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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General World History in 2018

Salvatore Cazzato: Tutino di Tricase, 18 marzo 1933 - 20 aprile 1961 by de Giuseppe, Alfredo
Narratives Of Deconstruction: A Postcolonial Study Of Select Dalit Novels by Saranya, U. S.
Iterations of Law: Legal Histories from India by
Maternal Health Care: Study of Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) in Uttarakhand by Sinha, Archana
Der Erste Weltkrieg als Luftkrieg: Kampfflugzeuge und Bomber der Luftwaffe: Mit 86 Abbildungen von Fliegern und Angriffen by Béjeuhr, Paul
Deutschland und Amerika im Ersten Weltkrieg: Erinnerungen eines New Yorker Diplomaten by Bernstorff, Johann-Heinrich
Tagebuch eines Generals im Ersten Weltkrieg: Feldzüge in Polen, Russland, Litauen, Serbien 1914-1918: Mit 171 teils farbigen Abbildungen by Von Moser, Otto
Deutschland auf dem Weg in den Krieg: Militärische Operationspläne des Deutschen Reiches vom Deutsch-Französischen Krieg bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg 1870 by Von Staabs, H.
Ancestors by Awen, John
Alte Waffen: Eindrucksvolle Bilder und Fakten zur Geschichte der Waffe by Haenel, Erich
Sturm auf die Bastille: Geschichten rund um Frankreichs berüchtigstes Staatsgefängnis: Abenteuer vom Mann mit der Eisernen Maske, Graf Caglios by Kircheisen, Friedrich Max
Great Speeches of Abraham Lincoln by Lincoln, Abraham
History and Development of Indian Agriulture by Bansil, P. C.
The Global West: Connections & Identities, Volume 1: To 1790 by Kidner, Frank, Bucur, Maria, Mathisen, Ralph
Reading the Market: Genres of Financial Capitalism in Gilded Age America by Knight, Peter
The Seven Laws of Teaching by Gregory, John Milton
The Path of Prosperity by Allen, James
Civilization and Its Discontents by Freud, Sigmund
The Path of Prosperity by Allen, James
Press, Politics and National Identities in Catalonia: The Transformation of La Vanguardia, 1881-1931 by Dalmau, Pol
The Gift the Form and Reason for Exchange in Archaic Societies by Mauss, Marcel
Merchant Adventurer Kings of Rhoda: The Lost World of the Tucson Artifacts by Yates, Donald N.
Ce que l'art doit à Napoléon by de la Sizeranne, Robert
Colonel Quaritch, V.C by Haggard, H. Rider
Uncle Bernac by Doyle, Arthur Conan
Pirates and Privateers: The History of Piracy from Ancient Times to Today by Charles River
Pirates and Privateers: The History of Piracy from Ancient Times to Today by Charles River
Italiani Deportati 1863: Risorgimento. Deportazione di civili meridionali in campi di concentramento by Compagnino, Miriam Maria, Giovannone, Loreto
Old Sea Dogs of Tasmania Book 1 by Wilson, Andrew Bruce
Setting Sights: Histories and Reflections on Community Armed Self-Defense by
The History of the World in Bite-Sized Chunks by Marriott, Emma
The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History by Headrick, Daniel, Bulliet, Richard, Crossley, Pamela
The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Volume II by Headrick, Daniel, Bulliet, Richard, Crossley, Pamela
Civilization and Its Discontents by Freud, Sigmund
Gargantua and Pantagruel by Squashed Editions
World History, Volume 1: To 1800 by Spielvogel, Jackson J., Duiker, William
Kiki de Montparnasse modella e pittrice by Contilli, Cristina
Drug Plants Under Cultivation. Farmers' Bulletin 663 (1922) by United States Department of Agriculture
The Art of Public Speaking by Carnegie, Dale
The Seven Laws of Teaching by Gregory, John Milton
Christmas in Ritual and Tradition, Christian and Pagan by Miles, Clement A.
