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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General World History in 2016

Some Elements Towards the At-one-ment of Knowledge and Belief by Routh, William
L'arroseur by Allais, Alphonse
History Stories of Other Lands - The Modern World by Terry, Arthur Guy
Davidée Birot by Bazin, Rene
Madame de Staël, a study of her life and times, the first revolution and the first empire by Stevens, Abel
Paul et Virginie by de Saint-Pierre, Bernardin
Sermons to Children by Greenwood, F. W. P.
On Board the Good Ship Earth, A Survey of World Problems by Quick, Herbert
An inquiry on the duty of Christians with respect to war by Sheppard, John
The Historical Position of the Episcopal Church by Hall, Francis Joseph
The Ancient Civilizations of America by Newberry, John S.
Rhetorik als Hilfsmittel der Massenpsychologie. Hitlers Rede vom 1. Mai 1933 by Anonymous
Rock Island: The Town by Urie, Steve
The Guns of Dealey Plaza -- Weapons and the Kennedy Assassination by Craig, John
Vorträge und Reden von Hermann von Helmholtz: Erster Band by Helmholtz, Hermann Von
The Apology Of Plato, Parts I and II by Stock, George
Erdbuch für das Gut in Süderhastedt: Besitz von Heinrich Rantzau bis Familie Köhler by
Notes on England by Taine, Hippolyte
The Global 1920s: Politics, economics and society by Carr, Richard, Hart, Bradley W.
Old Silver Brook Obituaries Volume I 1866-1899 by Scott, Brian
John Wesley's Class Meeting: A Model for Making Disciples by Henderson, D. Michael
Geschichte der Entwicklung der naturwissenschaftlichen Weltanschauung in Deutschalnd by Boehmer, Heinrich
The Covert Colonization of Our Solar System by Dorsey, Herbert
The Nocebo Effect: Overdiagnosis and Its Costs by Justman, Stewart
Ticonderoga, past and present: A Companion to Lake George by Stoddard, Seneca Ray
Guide to Moosehead lake and Northern Maine by Way, John, Way, John M., Jr.
Historical Dictionary of Cote d'Ivoire (The Ivory Coast) by Daddieh, Cyril K.
Rise of the Tyrant - Volume 2 of Change to Chains: The 6,000 Year Quest for Global Power by Federer, William J.
Coal: A Human History by Freese, Barbara
Leserbrief und Identitaetskonstitution: Am Beispiel von Diskursen der ost- und westdeutschen Tagespresse 1979-1999 by Wachowski, Goulnara
Histoire de l'empire de Russie, sous le règne de Catherine II et à la fin du dixhuitième siècle - Tome IV by Tooke, William
Parsifal, a mystical drama by Huckel, Oliver
A History of the American Whale Fishery by Tower, Walter S.
The History and Use of Creeds and Anathemas in the Early Centuries of the Church by Turner, Cuthbert Hamilton
Das Weltall, beschreibung und geschichte des kosmos im entwicklungskampfe der natur by Ule, Otto
The war and the coming peace, the moral issue by Jastrow, Morris
Geschichte der Griechen by Jager, Oskar
Catharine by Adams, Nehemiah
The Geological History of New York Island and Harbor: (with illustrations) by Newberry, John S.
Fierce Ruthless Warriors Who Shaped Ancient History Vol. I: Alexander The Great, Charlemagne, Genghis Khan by Smith, Andre T.
The Jesuit relations and allied documents - Travel and Explorations of the Jesuit Missionaries in New France by Thwaites, Reuben Gold
Two Years Before the Mast by Dana, Richard Henry
The Origin of Primitive Money: (with illustrations) by Hale, Horatio, Smith, Adam
Jenseitsvorstellungen im Frühchristentum. Ikonografie, Interpretation und Auswertung by Schobert, Alexander
Thunderbird Medicine Woman: Das etwas andere schamanische Tagebuch by Christa Trachsler
Children of War 1914.: Prose Illustration to Art Work by Shoykhet, Simon
The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow: A Book for an Idle Holiday (Large Print Edition) by Jerome, Jerome K.
La Grande Nation in ihren Reden und Taten by Pfaff, Adam
Types Of Ethical Theory: Volume II by Martineau, James
The Prose Works Of Jonathan Swift D.D.: Vol IV by Swift, Jonathan
The North-Western Provinces Of India by Crooke, W.
