taj
Power and Influence in India: Bosses, Lords and Captains by
Voices from the Periphery: Subalternity and Empowerment in India by
Gandhi and Revolution by Prasad, Devi
Political Transition and Development Imperatives in India by
Contemporary India and South Africa: Legacies, Identities, Dilemmas by
Scoring Off the Field: Football Culture in Bengal, 1911-80 by Bandyopadhyay, Kausik
Inside a Madrasa: Knowledge, Power and Islamic Identity in India by Alam, Arshad
Sharing Identities: Celebrating Dance in Malaysia by
Interrogating Reorganisation of States: Culture, Identity and Politics in India by
Venice and the Cultural Imagination: 'This Strange Dream upon the Water' by
Biologics, A History of Agents Made From Living Organisms in the Twentieth Century by
Abolition and Its Aftermath: The Historical Context 1790-1916 by
Lutheran Prayer Book: For the Use of Families and Individuals by Kurtz, Benjamin
Charlotte Smith in British Romanticism by Labbe, Jacqueline
The Cosmopolitan Ideal in the Age of Revolution and Reaction, 1776-1832 by Scrivener, Michael
China: From Permanent Revolution to Counter-Revolution by Roberts, John Peter
Ipegüe: Intimidades en las Fuerzas Armadas Sandinistas de Nicaragua (1980-1989) by Camacho, Jesús Osberto
The Revenant - Some Incidents in the Life of Hugh Glass, a Hunter of the Missouri River by St George Cooke, Philip
Benjamin Franklin and the Invention of Microfinance by Costello, Michele R.
Locating Health: Historical and Anthropological Investigations of Place and Health by Dyck, Erika
Medicine in the Remote and Rural North, 1800-2000 by
Meat, Medicine and Human Health in the Twentieth Century by Bonah, Christian
Female Economic Strategies in the Modern World by Moring, Beatrice
Toxicants, Health and Regulation Since 1945 by Jas, Nathalie
Si-Yu-KI Buddhist Records of the Western World: Translated from the Chinese of Hiuen Tsiang (A.D. 629): Volume II by Beal, Samuel
Christians and Jews in Angevin England: The York Massacre of 1190, Narratives and Contexts by
Multi-stories: Cross-cultural Encounters by Sahni, Kalpana
Krieg und Kleinstadt. Frankenhausen im Ersten Weltkrieg by Frenzel, Anne-Katrin
Perspektivübernahme als Bestandteil Historischen Denkens: Die Entwicklung dieser Kompetenz am Beispiel der Unterrichtseinheit "Nationalsozialismus" im by Jahn, Annegret
The Book of Women's Love by Caballero-Navas, Carmen
The Revenant - Some Incidents in the Life of Hugh Glass, a Hunter of the Missouri River by St George Cooke, Philip
WW1 Soldier's Tale: Part 1: Part 1: March 1914 - June 1915 by Living History
Wie festigte Ludwig XIV. seine Macht in Frankreich? (Geschichte, 7. Klasse, Gymnasium) by Köck, Kerstin
Taxation and Debt in the Early Modern City by
Writings of Shaker Apostates and Anti-Shakers, 1782-1850 Vol 2 by
Writings of Shaker Apostates and Anti-Shakers, 1782-1850 Vol 3 by
Writings of Shaker Apostates and Anti-Shakers, 1782-1850 by
Monarchism and Absolutism in Early Modern Europe by Cuttica, Cesare
Le Père de famille by Diderot, Denis
Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of Austin F. Pike by United States Congress
The History and Antiquities of the Collegiate Church of S. Saviour by Thompson, W.
The Jesuit relations and allied documents - Vol. III by Thwaites, Reuben Gold
Historia de Chile - Tomo I by Valdes, Ramon Sotomayor
The Career of the God-idea in History by Tuttle, Hudson
Travels Through France and Italy by Smollett, Tobias
Französische Republik-Propaganda gegen deutsche Soldaten im Ersten Weltkrieg. Fakt und Fassade by Vom Hofe, Marion
Kanada und Neu-Fundland by Von Hesse-Wartegg, Ernst
Der Preis der Arbeit by Engel, Ernst
Von der Hacke zum Pflug by Hahn, Eduard
Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Wissenschaftslehre by Weber, Max
Die erste Handelsreise der Welser und Fugger nach Indien 1505/06 by Sprenger, Balthasar
Das Geld by Wirth, Max
Handbuch der Geschichte des Altertums by Grysar, C. J.