The Fleet Air Arm in the Second World War, Volume II, 1942-1943: The Fleet Air Arm in Transition - The Mediterranean, Battle of the Atlantic and the I by
Horatio Nelson: Der Admiral und die Royal Navy vor und während der Napoleonischen Kriege 1804-1812: Die Begründung von Englands Weltmachtstellung by Kircheisen, Friedrich Max
Sehnsuchtsort Balaton. Entwicklungen zwischen Freiheit und Kontrolle für reisende DDR-Bürger in Ungarn by Zimmermann, Sabrina
Vita del Duca Valentino detto il Tiranno di Roma by Tomasi, Tomaso
Kid Glove Smelter. Memoirs of Steel Making at the Darlington Forge by Mowbray, Malcolm
The Rome We Have Lost by Pemble, John
March Women March: How Women Won the Vote by Hawksley, Lucinda
La historia argentina en perspectiva local y regional. Tomo 3: Nuevas miradas para viejos problemas by Fernández, Sandra, Bandieri, Susana
U.S.S. Boston in World War II: Baked Beans Vol. 1 by Kelly, Steve
The Loss of the Australia A Narrative of the Loss of the Brig Australia by Fire: On Her Voyage from Leith to Sydney by Yule, Adam
The Wizard & the Witches: John Dee & the Witches of Pendle & Salem by Levi, Ansir, CyneaÞsson, ÄsruÞr
Rhymes of the Rockies by Whilt, James W.
Rock Island Arsenal: In Peace and in War by Tillinghast, Benjamin Franklin
A History of the Kaifeng Israelites: Encounters with Israelites in Chinese Literature by Weisz, Tiberiu
Plympton St Mary Union Workhouse by Hoblyn, Ernie
The Truth of the Russian Revolution: The Memoirs of the Tsar's Chief of Security and His Wife by Globacheva, Sofia Nikolaevna, Globachev, Konstantin Ivanovich
1917: War, Peace, and Revolution by Stevenson, David
A Frayed History: The Journey of Cotton in India by Menon, Meena
A World in Disarray: American Foreign Policy and the Crisis of the Old Order by Haass, Richard
The Inconvenient Indian: A Curious Account of Native People in North America by King, Thomas
México's Nobodies: The Cultural Legacy of the Soldadera and Afro-Mexican Women by Arce, B. Christine
Sources of the Western Tradition Volume I: From Ancient Times to the Enlightenment by Perry, Marvin
The American Eclectic Materia Medica: Containing one hundred and twenty-five illustrations of trees and plants of the American continent by Hollembaek, Henry
The British Merchant Service: Being a history of the British mercantile marine from the earliest times to the present day by Cornewall-Jones, R. J.
Seven pagodas of the coromandel coast by Chambers, William
The Social Life of Scotland in the Eighteenth Century: Vol. 2 by Graham, Henry Grey
Science and Hebrew Tradition: Essays by Huxley, Thomas Henry
The Purification of Sewage: Being a Brief Account of the Scientific Principles of Sewage Purification and their Practical Application by Barwise, Sidney
Revival: Health, Wealth, and Population in the early days of the Industrial Revolution (1926) by Buer, Mabel Craven
Was Abraham Lincoln a Spiritualist?: Curious Revelations from the Life of a Trance Medium by Maynard, Nettie Colburn
Pedes Finium: Or, Fines relating to the county of Surrey, levied in the King's court, from the seventh year of Richard I. to the end by Lewis, Frank B.
Conscience: With preludes on current events by Cook, Joseph
The temporal mission of the Holy Ghost: Reason and revelation by Manning, Henry Edward
Bismarck and German Unity: A historical outline by Smith, Munroe
Vestiges of the Historic Anglo-Hebrews in East Anglia: With appendices and an apropos essay by Margoliouth, Moses
The English Future: Its origin and development by Blackburn, Francis Adelbert
New Amsterdam, New Orange, New York: With Chronological Data by Darling, Charles William
International Communism and the Cult of the Individual: Leaders, Tribunes and Martyrs Under Lenin and Stalin by Morgan, Kevin
British Bees: An introduction to the study of the natural history and economy of the bees indigenous to the British Isles by Shuckard, William Edward
The Social Life of Scotland in the Eighteenth Century: Vol. 1 by Graham, Henry Grey
Every-Day Topics: Vol. 2 by Holland, Josiah Gilbert
Miscellanies by Everhart, James Bowen
On Epilepsy and Epileptiform Seizures: Their causes, pathology, and treatment by Sieveking, Edward Henry
Every-Day Topics: A Book of Briefs. First Series by Holland, Josiah Gilbert
In the Evening of his Days: A Study of Mister Gladstone in Retirement by Anonymous
The Commonhealth: A Series of Essays on Health and Felicity for Every-Day Readers by Richardson, Benjamin Ward
Klondike and the Yukon Country: A description of our Alaskan land of gold from the latest official and scientific sources and personal observation by Coolidge, Louis Arthur, Pratt, John F.