The Story Of The Nations - The Hansa Towns by Zimmern, Helen
New America: Volume I by Dixon, William Hepworth
Renaissance in Italy: Italian literature - Volume I by Symonds, John Addington
History of England from the accession of James I to the outbreak of the civil war 1603-1642: Volume IV. 1621 - 1623 by Gardiner, Samuel Rawson
History of England from the accession of James I to the outbreak of the civil war 1603-1642: Volume V. 1623 - 1625 by Gardiner, Samuel Rawson
History of England from the accession of James I to the outbreak of the civil war 1603-1642: Volume I. 1603 - 1607 by Gardiner, Samuel Rawson
History of England from the accession of James I to the outbreak of the civil war 1603-1642: Volume II. 1607 - 1616 by Gardiner, Samuel Rawson
History of England from the accession of James I to the outbreak of the civil war 1603-1642: Volume III. 1616 - 1621 by Gardiner, Samuel Rawson
The life and times of Anthony Wood, antiquary, of Oxford 1623-1695: Volume III: 1682 - 1695 by Wood, Anthony, Clark, Andrew
The life and times of Anthony Wood, antiquary, of Oxford 1623-1695: Volume II: 1664 - 1681 by Clark, Andrew, Wood, Anthony
The life and times of Anthony Wood, antiquary, of Oxford 1623-1695: Volume V: Indexes by Wood, Anthony, Clark, Andrew
The life and times of Anthony Wood, antiquary, of Oxford 1623-1695: Volume IV: Addenda by Wood, Anthony, Clark, Andrew
The Essays: or Counsels, Civil and Moral of Francis Bacon by Reynolds, Samuel Harvey, Bacon, Francis
Loss and gain: The story of a convert by Newman, John Henry
Lessing. Schiller. Goethe by Carriere, Moriz
The Green Lady and Friends by Rodgers, John
Renaissance in Italy: The fine Arts by Symonds, John Addington
The life and times of Anthony Wood, antiquary, of Oxford 1623-1695: Volume I: 1632 - 1663 by Wood, Anthony, Clark, Andrew
The Global 1920s: Politics, economics and society by Hart, Bradley W., Carr, Richard
Greed Unbound: Official Misdeeds in Political Economies of Kin Groups and Chiefdoms (Volume 1) by Mendonsa, Eugene L.
El trabajo de Amalantrah... by Mosquera, Jose Manuel
Kärntens heilige Berge. Eine Studie zur Kultkontinuität am Ulrichs- und Danielsberg by Schobert, Alexander
Entstehung und Verbreitung römischer Tafelgeschirrsupplemente. Feinware und frühe glasierte Keramik von der Republikanischen Zeit bis zum Ende des ers by Schobert, Alexander
Silent Women by Bridges, Melody
Armies of the Macedonian and Punic Wars by Head, Duncan
Consumption and Gender in Southern Europe Since the Long 1960s by
Western Perspectives on the Mediterranean: Cultural Transfer in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, 400-800 AD by
Global Conceptual History: A Reader by
War in Europe: 1450 to the Present by Black, Jeremy
A Sermon by Kentish, John
Narrative and Critical History of America Volume II by Various
State of the Union Addresses of Barack Obama by Obama, Barack
Historiography of American Civilizations: Migration of Man by Witt Jr, Charles T.
Es kann die Bravste nicht in Frieden leben by Lilien Mergner
El Hombre De La Mascara De Hierro by Dumas, Alejandro
Saint Louis et son temps by Wallon, H.
Discourses on Christian Faith and Practice by Ward, Milton
Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre: Erster Band by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von
Das Römische Imperium der Cäsaren by Mommsen, Theodor, Bedey, Björn
Die Zeit Constantins des Großen by Burckhardt, Jacob
All Are Equal: From Slavery to Civil Rights by Alford, Douglas J.
Das Recht der Auslieferung wegen politischer Verbrechen by Lammasch, Heinrich
Entwurf einer geschichte der verfassung der kreishauptstadt Würzburg by Weigand, Wigand
Mapping Space, Sense, and Movement in Florence: Historical GIS and the Early Modern City by
It Happened In Brewood by Robinson, Paul
They Came from Germany, Aboard the Thistle by Hawk, James R.