"Friedrich und die große Koalition" von Thomas Mann als Apologetik für den deutschen Einmarsch in Belgien 1914 by Köhring, Joachim
Ohne Kreuz keine Krone: Studienausgabe - 4. Auflage by Penn, William
Gay Marriage: From Stonewall to the Supreme Court by Shay, Zachary
Liberal Quicksand by Decock, Yves
Liberal Quicksand by Decock, Yves
The Cooke Sisters: Education, Piety and Politics in Early Modern England by Allen, Gemma
Old Chinatown: Turn of the Century Photographs of San Francisco's Chinatown by Irwin, Will, Genthe, Arnold
Catholic Communities in Protestant States: Britain and the Netherlands C.1570-1720 by
From Confederation to Nation: The Early American Republic, 1789-1848 by Atkins, Jonathan
Napoleon. Verteidiger der Republik oder Herrscher nach absolutistischem Vorbild? (Grundkurs Geschichte): Planung einer Unterrichtsstunde im Fach Gesch by Breithecker, Olaf
Digital Game-Based Learning. Strukturelle und inhaltliche Potentiale für den Geschichtsunterricht by Malorny, Sebastian
Otto von Bismarck und die Konservativen Parteien by Breithecker, Olaf
Die Ideen von 1914. Deutsche und britische Gelehrte zu Beginn des Ersten Weltkriegs by Lampelsdorfer, Leopold
From Era of Small States to Era of Nations Making Up the World 从小国时代到全球民族 by Xie, Xuanjun
"LOVE & LUST" The Dairies of Harriet E. Wagner / Porto Rico -1927: The Sensuousness Of The Tropics by Wagner, Harriet E., Laster, Carlos a.
Beiträge zur Geschichte des griechischen und römischen Familienrechtes by Hruza, Ernst
Unrepentant Patriot: The Life and Work of Carl Zuckmayer by Mitchell, Allan
Wenn wir Toten erwachen: Dramatischer Epilog in drei Akten by Ibsen, Henrik
Unrepentant Patriot: The Life and Work of Carl Zuckmayer by Mitchell, Allan
The Lives of Otto Chenoweth: Wyoming's Gentleman Horse Thief by Woods, Lawrence
Italian Psychology and Jewish Emigration Under Fascism: From Florence to Jerusalem and New York by Guarnieri, Patrizia
Great Women In American History 2nd Grade U.S. History Vol 5 by Baby Professor
The Lives of Otto Chenoweth: Wyoming's Gentleman Horse Thief by Woods, Lawrence
The Confessions of Nat Turner: An Authentic Account of the Whole Insurrection by Gray, Thomas R., Turner, Nat
impresiones by Campo Arana, Joseph
La gaviota by Caballero, Fernán
Un viaje de novios by Pardo Barzán, Emilia
Marianela by Pérez Galdós, Benito
tormento by Pérez Galdós, Benito
Slavery in Germanic society during the middle ages by Wergeland, Agnes Mathilde
A brief history of the United States boundary question by James, George Payne Rainsford
For the Term of His Natural Life: A Convict in Early Australian History by Clarke, Marcus
The Forgotten Voice of Jesus by Laopodis, George
Österreichs Kämpfe im Jahre 1866 by Ohne Autor
Das schweizerdeutsche Lehngut by Brandstetter, Renward
Indonesich und Indogermanisch im Satzbau by Brandstetter, Renward
Korssakoff und der Beteiligung der Russen an der Schlacht bei Zürich by Von Vivenot, Alfred Ritter
Die Erfindung der Buchstabenschrift by Hug, Johann Leonhard
Gesammelte politische Schriften by Weber, Max
Nationalökonomik des Ackerbaues by Roscher, Wilhelm
El arrollo by Reclus, Elíseo
The Literary Gothic by Rodriguez, Marija Elektra
Quests of the Dragon and Bird Clan: Pun and Sepu (Vol. IV) by Manansala, Paul Kekai
One Man's Influence on Somalia: The Life of Al-Sheikh Al-Sharif Mahamud Al-Sarrmann by Mahamud, Abdurahman Sharif
A History of St. John the Evangelist Parish Sunfish, KY: in Color by Durbin, Daniel B.
Dream Days by Grahame, Kenneth
Pagan Papers by Grahame, Kenneth
Geschichte der Zahlzeichen und der Zahlschrift by Varga, Csaba
Geschichte des Methodik des Volksschulunterrichtes by Kehr, Karl
The Diffusion of Crude Petroleum Through Fuller's Earth by Bransky, Oscar Ellis
Introductory Lecture to the Course on the Early History of Massachusetts by Winthrop, R. C.
Die Bedeutung des Urlaubszwecks fuer den Anspruch auf Urlaub nach dem Bundesurlaubsgesetz und die Behandlung von Urlaubsstoerungen by Okoye-Montis, Krystyna
Die Entwicklung der modernen Buchkunst in Deutschland by Grautoff, Otto
Die politischen Parteien by Naumann, Friedrich
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