The Treasures of the Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York by Hoeber, Arthur
The Mimic Stage by Baker, George Melville
Fishes, Living and Fossil: An outline of their forms and probable relationships by Dean, Bashford
Scientific Results of the Second Yarkand Mission: Vol. 1 by Stoliczka, Ferdinand
Woman in the Nineteenth Century: and Kindred Papers Relating to the Sphere, Condition and Duties, of Woman by Fuller, Margaret
Les Flaireurs by Van Lerberghe, Charles
The Return of Dr. Fu-Manchu by Rohmer, Sax
The Scripture Club of Valley Rest: Sketches of Everybody's Neighbors by Habberton, John
Der Winter - Eine moralische Betrachtung by Hirschfeld, Christian Cajus Lorenz
Revival: A History of Modern Culture: Volume I (1930): The Great Renewal 1543 - 1687 by Smith, Preserved
Revival: The Liturgy of Funerary Offerings (1909): The Egyptian Texts with English Translations by
Lo Gnosticismo by Buonaiuti, Ernesto
Revival: Prehistoric Man (1924): A General Outline of Prehistory by De Morgan, Jacques
Life of Pericles: With Introduction, Critical and Explanatory Notes and Indices by Plutarch, Holden, Hubert Ashton
Scientific culture by Cooke, Josiah Parsons
The Assayer's Manual: An Abridged Treatise on the Docimastic Examination of Ores, and Furnace and Other Artificial Products by Kerl, Bruno, Brannt, William Theodore, Garrison, F. Lynwood
Revival: A History of Modern Culture: Volume II (1934): The Enlightenment 1687 - 1776 by Smith, Preserved
Familiar Lectures on Scientific Subjects by Herschel, John Frederick William
Lectures and Essays on Fevers and Diptheria, 1849 to 1879 by Jenner, William
A First Year in Canterbury Settlement by Butler, Samuel
Lectures on the doctrine of justification: Sixth Edition by Newman, John Henry
Movement and Connectivity: Configurations of Belonging by
Reorienting Ozu: A Master and His Influence by
Miami: A Backward Glance by Murrell, Muriel V.
Nelson Mandela: The Fight Against Apartheid by 50minutes
Franklin D. Roosevelt: From the New Deal to the Second World War by 50minutes
The United Nations: The Organisation at the Heart of International Diplomacy by 50minutes
A Treatise on the Continued Fevers by Wilson, James Cornelius
La guerra de Vietnam: Un trágico conflicto fratricida en plena Guerra Fría by 50minutos
Famous Frosts and Frost Fairs in Great Britain by Andrews, William
Fight For Our Rights 2017: Profiles & Portraits of NYC Activists by School, The Eight
John Smith, U.S.A. by Field, Eugene
Folly as It Flies by Fern, Fanny
Josef Stalin. Der Weg vom Kind zum Revolutionär by Holzmann, Stefanie
Le bâtard de Mauléon by Dumas, Alexandre
Le chevalier d'Harmental by Dumas, Alexandre
Female Suffrage by Fenimore Cooper, Susan
The Exiles of Faloo by Pain, Barry
An Autobiography by Trollope, Anthony
Jessica's First Prayer and Jessica's Mother by Stretton, Hesba
Days off by Van Dyke, Henry
Number 70, Berlin: A Story of Britain's Peril by Le Queux, William
War-Time Financial Problems by Withers, Hartley
White Motley by Pemberton, Max
International Finance by Withers, Hartley
The Great Doctrines of the Bible by Evans, William
Leinster by Gwynn, Stephen Lucius
Munster by Gwynn, Stephen Lucius
Ulster by Gwynn, Stephen Lucius
The Dweller on the Threshold by Hichens, Robert
The Spell of Egypt by Hichens, Robert
LA FAMILIA LEÓN-HUERTA. Origen patrimonial y linajes. by Machado, José -. Luis
Charge It by Bacheller, Irving
Darrel of the Blessed Isles by Bacheller, Irving
In Various Moods by Bacheller, Irving
Keeping up with Lizzie by Bacheller, Irving