Everyday Heroic Lives: Portraits from Chicago's Jewish Past by Roth, Walter
Sport und Doping in der DDR. Zur sozial- und wirtschaftshistorischen Entwicklung des Sports by Santner, Markus
Friedenslandschaft Sauerland: Antimilitarismus und Pazifismus in einer katholischen Region by Bürger, Peter
The Duchy of Warsaw, 1807-1815: A Napoleonic Outpost in Central Europe by Czubaty, Jaroslaw
A Mathematician's Journeys: Otto Neugebauer and Modern Transformations of Ancient Science by
Outlines of a Philosophy of the History of Man by Von Herder, Johann Gottfried
Chita: A Memory of Last Island by Hearn, Lafcadio
Las Casas (Bartolomeo De Las Casas) Abbozzo di romanzo inedito conservato nell'Archivio storico del comune di Saluzzo by Pellico, Silvio
Beyond the Metropolis: The Changing Image of Urban Britain, 1780-1880 by Layton-Jones, Katy
Kerimaa mytologia: Väinämöisen ihmeelliset seikkailut by Nurminen, Pekka
Szenen aus dem Alten Testament in Roms frühchristlichen Katakomben: Ikonografie, Kontext und Aussage by Ing Schobert, Ba Ma
The Free Press by Belloc, Hilaire
Debating Modern Revolution: The Evolution of Revolutionary Ideas by Censer, Jack R.
Illusion und Wirklichkeit: Die Genossenschaftsidee. Fortwährender Begleiter der menschlichen Geschichte. by Kaltenborn, Wilhelm
37 Jahre 9 Monate und der Rest by Decker, Dieter
Assemble in Agusan Valley: World War-II in Mindanao by Burdeos, Ray L.
Michelangelo. Leben und Werk by Mackowsky, Hans, Bedey, Björn
Chinook Texts: The original edition of 1894 by Boas, Franz
La Dama De Las Camelias by Dumas, Alejandro
Radioaktive Umwandlungen by Rutherford, Ernest
Notes de route by Eberhardt, Isabelle
Das Leben, die Liebe und die erotischen Erlebnisse: Ein innerliches Erwachen by Win Egger
Das Leben, die Liebe und die erotischen Erlebnisse: Ein bitteres Ende by Win Egger
Life and Letters of Captain Marryat - Vol. I by Marryat, Florence
Fréron, ou, L'illustre critique, ou, L'illustre critique, sa vie, ses écrits, sa correspondance by Monselet, Charles
Poems by Meynell, Alice
Ben Hur: A Tale of the Christ: Complete Volumes Set by Wallace, Lew
Obsolescence: An Architectural History by Abramson, Daniel M.
Hometown Religion: Regimes of Coexistence in Early Modern Westphalia by Luebke, David M.
Transnational South America: Experiences, Ideas, and Identities, 1860s-1900s by Preuss, Ori
Riding in Style: The First 25 Years by McGowan, Alan
Assemble in Agusan Valley: World War-II in Mindanao by Burdeos, Ray L.
Killing the Golden Geese: Wars Against Igbo by Ogbonna, Ositadimma
A Voice That Could Stir an Army: Fannie Lou Hamer and the Rhetoric of the Black Freedom Movement by Brooks, Maegan Parker
A History of The Baronetage by Pixley F. S. a., Francis W.
The Historical Origin of Antisemitism by Israelowitz, Meir
To Kill a People: Genocide in the Twentieth Century by Cox, John
666, die Zahl des Menschen: Das Mysterium der Apokalypse im Spiegel jüdischer Geschichte by Shenef, Yehuda
The First White Man of the West by Flint, Timothy
Pictures of Sweden by Andersen, Hans Christian
An Informal History of Geosciences at UMass Amherst by Hubert, John F.
Del Gran Circo Pubillones: Una leyenda de familia by Verdaguer Pubillones, Zurina
Santo y Seña: Novela historica de la masoneria en el Peru by Jefferson, Alberto Herrera
The Captivity, Sufferings, and Escape, of James Scurry by Scurry, James
Storie dalla Valle dell'Ausente by Ruggiero, Salvatore M.
A First Year in Canterbury Settlement by Butler, Samuel
Dirty Mines: Coal Mining in Pennsylvania by Long List of Coal Miners, Fitzgerald, John
An Encyclopedia of Persian Philosophers by Palmer, Ellis
Force and energy. A theory of dynamics (1888) by Grant Allen by Allen, Grant
A Gold Hunter's Experience by Hambleton, Chalkley J.
"日本"起源于中国考 A Research On Japan's Origin with China by Xie, Xuanjun
Lettere alla scrittrice fiorentina Quirina Mocenni Magiotti (1830-1847) Edizione critica a cura di Cristina Contilli by Pellico, Silvio
Giotto and his works in Padua by Ruskin, John
Gesta Danorum - Deeds of the Danes by Grammaticus, Saxo
Friendship and Politics in Post-Revolutionary France by Horowitz, Sarah
African History: A Thematic Introduction by Jeater, Diana, Baratz-Logsted, Lauren
Fort Lewis:: Cold War to the War on Terror by Archambault, Alan H.
Bavarian Tourism and the Modern World, 1800-1950 by Rosenbaum, Adam T.
To Swear Like a Sailor: Maritime Culture in America, 1750-1850 by Gilje, Paul A.
An Introduction to the Early Development of Mathematics by Goodman, Michael K. J.
Die neuen Leiden des jungen Magnus: Menschen in Grenzsituationen by Magnus Gunnarson
Das Platon Experiment by Ernst Humaní
Elisabeth von England by Aretz (Hrsg )., Gertrude
Tyrols Vertheidigung gegen die Franzosen in den Jahren 1796 und 1797 by Von Eiberg, Carl
La Gran Tenochtitlan by Cortez, Hernan
Opening the American Mind: Recognizing the Threat to the Nation by O'Meara, Andrew P., Jr.
Women of Dissolute Character?: The Story of Margaret and Agnes Howson 1822 -1905 by McGiffen-Tonge, Marjorie
Far Off Things by Machen, Arthur
Louis Pasteur: the Vaccine Inventor: Life and work of the great scientist by Vallery-Radot, Rene, Tyndall, John
The Peopling of America and the Early Man of North America by De Quatrefages De Breau, J-L a., Kuntze, Otto, Grote, Augustus R.
General History of Japan by Kishimoto, Nobuta, Chamberlain, Basil H.
The Savage Origin of Tattooing by Lombroso, Cesare
Contention, Controversy, and Change: Evolutions and Revolutions in the Jewish Experience, Volume II by
Historia General de la Francmasoneria en Venezuela: Apuntes para su estudio by Reveron, Eloy
Women and the Practice of Medical Care in Early Modern Europe, 1400-1800 by Whaley, L.
International Cooperation on Wmd Nonproliferation by
A History of Panama and its Development by Bishop Farnham
The New Jewish Mandate (Vol. 2, Lipstick and War Crimes Series): Renouncing the Money Changers by Songtree, Ray
A Prisoner's Duty: Great Escapes in U.S. Military History by Doyle, Robert C.
La fierecilla domada by Shakespeare, William
Memoir of the Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy: Who was murdered in Defense of the liberty of the press at Alton, Illinois, November 7, 1837 by Lovejoy, Joseph C., Lovejoy, Owen
Early Life and Traditions of Holland, N.J. 1891-1895 by Sciarello, Kathleen Phillips
Das Ghetto kämpft. Aufstand und Widerstand im Warschauer Ghetto by Zoufahl, Marie
The 1857 Indian Uprising and the British Empire by Bender, Jill C.
Spiele im Geschichtsunterricht als Methode des historischen Lernens by Wilms, Gabriel
Als Leiche im Ochsenfell...: ...kehrte der erste Geschäftsführer der Hanse (Syndikus) Heinrich Suderman (1520-1591) in seine Heimatstadt Köln zurüc by Herion, Dieter
Der Deutsch-Französische Krieg 1870-71. Grundsteinlegung für den Ersten Weltkrieg? by Barkin, Devran Riza
History of American Industries since Columbus: The Development of Shoes and Leather-Making Industry by Rich, George a.
Volunteering for a Cause: Gender, Faith, and Charity in Mexico from the Reform to the Revolution by Arrom, Silvia Marina
To Swear Like a Sailor by Gilje, Paul A.
Die Rezeption der Thesen Ernst Noltes über Nationalsozialismus und Holocaust seit 1980: Zwischen Verständnis und Verstehbarkeit by Sboron, Vincent
Sind die Errungenschaften Helmut Kohls aus heutiger Sicht positiv oder negativ anzusehen? Seine Außenpolitik und die deutsche Wiedervereinigung by Nachtigall, Tom
Language as a Scientific Tool: Shaping Scientific Language Across Time and National Traditions by
A history of British Birds: Volume I: History and description of land birds by Bewick, Thomas
Der Freistaat von Nordamerika by Von Buelow, Dietrich
Carl von Carlsberg oder über das menschliche Elend by Salzmann, Christian Gotthilf
Die vornehmsten europaeischen Reisen by Krebel, Gottlob Friedrich
Helvetiens beruehmte Maenner in Wort und Bild by Meister, Leonhard
Europäische Annalen: Jahrgang 1810 by Posselt, Ernst Ludwig
Münchner Intelligenzblatt: für das Jahr 1793 by Finayer, Peter Paul
Ausführliche und mit Urkunden versehene Historie der Königsbergischen Universität by Arnoldt, Daniel-Heinrich
The philosophy of Sir Isaac Newton by Algarotti, Francesco
Denkwürdigkeiten aus der philosophischen Welt by Caesar, Karl Adolf
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