The Prodigal Village by Bacheller, Irving
SCOD History of Philosophy: Part One by Empedocles, Drogo
Unicorns by Huneker, James
Norman Macleod by Wellwood, John
Poets and Dreamers by Lady Gregory
The New World of Islam by Stoddard, Lothrop
Songs and Satires by Masters, Edgar Lee
Starved Rock by Masters, Edgar Lee
The Garden of Swords by Pemberton, Max
The House Under the Sea by Pemberton, Max
The Lady Evelyn by Pemberton, Max
The Cathedral Church of Canterbury by Withers, Hartley
Always Another Dawn: The Story of a Rocket Test Pilot by Crossfield, Albert Scott, Blair, Clay
The Cambridge World History by
The Cambridge World History by
Intellectual Disability: A Conceptual History, 1200-1900 by
A Book of Dartmoor by Baring-Gould, Sabine
James Gilmour of Mongolia: His Diaries Letters and Reports by Lovett, Richard
The Cambridge World History by
The Cambridge World History by
The Cambridge World History by
The Cambridge World History by
English As She Is Taught: A Collection of Victorian Student Bloopers, Blunders and Howlers by Le Row, Caroline
The Cambridge World History by
History of the British Marine Polyzoa: Vol. 1 by Hincks, Thomas
The Mythology of the Aryan Nations by Cox, George William
History of Latin Christianity: Vol. 3 by Milman, Henry Hart
History of Latin Christianity: Vol. 1 by Milman, Henry Hart
History of Latin Christianity: Vol. 2 by Milman, Henry Hart
History of Latin Christianity: Vol. 4 by Milman, Henry Hart
History of Latin Christianity: Vol. 6 by Milman, Henry Hart
The Early History of the Hebrews by Sayce, Archibald Henry
History of Latin Christianity: Vol. 7 by Milman, Henry Hart
Comunismo en América by Baute, Milco
The Scientific Study of Theology by Cox, William Lang Paige
Transcendental Physics: An Account of Experimental Investigations from the Scientific Treatises of Johann Carl Friedrich Zöllner by Zöllner, Johann Karl Friedrich, Massey, Charles Carleton
A Short History of the Hebrew Text of the Old Testament by Weir, Thomas Hunter
Strivings for the Faith by Christian Evidence Society
David Enoch Family in Ohio, 1798-1953 by Enoch, Harry
A Course in Scientific German by Hodges, Harry Blake
The Failure of Protestantism in New York and its Causes by Dixon, Thomas
Art-Life of William Morris Hunt by Knowlton, Helen Mary
1630-1897: A Brief History of the Ancestors and Descendants of John Roseboom (1739-1805) and of Jesse Johnson (1745-1832) by Roseboom, Catharine, Roseboom, Jacob Livingston, White, Joseph Henry
Joshua's Long Day and the Dial of Ahaz: A scientific vindication by Totten, Charles Adiel Lewis
An Elementary Text-Book of Hebrew Accidence Arranged in Typical Examples by Margolis, Max Leopold
Elements of Hebrew by an Inductive Method by Harper, William Rainey
The Old Paths: A Treatise on Sanctification by Mitchell, Thomas
Four Private Libraries of New York: A contribution to the history of bibliophilism in America. First series by Pène Du Bois, Henri
The Duchess of Berry and the Court of Louis XVIII. by Martin, Elizabeth Gilbert Davis
An Inquiry Into The Nature And Causes Of The Wealth of Nations by Smith, Adam
Trial of Oscar Slater: William by Roughead, William
What Nostalgia Was: War, Empire, and the Time of a Deadly Emotion by Dodman, Thomas
The Scientific Evidences of Organic Evolution by Romanes, George John
The Five Cotton State and New York by Colwell, Stephen
Guide Book to the Mammoth Cave of Kentucky: Historical, Scientific and Descriptive by Hovey, Horace Carter
American Railroad Bridges by Cooper, Theodore
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